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Characterizing the genetic and behavioural consequences of contact between previously geographically isolated lineages provides insights into the mechanisms underlying diversification and ultimately speciation. The spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) is a widespread Nearctic chorus frog with six divergent mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages, many of which came into secondary contact during the Holocene. We examined genetics, morphology, advertisement calls and female preference for two lineages that began diverging in allopatry in the Pliocene and now overlap in southwestern Ontario, Canada. We found non-coincident clines in mtDNA and nuclear DNA, mirroring directionality of premating isolation barriers. We also found divergence in a range of traits between these two lineages, displacement in male call attributes and female preference for calls of their natal lineage in sympatry. Hybrids were morphologically distinct from both parental lineages, but hybrid male calls were acoustically intermediate. Female hybrids showed asymmetrical preference for Eastern male calls. These results considered together provide evidence of either unidirectional hybridization or selection against hybrids, potentially implying reproductive character displacement. Our work demonstrates the utility of integrated, multi-character approaches to understanding the processes of divergence and the nature of speciation.  相似文献   

A detailed study was made of the natural calling behaviour of male painted reed frogs in the wild. Comprehensive minute by minute records of the vocal activity of males calling simultaneously in the breeding chorus were generated over a 19-night period using a multi-channel event recorder. With few exceptions, the period over which males called either spanned or extended beyond the time window when females sought mates in the chorus. Males varied little in calling persistence and the majority produced advertisement calls during each minute of the calling period. Aggressive interactions between males curtailed advertisement call production but fights were short-lived, seldom repeated and limited to a small proportion (12.6%) of males. Call rate was independent of body size and varied widely among males active in the chorus at the same time and under the same environmental conditions. The relative call rate ranks of individuals were sustained over time. The call rates of mated males were high in relation to the rates of other males monitored in the chorus at, and prior to, the time of mating. Females usually preferred the higher of two call rate alternatives presented in a range of two-choice phonotaxis experiments.  相似文献   

Frogs are a representative taxon that use advertisement calls to aid in reproduction. In most frog species, calls vary with body size, and allometric constraints between body size and call frequency have been widely reported among anuran species. Although this variation is an important driver of sexual selection in frogs, male advertisement call strategies may also vary according to body size. In this study, we conducted playback experiments on the male forest green tree frog (Zhangixalus arboreus) to determine whether male advertisement call characteristics and strategies vary according to body size and the amplitude of intraspecific chorus noise. The results indicated that the calls of larger individuals are louder and lower than those of smaller ones, who call more frequently; moreover, the calls become lower, and the number of calls decreases, as noise levels increase. These findings suggest that forest green tree frog emits lower calls or refrains from calling when chorus noise increases, and that intraspecific variation in advertisement call characteristics can induce different strategies in response to chorus noise. Because advertisement call variation with body size is common among frog species, intraspecific variation in male advertisement call strategies may also be a common phenomenon.  相似文献   

If sexually selected traits reveal a male's heterozygosity or condition to females, then such traits should exhibit declines with inbreeding. We tested this by examining the effect of inbreeding on advertisement calling in male crickets Teleogryllus commodus. We investigated the effect of one generation of full‐sibling mating on calling effort and fine‐scale call structure. Inbreeding reduced calling effort but had no effect on call structure. We then compared the attractiveness of inbred and outbred calls in the field by monitoring how many wild females were attracted to each call type. From the field data, we conducted a selection analysis to identify the major axes of linear and nonlinear multivariate sexual selection on call structure. A comparison of multivariate attractiveness of inbred and outbred calls along each major axis of selection revealed no difference in attractiveness. Our results suggest that inbred male calls have a fine‐scale structure that is no less attractive to females than that of outbred calls. However, because inbred males call less often, and female T. commodus prefer males with a higher calling effort, inbred males will suffer reductions in mating success. Females who base mate choice on call rate are therefore using a signal correlated with male heterozygosity and/or condition.  相似文献   

The effect of stimulus call complexity and calling rate on the vocal responses of males and female mate choice was studied in Hyla microcephala in Panama. Males increased the number of notes in their calls in response to increases in stimulus call complexity during both playback of 1 to 8-note advertisement calls and during natural interactions. However, precise matching of the number of notes in stimuli and responses did not occur consistently. Males also increased calling rates if stimuli were presented above prestimulus rates. Two-stimulus choice experiments demonstrated that females prefer both higher calling rates and greater call complexity, indicating that the ways males change their vocal behavior during interactions increases their attractiveness to potential mates. Tests in which the relative intensity of a high and low rate stimulus was varied indicated that females prefer stimuli with higher total sound energy. In a natural chorus, it is likely that females simply approach males giving the most conspicuous calls.  相似文献   

