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Vulnerable and stable atherosclerotic plaques are heterogeneous living materials with peculiar mechanical behaviors depending on geometry, composition, loading and boundary conditions. Computational approaches have the potential to characterize the three-dimensional stress/strain distributions in patient-specific diseased arteries of different types and sclerotic morphologies and to estimate the risk of plaque rupture which is the main trigger of acute cardiovascular events. This review article attempts to summarize a few finite element (FE) studies for different vessel types, and how these studies were performed focusing on the used stress measure, inclusion of residual stress, used imaging modality and material model. In addition to histology the most used imaging modalities are described, the most common nonlinear material models and the limited number of models for plaque rupture used for such studies are provided in more detail. A critical discussion on stress measures and threshold stress values for plaque rupture used within the FE studies emphasizes the need to develop a more location and tissue-specific threshold value, and a more appropriate failure criterion. With this addition future FE studies should also consider more advanced strain-energy functions which then fit better to location and tissue-specific experimental data.  相似文献   

Plaque rupture may be triggered by extreme stress/strain conditions. Inflammation is also implicated and can be imaged using novel imaging techniques. The impact of cap inflammation on plaque stress/strain and flow shear stress were investigated. A patient-specific MRI-PET/CT-based modeling approach was used to develop 3D fluid-structure interaction models and investigate the impact of inflammation on plaque stress/strain conditions for better plaque assessment. 18FDG-PET/CT and MRI data were acquired from 4 male patients (average age: 66) to assess plaque characteristics and inflammation. Material stiffness for the fibrous cap was adjusted lower to reflect cap weakening causing by inflammation. Setting stiffness ratio (SR) to be 1.0 (fibrous tissue) for baseline, results for SR=0.5, 0.25, and 0.1 were obtained. Thin cap and hypertension were also considered. Combining results from the 4 patients, mean cap stress from 729 cap nodes was lowered by 25.2% as SR went from 1.0 to 0.1. Mean cap strain value for SR=0.1 was 0.313, 114% higher than that from SR=1.0 model. The thin cap SR=0.1 model had 40% mean cap stress decrease and 81% cap strain increase compared with SR=1.0 model. The hypertension SR=0.1 model had 19.5% cap stress decrease and 98.6% cap strain increase compared with SR=1.0 model. Differences of flow shear stress with 4 different SR values were limited (<10%). Cap inflammation may lead to large cap strain conditions when combined with thin cap and hypertension. Inflammation also led to lower cap stress. This shows the influence of inflammation on stress/strain calculations which are closely related to plaque assessment.  相似文献   

心血管疾病中动脉粥样硬化斑块的钙化是动脉粥样硬化的临床标志之一,主要发生在动脉血管的内膜.动脉粥样硬化斑块核心的钙化不会增加斑块的易损性,而粥样斑块纤维帽上的微钙化会加强纤维帽的周向应力,致使斑块的易损性增加.动脉粥样硬化斑块的钙化机制包括被动钙化和主动钙化,被动钙化受激素和局部信号的调节,主动钙化机制涉及复杂的细胞生命过程,基质囊泡、细胞凋亡、外泌体、氧化应激反应和细胞自噬等均参与了钙化过程.本文对动脉粥样硬化斑块的钙化机制的进展进行综述.  相似文献   

The catastrophic mechanical rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque is the underlying cause of the majority of cardiovascular events. The infestation of vascular calcification in the plaques creates a mechanically complex tissue composite. Local stress concentrations and plaque tissue strength properties are the governing parameters required to predict plaque ruptures. Advanced imaging techniques have permitted insight into fundamental mechanisms driving the initiating inflammatory-driven vascular calcification of the diseased intima at the (sub-) micron scale and up to the macroscale. Clinical studies have potentiated the biomechanical relevance of calcification through the derivation of links between local plaque rupture and specific macrocalcification geometrical features. The clinical implications of the data presented in this review indicate that the combination of imaging, experimental testing, and computational modelling efforts are crucial to predict the rupture risk for atherosclerotic plaques. Specialised experimental tests and modelling efforts have further enhanced the knowledge base for calcified plaque tissue mechanical properties. However, capturing the temporal instability and rupture causality in the plaque fibrous caps remains elusive. Is it necessary to move our experimental efforts down in scale towards the fundamental (sub-) micron scales in order to interpret the true mechanical behaviour of calcified plaque tissue interactions that is presented on a macroscale in the clinic and to further optimally assess calcified plaques in the context of biomechanical modelling.  相似文献   

