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生长素类物质在木本植物生根过程中发挥重要作用。杨树生根与生长素的关系及生根过程中内源激素的变化已有大量报道,而生根过程中生长素的组织定位分析则尚未见报道。该文应用免疫化学分析方法对741杨(Populus alba×(P.davidiana×P.simonii)×P.tomentosa)嫩茎生根过程中内源IAA在组织中的分布进行了研究。结果显示,741杨的嫩茎在无外源激素的1/2MS培养基上诱导10天后可生根,14天后生根率达100%。诱导前,嫩茎基部组织中几乎没有IAA信号;诱导8天后,嫩茎基部维管组织中有大量的IAA积累,而且中部的维管组织中也有明显的IAA信号(主要分布在韧皮部和维管形成层);10天后,形成不定根原基,此时IAA主要分布在根原基;12天后,根原基分化成不定根并突破表皮,IAA在不定根中的分布主要集中在根尖和中柱。该文对741杨的嫩茎生根过程中IAA的组织分布特点及运输途径进行了讨论。  相似文献   

葡萄品种皇家秋天与藤稔初代试管苗在第10天(根原基发生)时内源IAA和ABA含量达最低点后上升;ZRs含量达最高值后下降.皇家秋天继代试管苗的IAA在第8天(根原基发生)时达最低点,而后上升达稳定值;ZRs含量达最高值后下降;ABA含量降至最低点后急剧上升,在第10天(生根时)达最高值,持续4 d后又下降.藤稔继代苗在第6天(根原基发生)时IAA含量最低,后上升,持续到第12天后又下降;ZRs含量达最高值后快速下降,至第12天达稳定状态;ABA含量达最低值后缓慢上升,第10天(生根)达最高点后又下降.  相似文献   

以东方百合‘Sorbonne’试管苗为对象,对不同浓度IAA及其抑制剂(TIBA)添加后试管苗茎叶和根的生长情况进行了研究,测定了试管苗中内源激素(IAA,GA_3,Zeatin)的变化。数据显示10 mg·L~(~(-1))IAA促进试管苗茎叶、根生长的效果最佳而40 mg·L~(~(-1))IAA抑制试管苗的生长,TIBA抑制试管苗茎叶、根生长的效果显著。内源激素测定结果表明外源IAA及TIBA处理影响了内源激素的变化,IAA对生长的影响可能是通过调节内源激素的变化而实现的。结合生长情况及内源激素变化的分析结果表明:过高浓度的IAA、过低浓度的GA_3都不利于试管苗生长,内源IAA和GA_3在适宜浓度下才能发挥促进生长的作用;内源Zeatin在试管苗的生长调控中可能不发挥作用。本实验为百合种植中外源激素的合理使用提供了依据,有助于提升百合种植者的经济效益。  相似文献   

香椿试管苗的生根与移栽   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
通过基内诱导生根、基外诱导生根及生根苗移栽等试验,研究了香椿试管苗的生根与移栽。结果表明,基内诱导生根的主要影响因子是生长素IBA,其次是培养基中无机盐浓度,适宜的生根配方是在不含无机盐的培养基中附加1.0mg/L IAB。用NAA、IAB短时间处理无根苗基部,可使部分苗生根,但生根率偏低。试管苗移栽的适宜时期为3月至7月初,以蛭石、河沙为基质效果较好。移载成活的关键是充分炼苗及良好的基质和适宜的时期,注意防虫并保温遮荫。  相似文献   

几中木本植物插穗生根与内源IAA,ABA的关系   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  

苦皮藤试管苗生根培养研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
探讨了培养因子对诱导苦皮藤(Celastrus angulatus Maxim)试管苗生根的作用,采用正交试验设计法测试了苦皮藤生根关键因素多效唑(MET)、吲哚丁酸(IBA)、暗培养及培养基中盐浓度(简称培养基)的效应。方差分析结果显示,暗培养对苦皮藤生根作用极显著,因子作用大小依次为:暗培养>培养基>MET×IBA>MET>IBA×培养基>IBA。诱导苦皮藤组培苗生根的最佳因素配比为:1/2 MS+MET 3.0 mg.L-1 + IBA 0.8 mg.L-1和1/2 MS +MET 3.0 mg.L-1 + IBA0.5 mg.L-1,暗培养12 d效果最好。  相似文献   

