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The length–age distributions and genetic variation of ten microsatellite loci were examined in samples of herring from the Chupa Inlet of the Kandalaksha Gulf of the White Sea. The samples were collected on the same spawning grounds over a period of 13 years and during the same spawning season. The obtained data demonstrate stability of the length structure and genetic characteristics (allele and genotype frequencies, allelic richness, and heterozygosity). The degree of temporal genetic differentiation was not statistically significant, θ = 0.0038 (CI,–0.0006 to 0.006). Spatial differentiation of the White Sea herring far outweighs the level of temporal variability, which makes it possible to suggest the important role of reproductive isolation in the formation of the population genetic structure of herring.  相似文献   

The use of insertion/deletion (indel) patterns from sequences of the trnL intron and trnL–F intergenic spacer (IGS) in finding plastid genome types of the genus Poa L. was studied. New sequences for 23 taxa (P. alpina, P. badensis, P. bulbosa, P. crassipes, P. molinerii, P. annua, P. chaixii, P. granitica, P. pratensis, P. sibirica, P. remota, P. botryoides, P. cenisia, P. compressa, P. laxa, P. margilicola, P. media, P. nemoralis, P. palustris, P. pannonica, P. pirinica, P. riphaea, and P. sejuncta) and 18 previously published sequences, which represent 11 of the 13 sections listed for Poa in Flora Europaea, were investigated. Collections were made primarily in central Europe. Indel patterns, despite sampling less than 0.7% of the plastid genome, produced four taxa groupings that were congruent with the major divisions obtained in intensive, previously published restriction-site studies. Insertion/deletion events in the trnL intron and trnL–trnF IGS were in nearly all cases unique to a single pattern group and thus provided almost no information about relationships among these groups. Indels did, however, provide a meaningful infrageneric classification criterion for Poa. They can serve as useful tools in studying relationships within this genus.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis in three Rineloricaria pentamaculata populations revealed diploid number 2n = 56 chromosomes, karyotype formula 8m/sm + 48st/a and FN = 64. Owing to the presence of the heteromorphic chromosome pair with a big submetacentric chromosome and a small acrocentric one in both males and females, 42.9% of specimens in the Tauá Stream population had the karyotype formula 9m/sm + 47st/a and FN = 65. Analysis of the nucleolus-organizing region by Ag-NOR and FISH techniques showed a single NOR system at pair 5 for R. pentamaculata populations of the Keller River and the Tauá Stream. However, specimens of populations of the Tatupeba Stream had multiple NOR systems at pairs 5 and 8. A constitutive heterochromatin pattern in R. pentamaculata is mainly distributed in the pericentromeric and telomeric regions with interstitial markers in certain chromosomes. Heterochromatin is located in the telomeric and centromeric positions of the acrocentric chromosome in the heteromorphic pair of the Tauá Stream population. In the submetacentric chromosome the markings are located in the telomeric (short arm), pericentomeric and interstitial (long arm) positions. The origins of polymorphisms are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of genotype of the laboratory strains, C(1)DX, ywf/Y, 23.5 MRF/CyL 4, and C(1)DX,yf; π2, on locus-specific instability in the yellow gene of the strains y 2-217, y 2-715, and y 2-700 from Uman’ population of Drosophila melanogaster was studied. Crosses of the males from Uman’-derived lines with the C(1)DX,ywf/Y females yielded a cascade of derivatives, mostly consisting of y + and y 2 alleles, while their crosses with the 23.5 MRF/CyL 4 and C(1)DX,yf; π2 females mostly resulted in the appearance of y + and y 1 derivatives. The genomes of laboratory strains used in the study contained the full-sized hobo elements, which could differ from one another relative to the structure of variable region and affinity to different DNA sequences.  相似文献   

