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B-chromosomes from an experimental population of the Japanese JNK strain of rye, isogenic for its Bs, have been backcrossed into twelve different inbred lines. The experiment provides a way to study the effects of the Bs against a range of homozygous A-chromosome backgrounds. This publication deals with vigour and fertility: it shows that the rye Bs fit a parasitic model, and that they interact in their effects with the A-chromosome background genotype.  相似文献   

B chromosomes from an experimental population of the Japanese JNK strain of rye, isogenic for its Bs, have been backcrossed into twelve different inbred lines. The experiment is a way of studying the effects of the Bs against a range of different homozygous A chromosome backgrounds. This publication deals with pairing effects of both the As and the Bs, and their interactions, and with pollen mitosis. At meiosis there is a genotypic component to B effects, and they do not appear to act solely through a physical disturbance within the nucleus. In pollen the Bs are always present in more than 50% of the grains regardless of their pairing behaviour during meiosis; this result fits with a parasitic model of the activity of rye Bs.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic analysis of esterase polymorphism in rye inbred lines with isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide flat gels yielded evidence for the existence of at least ten esterase loci, Est 1Est 10. The loci can be attributed to four different linkage groups (Est 1/ Est 2/Est 3/Est 5/Est 6/Est 7), (Est 4), (Est 8/Est 9), and (Est 10). Loci Est 5/Est 6/Est 7 and Est 8/Est 9, respectively, are tightly linked with a maximum recombination frequency of 0.2% and can therefore be regarded as compound loci which possibly originated in tandem duplications.  相似文献   

Summary A mutant form of weedy rye characterized by male and female sterility and having a hereditary block in the chromosome synapsis has been found and described. Genetic analysis has shown the synapsis block to be determined by the recessive allele of a gene designated as sy-1. Electron microscopy of surface-spread microsporocyte nuclei revealed the complete absence of the synaptonemal complex over the whole meiotic prophase I, although the axial cores were perfectly formed by each chromosome. Only univalents were observed at metaphase I, their average number ranging from 13.1 to 14.0 per cell. A precocious distribution of univalents at the poles is observed at metaphase I. All of the later stages of meiosis were irregular and resulted in the formation of abnormal microspores. Thus, the mutant proves to be asynaptic because of the blocked initiation of synapses at prophase I.  相似文献   

The gametophytic two-locus self-incompatibility (SI) system in rye was investigated in view of a possible involvement of protein phosphorylation and Ca2+ as constituents of a signal transduction mechanism. Phosphorylation kinetics in pollen grains was found to be significantly different after in vitro treatment of pollen with either cross or self stigma proteins, with a pronounced phosphorylation activity in self-treated pollen grains. Loss of SI in self-compatible (SC) mutants was associated with a significantly decreased basic phosphorylation activity in untreated pollen grains as compared to SI genotypes. Separation of phosphorylated pollen proteins by SDS-PAGE reveals four major proteins in the MW range of 43–82 kDa which were differently phosphorylated in SI vs SC genotypes as well as in cross vs self-treated pollen grains. Application of different protein kinase inhibitors and the Ca2+ antagonists verapamil and La3+ to isolated stigmas resulted in an inhibition of the SI response in in vitro self-pollination. The role of protein kinases and Ca2+ as constituents of a putative SI-specific signal transduction mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial (mt) DNA of a new type of rye cytoplasm (Gülzow, G) that induces cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) was analyzed and compared with rye mtDNAs of different origins MtDNA of the G type was easily distinguishable from mtDNA of another CMS source, Pampa (P) type, and from mtDNA of fertile lines with respect to restriction fragment patterns and hybridization with mitochondrial genes. The results of the molecular analyses indicate a close, but not identical relationship between the mtDNA of the G type cytoplasm and that of cv Pluto.  相似文献   

