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Periodic breathing occurs commonly in full-term and preterm infants. The mechanisms which switch breathing on and off within a cycle of periodic breathing are not certain. Since immature infants may experience diaphragmatic muscle fatigue, one potential switching mechanism is fatigue. Power spectra of the electromyogram, uncontaminated by the electrocardiograph artifact, were studied for evidence of diaphragmatic muscle fatigue during spontaneous periodic breathing in infants. A fall in the high-frequency (103-600 Hz) power and an increase in the low-frequency (23-47 Hz) power during periodic as compared with normal breathing would indicate fatigue. This effect was not observed in any of the infants studied. Hence, there is no evidence that periodic breathing is the result of diaphragmatic muscle fatigue. This finding suggests that the effect of drugs such as theophylline in eliminating periodic breathing may be unrelated to the fact that they also reduce fatigue.  相似文献   

The control system regulating breathing in man   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The individual importance of peripheral chemosensitive afferents was studied using a transient hypercapnia (inhalation of a 5% or a 10% CO2 in air gas mixture respectively during 4 or 2 breaths) in human conscious subjects chosen for their different eupnoeic ventilatory patterns. Calculation of the speed of change in end-tidal CO2 pressure in tracheal gas (sPETCO2) and of the rate of change in tidal volume (sVI) gave assessment for quantifying the sensitivity of arterial chemoreceptors to hypercapnia (sCO2=SVI/SPETCO2). Our results showed that, independently of any outside influence of the eupnoeic ventilatory pattern on the components of the chemical stimulus, sVI and sCO2 were found to be much smaller in subjects whose pattern of breathing was slow (i.e. having a large tidal volume). The possible causes of the weak importance of peripheral chemosensitive afferents in such subjects were discussed.  相似文献   

The review is dedicated of phenomenology of the difficult breathing and analysis of the peripheral and central mechanisms of it. Analysis based on model investigations with resistive loads in awake or sleeping healthy humans, including results of experiments in the anesthetized animals. The recent data having principle importance in estimation of the central mechanisms of the control breathing are included too in the review. It concerned to the contemporary visualization of central neuronal activity on the awake person during dyspnoea. It became possible due to application of the unique precision equipment--functional magnetic--resonance and positron--emission tomography.  相似文献   

Restraining hamsters alters their breathing pattern   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Does the restraint required for head or nose-only exposure of rodents to inhaled aerosols or gases alter their breathing pattern? And does prior exercise training, which may increase muscle strength, affect this response to restraint? To answer those questions, we measured breathing pattern in 11 adult male hamsters while they were either 1) free to move in small cages or 2) closely restrained in head-out cones. The measurements were repeated after hamsters spent 6 wk either sedentary in standard cages or in cages with exercise wheels. Hamsters were placed in a plethysmograph to measure respiratory frequency (f) and tidal volume (VT). Their product is minute volume (V). When restrained, f and V were 1.9 and 1.7 times, respectively, greater than when hamsters were free, but VT did not change. After 6 wk, the sedentary group responded differently to restraint; f increased 3-fold, VT decreased by one-half, and V increased 1.6-fold. Exercised hamsters increased f 2.3-fold and decreased VT by one-third; V increased by 1.5-fold. In inhalation studies, changes in breathing pattern would significantly influence the amount of material inhaled, the fraction retained, and thus the amount and distribution of material deposited in the lungs.  相似文献   

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