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The concentration of airborne chestnut pollenhas been investigated at four monitoringstations situated in several cities in Galicia(NW Spain) during 1995–1998. Their pollenseason takes place from mid June to thebeginning of August. The annual total chestnutpollen shows differences between years in eachcity. Likewise there are significantdifferences between cities in each year.The pollen concentrations were closelycorrelated with meteorological parameters. Theyincreased with maximum temperatures and hoursof sunshine and they decreased with rainfalland relative humidity.The diurnal variations of pollen concentrationsshow different patterns in urban and ruralareas. Where the spore trap is surrounded byarboreal masses with chestnut as the dominanttree, the pattern shows two peaks, one in theevening (between seven and mid-night) andanother in the morning (between four and one inthe afternoon).  相似文献   

An aerobiological survey was performed in Berhampore town of West Bengal, India, to know the frequency of three common airborne pollen, namely Acacia auriculiformis, Eucalyptus citriodora and Madhuca indica using an ASTIR one day volumetric sampler. Acacia pollen showed its peak concentration in September, followed by Madhuca in April, while Eucalyptus showed its two peaks between September–October and January–April. Meteorological factors like temperature, RH, rainfall played an important role in release and dispersal of pollen. Skin prick tests with the antigenic extracts of the three pollen types, showed their allergenic potentialities. The highest markedly positive reactions were exhibited by Eucalyptus (34.04%), followed by Madhuca (22.93%) and Acacia (21.87%). 30–60% (NH4)2 SO4 cut fraction (Fraction II) of each pollen type showed maximum positivity in skin prick test. Biochemical analysis showed that Acacia pollen was richer in protein and carbohydrate, than the other two types. The total protein component of the above types were studied by SDS-PAGE showing different protein bands with a range of molecular weight 29–110 KD. In isolated fraction II (allergenically most potent) of Eucalyptus and Madhuca different protein band of 43–200 KD were obtained, while a single protein band of 57 KD was obtained for Acacia. The IgE specific allergenic reactivity was confirmed by Dot-blotting technique. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary The isolations of three new strains ofFrankia were made from root nodules ofCasuarina cunninghamiana growing aeroponically. Two strains, HFPCCI1 and HFPCcI2 isolated by Lopez are typicalFrankia strains, producing sporangia among filamentous mats in culture and, in the absence of combined nitrogen, forming vesicles and showing acetylene reduction. They are red-pigmented and, although failing to nodulateCasuarina hosts, effectively nodulatedElaeagnus andHippophae. A third strain HFPCcI3 isolated by Zhang from the same source, also a typicalFrankia, can form sporangia and vesicles in culture and reduce acetylene, is unpigmented, fails to nodulateElaeagnus but effectively nodulatesC. cunninghamiana andC. equisetifolia. Comparisons are made among all of theCasuarina isolates in our collection from around the world (twelve in all) with regard to their cultural characteristics and capacity to infect host plant species. Questions are raised about the specificity of the various isolates and their possible affinities. Opportunities are suggested for inoculation of seedlings for forestry and field application using the infective, effective strains now available.  相似文献   