Summary An F1 plant fromSecale cereale ssp.ancestrale xtelocentric substitution lines3R of the cultivated rye Petkus spring was used as female in a cross with the inbred line Riodeva (I28), which has the standard chromosome arrangement. Single plants from this backcross progeny were analyzed for chromosome constitution, storage protein, and isozymic patterns. The seed protein loci were identified asSec-1a andSec-1b loci controlling 40-K-secalins and-secalins, respectively. These loci are located on the short arm of chromosome1R. TheSec-3 locus controlling high-molecular-weight secalins is located on the long arm of chromosome1R. A further seed protein locus,Pr-3 (55-K protein), was located on the short arm of chromosome1R. A linkage was found between the6Pgd-2 isozyme locus controlling 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase isozymes located on the long arm of chromosome1R and the four seed protein loci. The results favor the gene order:6Pgd-2 ...Sec-3 ... [centromere] ...Pr-3 ...Sec-1b ...Sec-1a. Other linkages detected werePer-3a andPer-3b (0.33±0.33 cM),Est-8 andEst-12 (0.33±0.33 cM), andGot-3 and centromere (20.57±2.42 cM). The proxidase (Per), glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (Got), and esterase (Est) loci were located on chromosome arms2RS,3RL, and6RL, respectively. The distances and the maps obtained are compared with data available in the literature.  相似文献   

Immature inflorescences of ten rye inbred lines (inbred degree S10 and S11) were cultured on solidified MS medium supplemented with 3.0 mg/dm3 of 2,4-D. According to their capability for callus production explants were classified into two groups : responsive (giving weak or intensive callus production) and non responsive (lack of callus formation). After transferring responsive material into hormone-free medium the regeneration of roots or shoots from the intensive growing callus was observed. Consistent differences between lines in the portion of explants with a certain response were found. They were divided into five groups reacting in the same way. Lines with different in-vitro response were crossed in an incomplete diallel. F1, F2 and F3 generations were analyzed and the following conclusions drawn: the ability for plant regeneration from immature inflorescences in rye is determined by numerous loci, has a recessive character, and both callus production and regeneration suppression may be controlled by complementary genes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify genetic changes in rye seeds induced by natural ageing during long-term storage and consecutive regeneration cycles under gene bank conditions. Genomic DNA from four rye samples varying in their initial viability after one and three cycles of reproduction was analyzed by AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) fingerprinting. Seven EcoRI/MseI primer combinations defined 663 fragments, and seven PstI/MseI primer combinations defined 551 fragments. The variation in the frequency of the seventy-four EcoRI/MseI bands was statistically significant between samples. These changes could be attributed to genetic changes occurring during storage and regeneration. However, the PstI/MseI fragments appeared to be uninfluenced by seed ageing, regeneration and propagation. A combined Principle Coordinate Analysis revealed differences between samples with different initial viability. We showed that materials with low initial viability differ in their response from highly viable ones, and that the changes exhibited in the former case are preserved through regeneration cycles.  相似文献   

Summary The progenies of two different rye test-crosses were analyzed for secalin proteins by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) using unreduced and reduced aqueous ethanol extracts. Segregation for two high-molecular-weight secalin bands (Glu-R1 or Sec3), one -secalin band (Gli-R1 or Sec-1), two 40K -secalin bands (Gli-R1 or Sec1) and two -type secalin bands (new locus) were studied. One recombinant between - and -secalins was found in one test-cross. The new locus, designated Gli-R3 or Sec-4, was mapped between Glu-R1 and Gli-R1, more displaced towards Gli-R1. In test-cross 1 recombination between Glu-R1 and Gli-R3 was 33.80±3.22%, and between Gli-R3 and Gli-R1, 12.04±2.21%. In the other test-cross the map distances were relatively similar but smaller, likely due to less recombination within two different species of Secale. Genes coding for 40K -secalins at Gli-R1 were likely proximal to the centromere with respect to genes coding for -secalins at the same complex locus.  相似文献   

Summary Isoelectric focusing of esterase (EST), peroxidase (PRX), and phosphoglucomutase (PGM) isozymes in Chinese Spring wheat, Imperial rye and several Chinese Spring/Imperial and Holdfast/King II addition, translocation and substitution lines revealed the chromosomal location of nine Est loci previously described and of one Prx and Pgm locus. Loci Est1, Est2, Est3, Est5, Est6 and Est7 were found on chromosome arm 5RL, Est8 and Est9 on chromosome 6R in Imperial rye, and the Est10 locus on chromosome arm 4RL in Imperial rye and King II rye. A discrepancy was found between the chromosomal location of the Prx locus in Imperial where chromosome 2R was responsible for the expression of the peroxidase enzyme, and King II with chromosome 1R carrying the Prx gene. As a possible explanation, the occurrence of translocation events during the production of wheat/rye aneuploid lines is discussed. The rye Pgm locus could be associated with chromosome 4RS in Imperial and King II rye. Except for the location of Est loci on chromosome 5RL, the results reported in this paper lend further evidence for the assumed homoeology relationships between the chromosomes of Triticinae and for the conservation of gene synteny groups during the evolution of the Triticeae tribe.  相似文献   

