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Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (ARSs) ligate amino acids to their cognate tRNAs. It has been suggested that mammalian ARSs are linked to the EF-1 complex for efficient channeling of aminoacyl tRNAs to ribosome. Here we systemically investigated possible interactions between human ARSs and the subunits of EF-1 (alpha, beta, gamma, and delta) using a yeast two-hybrid assay. Among the 80 tested pairs, leucyl- and histidyl-tRNA synthetases were found to make strong and specific interaction with the EF-1gamma and beta while glu-proly-, glutaminyl-, alanyl-, aspartyl-, lysyl-, phenylalanyl-, glycyl-, and tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetases showed moderate interactions with the different EF-1 subunits. The interactions of leucyl- and histidyl-tRNA synthetase with the EF-1 complex were confirmed by immunoprecipitation and in vitro pull-down experiments. Interestingly, the aminoacylation activities of these two enzymes, but not other ARSs, were stimulated by the cofactor of EF-1, GTP. These data suggest that a systematic interaction network may exist between mammalian ARSs and EF-1 subunits probably to enhance the efficiency of in vivo protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) attach amino acids to their cognate transfer RNAs. In eukaryotes, a subset of cytosolic aaRSs is organized into a multisynthetase complex (MSC), along with specialized scaffolding proteins referred to as aaRS-interacting multifunctional proteins (AIMPs). In Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria, the tRNA import protein (tRip), is a membrane protein that participates in tRNA trafficking; we show that tRip also functions as an AIMP. We identified three aaRSs, the glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (ERS), glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (QRS), and methionyl-tRNA synthetase (MRS), which were specifically coimmunoprecipitated with tRip in Plasmodium berghei blood stage parasites. All four proteins contain an N-terminal glutathione-S-transferase (GST)–like domain that was demonstrated to be involved in MSC assembly. In contrast to previous studies, further dissection of GST-like interactions identified two exclusive heterotrimeric complexes: the Q-complex (tRip–ERS–QRS) and the M-complex (tRip–ERS–MRS). Gel filtration and light scattering suggest a 2:2:2 stoichiometry for both complexes but with distinct biophysical properties and mutational analysis further revealed that the GST-like domains of QRS and MRS use different strategies to bind ERS. Taken together, our results demonstrate that neither the singular homodimerization of tRip nor its localization in the parasite plasma membrane prevents the formation of MSCs in Plasmodium. Besides, the extracellular localization of the tRNA-binding module of tRip is compensated by the presence of additional tRNA-binding modules fused to MRS and QRS, providing each MSC with two spatially distinct functions: aminoacylation of intraparasitic tRNAs and binding of extracellular tRNAs. This unique host–pathogen interaction is discussed.  相似文献   

The peripheral subunit-binding domain (PSBD) of the dihydrolipoyl acetyltransferase (E2, EC binds tightly but mutually exclusively to dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase (E3, EC and pyruvate decarboxylase (E1, EC in the pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex of Bacillus stearothermophilus. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) experiments demonstrated that the enthalpies of binding (DeltaH degrees ) of both E3 and E1 with the PSBD varied with salt concentration, temperature, pH, and buffer composition. There is little significant difference in the free energies of binding (DeltaG degrees = -12.6 kcal/mol for E3 and = -12.9 kcal/mol for E1 at pH 7.4 and 25 degrees C). However, the association with E3 was characterized by a small, unfavorable enthalpy change (DeltaH degrees = +2.2 kcal/mol) and a large, positive entropy change (TDeltaS degrees = +14.8 kcal/mol), whereas that with E1 was accompanied by a favorable enthalpy change (DeltaH degrees = -8.4 kcal/mol) and a less positive entropy change (TDeltaS degrees = +4.5 kcal/mol). Values of DeltaC(p) of -316 cal/molK and -470 cal/molK were obtained for the binding of E3 and E1, respectively. The value for E3 was not compatible with the DeltaC(p) calculated from the nonpolar surface area buried in the crystal structure of the E3-PSBD complex. In this instance, a large negative DeltaC(p) is not indicative of a classical hydrophobic interaction. In differential scanning calorimetry experiments, the midpoint melting temperature (T(m)) of E3 increased from 91 degrees C to 97.1 degrees C when it was bound to PSBD, and that of E1 increased from 65.2 degrees C to 70.0 degrees C. These high T(m) values eliminate unfolding as a major source of the anomalous DeltaC(p) effects at the temperatures (10-37 degrees C) used for the ITC experiments.  相似文献   

