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Artificial selection was conducted to reduce the behavioral responsiveness of female bruchid beetles, Callosobruchus chinensis, to the oviposition deterring pheromone excreted by conspecific females. Significant responses to selection were observed after two generations of selection. Realized heritability was estimated as 0.052 ± 0.017 from cumulative responses regressed on cumulative selection differentials. These results indicate that this pheromone communication system has significant additive genetic variance needed for its evolution.  相似文献   

Three models were constructed for analyzing the population characteristics ofC. chinensis on stored beans; model A describing the whole reproductive process with a single equation, model B describing the three age-specific processes (oviposition, egg survival and larval survival) with separate equations, and model C which describes all these processes not for the whole habitat but for the individual beans comprizing it. The logit equation was employed here as a common basis to describe the density-response relationship involved. All three models showed very good fit to the experimental data obtained for both laboratory and wild strains of the weevil. The parameter values characterizing the population dynamics were, however, widely different between the two strains; the laboratory one which had been reared for some 500 generations showed significantly higher reproductive capacity, less sensitive and gentler response to crowding in both adult and egg stages, and more uniform egg distribution among individual beans, as compared with the wild strain newly introduced. Sensitivity analyses using these models suggested that these changes in population characteristics have been attained by the process of domestication or adaptation to stable laboratory conditions through a long period of time. This process seemed in effect to have optimized the population's performances in the laboratory environment. Evolutionary significance of such optimization was discussed with reference to the selection pressure which may have acted upon individuals.  相似文献   

The experimental studies was done on the interspecies competition between the azuki bean weevil, Callosobruchus chinensis, and the southern cowpea weevil, C. maculatus, under the different environmental conditions.
  1. At 30°C, 70% R. H., the change of food replenishment interval had no influence upon the competition results, and the competition always ended in the extinction of C. maculatus. But there was a tendency for the period of co-existence to be elongated as the interval of replenishment lengthened.
  2. At 30°C, 70% R. H., there were no differences in the competition processes and results between the competition using the dry bean (water content about 11%) or the normal one (about 15%).
  3. At 32°C, 64% R. H., the competition result was reversed from that at 30°C, 70% R. H. This is thought to be due to the differences of the developmental rates and the numbers of eggs oviposited between the two species at these conditions.
  4. In some cases the competition result could be understood from the point of the phenomena of single species populations of both species, but in other cases, the results were in conflict with the expectation from those phenomena. To analyze the competition mechanism, it is necessary to investigate the interaction between species.

Summary The effect of competition pressure on the sequential pattern of adult emergence was studied by using the experimental population of the azuki bean weevil. The density and pattern of emergence curves of the parental adult induced the changes in the shape of emergence curve of the progeny as well as the number of progeny individuals. In order to explain these changes, a simple mathematical model which has two independent variables, the population density and the capacity of environment, was introduced. The model generated basically similar patterns of emergene curves as observed in the present experiments. This means that the model displayed well the competition pressure which differentially acted upon early-born and late-born individuals in the populations being at different densities and which were differentially received by individual progeny according to the sequential distributions of parents. This different severity of competition pressure resulted in the difference of time when the pressure compelled influences on the sequential distribution of adult emergence. Therefore, early developed individuals may have good chance to survive, but the competition pressure works as a factor modifying their fundamental superiority, especially in the scramble type of competition. Intense crowding of the azuki bean weevil gave rise to the scramble type of competition in the relation between the numbers of adults emerged in two successive generations. When parental emergence concentrated in a short term and at high density, the competition becomes intense, resulting in the inferiority of early developed individuals, in the decrease in number at the next generation and in the increase of duration for emergence.  相似文献   