探讨了培养因子对诱导苦皮藤(Celastrus angulatus Maxim)试管苗生根的作用,采用正交试验设计法测试了苦皮藤生根关键因素多效唑(MET)、吲哚丁酸(IBA)、暗培养及培养基中盐浓度(简称培养基)的效应.方差分析结果显示,暗培养对苦皮藤生根作用极显著,因子作用大小依次为:暗培养>培养基>MET×IBA>MET>IBA×培养基>IBA.诱导苦皮藤组培苗生根的最佳因素配比为:1/2 MS MET 3.0 mg·L-1 IBA 0.8 mg·L-1和1/2 MS MET 3.0 mg·L-1 IBA0.5 mg·L-1,暗培养12 d效果最好.  相似文献   

本文研究山杜英组培苗生根过程中内源IAA、ABA含量变化规律。结果表明,培养基添加IBA和NAA后,在生根过程中内源IAA、ABA含量变化类似,根点出现前内源IAA、ABA含量一直上升,根点出现后含量开始下降,产生愈伤组织时两种处理的IAA/ABA分别是2.526和3.226。在不添加外源生长素情况下,内源IAA含量一直维持在较低水平,而内源ABA含量一直呈现上升趋势,IAA/ABA始终都在1.211以下。  相似文献   

为了简化甘蔗组织培养流程,降低生产成本,该文以甘蔗品种GT44和B9无根试管苗为材料,先经叶片喷施植物生长调节剂处理,然后炼苗24 h,接着把处理后的试验苗移植于沙土混合栽培基质中,研究其在日光温室条件下完成不定根的形成和生长过程; 同时比较了无根试管苗和有根试管苗的移栽存活率和生长情况。试管苗生根率调查时间为试管苗移植后第3天开始至第10天结束,成活率的调查时间为试管苗移植后的第30天。结果表明:经吲哚丁酸(IBA)和ABT2号生根粉处理的无根试管苗的移栽成活率分别为96.3%和97.7%,接近传统生根试管苗的移栽成活率,且其单株试管苗生根成本为传统生根方法的1/28。甘蔗品种GT44和B9试管苗首次出现可见根的时间均发生在试管苗移栽后的第4天。试管苗根的再生可以在有菌的沙土基质栽培和日光温室条件下完成,而不需要在无菌的MS生根培养基和培养室中进行生根; 基因型和试管苗素质是影响甘蔗试管苗光合自养生根的关键因素; 甘蔗试管苗光合自养生根技术比传统试管苗培养基生根技术拥有更多优势,且操作简单、程序简化、生根率和成活率高、省工、节省能源和生产成本、效率高,替代传统的试管苗生根技术,应用于商业化生产。  相似文献   

High resolution growth recording techniques and reverse isotope dilution analysis were used to study the relationship between indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) concentration and curvature of excised bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv Bush Burpee Stringless) first internode sections unilaterally treated with hormone. The maximum rate of curvature occurred rapidly (within 25 minutes) and was proportional to the log of the amount of applied IAA recovered in the tissue. The rate of curvature decreased after 30 minutes although little or no lateral migration of applied IAA occurred and tissue levels of IAA increased. The biologic activity of IAA-amino acid conjugates was found to be directly related to the amount of free IAA, resulting from their hydrolysis, which could be recovered from the tissue.  相似文献   

Arthrobacter species, isolated from the leaf cavities and the microsporocarps of the aquatic fern species Azolla pinnata and Azolla filiculoides, produced indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in culture when the precursor tryptophan was added to the medium. No IAA production was detected in the absence of tryptophan. Maximum IAA formation was obtained in the first 2 d of incubation. Part of the tryptophan was transformed to N alpha-acetyl-L-tryptophan.  相似文献   