The effect of regucalcin, a calcium-binding protein isolated from rat liver cytosol, onin vitro protein synthesis in the 5500g supernatant fraction of rat liver homogenate was investigated. Addition of Ca2+ up to 5.0 M in the reaction mixture caused a significant decrease in protein synthesis. This decrease was saturated at 10 M Ca2+. The Ca2+ effect was not reversed by the presence of regucalcin (2.0 M); the protein caused a remarkable decrease in hepatic protein synthesis, and it enhanced significantly the Ca2– effect. Meanwhile, calmodulin (2.5-20 g/ml), a calcium-binding protein, did not have an appreciable effect on the Ca2+ (10 M)-induced decrease in hepatic protein synthesis. [3H]Leucyl-tRNA synthetase activity in the 105000g supernatant fraction (cytosol) of liver homogenate was markedly decreased by addition of Ca2+ (1.0–50 M). This decrease was not reversed by the presence of regucalcin (2.0 M); the protein (1.0–2.0 M) caused a remarkable decrease in the enzyme activity. The present results suggest that regucalcin can regulate protein synthesis in liver cells.  相似文献   

In the first stage of a diffusion-controlled enzymatic reaction, aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) interact with cognate tRNAs forming non-specific encounters. The aaRSs catalyzing the same overall aminoacylation reaction vary greatly in subunit organization, structural domain composition and amino acid sequence. The diffusional association of aaRS and tRNA was found to be governed by long-range electrostatic interactions when the homogeneous negative potential of tRNA fits to the patches of positive potential produced by aaRS; one patch for each tRNA substrate molecule. Considering aaRS as a molecule with anisotropic reactivity and on the basis of continuum electrostatics and Smoluchowski's theory, the reaction conditions for tRNA-aaRS diffusional encounters were formulated. The domains, categorized as enzymatically relevant, appeared to be non-essential for field sculpturing at long distances. On the other hand, a set of complementary domains exerts primary control on the aaRS isopotential surface formation. Subdividing the aaRS charged residues into native, conservative and non-conservative subsets, we evaluated the contribution of each group to long-range electrostatic potential. Surprisingly, the electrostatic potential landscapes generated by native and non-conservative subsets are fairly similar, thus suggesting the non-conservative subset is developed specifically for efficient tRNA attraction.  相似文献   

The atomic view of the active site coupling termed channelling is a major subject in molecular biology. We have determined two distinct crystal structures of the bacterial multienzyme complex that catalyzes the last three sequential reactions in the fatty acid beta-oxidation cycle. The alpha2beta2 heterotetrameric structure shows the uneven ring architecture, where all the catalytic centers of 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (ECH), L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (HACD) and 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase (KACT) face a large inner solvent region. The substrate, anchored through the 3'-phosphate ADP moiety, allows the fatty acid tail to pivot from the ECH to HACD active sites, and finally to the KACT active site. Coupling with striking domain rearrangements, the incorporation of the tail into the KACT cavity and the relocation of 3'-phosphate ADP bring the reactive C2-C3 bond to the correct position for cleavage. The alpha-helical linker specific for the multienzyme contributes to the pivoting center formation and the substrate transfer through its deformation. This channelling mechanism could be applied to other beta-oxidation multienzymes, as revealed from the homology model of the human mitochondrial trifunctional enzyme complex.  相似文献   

Transcarboxylase is a 1.2 million Dalton (Da) multienzyme complex from Propionibacterium shermanii that couples two carboxylation reactions, transferring CO(2)(-) from methylmalonyl-CoA to pyruvate to yield propionyl-CoA and oxaloacetate. Crystal structures of the 5S metalloenzyme subunit, which catalyzes the second carboxylation reaction, have been solved in free form and bound to its substrate pyruvate, product oxaloacetate, or inhibitor 2-ketobutyrate. The structure reveals a dimer of beta(8)alpha(8) barrels with an active site cobalt ion coordinated by a carbamylated lysine, except in the oxaloacetate complex in which the product's carboxylate group serves as a ligand instead. 5S and human pyruvate carboxylase (PC), an enzyme crucial to gluconeogenesis, catalyze similar reactions. A 5S-based homology model of the PC carboxyltransferase domain indicates a conserved mechanism and explains the molecular basis of mutations in lactic acidemia. PC disease mutations reproduced in 5S result in a similar decrease in carboxyltransferase activity and crystal structures with altered active sites.  相似文献   

