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The heat of reaction of ATP with beef cardiac myosin has been determined in a flow microcalorimeter at two different temperatures. The reaction heat obtained by extrapolation to infinite flow rate is interpreted to be the heat of formation of the steady-state set of myosin-nucleotide complexes. The large temperature dependence of this heat, an apparent change in heat capacity, could be caused by an isomerization between two myosin conformations. The enthalpies and heat capacities of binding of ADP, AMP, and pyrophosphate have also been measured and are discussed in terms of this model.  相似文献   

D Applegate  E Reisler 《Biochemistry》1984,23(20):4779-4784
Limited proteolytic digestions of myosin subfragment 1 (S-1) with elastase, subtilisin, papain, and thermolysin yield fragments that correspond within 1-2K daltons to the 25K, 50K, and 20K fragments produced by trypsin. While papain and thermolysin cut preferentially at the 26K/70K junction, elastase and subtilisin cleave both the 26K/70K and the 75K/22K junctions in S-1. Using the above proteases as conformational probes, we have previously demonstrated that the binding of actin is sensed at both the 26K/50K and the 50K/22K junctions [Applegate, D., & Reisler, E. (1983) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 80, 7109-7112]. We report here that the binding of nucleotides at the active site is also sensed at both junctions. Both 2 mM MgADP and 5 mM MgATP slow the rate of elastase and subtilisin cleavage of the 95K heavy chain. With elastase, the 3-fold decrease in the rate of cleavage induced by nucleotides is evidenced at both the 26K/50K and the 50K/22K junctions. The analysis of subtilisin digestions is complicated by Mg nucleotide induced cleavage at a new site to produce a 91K fragment. Using N-methyl-6-anilinonaphthalene-2-sulfonyl chloride (MnsCl) to fluorescently label the 26K peptide, we demonstrate that the additional cleavage site is approximately 4K daltons from the N-terminal portion of the 95K heavy chain.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Nucleotide-induced states of myosin subfragment 1 cross-linked to actin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A M Duong  E Reisler 《Biochemistry》1989,28(8):3502-3509
Actomyosin interactions and the properties of weakly bound states in carbodiimide-cross-linked complexes of actin and myosin subfragment 1 (S-1) were probed in tryptic digestion, fluorescence, and thiol modification experiments. Limited proteolysis showed that the 50/20K junction on S-1 was protected in cross-linked acto-S-1 from trypsin even under high-salt conditions in the presence of MgADP, MgAMPPNP, and MgPPi (mu = 0.5 M). The same junction was exposed to trypsin by MgATP and MgATP gamma S but mainly on S-1 cross-linked via its 50K fragment to actin. p-Phenylenedimaleimide-bridged S-1, when cross-linked to actin, yielded similar tryptic cleavage patterns to those of cross-linked S-1 in the presence of MgATP. By using p-nitrophenylenemaleimide, it was found that the essential thiols of cross-linked S-1 were exposed to labeling in the presence of MgATP and MgATP gamma S in a state-specific manner. In contrast to this, the reactive thiols were protected from modification in the presence of MgADP, MgAMPPNP, and MgPPi at mu = 0.5 M. These modifications were compared with similar reactions on isolated S-1. Experiments with pyrene-actin cross-linked to S-1 showed enhancement of fluorescence intensity upon additions of MgATP and MgATP gamma S, indicating the release of the pyrene probe on actin from the sphere of S-1 influence. The results of this study contrast the "open" structure of weakly bound actomyosin states to the "tight" conformation of rigor complexes.  相似文献   

The neck region of kinesin constitutes a key component in the enzyme's walking mechanism. Here we applied cryoelectron microscopy and image reconstruction to investigate the location of the kinesin neck in dimeric and monomeric constructs complexed to microtubules. To this end we enhanced the visibility of this region by engineering an SH3 domain into the transition between neck linker and neck coiled coil. The resulting chimeric kinesin constructs remained functional as verified by physiology assays. In the presence of AMP-PNP the SH3 domains allowed us to identify the position of the neck in a well defined conformation and revealed its high flexibility in the absence of nucleotide. We show here the double-headed binding of dimeric kinesin along the same protofilament, which is characterized by the opposite directionality of neck linkers. In this configuration the neck coiled coil appears fully zipped. The position of the neck region in dimeric constructs is not affected by the presence of the tubulin C-termini as confirmed by subtilisin treatment of microtubules prior to motor decoration.  相似文献   

