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The effects of some extrinsic factors on the lipid (energy) reserves and longevity of third-stage larvae of the cat hookworm Ancylostoma tubaeforme, were investigated under controlled laboratory conditions. In nonstressful microenvironmental conditions, larval longevity was directly related to the rate of utilisation of the lipid reserves. The effects of the various environmental stresses on longevity could also be explained largely on the basis of their deleterious effects on the lipid metabolism of the larvae.  相似文献   

Skin penetration by infective Ancylostoma tubaeforme larvae has been investigated cinematographically and using in vitro techniques. The dermal tissue appears to cause little hinderance to larval migration but complete penetration through the skin from the dermal direction did not occur, although total penetration from the epidermal surface was frequently accomplished. No evidence could be found for enzymic secretions emanating from the worms under conditions that gave positive results from Necator americanus and Strongyloides fülleborni infective larvae. The results indicated that A. tubaeforme was able to penetrate without the use of enzymic secretions and an alternative, mechanical mechanism for penetration is advanced.  相似文献   

Invasion of skin by larvae of the cat hookworm, Ancylostoma tubaeforme   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B E Matthews 《Parasitology》1972,65(3):457-467

A. caninum larvae responded to environmental and host stimuli with four behavioral phases of host-finding. (1) Snake-like movement was stimulated by warmth and by defined vibrations of the substratum. (2) Waving behavior was a prerequisite for the passive change-over to dog hairs. It was stimulated by heat radiation and by the CO2 content, warmth, and humidity of an air stream. (3) Creeping direction: the larvae were attracted by heat in temperature gradients as weak as 0.04 degrees C mm-1 and by dog hydrophilic skin surface extracts, but not by skin lipids or serum. (4) Penetration into agar was stimulated by heat, dog hydrophilic skin fraction, and dog serum. The effective component of serum had a molecular weight of between 5000 and 30,000 and proved to be a protein, since it lost its effectiveness after digestion with proteinases. Dog saliva, urine, milk, and various pure dog serum components did not stimulate penetration. A. caninum larvae were able to penetrate mouse skin repeatedly, but they did not follow the tracks of previously penetrated larvae in agar.  相似文献   

BackgroundGeohelminths are parasites that stand out for their prevalence and wide distribution, depending on the soil for their transmission.AimsThe aim of this work was to evaluate the predatory capacity of the fungal isolate of the genus Duddingtonia (CG768) on third stage larvae (L3) of Ancylostoma spp. in beach sand under laboratory conditions.MethodsIn the assay A five treatment groups and 1 control group were formed. The treatment groups contained 5000, 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 or 25,000 chlamydospores of the fungal isolate and 1000 Ancylostoma spp. L3 in pots containing 30 g of sand. The control group (without fungus) contained only 1000 Ancylostoma spp. L3 and distilled water in pots with 30 g of sand.ResultsEvidence of predatory activity was observed at the end of 15 days, where we observed the following percentages of reduction of L3: Group 1 (4.5%); Group 2 (24.5%); Group 3 (59.2%); Group 4 (58.8%); Group 5 (63%). However, difference was noted (p < 0.01) only at concentrations 15,000, 20,000 and 25,000 in relation to control group. In the assay B two groups were formed in Petri dishes of 9 cm in diameter containing agar water 2% medium. In the treated group, each Petri dish contained 500 Ancylostoma spp. L3 and 5 g of sand containing the isolate CG 768 at a concentration of 25,000 chlamydospores/g of sand, and the control group (without fungus) contained only 500 L3. At the end of 7 days the non-predation L3 of Petri dishes using the method of Baermann were recovered. Difference (p < 0.01) between groups on reducing the average number of Ancylostoma spp. L3 (percent reduction of 84%) was observed.ConclusionsThe results of this study confirm earlier work on the efficiency of the Duddingtonia genus in the control of Ancylostoma spp. infective larvae.  相似文献   

The developmentally arrested hookworm infective larva resumes development only after encountering specific host-mediated cues during invasion. These cues activate a signaling pathway that culminates in the resumption of development. In Ancylostoma caninum, activation is characterised by the resumption of feeding and the release of excretory/secretory products required for infection. The dauer stage of the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is a developmentally arrested stage analogous to the hookworm infective larva. Dauer larvae exit developmental arrest in response to environmental cues that indicate favorable conditions for reproduction and growth. Because of the similarity between dauer recovery and activation, exit from dauer provides a model for hookworm larval activation. An insulin-signaling pathway has been implicated in controlling exit from developmental arrest in both C. elegans dauers and A. caninum larvae. To further investigate the role of insulin signaling in hookworm larval activation, the phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase inhibitor LY294002 was tested for its effect on in vitro activation using the resumption of feeding as a marker for activation. LY294002 prevented feeding in A. caninum infective larvae stimulated with host serum filtrate and a glutathione-analogue, the muscarinic agonist arecoline, or the cell permeable cGMP-analogue 8-bromo-cGMP. Similar results were seen with the congeneric hookworm Ancylostoma ceylanicum. These data suggest that an insulin-signaling pathway mediates activation in hookworm larvae, as in C. elegans, and that the phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase inhibitor acts downstream of the cGMP and muscarinic signaling steps in the pathway. In A. caninum, LY294002 had no effect on the release of excretory/secretory products associated with activation, suggesting that the secretory pathway diverges from the activation pathway upstream of the phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase step. These results provide additional support for the insulin-signaling pathway as the primarily pathway for activation to parasitism in hookworm larvae.  相似文献   