The aerobiological behaviour of Fagaceae in Trieste and the correlations with the meteorological parameters were examined. Airborne pollen grains of Castanea, Fagus and Quercus were collected from 1990 to 2003 using a Hirst type spore trap. The main pollen season (MPS) takes place in April and May for Quercus and Fagus, in June and July for Castanea. The highest values occur in year 1993 for Quercus, in 1998 for Castanea and in 1992 for Fagus. The Fagaceae content of the air is mainly due to Quercus and Castanea pollen, Fagus usually having a scarce pollen shedding in Trieste. The highest counts of Fagaceae pollen grains are found from late April to mid May and are mainly due to the pollen shedding of oaks. The cumulative counts vary over the years, with a mean value of 2.719 pollen grains, a lowest total of 1.341 in 2002 and a highest total of 4.704 in 1993. No positive nor negative long-term trends in pollen shedding are found. No cyclic variations were observed. Spearman’s correlation was used to establish the relationship between the daily pollen counts and the daily meteorological data. Daily pollen concentrations present sometimes positive correlation with temperature, negative with rainfall and wind speed, and no correlation with humidity. Fagus and Quercus start dates result positively correlated between themselves. Significant correlations are found between the start of MPS and the mean and maximum temperature in March for Fagus and Quercus, and May for Castanea.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 29 species ofOdontites and related genera was examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. Three major pollen types differing fundamentally in exine sculpturing were found. In the parasitic tribePedicularieae retipilate sculpturing is the most widespread type representing a plesiomorphic character state from which the two other types are derived. Of these, reticulate sculpturing is confined toOdontites, whereas a complex retirugulate pattern was found only in the monotypic Near East genusBornmuellerantha. Within the retipilate and the reticulate major types eight minor types were distinguished based on the differential correlation of exine surface morphology, size, shape and amb form. The pollen data are generally well correlated with macromorphological features and furnish important taxonomic characters at the genus—as well as at the specieslevel.  相似文献   

Ragweed pollen: The aeroallergen is spreading in Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Presently in Europe, ragweed pollen as an aeroallergen is not as important as Poaceae,Parietaria or Betulaceae, even if in some countries the plant is beginning to influence the local composition of the airborne pollen spectra. In northern Italy, the presence of ragweed airborne pollen has only been reported since the beginning of the 1980’s and it is increasingly spreading from year to year. Given this situation, the allergologists have begun to regard the potential risk of sensitisation to ragweed pollen with much attention. Up to now, such pollen has not been included in the routine allergological tests. In 1995 in some sites of northern Italy (Turin, Milan, Trieste), the concentration values of ragweed pollen were remarkable (∼ 20–30 p/m3) and on the increase with respect to the previous years. This investigation aims at focusing the atmospheric concentration trend on this new aeroallergen (Ambrosia sp.) in Italy from 1991 throughout 1995.  相似文献   

Summary Pollen and spore concentrations were compared in Tartu, Estonia and in three sites in Finland (Turku, Kuopio and Oulu) during May–September 1989. The onset ofQuercus, Pinus, Poaceae,Urtica andRumex flowering started earlier in Tartu than at any site in Finland. The flowering ofJuniperus andArtemisia, on the other hand, began earlier in Turku and Kuopio than in Tartu.Pinus andJuniperus showed a significant correlation (number of pollen grains at the same date) between Tartu and Turku and between Turku and Kuopio. Poaceae andUrtica were correlated between all the sites, as wasRumex except between Tartu and Turku.Artemisia was correlated between Tartu and Turku, Turku and Oulu, and Kuopio and Oulu.Cladosporium correlated between Tartu and Turku. The pollen seasons of Poaceae,Urtica andRumex are prolonged towards the south.  相似文献   

Summary In 1984–5 and 1985–6 aerosporological data were collected in an experimental hazel-nut orchard in Cravanzana (High Langa) whereCorylus maxima andCorylus avellana cv. Tonda Gentile delle Langhe (TGL) were present with a prevalence of the latter. Inter variety crosses withC. avellana and interspecific hybridsC. avellana xC. maxima were also present. CultivatedCorylus flowering diagrams are known, while more evidence is needed on the spread and concentration of airborne pollens, especially during female anthesis which spans over a month on average. Pollen release periods were identified including onset of accessory periods. Aerosporological data helped identify TGL association in relation to spread of plants and quality of nut. Cultivars and hybrids, which have already been studied in terms of genetic compatibility, have been considered in terms of airborne pollen periods. Thanks to adequate pollinators we can rationalize orchards, increase productivity while maintaining nut quality. This work has been supported by “Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione” found 60%.   相似文献   