Constitutive expression of nuclear genes encoding mitochondrial proteins raises the question of whether these proteins are present in similar amounts in mitochondria of different tissues. We report that amounts of a single multienzyme complex can vary on a per mitochondrion basis depending on the number of mitochondria per cell. Human branched-chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase (BCKD) expression is used as a paradigm in these studies. Expression is compared and contrasted in HepG2 and DG75 cells in which mitochondrial content is twofold higher in the hepatocarcinoma line than in the lymphoblastoid line. Per cell, BCKD activity is equal in the two cell types, but BCKD protein concentration per mitochondrion is twofold higher in DG75 cells. Steady-state mRNA levels do not appear to be directly related to amounts of protein in the two cell lines. To test whether one subunit is limiting in formation of complex, overexpression of each BCKD subunit was elicited by plasmid transfection of the DG75 cells. Only overexpression of the β-subunit of the decarboxylase component induced more BCKD activity without apparent increase in mRNA for the other endogenously expressed subunits. This implies that free BCKD subunits exist in a cell and can be recruited into an active complex when the limiting subunit becomes available. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Figures 6a and 6b and Table 2 show the united pattern of possible pathways of THFA biosynthesis with the substrates and the enzymes involved. With substrate selection ten different individual enzyme activities can be distinguished, but A2′ is identical with A2, and their apparent molecular weight is 28,000 daltons ±7%, and similarly c1–4 are the same enzymes with an apparent molecular weight of 40,000 daltons ±5% (Tóth-Martinez et al., 1974a). The identity of these enzymes has preliminary been shown, and construction of the THFA-MEC model was partly based on these findings.So, no distinction can be made among functioning MEC-es. The different pathways, mentioned in the introductory part of this paper, can be a product of the separated study of the individual enzymic steps of DHFA (THFA) biosynthesis. By all means it is an important approach to understand the dynamics of the integrated process what we tentatively suggest in this paper for further elucidation.  相似文献   

Under conditions relevant to the manufacturing of insulin (e.g., pH 3, room temperature), biosynthetic human insulin (BHI), and Lispro insulin (Lispro) require a nucleation step to initiate aggregation. However, upon seeding with preformed aggregates, both insulins rapidly aggregate into nonnative fibrils. Far ultraviolet circular dichroism (far‐UV CD) and second derivative Fourier transform infrared (2D‐FTIR) spectroscopic analyses show that the fibrillation process involves a change in protein secondary structure from α‐helical in native insulin to predominantly β‐sheet in the nonnative fibrils. After seeding, Lispro aggregates faster than BHI, likely because of a reduced propensity to reversibly self‐associate. Composition gradient multi‐angle light scattering (CG‐MALS) analyses show that Lispro is more monomeric than BHI, whereas their conformational stabilities measured by denaturant‐induced unfolding are statistically indistinguishable. For both BHI and Lispro, as the protein concentration increases, the apparent first‐order rate constant for soluble protein loss decreases. To explain these phenomena, we propose an aggregation model that assumes fibril growth through monomer addition with competitive inhibition by insulin dimers. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011;108: 2359–2370. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Data sets of 362 structurally nonredundant protein-protein interfaces and of 57 symmetry-related oligomeric interfaces have been used to explore whether the hydrophobic effect that guides protein folding is also the main driving force for protein-protein associations. The buried nonpolar surface area has been used to measure the hydrophobic effect. Our analysis indicates that, although the hydrophobic effect plays a dominant role in protein-protein binding, it is not as strong as that observed in the interior of protein monomers. Comparison of interiors of the monomers with those of the interfaces reveals that, in general, the hydrophobic amino acids are more frequent in the interior of the monomers than in the interior of the protein-protein interfaces. On the other hand, a higher proportion of charged and polar residues are buried at the interfaces, suggesting that hydrogen bonds and ion pairs contribute more to the stability of protein binding than to that of protein folding. Moreover, comparison of the interior of the interfaces to protein surfaces indicates that the interfaces are poorer in polar/charged than the surfaces and are richer in hydrophobic residues. The interior of the interfaces appears to constitute a compromise between the stabilization contributed by the hydrophobic effect on the one hand and avoiding patches on the protein surfaces that are too hydrophobic on the other. Such patches would be unfavorable for the unassociated monomers in solution. We conclude that, although the types of interactions are similar between protein-protein interfaces and single-chain proteins overall, the contribution of the hydrophobic effect to protein-protein associations is not as strong as to protein folding. This implies that packing patterns and interatom, or interresidue, pairwise potential functions, derived from monomers, are not ideally suited to predicting and assessing ligand associations or design. These would perform adequately only in cases where the hydrophobic effect at the binding site is substantial.  相似文献   

