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Carapa guianensis is a timber species found in Central America and the north of South America. We have developed microsatellite primers which will allow analysis of gene flow and population genetic structure in natural populations of this tree species. Polymorphism of five microsatellite loci was evaluated using a total of 12 adult trees from a natural population. An average of 4.2 alleles per locus was detected, and expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.397 to 0.806. These loci are being used for genetic population analysis in a managed forest in the state of Pará, in Amazonian Brazil, as part of the Dendrogene project.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of cold stratification and salinity on seed flotation of eight salt marsh species. Four of the eight species were tested for germination success under different stratification, salinity, and flooding conditions. Species were separated into two groups, four species received wet stratification and four dry stratification and fresh seeds of all species were tested for flotation and germination. Fresh seeds of seven out of eight species had flotation times independent of salinity, six of which had average flotation times of at least 50 d. Seeds of Spartina alterniflora and Spartina patens had the shortest flotation times, averaging 24 and 26 d, respectively. Following wet stratification, the flotation time of S. alterniflora seeds in higher salinity water (15 and 36 ppt) was reduced by over 75% and germination declined by more than 90%. Wet stratification reduced the flotation time of Distichlis spicata seeds in fresh water but increased seed germination from 2 to 16% in a fluctuating inundation regime. Fresh seeds of Iva frutescens and S. alternflora were capable of germination and therefore are non-dormant during dispersal. Fresh seeds of I. frutescens had similar germination to dry stratified seeds ranging 25-30%. Salinity reduced seed germination for all species except for S. alterniflora. A fluctuating inundation regime was important for seed germination of the low marsh species and for germination following cold stratification. The conditions that resulted in seeds sinking faster were similar to the conditions that resulted in higher germination for two of four species.  相似文献   

种子萌发和幼苗生长对沙丘环境的适应机制   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
综述了植物沙生适应机制的研究及其进展.一些植物的种子在刚成熟时具有休眠特性.种子需要适度沙埋促进萌发并实现幼苗定居,但过度沙埋则会抑制种子萌发和出苗.在沙层深处,没有萌发的种子会进入休眠状态,形成土壤种子库.幼苗通过增加节数和延长节间来适应沙埋.沙埋深度超过植物的忍耐限度会抑制幼苗生长,甚至导致幼苗死亡.沙生植物必须适应其他环境因子,如盐风与土壤盐分、昆虫采食、土壤养分亏缺等,才能在沙丘上成功生长.沙蚀可导致幼苗根系暴露并干燥脱水.一些沙漠植物的幼苗在萌发后可忍耐一段时期的干燥,水分条件得到满足之后,幼苗能够恢复生长.  相似文献   

Comprehending the size distribution within a population and grasping its connection to tree maturation (onset of reproductive phase) is pivotal for formulating sustainable management strategies and conserving numerous tree species. The objective of this study was to compare the structure and probability of fruit production of Carapa guianensis in two types of forest (varzea, or floodplain, vs. terra firme, or upland) in the northeastern Amazon, Brazil. The study was conducted in four permanent plots of 300 × 300 m (two for each type of forest). All individuals ≥10 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH) were mapped and measured for DBH, height, and canopy characteristics (shape and position), and liana infestation. Sixty-seven trees were inventoried in the upland forest and 297 in the floodplain forest. The trees were larger in the upland (33.36 ± 1.84 cm) than in the floodplain (21.92 ± 1.5 cm) and more than half (56%) of the upland trees and more than two thirds (67%) of floodplain trees were reproductive. The minimum diameter for fruit production in the floodplain (10.2 cm of DBH) was more than two times smaller than in the upland (25.5 cm of DBH). The probability of fruit production of a tree of the same size was twice as high in the floodplain compared with the upland, and trees with rounded canopies had a higher probability of fruit production in the upland. Our results showed that the probability of fruit production can be modeled with variables of tree size and canopy shape, and that intrinsic factors of the forests influence the reproductive maturity of C. guianensis which presents greater precocity and productive potential of seeds in the estuarine floodplain forest of the Amazon River.  相似文献   