Complement factor C5a and its receptor C5aR are expressed in vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques; however, a causal relation between C5a and plaque rupture has not been established yet. Accelerated atherosclerosis was induced by placing vein grafts in male apoE?/? mice. After 24 days, when advanced plaques had developed, C5a or PBS was applied locally at the lesion site in a pluronic gel. Three days later mice were killed to examine the acute effect of C5a on late stage atherosclerosis. A significant increase in C5aR in the plaque was detectable in mice treated with C5a. Lesion size and plaque morphology did not differ between treatment groups, but interestingly, local treatment with C5a resulted in a striking increase in the amount of plaque disruptions with concomitant intraplaque haemorrhage. To identify the potential underlying mechanisms, smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells were treated in vitro with C5a. Both cell types revealed a marked increase in apoptosis after stimulation with C5a, which may contribute to lesion instability in vivo. Indeed, apoptosis within the plaque was seen to be significantly increased after C5a treatment. We here demonstrate a causal role for C5a in atherosclerotic plaque disruptions, probably by inducing apoptosis. Therefore, intervention in complement factor C5a signalling may be a promising target in the prevention of acute atherosclerotic complications.  相似文献   

The pathological changes associated with the development of atherosclerotic plaques within arterial vessels result in significant alterations to the mechanical properties of the diseased arterial wall. There are several methods available to characterise the mechanical behaviour of atherosclerotic plaque tissue, and it is the aim of this paper to review the use of uniaxial mechanical testing. In the case of atherosclerotic plaques, there are nine studies that employ uniaxial testing to characterise mechanical behaviour. A primary concern regarding this limited cohort of published studies is the wide range of testing techniques that are employed. These differing techniques have resulted in a large variance in the reported data making comparison of the mechanical behaviour of plaques from different vasculatures, and even the same vasculature, difficult and sometimes impossible. In order to address this issue, this paper proposes a more standardised protocol for uniaxial testing of diseased arterial tissue that allows for better comparisons and firmer conclusions to be drawn between studies. To develop such a protocol, this paper reviews the acquisition and storage of the tissue, the testing approaches, the post-processing techniques and the stress–strain measures employed by each of the nine studies. Future trends are also outlined to establish the role that uniaxial testing can play in the future of arterial plaque mechanical characterisation.  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of mortality in the Western world, contributing to about 50% of all deaths. Atherosclerosis is characterized by deposition of lipids onto the coronary or carotid arterial wall and formation of an atherosclerotic plaque. Atherosclerotic plaques are categorized into two groups: symptomatic and asymptomatic. The symptomatic plaques tend to be unstable and prone to rupture, and are associated with an increase in ischemic events. Oxysterols, products of cholesterol oxidation, are cytotoxic materials. Their level and type may be associated with plaque formation, development and stability. Oxysterols stimulate the formation of foam cells, advance atherosclerotic plaque progression, and contribute to plaque vulnerability and instability due to their cytotoxicity and their ability to induce cell apoptosis. Studies indicate that plasma 7β-OH CH level can be used as a biomarker for detecting carotid and coronary artery disease. Further clinical studies are needed to evaluate the potential of oxysterols for use as biomarkers for plaque vulnerability and instability. The identification of biomarkers in the blood that can distinguish between symptomatic and asymptomatic plaques remains an unresolved issue.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease and stroke, caused by atherosclerosis have become the “number one killer”, seriously endangering human health in developing and developed countries. Atherosclerosis mainly occurs in large and medium-sized arteries and involves intimal thickening, accumulation of foam cells, and formation of atheromatous plaques. Autophagy is a cellular catabolic process that has evolved to defend cells from the turnover of intracellular molecules. Autophagy is thought to play an important role in the development of plaques. This review focuses on studies on autophagy in cells involved in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, such as monocytes, macrophages, endothelial cells, dendritic cells, and vascular smooth muscle cells, indicating that autophagy plays an important role in plaque development. We mainly discuss the roles of autophagy in these cells in maintaining the stability of atherosclerotic plaques, providing a reference for the next steps to unravel the mechanisms of atherogenesis.