Larvae of the bean weevil C. maculatus feeding in a single bean apparently respond to vibrations from each other's chewing: one larva feeds normally, the other is inhibited. If the burrows of the larvae intersect, the inhibited larva dies. If the dominant larva pupates or dies without the burrows intersecting, the inhibited larvae then feeds and matures if enough food remains. Since females add second eggs to the largest beans after most beans carry a single egg, competition is most common in the largest available beans, precisely where inhibited larvae can benefit from avoiding a contest.
Résumé Lors de la compétition, les larves réagissent l'une par rapport à l'autre, même lorsque leurs galeries sont séparées. L'une est inhibée, tandis que l'autre se comporte comme si elle était seule. Le signal provoquant ces réactions, qui peut traverser du papier métallique, est dû vraisemblablement aux vibrations de mastication des larves; ces dernières perçoivent ces signaux tout au long de leur vie active. La larve la plus âgée ne l'emporte pas obligatoirement, ce qui signifie que le signal indique plus que l'âge.Les conditions expérimentales peuvent inverser les réponses des unes et des autres, bien que la larve la plus âgée puisse souvent mourir de ces conditions anormales de compétition. L'avantage potentiel associé à l'inhibition du futur perdant est mis en évidence en collant ensemble des graines. Quand la larve dominante se nymphose, la larve inhibée recommence à s'alimenter et achève son développement. En ayant eu son alimentation interrompue et en restant dans une galerie superficielle, la larve inhibée évite les affrontements et peut se développer lorsque la larve dominante meurt ou se nymphose, puisque la galerie de la larve inhibée n'avait pas été sectionnée.La stratégie de ponte réduit la fréquence de la compétition en uniformisant la distribution des oeufs; elle augmente les chances de survie des larves vaincues avec l'addition des oeufs sur les graines les plus grosses quand les disponibilités sont limitées. L'étude de l'évolution de ces adaptations a été possible puisque, comme on le sait, C. maculatus est génétiquement polymorphe pour les caractères déterminant le comportement de ponte des femelles et la compétition larvaire.

Abstract. This paper concerns the effects of mate and seed availability on the rate of egg maturation in the bean weevil Callosobruchus maculatus (F.). Egg maturation starts before emergence from the seed and, provided that both oviposition sites and mates are available, eggs are laid at a rate determined by the number of oviposition sites, and mature at a similar rate. If seeds or mates are absent then a small number of eggs are laid, but oocytes continue to mature until the oviduct-capacity is approached. The number of eggs that a female can store is dependent on her body weight and does not correlate with the number of ovarioles. If, after a period in which oocyte development has been halted, conditions for egg-laying become suitable, then egg maturation can be re-started, but only after the oviducts have been emptied of eggs. The rate of egg maturation is then similar to that for females of the same age which have been maturing eggs since emergence.  相似文献   

Costs of reproduction include the costs of mating and egg production. Specific techniques such as irradiation or genetic mutation have been used to divide the expense into costs of mating and egg production in previous studies. We tried to divide the costs in the adzuki bean beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), which needs some kinds of bean as an oviposition substrate. Mated females that were not allowed to lay eggs had a shorter life span than virgin females, but they had a longer life span than mated females that were allowed to lay eggs. The results showed two independent significant costs, mating and egg production, on the life span in C. chinensis. Costs of mating, however, include the costs of sexual harassment by males and copulation itself, and we need further studies to divide the costs. The present method for dividing the cost of reproduction into costs of mating and egg production can be applied to a broad taxonomic range of insect species, and thus it will be a useful model system for inter-specific comparisons of costs of mating and egg production.  相似文献   

Responses of laboratory population of the azuki bean beetle Callosobruchus chinensis to temperature conditions of 30°C and 32°C are compared. Equilibrium population size was found to be lower at 32°C. A one-generation process examined by reproduction-curve experiments is divided into two consecutive life stages specified by different habitats, i.e., outside and inside beans. Modified logistic difference equations are used to describe these population-level responses at each life stages. Sensitivity analysis is used to determine parameters of importance, thus determining the main cause of the reduced equilibrium population size at 32°C. The reduction resulted from the decrease in maximum population size of emerged adults which have experienced inside-bean process. The application and limitation of this population-level analysis to different levels are discussed.  相似文献   