Infective larvae of Anyclostoma braziliense were tested for orientational response to rat plasma, to mouse plasma, to rat plasma fractions, and to salts. A high percentage of larvae accumulated at sources of rat plasma, mouse plasma, rat plasma diffusate, concentrated rat plasma dialysate, and some salts, notably sodium chloride. Because sodium chloride is present at an effective concentration in mammalian plasma, and because this salt may form a gradient between the blood and the skin surface, sodium chloride from the blood may direct the penetrating larvae through host's skin. Preliminary tracking of the larvae in gradients of rat plasma and of sodium chloride suggests that orientation to sources of these attractants was via a taxis, possibly a klinotaxis, whereas accumulation at these sources was via a klinokinesis.  相似文献   

The developmentally arrested infective larva (L(3)) of hookworms encounters a host-specific signal during infection that initiates previously suspended developmental pathways. Activated L(3) express a parasitic gene set that encodes proteins involved in moulting, growth and development to the adult stage. Early events in this activation to parasitism can be investigated using an in vitro larval feeding assay. When Ancylostoma caninum L(3) are exposed to a host-like stimulus, they resume feeding and release molecules involved in infection. The dauer larva of the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is a developmentally arrested stage analogous to the hookworm L(3). Recovery from the dauer stage has been proposed as a model for the transition to parasitism in hookworm. Dauer formation and recovery involve several tightly regulated pathways, including a cyclic GMP mediated signalling pathway. To determine if hookworm L(3) activation uses a similar pathway, 8-bromo-cyclic GMP, a membrane permeant analogue of cyclic GMP, was tested for its ability to stimulate feeding. Populations of L(3) incubated with 0.5 mM 8-bromo-cyclic GMP began feeding, and reached maximum feeding at 3.5-5.0 mM. Unlike the serum stimulus, which triggers feeding after a short exposure, 8-bromo-cyclic GMP must be present throughout the entire incubation. Both serum stimulated and 8-bromo-cyclic GMP stimulated L(3) secreted Ancylostoma secreted protein 1, indicating that the stimuli activate the same pathway. Serum and 8-bromo-cyclic GMP stimulated feeding was inhibited by atropine, a muscarinic receptor antagonist. However, only serum stimulated feeding was inhibited by 4,7-phenanthroline, a non-chelating isomer of the metalloprotease inhibitor 1,10-phenantholine. The results indicate that cyclic GMP mediates activation in hookworm larvae, and that a muscarinic receptor is involved in activation. This also suggests that hookworm activation and dauer recovery share similar signalling pathways, and that C. elegans dauer recovery can be used as a model for the transition to parasitism in hookworms.  相似文献   

Migratory behaviour of Ancylostoma braziliense was studied in relation to the structure of the skin in dogs after primary infections. Data were obtained studying serial sections of lateral skin areas 6 mm in diameter, which had been exposed to larvae. The sections were stained either with Harris' haematoxylin and eosin or with P.A.S. or as outlined by Crossmon. Most of the larvae managed to penetrate the skin within 1/2 hr after the application. Hairs did not seem to constitute sites of entry. The larvae moved into the horny layer where edges of keratinized cells provide uneven spots. They migrated approximately parallel to the surface from the horny layer into the living epidermis and continued into an external root sheath of a hair follicle. They could only leave this site via sebaceous glands for the dermis or via apocrine sweat glands for the hypodermis. Tunnels from the epidermis into the dermis, however, suggested that a direct trans-epidermal migration had occurred. The vessels invaded by larvae were hypodermal lymphatic vessels. The first ones were found in these structures 1/2 h after the onset of the exposure.  相似文献   

Applying the indirect fluorescent antibody technique to the infective stages of the hookworm Ancylostoma caninum, it appeared that they do not show IgG antibody binding when serum from dogs infected with A. caninum was used in the test (antiserum). However, inhibiting these stages metabolically with azide or with low temperatures, IgG antibody binding to the outer surface was observed. When the inhibitory factors were removed, shedding of fluorescent substances was seen, which were obviously coming from the outer surface of the larvae. This suggests that shedding of the antigen might occur.  相似文献   

Developmentally arrested nonfeeding infective larvae of hookworms resume development after entry into the host, presumably in response to a signal encountered during invasion. Logically, an initial step in the resumption of development might be the resumption of feeding. An in vitro assay for feeding is described for the third-stage larvae of the canine hookworm Ancylostoma caninum. Populations of larvae incubated under hostlike conditions in the presence of 10% canine serum resume feeding within 6 hr, as evidenced by the uptake of fluorescein-labeled bovine serum albumin. Feeding is dependent on the presence of canine serum, and peaks by 24 hr incubation. Maximal feeding levels occur at temperatures above 34 C with a gas phase of 5% CO2/95% air, whereas culture medium and pH are unimportant for feeding. Serum concentrations between 0.1% and 1.0% (v/v) initiate feeding, and the response peaks at approximately 8.0% serum. Serum triggers feeding within 6 hr and is not required for feeding to continue once initiated. The saturation effect and the trigger phenomenon suggest that the initiation of feeding is a receptor-mediated response.  相似文献   