Zhang LW  HL Liu  DY Zhang  WG Bian 《Phyton》2015,84(1):58-63
Seed dormancy release and germination of Corispermum lehmannianum Bunge were tested using various treatments: temperature, cold stratification, gibberelins (GA3), dry storage and sand burial. Results showed that temperature and light did not affect the germination of fresh seeds, cold stratification and GA3 could improve seed germination, whereas dry storage and sand burial did not. The germination percentage was highest at 35/20 °C after the cold stratification and GA3 treatments. Corispermum lehmannianum seeds were classified as non-deep, Type-2, physiological dormancy (PD), whose seed dormancy could be released by cold stratification and GA3.  相似文献   

Over the past decades many studies have aimed at elucidating the regulation of seed dormancy and germination. Many hypotheses have been proposed and rejected but the regulatory principle behind changes in dormancy and induction of germination is still a black box. The majority of proposed mechanisms have a role for certain plant hormones in common. Abscisic acid and the gibberellins are the hormones most frequently suggested to control these processes. The development of hormone-deficient mutants made it possible to provide direct evidence for the involvement of hormones in germination and dormancy related processes.In the present paper an attempt is made to assess the role of abscisic acid and gibberellins in the transitions between dormant and non-dormant states and germination. First a conceptual framework is presented in which the different states of dormancy and germination are defined in order to contribute to a solution of the semantic confusion about these terms that has existed since the beginning of seed physiology.It is concluded that abscisic acid plays a pivotal role during the development of primary dormancy and gibberellins are involved in the induction of germination. Changes in sensitivity to these hormones occur during changes in dormancy. Both synthesis of and responsiveness to the hormones are controlled by natural environmental factors such as light, temperature and nitrate.  相似文献   

Many studies now suggest that pathogens can cause high levels of mortality in seeds and seedlings. Recruitment from seed to sapling is an important bottleneck for many tree species, and if specialist or generalist pathogens have differential negative effects among species of juvenile trees, then they may have a significant impact on forest community structure. To explore the effects of differential pathogen attack among tropical tree species, we quantified pathogen attack on the seeds of 16 tree species from the southeastern Peruvian Amazon and asked which seed characteristics, including size, hardness, germination time and mode, shade tolerance, and fruit type, were most closely correlated with susceptibility to pathogens. Shade tolerance and seed weight were positively and significantly correlated with susceptibility to pathogen attack by ecological trait regressions (ETRs), and correspondence analysis indicated that there might be increased attack rates in species with brightly colored, pulpy fruits (often dispersed by primates). Only shade tolerance was significantly correlated with pathogen attack when the analyses accounted for phylogenetic relatedness between species. Thus, contrary to standard predictions of size-defense ratios, our results suggest that larger, shade-tolerant seeds tend to be more susceptible to pathogen attack than smaller, light-dependent seeds. Moreover, differential pathogen attack may shape seed community composition, which may affect the successful recruitment of adults.  相似文献   

We tested the applicability of the recently identified major germination cue from smoke (a butenolide 3-methyl-2Hfuro[2,3-c]pyran-2-one) on 18 weed species from non-fire prone environments. For the study species we compared the relative effectiveness of alternating temperatures, KNO3, GA3, smoke water and the butenolide on germination percentage, germination rate and seedling mass. We found that while smoke stimulated germination in a number of species it also had negative impacts on other species. In addition, the butenolide was effective on the widest range of species in terms of enhancing germination percentage, rate and seedling mass. However, none of the treatments, including butenolide were effective on all species. Our data demonstrate that butenolide may have wide applicability as a germination and seedling growth stimulant irrespective of whether the species come from fire-prone habitats.  相似文献   

