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Adenovirus E1A pre-mRNA was used as a model to examine alternative 5' splice site selection during in vitro splicing reactions. Strong preference for the downstream 13S 5' splice site over the upstream 12S or 9S 5' splice sites was observed. However, the 12S 5' splice site was used efficiently when a mutant pre-mRNA lacking the 13S 5' splice site was processed, and 12S splicing from this substrate was not reduced by 13S splicing from a separate pre-mRNA, demonstrating that 13S splicing reduced 12S 5' splice site selection through a bona fide cis-competition. DEAE-cellulose chromatography of nuclear extract yielded two fractions with different splicing activities. The bound fraction contained all components required for efficient splicing of simple substrates but was unable to utilize alternative 5' splice sites. In contrast, the flow-through fraction, which by itself was inactive, contained an activity required for alternative splicing and was shown to stimulate 12S and 9S splicing, while reducing 13S splicing, when added to reactions carried out by the bound fraction. Furthermore, the activity, which we have called distal splicing factor (DSF), enhanced utilization of an upstream 5' splice site on a simian virus 40 early pre-mRNA, suggesting that the factor acts in a position-dependent, substrate-independent fashion. Several lines of evidence are presented suggesting that DSF is a non-small nuclear ribonucleoprotein protein. Finally, we describe a functional interaction between DSF and ASF, a protein that enhances use of downstream 5' splice sites.  相似文献   

Custom-designed zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) are becoming powerful tools in gene targeting-the process of replacing a gene within a genome by homologous recombination. Here, we have studied the DNA cleavage by one such ZFN, DeltaQNK-FN, in order to gain insight into how ZFNs cleave DNA and how two inverted sites promote double-strand cleavage. DNA cleavage by DeltaQNK-FN is greatly facilitated when two DeltaQNK-binding sites are close together in an inverted orientation. Substrate cleavage was not first order with respect to the concentration of DeltaQNK-FN, indicating that double-strand cleavage requires dimerization of the FokI cleavage domain. Rates of DNA cleavage decrease as the substrate concentrations increase, suggesting that the DeltaQNK-FN molecules are effectively "trapped" in a 1:1 complex on DNA when the DNA is in excess. The physical association of two ZFN monomers on DNA was monitored by using the biotin-pull-down assay, which showed that the formation of DeltaQNK-FN active complex required both binding of the two DeltaQNK-FN molecules to specific DNA sites and divalent metal ions.  相似文献   

The Fanconi anemia (FA) pathway is a DNA damage-activated signaling pathway which regulates cellular resistance to DNA cross-linking agents. Cloned FA genes and proteins cooperate in this pathway, and monoubiquitination of FANCD2 is a critical downstream event. The cell cycle checkpoint kinase ATR is required for the efficient monoubiquitination of FANCD2, while another checkpoint kinase, ATM, directly phosphorylates FANCD2 and controls the ionizing radiation (IR)-inducible intra-S-phase checkpoint. In the present study, we identify two novel DNA damage-inducible phosphorylation sites on FANCD2, threonine 691 and serine 717. ATR phosphorylates FANCD2 on these two sites, thereby promoting FANCD2 monoubiquitination and enhancing cellular resistance to DNA cross-linking agents. Phosphorylation of the sites is required for establishment of the intra-S-phase checkpoint response. IR-inducible phosphorylation of threonine 691 and serine 717 is also dependent on ATM and is more strongly impaired when both ATM and ATR are knocked down. Threonine 691 is phosphorylated during normal S-phase progression in an ATM-dependent manner. These findings further support the functional connection of ATM/ATR kinases and FANCD2 in the DNA damage response and support a role for the FA pathway in the coordination of the S phase of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

