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1. The great spruce bark beetle Dendroctonus micans is a primary pest of spruce in Europe. It is unusual among Eurasian scolytids in that apparently healthy trees are attacked by solitary adults, but larvae feed en masse , in response to a larval aggregation pheromone.
2. The effect of brood size on larval growth was determined in experiments on detached bark, logs and living trees. A positive relationship was found between brood size and larval growth in experiments started with either eggs or larvae up to fifth instar. The relationship appeared to be independent of the effects of both preformed and induced defences in bark.
3. No evidence was found to support the hypothesis that larvae feeding in groups spend a greater proportion of time feeding. Addition of resin to egg chambers in detached bark pieces resulted in high mortality of first-instar larvae. A possible role for larval aggregation in minimizing the effects of host defences is discussed.  相似文献   

Conifers possess chemical and anatomical defences against tree‐killing bark beetles that feed in their phloem. Resins accumulating at attack sites can delay and entomb beetles while toxins reach lethal levels. Trees with high concentrations of metabolites active against bark beetle‐microbial complexes, and more extensive resin ducts, achieve greater survival. It is unknown if and how conifers integrate chemical and anatomical components of defence or how these capabilities vary with historical exposure. We compared linkages between phloem chemistry and tree ring anatomy of two mountain pine beetle hosts. Lodgepole pine, a mid‐elevation species, has had extensive, continual contact with this herbivore, whereas high‐elevation whitebark pines have historically had intermittent exposure that is increasing with warming climate. Lodgepole pine had more and larger resin ducts. In both species, anatomical defences were positively related to tree growth and nutrients. Within‐tree constitutive and induced concentrations of compounds bioactive against bark beetles and symbionts were largely unrelated to resin duct abundance and size. Fewer anatomical defences in the semi‐naïve compared with the continually exposed host concurs with directional differences in chemical defences. Partially uncoupling chemical and morphological antiherbivore traits may enable trees to confront beetles with more diverse defence permutations that interact to resist attack.  相似文献   

1. Young plants of a northern (Alaska) and southern (Oregon) provenance of Sitka Spruce, Picea sitchensis , were subject to high and low light and high and low nitrogen treatments in a polyhouse experiment. The effect of treatments on growth, needle and resin duct size, water content and concentration of quantitative defences (resin and polyphenols), sugars and nitrogen in needles, stems and roots was determined.
2. Concentrations of resin, polyphenols and carbohydrates were higher in low nitrogen treatments as predicted by resource-availability models of defence and the changes were similar in all parts of the trees including roots and in tissues formed prior to experimental treatments. Variation in the relative concentration of resin and polyphenols between tissues may indicate a defensive trade-off. The size of needle resin ducts was positively correlated with tree growth but no evidence for 'structural' limitation of resin concentration in needles was found.
3. Changes in concentration of quantitative defences did not appear to be the result of a direct trade-off with growth but reflected treatment-induced variation in the root/shoot ratio. Production of quantitative secondary chemicals may therefore be part of an integrated response of the trees to environmental stress.
4. Bioassays with Elatobium abietinum, Gilpinia hercyniae and the fungus Phacidium coniferarum showed that changes in needle size, the nutritional and water content of tissues and the balance between nutrients and secondary chemicals influenced performance of one or more of the organisms. Changes in the concentration of carbon-based secondary chemicals alone were, therefore, of only limited value in predicting susceptibility of Spruce to insects and fungi.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Wood ants ( Formica paralugubris ) incorporate large amounts of solidified conifer resin into their nest, which reduces the density of many bacteria and fungi and protects the ants against some detrimental micro-organisms. By inducing an environment unfavourable to pathogens, the presence of resin may allow workers to reduce the use of their immune system.
2. The present study tested the hypothesis that the presence of resin decreases the immune activity of wood ants. Specifically, three components of the humoral immune defences of workers kept in resin-rich and resin-free experimental nests (antibacterial, lytic, and prophenoloxidase activities) were compared.
3. The presence of resin was associated with reduced bacterial and fungal densities in nest material and with a small decrease in worker antibacterial and lytic activities. The prophenoloxidase activity was very low in all workers and was not affected by the presence of resin.
4. These results suggest that collective medication with resin reduces pathogen pressure, which in turn decreases the use of the inducible part of the immune system. More generally, the use of plant secondary compounds might be an efficient and economical way to fight pathogens.  相似文献   

