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Skeletal muscle membranes derived either from the tubular (T) network or from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) were characterized with respect to the binding of the dihydropyridine, [3H]PN200-110, and the alkaloid, [3H]ryanodine; polypeptide composition; and ion channel activity. Conditions for optimizing the binding of these radioligands are discussed. A bilayer pulsing technique is described and is used to examine the channels present in these membranes. Fusion of T-tubule membranes into bilayers revealed the presence of chloride channels and dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium channels with three distinct conductances. The dihydropyridine-sensitive channels were further characterized with respect to their voltage dependence. Pulsing experiments indicated that two different populations of dihydropyridine-sensitive channels existed. Fusion of heavy SR vesicles revealed three different ion channels; the putative calcium release channel, a potassium channel, and a chloride channel. Thus, this fractionation procedure provides T-tubules and SR membranes which, with radioligand binding and single channel recording techniques, provide a useful tool to study the characteristics of skeletal muscle ion channels and their possible role in excitation-contraction coupling.  相似文献   

Crotoxin is a neurotoxic phospholipase A2 capable of blocking synaptic transmission by inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters. The photoaffinity labeling technique was used to identify the neural membrane molecules involved in the binding of crotoxin. A photoactivatable, radioactive derivative of crotoxin was synthesized by reacting crotoxin withN-hydroxysuccinimidyl-4-azidobenzoate and with Na[125I]. Photoirradiation of synaptosomes from guinea pig brains in the presence of the crotoxin derivative resulted in the formation of a major radioactive conjugate of 100,000 daltons as revealed by autoradiography of a sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic pattern. Pretreatment of the synaptosomes with trypsin,Staphylococcus aureus protease, or papain prevented the formation of this conjugate. The conjugate was not detected when plasma membranes from several nonneural tissues replaced the brain synaptosomes. Unmodified crotoxin inhibited the formation of this adduct with an IC50 of about 10–8 M. Mojave toxin, caudoxin, notexin,Naja naja PLA, and taipoxin also inhibited adduct formation with different potencies, while -bungarotoxin and pancreatic PLA were ineffective. We concluded that an 85,000-dalton protein is the major component responsible for the binding of crotoxin to synaptosomal membranes.On leave from Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Hawaii School of Medicine, Honolulu, Hawaii.  相似文献   

The oral antidiabetic sulfonylurea [3H]glibenclamide specifically binds to plasma membranes from a rat beta-cell tumor indicating a receptor for sulfonylureas in these membranes. Irradiation of [3H]glibenclamide at 254 or 300 nm in the presence of albumin resulted in covalent labeling of the albumin molecule. Direct photoaffinity labeling of beta-cell membranes with [3H]glibenclamide resulted in the covalent modification of two membrane polypeptides with apparent molecular masses 140 and 33 kDa. The extent of labeling of the 140 kDa polypeptide was specifically decreased by sulfonylureas. This suggests that a membrane polypeptide of 140 kDa is a component of the sulfonylurea receptor in the beta-cell membrane.  相似文献   

We tested whether the hydantoin muscle relaxants dantrolene, azumolene, or aminodantrolene could alter the binding of [3H]PN200-110 to transverse tubule dihydropyridine receptors or the binding of [3H]ryanodine to junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release channels. All three drugs inhibited [3H]PN200-110 binding with azumolene (IC50 approximately 20 microM) 3-5 times more potent than dantrolene or aminodantrolene. In contrast, 100 microM azumolene and dantrolene produced a small inhibition of [3H]ryanodine binding (less than 25%) while aminodantrolene was essentially inert. Hence there was a preferential interaction of hydantoins with dihydropyridine receptors instead of ryanodine receptors. Skeletal muscle dihydropyridine receptors may participate in the mechanism of action of dantrolene and azumolene.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the specific bindings of [3H]nitrendipine (Nit) and [3H](+)PN200-110 (PN) to crude membranes from rat skeletal, cardiac, and uterine muscle and whole brain were investigated, with special interest in the effect of UV irradiation on these bindings. The specific bindings of [3H]Nit and [3H](+)PN to these crude membranes were saturable and reversible. The specific bindings of [3H]Nit to all these membranes except crude skeletal membranes was maximum in the presence of 0.15 M NaCl plus 1 mM CaCl2 and minimal in the absence of these ions, but the specific bindings of [3H](+)PN to these crude membranes was not affected significantly by these ions. A calcium agonist and antagonists inhibited the specific bindings of [3H]Nit and [3H](+)PN to these crude membranes, the order of their inhibitory effects on specific [3H]Nit bindings being roughly Nit greater than or equal to (+)PN greater than or equal to (-)PN much greater than Bay K 8644 (Bay) greater than verapamil (Ver) greater than diltiazem (Dil). In crude skeletal membranes only, PN caused significant stereospecific inhibition. The order of inhibitions of specific [3H](+)PN bindings to these crude membranes was generally (+)PN greater than Nit greater than or equal to (-)PN greater than Bay much greater than Ver greater than or equal to Dil. In all these crude membranes, UV irradiation completely prevented decrease in the amount of specific binding of [3H](+)PN binding on addition of excess unlabeled (+)PN. These findings suggested that [3H]Nit and [3H](+)PN bind to voltage-sensitive calcium channels in crude membranes from rat skeletal, cardiac, and uterine muscle and whole brain, and that UV irradiation changes the specific bindings of [3H]Nit and [3H](+)PN from reversible to irreversible bindings.  相似文献   