DNA cloned from Chlamydia trachomatis is able to direct the formation of the genus-specific lipopolysaccharide epitope of chlamydiae in enteric Gram-negative bacteria. We now demonstrate that a single C. trachomatis gene (gseA) is sufficient to impart this trait to Escherichia coli. The deduced amino acid sequence of gseA shows 23% identity (66% similarity) to kdtA, an E. coli gene that codes for a bifunctional enzyme catalyzing the addition of two 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid (Kdo) residues to lipid A precursors (Clementz, T., and Raetz, C. R. H. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 9687-9696). Extracts of E. coli expressing gseA transfer at least one additional Kdo unit from CMP-Kdo to precursors already bearing the two Kdo residues attached by the kdtA gene product. Introduction of gseA into an E. coli mutant with a thermolabile kdtA gene product endows cell extracts with the ability to transfer not only the third but also the first two Kdos to lipid A precursors, demonstrating that the C. trachomatis enzyme is at least trifunctional. Given the similarities of these two Kdo transferases and the essentiality of Kdo in Gram-negative bacteria, lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis may be a target for development of novel drugs effective against chlamydiae.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains with either three inactivated genes (triple disruptants) or four inactivated genes (quadruple disruptants) encoding the four acidic ribosomal phosphoproteins, YP1 alpha, YP1 beta, YP2 alpha, and YP2 beta, present in this species have been obtained. Ribosomes from the triple disruptants and, obviously, those from the quadruple strain do not have bound P proteins. All disrupted strains are viable; however, they show a cold-sensitive phenotype, growing very poorly at 23 degrees C. Cell extracts from the quadruple-disruptant strain are about 30% as active as the control in protein synthesis assays and are stimulated by the addition of free acidic P proteins. Strains lacking acidic proteins do not have a higher suppressor activity than the parental strains, and cell extracts derived from the quadruple disruptant do not show a higher degree of misreading, indicating that the absence of acidic proteins does not affect the accuracy of the ribosomes. However, the patterns of protein expressed in the cells as well as in the cell-free protein system are affected by the absence of P proteins from the particles; a wild-type pattern is restored upon addition of exogenous P proteins to the cell extract. In addition, strains carrying P-protein-deficient ribosomes are unable to sporulate but recover this capacity upon transformation with one of the missing genes. These results indicate that acidic proteins are not an absolute requirement for protein synthesis but regulate the activity of the 60S subunit, affecting the translation of certain mRNAs differently.  相似文献   

During early brain development mouse Engrailed2 (En2) is expressed in a broad band across most of the mid-hindbrain region. Evidence from gene expression data, promoter analysis in transgenic mice and mutant phenotype analysis in mice and zebrafish has suggested that Pax2, 5 and 8 play a critical role in regulating En2 mid-hindbrain expression. Previously, we identified two Pax2/5/8-binding sites in a 1.0 kb En2 enhancer fragment that is sufficient to directed reporter gene expression to the early mid-hindbrain region and showed that the two Pax2/5/8-binding sites are essential for the mid-hindbrain expression in transgenic mice. In the present study we have examined the functional requirements of these two Pax2/5/8-binding sites in the context of the endogenous En2 gene for directing mid-hindbrain expression. The two Pax2/5/8-binding sites were deleted from the En2 locus and replaced with the bacterial neo gene by homologous recombination in mouse embryonic stem cells. After transmitting the mutation into mice, the neo gene was removed by breeding with transgenic mice expressing cre from a CMV promoter. Embryos homozygous for this En2 Pax2/5/8-binding site deletion mutation had a mild reduction in En2 expression in the presumptive mid-hindbrain region at the 5-7 somite stage, when En2 expression is normally initiated. However, from embryonic day 9.0 onwards, the mutant embryos showed En2 expression indistinguishable from that seen in wild type embryos. Furthermore, the mutants did not show the cerebellar defect seen in mice with a null mutation in En2. This result demonstrates that the two Pax2/5/8-binding sites that were deleted, while being required for mid-hindbrain expression in the context of a 1.0 kb En2 enhancer, are only required for proper initiation of expression of the endogenous En2 gene. Interestingly, a comparison of the lacZ RNA and protein expression patterns directed by the 1.0 kb enhancer fragment revealed that lacZ protein was acting as a lineage marker in the mid-hindbrain region by persisting longer than the mRNA. The transgene expression directed by the 1.0 kb enhancer fragment therefore does not mimic the entire broad domain of En2 expression. Taken together, these two studies demonstrate that DNA binding sites in addition to the two Pax2/5/8-binding sites must be necessary for En2 mid-hindbrain expression.  相似文献   

We have synthesized and characterized 5'-bromoacetamido-5'-deoxyadenosine (5'-BADA), a new reagent for labeling adenine nucleotide binding sites in enzymatic and regulatory proteins. 5'-BADA possessed exceptionally high solubility and stability in aqueous buffers between pH 5.0 and 8.6 at 25 degrees C. A Dixon plot of data from enzyme kinetic measurements showed that 5'-BADA is a competitive inhibitor of NADH oxidation by 3 alpha,20 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase with a Ki value of 11.8 mM. This compares with a Ki value of 10 mM for adenosine under similar experimental conditions. Incubating 5'-BADA with a 3 alpha,20 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase at pH 7.0 and 25 degrees C caused simultaneous loss of both 3 alpha and 20 beta activity. The enzyme inactivation reaction proceeded by a first order kinetic process. The rates of enzyme inactivation as a function of 5'-BADA concentration obeyed saturation kinetics. 2-Bromoacetamide, at ten times the maximum concentration of 5'-BADA, had no measurable effect on enzyme activity during 25 h of incubation. NADH and AMP protected 3 alpha,20 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase against inactivation by 5'-BADA. The results suggest that 5'-BADA inactivates the enzyme by irreversibly binding to the adenine domain of the NADH cofactor binding region at the catalytic site of 3 alpha,20 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Irreversible binding follows from an alkylation reaction between the bromoacetamido side chain of 5'-BADA and an amino acid at or near the enzyme catalytic site. 5'-BADA is presented as a new reagent for selectively labeling amino acid residues at the adenine nucleotide binding sites of enzymatic and regulatory proteins.  相似文献   

