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A separation procedure has been developed for mouse splenic T and B lymphocytes which is based on their differential agglutination by wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). In the presence of 50-100 micrograms/ml of WGA, multicellular aggregates are formed which are enriched in B cells. These aggregates can be separated from monodisperse T cells by gravity sedimentation and subsequently dissociated into single cells by treatment with N-acetylglucosamine (NAG). Immunocytochemical analyses and mitogenic assays indicate approximately 10-15% cross contamination of the resultant B and T cell fractions. The separation procedure is not only convenient and rapid but also allows the simultaneous recovery of viable T and B cells from the same spleen preparation.  相似文献   

Circulating T and B lymphocytes of the mouse. II. Lifespan   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The average lifespan of circulating lymphocytes was investigated by determining the percentage of labeling of thoracic duct lymphocytes (TDL5) from mice injected with tritiated thymidine (3HT) for various periods. Percentage of labeling of TDL from normal CBA mice, which consist of approximately 85% T cells and 15% B cells, was found to be directly proportional to the time of 3HT administration. This technique thus failed to demonstrate the presence of more than one population of lymphocytes. Less than 50% of TDL were labeled after 3HT injection for 8 weeks.Percentage of labeling of TDL from nude mice (which consist solely of B cells) was likewise found to be directly proportional to the duration of 3HT injection but occurred at a rate three to four times faster than in non-T cell-depleted CBA mice. Further experiments, in which a marker for B cells was used, allowed the rate of 3HT labeling of B cells to be studied in normal CBA mice. These data corroborated the findings in nude mice and indicated that, with regard to lifespan, thoracic duct B cells consisted of a single population with an average lifespan of 5–7 weeks. Similarly it was calculated that the average lifespan of thoracic duct T cells was in the order of 4–6 months.Studies on the rate of formation of TDL during prolonged thoracic duct drainage of normal CBA mice indicated that the percentage of newly formed cells increased rapidly after 24-hr drainage. The total numbers of newly formed cells, however, were found to remain relatively constant throughout the period of drainage investigated (up to 9 days) except for a transient increase during the second and third day. Newly formed small lymphocytes were found to consist of approximately equal proportions of T cells, B cells, and other “mononuclear” cells which lacked surface markers for either T or B cells. The great majority of large lymphocytes, in contrast, were found to be neither T cells nor B cells and probably belonged to the plasma cell line. In nude mice, production of newly formed lymphocytes during prolonged thoracic duct drainage was found to be very low in comparison with normal CBA mice.  相似文献   

Circulating T and B lymphocytes of the mouse. I. Migratory properties   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
Studies on the identity of thoracic duct lymphocytes (TDL4) from normal and T cell-depleted mice indicated that as many circulating B lymphocytes were produced by healthy T cell-depleted mice as normal mice. Proportions of T and B cells from the thoracic duct of CBA mice changed markedly during the first 4 days of drainage from 82% T cells and 16% B cells at 12 hr to approximately equal proportions of both classes after 3 days. In absolute terms, T cells were mobilized rapidly by thoracic duct drainage and B cells very slowly. Histologically, this was reflected in a rapid depletion of the T cell-dependent areas of the lymphoid organs. The B cell-dependent areas, in contrast, became depleted of lymphocytes only after drainage for a week or more.The homing properties of circulating lymphocytes were investigated using TDL from normal and T cell-depleted mice as relatively pure sources of T and B cells, respectively. Four hours after injection of 51Cr-labeled T and B cells, a large proportion of both cell classes were found in the spleen. By 24 hr, many T cells had left the spleen and appeared in the lymph nodes. Such redistribution by B cells, however, was minimal.Intravenously injected T and B cells, labeled with tritiated uridine (3HU), localized specifically in the T and B cell-dependent areas, respectively, of the lymphoid tissues.3HU-labeled T cells were found to recirculate rapidly from blood to lymph. Labeled B cells, in contrast, recirculated only very slowly.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic method for the quantitative separation of human B and T lymphocytes in a carrier-free system is presented. The method is based on the fact that B and T lymphocytes show marked overlap in their size and density characteristics, but differ sufficiently in surface charge to be separable by electrophoresis. The technique is performed in phosphate-buffered saline and appears to be especially suitable for the enrichment of nonstimulated, functionally intact lymphocytes which can be directly used for further immunological or biochemical studies.  相似文献   