A group of luminescent strains of marine bacteria Aliivibrio logei has been isolated (basins of the Okhotsk, White and Bering Seas). Strains A. logei were shown to be psycrophilic bacteria with an optimal growth temperature of approximately 15°C. Bioluminescent characteristics of strains were studied, and the expression of lux genes was shown to be regulated by the “quorum sensing” system. The A. logei lux operon was cloned in Escherichia coli cells and the structure of this operon and its nucleotide sequence were determined. The structure of A. logei lux operon differs markedly from that in the closely related species of luminescent marine bacteria A. fischeri. In the structure of the A. logei lux operon, the luxI gene is absent in front of luxC, and a fragment containing luxR2-luxI genes is located immediately after luxG gene. Luminescent psycrophilic marine bacteria of A. logei are assumed to be widely distributed in cold waters of northern seas.  相似文献   

Planulation by Favia fragum at the high-latitude reef of Bermuda was examined during July and August of 2004–2007. In 2004 and 2005, observations were extended to June and September; however, planulation only occurred in July and August, when temperatures were increasing toward and during the annual high. Planulation peaked 6–12 days after the new moon, corresponding to the pattern found for F. fragum in the Caribbean. Mean monthly fecundity was also similar to that found in the Caribbean; however, annual and monthly fecundity were variable, being lowest in July 2005, which coincided with lowest mean SST. These results indicate that although fecundity and lunar timing of planulation by F. fragum are not affected by latitude, reproductive seasonality may be shorter at high-latitude reefs. Understanding reproductive events at latitudinal extremes gives insight to environmental controls on coral reproduction, which will aid in future management and restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Members of the genera Hieracium and Pilosella are model plants that are used to study the mechanisms of apomixis. In order to have a proper understanding of apomixis, knowledge about the relationship between the maternal tissue and the gametophyte is needed. In the genus Pilosella, previous authors have described the specific process of the “liquefaction” of the integument cells that surround the embryo sac. However, these observations were based on data only at the light microscopy level. The main aim of our paper was to investigate the changes in the integument cells at the ultrastructural level in Pilosella officinarum and Hieracium alpinum. We found that the integument peri-endothelial zone in both species consisted of mucilage cells. The mucilage was deposited as a thick layer between the plasma membrane and the cell wall. The mucilage pushed the protoplast to the centre of the cell, and cytoplasmic bridges connected the protoplast to the plasmodesmata through the mucilage layers. Moreover, an elongation of the plasmodesmata was observed in the mucilage cells. The protoplasts had an irregular shape and were finally degenerated. After the cell wall breakdown of the mucilage cells, lysigenous cavities that were filled with mucilage were formed.  相似文献   

Organophosphate hydrolases (OPHs), involved in hydrolytic cleavage of structurally diverse organophosphates are coded by a plasmid borne, highly conserved organophosphate degrading (opd) gene. An inverted repeat sequence found in the signal coding region of the opd gene was found to be responsible for inducing a stable stem loop structure with a ΔG of −23.1 kcal/mol. This stem loop structure has shown significant influence on the expression levels of organophosphate hydrolase (OPH) in E. coli. When the signal coding region comprising the inverted repeat sequence was deleted a ∼3.28 fold increase in the expression levels of OPH was noticed in E. coli BL21 cells. Mutations in the inverted repeat region, especially at the third position of the codon, to a non-complementary base destabilized the secondary structure of opd mRNA. When such opd variant, opd′ was expressed, the expression levels were found to be similar to expression levels coded by the construct generated by deleting the signal peptide coding region. Deletion of signal peptide did not influence the folding and activity of OPH. Though high level induction has resulted in accumulation of OPH as inclusion bodies, modulation of expression levels by reducing the copy number of the expression plasmid, inducer concentration and growth temperature has produced majority of the protein in soluble and active form.  相似文献   