Thirty cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers, cultivars were evaluated as intact pods to determine if any possessed resistance to the cowpea weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabr.). Pod resistance was measured as pre-establishment larval mortality (PreM); those larvae dying after egg hatch but before penetrating into the seeds, and as post-establishment within-seed mortality (PostM); those larvae dying after penetrating into the seeds. Among the 30 varieties examined, PreM ranged from 57.9% to 99.4% and PostM ranged from 6.7% to 82.6%. Ten varieties exhibited total intact pod mortality (mortality from egg hatch to adult emergence from the seed) greater than 95%.Physical measurements were made of several pod and seed characteristics to ascertain whether the observed pod resistance was due to seed factors, pod-wall factors, or to interactions between the pod and seeds. Although resistance to breakage (from handling plus pod dehiscence) is a necessary characteristic for overall pod protection against C. maculatus; other factors are also important. Among the other pod and seed characteristics measured to identify major resistance factors, seed coat thickness was the one most highly correlated with pod resistance. Our results suggest that interactions between pod-wall and seed coat characteristics play a large role in pod resistance of cowpeas to C. maculatus.  相似文献   

Empirical studies of behavioral processes were designed in a seed beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus, to distinguish between two alternative tactical models, namely, comparison tactics and threshold tactics of seed choice, and also to deduce the behavioral rule of its oviposition decisions. Search sequences and the oviposition process of the female bruchid beetle were observed and recorded. Analyzing data of the search sequence showed that the female bruchid beetle repeatedly encountered seeds randomly and tended to oviposit on a newly encountered seed in an ovposition bout. These results contradict the usual comparison models, which predict that the female will return to choose any one of the previously encountered seeds after sampling. In addition, the oviposition decision (rejection or acceptance of an encountered seed to oviposit) was analyzed with a generalized linear modeling (GLIM) technique. Modeling showed that the probability of accepting a seed with different numbers of eggs on it changed during her egg-laying process. This evidence supports the idea that the female is using a threshold tactic and that her acceptance threshold is being adjusted by experience gained during the egg-laying process. The analysis of statistical modeling also showed that both the time since the last oviposition and the number of eggs which had been laid by the female had a significant effect on the probability of accepting seeds with different numbers of eggs. Therefore, a time measuring system and the physiological state variable, e.g., eggload of the female, should be included in the behavioral rule to explore how the female makes her decision in the egg-laying process and to examine the importance of choice behavior as a component of selection and adaptation. Received: May 8, 1998 / Accepted: September 20, 1999  相似文献   

Two versions of a stage-structured model of Cirsium vulgare population dynamics were developed. Both incorporated density dependence at one stage in the life cycle of the plant. In version 1 density dependence was assumed to operate during germination whilst in version 2 it was included at the seedling stage. Density-dependent parameter values for the model were estimated from annual census data in a factorial grazing experiment. Version 1 of the model produced significant estimates of density dependence under field conditions. The estimated values, when included in a simulation of the dynamics, produced two-point limit cycles under conditions of hard grazing. The limit cycles were most pronounced at the early rosette stage. Comparison of the effects of density dependence at the two different stages in the life cycle revealed a strong difference in predicted dynamics. This emphasizes the importance of determining where density dependence operates under field conditions and the potential problems of arbitrarily assigning it to particular life-history stages. Version 1 of the model produced a good prediction of observed mean plant density across the different grazing treatments (r 2=0.81, P<0.001).  相似文献   

