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The radiation sensitivities of two related non-tumorigenic and two related tumorigenic human hybrid cell lines (HeLa x skin fibroblast) have been studied. The data show that the transformation from the non-tumorigenic to the tumorigenic state, which is accompanied by the loss of skin fibroblast chromosomes 11 and 14, is not associated with any major changes in radiation sensitivity. The data do indicate, however, a trend toward a steeper and longer initial slope to the cell survival curve for the tumorigenic cell lines, along with a subsequent reduced ability to accumulate sublethal radiation injury at low doses. Both nontumorigenic and tumorigenic cell lines have the capability of repairing sublethal injury.  相似文献   

Human gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) belongs to a multigenic family and at least three mRNAs are transcribed from the gene that codes for an active enzyme. Four human tumour cell lines (HepG2, LNCap, HeLa and U937) with different GGT levels were used to investigate how GGT activity, total GGT mRNA and each individual GGT mRNA subtype responded to tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) or sodium butyrate treatment. Butyrate reduced the GGT activity in HepG2 cells, and the level of total GGT mRNA accordingly, whereas TNF-alpha and TPA did not alter these parameters. In LNCap cells, TNF-alpha, TPA, and butyrate reduced the activity as well as the level of GGT total mRNA. In HeLa cells no significant changes were observed either in activity or in mRNA level whereas TPA induced both GGT activity and mRNA levels in U937 cells. The distribution of each GGT mRNA subtype (A, B and C) was found to be cell specific: type B mRNA was the major form in HepG2 cells, while type A was the major form in LNCap and HeLa, type A and type C were expressed almost at the same level in U937 cells. The GGT mRNA subtypes were also differently modulated in these cells after TNF-alpha, TPA or butyrate treatment, suggesting that they are regulated by distinct and cell type specific mechanisms.  相似文献   

Summary Monocytes and macrophages have been shown to be cytotoxic towards tumour cells in vitro. However, although tumour-associated monocytes and macrophages are now widely accepted to contribute a relatively high proportion of the cellular infiltrate of experimental and human solid carcinomas, a cytotoxic/cytostatic effector function for these cells in vitro or in vivo has yet to be conclusively demonstrated. In the present study, we show that non-activated peripheral blood monocytes co-cultured with tumour cells across a semi-permeable membrane release soluble factors that modulate the growth of tumour cells in contrasting ways. After Nycoprep 1.068 separation, non-activated peripheral blood monocytes enhanced the in vitro proliferation of HT29 colon adenocarcinoma cells but inhibited T47D breast carcinoma cell replication; peripheral blood lymphocytes were incapable of mediating these effects. In contrast, peripheral blood monocytes activated by interferon caused a pronounced inhibition of both HT29 and T47D cell proliferation.  相似文献   

In vitro effects of radiation were studied in two permanent cell lines (AGS and SII) from two patients with adenocarcinoma of the stomach and three permanent sublines from each cell line. Radiation survival parameters for AGS and SII parent cell lines and sublines were determined after in vitro irradiation of their cells with 0.5 to 10 Gy of 60Co gamma rays. The AGS and SII cell lines had different growth properties, DNA contents and radiation survival curves. Surviving fractions of SII parent cells (76 chromosomes) after 2.0 and 10 Gy were 1.22 and 17.8 times greater, respectively, than values for AGS parent cells (47 chromosomes). Sensitivities (D0) were 1.08 and 1.45 Gy for AGS and SII parent lines, respectively. The D0 values for AGS parent cells and sublines were similar (1.01 to 1.08 Gy), but SII parent cells and sublines had D0 values of 1.45, 1.36, 1.37 and 1.12 Gy (for SII-A). Also, the SII parent cells had survival fractions after 2.0 and 10 Gy that were 1.3 and 11.3 times greater, respectively, than values for the SII-A cells. These data show differences in radiation responses among stomach cancer cell lines and sublines that may relate to DNA content, but there was no consistent correlation between radiation response and a particular cell characteristic.  相似文献   