The African painted reed frog, Hyperolius marmoratus, has a potentially complex communication system. Advertisement calls and aggressive calls, although distinct from each other, are in fact two ends of a continuum of graded calls. Playback experiments using standard advertisement calls showed that males increased the proportion of aggressive calls as the stimulus intensity was increased. In addition, three characteristics of the aggressive calls changed in response to higher playback levels. Males increased the number of pulses/call, increased call duration, and decreased dominant frequency. Aggressive calling occurred primarily during the early hours of the night, with considerable overlap with times when females were searching for mates in the chorus. Females tested in two-choice arena trials discriminated against aggressive calls in favor of advertisement calls. It is suggested that aggressive calls reduce a male's ability to attract a female and that a graded signalling system may enable males to escalate agonistic encounters with other males without rendering calls completely unattractive to females.  相似文献   

Male Pacific treefrogs, Hyla regilla, use advertisement and encounter calls in their reproductive communication. Encounter calls are produced when a male hears either advertisement or encounter calls at amplitudes that exceed his aggressive threshold for that call type, and they are believed to play a role in male spacing in a chorus. Aggressive thresholds of males for advertisement and encounter calls are plastic; males resume advertisement calling (i.e. accommodate) after repeated exposure to either advertisement or encounter calls that exceed their aggressive thresholds for that call type. Presentation of one call type does not elevate a male's aggressive threshold for the other call type, indicating that discrete neural ‘channels’ exist for processing advertisement versus encounter calls. Because these calls are spectrally highly similar, it is likely that they are differentiated in the central auditory system on the basis of their different temporal structure; pulses are repeated in advertisement and encounter calls at rates of approximately 100 pulses/s and 30 pulses/s, respectively. The present study tested whether consecutive advertisement-type interpulse intervals (IPIs) are required to activate the filter for advertisement calls. Males were accommodated to synthetic stimuli that differed in the proportion of advertisement versus encounter IPIs. Aggressive thresholds of males for the encounter call and advertisement call (monophasic type) were elevated 450% and 58%, respectively, following accommodation to a stimulus that had nine of each IPI type, arranged in an alternating sequence. Aggressive thresholds for the monophasic advertisement call were elevated 151%, however, when males were accommodated with stimuli that had two sets of eight to nine consecutive advertisement IPIs; consistent with previous work, aggressive thresholds for the encounter call were not significantly elevated. Aggressive thresholds for the advertisement call are typically elevated approximately four-fold following accommodation with that call type. These findings are consistent, therefore, with the hypothesis that several consecutive advertisement IPIs are required to activate the ‘advertisement channel’; if consecutive advertisement IPIs were not required, the stimulus that consisted of the same number of advertisement and encounter IPIs should have induced comparable elevations of the aggressive thresholds of males for advertisement and encounter calls. Selective filters for the advertisement call, therefore, appear to integrate information across many consecutive ‘correct’ IPIs. This integration process may contribute to a female's call preference.Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved .  相似文献   

