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Extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) is responsible for the dismutation of the superoxide radical produced in the extracellular space and known to be expressed by inflammatory cells, including macrophages and neutrophils. Here we show that EC-SOD is produced by resting macrophages and associated with the cell surface via the extracellular matrix (ECM)-binding region. Upon cellular activation induced by lipopolysaccharide, EC-SOD is relocated and detected both in the cell culture medium and in lipid raft structures. Although the secreted material presented a significantly reduced ligand-binding capacity, this could not be correlated to proteolytic removal of the ECM-binding region, because the integrity of the material recovered from the medium was comparable to that of the cell surface-associated protein. The naturally occurring R213G amino acid substitution located in the ECM-binding region of EC-SOD is known to affect the binding characteristics of the protein. However, the analysis of macrophages expressing R213G EC-SOD did not present evidence of an altered cellular distribution. Our results suggest that EC-SOD plays a dynamic role in the inflammatory response mounted by activated macrophages.  相似文献   

The discovery of superoxide dismutase twenty years ago gave new meaning to work on erythrocuprein. This tribute to the achievement of Joe McCord and Irwin Fridovich is an account of experience of superoxide dismutase from old obscure copper protein of red blood cells to new exciting enzyme of oxygen free-radical metabolism, and an affirmation of the superoxide theory of oxygen toxicity.  相似文献   

The effects of superoxide dismutase on H2O2 formation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Numerous reports of the effects of overproduction of SODs have been explained on the basis of increased H2O2 production by the catalyzed dismutation of O2-. In this review we consider the effects of increasing [SOD] on H2O2 formation and question this explanation.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature (from 1 to 37 °C) on in vitro effective superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity of several organisms was investigated and compared. Antarctic plankton, cultures of the alga Nannochloropsis sp., and the cyanobacterium Synechococcus strain WH 7803, and pure bovine erythrocyte SOD was studied. It was found that in all cases SOD activity increased with decreasing temperature within the temperature range assayed, in the Polar as well as the temperate plankton cells. This behavior of SOD is counterintuitive in terms of our experience when looking at enzyme activity or any other chemical reaction. We suggest a theoretical explanation for this apparently odd behavior. The advantage of such behavior is that the same amount of antioxidant will act better under low temperatures when reactive oxygen species (ROS) increase. Moreover, this protective process would act in vivo at a faster pace than the ex novo enzyme synthesis.  相似文献   

The effect of consuming a low carotene diet (≈60 μg carotene/day) on oxidative susceptibility and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in women living in a metabolic research unit was evaluated. The diet had sufficient vitamins A, E, and C. The women ate the diet supplemented with 1500 μg/day β-carotene for 4 days (baseline), then the unsupplemented diet for 68 days (depletion), followed by the diet supplemented with > 15,000 μg/day carotene for 28 days (repletion). Production of hexanal, pentanal, and pentane by copper-oxidased plasma low density lipoproteins from carotene-depleted women was greater than their production of these compounds when repleted with carotene. Erythrocyte SOD activity was depressed in carotene-depleted women; it recovered with repletion. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in plasma of carotene-depleted women were elevated and diminished with repletion. Dietary carotene seems to be needed, not only as a precursor of vitamin A, but also to inhibit oxidative damage and decrease oxidation susceptibility.  相似文献   