Maturation feeding on conifer bark by newly emerged Hylobius abietis(Linnaeus) is essential for reproductive development. When feeding occurs on young conifer transplants, this weevil causes significant economic damage. Between emergence and oviposition however, weevils feed on bark from different sources but of unknown nutritional 'quality'. The factors influencing the rate of feeding by males and females and female reproductive development were determined in laboratory bioassays using two contrasting food sources - the bark on different species of seedling conifer and on logs of mature trees. The nutritional 'quality' of bark was characterized by the concentration of nitrogen, total sugars, total polyphenols and resin. Regression models were used to show that overall, the rate of feeding on the bark of both seedlings and logs increased with weevil size and was negatively related to nitrogen concentration. The nitrogen concentration in seedling bark (mean 1.1%) was about three times higher than that of logs (mean 0.4%). The rate of reproductive development increased with nitrogen intake during feeding and the preoviposition period for weevils feeding on seedlings and logs was ~ 13 days and 46 days, respectively. Analysis of weevil mortality and of the weight gain of surviving weevils suggests that a nitrogen content of around 0.3% may be limiting for H. abietis. The possibility that nutritionally adequate food resources may be limiting for H. abietis is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The elicitor activity of compounds extracted from the mycelia of six species of phytopathogenic fungi was assessed from the sizes of necrotic lesions on the external surface of the living trunk phloem of five coniferous species inhabiting Siberia: Siberian larch (Larix sibirica L.), Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Siberian spruce (Picea obovata Ledeb.), Siberian fir (Abies sibirica L.), and cedar pine (Pinus sibirica (Rupr.) Mayr.). The compounds for inoculation were extracted from the mycelium of ascomycetes imperfect, and basidium fungi; the living mycelia of these fungi were also used. The fungal extract or mycelium was placed into the hollows 7 mm in diameter in the trunk bark. Infection triggered the formation of hypersensitivity necrotic lesions in the inner bark exceeding in size those appeared after control wounding of four tree species (larch, pine, spruce, and cedar); fir was an exclusion. In experiments with tree trunks and conifer calluses, a dependence of immune response parameters (the sizes of necrotic lesions and the content of lignin and bound proanthocyanidins) on the quantity of the fungal preparation was elucidated. The largest necrotic lesions appeared after injection of 500μg of the fungal preparation into the hollow in the trunk, and its higher quantities did not increase the indices measured. The size of the necrotic lesion on the trunk bark is supposed to be used as a promising index characterizing the level of tree immunity and tolerance under various ecological conditions.  相似文献   

1 Phenols are important in conifer resistance to fungi associated with bark beetles and as markers for resistance to beetle mass‐attacks. However, the mechanism of phenolic activity in conifer resistance to Ips typographus bark beetle remains unclear. 2 By a new bioassay, we tested the effect on host acceptance and tunnelling of male and female I. typographus in an artificial gallery (13 mm long) for 4 h (no‐choice test). To the artificial diet, an aliquot of host (catechin, taxifolin, or resveratrol) or nonhost (E‐conophthorin) compounds was added, singly tested at doses close to those of tree bark. Host acceptance and tunnelling was measured by the amount of diet removed by the insects. 3 All tested chemicals decreased the tunnelling activity of I. typographus, with an antifeedant effect stronger in males and increasing with dose. No mortality was recorded. The nonhost volatile spiroketal, E‐conophthorin, had the highest antifeedant activity both in males and females. Among host compounds, effects and dose–response were weak in females. Both catechin and E‐conophthorin gave a 50% reduction of tunnelling at a concentration of 0.1% for males, the pioneering (host selecting) sex in Ips. The threshold of activity for host compounds to males was at concentrations of 0.03–0.1%, which corresponds to, or is less than, the concentrations reported from spruce host bark. 4 The results allow us to support the hypothesis of a direct behavioural antifeedant mechanism for resistance from those phenols that are particularly active for the pioneering males during tree attack.  相似文献   

