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Approximately 30% of cytolytic Lyt-2+ clones from primed mice are able to proliferate autonomously, i.e., independent of IL 2 derived from Lyt-2- cells after antigenic stimulation. H-2K- or -D-restricted induction of Lyt-2+ cells to autonomous proliferation requires Ia+ stimulator cells. A strict correlation was observed between the ability of Lyt-2+ clones to proliferative autonomously and to induce DH. Eventually, the growth of all Lyt-2+ cytolytic clones becomes dependent on exogenous IL 2, and their ability to induce DH is lost. Small Lyt-2+ cells can also be induced in primary cultures by antigen or concanavalin A to proliferate in the absence of exogenous IL 2. The frequency of autonomously proliferating small Lyt-2+ cells is the same as that of small Lyt-2+ cells proliferating in the presence of exogenous IL 2. IL 2 derived from Lyt-2- cells can augment proliferation of Lyt-2+ cells, but is not obligatory.  相似文献   

The effect of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to surface antigens on the T cell antigen receptor (TcR)-triggered exocytosis of intracellular granules in cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) was studied. Soluble anti-LFA-1, anti-TcR, and anti-Lyt-2 mAb inhibited both CTL-inflicted 51Cr-release from the target cell (TC) and TC-stimulated exocytosis of granules from cloned CTL. Soluble anti-TcR and anti-Lyt-2 mAb but not soluble anti-LFA-1 mAb inhibited exocytosis, which was triggered by solid-phase anti-TcR mAb. Immobilized anti-Lyt-2 did not inhibit secretion triggered by immobilized anti-TcR mAb; immobilized anti-LFA-1 mAb had an modest inhibiting effect. Inhibition of exocytosis by soluble anti-Lyt-2 mAb was greater when stimulating anti-TcR mAb were immobilized at a lower density on a plastic surface. When the requirement for TcR cross-linking was bypassed by synergistic action of phorbol ester and ionophore A23187, no inhibition of exocytosis by soluble anti-Lyt-2 mAb was detected. The obtained data point to steric hindrance as the most likely explanation of the inhibition of TcR-triggered CTL activation by anti-Lyt-2 mAb.  相似文献   

The present study has assessed thymic influence on the differentiation and recognition specificity of developing Lyt-2+ lymphokine-secreting T cells, and compared it with those of developing Lyt-2+ CTL. It was demonstrated that development of Lyt-2+ lymphokine-secreting Th cells requires an intrathymic differentiation step, and that peripheral Lyt-2+ lymphokine-secreting Th cells, unlike peripheral Lyt-2+ CTL, are profoundly tolerant to intrathymically expressed alloantigens. These data are interpreted as demonstrating that functionally distinct Lyt-2+ T cell populations are heterogeneous in their requirements for differentiation and/or activation.  相似文献   

The CD7 molecule is a differentiation antigen found on the surface of T lymphocytes and also on a very minor fraction of acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL). To study the genomic structure of the CD7 gene, two clones (SY4 and SY22) were isolated by screening a genomic library with a CD7 cDNA probe. Restriction mapping of these two phage clones showed that both overlapped each other, covering a total length of 23 kilobases (kb). Transfection of mouse L cells demonstrated that SY22 contains the gene expressing the CD7 antigen reactive with monoclonal CD7 antibody (Tp40), while SY4 does not. Subcloning of a 10.5 kb fragment from a 14.4 kb insert of SY22 contained the structural gene for the CD7 antigen. Detailed restriction mapping and partial sequence analysis revealed the CD7 gene to consist of four exons. By RNase protection assay, multiple initiation sites — 122 base pairs (bp) to — 38 bp from ATG translation initiation site were demonstrated. The promoter region had high G+C content and contained two SP1 binding sites (CCGCCC) and an AP2 binding site (CCCCAGGC), but lacked CAAT and TATA motifs.  相似文献   