Four independent experiments were designed to investigate the effects of the pericarp on seed imbibition, dehydration, germination, seedling establishment, and seed longevity in the field in seeds of Hedysarum scoparium Fisch. et Mey. The results showed that the presence of the pericarp decreased seed imbibition rates in the first 6 h, but the seeds attained significantly higher final water content after 24 h of soaking. The pericarp caused seed dormancy, and removal of the pericarp improved the germination percentage to 90 from 44%. In the pot experiment, where the level of moisture was maintained at field capacity (control), seeds with the pericarp removed had significantly improved seedling establishment. However, no statistical differences were observed in seedling establishment when the experiment was repeated under dry conditions at 40% of the field water capacity. The seedling biomass derived from seeds without the pericarp was much higher in the control but the trend was reversed under dry conditions. For seed longevity, 2 months burial in the field killed almost all seeds without the pericarp, while more than 70% of the seeds with the pericarp intact remained viable. These results indicated that the pericarp was beneficial for seedling establishment and seed longevity in arid environments. The results of this study may have practical application in grassland restoration in dry areas, especially for aerial seeding, which has been extensively used in the northern part of China.  相似文献   

Copy-DNA clones have been obtained that distinguish eight messenger mRNAs, moderately abundant in the axes of the germinating soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) seedling. These clones have been used to characterize the size of the mRNAs and to anlyze the accumulation of the mRNAs at different time points and in different parts of the axis during germination and early seedling growth. Three of the mRNAs accumulate to a substantial level by 9 h, a time point before either the beginning of growth or the accumulation of polyribosomes. Four other mRNAs reach a substantial level only at 24 h, a period when rapid seedling growth is occurring. Those mRNAs whose accumulation begins at 24 h were found only in the top (hypocotyl) half of the 24-h seedlings, while the remaining mRNAs were present also in the bottom half of the seedlings in different amounts. By 44 h, the bottom 0.5 cm of the seedlings, i.e., the region of meristematic growth, had little or none of the mRNAs, with the exception of one mRNA. These temporal and spatial observations indicate that many of the mRNAs are not involved simply in the general maintenance of ongoing cell proliferation, but that they may be related to differentiation during early seedling formation. Further, the early accumulating mRNAs may be functioning in regulating the onset of seedling growth.Abbreviations cDNA copy DNA - poly(A)+RNA polyadenylated RNA  相似文献   

Abstract. Seed production, composition of the seed rain, germination, and seedling mortality, as well as vegetative growth characteristics of common pioneer plant species were studied on the foreland of the retreating Morteratsch glacier in the Swiss Alps. The frequency of diaspores trapped in different successional stages was related to their dispersal mode and was highly skewed towards a few species. Plenty of diaspores well adapted for dispersal by wind are a precondition for the most important pioneer species. Seeds from all pioneer species investigated had a good germination success, provided that the moisture content of the soil was high enough. However, requirement for seedling establishment differed among sites of increasing terrain age and among species. Only specialized pioneers such as Cerastium pedunulatum, Linaria alpina, Oxyria digyna and Saxifraga aizoides tolerate the cold and moist conditions near the glacier. However, these species are restricted to early successional stages. Seedlings of Epilobium fleischeri are affected not only by the cold and moist conditions near the glacier but also by moderately dry conditions on older sites. Availability of safe sites becomes crucial for most species with increasing age of sites and with drier conditions. Most species playing a dominant role during early succession and persisting during later successional stages have a distinctive ability to spread clonally and have a growth form with more or less widely spaced ramets: Achillea moschata. Cerastium pedunculatum. Epilobium fleischeri and Hieraium staticifolium. The growth strategy and demography of the clonal E. fleischeri is presented as an example. The life cycle of this species is characterized in succession by (1) the colonization of safe sites by small seeds adapted for wind dispersal, (2) horizontal spread by clonal growth, and (3) the persistence through phenotypic morphological plasticity in later successional stages. Seedling establishment and clonal growth are thus complementary mechanisms in plant succession on recently deglaciated terrain.  相似文献   