T Yagi  R S Day 《Mutation research》1987,184(3):223-227
Sensitivities of several murine cell strains to killing by the DNA cross-linking agents 1-(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (CNU), cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (Cis-Pt) and mitomycin C (MMC) were measured by post-treatment colony-formation. Virally-transformed murine cells were usually more sensitive to cell killing by these agents than were the parental 3T3 cell strains. The hypersensitivity to CNU of some virally-transformed murine cell strains correlated well with the reduced ability to repair O6-methylguanine (O6mGua), a phenomenon similar to that in human cells. The loss of ability to repair O6mGua, as well as the increased sensitivity of transformed strains to cell killing, may not be due to a mutation but rather due to a change of gene expression associated with transformation by viruses or activation of oncogenes.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an overview of the work undertaken to model a population of cells and the effects of cancer therapy. We began with a theoretical one compartment size structured cell population model and investigated its asymptotic steady size distributions (SSDs) (On a cell growth model for plankton, MMB JIMA 21 (2004) 49). However these size distributions are not similar to the DNA (size) distributions obtained experimentally via the flow cytometric analysis of human tumour cell lines (data obtained from the Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre, New Zealand). In our one compartment model, size was a generic term, but in order to obtain realistic steady size distributions we chose size to be DNA content and devised a multi-compartment mathematical model for the cell division cycle where each compartment corresponds to a distinct phase of the cell cycle (J. Math. Biol. 47 (2003) 295). We then incorporated another compartment describing the possible induction of apoptosis (cell death) from mitosis phase (Modelling cell death in human tumour cell lines exposed to anticancer drug paclitaxel, J. Math. Biol. 2004, in press). This enabled us to compare our model to flow cytometric data of a melanoma cell line where the anticancer drug, paclitaxel, had been added. The model gives a dynamic picture of the effects of paclitaxel on the cell cycle. We hope to use the model to describe the effects of other cancer therapies on a number of different cell lines.  相似文献   

Most anti-cancer drugs in use today exert their effects by inducing a programmed cell death mechanism. This process, termed apoptosis, is accompanied by degradation of the DNA and produces cells with a range of DNA contents. We have previously developed a phase transition mathematical model to describe the mammalian cell division cycle in terms of cell cycle phases and the transition rates between these phases. We now extend this model here to incorporate a transition to a programmed cell death phase whereby cellular DNA is progressively degraded with time. We have utilised the technique of flow cytometry to analyse the behaviour of a melanoma cell line (NZM13) that was exposed to paclitaxel, a drug used frequently in the treatment of cancer. The flow cytometry profiles included a complex mixture of living cells whose DNA content was increasing with time and dying cells whose DNA content was decreasing with time. Application of the mathematical model enabled estimation of the rate constant for entry of mitotic cells into apoptosis (0.035 per hour) and the duration of the period of DNA degradation (51 hours). These results provide a dynamic model of the action of an anticancer drug that can be extended to improve the clinical outcome in individual cancer patients.Revised version: 9 October 2003  相似文献   

Cell populations from carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) peripheral blood leucocytes (PBLs) were examined for nonspecific cytotoxicities. By using monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against carp thrombocytes (TCL-HB8) and both neutrophils and monocytes (TCL-BE8), PBLs with a density of 1.08 g ml-1 were separated into three fractions: thrombocytes, a mixture of neutrophils and monocytes, and other cells (mainly lymphocytes), and the separated cells were tested for cytotoxic activities against mammalian tumour cell lines (K562, HeLa, P815 and Yac-1 cell). Consequently, the mixture of neutrophils and monocytes exhibited cytolysis against these target cells, whereas the lymphocyte-rich and thrombocyte fractions did not show any cytolysis. To isolate only neutrophils, which do not contain monocytes, the MAb (TCL-BE8) positive cells from PBLs with a density of 1.08-1.09 g ml-1 were separated. Pure isolated neutrophils showed cytotoxic activities against K562 cells, but not P815 cells. Furthermore, analysis of the cytolytic mechanisms indicated that killing of these cells depended on H2O2 or HOCl. These results suggest that both neutrophils and monocytes are effectors for nonspecific cytotoxicity in carp PBLs, and neutrophils may be distinct from monocytes in their reactivity in cytolysis, including target cell selectivity and/or target cell sensitivity, and the cytolytic pathway. In carp, cytotoxicity of target cells can be mediated by several populations of their leucocytes which have cytotoxic capacities with various recognition and cytolytic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that p21WAF1 (now known as CDKN1A)-dependent and -independent accelerated senescence responses are a major determinant of the sensitivity of cancer cells to chemotherapeutic agents. The objective of the present study was to determine whether human solid tumor-derived cell lines that express wild-type TP53 can exhibit levels of CDKN1A induction after exposure to ionizing radiation that are sufficient to activate the accelerated senescence program. Exposure to 60Co gamma radiation (< or =8 Gy) triggered accelerated senescence in all five TP53 wild-type tumor cell lines examined, albeit to differing degrees. Three of the TP53 wild-type tumor cell lines, HCT116, A172 and SKNSH, activated the TP53 signaling pathway similarly to normal human fibroblasts, as judged by the nuclear accumulation of TP53, magnitude and duration of induction of CDKN1A mRNA and CDKN1A protein, and propensity to undergo accelerated senescence after radiation exposure. In the clonogenic survival assay, the degree of radiosensitivity of these three tumor cell lines was also in the range displayed by normal human fibroblasts. On the other hand, two other TP53 wild-type tumor cell lines, A498 and A375, did not maintain high levels of CDKN1A mRNA and CDKN1A protein at late times postirradiation and exhibited only low levels of accelerated senescence after radiation exposure. Studies with a CDKN1A knockout cell line (HCT116CDKN1A-/-) confirmed that the radiation-triggered accelerated senescence is dependent on CDKN1A function. We conclude that (1) clinically achievable doses of ionizing radiation can trigger CDKN1A-dependent accelerated senescence in some human tumor cell lines that express wild-type TP53; and (2) as previously documented for normal human fibroblasts, some TP53 wild-type tumor cell lines (e.g. HCT116, A172 and SKNSH) may lose their clonogenic potential in response to radiation-inflicted injury primarily through undergoing accelerated senescence.  相似文献   