The immunocompetence handicap hypothesis predicts that male sexual trait expression should be positively correlated with immunocompetence. Here we investigate if immune function in the cricket, Teleogryllus commodus, is related to specific individual components of male sexual signals, as well as to certain multivariate combinations of these components that females most strongly prefer. Male T. commodus produce both advertisement and courtship calls prior to mating. We measured fine-scale structural parameters of both call types and also recorded nightly advertisement calling effort. We then measured two standard indices of immune function: lysozyme-like activity of the haemolymph and haemocyte counts. We found a weak, positive relationship between advertisement calling effort and lysozyme-like activity. There was, however, little evidence that individual structural call components or the net multivariate attractiveness of either call type signalled immune function. The relationships between immunity and sexual signaling did not differ between inbred and outbred males. Our data suggest that it is unlikely that females assess overall male immune function using male calls.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the role of male-male vocal communication in the reproductive repertoire of the South African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. Six male and two female call types were recorded from native ponds in the environs of Cape Town, South Africa. These include all call types previously recorded in the laboratory as well as one previously unidentified male call: chirping. The amount of calling and the number of call types increased as the breeding season progressed. Laboratory recordings indicated that all six male call types were directed to males; three of these were directed to both sexes and three were directed exclusively to males. Both female call types were directed exclusively to males. The predominant call type, in both field and laboratory recordings, was the male advertisement call. Sexual state affected male vocal behaviour. Male pairs in which at least one male was sexually active (gonadotropin injected) produced all call types, whereas pairs of uninjected males rarely called. Some call types were strongly associated with a specific behaviour and others were not. Clasped males always growled and clasping males typically produced amplectant calls or chirps; males not engaged in clasping most frequently advertised. The amount of advertising produced by one male was profoundly affected by the presence of another male. Pairing two sexually active males resulted in suppression of advertisement calling in one; suppression was released when males were isolated after pairing. Vocal dominance was achieved even in the absence of physical contact (clasping). We suggest that X. laevis males gain a reproductive advantage by competing for advertisement privileges and by vocally suppressing neighbouring males.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of different doses (0, 2.5, 25 and 250 μg) of the neuropeptide arginine vasotocin (AVT) on the calling characteristics of the grey treefrog in a chorus in its natural habitat. AVT changed some call characteristics known to influence social behaviour in grey treefrogs. It increased call duration and number of pulses in a call, but not dominant frequency, call rate or pulse effort. Saline injections and handling did not produce significant changes in any of the call characteristics. In addition, individual animals injected with AVT only rarely produced call characteristics that were outside of the range found in the preinjection measurements, suggesting that AVT does not cause abnormal calling behaviour. Other researchers have demonstrated that longer calls with more pulses are produced by males when chorus densities increase, and females display a strong preference for longer calls with more pulses. This suggests that the changes induced by AVT injections may have functional consequences in social interactions. We previously demonstrated that AVT-injected males (25 μg AVT) displaced resident males from calling sites through changes in calling behaviour under natural field conditions. Our results indicate that changes in call duration and pulse number could contribute to the unmanipulated resident male's behaviour towards the AVT-injected intruder, perhaps because the calls are more attractive to females or because the calls are perceived as more aggressive. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Acoustic communication in spring peepers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In the previous study (Wilczynski et al. 1984) we found that neurons in the auditory nerve of female spring peepers (Hyla crucifer) are tuned to frequencies in the male advertisement call, whereas auditory units in male peepers are mismatched in spectral sensitivity to their call. We investigated, in the present report, behavioral consequences of this sexual dimorphism in auditory sensitivity. Call amplitude, rate of call attenuation with environmental transmission, and the amplitude of ambient noise were measured and used to compute the active space of this signal for males and females. The effect of calling height upon active space was considered. Measurements of active space were compared with intermale distances within breeding choruses.Results indicate that active space of the advertisement call for females is as much as 6 times greater than that for males, and varies directly with the height above ground from which males call. Observed maximum intermale distances correspond closely to the active space of the call for this sex. This suggests that males space themselves so that the amplitude of a neighbor's calls approximates their auditory neural threshold to call frequencies. By this proximal mechanism, peepers maximize intermale distance but ensure that they remain within a chorus.Abbreviation dB SPL decibels sound pressure levelre: 20 Pa  相似文献   

Male chorusing behaviour was studied in a population of common toads (Bufo bufo) on the island of Öland south Sweden, and the functional role of male advertisement calling in this species was experimentally examined. Calling males were larger and heavier than non-calling males (t = 2.41, p < 0.025 and t = 2.36, p < 0.025, respectively). However, small males were also found to call. This indicates that large males persisted in calling for longer and/or called more often. The proportion of calling males decreased as population size increased during the breeding season, indicating that calling is a low density strategy. Females responded more readily to calls than males. There were insufficient data to determine if the dominant frequencies of advertisement calls were inversely correlated with male body size, however, this relationship was found for the similar release calls. Females were found not to discriminate between high and low frequency calls, but when given a choice between two calls of different sound pressure levels (SPL), females were attracted to the louder calls. Thus, the function of chorusing is to advertise the position of males to mate-seeking females when the population density is low.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that high quality males are those that succeed in male–male competition: in either aggression or rivalry to attract and be selected by females. Previous studies of amphibians have suggested that the main characters influencing male mating success include variation in call characteristics (e.g. call rate, call intensity), calling behaviour, body condition, age and chorus tenure. In the present paper, several of the characters influencing female mate choice (male body size, body condition, call rate, call frequency and chorus tenure) are investigated in two closely related, explosive breeding frog species Litoria chloris and Litoria xanthomera. Smaller males of both species are shown to be more successful than larger males and this success is attributed to the increased chorus tenure of smaller males in L. xanthomera. This increased chorus tenure was attributed to the lower total energy used per call by a small male calling at a higher frequency. Whether increased chorus tenure explains female mate choice in L. chloris is uncertain but is highly probable given the strong similarity between the two species in both ecology and call characteristics.  相似文献   