The seed germination of Polymnia canadensis was studied in relation to its wide variation in life history and its ecology as a mostly facultative biennial, a life cycle type that is rare in stable forest habitats in eastern North America. The seed dormancy and germination characteristics of P. canadensis were like some other herbaceous woodland species of diverse life cycle types. That is, its seeds have physiological dormancy, and they (1) germinated to higher percentages after cold stratification, (2) germinated better in light than in darkness and (3) formed a persistent soil seed bank. Since its seed dormancy and germination characteristics are not uncommon and are not particularly associated with any one life cycle type in woodlands, those properties do not contribute to the rarity of its life cycle type in deciduous forests. These properties are also found in many facultative biennials of open, disturbed habitats and in other Asteraceae of various life cycle types. In addition, the germination phenology of P. canadensis differed between mesic and dry field sites in central Kentucky. At the dry sites, most of the yearly germination occurred in fall, while at the mesic sites most germination occurred in the spring due to being inhibited during fall. A reciprocal seed transplant experiment conducted in two different years demonstrated that the cause of this difference was environmental and that there was no source x site interaction; i.e., no difference between sources in phenotypic plasticity for germination phenology. Absence of genetic effects was also shown by no consistent pattern in the few differences between seed sources in seed incubation laboratory experiments and in a germination phenology experiment in glasshouse flats. Exposure of seeds to a high ratio of far-red/red light prior to or during incubation did not inhibit germination. Neither did changes in leaf litter thickness qualitatively alter germination phenology in field quadrats or in glasshouse flats. Thus, germination in fall at mesic sites was inhibited by other unknown factor(s), perhaps interacting with the effects of closed tree canopy and/or thick leaf litter.  相似文献   

Summary Steam sterilization of a Typic Dystrandept in Costa Rica resulted in a six-fold increase in extractable Mn, to levels often considered toxic. Seeds of eight species, comprised of six successional taxa and two cultivars (soybean,Glycine max and raddish,Raphanus sativus) were planted in the sterilized soil and in unsterilized soil after delays of 1, 8, 15, and 28 days. Germination and mortality were not different in the two soils, indicating that steamsterilized soil can safely be used in seed traps. Six species (including both cultivars) grew better in unsterilized soil, but two of the native taxa (Phytolacca rivinoides andBocconia frutescens) grew significantly faster in sterilized soil.  相似文献   

Isolation, chemical characterization, and phytotoxicity of five new oxylipins, together with seven already known related compounds, from Cestrum parqui L' Hérl. is reported. All the structures were elucidated on the basis of their spectral data, especially 1D-(1H- and 13C-NMR, DEPT) and 2D-NMR (COSY, TOCSY, HSQC, HMBC, and NOESY). The configurations of the stereogenic C-atoms were determined by the Mosher's method. The compounds have been assayed for their phytotoxicity on Lactuca sativa at concentrations ranging between 10(-4) and 10(-8) M. The results of the phytotoxicity tests on the germination and growth of the test species, obtained by a cluster analysis, showed interesting relationship between the chemical structures of the compounds and their biological effects.  相似文献   

Ziziphus lotus (L.) Lam. is a deciduous shrub with intricately branched stems in the Rhamnaceae family. It's a dominant and economically important species widely distributed in active sand dunes in the southern desert of Tunisia. To provide basic information for its conservation and reintroduction, we studied the influence of environmental factors on seed germination patterns. The germination responses of seeds were determined over a wide range of constant temperatures (10–50 °C), polyethylene glycol (PEG)-6000 solutions of different osmotic potentials (0 to − 1 MPa) and burial depths (1–10 cm). Temperatures between 15 and 45 °C seem to be favorable for the germination of this species. Germination was inhibited by either an increase or decrease in temperature from the most suitable temperature found (35 °C). The highest germination percentages (100%) were obtained under control conditions without PEG, and increasing moisture stress progressively inhibited seed germination, which was less than 5% at − 1 MPa. When tested for germination in distilled water, after PEG treatments, seeds germinated to the same extent as when fresh. When seeds buried deeply, there was a significant decrease in seedling emergence percentage and rate. Seedlings of Z. lotus emerged well at depths of 1–2 cm and could not emerge when sand burial depth was > 4 cm.  相似文献   