Mouse lymphocytes have been fractionated in preparative cell electrophoresis into two functionally viable populations, a high mobility cell (HMC) and a low mobility cell (LMC) population. The distribution of HMC in CBA spleen, blood, and lymph node corresponds to known proportions of θ-positive cells in these organs. The HMC carry the θ-isoantigen, respond to phytohemagglutinin in vitro, and induce a graft-versus-host reaction in newborn F1 hybrid mice. Nearly all spleen LMC have complement receptors on their surface. About 70% of spleen LMC are sensitive to anti-MBLA serum and form “caps” when incubated with FITC-conjugated anti-Ig. Only LMC respond to E. coli lipopolysaccharide. Thus, T cells localize in the HMC population and B cells in the LMC population. There is no detectable contamination of T lymphocytes among the LMC, nor of B lymphocytes among the HMC.  相似文献   

T and B mouse spleen lymphocytes were separated by density gradient electrophoresis on the basis of their surface charge. In all strains examined, the T lymphocytes were found in the high mobility fractions and the B in the low. The T and B cells were separated completely in most fractions, with some overlapping in the middle. Significant differences were found in the electrophoretic distribution profiles between the strains: C57BL/6j, C57BL/10j, (BALB/cXC57BL/6j)F1, and all the following: B6.C-H-2d/cBy (congenic to C57BL/6j), BALB/c, CBA/H/T6j, C57BL/10Sn, and C3H. The C57BL/6j and the (BALB/cXC57BL/6j)F1 cells appear more heterogeneous as far as electrophoretic mobility is concerned. Almost all the other strains give two major peaks. Moreover, the high mobility areas are less populated in the C57BL/6j and the (BALB/cXC57BL/6j)F1 animals than in all the others. The above differences were found consistently when cells prepared by different methods were electrophoresed. It is concluded that the surface charge of lymphocytes may be genetically determined. Possible dependency on the H-2 complex or non-H-2 areas is discussed.  相似文献   

Soybean agglutinin interacts with soybean callus cells to increase cell number, cell weight and DNA synthesis, three responses indicative of a mitogenic agent. Cell growth showed maximum response four days following transfer to media containing 1.5 μg/ml soybean agglutinin. The increase in thymidine incorporation induced by soybean agglutinin was partially inhibited by 0.1 mM N-acetyl- -galactosamine (GalNAc), a competitive hapten.  相似文献   

Blastogenic responses of normal human peripheral lymphocytes to three distinct groups of mitogens were studied: Group I--phytohemagglutinin (PHA), concanavalin A (Con A), and pokeweed mitogen (PWM); Group II--soybean agglutinin (SBA) and peanut agglutinin (PNA); and Group III--galactose oxidase (GO) and sodium periodate (IO4-). SBA was mitogenic for human cells, and this effect was enhanced by treating the cells with neuraminidase (NA). PNA was mitogenic only after cells had been treated with NA. GO was effective before and activity was increased after lymphocytes were treated with NA. Responses to Group II and III mitogens were more variable than were those to Group I mitogens. Studies with purified T and B cells indicated that SBA and PNA were T cell mitogens, whereas IO4- and GO failed to stimulate either T or B cells. Adding macrophages back to this system indicated that they were both T cell mitogens with strict macrophage requirements. T cell responses to SBA and PNA were enhanced over responses to unfractionated cells to a degree that could not be explained simply by enrichment of the cultures with T cells. Removal of adherent cells from unfractionated cell suspensions again revealed a marked enhancement of responses to SBA and PNA, a consistent decrease in responses to IO4-, and a variable decrease in responses to GO. Similar results were found with 14C-leucine and 3H-uridine incorporation, as well as 3H-thymidine for the assessment of bastogenic response. Mechanisms responsible for these differential effects of macrophage depletion on lymphocyte responses to different groups of mitogens are yet to be determined. Either different mitogens require different lymphocyte to macrophage ratios for optimal stimulation, or some mitogens (i.e., SBA and PNA) form inhibitory complexees in the lymphocyte-macrophage mixture. In any case, variability in response to mitogenic agents in normal as well as pathologic states may be dependent on adherent cell populations, rather than on the lymphocytes themselves.  相似文献   

Subunit structure of soybean agglutinin   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

