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Waterfowl and other migratory birds commonly store nutrients at traditional staging areas during spring for later use during migration and reproduction. We investigated nutrient-storage dynamics in the midcontinent population of greater white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons; hereafter white-fronted geese) at spring staging sites in the Rainwater Basin of Nebraska during February–April and in southern Saskatchewan during April–May, 1998 and 1999. In Nebraska, lipid content of white-fronted geese did not increase, and protein content changed little over time for most age and sex categories. In Saskatchewan, lipids increased 11.4 g/day (SE = 1.7) and protein content increased 1.6 g/day (SE = 0.6) in the sample of adult geese collected over a 3-week period. A study conducted during 1979–1980 in the Rainwater Basin reported that white-fronted geese gained 8.8–17.7 g of lipids per day during spring, differing greatly from our results 2 decades later. In addition, lipid levels were less in the 1990s compared to spring 1980 for adult geese nearing departure from staging sites in Saskatchewan. This shift in where geese acquired nutrient stores from Nebraska to more northern staging sites coincided with a decrease in availability of waste corn in Nebraska, their primary food source while staging at that stopover site, and an increase in cultivation of high-energy pulse crops in Saskatchewan. White-fronted geese exhibited flexibility in nutrient dynamics during spring migration, likely in response to landscape-level variation in food availability caused by changes in agricultural trends and practices. Maintaining a wide distribution of wetlands in the Great Plains may allow spring-staging waterfowl to disperse across the region and facilitate access to high-energy foods over a larger cropland base. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

We conducted a 3-yr study (2001-03) on greater white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons frontalis) breeding in Alaska, USA, to determine the exposure of this population to Pasteurella multocida and the potential role of these birds as disease carriers. We tested sera from nearly 600 adult geese for antibodies to P. multocida serotype 1. We found a low prevalence (<5%) of positive antibodies in adult geese, and based on the short duration of detectable antibodies, these findings indicate recent infection with P. multocida. Prevalence was similar to serologic results from both breeding and wintering lesser snow geese. We also collected oral (n=1,035), nasal (n=102), and cloacal (n=90) swab samples to determine the presence of avian cholera carriers in this population. We were unable to isolate P. multocida serotype 1 from any of the birds sampled. Based on comparison with other waterfowl species, we concluded that these geese may be exposed to avian cholera during the winter or spring migration but are unlikely to play a significant role as carriers of the bacterium causing avian cholera.  相似文献   

We studied diet and habitat use of greater white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons) from autumn through spring on their primary staging and wintering areas in the Pacific Flyway, 1979–1982. There have been few previous studies of resource use and forage quality of wintering greater white-fronted geese in North America, and as a consequence there has been little empirical support for management practices pertaining to habitat conservation of this broadly distributed species. Observations of >2,500 flocks of geese and collections of foraging birds revealed seasonal and geographic variation in resource use reflective of changes in habitat availability, selection, and fluctuating physiological demands. Autumn migrants from Alaska arrived first in the Klamath Basin of California and southern Oregon, where they fed on barley, oats, wheat, and potatoes. Geese migrated from the Klamath Basin into the Central Valley of California in late autumn where they exploited agricultural crops rich in soluble carbohydrates, with geese in the Sacramento Valley feeding almost exclusively on rice and birds on the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta primarily utilizing corn. White-fronted geese began their northward migration in late winter, and by early spring most had returned to the Klamath Basin where 37% of flocks were found in fields of new growth cultivated and wild grasses. Cereal grains and potatoes ingested by geese were low in protein (7–14%) and high in soluble nutrients (17–47% neutral detergent fiber [NDF]), whereas grasses were low in available energy (47–49% NDF) but high in protein (26–42%). Greater white-fronted geese are generalist herbivores and can exploit a variety of carbohydrate-rich cultivated crops, likely making these geese less susceptible to winter food shortages than prior to the agriculturalization of the North American landscape. However, agricultural landscapes can be extremely dynamic and may be less predictable in the long-term than the historic environments to which geese are adapted. Thus far greater white-fronted geese have proved resilient to changes in land cover in the Pacific Flyway and by altering their migration regime have even been able to adapt to changes in the availability of suitable forage crops. © 2010 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of Greenland white-fronted geese Anser albifrons flavirostris was studied during .spring staging in Iceland 1997. Geese feeding on Poa pratense dominated hayfields (> 80% cover) were highly selective, selecting for Deschampsia caespitosa which comprised only 10% of the sward. Geese fed most on the south-facing fringes of Deschampsia tussocks. Subsequent analysis showed that the southern fringes of Deschampsia tussocks supported significantly greater biomass (27% greater mass of green material) and that leaves growing on the southern faces had significantly higher protein content than those on the northern faces (33.9% vs 30.5%)- It appears that the geese maximise their nutritional intake in spring by selecting the grass species of highest quality and taking the most nutritious parts of the plants.  相似文献   