Photoaffinity labeling of rat brain phencyclidine (PCP) receptors with [3H] azido phencyclidine ([3H]AZ-PCP) reveals the existence of five polypeptides which are specifically labeled by the affinity probe (Mr's 90,000, 62,000, 49,000, 40,000 and 33,000). These labeled components are unevenly distributed in rat brain. In the frontal cortex, thalamus and olfactory bulb, the major bands labeled are the Mr's 90 K and 62 K polypeptides; in the cerebellum most of the labeling is in the 90 K and 33 K bands; and in the hippocampus all but the Mr 40 K band are heavily labeled. Together with dexoxadrol/[3H]PCP competition binding data, which indicated the existence of high and low affinity dexoxadrol/PCP binding sites, these results suggest regional heterogeneity of PCP receptors. The regional distribution of the high affinity dexoxadrol binding sites correlates best with that of the Mr 90 K polypeptide.  相似文献   

The binding properties of the 1,4-dihydropyridine calcium channel antagonist, [3H](+)PN 200-110, were studied in rat cerebral cortical and cardiac homogenates (37°C, Krebs phosphate buffer). Specific binding of [3H](+)PN 200-110 was saturable, reversible, and of high affinity (Kd values are 35 and 64 pM for the cerebral cortex and heart, respectively). In parallel studies with [3H](+)PN 200-110, the dissociation constant of [3H]nitrendipine was 10–12 times higher. Substituted dihydropyridine calcium channel antagonists and agonists competitively inhibited specific [3H](+)PN 200-110 binding, but d-cis diltiazem enhanced and verapamil incompletely inhibited [3H](+)PN 200-110 binding in both the cerebral cortex and the heart. The effects of diltiazem and verapamil on [3H](+)PN 200-110 binding were due mainly to alterations in the dissociation constant (Kd), without alterations in the binding density (Bmax). The new [3H](+)PN 200-110 receptor binding assay is remarkable for its low degree of nonspecific binding as compared to [3H]nitrendipine at physiological temperatures. [3H(+)PN 200-110 is a useful ligand for the further analysis of the dihydropyridine binding sites associated with calcium channels.  相似文献   

The rabbit skeletal muscle T-tubule membranes preparation is the richest source of organic Ca2+ blocker receptor associated with the voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel. Solubilization by 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethyl-ammonio]-1-propane sulfonate (CHAPS) in the presence of glycerol leads to a 52% recovery of active receptors as determined by (+)[3H]PN 200-110 binding experiments. The dissociation constant of the (+) [3H]PN 200-110 solubilized-receptor complex was 0.4 +/- 0.2 nM by equilibrium binding and 0.13 nM from the rate constants of association (k1 = 0.116 nM-1 min-1) and dissociation (k-1 = 1.5 10(-2) min-1). The (+) [3H]PN 200-110 receptor has been substantially purified by a combination of filtration of Ultrogel A2 column and lectin affinity chromatography in the presence of trace amount of specifically bound (+) [3H]PN 200-110. The purified material contained polypeptides of apparent molecular weights of 142 000, 32 000 and 33 000. These three components copurified with (+)[3H]PN 200-110 binding activity.  相似文献   