In many animals, males aggregate to produce mating signals that attract conspecific females. These leks, however, also attract eavesdropping predators and parasites lured by the mating signal. This study investigates the acoustic preferences of eavesdroppers attracted to natural choruses in a Neotropical frog, the túngara frog (Engystomops pustulosus). In particular, we examined the responses of frog‐biting midges to natural variation in call properties and signaling rates of males in the chorus. These midges use the mating calls of the frogs to localize them and obtain a blood meal. Although it is known that the midges prefer complex over simple túngara frog calls, it is unclear how these eavesdroppers respond to natural call variation when confronted with multiple males in a chorus. We investigated the acoustic preference of the midges using calling frogs in their natural environment and thus accounted for natural variation in their call properties. We performed field recordings using a sound imaging system to quantify the temporal call properties of males in small choruses. During these recordings, we also collected frog‐biting midges attacking calling males. Our results revealed that, in a given chorus, male frogs calling at higher rates and with higher call complexity attracted a larger number of frog‐biting midges. Call rate was particularly important at increasing the number of midges attracted when males produced calls of lower complexity. Similarly, call complexity increased attractiveness to the midges especially when males produced calls at a low repetition rate. Given that female túngara frogs prefer calls produced at higher repetition rates and higher complexity, this study highlights the challenge faced by signalers when increasing attractiveness of the signal to their intended receivers.  相似文献   

The mating behaviour and male mating success of Hyla ebraccata were examined over three study periods. Mated males were larger than unmated males on a significant number of nights and for one of the three study periods. In field observations of pair formation, female behaviour was consistent with choice of large males: females moved freely through the chorus, remaining within 10 cm of males larger than the nightly mean, before the male initiated amplexus. In 27% (n = 3) of these observations, males chased and fought over the female. However, the females removed two of these three males from amplexus, suggesting that females can also exercise choice after amplexus. There was a significant negative correlation between male size and dominant frequency of the primary note, indicating that the male's advertisement call contained size-related information. Comparisons of the size of mated and unmated males suggest that two factors may have affected the degree to which female choice influenced male mating success. First, the distance between calling males may have limited the opportunity for females to express a mating preference. Secondly, an increase in mean and a decrease in the variance of male size in one of the three study periods also may have limited the ability of females to express a preference for large males.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(3):763-772
Males of Uperoleia rugosa form aggregations around the breeding pond. Within the aggregations, each calling male maintains an exclusive zone in which it does not tolerate another calling male. However, attacks on silent intruders, satellite males or females were never observed. Territorial males warned calling intruders by changing from advertisement calls to encounter calls (a display); if the intruder persisted in calling the resident would either attack or retreat and call elsewhere. Fights were usually won by the heavier males, and males of similar weight were more likely to fight, whereas males retreated from opponents that were substantially heavier. Calling was energetically costly and territorial males lost weight and thus their fighting abilities declined, whereas silent satellite males gained weight and were able to oust lighter territorial males. There was thus a dynamic interchange between territorial and satellite males depending on their relative weights. The playback of recorded advertisement calls showed that males can assess each others' fighting abilities on the basis of their vocalizations. Males retreated from a loudspeaker broadcasting the calls of a larger male but they attacked the loudspeaker if the calls of smaller or similar sized males were played (N=39, P<0·001, one-tailed binomial test). Dominant frequency was probably the call parameter used in assessment as it was correlated with the weight (r=−0·71, P<0·001, N=100) and hence the fighting ability of the caller, but this hypothesis needs further testing.  相似文献   