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) caused by arteriosclerosis are the leading cause of death and disability worldwide. In the late stages of atherosclerosis, the atherosclerotic plaque gradually expands in the blood vessels, resulting in vascular stenosis. When the unstable plaque ruptures and falls off, it blocks the vessel causing vascular thrombosis, leading to strokes, myocardial infarctions, and a series of other serious diseases that endanger people''s lives. Therefore, regulating plaque stability is the main means used to address the high mortality associated with CVDs. The progression of the atherosclerotic plaque is a complex integration of vascular cell apoptosis, lipid metabolism disorders, inflammatory cell infiltration, vascular smooth muscle cell migration, and neovascular infiltration. More recently, emerging evidence has demonstrated that non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) play a significant role in regulating the pathophysiological process of atherosclerotic plaque formation by affecting the biological functions of the vasculature and its associated cells. The purpose of this paper is to comprehensively review the regulatory mechanisms involved in the susceptibility of atherosclerotic plaque rupture, discuss the limitations of current approaches to treat plaque instability, and highlight the potential clinical value of ncRNAs as novel diagnostic biomarkers and potential therapeutic strategies to improve plaque stability and reduce the risk of major cardiovascular events.  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is the main pathophysiological process underlying coronary artery disease (CAD). Acute complications of atherosclerosis, such as myocardial infarction, are caused by the rupture of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques, which are characterized by thin, highly inflamed, and collagen-poor fibrous caps. Several lines of evidence mechanistically link the heme peroxidase myeloperoxidase (MPO), inflammation as well as acute and chronic manifestations of atherosclerosis. MPO and MPO-derived oxidants have been shown to contribute to the formation of foam cells, endothelial dysfunction and apoptosis, the activation of latent matrix metalloproteinases, and the expression of tissue factor that can promote the development of vulnerable plaque. As such, detection, quantification and imaging of MPO mass and activity have become useful in cardiac risk stratification, both for disease assessment and in the identification of patients at risk of plaque rupture. This review summarizes the current knowledge about the role of MPO in CAD with a focus on its possible roles in plaque rupture and recent advances to quantify and image MPO in plasma and atherosclerotic plaques.  相似文献   

Approximately half of all cardiovascular deaths associated with acute coronary syndrome occur when the thin fibrous cap tissue overlying the necrotic core in a coronary vessel is torn, ripped or fissured under the action of high blood pressure. From a biomechanics point of view, the rupture of an atheroma is due to increased mechanical stresses in the lesion, in which the ultimate stress (i.e. peak circumferential stress (PCS) at failure) of the tissue is exceeded. Several factors including the cap thickness, morphology, residual stresses and tissue composition of the atheroma have been shown to affect the PCS. Also important, we recently demonstrated that microcalcifications (μCalcs>5 µm are a common feature in human atheroma caps, which behave as local stress concentrators, increasing the local tissue stress by at least a factor of two surpassing the ultimate stress threshold for cap tissue rupture. In the present study, we used both idealized µCalcs with spherical shape and actual µCalcs from human coronary atherosclerotic caps, to determine their effect on increasing the circumferential stress in the fibroatheroma cap using different hyperelastic constitutive models. We have found that the stress concentration factor (SCF) produced by μCalcs in the fibroatheroma cap is affected by the material tissue properties, μCalcs spacing, aspect ratio and their alignment relative to the tensile axis of the cap.  相似文献   



It is widely believed that atherosclerotic plaque rupture and subsequent thrombosis leads to acute coronary events and stroke. However, study of the mechanism and treatment of human plaque rupture is hampered by lack of a suitable animal model. Our aim was to develop a novel animal model of atherosclerotic plaque rupture to facilitate the study of human plaque disruption and thrombosis.  相似文献   