[3H]Cyclosporin diaziridine, a new photoaffinity label, enters rat liver cells in the dark. Photoaffinity labeling of isolated rat liver-cell plasma membranes with this probe modifies several polypeptides with molecular mass of 200, 85, 54, 50, 34 kDa. The major labeled protein of 85 kDa represents 2% of the total plasma membrane protein. A 50 kDa protein is heavily labeled in freshly isolated rat hepatocytes at low temperature and after short incubation in the dark. The 85 kDa protein becomes substituted after longer preincubation periods at temperatures above 10 degrees C. This suggests a localisation at the cytoplasmic side of the membrane. Several controls point to a specific interaction with the above mentioned proteins. Comparison of [3H]cyclosporin-diaziridine- and isothiocyanatobenzamido[3H] cholic acid-labeled membrane proteins reveals identity of binding proteins with the exception of the 85 kDa protein. However, the interaction of bile acids with the 85 kDa protein became apparent at higher concentrations as demonstrated by the differential photoaffinity labeling experiments. In the cytosol of rat liver cells, further [3H]cyclosporin-diaziridine binding proteins could be identified. In particular, a 17 kDa polypeptide was found which appears similar to cyclophilin, a protein known to be present in T-lymphocytes (R. Handschumacher et al. (1984) Science 226, 544-547: Cyclophilin. A specific cytosolic binding protein for cyclosporin A). Proteins with molecular mass of 90, 56, 30, 24, 20 kDa are labeled in AS-30D ascites hepatoma cells and those with molecular mass of 200, 150, 80, 70, 42, 25 kDa in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells.  相似文献   

Polypeptide components of the phencyclidine (PCP) receptor present in rat hippocampus were identified with the photolabile derivative of phencyclidine [3H]azidophencyclidine ( [3H]AZ-PCP). The labeled affinity probe was shown to reversibly bind to specific sites in the dark. The number of receptor sites bound is equal to those labeled by [3H]PCP, and their pharmacology and stereospecificity are identical with those of the PCP/sigma-opiate receptors. The dissociation constant of [3H]AZ-PCP from these receptors is 0.25 +/- 0.08 microM. Photolysis of hippocampus membranes preequilibrated with [3H]AZ-PCP, followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, revealed the existence of five major labeled bands of which a Mr 90 000 band and a Mr 33 000 band were heavily labeled. Inhibition experiments, in which membranes were incubated with [3H]AZ-PCP in the presence of various PCP analogues and opiates, indicate that labeling of both the Mr 90 000 band and the Mr 33 000 band is sensitive to relatively low concentrations (10 microM) of potent PCP/sigma receptor ligands, while similar concentrations of levoxadrol, naloxone, morphine, D-Ala-D-Leu-enkephalin, atropine, propranolol, and serotonin were all ineffective. Stereoselective inhibition of labeling of the Mr 90 000 band and of the Mr 33 000 band was also observed by the use of dexoxadrol and levoxadrol. The Mr 33 000 band was not as sensitive as the Mr 90 000 band to inhibition by the selective PCP receptor ligands N-[1-(2-thienyl)cyclohexyl]piperidine and PCP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The involvement of a GTP-binding protein (G-protein) in the process of neurotransmitter release was examined using pertussis toxin and cholera toxin. Cholinergic agonists are shown to mediate [3H]noradrenaline release in rat brain slices via a pertussis toxin (1.2 micrograms/ml) sensitive, and cholera toxin (0.5 microgram/ml) insensitive G-protein. An indication for the involvement of a G-protein and phospholipase C activation in the release process was implied from the inhibitory effect of neomycin on K+-, veratridine- and carbachol-induced-norepinephrine release. Depolarizing agents mediate a neomycin-sensitive release, which is not which is not affected either by pertussis toxin or cholera toxin, suggesting a different mode of phospholipase C activation, unlike carbachol-induced release, which is both neomycin and pertussis toxin sensitive. Similarly, a hormone-sensitive carrier activated by phenylephrine not via alpha 1-adrenergic receptors, mediates a non-exocytosis efflux which is not affected by neomycin and is shown to be pertussis toxin-insensitive. The inhibitory action of protein kinase C inhibitors polymyxin B, K252a and H-7 [(1-(5-isoquinolinesulphonyl)-2-methyl-piperazine] on release, strongly suggests its participation in the process. Polymyxin B, a relatively selective protein kinase C inhibitor, inhibited carbachol-induced release (IC50 = 0.53 microM) as well as the K+ and the veratridine induced [3H] noradrenaline release, K252a, an inhibitor of various protein kinases at the ATP site, and H-7, another protein kinase C inhibitor, inhibited carbachol-induced noradrenaline released with IC50 = 35 nM and 3 microM respectively. Consistent with its inability to activate phospholipase C, phenylephrine-induced noradrenaline efflux was unaffected by polymyxin B (greater than 70 microM). These results offer more supportive evidence for a major role played by the dual messengers inositol trisphosphate and diacylglycerol (IP3/DG) in the mechanisms of neuronal release.  相似文献   

