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Variation in mating systems of fallow deer (Dama dama L.) was studied in wild and park populations and could be broadly distinguished into 7 categories: following, harems, dominance groups, stands, temporary stands, multiple stands, and leks. The ecological factors which exerted the greatest influence on mating systems were buck density, doe density, and habitat structure and tree cover, resulting in pronounced changes in the degree and type of territoriality observed. Individual male reproductive success was highly skewed in all systems. A greater range of concurrent mating strategies was observed in wild populations than in parks.  相似文献   

An einer halbwilden Herde des Damhirsches (Dama dama) wurde 19 Monate lang das Sozialverhalten, vor allem die Bedeutung frühontogenetischer Erfahrungen für die Entwicklung des arttypischen Verhaltens untersucht. Zahlreiche optische, akustische und Berührungs-Reize dienen der Warnung, der Rangordnung oder der Verständigung zwischen Geschlechtspartnern oder Eltern und Kindern. Isoliert aufgezogene Jungtiere reagierten in typischen Situationen mit den gleichen Signalen wie in der Herde aufgewachsene und beantworteten, in die Herde gebracht, die arttypischen Signale der anderen richtig. Allerdings wurden diese Tiere von der Herde nicht aufgenommen und standen noch nach 3 Jahren abseits. Die isolierte Aufzucht beeinträchtigt also das Sozialleben stark, indem es die Bindung an Artgenossen verhindert. Diese Bindung ist aber wohl nötig, wo bestimmte Verhaltenselemente von Artgenossen gelernt werden müssen.  相似文献   

Suckling and allosuckling were studied in relation to the age and sex of fawns in a captive population of fallow deer (Dama dama) showing a high rate of allosuckling (73% of the suckling bouts). No difference occurred between the sexes in either the duration or frequency of suckling and allosuckling. The frequency of suckling bouts decreased rapidly during the first four weeks of life while the frequency of allosuckling bouts increased rapidly between the second and the third week and remained constant until the conclusion of the observations (11th week of life). Birth date affected allosuckling, with late-born fawns performing fewer and shorter allosuckling bouts. The lack of a negative relationship between suckling and allosuckling frequencies failed to confirm the hypothesis that allosuckling allows fawns to complete their milk requirements on foster mothers. Both inbreeding and crowding could explain the absence of particular relationship between fawns and foster mothers.  相似文献   

In 19 out of 22 aortas from fallow deer, 15 months to 5½ years, aortic lesions were found. Three types of lesions were observed, fatty streaks were seen in 2, fibrous plaques in 15 and fibrous plaques with complicated lesions (calcification and acid mucopolysaccharides) in 2 of the aortas. Elastic tissue degeneration of the inner two thirds of the tunica media was frequently found in the aorta of the animals > 3½–5½ years of age. There was no statistical evidence for a correlation between age and frequency (P ~ 0.10) but a trend towards age dependence was seen. The percentage of involved surface was found to significantly increase (0.05 > P > 0.01) with age. Lesions were found to start in the abdominal aorta in young animals and to extend cranially to the thoracic aorta with age. The percentage of involved surface in different affected regions, comprising all age groups were, in the posterior abdominal portion, 10.5 %, in the anterior abdominal portion, 4.3 % and in the posterior thoracic portion, 1.04 %. The influence of hemodynamic flow upon the localization of the aortic lesions, the endothelial cell population density and the endothelial nuclear patterns were discussed.  相似文献   

A nasal, so called ethmoidal, tumor from a fallow deer is described. It appears to be the first reported case of that species. The etiology is discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the aggressive behavior of territorial male fallow deer (Dama dama) at two leks. Daily number of escalated fights was not correlated with number of matings. A dominance index including all agonistic interactions was weakly correlated with copulatory success; the correlation was stronger when each half of the rut was considered separately. Dominance likely changed over the rut due to fatigue. We ranked lek territories by the number of copulations seen in each. Males that won fights were likely to take over the loser's territory only if it ranked higher than the one they held. Winners were more likely to fight with a third male after defeating an opponent that held a higher-ranking territory than one from a lower-ranking territory. Exposure to attacks by third-party males may be a major cost of fighting. Males appear aware of the relative value of different lek territories, but the frequency of aggression was not scaled to potential fitness benefits, possibly because males seldom fought with opponents they were unlikely to beat. The outcome of interactions on the lek may not always reflect the relative dominance rank of the contestants. Females are unlikely to use the outcome of fights as a direct criterion for mate selection.  相似文献   

Samples of rumen contents from 33 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), 31 axis deer (Axis axis), 26 sika deer (Cervus nippon), and 25 fallow deer (Dama dama) were collected from four study areas in central Texas. The geometric mean concentration of total protozoa was 50.2 x 10(4) per ml, with no differences between species (P > 0.36). White-tailed deer had a higher percentage of Entodinium and lower percentage of Diplodiniinae (P < 0.01) than the other deer species, which were not different from each other. Occurrence of Epidinium, Isotricha, and Dasytricha was sporadic and did not differ among deer species. Numerous new host records of protozoan species were observed: white-tailed deer--four; axis deer--five; sika deer--five; fallow deer--four. This brings the total number of protozoan species identified in each deer species to: white-tailed--eight; axis--12; sika--15; fallow--16. For all species combined, protozoan concentration were 7.5 to 11-fold higher (P < 0.01) from Area 4, which differed from the other three areas by having a stream that allowed deer to have free access to water. Criteria used for identification of medium-size Eudiplodinium species were evaluated.  相似文献   