We compared the extent to which apoptosis is induced and clonogenicity reduced in three tumour cell lines - the human melanoma Me45 and promyelocytic leukaemia HL-60, and the rat rhabdomyosarcoma R1 - after exposure to the anticancer drugs etoposide and cis-platinum or to gamma radiation; each induces different types of DNA damage. Cells which readily underwent apoptosis did not necessarily show a correlated loss of clonogenicity; for example, Me45 cells showed the highest sensitivity to all three agents in clonogenic assays but much lower levels of apoptotic cells than R1 or HL-60 cells. These results show that the efficiency of the eradication of clonogenic cells by genotoxic agents does not solely depend on the induction of apoptotic processes, and suggest that the induction of apoptosis and suppression of clonogenicity are independent processes.  相似文献   

DNA structure and expression of p53 gene in human hepatoma cell lines SMMC-7721, YY-8103 and a spontaneously transformed liver cell line L-02 were analysed using the following method: analysis of allelic losses on chromosome 17p, PCR/SSCP, Northern blot and immunoprecipitation. There was no point mutation found in the exons 4-9 of the p53 gene, and a low level of expression of p53 gene was detected in the three cell lines. These observations were in agreement to the reported results of the relevant experiment using the human hepatoma cell line QGY-7703. Sensitivities of these cell lines and other eight human hepatoma cell lines (QGY-7703, PLC/PRF/5, Tong/HCC, Huh-7, FOCUS, Hep3B, SK-Hep-1, HepG2) with known p53 backgrounds to parvovirus H-1 was assayed using MTT method. Abnormality in the structure and/or function was observed in all of the cell lines examined except HepG2. The cell line HepG2 with normal structure and function of the p53 gene was found to be the least sensitive to H-1 in comparison to all the cell lines which have defeated structure and/or function of the p53 gene. The present study serves as a preliminary evidence that enhancement of the sensitivity of human hepatoma cell lines to H-1 is correlated to the abnormality of the structure and/or function of the p53 gene.  相似文献   

Currently there is only a modest level knowledge of the glycosylation status of immortalised cell lines that are commonly used in cancer biology as well as their binding affinities to different glycan structures. Through use of glycan and lectin microarray technology, this study has endeavoured to define the different bindings of cell surface carbohydrate structures to glycan-binding lectins. The screening of breast cancer MDA-MB435 cells, cervical cancer HeLa cells and colon cancer Caco-2, HCT116 and HCT116-FM6 cells was conducted to determine their differential bindings to a variety of glycan and lectin structures printed on the array slides. An inverse relationship between the number of glycan structures recognised and the variety of cell surface glycosylation was observed. Of the cell lines tested, it was found that four bound to sialylated structures in initial screening. Secondary screening in the presence of a neuraminidase inhibitor (4-deoxy-4-guanidino-Neu5Ac2en) significantly reduced sialic acid binding. The array technology has proven to be useful in determining the glycosylation signatures of various cell-lines as well as their glycan binding preferences. The findings of this study provide the groundwork for further investigation into the numerous glycan-lectin interactions that are exhibited by immortalised cell lines.  相似文献   