Timing of arrival at a resource often determines an individual’s reproductive success. Tree-killing bark beetles can reproduce in healthy trees by attacking in adequate numbers to overcome host defences that could otherwise be lethal. This process is mediated by aggregation and antiaggregation pheromones. Beetles that arrive early in such a “mass attack” must contend with undiminished tree defences, and produce enough pheromones to attract more beetles, but have a head start on gallery construction and egg-laying. Beetles that arrive late may be impeded by competition and diminishing availability of phloem, but should experience fewer costs associated with pheromone production and battling tree defences. We investigated relationships between timing of arrival, body size, pheromone production and fitness in the southern pine beetle, Dendroctonus frontalis. In field experiments, we captured beetles that arrived early (pioneers) and late on slash pine trees, Pinus elliottii, and measured pheromone amounts in their hindguts. We marked gallery entrances of beetles as they landed on a tree and measured their reproductive success after the attack terminated. We found no difference in body size or pheromone amounts between early and late arrivers. Most beetles arrived at the middle of the attack sequence, and excavated longer galleries per day than early arrivers. The number of offspring produced per day by beetles that established galleries midway through mass attack was higher than those that arrived early or very late in the sequence. Our results suggest that beetles do not exhibit adaptive phenotypic plasticity in pre-landing pheromone production, depending on the extent of previous colonisation of a host. Rather, it appears that stabilising selection favours beetles that attack in the middle of the sequence, and contributes to attack synchrony. Synchronous attack on trees is essential before population booms characteristic of tree-killing bark beetles can occur in nature.  相似文献   

Ophiostomatoid fungi colonize the conducting tissues of conifer stems, the phloem and the xylem. These pathogenic fungi penetrate into the stem through injuries made by xylophagous insects vectoring these pathogens. In this study the response of the phloem of Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) to wounding (treatment 1) was compared with the response to wounding combined with application of high-molecular-weight compounds isolated from the mycelium of the ophiostomatoid fungus Ceratocystis laricicola Redfern & Minter (treatment 2). Both treatments induced the appearance of necrosis in the inner bark, the formation of periderm separating living and dead tissues, and formation of the callus alongside the wound perimeter. In addition, the bark accumulated lignin, bound proanthocyanidins, and resins, with a parallel decrease in the content of free proanthocyanidins, low-molecular-weight carbohydrates, and non-lignin components of the cell wall (P > 0.95). The size of necrotic spots, as well as changes in the content of most substances, were significantly higher in the treatment 2 than in the treatment 1 (P > 0.95). The accumulation of lignin in cell walls of phloem sieve cells was delayed in the treatment 2 as compared with that in the treatment 1. This suggested that the mycelial extract temporarily inhibited lignification at the early stage of the wound response. This disturbance of the cell wall protective transformation led to the hypothesis that the fungal suppressors retard the repair of inner bark injured by insects, thereby favoring the invasion of conifer tissues by ophiostomatoid fungi.  相似文献   