Summary The control of phytopathogenic fungi in agriculture requires sometimes excessive chemical treatments because, in many cases, reliable monitoring systems in order to assess the real risk for the cultivations are not available.Therefore, the likelihood to assess the presence and the amount of phytophatogenic fungus propagules in the air with a spore-trap has been investigated in order to evaluate their correlation with the climate and the disease occurrence. Four phytopathogenic fungi, namelyVenturia inequalis, Phytophthora infestans, Cercospora beticola andDiaporthe phaseolorum var.caulivora were taken into consideration.Practical use of airborne spore monitoring in a disease control strategy proved to be useful only forVenturia inequalis andPhytophthora infestans causal agent of apple scab and tomato late blight respectively. For the latter, the utilisation of an aerobiological monitoring system for the disease prediction can be assumed.  相似文献   

The gas diffusion pathway in nodules was traced by vacuum infiltration with India ink or aniline blue and by electron microscopy. India ink infiltration was observed in the outermost and the innermost cortex in sliced nodules, but not in intact nodules. With aniline blue infiltration, it was observed that intercellular air spaces in the outermost and the innermost cortex were connected to those in nodule roots. No air spaces were in contact with walls of infected cells, although intercellular air spaces existed in some groups of uninfected cells within the infected zone. Infiltration with either India ink or aniline blue could not be observed in the infected zone in essentially all cases. Thus it is suggested that the discontinuity of the intercellular air spaces represents a major resistance to O2 diffusion in nodules ofCasuarina cunninghamiana.  相似文献   

Ambrosia pollen is known as an importantallergen in North America, and more recently in someEuropean countries. From 1989 to 1995, the Ambrosia pollen levels detected at the stationsmonitored by the Aerobiological Network of Catalonia(Xarxa Aerobiològica de Catalunya, XAC) wereinsignificant. In 1996, a considerable althoughtemporary increase in the concentration of this pollenwas detected in the atmosphere over Girona, Barcelona,Bellaterra, Manresa, and Tarragona. Most of the Ambrosia pollen collected in 1996 was concentrated ina single day. Its appearance on that day wasattributed to long range transportation, caused byunusual conditions of atmospheric circulation, fromthe Lyon region in France where the species isabundant. This is the only day where concentrations ofAmbrosia pollen that may be dangerous to humanhealth have been reached. Ambrosia coronopifolia is the most abundantspecies of the genus in Catalonia, and although rare,its expansion is favoured by the fact that it growsthrough rhizomes and sprouts easily. It is, therefore,important to monitor the growth of its population andthe release of its pollen in order to predict theappearance of pollen levels that may precipitateallergic symptoms.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate thephenological behaviour of Betula in Galicia, NW Spain, and to examine therelationship between the Betula pollencurves and the flowering phenophase. Threetrees were chosen from the each of ninepopulations of Betula located atdifferent altitudes and phytogeographicpositions. Phenological observations of theflowering periods of Betula were made ineach of them. Environmental factors such asfrequency of mist, latitudinal and topographicposition, proximity of the ocean, degree ofsolar exposure, and altitude result inphenological differences between theinvestigated populations. The correlationbetween the Pollinic Production Index of Betula pollen in Galicia and theaerobiological data of the seven monitoringstations showed that the period in which thehighest concentrations were registered wasalmost synchronous with the flowering times atmost of the phenological stations studied.Other factors such as transport and reflotationshould also be taken into account to provide anadequate interpretation of the aerobiologicaldata of Betula pollen in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Summary The observations of airborne pollen ofOlea europea and the incidence of clinical manifestations in patients allergic to this pollen type have not been registered so far in the city of Thessaloniki. The purpose of this study was: 1. to assess theO. europea pollen circulation in the area of our city, and 2. to detect the percentage of sensitivity toO. europea pollen in patients with pollinosis. We collected daily pollen samples during a 3-year period (February '87-January '90), using a Burkard volumetric trap, located on a high level area in the centre of the city. The pollen counts were then registered. The O.europea pollen grains were not differentiated microscopically from the other Oleaceae, but identified through phenological criteria. The patients included in the assessment of the sensitivity toO. europea came from the out-patient clinic of bronchial asthma of the General Hospital ?G. Papanicolaou?. They had a seasonal pollinosis and they were submitted to prick test using a battery of 22 groups and an O.europea extract. Pollen ofO. europea appears first in the atmosphere of Thessaloniki at the beginning of May, shows a peak in the end of May and continues to be present till the end of June. The quantity ofO. europea pollen ranked 6th in the list of the total pollen count and its flowering period coincided with that of grasses. In a sample of 360 patients with seasonal pollinosis, we detected anO. europea pollen sensitivity combined with other alleargens in 37% of the patients and a monosensivity in 4%. We conclude that pollen ofO. europea results to be present over a relative short period of time (May–June) in the area of Thessaloniki. The percentage of patients' sensitization toO. europea pollen was a little less frequent than sensitization to grasses, even if their flowering time coincides and their presence in the air shows about the same concentration values.  相似文献   