Radiation and Environmental Biophysics - Activity catalysing double-strand DNA recombination has been investigated in human tumour cell lines using an in vitro assay in which nuclear extracts from...  相似文献   

Gadd45 mutations are uncommon in human tumour cell lines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GADD45 is an evolutionarily conserved gene that encodes a small acidic, nuclear protein and is an example of a p53 responsive gene. Gadd45 protein has been shown to interact with PCNA and also p21waf1. It has been implicated in growth arrest, DNA repair, chromatin structure and signal transduction. The confusing biochemical data has been clarified by the demonstration that Gadd45 null mice have a phenotype strikingly similar to that of p53 null mice, being tumour prone and showing marked genomic instability. We have tested the hypothesis that mutations in the GADD45 coding region might substitute for p53 abnormalities in tumour cell lines where p53 is wild type. After generating cDNA from mRNA in a panel of 24 cell lines we sequenced the GADD45 cDNA and have demonstrated that no mutations can be observed, even in the p53 wild type cell lines. Such data suggest that Gadd45 mutations are uncommon in human cancer. From this we postulate that, despite the phenotype of the GADD45 null mouse, GADD45 is unlikely to be the key mechanistic determinant of the tumour suppressor activity of the p53 pathway.
Note on nomenclature: We have employed GADD45 to designate the gene and Gadd45 to designate the encoded protein. This gene has also be denoted GADD45 α elsewhere in the literature.  相似文献   

Role of apoptosis in photodynamic sensitivity of human tumour cell lines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) using a photosensitizer, such as haematoporphyrin derivative (HpD), in conjunction with visible light is a promising new modality to treat localized cancer. Cell death caused by PDT (through the generation of reactive oxygen species) can occur either by apoptosis (interphase death or as a secondary event following mitosis) and/or necrosis depending on the cell type, concentration and intracellular localization of the sensitizer, and the light dose. Since, apoptosis induced by PDT treatment plays an important role in determining the photodynamic efficacy, in the present work we have investigated the role of apoptotic cell death in relation to the observed differences in sensitivity to HpD-PDT between a human glioma cell line (BMG-1) carrying wild-type tumour suppressor gene p53 and a human squamous carcinoma cell line (4451) with mutated p53. HpD (photosan-3; PS-3) -PDT induced apoptosis was studied by: [A] flow-cytometric analysis of DNA content (sub G0/G1 population); [B] phosphatidylserine externalization (Annexin-V +ve cells); [C] cell size and cytoskeleton reorganization (light-scatter analysis); and [D] fluorescence microscopy (morphological features). PS-3-PDT induced a significantly higher level of apoptosis in BMG-1 cells as compared to 4451 cells. This was dependent on the concentration of PS-3 as well as post-irradiation time in both the cell lines. At 2.5 microg/ml of PS-3 the fraction of BMG-1 cells undergoing apoptosis (60%) was nearly 6 folds higher than 4451 cells (10%). In BMG-1 cells the induction of apoptosis increased with PS-3 concentration up to 5 microg/ml (>80%). However, a decrease was observed at a concentration of 10 microg/ml, possibly due to a shift in the mode of cell death from apoptosis to necrosis. In 4451 cells, on the other hand, the increase in apoptosis could be observed even up to 10 microg/ml of PS-3 (60%). Present results show that the higher sensitivity to PS-3-PDT in glioma cells arise on account of a higher level of apoptosis and suggest that induction of apoptosis is an important determinant of photodynamic sensitivity in certain cell types.  相似文献   

Annonaceous acetogenins are a new class of compounds that have been reported to have potent pesticidal, parasiticidal, anti-microbial, cell growth inhibitory activities. In this study, organic and aqueous extracts from the defatted seeds ofAnnona squamosa (custard apple) were tested on different human tumour cell lines for antitumoural activity. While organic and aqueous extracts induced apoptosis in MCF-7 and K-562 cells, they failed to do so in COLO-205 cells. Treatment of MCF-7 and K-562 cells with organic and aqueous extracts resulted in nuclear condensation, DNA fragmentation, induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and reduced intracellular glutathione levels. In addition downregulation of Bcl-2 and PS externalization by Annexin-V staining suggested induction of apoptosis in MCF-7 and K-562 cells by both the extracts through oxidative stress. On the contrary, COLO-205 cells showed only PS externalization but no change in ROS and glutathione levels. These observations suggest that the induction of apoptosis byA. squamosa extracts can be selective for certain types of cancerous cells  相似文献   

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