Segregation for self-fertility has been studied in progenies from the crosses of self-sterile (SS) plants with interline hybrids obtained by a diallel scheme of pollinations between seven self-fertile (SF) lines (nos. 2–8) and with F1 (SS plant x SF line) hybrids. All the offspring families from the SS plant x F1 (SS plant x SF line) crosses demonstrated a 1SF1SS segregation. The crosses of SS plants with some interline hybrids gave only self-fertile plants, whereas the crosses with other interline hybrids gave a segregation of 3SF:1SS expected in the case of digenic segregation. The data obtained permitted us to identify three different S loci (S1, S2, S5) and to estimate the genotypes of self-fertile lines for their Sf alleles: lines 5, 6, 7 and 8 are S1f/S1f S2n/S2n S5m/S5m, line 4 is S1n/S1n S2f/S2f S5m/S5m, and lines 2 and 3 are S1n/S1n S2m/S2m S5f/S5f(Sn, Sm designate active alleles of the incompatibility genes). The identification of the particular S gene which is presented by the Sf allele in each line has been made on the basis of our data concerning the linkage of the Sf mutation with isozyme markers of particular rye chromosomes, which is reported in an accompanying paper.  相似文献   

The survival at sub-zero temperatures of leaf blade cells of rye ( Secale cereale L. cv. Voima), which had not been cold acclimated, was determined by measuring the efflux of ninhydrin-positive substances: 50% of the cells were dead at −4°C (LT50) and none survived at −12°C or below. Examination of ultrastructural changes during cold hardening and freezing injury requires frozen tissues prepared for transmission electron microscopy without thawing. Specimens were prepared from leaf blade segments at room temperature, −4°C or −12°C by plunge freezing at 3 m s−1 into a cooling medium at −170°C followed by freeze-substitution in acetone with OsO4 fixation. Comparisons of room temperature specimens were made with those prepared by chemical fixation using glutaraldehyde/paraformaldehyde/tannic acid. On freezing to −12°C, the cells were severely dehydrated and distorted, the vacuoles severely shrunken and the cytoplasm and mitochondria disorganized whereas the chloroplasts were little affected. On freezing to −4°C, some cells were as disorganized as those at −12°C, others were relatively intact, and some showed evidence of intracellular ice crystal formation.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that in the R and P genomes (Secale cereale andAgropyron cristatum, respectively) of theTriticeae there exist closely related 350-family DNA sequences in the terminal heterochromatin. This observation is compared to the relationships between these two genomes derived from a comparison of theNor and5 S DNA loci as well as the available data on morphological characters, chromosome pairing, and isozyme studies. It is concluded that the R and P genomes are not closely related and that the common presence of very similar 350-family DNA sequences reflects the parallel amplification of this family of DNA sequences.  相似文献   

Summary The progeny of polyembryonic Secale cereale L., was used to study the in vitro response of the immature embryos. The formation of embryogenic calli was very high, and this response and its distribution was statistically different to that shown by the normal regenerated plants and the original population. This behaviour seems to be related to a genetic condition which favours the presence of supernumerary embryos, in vivo as well as in vitro.  相似文献   

This paper describes the structure of a 9.2-kb repeat unit of DNA, which represents one-secalin gene and spacer sequence located at theSec-1 locus on the short arm of chromosome 1 of rye. The gene units at theSec-1 locus comprise 1.1 kb representing the gene and 8.1 kb of spacer sequence separating the genes. A sequence comparison of nine genes and their promoter regions from theSec-1 locus, reveals that there is greater variation within the coding sequence than there is within the promoter regions. The gene sequence variation is discussed in terms of the size variation seen for the-secalin proteins in rye species. The results include a comparison of promoter sequences from members of the Triticeae to examine the degree of conservation between other seed storage protein genes.  相似文献   