A total of 313 Fallow deer from six parks were caught and weighed in the two winters 1979–80 and 1980–81. Mean live weights for the sex-age classes caught are presented for each park, and the variation in weights between parks is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the origins of the fallow deer (Dama dama dama) of Rhodes by both morphological and molecular means. Our results show that these deer have homogeneous phenotypic patterns. All specimens fell within the common colour coat variety typical of the wild form. The Rhodian deer appear to be rather small, especially when compared with specimens from central and northern Europe. We then sequenced the HVR-I of 13 deer from Rhodes and compared these sequences with other 31 samples obtained from different European and Anatolian populations of fallow deer. Out of 44 sequences, 23 haploypes were found. When compared to the Turkish and Italian populations, the population of Rhodes revealed lower values of within population genetic diversity. The fallow deer from Rhodes are characterized by an 80-bp mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) insertion not found elsewhere. As a consequence, all the deer from Rhodes form a tight cluster, distinct from all other fallow deer populations. This uniqueness makes the conservation and management of the Rhodian population particularly urgent.  相似文献   

Elizabeth  Johnson  Janet  Hornby 《Journal of Zoology》1980,192(4):501-509
Coat changes from birth to the second winter coat in a long haired variety of Fallow deer are described and compared with normal deer. The long haired deer are characterised by a dense, curly crown and long tufts of hair growing from the ears. The long haired coat always contained a high proportion of growing hairs in contrast to the normal coat in which there were discrete generations of growing hairs. The difference between the long haired and normal deer was most marked in the first winter when the hairs of the long coat were longer and finer than normal and tended to be easily wetted in contrast to the normal coarse winter coat.  相似文献   

The accessory glands of reproduction of male Fallow deer ( Dama dama L.) comprise paired ampullae which are expansions of the caudal portions of the vas deferens, paired seminal vesicles, a prostate and a disseminate prostate embedded in the pelvic urethra. All the glands undergo an annual cycle of growth and regression, reaching their maximum development in October at the time of the rut. Parallel changes were observed in the testes.  相似文献   

Competition between male fallow deer (Dama dama), during the breeding season was studied to determine if conflict strategies were consistent with the reduction of risk. Agonistic interactions between males were analysed in relation to age, dominance rank and availability of mating opportunities. The breeding season was divided into two main periods: the pre-rut began when all males had cleaned the velvet from their antlers and ended on the last day before matings were first observed, while the rut refers to the period between the first and last matings. Overall, socially mature males (≥4yr old) were involved in more interactions than immature (≤3yr old) males. Males established dominance rank largely by non-contact agonistic interactions during the pre-rut and there was substantial carry-over of rank to the rut, when it was correlated with mating success. The mating success of males was skewed; mature males achieved 99.4% of the matings and immature males accounted for 0.6%. A mature male was 13 times more likely to fight than an immature male; the mature males that fought most often did so between 0.4 and 0.5 times per hour. During the rut, the number of fights was positively correlated across days with the number of matings. The majority of agonistic interactions (79%) comprising dyads of immature males, involved antler contact. In contrast, mature males engaged antlers in only 42% of their interactions. Fights between mature males lasted more than twice as long as those between immature males and were more likely to occur between opponents with similar dominance ranks. However, towards the end of the rut formerly mismatched opponents were more likely to fight. Thus males operated conditional competitive strategies to decide when to interact and fight. The persistence of rank order from the pre-rut period to the rut and the tendency for mature males to resolve disputes without antler contact, served to reduce the frequency of fights and therefore the risk of serious injury.  相似文献   

The reproductive organs of wild and park female Fallow deer have been examined. The deer appear to breed for the first time in their second year when they are about 16 months old; none of the fawns examined was pregnant. All the adult deer had ovulated and about 95% were pregnant. It is concluded that most adult Fallow deer breed each year. The only difference found between wild and park deer was in the incidence of transmigration of the ovum; this being 52% and 28% respectively.  相似文献   

A central aim of the study of animal communication is to identify the mode and content of information transferred between individuals. The lateral presentation of the antler palm between male fallow deer has been described as either a signal of individual quality or an attempt to avoid fighting. In the first case two phenotypic features have been proposed by which transmission of individual quality may be facilitated. These are antler size and antler symmetry. The alternative hypothesis proposes that the lateral presentation of antlers occurs as a consequence of averting a threatening posture and may signify a reluctance to fight. We examined whether mature fallow deer use lateral palm presentation as a display during fights to indicate antler size and symmetry. We found no relationship between presentation rate of the antler and antler size and symmetry. Furthermore, males did not preferentially present their larger antler to their opponent. We also investigated whether the rate at which males presented antlers laterally during a fight was related to their ability to win the fight. Our results show that the male who performed more presentations during a fight was more likely to lose it. There were behavioural differences in the way in which a bout of presentation ended; subsequent losers tended to turn their body away from their opponent and subsequent winners tended to lower their antlers to an opponent which we interpret as an invitation to continue fighting. We conclude that the lateral palm presentation serves to de-escalate fighting between mature fallow deer. It is not a mechanism by which to communicate individual quality but rather an indication that a male is less committed to continuing investment in the current contest.  相似文献   

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