Summary Earlier studies showed that under natural conditions foreign pollen receipt is correlated with loss of seed set in populations of P. viscosum. Here, we report on experimental pollinations using foreign pollen from two co-flowering species that share pollinators with P. viscosum. Experiments were designed to ascertain whether improper pollen transfer causes reduced seed set under controlled conditions and, if so, to determine the stage at which interference occurs. In flowers pre-treated by pollination with either Mertensia or Castilleja pollen, adherence of subsequently deposited conspecific pollen grains was unaffected. However, conspecific grains had significantly lower germination and ovule fertilization success in flowers receiving foreign pollen than in controls. These results suggest that pollinator infidelity in high alpine plant communities can reduce female reproductive success of P. viscosum by inhibiting the performance of conspecific pollen grains. Negative effects of Mertensia and Castilleja pollen were comparable despite large interspecific differences in pollen grain morphology. Accordingly, susceptibility to foreign pollen interference appears to be an intrinsic property of P. viscosum that is not dependent on the unique structural properties of pollen produced by competitive species.  相似文献   

Summary From May 1986 to May 1989 surveys of airborne biological particles have been performed in the atmosphere of Cosenza, Italy with the aim of monitoring the presence of airborne pollen. The survey station is situated at Arcavacata of Rende, a hilly area 474 meters above sea level, 7 km north-west of the main town. The sampler (VPPS 2000) is located about 20 meters above ground level. The monitoring, performed in accordance with the criteria suggested by the Italian Association of Aerobiology (A.I.A.), enabled the identification of 26 different pollen types. The pollination graphics show: 1) a late winter period in which pollen from trees appears; 2) a spring period with a prevalence of Gramineae, Fagaceae, Oleaceae andParietaria pollen; 3) a late spring-summer period during which Fagaceae,Pinus and Compositae pollen grains are present; 4) a late summer-autumn and winter period characterized by a drastic reduction of airborne pollen. A study of the calendar reveals, furthermore, that: 1) Gramineae pollen is, amongst those of allergological importance, the most representative; 2)Parietaria is not perennial and is present in modest concentrations; 3)Olea reaches a high peak in June, but not as high as in other southern regions; 3) pollen from arboreal plants is prevalent compared to that of herbaceous plants.  相似文献   