P Dessen  G Zaccai  S Blanquet 《Biochimie》1985,67(6):637-641
Direct demonstration of the reversible dissociation of native dimeric methionyl-tRNA synthetase from E. coli has been obtained using small angle neutron scattering and deuterated enzyme. Structural parameters of the fully deuterated dimer are very similar to the hydrogenated one. Analysis of the variations of the intensity and of the radius of gyration of a stoichiometric mixture of the two types of dimer (hydrogenated and deuterated), as a function of D2O content in the solvent, enabled us to characterize an hybrid dimer, having both hydrogenated and deuterated protomers. By separating the contribution of each protomer to the scattering, the radius of gyration of the protomer in situ and the distance between the centers of mass of each protomer in the dimer are determined.  相似文献   

Immune protection by the complement system critically depends on assembly of C3 convertases on the surface of pathogens and altered host cells. These short‐lived protease complexes are formed through pro‐convertases, which for the alternative pathway consist of the complement component C3b and the pro‐enzyme factor B (FB). Here, we present the crystal structure at 2.2‐Å resolution, small‐angle X‐ray scattering and electron microscopy (EM) data of the pro‐convertase formed by human FB and cobra venom factor (CVF), a potent homologue of C3b that generates more stable convertases. FB is loaded onto CVF through its pro‐peptide Ba segment by specific contacts, which explain the specificity for the homologous C3b over the native C3 and inactive products iC3b and C3c. The protease segment Bb binds the carboxy terminus of CVF through the metal‐ion dependent adhesion site of the Von Willebrand factor A‐type domain. A possible dynamic equilibrium between a ‘loading’ and ‘activation’ state of the pro‐convertase may explain the observed difference between the crystal structure of CVFB and the EM structure of C3bB. These insights into formation of convertases provide a basis for further development of complement therapeutics.  相似文献   

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In the crystal structure of troponin C, the holo C-domain is bound in a head-to-tail fashion to the A-helix of the apo N-domain of a symmetry-related molecule. Using this interaction, we have proposed a model for the calmodulin-peptide complex. We find that the interaction of the C-domain with the A-helix is similar to that observed in the NMR structure of the calmodulin-myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) peptide complex. This similarity in binding has enabled us to make a precise sequence alignment of the target peptides in the calmodulin-binding cleft and to rationalize the amino acid sequence-dependent binding strengths of various peptides. Our model differs from that proposed by Strynadka and James (Proteins Struct. Funct. Genet. 7, 234-248, 1990) in that the peptides are rotated by 100 degrees in the calmodulin binding cleft.  相似文献   

CD27 is a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor, which stimulates lymphocytes and promotes their differentiation upon activation by TNF ligand CD70. Activation of the CD27 receptor provides a costimulatory signal to promote T cell, B cell, and NK cell activity to facilitate antitumor and anti-infection immunity. Aberrant increased and focused expression of CD70 on many tumor cells renders CD70 an attractive therapeutic target for direct tumor killing. However, despite their use as drug targets to treat cancers, the molecular basis and atomic details of CD27 and CD70 interaction remain elusive. Here we report the crystal structure of human CD27 in complex with human CD70. Analysis of our structure shows that CD70 adopts a classical TNF ligand homotrimeric assembly to engage CD27 receptors in a 3:3 stoichiometry. By combining structural and rational mutagenesis data with reported disease-correlated mutations, we identified the key amino acid residues of CD27 and CD70 that control this interaction. We also report increased potency for plate-bound CD70 constructs compared with solution-phase ligand in a functional activity to stimulate T-cells in vitro. These findings offer new mechanistic insight into this critical costimulatory interaction.  相似文献   