Summary The recombination fraction between the interstitially located gene an and interchange 303 of rye was found to be 0.244±0.038 in a test cross using the translocation as the male parent. In first metaphase translocation configurations in pollen mother cells of the same plant, the chiasma frequency between an and the translocation breakpoint was found to be significantly more than twice the recombination fraction. Recombination was concluded to be masked by a difference in the alternate frequency between configurations without interstitial chiasmata and configurations with interstitial chiasmata, the effect of the first type being of major importance. Random centromere orientation of translocation multivalents with interstitial chiasmata was concluded to be a realistic assumption. The exceptionally high recombination between an and translocation 303 is discussed. Consideration is also given to the use of interchanges in the establishment of a marker's chromosomal position, and to the use of translocation chromosomes in balanced systems for hybrid breeding purposes.  相似文献   

The variation in recombination frequency (rf) is important to plant breeders since their major objective is to obtain favorable recombinants of linked genes. One source of variation in rf is sex. Sex differences for recombination frequencies were studied in four of the seven chromosomes of Secale cereale L. cv Ailés using isozyme and storage protein loci and were determined on the basis of reciprocal crosses between heterozygous plants of cv. Ailés and homozygous plants of the inbred line Riodeva. The differences were found to be strongly segmentspecific. In some cases the level of crossing-over in male and female meiosis was about the same (between Pgm1 and Ndh1 loci on chromosome arm 4RS). However, for most of the chromosome segments in 1R, 3RL and 6RL the male rf was significantly higher than the female rf. Different hypotheses about the mechanisms of plant sex differences for recombination are discussed.  相似文献   

The segregation of several isozyme marker genes has been studied in F2 inbred families from hybrids between self-sterile and five self-fertile inbred lines (nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8) as well as from interline hybrids. Self-pollination of F1 hybrids between self-sterile forms and lines 5 and 8 gave an F2 segregation ratio of 1 heterozygote:1 homozygote for the gene Prx7 (chromosome 1R) against the allele from the line. This is interpreted as a result of tight linkage of the Prx7 gene with the S1 gene in chromosome 1R (recombination at a level of 0–1%). The self-pollination of such hybrids with lines 2,3 and 4 gave normal segregation for the Prx7 gene (1:2:1). This means that these lines carry a self-fertility allele which is not on chromosome 1R. Interline hybrids 5×2, 5×3 and 5×4 had self-fertility alleles for the two S genes and in inbred F2 progenies gave the expected deviating segregation for the Prx7 gene in a ratio of 2:3:1. The segregation of interline hybrid 5×8 was normal, 1:2:1, as expected. Highly-deviating segregation in an inbred F2 family of a hybrid with line 5 has also been obtained for another gene from chromosome 1R — Pgi2 (recombination with the S1 locus of 16.7%). By using the same method it has been estimated that line 4 has a self-fertility allele of the S2 locus from chromosome 2R and that the genes -Glu and Est4/11 are linked with it (recombination 16.7% and 17.5–20% respectively). Lines 2 and 3 have a self-fertility allele of the S5 locus from chromosome 5R which is linked with the Est5-7 gene complex (recombination at a level of 28.8–36.0%).  相似文献   

We studied the expression and inheritance of two spontaneous mutations found in different populations of rye Secale cereale L. that cause high univalent frequency in meiosis and low fertility. Both mutations were inherited as monogenic recessives. For each of the mutations the corresponding gene symbols (sy7 and sy10) were suggested although their allelism has not been studied. These mutants differ in chiasma frequency and in the number of univalents per meiocyte. Electron microscopy of the wholemount surface-spread synaptonemal complexes (SCs) from microsporocytes of both mutants revealed that during meiotic prophase I random synapsis began and progressed that involved not only homologous but also nonhomologous chromosomes. SCs were formed with frequent changes of pairing partners (switches) and intrachromosomal foldbacks of unpaired axial elements. As a result, incompletely synapsed, non-homologous and multivalent SCs were formed in mutants by the stage analogous to pachytene in normal plants. In sy7 a maximum in the number of switches and foldbacks were observed at zygotene, whereas in sy10 this occurred at pachytene. We suggest that it is the process of recognition of homology that is impaired in both mutants. This leads to indiscriminate synapsis and prevents chiasma formation. Both mutants may be classified as desynaptic.  相似文献   

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