Population dynamics studies in insects mostly focus on a specific life stage of a species and seldom consider different stages. Here, we studied the population demography of a protected Maculinea alconcruciata’ population and the factors that could influence the distribution of eggs. The results of the mark-recapture survey showed a relatively short flight period between mid-June and mid-July with a clearly marked early peak period. Unlike in many other butterflies, protandry was not strong. The total population of M. alconcruciata’ was estimated at 699 individuals. The survival rate, and consequently the average life span, was relatively low. Eggs showed a highly aggregated pattern, and egg numbers were positively related to general shoot size, while the number of flower buds and the features of the surrounding vegetation did not display any effect on egg laying. Based on our findings, the studied population appears viable, but specific management techniques could ensure optimal conditions for egg laying in this protected butterfly.  相似文献   

A noncoding intergenic spacer has previously been reported in mtDNA of Gadiformes. Here we present sequence information from two other cod species and variation within three species to clarify the evolution of this region. A general feature of the T–P spacer is high variation and folding into two or three hairpins. The variation among species both in structure of the region and sequence variation reflects the phylogenetic relationship of the species. A unique pattern is found within Arctic cod, Arctogadus glacialis, in which tandem repeat motifs result in new stable secondary structures. There is large variation in size of the region both within (heteroplasmy) and among individuals. A duplicated insertion is found in Greenland cod, Gadus ogac, at the same position as a corresponding duplication in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua.  相似文献   

Much attention has been focused on the study of lactoferrin at the protein or nucleotide level in mice, humans, and cattle, but little is known about it in goats. The goat LF gene from 5' UTR to exon 17 was amplified, and the variation of g.7605C→T in 10 Chinese indigenous goat breeds was analyzed. Among the three ruminant species (cattle, sheep, and goats), the intron-exon distribution pattern was similar, and all the exons had the same length, but the length of introns varied greatly due to insertions or deletions. The frequency of allele T at g.7605C→T (50.12%) was a little higher than that of allele C (49.88%), and the genotype distribution differed greatly between goat populations. The g.7605C→T site showed higher genetic diversity in goat populations. The genetic differentiation was 0.0783, and gene flow was 2.9433 among the 10 Chinese indigenous goat populations.  相似文献   

We have investigated nucleotide polymorphism at theβ-esterase gene cluster including theEst-6 gene andψEst-6 putative pseudogene in four samples ofDrosophila melanogaster derived from natural populations of southern Africa (Zimbabwe), Europe (Spain), North America (USA: California), and South America (Venezuela). A complex haplotype structure is revealed in bothEst-6 andψEst-6. Total nucleotide diversity is twice inψEst-6 as inEst-6; diversity is higher in the African sample than in the non-African ones. Strong linkage disequilibrium occurs within theβ-esterase gene cluster in non-African samples, but not in the African one. Intragenic gene conversion events are detected withinEst-6 and, to a much greater extent, withinyEst-6; intergenic gene conversion events are rare. Tests of neutrality with recombination are significant for theβ-esterase gene cluster in the non-African samples but not significant in the African one. We suggest that the demographic history (bottleneck and admixture of genetically differentiated populations) is the major factor shaping the pattern of nucleotide polymorphism in theb-esterase gene cluster. However there are some ’footprints’ of directional and balancing selection shaping specific distribution of nucleotide polymorphism within the cluster. Intergenic epistatic selection betweenEst-6 andψEst-6 may play an important role in the evolution of theβ-esterase gene cluster preserving the putative pseudogene from degenerative destruction and reflecting possible functional interaction between the functional gene and the putative pseudogene.Est-6 andyEst-6 may represent an indivisible intergenic complex (‘intergene’) in which each single component (Est-6 orψEst-6) cannot separately carry out the full functional role.  相似文献   