Anthony D .  Fox  Christian M .  Glahder  Alyn J .  Walsh 《Oikos》2003,103(2):415-425
Greenland white‐fronted geese accumulate body mass throughout late winter in preparation for migration after mid‐April to spring staging areas in Iceland. This analysis presents field assessment of abdominal fat deposits (API) from large samples of marked birds which showed increasing rates of fuel deposition throughout January–April. Historical records show that geese rarely depart en masse before 17 April, a pattern followed by all but one of the tagged birds. Timed positions obtained from 12 geese fitted with satellite transmitters in 1997, 1998 and 1999 suggested that all geese departed winter quarters on tailwinds between 16 and 19 April. Tracked geese flew directly to staging areas in Iceland, although one staged for 10 days in Northern Ireland in 1997 and another may have stopped briefly in western Scotland. Average migration duration of all tagged birds departing Ireland (including the 1997 bird that stopped over within Ireland) was 25 hours (range 13–77). Four geese apparently overshot and returned to Iceland during strong E to ESE winds. APIs in Iceland showed more rapid and linear increases in stores during the mean 19‐day (range 13–22) staging period there than on the winter quarters. Geese continued their migration to Greenland when APIs attained or exceeded levels at departure from Ireland and all departed on assisting tailwinds between 1 and 11 May. Tracked birds continued the journey to West Greenland in between 24 and 261 (mean 82) hours, although one bird turned back during the traverse of the Greenland Ice Cap and summered on the east coast. Seven of the birds staged for 1–20 hours at, or near, the East Greenland coast and several made slow progress crossing the inland ice, all in the direction of their ultimate destination (i.e. not necessarily taking the lowest or shortest crossing routes). It is suggested that the energy‐savings of departing on tailwinds may favour geese to wait for such conditions once threshold fat storage levels have been reached, but more research is needed to confirm this.  相似文献   

Recent outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in poultry have raised interest in the interplay between avian influenza (AI) viruses and their wild hosts. Studies linking virus ecology to host ecology are still scarce, particularly for non-duck species. Here, we link capture–resighting data of greater white-fronted geese Anser albifrons albifrons with the AI virus infection data collected during capture in The Netherlands in four consecutive winters. We ask what factors are related to AI virus prevalence and whether there are ecological consequences associated with AI virus infection in staging white-fronted geese. Mean seasonal (low pathogenic) AI virus prevalence ranged between 2.5 and 10.7 per cent, among the highest reported values for non-duck species, and occurred in distinct peaks with near-zero prevalence before and after. Throat samples had a 2.4 times higher detection frequency than cloacal samples. AI virus infection was significantly related to age and body mass in some but not other winters. AI virus infection was not related to resighting probability, nor to maximum distance travelled, which was at least 191 km during the short infectious lifespan of an AI virus. Our results suggest that transmission via the respiratory route could be an important transmission route of AI virus in this species. Near-zero prevalence upon arrival on their wintering grounds, in combination with the epidemic nature of AI virus infections in white-fronted geese, suggests that white-fronted geese are not likely to disperse Asian AI viruses from their Siberian breeding grounds to their European wintering areas.  相似文献   

Ten adult blue-winged teal (Anas discors) and six Canada goose (Branta canadensis) goslings were inoculated with liver tissue from a natural case of duck plague in a wild mallard (Anas platyrhynchos). Four additional teal were placed in contact with the inoculated ducks. Inoculated teal died 63.5-68 hr after inoculation; two of the contact teal died 161-162 hr after exposure. Three of the goslings died 119-133 hr after inoculation, the others were killed when moribund 90-133 hr postinfection. The clinical course of disease was extremely rapid in both species. Signs were limited to sudden onset of profound weakness, ataxia, tremors and terminal convulsions. The only consistent gross lesion in the teal was a small dark spleen; half the teal also had inconspicuous foci of epithelial necrosis in the distal esophagus and in the cloaca. Goslings had more severe lesions, with focal hepatic necrosis visible in all, and mucosal necrosis over the intestinal lymphoid tissue, and intestinal hemorrhage in three birds each. Microscopic lesions in both species were similar to those reported in mallards. Duck plague might be overlooked at necropsy of blue-winged teal, because of the paucity of gross lesions.  相似文献   