Antigen-induced activation of a chicken gamma-globulin (CGG)-specific Lyt-1+ T cell clone measured both as a function of proliferation and immune interferon (IFN-gamma) production is restricted by a class II determinant of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) mapped to the I-A subregion, as determined by studies with both recombinant inbred lines and monoclonal antibodies. Activation of Lyt-2+ picryl chloride (PC1)-specific cloned T cell lines by trinitrophenyl (TNP)-coupled spleen cells results in proliferation and the production of at least two lymphokines: lymphotoxin (LT) and IFN-gamma. This antigen-specific activation is restricted to a class I determinant of the MHC complex encoded in the K region. Thus, the common intracellular pathway leading to production of IFN-gamma by Lyt-1+ and Lyt-2+ T cells is mediated and restricted through different surface recognition units. The LT that is produced by antigen-specific activation of T cells not only kills fibroblasts, but it inhibits interleukin 2 (IL 2)-maintained T cells as well. Activation of T cells by concanavalin A (Con A) results in suicidal inhibition of proliferation and cell death by those clones that make LT, but not by those that produce only IFN-gamma under such induction conditions. These results indicate that it is neither Con A nor IFN-gamma that kills T cells, but LT. These results strongly suggest a self-regulatory role of LT in limiting continuing unrestricted T cell response to antigen activation.  相似文献   

The Lyt-2 aallele of the C.AKR strain of mice (genotype Lyt-2 a, Lyt-3 a) was cloned, and its complete nucleotide sequence as well as that of 2 kb of 5 flanking DNA was determined. The sequence was comapred with the partial sequence of the Lyt-2 aallele of DBA/2 (genotype Lyt-2 a, Lyt-3 b) and the nearly complete sequence of the B10.CAS2 Lyt-2 ballele reported by Liaw and coworkers (1986). The coding regions of the two Lyt-2 aalleles differ from each other by two nucleotide substitutions in the three exons over which they could be compared, resulting in two amino acid substitutions in the leader and transmembrane segments. The coding region of the C.AKR Lyt-2 aallele differs from the Lyt-2 ballele by two nucleotide substitutions in the extracellular V-like domain, one of which is silent and the second of which leads to substitution of valine for methionine at amino acid position 78 giving rise to the Lyt-2.1 allotypic specificity. The coding region of the DBA/2 Lyt-2 aallele shares with C.AKR the allotypic substitution at position 78 and differs from Lyt-2 bby three additional nucleotide substitutions in the coding regions, two of which lead to amino acid substitutions in the leader and transmembrane segments. It would therefore appear that the Lyt-2 alleles of the three strains analyzed are distinct, and the nomenclature Lyt-2 a1 and Lyt-2 a2 is suggested to distinguish the alleles of C.AKR and DBA/2, respectively. These alleles share a common difference from the Lyt-2 bgene product at position 78, and since the amino acid substitutions which distinguish them from each other are in the leader and transmembrane segments, their mature Lyt-2 gene products appear antigenically identical.  相似文献   

The differentiation of monocytes into dendritic cells (DC) is a key mechanism by which the innate immune system instructs the adaptive T cell response. In this study, we investigated whether leukocyte Ig-like receptor A2 (LILRA2) regulates DC differentiation by using leprosy as a model. LILRA2 protein expression was increased in the lesions of the progressive, lepromatous form vs the self-limited, tuberculoid form of leprosy. Double immunolabeling revealed LILRA2 expression on CD14+, CD68+ monocytes/macrophages. Activation of LILRA2 on peripheral blood monocytes impaired GM-CSF induced differentiation into immature DC, as evidenced by reduced expression of DC markers (MHC class II, CD1b, CD40, and CD206), but not macrophage markers (CD209 and CD14). Furthermore, LILRA2 activation abrogated Ag presentation to both CD1b- and MHC class II-restricted, Mycobacterium leprae-reactive T cells derived from leprosy patients, while cytokine profiles of LILRA2-activated monocytes demonstrated an increase in TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, and IL-10, but little effect on TGF-beta. Therefore, LILRA2 activation, by altering GM-CSF-induced monocyte differentiation into immature DC, provides a mechanism for down-regulating the ability of the innate immune system to activate the adaptive T cell response while promoting an inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Leu-2/T8 is a cell surface glycoprotein expressed by most cytotoxic and suppressor T lymphocytes. Its expression on T cells correlates best with recognition of class I major histocompatibility complex antigens, and it has been postulated to be a receptor for these proteins. We have determined the complete primary structure of Leu-2/T8 from the nucleotide sequence of its cDNA. The protein contains a classical signal peptide, two external domains, a hydrophobic transmembrane region, and a cytoplasmic tail. The N-terminal domain of the protein has striking homology to variable regions of immunoglobulins and the T cell receptor. The membrane-proximal domain appears to be a hinge-like region similar to that of immunoglobulin heavy chains. The superfamily of immunologically important surface molecules can now be extended to include Leu-2/T8.  相似文献   