Young plants of Sitka spruce, Scots and Corsican pine were subject to high and low light, and high and low nitrogen treatments in a polyhouse experiment. The effect of treatments on resin duct size and nitrogen concentration in stem bark was determined together with feeding by Hylobius abietis Linnaeus on the stems of 'intact' plants and on 'detached' stems cut from the plant. Resin duct size was largest on Corsican pine and smallest on Sitka spruce and inherent variation in duct size between the three conifer species appears to determine the pattern of weevil feeding between species. Resin ducts and the flow of resin from them protect the stems of young conifers from weevil feeding not by affecting the total amount of bark eaten but by limiting the depth of feeding and so protecting the inner phloem and cambium. Shallow feeding may increase the likelihood of effective wound repair. Duct size was positively related to plant growth and in particular increased with bark thickness. Overall, ducts were largest in the high light treatment although species differed in their response to the treatment. It is suggested that the effects of plant size, growing conditions and transplantation on susceptibility to attack by H. abietis, reported in various studies, may be due to underlying variation in resin duct size or flow rate. The effect on weevils of superficial feeding on stems is to increase the time for reproductive maturation by reducing consumption of the inner bark which has a higher nitrogen content.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 Host plant terpenes can influence attraction of conifer bark beetles to their aggregation pheromones: both synergistic and inhibitory compounds have been reported. However, we know little about how varying concentrations of individual monoterpenes affect responses. 2 We tested a gradient of ratios of α‐pinene, the predominant monoterpene in host pines in the Great Lakes region of North America, to Ips pini's pheromone, racemic ipsdienol plus lanierone. 3 Ips pini demonstrated a parabolic response, in which low concentrations of α‐pinene had no effect on attraction to its pheromone, intermediate concentrations were synergistic and high concentrations were inhibitory. These results suggest optimal release rates for population monitoring and suppression programmes. 4 Inhibition of bark beetle attraction to pheromones may be an important component of conifer defences. At terpene to pheromone ratios emulating emissions from trees actively responding to a first attack, arrival of flying beetles was low. This may constitute an additional defensive role of terpenes, which are also toxic to bark beetles at high concentrations. 5 Reduced attraction to a low ratio of α‐pinene to pheromone, as occurs when colonization densities become high and the tree's resin is largely depleted, might reflect a mechanism for preventing excessive crowding. 6 Thanasimus dubius, the predominant predator of I. pini, was also attracted to ipsdienol plus lanierone, but its response differed from that of its prey. Attraction increased across all concentrations of α‐pinene. This indicates that separate lures are needed to sample both predators and bark beetles effectively. It also provides an opportunity for maximizing pest removal while reducing adverse effects on beneficial species. This disparity further illustrates the complexity confronting natural enemies that track chemical signals to locate herbivores.  相似文献   

1. One small clade of bark beetles, out of thousands of species worldwide, has shifted from using phloem to using a combination of phloem and outer bark, or to completely using outer bark. 2. The shift to outer bark has been accompanied by a shift to non-typical bark beetle mutualist fungi in Entomocorticium (Basidiomycota) and Ceratocystiopsis (Ascomycota). 3. This study compared the growth and metabolic capabilities of fungi associated with a nearly phloem-independent species, Dendroctonus brevicomis, with those of mutualist fungi of Dendroctonus ponderosae, a completely phloem-colonising beetle in a sister clade associated with more typical Ascomycota in Grosmannia and Ophiostoma. 4. Only the basidiomycete associated with D. brevicomis could degrade cellulose and lignin, whereas both the ascomycete and basidiomycete could grow in outer bark. Ascomycetes associated with D. ponderosae could not degrade cellulose or lignin or grow in outer bark. 5. Beetles and fungi in these mutualisms may best be considered as co-niche constructors. For niche construction, one organism must modify a resource in a way that enhances its fitness while also influencing fitness of other organisms using the resource. Here, the beetles kill the tree, transport the fungi into the tree, and modify the woody substrate for use by the fungi. They have also evolved mycangia to ensure vertical dissemination of the fungi. In turn, the fungi modify tree tissues and provision nutrients to the host and have evolved traits that support their acquisition and transport by the beetle host in mycangia.  相似文献   

Insect pests are part of natural forest ecosystems contributing to forest rejuvenation but can also cause ecological disturbance and economic losses that are expected to increase with climate change. The white pine or spruce weevil (Pissodes strobi) is a pest of conifer forests in North America. Weevil–host interactions with various spruce (Picea) species have been explored as a genomic and molecular reference system for conifer defence against insects. Interactions occur in two major phases of the insect life cycle. In the exophase, adult weevils are free‐moving and display behaviour of host selection for oviposition that is affected by host traits. In the endophase, insects live within the host where mobility and development from eggs to young adults are affected by a complex system of host defences. Genetic resistance exists in several spruce species and involves synergism of constitutive and induced chemical and physical defences that comprise the conifer defence syndrome. Here, we review conifer defences that disrupt the weevil life cycle and mechanisms by which trees resist weevil attack. We highlight molecular and genomic aspects and a possible role for the weevil microbiome. Knowledge of this conifer defence system is supporting forest health strategies and tree breeding for insect resistance.  相似文献   