Rat brain synaptic vesicles suspended in a medium comprised of potassium tartrate displayed saturable accumulation of L-[3H] glutamic acid at 37° (Km 2.0 × 10?4M; 311±13 pmol/mg protein), which was stable for periods up to 60 min. The accumulation was temperature sensitive and partially ATP-dependent, uptake levels being reduced to 18.7±0.8 pmol/mg protein at 4°, and to 141±4 pmol/mg protein in the absence of ATP. Fractionation of a crude vesicle preparation on a discontinuous sucrose gradient demonstrated the accumulation to be specifically associated with the synaptic vesicle fraction.  相似文献   

We recently reported that adenine acts as a neurotrophic factor independent of adenosine or P2 receptors in cultured Purkinje cells [Watanabe S. et al. (2003) J. Neurosci. Res. 74, 754-759], suggesting the presence of specific receptors for adenine in the brain. In this study, the characterization of adenine-binding activity in the rat brain was performed to further characterize the receptor-like adenine-binding sites. Specific binding sites for [(3)H]adenine were detected in membrane fractions prepared from rat brains. The kinetics of [(3)H]adenine binding to membranes was described by the association and dissociation rate constants, 8.6 x 10(5) M(-1) min(-1) and 0.118 +/- 0.045 min(-1), respectively. A single binding site for [(3)H]adenine with a K (D) of 157.1 +/- 20.8 nM and a B (max) of 16.3 +/- 1.1 pmol/mg protein (n = 6) was demonstrated in saturation experiments. A displacement study involving various related compounds showed that the [(3)H]adenine binding was highly specific for adenine. It was also found that [(3)H]adenine-binding activity was inhibited by adenosine, although other adenosine receptor ligands were ineffective as to [(3)H]adenine binding. The brain, especially the cerebellum and spinal cord, showed the highest [(3)H]adenine-binding activity of the tissues examined. These results are consistent with the presence of a novel adenine receptor in rat brain membranes.  相似文献   

A comparison of the binding of (–)- and (+)-[3H]nicotine to rat brain membranes revealed that only the (–)-enantiomer showed high affinity binding; while the (+)-enantiomer was at least 1/10 as effective as the (–)-enantiomer when in competition with (–)-[3H]nicotine as the ligand. Positive cooperativity, which is observed with (–)-[3H]nicotine as the presence of low concentrations of (+)-nicotine, may account for the seeming paradox.  相似文献   

Using concentrations of [3H] dihydroergokryptine between 0.1 and 5 nM, saturable binding can be demonstrated in rat cerebral cortical membranes with a dissociation constant (KD) of about 0.8 nM. α-Noradrenergic agonists and antagonists compete for the sites labeled by these low concentrations of [3H] dihydroergokryptine with relative potencies characteristics of classical α-noradrenergic receptors. The very low potency of serotonin in competing for these binding sites indicates that, in contrast to findings with higher concentrations of [3H] DHE, low concentrations do not label serotonin receptors. Moreover, the low potency of dopamine in competing for [3H] dihydroergokryptine binding in both striatal and cortical membranes indicates that no detectable portion of binding is associated with postsynaptic dopamine receptors.  相似文献   