We have used Southern blot analysis of DNA from somatic cell hybrids to map the chromosomal location of the mouse L3T4 T cell differentiation antigen gene to chromosome 6. This finding is of interest because both L3T4 and the alternative T cell differentiation antigen Lyt-2 are homologous to kappa-immunoglobulin light chain-variable regions, and the genes encoding kappa and Lyt-2 are also located on mouse chromosome 6.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies allow for the detection of structures on the cell surface of human cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) that are involved in their effector function. Among these cell surface components, T8 is of particular interest because it is required during the recognition of target cells by a subset of CTL. An understanding of its role during CTL:target adhesion requires detailed biochemical structural analysis of the T8 molecule. This has been hindered by the small amounts of protein currently available. Here we describe the development of a purification scheme that will permit the accumulation of larger quantities of T8. We studied the binding of T8 to several lectins and determined that one of these, wheat germ agglutinin, bound T8 quantitatively. Experiments designed to test the properties of T8 in a phase separation system with the use of Triton X-114 were performed. These indicated that T8 partitions into the aqueous phase rather than the detergent phase during this procedure. With this in mind, we developed a protocol that resulted in a significant purification of T8 after affinity chromatography. Upon preparative SDS-PAGE followed by electroelution, the T8 antigen was purified to homogeneity and used for N-terminal acid acid sequencing. This analysis yielded the amino terminal 22 amino acids of T8. On purification, it was observed that the protein existed as two bands of Mr 33 and 34 kilodaltons after SDS-PAGE analysis. The relationship between these chains was investigated by limited radio-sequencing and tryptic peptide map analysis; our results indicated that the two polypeptides were identical. The two chains were treated with trifluoromethane sulfonic acid to determine whether carbohydrates accounted for the difference in m.w. This reagent, which cleaves both N-linked and O-linked sugars, cleaved approximately 2000 daltons of oligosaccharides from the T8 molecule. These oligosaccharides are most likely of the O-linked rather than the N-linked variety.  相似文献   

When L3T4+ cloned murine helper T lymphocytes (HTL) are stimulated with antigen or immobilized anti-T cell receptor (TCR) monoclonal antibodies (mAb) at concentrations which are optimal for proliferation, anti-L3T4 mAb inhibits activation as measured by proliferation and lymphokine production. Under similar conditions, IL 2-independent proliferation of Lyt-2+ cloned murine cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) stimulated by anti-TCR mAb is inhibited by anti-Lyt-2 antibodies. Proliferation of cloned HTL and CTL cells stimulated by IL 2 is not affected by the anti-L3T4 and anti-Lyt-2 mAb. The inhibition of TCR-induced activation of the T cell clones is not due to interference with the binding of the anti-TCR mAb. Stimulation of the TCR has been proposed to induce lymphokine secretion and proliferation by T cells through a pathway involving the activation of protein kinase C and the stimulation of an increase in the concentration of intracellular free calcium. However, proliferation of T cells stimulated by PMA (which activates protein kinase C) plus the calcium ionophore A23187 (which increases the concentration of intracellular free calcium) is not affected by mAb reactive with the Lyt-2 or L3T4 structures. If TCR stimulation does indeed activate T cells by activating protein kinase and increasing intracellular free calcium, then our data suggest that anti-L3T4 and anti-Lyt-2 mAb inhibit TCR-driven proliferation at some step before the activation of protein kinase C and the stimulation of a rise in intracellular free calcium concentration. Our results suggest that anti-L3T4 and anti-Lyt-2 mAb interfere with early biochemical processes induced by stimulation of the TCR. In HTL, which proliferate via an autocrine pathway, anti-L3T4 mAb appears to inhibit proliferation by interfering with signaling events involved in lymphokine production. Inhibition of IL 2-independent proliferation of Lyt-2+ cells by anti-Lyt-2 mAb appears to occur by a different mechanism. The precise molecular basis for the interference of each cell type has not yet been characterized.  相似文献   