Excessive production of superoxide (O2) in the central nervous system has been widely implicated in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases, including chronic heart failure and hypertension. In an attempt to overcome the failed therapeutic impact of currently available antioxidants in cardiovascular disease, we developed a nanomedicine-based delivery system for the O2-scavenging enzyme copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD), in which CuZnSOD protein is electrostatically bound to a poly-l-lysine (PLL50)–polyethylene glycol (PEG) block copolymer to form a CuZnSOD nanozyme. Various formulations of CuZnSOD nanozyme are covalently stabilized by either reducible or nonreducible crosslinked bonds between the PLL50–PEG polymers. Herein, we tested the hypothesis that PLL50–PEG CuZnSOD nanozyme delivers active CuZnSOD protein to neurons and decreases blood pressure in a mouse model of angiotensin II (AngII)-dependent hypertension. As determined by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, nanozymes retain full SOD enzymatic activity compared to native CuZnSOD protein. Nonreducible CuZnSOD nanozyme delivers active CuZnSOD protein to central neurons in culture (CATH.a neurons) without inducing significant neuronal toxicity. Furthermore, in vivo studies conducted in adult male C57BL/6 mice demonstrate that hypertension established by chronic subcutaneous infusion of AngII is significantly attenuated for up to 7 days after a single intracerebroventricular injection of nonreducible nanozyme. These data indicate the efficacy of nonreducible PLL50–PEG CuZnSOD nanozyme in counteracting excessive O2 and decreasing blood pressure in AngII-dependent hypertensive mice after central administration. Additionally, this study supports the further development of PLL50–PEG CuZnSOD nanozyme as an antioxidant-based therapeutic option for hypertension.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae could provide a simple experimental system for testing the antioxidant or pro-oxidant actions of chemicals, because it has the capacity for aerobic and anaerobic growth and can readily lose its mitochondrial electron transport chain (the major endogenous source of reactive oxygen species [ROS]). This study showed that yeast superoxide dismutase mutants, in a simple petri dish test, readily distinguish a compound that enhances the detrimental effects of endogenous ROS production by the mitochondrial respiratory chain from another chemical that generates oxidative stress by redox cycling. Using this system, weak organic acid food preservatives are shown to exert a strong pro-oxidant action on aerobic yeast cells. In addition these acids are mutagenic toward the yeast mitochondrial genome, even at levels that are subinhibitory to growth. This raises the concern that the large-scale consumption of these preservatives in the human diet may generate oxidative stress within the epithelia of the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Paraquat exerts a cytotoxic effect of Chinese hamster ovary cells in culture via the superoxide radical (O2. We have described a superoxide dismutase (SOD) mimic based on manganese (DF-Mn) which consists of a one-to-one complex between desferrioxamine B (Desferal) and MnO2. It is a small molecular weight molecule, easy to prepare and possesses considerable stability. It is now shown to protect mammalian cells from paraquat toxicity. Thus, 20 μM DF-Mn affords up to complete protection against the cytotoxicity of 200 μM paraquat in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Desferrioxamine B or MnO2 alone gave no protection. MnCl2 or catalase provided little or no protection against the paraquat, respectively. Equivalent amounts of human Cu-Zn SOD in terms of activity, also provided no protection. Copper diisopropylsalicylate (CuDIPS) provided limited, yet significant, protection, but this is explained in terms other than SOD activity. Finally, at higher concentrations, purified human SOD, exerts a limited toxicity as well as a protective ability against paraquat (similar to DF-Mn) both of which are eliminated upon heat denaturation of the enzyme. It appears that the SOD mimic, DF-Mn, can enter mammalian cells and can protect against the cytotoxic effects of O2.  相似文献   

Extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) is expressed by both macrophages and neutrophils and is known to influence the inflammatory response. Upon activation, neutrophils generate hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and secrete proteases to combat invading microorganisms. This produces a hostile environment in which enzymatic activity in general is challenged. In this study, we show that EC-SOD exposed to physiologically relevant concentrations of HOCl remains enzymatically active and retains the heparin-binding capacity, although HOCl exposure established oxidative modification of the N-terminal region (Met32) and the formation of an intermolecular cross-link in a fraction of the molecules. The cross-linking was also induced by activated neutrophils. Moreover, we show that the neutrophil-derived proteases human neutrophil elastase and cathepsin G cleaved the N-terminal region of EC-SOD irrespective of HOCl oxidation. Although the cleavage by elastase did not affect the quaternary structure, the cleavage by cathepsin G dissociated the molecule to produce EC-SOD monomers. The present data suggest that EC-SOD is stable and active at the site of inflammation and that neutrophils have the capacity to modulate the biodistribution of the protein by generating EC-SOD monomers that can diffuse into tissue.  相似文献   