Infective hookworm larvae of Ancylostoma caninum showed chemotaxis on agar plates in a dog serum gradient. This chemotactic behaviour remain unaltered using an ultrafiltrated serum fraction with a molecular weight less than 500. Gelfiltration of this ultrafiltrated fraction revealed a factor with a molecular weight of 480 causing chemotaxis. The chemotactic activity of the factor was destroyed after a pronase treatment. We conclude that the factor could be a polypeptide.  相似文献   

The hairless metacarpal foot pads of six hookworm-free puppies were exposed to infective larvae of Ancylostoma braziliense. Serial sections of the biopts stained with Harris' haematoxylin and eosin showed that the infective larvae are able to penetrate the toughest region of canine skin. Pores of eccrine sweat glands did not seem to constitute sites of entry and no larvae were detected in these glands. Larvae were only observed in the epidermis. The histopathology of the infected skin of the foot pads of the puppies was similar to that in human skin with "creeping eruption" as described by Fülleborn (1927). The biopts appeared to consist of hairy skin as well. In the unexposed adjacent hairy skin of the foot pads, larvae were also observed. They were found in the epidermis, hair follicle systems and dermis, suggesting that the migration from the epidermis into deeper tissue depends on the presence of the hair follicle systems.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding a surface-associated antigen was cloned from an Ancylostoma caninum infective larvae (L(3)) cDNA library by immunoscreening with pooled human immune sera. The sera were obtained from individuals living in an Ancylostoma duodenale hookworm-endemic region of China, who had light intensity infections and high antibody titers against A. caninum L(3). Ancylostoma caninum surface-associated antigen-1 is encoded by an 843 bp mRNA with a predicted open reading frame of 162 amino acids. Recombinant Ancylostoma caninum surface-associated antigen-1 was expressed in Escherichia coli and used to prepare a specific antiserum. A Western blot with anti-Ancylostoma caninum surface-associated antigen-1 specific antiserum showed that native Ancylostoma caninum surface-associated antigen-1 protein is expressed by both L(3) and adult hookworms; RT-PCR confirmed that the mRNA is transcribed in both stages. In adult hookworms, the protein localised to the basal layer of the cuticle and hypodermis of adult worms. Serological analysis determined that recombinant Ancylostoma caninum surface-associated antigen-1 protein is recognised by 61% of human sera from a Necator americanus hookworm endemic area in China, indicating the antigen is immunodominant. Anti-Ancylostoma caninum surface-associated antigen-1 antiserum partially inhibited (46.7%) invasion of hookworm L(3) into dog skin in vitro. Together these results suggest that Ancylostoma caninum surface-associated antigen-1 offers promise as a protective vaccine antigen.  相似文献   

Bhopale, V. M., Kupprion, E. K., Ashton, F. T., Boston, R., and Schad, G. A. 2001. Ancylostoma caninum: The finger cell neurons mediate thermotactic behavior by infective larvae of the dog hookworm. Experimental Parasitology 97, 70-76. In the amphids (anteriorly positioned, paired sensilla) of the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, the so-called finger cells (AFD), a pair of neurons, each of which ends in a cluster of microvilli-like projections, are known to be the primary thermoreceptors. A similar neuron pair in the amphids of the parasitic nematode Haemonchus contortus is also known to be thermoreceptive. The hookworm of dogs, Ancylostoma caninum, has apparent structural homologs of finger cells in its amphids. The neuroanatomy of the amphids of A. caninum and H. contortus is strikingly similar, and the amphidial cell bodies in the lateral ganglia of the latter nematode have been identified and mapped. When the lateral ganglia of first-stage larvae (L1) of A. caninum are examined with differential interference contrast microscopy, positional homologs of the recognized amphidial cell bodies in the lateral ganglia of H. contortus L1 are readily identified in A. caninum. The amphidial neurons in A. caninum were consequently given the same names as those of their apparent homologs in H. contortus. It was hypothesized that the finger cell neurons (AFD) might mediate thermotaxis by the skin-penetrating infective larvae (L3) of A. caninum. Laser microbeam ablation experiments with A. caninum were conducted, using the H. contortus L1 neuronal map as a guide. A. caninum L1 were anesthetized and the paired AFD class neurons were ablated. The larvae were then cultured to L3 and assayed for thermotaxis on a thermal gradient. L3 with ablated AFD-class neuron pairs showed significantly reduced thermotaxis compared to control groups. The thermoreceptive function of the AFD-class neurons associates this neuron pair with the host-finding process of the A. caninum infective larva and shows functional homology with the neurons of class AFD in C. elegans and in H. contortus.  相似文献   

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