The role of antigen surface density, and its relationship to the function of the Lyt-2/3 complex, in recognition and triggering of allospecific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) precursors has been studied by using a novel type of Class I protein-bearing artificial membrane. The cell-size membranes, termed pseudocytes (artificial cells), can be handled like cells but have a well-defined and easily quantitated surface composition. Class I antigen on these membranes stimulated generation of secondary in vitro allogeneic CTL responses as effectively as allogeneic spleen cells, provided that lymphokines were added to the cultures. Antigen density on the pseudocyte surfaces could be varied over a wide range and quantitated by papain cleavage and fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis. Recognition and triggering of precursor CTL was found to be dramatically dependent on the surface density of antigen and displayed a marked threshold density requirement, below which little or no response occurred. Examination of the effects of anti-Lyt-2 antibody on responses to pseudocytes provided direct evidence for a reciprocal relationship between antigen density and susceptibility to antibody blockade. The results strongly suggest that antigen density is likely to have important biological consequences in control of immune responses. They also show that if Lyt-2/3 functions by interaction with a ligand, then that ligand is the Class I protein.  相似文献   

A new T cell molecule defined by the mAb 143-4-2 has been identified that is involved in T cell activation. The expression of the 143-4-2-defined epitope is linked to the previously characterized Ly-6 locus and restricted to bone marrow cells and to a subset of peripheral Lyt-2+ cells. In comparison to other anti-Ly-6.2 mAb, the 143-4-2 mAb appears to be directed at an allogeneic determinant of the Ly-6.2C molecule. The anti-Ly-6.2C antibody can promote the lysis of antigen-non-bearing target cells by alloreactive CTL clones, and in the presence of cofactors (PMA or IL 2) induces a subset of Lyt-2+ cells to proliferate, perhaps through an autocrine pathway. Although the antibody described has antigen-like effects as described for anti-TcR complex reagents, studies performed with a recently derived anti-murine T3 mAb suggest that the Ly-6.2C molecule is not associated on the cell surface with components of the TcR complex. Nevertheless, cell surface expression of the TcR complex is required for optimal triggering of T cells via the Ly-6.2C molecule. Because Ly-6.2C determinants are expressed in bone marrow and not in the thymus, the possibility is considered that expression of this molecule identifies a distinct subset of extrathymically derived T cells.  相似文献   

The production and characterization of a rat mu,kappa monoclonal anti-mouse T cell subset antibody, B4B2, is reported in this paper. B4B2 typing of lymphoid tissues of commonly used inbred mouse strains revealed two types of reactivity patterns. They can be characterized as C57BL/6-like (B6-like) or C3H/He-like (C3H-like). Among B6-like strains, B4B2 recognizes 5 to 10% of spleen cells, 30 to 50% of bone marrow cells, and less than 2 to 3% of thymocytes. In C3H-like strains, B4B2 reacts with less than 1% of spleen cells, 2 to 8% of bone marrow cells, and less than 1% of thymocytes. B4B2 recognizes a T cell subset differentiation antigen expressed by B6-like strains but not by C3H-like strains. Typing of BXH recombinant inbred strains showed linked expression of B4B2 and the Ly-6 antigen. The expression of B4B2 antigen appears to be under codominant control as the median fluorescence distribution of B4B2+ cells in C57BL/6 was approximately twice that of (C57BL/6xC3H)F1. B4B2 was shown to react with approximately 40 to 50% of Lyt-2+ T cells and less than 1% of L3T4+ T cells. No staining of resting or activated B cells by B4B2 was detected. The ratio of B4B2+:Lyt-2+ cells was similar for resting T cells and activated T cells obtained from mitogen-stimulated cultures or mixed lymphocyte cultures. In neonatal spleen, substantially more B4B2+ than Lyt-2+ cells were found. With increasing age, however, a rapid decline in B4B2+ cells and a corresponding increase of Lyt-2+ cells was observed. By approximately 1 mo of age, the relative proportion of these subsets had reversed so that Lyt-2+ cells became more numerous than B4B2+ cells.  相似文献   