Summary One strain (iC) ofC. chinensis and two strains (aQ and tQ) ofC. maculatus were used to study the temporal pattern in adult distribution in oviposition site. The density of iC in the oviposition site decreased faster than the density in the population cage, but the pattern was not affected by the presence of the other species. The density in ovipositon site of aQ and tQ controls was far lower than that of iC. The density changes in the controls of both strains were rather parallel to the pattern in the population cage. The density of aQ and tQ in the oviposition site in mixed cultures was affected by the presence of the other species. The density of aQ was less than half that in the controls. The pattern of density change was almost the same as in the controls. The density of tQ in the mixed cultures, although lowered initially by the presence of iC, increased after the density of iC decreased. Coupled with its longer female longevity, this characteristic of tQ behavior at the oviposition site apparently contributed to its winning the competition with iC. The adult distribution pattern observed in the present experiments provides an explanation for the peculiar two-fold increase in mean individual weight ofC. chinensis in mixed cultures compared with controls, whileC. maculatus adults were a little lighter in mixed cultures than the controls. Contribution from the Entomological Laboratory, Kyoto University, No. 432.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that larger propagules should be produced when the offspring are expected to experience intense competition. This study tested whether female cowpea weevils responded to high larval or adult density by producing larger eggs. In a splitbrood design I measured the effect of density experienced by females at their larval stage (1 vs. 4–6 larvae/cowpea) on the size of eggs produced just after emergence. The females were then kept either at low adult density (1 female+1 male per vial), or at high adult density (10 females+10 males) for 2 days, and tested for the effect of this adult density treatment on the size of eggs laid subsequently. I measured egg length and width, as well as the diameter of the entrance tunnel made by the larva, which can be regarded as a crude measure of larval size. Females that experienced high adult density subsequently laid slightly wider eggs than those kept at low density. This difference, albeit small (about 1–4% after correction for female weight and the effect of family, depending on the statistical model used), was statistically significant and robust to alterations of the statistical model. It may be a remnant of a larger plastic response of egg size to competition that has become eroded during many generations in high-density laboratory cultures. There was no difference in egg length or the diameter of the entrance tunnel. Eggs laid just after emergence by females reared at high larval density also tended to be wider than those produced by females that had no competitors. This effect was only marginally significant, however, and sensitive to the statistical model. Both egg length and width and the diameter of the entrance tunnel increased with female weight and decreased with female age. The tunnel diameter was positively correlated with both egg length and width, but the effect of width was larger.  相似文献   

Seven Pakistani strains of entomopathogenic nematodes belonging to the genera Steinernema and Heterorhabditis were tested against last instar and adult stages of the pulse beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis (L.). These nematodes included Steinernema pakistanense Shahina, Anis, Reid and Maqbool (Ham 10 strain); S. asiaticum Anis, Shahina, Reid and Rowe (211 strain); S. abbasi Elawad, Ahmad and Reid (507 strain); S. siamkayai Stock, Somsook and Reid (157 strain); S. feltiae Filipjev (A05 strains); Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar (1743 strain); and H. indica Poinar, Karunakar and David (HAM-64 strain). Activity of all strains was determined at four different nematode densities in Petri dishes and in concrete containers. A significant nematode density effect was detected for all nematode species tested. Overall, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, S. siamkayai, and S. pakistanense were among those that showed the highest virulence to pulse beetle larvae and adults. For all nematode species, the last larval stage of the pulse beetle seems to be more susceptible than the adult. LC(50) values in Petri dish and concrete containers were 14-340 IJs/larvae and 41-441 IJs/larvae, respectively, and 59-1376 IJs/adult and 170-684/adult, respectively.  相似文献   

Human activity often causes a decline in the local density of plant populations. Below some critical lower density, populations may suffer a progressive decline in reproductive success because of the difficulties associated with finding suitable mates. Therefore, to conserve endangered plant species it is necessary to understand in greater detail how changes in population density affect different determinants of plant reproductive success. We simultaneously recorded individual plant pollination success, reproductive effort and fruit parasitism in three populations of Cistus ladanifer L. in eastern Portugal. Pollination success declined significantly as distance to the nearest conspecific increased (p<0.001). However, reproductive effort and fruit parasitism showed the opposite pattern (both p<0.001). On average, plants farther than 1 m from their nearest conspecific suffered from three times more fruit parasitism compared to plants closer to a conspecific. Overall, net female reproductive output decreased as nearest neighbor distance rose (p<0.001). Thus, isolated plants were able to compensate only partially for reduced pollination success through increased reproductive effort. We conclude that management plans for plant populations should recognize that reproductive success is the accumulated result of several different processes, which may each respond to plant density in different ways.  相似文献   