Enhancing of Phytoremediation Efficiency Using Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study, a pot experiment using Solanum nigrum L. grown in cadmium-contaminated soil was conducted in a greenhouse. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) was applied at three different concentrations (1 mg L?1, 10 mg L?1, and 100 mg L?1) to examine the effects on phytoremediation efficiency. According to the experimental results, IAA increased the shoot biomass of S. nigrum significantly, by 124% at the highest concentration used, and increased the Cd concentration in the shoot of S. nigrum by 16%. The Cd extraction amount from a single plant was increased by up to 158%, demonstrating potential practical application for remediation practice.  相似文献   

Leghemoglobin from nudules of soybean prepated by ammonium sulfate frationation appeared to be able to destroy substantial quantities of IAA, Degradation still occurred in purified leghemoglobin preparations isolated by G-100 Sephadex chromatography. Nicotinic acid and acetate affecting the conformation of leghemoglobin both inhibited IAA oxidation by this hemoprotein. The ferric form was found to be the most active in this catabolism. This oxication, related to the psedudoperocidase activity of leghemoghlobin, is undoubtedly restricted in vivo by the very low level of the ferric form present in efficient nodules.  相似文献   

The structures and the concentrations of all of the indolylic compounds that occur in the endosperm of the seeds of corn (Zea mays L.) are known. Thus, it should be possible to determine which, if any, of the indolylic compounds of the endosperm can be transported to the seedling in significant amounts and thus help identify the seed-auxin precursor of Cholodny (1935. Planta 23:289-312) and Skoog (1937. J. Gen. Physiol. 20:311-334). Of interest is the transport of tryptophan, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), and the esters of IAA, which comprise 95% of the IAA compounds of the seed. We have shown that: (a) IAA can move from the endosperm to the shoot; (b) the rate of movement of IAA from endosperm to shoot is that of simple diffusion; (c) 98% of the transported IAA is converted into compounds other than IAA, or IAA esters, en route; (d) some of the IAA that has moved into the shoot has been esterified; (e) labeled tryptophan applied to the endosperm can be found as labeled IAA in the shoot; and (f) with certain assumptions concerning IAA turnover, the rate of movement of IAA and tryptophan-derived IAA from the endosperm to shoot is inadequate for shoot growth or to maintain IAA levels in the shoot.  相似文献   

The auxin content of club-root (Plasmodiophora brassicae Wor.) is 50–100 times higher than that of normal cabbage root. The importance of this difference in the disease development is discussed. Both normal root and club-root of cabbage contain allosteric IAA oxidase and IAA oxidase with ordinary kinetic properties. In normal cabbage root the allosteric one is associated with cell fractions sedimenting at 20,000 × g and 105,000 × g, in club-root it remains in the supernatant after 105,000 × g centrifugation. IAA oxidase with conventional kinetic properties is present in both these tissues in the cell fraction sedimenting at 10,000 × g, which contains mainly cell wall fragments. It is concluded that IAA oxidase is not primarily involved in regulation of the endogenous IAA level.  相似文献   

The metabolism of indolebutyric acid (IBA) in hardwood cuttingsof grapevine (Vitis vinifera cv. Perlette) and green cuttingsof olive (Olea europea cvs. Manzanillo, Kalamata and Koroneiki)was investigated. Radioactive IBA which was synthesized in ourlaboratory was used in these studies. Cuttings of both oliveand grapevine converted IBA to IAA. The identity of IAA wasconfirmed by high performance liquid chromatography and gas-liquidchromatography. The stability of IBA, its slow transport from the site of applicationat the base of the cutting and its conversion to IAA in thecutting are probably the factors which make this compound agood root promoter. 1Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, theVolcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. No. 619-E, 1982 series. (Received April 28, 1983; Accepted April 12, 1984)  相似文献   

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