Involvement of superoxide radicals in the mouse two-cell block.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The effect of oxygen toxicity on the development of mammalian embryos was assessed by the use of superoxide dismutase (SOD), a potent scavenger of superoxide radicals. Mouse pronuclear embryos recovered 17 h after human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) were cultured in medium BWW at 37 degrees C under an atmosphere of 5% CO2 in air. Culture of mouse pronuclear embryos in the presence of Cu.Zn-SOD (500 micrograms/ml) significantly increased the blastulation rate (44.6%) when compared with the control culture system (4.2%). Essentially the same effects were observed in SOD containing either Mn or Fe in the catalytic center. Heat treatment of the SOD preparation, and the addition of anti-SOD antibodies to the culture medium, significantly reduced the attenuation of the two-cell block by SOD, indicating that this effect is SOD dependent. SOD activity was detected in rabbit oviduct fluid (3.675 +/- 3.084 mIU/mg protein) by electron spin resonance. These results suggest that active oxygen is involved in the two-cell block phenomenon in mouse embryos exposed to air and that SOD in the oviduct may play an important role in the protection of embryos from superoxide radicals.  相似文献   



The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of catechin and epicatechin on the activity of the endogenous antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) (as well as the total antioxidant capacity (TAC)) of rats after intra-peritoneal (i.p.) administration.


Twenty-four Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups: the experimental group which was administered daily with a 1:1 mixture of epicatechin and catechin at a concentration of 23 mg/kg body weight for 10 days and the control group which was injected daily with an equal amount of saline. Blood and urine samples were collected before and after the administration period, as well as 10 days after (follow-up).


Intra-peritoneal administration of catechins led to a potent decrease in GPx levels and a significant increase in SOD levels. TAC was significantly increased in plasma and urine. Malonaldehyde levels in urine remained stable. In the animals treated with catechins, SOD activity showed a moderate negative correlation with GPx activity.


Boosting the activity of the antioxidant enzymes could be a potential adjuvant approach for the treatment of the oxidative stress-related diseases.  相似文献   

Molecular genetics of superoxide dismutases   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Molecular genetics of SOD has been recently developed primarily due to the new biotechnologies. Different types of isozymes have now been cloned and sequenced from several species ranging from bacteria to human and plants. Knowledge of the nucleotide sequences permitted refinement of structural models and provided information on subcellular locations. Cloned genes allowed the production of large amounts of SOD. They have been used for physiological and regulation studies, structural and enzymatic analyses, and are vital tools for the isolation of mutants. Isolation of mutants is generally essential to the understanding of the biological function of the gene in question. Indeed, SOD deficient mutants have now been isolated in bacteria and yeast. Their properties support, at numerous levels, a major role of SPD in cellular defense against oxygen toxicity. Few data are presently available on the molecular basis of mechanisms that regulate the expression of SOD.  相似文献   

Mutations in the metalloenzyme copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1) cause one form of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and metals are suspected to play a pivotal role in ALS pathology. To learn more about metals in ALS, we determined the metallation states of human wild-type or mutant (G37R, G93A, and H46R/H48Q) SOD1 proteins from SOD1-ALS transgenic mice spinal cords. SOD1 was gently extracted from spinal cord and separated into insoluble (aggregated) and soluble (supernatant) fractions, and then metallation states were determined by HPLC inductively coupled plasma MS. Insoluble SOD1-rich fractions were not enriched in copper and zinc. However, the soluble mutant and WT SOD1s were highly metallated except for the metal-binding-region mutant H46R/H48Q, which did not bind any copper. Due to the stability conferred by high metallation of G37R and G93A, it is unlikely that these soluble SOD1s are prone to aggregation in vivo, supporting the hypothesis that immature nascent SOD1 is the substrate for aggregation. We also investigated the effect of SOD1 overexpression and disease on metal homeostasis in spinal cord cross-sections of SOD1-ALS mice using synchrotron-based x-ray fluorescence microscopy. In each mouse genotype, except for the H46R/H48Q mouse, we found a redistribution of copper between gray and white matters correlated to areas of high SOD1. Interestingly, a disease-specific increase of zinc was observed in the white matter for all mutant SOD1 mice. Together these data provide a picture of copper and zinc in the cell as well as highlight the importance of these metals in understanding SOD1-ALS pathology.  相似文献   