Processive stepping of myosin Va (myoV) has been tracked by monitoring either the tail position (center of mass) or the position of one or both heads. Here, we combine these two approaches by attaching a quantum dot to one of the motor domains and a bead to the tail. Using laser trapping and total internal reflection microscopy, the position of one head and the tail are observed simultaneously as myoV moves processively on an actin filament bundle against the resistive load of the laser trap. The head moves one step (73 ± 10 nm) for every two steps of the tail (35 ± 9 nm). One tail step occurs concurrently with quantum dot-labeled head movement, whereas the other occurs with movement of the unlabeled head, consistent with a hand-over-hand model. Load increases the probability of the motor taking a back step. The back step is triggered by the motor taking a shorter forward step (head step, 68 ± 11 nm; tail step, 32 ± 10 nm), likely one actin monomer short of its preferred binding site. During a back step, the motor reverses its hand-over-hand motion, with the leading head detaching and reattaching to one of multiple actin sites behind the trailing head. After a back step, the motor can correct its mistake and step processively forward at resistive loads <0.7 piconewton or stall or detach at higher loads. Back stepping may provide a mechanism to ensure efficient cargo delivery even when myoV encounters obstacles within the actin cytoskeletal meshwork or when other motors are attached to the same cargo.  相似文献   

A long alpha-helix in myosin head constitutes a lever arm together with light chains. It is known from X-ray crystallographic studies that the first three turns of this lever arm alpha-helix are inserted into the converter region of myosin. We previously showed that chimeric Chara myosin in which the motor domain of Chara myosin was connected to the lever arm alpha-helix of Dictyostelium myosin had motility far less than that expected for the motor domain of Chara myosin. Here, we replaced the inserted three turns of alpha-helix of Dictyostelium myosin with that of the Chara myosin and found that the replacement enhanced the motility 2.6-fold without changing the ATPase activity so much. The result clearly showed the importance of interaction between the converter region and the lever arm alpha-helix for the efficient motility of myosin.  相似文献   

Myosin is the molecular motor that powers muscle contraction as a result of conformational changes during its mechanochemical cycle. We demonstrate that the converter, a compact structural domain that differs in sequence between Drosophila melanogaster myosin isoforms, dramatically influences the kinetic properties of myosin and muscle fibres. Transgenic replacement of the converter in the fast indirect flight muscle with the converter from an embryonic muscle slowed muscle kinetics, forcing a compensatory reduction in wing beat frequency to sustain flight. Conversely, replacing the embryonic converter with the flight muscle converter sped up muscle kinetics and increased maximum power twofold, compared to flight muscles expressing the embryonic myosin isoform. The substitutions also dramatically influenced in vitro actin sliding velocity, suggesting that the converter modulates a rate-limiting step preceding cross-bridge detachment. Our integrative analysis demonstrates that isoform-specific differences in the myosin converter allow different muscle types to meet their specific locomotion demands.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of a vertebrate nonmuscle myosin heavy chain-B isoform (MHC-B, 1976 amino acids, 229 kDa) has been deduced by using cDNA clones from chicken brain libraries. The chicken nonmuscle MHC-B shows overall similarity in primary structure to other MHCs in the areas contributing to the ATP-binding site and actin-binding site. Similar to other nonsarcomeric MHC IIs, there is a short uncoiled tail sequence at the carboxyl terminus of the molecule. It is in the uncoiled tail sequence that the greatest number of differences in amino acids sequence between MHC-A and B were found, which allowed generation of isoform-specific antibodies. These antibodies were used to determine the relative content of MHC-A and MHC-B in various tissues. During the cloning of the cDNA encoding chicken brain MHC-B, we found a 63-nucleotide insertion encoding 21 amino acids located in the head region of the MHC near to the actin-binding site and a 30 nucleotide insertion encoding 10 amino acids near to the ATP-binding site. Analysis using S-1 nuclease showed that both inserts are expressed in a tissue-dependent manner; mRNA containing the inserts is present in tissues of the nervous system, but is absent from other non-muscle cells, which contain the noninserted isoform of MHC-B. Similar inserts were found in corresponding positions in human cerebellar mRNA. Antibodies raised against a peptide synthesized based on the 21 amino acid insert found in chickens recognize a MHC isoform in the same tissues that are enriched for the mRNA. These insertions appear to be a mechanism for generating additional MHC-B isoforms specific to the nervous system.  相似文献   