During six consecutive years (1993–1998), aBurkard volumetric pollen trap was continuouslyoperated to sample pollen from the air of thecity of Murcia. The aim of the study was toelucidate the spectra of airborne pollen andthe variations during the year, and toelaborate a pollen calendar. This time spanincludes the end of the period with severedrought from 1990–1995, which particularly affected the south-eastern region of Spain.The total sum of daily average pollenconcentrations amounted to 148,645 pollen grainsbelonging to 93 different taxa. A daily averageof 74 pollen grains/m3 and 11 taxa wererecorded, with maxima of 1157 and 27respectively. The total pollen amountregistered in a year correlated with yearlyrainfall, but there was no relation with meanannual temperature. As for annual fluctuations,there seemed to be no influence by totalrainfall or temperature. Spring and winter werethe seasons with the highest pollen counts andpollen diversity.From the 93 identified taxa, 36 are included inthe pollen calendar. Noteworthy findings are:(i) the presence of Thymelaeaceae,Robinia, Betula, Castanea,Zygophyllum, Caryophyllaceae andCannabis, (ii) a long pollen season ofChenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae, Urticaceae,Poaceae, Arecaceae and Plantago, (iii)the occurrence of summer, autumn and winterflowering of Artemisia, (iv) the lateappearance of Corylus pollen, and (v) theminor presence of Casuarina pollen duringthe mid winter and late spring.  相似文献   

Summary The circadian periodicity of the five allergologically most important pollen types in S. Finland and two different spore types were studied at two sites, about 200 meters apart: one Burkard sampler situated on a roof at a height of 15 meters and the other on a garden lawn at ground level. The circadian rhythms of pollen released close to the ground (herb pollen) did not correlate at the two sampling heights used. Variations in pollen from high sources (trees) were significantly correlated at the two heights used. The circadian rhythms of spores from low source distant from the sampling sites (Suillus as an example of forest fungi) were not always correlated; instead, spores with sources at different heights (Cladosporium as an example) had similar circadian periodicity not depending on the sampling level. It was shown that, when studying circadian rhythms of atmospheric particles, the sampling height used is often of great importance. Circadian rhythms of the same pollen and spore types for ten years at the higher sampling site are presented for long-term comparison.  相似文献   

Summary Mugwort pollen flight and pollen emission are characterized by a distinct biological rhythm with emission in the early morning hours (6:00–11:00 a.m. CEST). Pollen traps at roof level monitor the daily and yearly variation of mugwort pollen flight later and in lower quantities than those installed at ground level because of the different daily variation of convection at various air levels. The daily variation of mugwort pollen flight can be described by mathematical functions. Because of these significant differences between the catch at different levels, the supposed high allergic potential of mugwort has to be discussed.  相似文献   

B. J. Hann 《Hydrobiologia》1987,145(1):219-224
Among the Cladocera, the occurrence of interspecific hybrids in nature has been reported frequently but rarely adequately documented. During the course of a survey of the genetic variation and population structure of several species ofSimocephalus in ponds in southern Ontario, Canada, readily distinguishable congeners often co-occurred in a pond. Occasionally, clones were recovered that were intermediate in phenotype (as determined from both morphological and electrophoretic analyses) between two species. Two different hybrid clones have been examined in detail to determine the parentals involved in the crosses. Evidence from field and laboratory studies is presented to document the hybrid nature of these clones. Factors favouring formation and long-term survival of hybrids in littoral zone and pelagic species are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Our study of fifty two hay fever patients included twenty six solely allergic to grass pollen and twenty six exhibiting allergy to various pollen species, such as hazel, birch, oak, poplar, andArtemisia. Their total and specific IgE response was evalutated by the immunoenzymatic method, while clinical reactivity was assessed by recording nasal and bronchial symptom scores between mid-March and mid-July. Simultaneously pollen counts were made. Polysensitized patients showed significantly higher levels of both total and specific IgE, which testifies to the enhanced quantitative and qualitative IgE. Multisensitized patients reacted earlier than patients sensitized to grass pollen only, which confirms that non-grass plants flowering only in the spring cause the priming effect on the nasal and bronchial mucosa. The early symptoms may be attributable to tree pollen sensitivity or may refletct higher grass pollen IgE levels in the polysensitized group. Characteristically, nasal symptoms preceded bronchial symptoms of several weeks.On comparing nasal washing from the polysensitized patients to washing from patients with grass pollen, we found much cytological material with the predominance of eosinophils.  相似文献   

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