A metalloprotein with superoxide dismutase activity was isolated and purified from muscle-stage Trichinella spiralis. The anti-genicity of the purified enzyme was demonstrated by an immunospecific reaction with T. spiralis antiserum in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. In addition to its presence in somatic extracts of T. spiralis, the enzyme was also excreted into culture fluids in which the muscle-stage larvae had been incubated for periods as short as 3 hr and up to 72 hr. The enzyme was characterized as a copper- and zinc-containing, cyanide-sensitive, superoxide dismutase with a molecular weight of 36,000 (estimated by get filtration), consisting of two subunits of 17,000 Mr (estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). The isoelectric point was 5.6. Muscle-stage T. spiralis contained one molecular form of the enzyme, whereas adult T. spiralis contained two molecular forms. This enzyme may function as an essential defense mechanism against the highly destructive superoxide radical encountered either intracellularly, as a product of biological oxidation, or externally, as a component of the host's immune system.  相似文献   

The loss of protection by human recombinant (hr) Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) at higher doses reported previously may have been due to the weak peroxidase activity of this enzyme. To test this possibility we studied the dose-response relationship of hrMn-SOD, which lacks peroxidase activity. Isolated, buffer perfused rabbit hearts were subjected to 1 h of global ischemia followed by 1 h of reperfusion, and the percent recovery of developed tension (relative to preischemic) was measured via a left ventricular balloon connected through a pressure transducer to a polygraph recorder. The coronary effluent was assayed for lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release. While hrMn-SOD almost completely protected against loss of function and LDH release at 2 and 5 mg/L (p < 0.01), it exacerbated the damage at 50 mg/L concentration (p < 0.05 against controls), thus giving an even sharper bell-shaped curve than seen with the hrCu,Zn-SOD. Therefore we conclude that, first, while the hrMn-SOD protects the reperfused heart at lower doses, it may exacerbate the damage at higher doses. Second, that the lack of protection seen at higher doses of hr-Cu,Zn-SOD is unlikely to be due only to its peroxidase activity.  相似文献   

Antigenicity of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis superoxide dismutase in mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mycobacterium paratuberculosis (MPT) is the etiologic agent of paratuberculosis. The disease is prevalent in cattle worldwide, and exacts a heavy financial toll. Effective control requires the development of acellular vaccines offering a better protection than the current available vaccines without side effects and allowing the discrimination between infected and vaccinated animals. We studied the immune response of mice to the MPT superoxide dismutase (SOD) alone or adjuvanted by Ribi. We cloned, overexpressed and purified this antigen in Escherichia coli. Spleen cells from immunized mice, after exposure to recombinant MPT SOD (MPT rSOD), produced significant levels of IFNgamma, TNFalpha and IL-6. IFNgamma and TNFalpha production was increased by the addition of Ribi. In contrast, low levels of NO, IL-4 and IL-10 were secreted by spleen cells culture from immunized mice. The immunoglobulin isotype distribution analysis showed that Ribi adjuvant clearly induced a significantly higher anti-MPT rSOD antibody production of all classes tested and decreased the IgG1/IgG2a ratio thus improving the Th1 response. Delayed-type hypersensitivity responses in mice footpads were observed only in mice immunized with MPT rSOD emulsified in Ribi. Vaccination of MPT rSOD emulsified with Ribi induced both a Th2 and Th1 type of immune response with the later slightly more pronounced. The results presented here on the immunogenicity of MPT SOD suggest that this antigen should be further tested as a candidate antigen for a future acellular vaccine against paratuberculosis.  相似文献   

The dynamics of superoxide anion (O2) in vivo remain to be clarified because no appropriate method exists to directly and continuously monitor and evaluate O2 in vivo. Here, we establish an in vivo method using a novel electrochemical O2 sensor. O2 generated is measured as a current and evaluated as a quantified partial value of electricity (Qpart), which is calculated by integration of the difference between the baseline and the actual reacted current. The accuracy and efficacy of this method were confirmed by dose-dependent O2 generation in xanthine–xanthine oxidase in vitro in phosphate-buffered saline and human blood. It was then applied to endotoxemic rats in vivo. O2 current began to increase 1 h after lipopolysaccharide, and Qpart increased significantly for 6 h in endotoxemic rats, in comparison to sham-treated rats. These values were attenuated by superoxide dismutase. The generation and attenuation of O2 were indirectly confirmed by plasma lipid peroxidation with malondialdehyde, endothelial injury with soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1, and microcirculatory dysfunction. This is a novel method for measuring O2 in vivo and could be used to monitor and treat the pathophysiology caused by excessive O2 generation in animals and humans.  相似文献   

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