l-[3H]Glutamate binding to synaptic plasma membranes from rat cerebral cortices was carried out at 2–4°C in 50 mM Tris-acetate buffer (pH 7.4) using a microfuge centrifugation method. Binding was increased by repeated freezing-thawing and washing in either crude or partially purified synaptic membranes. Scatchard analysis showed a single binding site (dissociation constant, KD = 697 nM; maximal binding capacity, Bmax = 7.5 pmol/mg protein) in four times distilled water washed crude synaptic membrane. After six times freezing-thawing and washing, a new high affinity site (KD1 = 26 nM, Bmax1 = 1.8 pmol/mg protein) appeared and the number of low affinity site was increased with no apparent change in affinity (KD2 = 662 nM, Bmax2 = 10.5 pmol/mg protein). l-[3H]Glutamate binding was inhibited by acidic amino acid analogues that interact with N-methyl-d-aspartate- and quisqualate-sensitive sites of glutamate receptors. Binding was marginally inhibited by kainate and l-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyrate. These results indicate that repeatedly frozen-thawed and washed synaptic plasma membrane is suitable for studying the subtypes and regulation of glutamate receptors.  相似文献   

Endogenous substances which inhibited the binding of [3H]flunitrazepam ([3H]FNZ) to bovine synaptosomal membranes have been purified from the hot acetic acid extracts of the bovine brain. Three peaks of inhibitory activity were obtained by Sephadex G-10 gel chromatography. Two of the peaks (Peak 2, and Peak 3) which had lower molecular weights that that of peak 1 were identified as inosine and hypoxanthine by TLC methods. Another peak (Peak 1) was further purified to homogeneity using both cation and anion ion-exchange chromatography and the following two-step reversed-phase HPLC. The purified substance inhibited the [3H]FNZ binding dose-dependently and competitively but did not have an effect on the binding of the peripheral-type BZ ligand [3H]Ro 5-4864. It was also shown that the substance was heat-stable and resistant to proteolytic degradation (trypsin, -chymotrypsin, pronase). However, a significant loss of inhibitory activity to [3H]FNZ binding was observed after acid hydrolysis. Molecular weight estimates based on gel filtration methods were less than 500 dalton, and the maximal ultraviolet absorption peak was at 314 nm. These results suggest that this substance is a new endogenous ligand for the central BZ receptor and may play an important role in regulating the GABAergic tone in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

1. [3H]-2-chloroadenosine has been found to be a suitable ligand for the study of adenosine receptors in rat brain synaptic membranes. 2. Binding sites labelled by [3H]-2-chloroadenosine had a high affinity with a KD value of 23.5 nM. 3. Binding is heat sensitive, pH dependent and probably involves protein molecules. 4. The IC50 values for 2-chloroadenosine, adenosine, L-N6-phenylisopropyladenosine and D-N6-phenylisopropyladenosine, N6-cyclohexyladenosine and adenosine-5'-N-ethyl-carboxamide inhibition of [3H]2-chloroadenosine binding are in good agreement with the values obtained in studies of the ability of these compounds to inhibit adenylate cyclase, suggesting that [3H]-2-chloroadenosine binding sites reported here are comparable to the adenosine A1 receptor site. 5. There are regional differences in [3H]-2-chloroadenosine binding to brain membranes. 6. This difference is probably due to the discrepancies in the number of binding sites, and is probably not caused by changing affinities of receptors to the ligand.  相似文献   

T H Chiu  O F Yu  H C Rosenberg 《Life sciences》1989,45(11):1021-1028
Irreversible incorporation of [3H]flunitrazepam and [3H]Ro15-4513 into GABA/benzodiazepine receptor subunits was studied by UV irradiation using ligand-bound membrane pellets from rat cerebral cortical and cerebellar synaptic membranes. Specific incorporation for [3H]flunitrazepam was greater in the pellet than in the suspension. The incorporation was identical for [3H]Ro15-4513 in both pellet and suspension. With the ligand-bound pellets, 50% of the available binding sites were photolabeled by both ligands in cortex and cerebellum. SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography of [3H]flunitrazepam photo-labeled receptor revealed the same number of major sites in both brain regions. In contrast, [3H]Ro15-4513 appears to label fewer sites in cortex and cerebellum. Photoaffinity labeling with [3H]flunitrazepam in ligand-bound membrane pellet provides a more selective and reliable method for studying the subunit structure of GABA/benzodiazepine receptor complex.  相似文献   

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