Histones and non-histone chromosomal proteins were characterized in B and T human lymphocytes by means of polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. It was found that while histones do not present appreciable differences in the two examined populations, non-histone chromosomal proteins exhibit distinct electrophoretic profiles. Low molecular weight proteins predominate in B lymphocytes whereas high and intermediate proteins are largely represented in T lymphocytes. The latter proteins may be related to the capability of these resting cells to proliferate under appropriate antigenic stimuli.  相似文献   

T and B mouse spleen lymphocytes were separated by density gradient electrophoresis on the basis of their surface charge. In all strains examined, the T lymphocytes were found in the high mobility fractions and the B in the low. The T and B cells were separated completely in most fractions, with some overlapping in the middle. Significant differences were found in the electrophoretic distribution profiles between the strains: C57BL/6j, C57BL/10j, (BALB/cXC57BL/6j)F1, and all the following: B6·C-H-2d/cBy (congenic to C57BL/6j), BALB/c, CBA/H/T6j, C57BL/10Sn, and C3H. The C57BL/6j and the (BALB/cXC57BL/6j)F1 cells appear more heterogeneous as far as electrophoretic mobility is concerned. Almost all the other strains give two major peaks. Moreover, the high mobility areas are less populated in the C57BL/6j and the (BALB/cXC57BL/6j)F1 animals than in all the others. The above differences were found consistently when cells prepared by different methods were electrophoresed. It is concluded that the surface charge of lymphocytes may be genetically determined. Possible dependency on the H-2 complex or non-H-2 areas is discussed.  相似文献   

A method for the identification of T and B lymphocytes in tissue specimens is described. A sonication technique results in viable relatively pure lymphocyte populations which are easily classified by their surface markers. This readily reproducible method can become a standard laboratory procedure in the evaluation of disease states which require such information related to the classification of lymphocyte cell origin.  相似文献   

Survival of human T and B lymphocytes after X-irradiation.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The survival of unstimulated human T and B lymphocytes after X-irradiation in vitro was measured by Trypan Blue dye exclusion over a period of four days. B cell numbers were observed to decline rapidly even after relatively low doses, but T cell numbers fell much more slowly. A comparison of the percentage survival 96 hours after irradiation shows that in this system T cells are between approximately 2 and 5 times more resistant than B cells. Data for interphase death after 48 hours are compared with cytogenetic data for interphase loss of PHA-stimulated human lymphocytes and are shown to be in broad agreement at radiation doses below 400 rad. It is suggested that at higher doses mitotic delay may be increasingly important leading to selection of non-irradiated cells at 48 hours.  相似文献   

Recently, it has become evident that stimulated phosphoinositide (PI) hydrolysis plays a crucial role in early T lymphocyte activation. We have investigated the effects of the nonmitogenic lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) on several parameters associated with PI hydrolysis in human T cells. It was found that WGA was as effective as anti-T3 antibody and PHA in producing a rise in cytosolic free Ca++ ((Ca++)i) in blood T cells and in cells of the T cell line CCRF-CEM. It was inferred that identical cells within the blood T cell preparation responded to each of the three agents, refuting the contention that WGA only stimulated a subfraction of circulating mature T lymphocytes. WGA-induced, but not PHA-induced rises in (Ca++)i could be blocked completely by N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, demonstrating that the sugar-binding characteristics of the lectin dictate its action on T lymphocytes. Anti-T3 antibody, PHA, and WGA all initiated inositol phosphate formation in blood T cells, indicating that each of the agents stimulated PI hydrolysis. The combination of WGA with nonmitogenic amounts of phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate resulted in strong mitogenicity. It is concluded that WGA, like anti-T3 antibody and PHA, is a pan-T activator of PI hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Cell electrophoresis experiments were performed at physiological, ionic strength on Hypaque-Ficoll separated normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes. The initial lymphocyte preparations averaged 72% T cells and 22% B cells as estimated by resetting techniques. A bimodal electrophoretic distribution of fast T cells and slow B cells such as has been repeatedly shown to exist for experimental animals could not be demonstrated. Neither B- nor T-enriched populations showed any correlation between mobility and degree of enrichment. A strong positive correlation was found between the non-rosetting cells and a very slow electrophoretic subpopulation produced during the B enrichment procedure. It was also found that considerable variability in lymphocyte mobilities existed from person to person and even in the same individual sampled over several months; these observations imply that the pooling of electrophoretic data can be misleading. The importance of these findings lies in the growing interest in relating lymphocyte electrophoresis to disease processes and immunological rejection phenomena.  相似文献   

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