Conventional and saturation transfer electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR and ST EPR) was used to study the orientation of probe molecules in muscle fibers in different intermediate states of the ATP hydrolysis cycle. A separate procedure was used to obtain ST EPR spectra with precise phase settings even in the case of samples with low spectral intensity. Fibers prepared from rabbit psoas muscle were labeled with isothiocyanate spin labels at the reactive thiol sites of the catalytic domain of myosin. In comparison with rigor, a significant difference was detected in the orientation-dependence of spin labels in the ADP and adenosine 5'-[beta,gamma-imido]triphosphate (AdoPP[CH2]P) states, indicating changes in the internal dynamics and domain orientation of myosin. In the AdoPP[CH2]P state, approximately half of the myosin heads reflected the motional state of ADP-myosin, and the other half showed a different dynamic state with greater mobility.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that modification of the 1 and 6 positions of the adenosine ring of ADP by forming the 1,N6-etheno derivative does not alter the binding affinity of the nucleotide to myosin. The data presented in this communication indicate that despite the identity of binding parameters the interaction between the modified nucleotide and myosin is not the same as that occurring with MgADP. Alkylation studies indicate that the SH1 thiol is more accessible in the myosin-Mg?ADP complex whereas the SH2 thiol is less accessible compared to their reactivities in the myosin-MgADP state. Studies with the bifunctional reagent p-phenylenedimaleimide indicate that these thiols are also further apart in the protein-modified nueleotide complex. These studies suggest that ring 1 of the adenosine nucleotide diphosphate is implicated in the interaction that exposes the SH2 site to alkylation.  相似文献   

Head movements induced by motor cortex stimulation in the cat are accompanied by variations in the vertical force exerted by each limb. These postural responses were found to show stereotyped patterns: with head dorsiflexions an increase was observed in the force exerted by the anterior limbs and a decrease at the posterior limb level. From comparison between the latencies of the force variations, the beginning of head acceleration, and EMG activity in the limb extensor muscles, it was concluded that triggering of these postural responses is not reflex, but depends on the same command as the movement itself. This early response might be a means of avoiding the downward movement of the trunk which would otherwise result from the reaction force corresponding to the upward head movement.  相似文献   