Different rates of wood decay and ligninolytic activity were found in wood decayed by various white-rot fungi. Chemical and ultrastructural analyses showed wood decayed by Coriolus versicolor consisted of a nonselective attack on all cell wall components. Lignin degradation was restricted to the cell wall adjacent to hyphae or around the circumference of cell lumina. Decay by Phellinus pini, Phlebia tremellosus, Poria medullapanis and Scytinostroma galactinum was selective for lignin degradation. Secondary walls were void of lignin and middle lamellae were extensively degraded. A diffuse attack on lignin occurred throughout all cell wall layers. Variation in ligninolytic activity was found among strains of Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Differences in weight loss as well as lignin and polysaccharide degradation were also found when wood of different coniferous and deciduous tree species was decayed by various white-rot fungi.  相似文献   

1. We examined the relation between bark thickness and girth in a large sample of trees from evergreen and semi-evergreen rain forest.
2. There is a significant tendency for bark thickness to increase with tree girth. Removing this tendency, we find a significant trend for species from more disturbed habitats to possess thicker bark.
3. Species from more disturbed habitats also have a greater propensity for secreting gums and resins.
4. Nine of the 29 species occurring in more than one habitat type and with a sample size of at least 11 individuals show a tendency for possession of a thicker bark by individuals in the more disturbed habitats.
5. We conclude that bark thickness and occurrence of gums and resins are physiognomic–structural attributes of value in characterizing tree communities created by different levels of disturbance.  相似文献   

The ecological literature abounds with studies of environmental effects on plant antiherbivore defences. While various models have been proposed (e.g. plant stress, optimal allocation, growth-differentiation balance), each has met with mixed support. One possible explanation for the mixed results is that constitutive and induced defences are differentially affected by environmental conditions. In this study, constitutive oleoresin flow from Pinus tadea was least during periods of rapid tree growth and most when drought conditions limited growth; this is as expected if constitutive secondary metabolism is a function of the carbohydrate pool size after growth has been maximised. Induced increases in resin flow, however, were greatest in the fastest growing trees during the season of greatest growth. Apparently, resin production becomes an allocation priority after wounding but not before. Understanding environmental effects on plant antiherbivore defences requires physiological and evolutionary models that account for the differences between constitutive and induced secondary metabolism.  相似文献   

广州三种森林粗死木质残体(CWD)的储量与分解特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张修玉  管东生  张海东 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5227-5236
粗死木质残体(Coarse Woody Debris, CWD)对森林生态系统的稳定性具有不可忽视的贡献.对广州3种森林CWD的储量与分解特征进行了调查分析,结果表明:(1)CWD储量及其与相应森林总生物量比值均表现为常绿阔叶林>针阔混交林>针叶林;枯立木与倒木为CWD的主要成分,其中,针叶CWD主要物种为马尾松(Pinus massonianai),阔叶CWD物种主要为荷木(Schima superba)与黄杞(Engelhardtia chrysolepis)等.(2)CWD径级主要集中在<10cm的范围内,存在状态主要为中级腐烂状态,干扰与竞争是3种森林CWD产生的主要因素.(3)针叶林、针阔混交林与常绿阔叶林CWD的分解常数k分别为0 0244、0.0407和0.0487,即分解速率为常绿阔叶林>混交林>针叶林;随着CWD的分解,N、P与木质素的含量逐渐升高,C、C/N与木质素/N呈降低趋势.  相似文献   

Some phytophagous insects have been known to inoculate certain fungi on plant substrates. In many cases of such insect–fungi relationships it has been considered that fungi contribute to insects by decomposing lignin or polysaccharides, and that the insects feed on the decomposition products or fungi themselves. Females of the leaf-rolling weevil in the genus Euops (Attelabidae) store spores of symbiotic fungi in the mycangia and inoculate them on leaf rolls. To determine the effect of mycangial fungi on larval nutrition in E. lespedezae, the nutritional value was compared between leaves with and without mycangial fungi. Two Penicillium species were isolated from the mycangia. These mycangial fungi showed little effect on the decomposition of lignin and polysaccharides, and showed little effect on enhancement of soluble sugars within leaves. Thus, the mutualism between Euops and its mycangial fungi contrasts with the mainly nutritional mutualisms between wood-infesting insects (termites, bark/ambrosia beetles, and wood wasps) and lignin/polysaccharide-decomposing fungi.  相似文献   

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