The fumigant effect of Mentha piperita and Ocimum basilicum oils and their mixture against adults and eggs of Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) was evaluated. Bioassay experiments showed that Ocimum basilicum oil was significantly effective against adult and egg stage which was the least effective. However, in the fumigant toxicity experiments against adult stage, Ocimum basilicum oil at a dose of 1.0 μl/38.5 ml air caused 100% mortality (LC50 = 1.88), the mixture of both oils at a dose of 6.0 μl/38.5 ml air caused 100% mortality (LC50 = 10.3) and Mentha piperita oil at a dose of 80.0 μl/38.5 ml air caused 80.0% mortality (LC50 = 41.224) during a one day exposure period. Regarding the oviposition deterrent activity, Ocimum basilicum oil achieved 100% oviposition deterrent (at a dose of 0.5 μl/38.5 ml air) followed by the mixture of Mentha piperita and Ocimum basilicum oils, which achieved 71.22% oviposition deterrent (at a dose of 1.0 μl/38.5 ml air) and Mentha piperita oil, which achieved 39.6% oviposition deterrent (at a dose of 5.0 μl/38.5 ml air). The essential oils and their mixtures studied here determined a significant decrease in the number of eggs hatched and in the emergence of adults. The eggs failed to hatch on using Ocimum basilicum oil at a dose of 0.6 μl/38.5 ml air. However, the number of eggs hatched decreased to 7.4 on using a mixture of oils at a dose of 2.0 μl/38.5 ml air and 14.0 with Mentha piperita oil at a dose of 80.0 μl/38.5 ml air compared with 25.0 eggs hatched in the control experiments. On the other hand, the percentage reduction in emerging adults were 100% for Ocimum basilicum oil, 90.9% for a mixture of the two oils and 72.7% for Mentha piperita oil. Results showed that Ocimum basilicum oil and Ocimum basilicum oils plus Mentha piperita oils in blend are potential alternatives to synthetic fumigants in the treatment of durable agricultural products. Successful adoption of plant oils in the protection of food commodities promises an eco-friendly option compatible with international biosafety regulations.  相似文献   

The effects of mating duration on female remating (exp. 1) and under different male densities (exp. 2) were examined in two strains of the adzuki bean beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis and in one strain of the bruchid beetle, C. maculatus. In experiment 1, the frequency of female remating was markedly different between the two strains of C. chinensis. Females of the jC strain, reared long-term in the laboratory, did not remate after being allowed to mate freely (=monogamy), whereas females of the isC strain, recently established from the field, showed high remating frequencies (=polyandry). In both strains, the frequency of female remating increased after the duration of the first mating was deliberately shortened. The relation between mating duration and remating frequency was significantly different, however, between the two strains. In a closely related species, C. maculatus, which manifests polyandry, this relation was more similar to that of the field-derived (=isC) than to that of the laboratory-derived (=jC) strain of C. chinensis. The reasons for the inter-strain variation observed in the remating frequencies of C. chinensis are also discussed. In experiment 2, the mating duration of the three strains was compared under different male densities. Only the lab-derived strain demonstrated a significantly shorter mating duration when one female was placed together with five males than when paired with one male. The shorter mating duration (approximately 26 s) was similar to that of females allowed to remate in the monogamous strain in experiment 1.  相似文献   

Stable transformation and regeneration was developed for a grain legume, azuki bean (Vigna angularis Willd. Ohwi & Ohashi). Two constructs containing the neomycin phosphotransferase II gene (nptII) and either the -glucuronidase (GUS) gene or the modified green fluorescent protein [sGFP(S65T)] gene were introduced independently via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. After 2 days of co-cultivation on MS medium supplemented with 100 M acetosyringone and 10 mg l–1 6-benzyladenine, seedling epicotyl explants were placed on regeneration medium containing 100 mg l–1 kanamycin. Adventitious shoots developing from explant calli were excised onto rooting medium containing 100 mg l–1 kanamycin. Rooted shoots were excised and repeatedly selected on the same medium containing kanamycin. Surviving plants were transferred to soil and grown in a green house to produce viable seeds. This process took 5 to 7 months after co-cultivation. Molecular analysis confirmed the stable integration and expression of foreign genes.  相似文献   

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