G DasGupta  E Reisler 《Biochemistry》1991,30(41):9961-9966
The binding of myosin subfragment 1 (S-1) to actin in the presence and absence of nucleotides was determined under conditions of partial saturation of actin, up to 80%, by Fab(1-7), the antibodies against the first seven N-terminal residues on actin. In the absence of nucleotides, the binding constant of S-1 to actin (2 x 10(7) M-1) was decreased by 1 order of magnitude by Fab(1-7). The binding of S-1 to actin caused only limited displacement of Fab, and between 30 and 50% of actin appeared to bind both proteins. In the presence of MgAMP.PNP, MgADP, and MgPPi and at low S-1 concentrations, the same antibodies caused a large decrease in the binding of S-1 to actin. However, the binding of S-1.nucleotide to actin in the presence of Fab(1-7) increased cooperatively with the increase in S-1 concentration. Also, in contrast to rigor conditions, there was no indication for the binding of Fab(1-7) and S-1.nucleotide to the same actin molecules. These results show a nucleotide-induced transition in the actomyosin interface, most likely related to the different roles of the N-terminal segment of actin in the binding of S-1 and S-1.nucleotide. The possible implications of these findings to the regulation of actomyosin interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle myosin has two reactive thiols located near the C-terminal region of its motor domain, the “converter”, which rotates by ∼70° upon the transition from the “nucleotide-free” state to the “pre-power stroke” state. The incorporation rates of a thiol reagent, 5-(((2-iodoacetyl)amino)ethyl)aminonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid (IAEDANS), into these thiols were greatly altered by adding ATP or changing the myosin conformation. Comparisons of the myosin structures in the pre-power stroke state and the nucleotide-free state explained why the reactivity of both thiols is especially sensitive to a conformational change around the converter, and thus can be used as a sensor of the rotation of the converter. Modeling of the myosin structure in the pre-power stroke state, in which the most reactive thiol, “SH1”, was selectively modified with IAEDANS, revealed that this label becomes an obstacle when the converter completely rotates toward its position in the pre-power stroke state, thus resulting in incomplete rotation of the converter. Therefore, we suggest that the limitation of the converter rotation by modification causes the as-yet unexplained phenomena of SH1-modified myosin, including the inhibition of 10S myosin formation and the losses in phosphorylation-dependent regulation of the basic and actin-activated Mg-ATPase activities of myosin.  相似文献   

The ATPase site of myosin was located by three-dimensional electron microscopy using the avidin-biotin system. The site is about 5 nm from the tip of the myosin head, about 4 nm apart from the actin-binding site of myosin.  相似文献   

Recently the converter domain, anintegral part of the "mechanical element" common to all molecularmotors, was proposed to modulate the kinetic properties ofDrosophila chimeric myosin isoforms. Here we investigatedthe molecular basis of actin filament velocity(Vactin) changes previously observed with thechimeric EMB-IC and IFI-EC myosin proteins [the embryonic body wallmuscle (EMB) and indirect flight muscle isoforms (IFI) with geneticsubstitution of the IFI and EMB converter domains, respectively]. Inthe laser trap assay the IFI and IFI-EC myosins generate the sameunitary step displacement (IFI = 7.3 ± 1.0 nm, IFI-EC = 5.8 ± 0.9 nm; means ± SE). Thus converter-mediateddifferences in the kinetics of strong actin-myosin binding, rather thanthe mechanical capabilities of the protein, must account for theobserved Vactin values. Basal andactin-activated ATPase assays and skinned fiber mechanical experimentsdefinitively support a role for the converter domain in modulating thekinetic properties of the myosin protein. We propose that the converterdomain kinetically couples the Pi and ADP release stepsthat occur during the cross-bridge cycle.


The fluorescent reagent 9-anthroylnitrile (ANN) reacted preferentially with serine among various amino acids tested. When the myosin subfragment-1 (S-1) was incubated with ANN, the 9-anthroyl (AN) group was covalently incorporated into the S-1 heavy chain. The incorporation of the AN group was enhanced by the presence of ATP and ADP. In the presence of ATP, 0.98 mol of the AN group was maximally incorporated into S-1. The resulting S-1 derivative exhibited four absorption maxima in the range of 300-400 nm and fluoresced strongly with an emission maximum at 462 nm upon excitation at 390 nm. The spectral properties were similar to those of the AN-derivatives of serine and polyserine. When 0.98 mol of the AN group was incorporated into S-1, the K+- and Ca2+-ATPase activities decreased to 30%, while the Mg2+-ATPase activity increased to 220% of the original value. Tryptic digestion of the labeled S-1 revealed that the AN group was attached only to the NH2-terminal 23-kDa tryptic peptide of the S-1 heavy chain. Neither the 20-nor the 50-kDa peptide was labeled with ANN. The results suggest that a serine residue, which becomes more reactive in the presence of the nucleotide, is located in the 23-kDa tryptic peptide of S-1.  相似文献   

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