This paper compares the non-deltaic, riparian-flooded forests of the Orinoco and Amazon River basins. Ecological relationships between these forests and their environments that can be useful in establishing schemes for biodiversity conservation are identified. Adaptations of species to flow seasonality, flooding intensity, sedimentation pattern and nutrient depletion are described. The variability and diversity of riparian-flooded forests is related to (i) landscape evolution (regional-scale, long-term), (ii) water quality (basin scale, long-term) and (iii) hydrology and geomorphology (sector-scale, medium-term). The floristic analysis has produced a preliminary list of 242 tree species common to the riparian-flooded forests of both basins. This relatively high number of species is related to connectivity between the riparian corridors of both basins and the effective operation of dispersal mechanisms. Highly oligotrophic environments add uniqueness at the regional scale through the evolution of endemic species presenting adaptations not only to flooding but also to nutrient depletion. The process of genetic diversification and the evolution of genotypes adapted to flooding are suggested to explain longitudinal gradients at tributary junctions and floodplain-upland ecotones where current fluvial dynamics are unpredictable over ecological time scales. The paper presents information that may be used to devise appropriate measures to evaluate sites for riparian biodiversity conservation and management.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The size and composition of seed reserves may reflect the ecological strategy and evolutionary history of a species and also temporal variation in resource availability. The seed mass and composition of seed reserves of 19 co-existing tree species were studied, and we examined how they varied among species in relation to germination and seedling growth rates, as well as between two years with contrasting precipitation (652 and 384 mm).


Seeds were collected from a tropical deciduous forest in the northwest of Mexico (Chamela Biological Station). The seed dry mass, with and without the seed coat, and the concentrations of lipids, nitrogen and non-structural carbohydrates for the seed minus seed coat were determined. The anatomical localization of these reserves was examined using histochemical analysis. The germination capacity, rate and lag time were determined. The correlations among these variables, and their relationship to previously reported seedling relative growth rates, were evaluated with and without phylogenetic consideration.

Key Results

There were interannual differences in seed mass and reserve composition. Seed was significantly heavier after the drier year in five species. Nitrogen concentration was positively correlated with seed coat fraction, and was significantly higher after the drier year in 12 species. The rate and lag time of germination were negatively correlated with each other. These trait correlations were also supported for phylogenetic independent contrasts. Principal component analysis supported these correlations, and indicated a negative association of seedling relative growth rate with seed size, and a positive association of germination rate with nitrogen and lipid concentrations.


Nitrogen concentration tended to be higher after the drier year and, while interannual variations in seed size and reserve composition were not sufficient to affect interspecific correlations among seed and seedling traits, some of the reserves were related to germination variables and seedling relative growth rate.  相似文献   

Here we report that a synthesised form of a naturally occurring chemical (a butenolide, 3-methyl-2H-furo[2,3-c]pyran-2-one) found in smoke can stimulate seedling emergence of the economically important weed species Avena fatua L. (Poaceae), Arctotheca calendula (L.) Levyns (Asteraceae), Brassica tournefortii Gouan (Brassicaceae), and Raphanus raphanistrum L. (Brassicaceae) under field conditions at rates equivalent to 2–20 g/ha a.i. The butenolide also stimulates germination of freshly collected seeds from wild populations of these species, as well as those of Sisymbrium orientale L. (Brassicaceae), Hordeum leporinum Link (Poaceae) and Echium plantagineum L. (Boraginaceae) under laboratory conditions, consistently greater than that of smoke water. Experiments using B. tournefortii seeds collected from several locations across Western Australia and in different growing seasons found that these factors significantly influence the butenolide response, implying a role of the maternal environment in seed germination/dormancy characteristics. This research highlights the potential of butenolide as an agent for broad acre weed control and land restoration.  相似文献   

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