MAP kinase-activated protein (MAPKAP) kinase-2 is activated in vivo by reactivating kinase (RK), a MAP kinase (MAPK) homologue stimulated by cytokines and cellular stresses. Here we show that in vitro RK phosphorylates human GST-MAPKAP kinase-2 at Thr25 in the proline-rich N-terminal region Thr222 and Ser272 in the catalytic domain and Thr334 in the C-terminal domain. Using novel methodology we demonstrate that activation of MAPKAP kinase-2 requires the phosphorylation of any two of the three residues Thr222, Ser272 and Thr334. Ser9, Thr25, Thr222, Ser272, Thr334 and Thr338 became 32P-labelled in stressed KB cells and labelling was prevented by the specific RK inhibitor SB 203580, establishing that RK phosphorylates Thr25, Thr222, Ser272 and Thr334 in vivo. The 32P-labelling of Thr338 is likely to result from autophosphorylation. GST-MAPKAP kinase-2 lacking the N-terminal domain was inactive, but activated fully when phosphorylated at Thr222, Ser272 and Thr334 by p42 MAPK or RK. In contrast, full-length GST-MAPKAP kinase-2 was phosphorylated at Thr25 (and not activated) by p42 MAPK, suggesting a role for the N-terminal domain in specifying activation by RK in vivo. The mutant Asp222/Asp334 was 20% as active as phosphorylated MAPKAP kinase-2, and this constitutively active form may be useful for studying its physiological roles.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma brucei pre-rRNA processing commences by cleavage near the 5' end of 5.8 S sequences. The 5' external transcribed spacer (5'ETS) is removed from pre-small subunit (SSU) rRNAs by sequential cleavages at internal A' and A0 sites, and A1 at the 5' end of SSU rRNA. The A' and A0 sites positionally resemble the U3 small nucleolar RNA-dependent, primary pre-rRNA cleavages of vertebrates and yeast, respectively. Uniquely in T. brucei, two U3-crosslinkable 5'ETS sites are essential for SSU rRNA production: site1b is novel in its 3' location to the A' site, and site3 lies upstream of A0 in a position analogous to the yeast U3-binding site. Here, in vivo analysis of mutated 5'ETS sequences shows that sequences 5' to the A' site are not needed for A' cleavage or SSU rRNA production. A' cleavage is linked to, but is not sufficient to trigger, downstream pre-SSU rRNA processing events. These events require an intact 11 nt sequence, 3'-adjacent to A', which directs efficient and accurate A' cleavage. Neither the A' nearby site1b nor the site3 U3-binding elements affect A' processing, yet each is required for A0 and A1 cleavage, and SSU rRNA production. The same U3 3' hinge bases evidently bind a core element, UGUu/gGGU, within site1a and site3; the U3-site1b interaction is less reliant on base-pairing than the U3-site3 interaction. As yeast U3 5' hinge bases pair to 5'ETS sequences, it is clear that distinct U3 hinge regions can interact at both novel and related 5'ETS sites to promote 3'-proximal 5'ETS processing events in diverse organisms. The T. brucei data fit a model wherein processing factors assemble at the 5'ETS site1a to affect A' cleavage and stabilize a U3-site1b complex, which may work in concert with the downstream U3-site3 complex to assist processing events leading to ribosomal SSU production.  相似文献   

We have been studying protein components that function in the cytoplasm to vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway and the overlapping process of macroautophagy. The Vac8 and Apg13 proteins are required for the import of aminopeptidase I (API) through the Cvt pathway. We have identified a protein-protein interaction between Vac8p and Apg13p by both two-hybrid and co-immunoprecipitation analysis. Subcellular fractionation of API indicates that Vac8p and Apg13p are involved in the vesicle formation step of the Cvt pathway. Kinetic analysis of the Cvt pathway and autophagy indicates that, although Vac8p is essential for Cvt transport, it is less important for autophagy. In vivo phosphorylation experiments demonstrate that both Vac8p and Apg13p are phosphorylated proteins, and Apg13p phosphorylation is regulated by changing nutrient conditions. Although Apg13p interacts with the serine/threonine kinase Apg1p, this protein is not required for phosphorylation of either Vac8p or Apg13p. Subcellular fractionation experiments indicate that Apg13p and a fraction of Apg1p are membrane-associated. Vac8p and Apg13p may be part of a larger protein complex that includes Apg1p and additional interacting proteins. Together, these components may form a protein complex that regulates the conversion between Cvt transport and autophagy in response to changing nutrient conditions.  相似文献   

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