The role of microcalcifications (μCalcs) in the biomechanics of vulnerable plaque rupture is examined. Our laboratory previously proposed (Ref. 44), using a very limited tissue sample, that μCalcs embedded in the fibrous cap proper could significantly increase cap instability. This study has been greatly expanded. Ninety-two human coronary arteries containing 62 fibroatheroma were examined using high-resolution microcomputed tomography at 6.7-μm resolution and undecalcified histology with special emphasis on calcified particles <50 μm in diameter. Our results reveal the presence of thousands of μCalcs, the vast majority in lipid pools where they are not dangerous. However, 81 μCalcs were also observed in the fibrous caps of nine of the fibroatheroma. All 81 of these μCalcs were analyzed using three-dimensional finite-element analysis, and the results were used to develop important new clinical criteria for cap stability. These criteria include variation of the Young's modulus of the μCalc and surrounding tissue, μCalc size, and clustering. We found that local tissue stress could be increased fivefold when μCalcs were closely spaced, and the peak circumferential stress in the thinnest nonruptured cap (66 μm) if no μCalcs were present was only 107 kPa, far less than the proposed minimum rupture threshold of 300 kPa. These results and histology suggest that there are numerous μCalcs < 15 μm in the caps, not visible at 6.7-μm resolution, and that our failure to find any nonruptured caps between 30 and 66 μm is a strong indication that many of these caps contained μCalcs.  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States. Persistently elevated circulating low-density lipoprotein, or hypercholesterolemia, and deposition of low-density lipoprotein in the vascular wall are the main inducers of atherosclerosis, which manifests itself as arterial lesions or plaques. Some plaques become thrombosis-prone and rupture, causing acute myocardial infarction or stroke. Lowering plasma cholesterol through the use of statins is the primary intervention against atherosclerosis. Treatment with statins slows progression of atherosclerosis but can only support limited plaque regression. Partially regressed plaques continue to pose a serious threat due to their remaining potential to rupture. Thus, new interventions inducing complete reversal of atherosclerosis are being sought. Implementation of new therapies will require clear understanding of the mechanisms driving plaque resolution. In this Commentary, we highlight the role of bone marrow endothelial progenitors in atherosclerotic plaque regression and discuss how regenerative cell-based interventions could be used in combination with plasma lipid-lowering to induce plaque reversal in order to prevent and/or reduce adverse cardiovascular events.  相似文献   

Modulating inflammation by targeting IL-1β reduces recurrent athero-thrombotic cardiovascular events without lipid lowering. This presents an opportunity to explore other pathways associated with the IL-1β signaling cascade to modulate the inflammatory response post-myocardial infarction (MI). IL-7 is a mediator of the inflammatory pathway involved in monocyte trafficking into atherosclerotic plaques and levels of IL-7 have been shown to be elevated in patients with acute MI. Recurrent athero-thrombotic events are believed to be mediated in part by index MI-induced exacerbation of inflammation in atherosclerotic plaques. The objective of the study was to assess the feasibility of IL-7R blockade to modulate atherosclerotic plaque inflammation following acute MI in ApoE?/- mice. Mice were fed Western diet for 12 weeks and then subjected to coronary occlusion to induce an acute MI. IL-7 expression was determined using qRT-PCR and immuno-staining, and IL-7R was assessed using flow cytometry. Plaque inflammation was evaluated using immunohistochemistry. IL-7R blockade was accomplished with monoclonal antibody to IL-7R. IL-7 mRNA expression was significantly increased in the cardiac tissue of mice subjected to MI but not in controls. IL-7 staining was observed in the coronary artery. Plaque macrophage and lipid content were significantly increased after MI. IL-7R antibody treatment but not control IgG significantly reduced macrophage and lipid content in atherosclerotic plaques. The results show that IL-7R antibody treatment reduces monocyte/macrophage and lipid content in the atherosclerotic plaque following MI suggesting a potential new target to mitigate increased plaque inflammation post-MI.  相似文献   

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