RNA loop-loop complexes are motifs that regulate biological functions in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. In E. coli, RNAI, an antisense RNA encoded by the ColE1 plasmid, regulates the plasmid replication by recognizing through loop-loop interactions RNAII, the RNA primer that binds to the plasmidic DNA to initiate the replication. Rop, a plasmid-encoded homodimeric protein interacts with this transient RNAI-RNAII kissing complex. A surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based biosensor was used to investigate this protein-nucleic acid ternary complex, at 5 degrees C, in experimental conditions such as the protein binds either to the loop-loop complex while it dissociates or to a saturated stable RNAI-RNAII surface. The results show that RNAI hairpin dissociates from the RNAII surface 110 times slower in the presence of Rop than in its absence. Rop binds to RNAI-RNAII with an on-rate of 3.6 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1) and an off-rate of 0.11 s(-1), resulting in a binding equilibrium constant equal to 31 nM. A Scatchard-plot analysis of the interaction monitored by SPR confirms a 1:1 complex of Rop and RNAI-RNAII as observed for non-natural Rop-loop-loop complexes.  相似文献   

Two of the five domains in the structure of the ornithine decarboxylase (OrnDC) from Lactobacillus 30a share similar structural folds around the pyridoxal-5''-phosphate (PLP)-binding pocket with the aspartate aminotransferases (AspATs). Sequence comparisons focusing on conserved residues of the aligned structures reveal that this structural motif is also present in a number of other PLP-dependent enzymes including the histidine, dopa, tryptophan, glutamate, and glycine decarboxylases as well as tryptophanase and serine-hydroxymethyl transferase. However, this motif is not present in eukaryotic OrnDCs, the diaminopimelate decarboxylases, nor the Escherichia coli or oat arginine decarboxylases. The identification and comparison of residues involved in defining the different classes are discussed.  相似文献   

Thakur AK  Kishore R 《Biopolymers》2006,81(6):440-449
The chemical synthesis and single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis of a model peptide, Boc-Thr-Thr-NH2 (1) comprised of proteinogenic residues bearing an amphiphilic Cbeta -stereogenic center, has been described. Interestingly, the analysis of its molecular structure revealed the existence of a distinct conformation that mimics a typical beta-turn and Asx-turns, i.e., the two Thr residues occupy the left- and right-corner positions. The main-chain torsion angles of the N- and C-terminal residues i.e., semiextended: phi = -68.9 degrees , psi = 128.6 degrees ; semifolded: phi = -138.1 degrees , psi = 2.5 degrees conformations, respectively, in conjunction with a gauche- disposition of the obligatory C-terminus Thr CgammaH3 group, characterize the occurrence of the newly described beta-turn- and Asx-turns-like topology. The preferred molecular structure is suggested to be stabilized by an effective nonconventional main-chain to side-chain Ci=O . . . H--Cgamma(i+2)-type intraturn hydrogen bond. Noteworthy, the observed topology of the resulting 10-membered hydrogen-bonded ring is essentially similar to the one perceived for a classical beta-turn and the Asx-turns, stabilized by a conventional intraturn hydrogen bond. Considering the signs as well as magnitudes of the backbone torsion angles and the orientation of the central peptide bond, the overall mimicked topology resembles the type II beta-turn or type II Asx-turns. An analysis of Xaa-Thr sequences in high-resolution X-ray elucidated protein structures revealed the novel topology prevalence in functional proteins (unpublished). In view of indubitable structural as well as functional importance of nonconventional interactions in bioorganic and biomacromolecules, we intend to highlight the participation of Thr CgammaH in the creation of a short-range C=O . . . H--Cgamma -type interaction in peptides and proteins.  相似文献   

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