The Commerson’s dolphin, Cephalorhynchus commersonii, is found in shallow waters of the continental shelf off the eastern coast of South America between 40°S and 56°S. This species is taken incidentally in artisanal gillnet fisheries, especially along the shallow coastline of northern Tierra del Fuego and southern Patagonia. The biological importance of by-catch is likely to be underestimated if the boundaries of subpopulations are not properly defined. Here, we report on the sequence variation of the mitochondrial DNA control region of the Commerson’s dolphin from five areas defined in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina and Chile, to provide a preliminary assessment of population structure where conservation efforts are most needed. A 466 bp fragment of the mitochondrial DNA control region was sequenced from 196 samples of skin, teeth and bone, defining 20 haplotypes from 17 polymorphic sites. Nucleotide (π = 0.40%) and haplotype (h = 0.807) diversity were low compared to some other odontocete populations, but similar to that of other species of this genus. Genetic differentiation evaluated through analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed significant overall differences among areas within Tierra del Fuego (Φ ST  = 0.059, P < 0.01). An analysis of sex-specific population structure suggested that the dispersal rates of both females and males are low, indicative of females displaying greater site fidelity. The results from mtDNA control region sequences alone revealed significant differentiation among studied areas, which should be considered as independent management units. We recommend that the impact of localized gillnet mortalities should be managed on a local scale in these areas of Tierra del Fuego.  相似文献   

Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) have been characterized in all extant lineages of mammals. The tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) is well established as a model marsupial species; however, no classical MHC sequences have been described from this species. We have isolated two MHC class II -chain sequences from a tammar wallaby spleen cDNA library using a tammar MHC class II probe. These sequences belong to the marsupial MHC class II DBB gene family. Two additional DBB sequences were amplified from tammar wallaby genomic DNA. All four sequences were obtained from the same individual, indicating that there are at least two DBB loci in the tammar wallaby.Nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the GenBank database under the accession numbers AY438038–AY438042  相似文献   

The black stork Ciconia nigra is listed as a focal species for guiding forest management in Estonia, where forestry has recently intensified and the stork population has suffered a twofold decline. We explored a possible link between the decline of the population and man-induced changes in forest structure, by analysing nesting of the species in relation to forest cover, edge effects and stand structure. Although the storks had distinct habitat preferences (old remote stands near rivers and a certain distance far from ecotones in well-forested landscapes), these were hardly reflected in site re-occupancy and productivity. Therefore, changes in forest structure are probably not responsible for the population decline, although preferences for specific forest environments may limit the range of potential nest sites. The results indicated that edge avoidance cannot be considered a species-specific feature over large areas and clear habitat preferences are not necessarily related with the present success of a population. We also suggest that lists of focal species should be regularly updated and validated in the field.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the present status of the large migratory catfish fisheries in the Upper Amazon. We present biological information about the main species and we give strong evidence that the stock of piraíba (Brachyplatystoma filamentosum),the largest catfish in the Amazon Basin is probably over-exploited. In conclusion, we raise some hypotheses about the causes and prospects for the future.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the fluoroquinolone resistance mechanism of aac (6′)-Ib-cr and qnrS gene by comparing complete sequences and stability of the aac(6′)-Ib-cr- and qnrS-positive plasmids from Shigella isolates in the Hangzhou area of China. The complete sequences of four newly acquired plasmids carrying aac(6′)-Ib-cr or qnrS were compared with those of two plasmids obtained previously and two similar reference Escherichia coli plasmids. The results showed that the length, antibiotic resistance genes and genetic environment were different among the plasmids. Moreover, the plasmid stability of three wild-type isolates and five plasmid transformants carrying aac(6′)-Ib-cr and/or qnrS was measured in vitro, and all eight isolates were found to have lost their aac(6′)-Ib-cr- or qnrS-positive plasmids to a different extent at different stages. When the plasmids were electroporated into Shigella flexneri or they lost positive plasmids, the MICs of ciprofloxacin increased or decreased two- to eightfold for aac(6′)-Ib-cr-positive plasmids and 16- to 32-fold for qnrS-positive plasmids. To our knowledge, this is the first report comparing the complete sequences and describing stability for the aac(6′)-Ib-cr- and qnrS-positive plasmids from Shigella isolates.  相似文献   

A dark form of the female horsefly Chrysops (Heterochrysops) vanderwulpi Kröber is described from Primorskii Territory of Russia and illustrated with a figure of the abdominal pattern.  相似文献   

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