This study investigated the costs and benefits of flocking in white-fronted geese Anser albifrons foraging on rice grains in Japan. The time budgets of focal geese were recorded, and the effects of flock size on the proportions of time spent in vigilant and agonistic behaviour were tested. The results showed that the decline in vigilance level and consequent increase in foraging time were beneficial results of flocking whereas agonistic interactions, a potential cost of flocking, did not increase with increasing flock size. However, seasonal variation in flock size suggested that exploitative competition could be a cost of flocking; the sizes of flocks in spring, when resource depletion had progressed, were significantly reduced compared with those in autumn. An experimental increase in rice density resulted in a significant increase in flock size. We conclude that the flock size of foraging white-fronted geese is a result of compromise between a constant benefit of flocking (i.e. decline in vigilance level) and a cost of flocking varying with food abundance (i.e. exploitative competition).  相似文献   

C. M. LESSELLS 《Ibis》1985,127(1):31-41
Natal dispersal in Canada Geese Branta canadensis breeding in the English midlands is male-biased; males are more likely to change sites between birth and breeding, and move greater distances when they do so. Breeding dispersal is confined to within-site movements, and the evidence for a sex bias is equivocal. It is suggested that the ability to exploit information on brood rearing areas may be an important selection pressure favouring female philopatry in wildfowl.  相似文献   

Summary Variation within and between eight subspecies of Canada geese was assessed by restriction fragment analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), electrophoresis of proteins encoded by nuclear DNA, and the morphometric analysis of skeletons. Estimates of mtDNA sequence divergence between Canada goose subspecies ranged from 0.04 to 2.54%. Pairwise comparisons of the three data matrices revealed that only mtDNA variation and body size are significantly correlated. Subspecies with northern breeding grounds are small-bodied and display small variations of one mtDNA clone, whereas those breeding further south are largebodied and show small differences in another mtDNA clone. Canada geese exhibit strong geographic differentiation with respect to mtDNA sequence, but weak structuring in protein-encoding nuclear DNA. This finding can be explained by a lower level of gene flow for the mitochondrial genome than for the nuclear genome, which in turn emanates from the maternal inheritance of mtDNA and male-biased dispersal in Canada geese. Despite male-mediated flow of nuclear genes, strong morphometric differentiation persists among Canada geese subspecies.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in pathogenicity of Leucocytozoon simondi in Canada geese (Branta canadensis maxima) was investigated by exposing goslings to natural infection at three locations in the upper peninsula of Michigan. Examination of blood smears and tissue sections revealed two patterns of development. Hepatic schizogony and secondary megaloschizogony occurred in cells of the reticuloendothelial system, with round and elongate gametocytes, or only hepatic schizonts and round gametocytes. The evidence for strain differences in L. simondi and its implications in wildfowl management practices are discussed.  相似文献   

During sub-zero temperatures and strong winds on 10–11 April 2013, we witnessed ice accumulation on plastic collars of staging Greenland white-fronted geese Anser albifrons flavirostris in Iceland. Ice affected 19 of 77 collared individuals seen, all of which had lost ice by 12 April, despite continuing freezing temperatures. Temperatures exceeded freezing after 14 April; daily observations found no recurrence of ice formation before geese left for Greenland in early May. Abdominal profile scores (a field assessment of accumulated body fat) did not differ significantly between geese with and without ice before departure from Iceland. There was no significant difference in return rates between geese with iced (79 %) or un-iced collars (83 %) reported the following autumn. These first reports of collar icing in over 30 years of the project give cause for concern and vigilance, but we recommend continued use of collars given exceptional weather conditions and lack of effects.  相似文献   

Two wild Canada geese (Branta canadensis) in an extremely emaciated state and with severe proventricular food impaction also had a nonsuppurative encephalomyelitis and ganglioneuritis. The condition in these two birds was morphologically similar to psittacine proventricular dilatation, a recently identified disease of psittacine birds.  相似文献   

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