We studied the vocal communication of Hyla ebraccata in central Panama. The advertisement call of this species consists of a pulsed buzz-like primary note which may be given alone or followed by 1–4 secondary click notes. Primary notes are highly stereotyped, showing little variation within or0 among individuals in dominant frequency, duration, pulse repetition rate or rise time. Males calling in isolation give mostly single-note calls. They respond to playbacks of conspecific calls by increasing calling rates and the proportion of multi-note calls, and by giving synchronized calls 140–200 ms after the stimulus begins. Responses to conspecific advertisement calls are usually given immediately after the primary note of the leading call, but the primary note of the response often overlaps with the click notes of the leading call. Experiments with synthetic signals showed that males synchronize to any type of sound of the appropriate frequency (3 kHz), regardless of the fine structure of the stimulus. Playbacks of synthetic calls of variable duration showed that males do not synchronize well to calls less than 150 ms long, but they do to longer calls (200–600 ms). The variance in response latency increased with increasing stimulus duration, but modal response times remained at around 140–200 ms. Similar results were obtained in experiments withsynthetic calls having a variable number of click notes. Males showed no tendency to increase the number of click notes in their calls in response to increasing stimulus duration or increasing number of clicks in the stimulus. Females preferred three-note to one-note calls in two-choice playback experiments, whether these were presented in alternation, or with the one-note call leading and the three-note call following. Females showed no preference for leader or follower calls when both were one-note. When two-note calls were presented with the primary note of the follower overlapping the click note of the leader, females went to calls in which click notes were not obscured. Our results indicate that male H. ebraccata respond to other males in a chorus in ways which enhance their ability to attract mates.  相似文献   

We simulated the presence of an acoustic competitor by broadcasting conspecific playbacks to males of Johnstone's whistling frog, Eleutherodactylus johnstonei, in the field. We broadcast calls that differed in duration (short, typical, and long), dominant frequency (high, typical, and low), and period (short, typical, and long), and analyzed male vocal responses. We tested the hypothesis that males respond by escalating vocally when they are exposed to female‐attractive calls and by ignoring unattractive ones. At the population level, males responded to playbacks in ways that would potentially increase their attractiveness with regard to solo calling: males increased the duration, reduced the dominant frequency, and increased their calling effort (duty cycle), despite an increase in call period. The modification of call duration occurred only in response to playbacks of low‐frequency calls, long calls, and short‐period calls (selective response), while the modification of the dominant frequency was independent of the characteristic of the playback (fixed response). Contrary to the expected, males did not reduce the call period when they were exposed to attractive playbacks. At the ultimate level, the results suggest energy‐saving strategies. In addition, males seem to trade off call period for the avoidance of acoustic interference with attractive calls as calling effort was typically increased by increasing call duration but only rarely by reducing the call period. Interactive playbacks are necessary to better understand the calling strategies of males of E. johnstonei.  相似文献   

Male and female Elephantodeta nobilis duet with the female responding to the male's long and complex call. The duetting male's call consisted of four parts, described here as parts A, B, C and D. We found that the female replied 570 ms after the male's D pulse, which followed the extended part B and short click of part C. Noncalling males were attracted to the duet and often used satellite tactics by inserting a volley of clicks 200 ms before the alpha male's D pulse. Satellite males used part C of the alpha male song to cue their own call and this inserted call induced females to reply earlier compared with the alpha male call alone. Alpha males often extended their calls with additional D-type calls and so we examined the effectiveness of these calls as countermeasures to satellite calling. There was no influence of this alpha strategy on the satellite's propensity to call although more calls from the alpha male did cause the female to reply more frequently. We also examined the effect of relative intensity of alpha and satellite calls on the female's reply. Reduced satellite intensity increased the variance in the timing of the female response. Finally, we tested the effectiveness of the satellite's call on female phonotaxis within a two-speaker arena. Although females preferred the alpha male they were nevertheless attracted to the satellite calls regardless of the latter's relative intensity. We discuss the possible role of satellite calling as a novel conditional strategy. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Acoustic communication is important for determining and maintaining intermale spacing in breeding aggregations of anurans and insects. Because the number and proximity of signalling males can show extensive temporal and spatial variation, we should expect to find mechanisms that permit males to modify their signalling behaviour in ways that balance the needs to attract females and defend their calling space. We conducted two field playback experiments to investigate the role of plasticity in male aggressive signalling in intermale spacing of spring peepers (Anura, Hylidae). In the first experiment, we found a positive correlation between the amplitude of the advertisement calls of a male's nearest neighbour and the stimulus amplitude at which the male first produced aggressive calls. In the second experiment, repeated presentations of advertisement calls above a male's aggressive threshold resulted in rapid decreases in aggressive signalling and significant, but temporary, elevations of aggressive thresholds. We suggest that short-term habituation to a neighbour's calls could function as a proximate mechanism for plasticity in aggression that would allow males to accommodate nearby callers while also tracking fluctuations in the local density of calling individuals. In a third experiment, we examined female choice as an ultimate-level explanation for plasticity in male aggression. Females preferred advertisement calls to aggressive calls, but this preference was weak and was abolished by a 6-dB reduction in the amplitude of the advertisement call. We suggest that female preferences probably function as only one possible source of selection on plasticity in male aggressive signalling and propose energetic limitations as an additional source of selection. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

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