Lyb-2/CD72 is a 45-kDa mouse B cell surface protein that binds CD5 and has been shown to play a role in B cell proliferation and differentiation. Using the polymerase chain reaction we have isolated and sequenced cDNA clones encoding the serologically defined mouse Lyb-2a, Lyb-2b, and Lyb-2c alleles. We confirmed that our full length cDNA clones encode the Lyb-2a, -2b, and -2c alleles, respectively, by transfecting the isolated Lyb-2/CD72 cDNA clones into L cells and demonstrating that the transfectants bind only the appropriate allele specific anti-Lyb-2/CD72 antibodies. Sequence comparisons demonstrate that the Lyb-2/CD72 allels are highly conserved in their cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains but exhibit a high degree of polymorphism in their extracellular domains. This polymorphism in the extracellular region involves amino acid substitutions at a minimum of 20 residues and is concentrated primarily in the membrane distal region. cDNA sequence comparisons also demonstrate two distinct seven amino acid insertion/deletions among these allelic variants. A form of Lyb-2b cDNA lacking the sequence encoding the transmembrane region was isolated from a C57B1/6 mouse and a CH12.LX subline. The Lyb-2/CD72 PCR products from mRNA of mice expressing Lyb-2a and Lyb-2c contain a DNA fragment that corresponds in size to the transmembraneless form, suggesting that these mouse strains also express this mRNA.  相似文献   

The human alpha-fetoprotein gene spans 19,489 base pairs from the putative "Cap" site to the polyadenylation site. It is composed of 15 exons separated by 14 introns, which are symmetrically placed within the three domains of alpha-fetoprotein. In the 5' region, a putative TATAAA box is at position -21, and a variant sequence, CCAAC, of the common CAT box is at -65. Enhancer core sequences GTGGTTTAAAG are found in introns 3 and 4, and several copies of glucocorticoid response sequences AGATACAGTA are found on the template strand of the gene. There are six polymorphic sites within 4690 base pairs of contiguous DNA derived from two allelic alpha-fetoprotein genes. This amounts to a measured polymorphic frequency of 0.13%, or 6.4 X 10(-4)/site, which is about 5-10 times lower than values estimated from studies on polymorphic restriction sites in other regions of the human genome. There are four types of repetitive sequence elements in the introns and flanking regions of the human alpha-fetoprotein gene. At least one of these is apparently a novel structure (designated Xba) and is found as a pair of direct repeats, with one copy in intron 7 and the other in intron 8. It is conceivable that within the last 2 million years the copy in intron 8 gave rise to the repeat in intron 7. Their present location on both sides of exon 8 gives these sequences a potential for disrupting the functional integrity of the gene in the event of an unequal crossover between them. There are three Alu elements, one of which is in intron 4; the others are located in the 3' flanking region. A solitary Kpn repeat is found in intron 3. The Xba and Kpn repeats were only detected by complete sequencing of the introns. Neither X, Xba, nor Kpn elements are present in the related human albumin gene, whereas Alu's are present in different positions. From phylogenetic evidence, it appears that Alu elements were inserted into the alpha-fetoprotein gene at some time postdating the mammalian radiation 85 million years ago.  相似文献   

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