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There are many proposed and ongoing commercial, industrial, and residential developments within the Darwin Harbour catchment in Northern Australia, to accommodate the projected population growth over the next 20 years. Hence, it is necessary to ensure the balance between these developments and ecosystem conservation. We evaluated ecological risk for the Darwin Harbour using a relative risk model (RRM). The catchment was divided into 22 risk regions based on small catchment boundaries and their homogeneity. Through the RRM, we ranked and summed the stressors and habitats within regions. The interaction between stressors and habitats were modeled through exposure and effect filters. The ecological assessment endpoints were maintenance of the mangrove health and the maintenance of water quality. The risk regions—Myrmidon Creek, Blackmore River, Bleesers Creek, and Elizabeth River—showed the highest total relative risk for ecological assets. These risk regions had a high percentage cover of industrial, commercial, and residential areas; diffuse entry points; and climate change effects. Creek A, Sandy Creek, West Arm, and Pioneer Creek were the risk regions with lowest total relative risk scores. The RRM is a robust application that is suitable for a large geographic area where multiple stressors are of concern.  相似文献   

An estuarine ecological risk assessment for thePortsmouth Naval Shipyard (PNS) Kittery, ME, wasconducted utilizing the U.S. EPA's Framework forEcological Risk Assessment (ERA). As part of theanalysis phase of the ERA, laboratory studies wereconducted to develop quantitative exposure-responserelationships for lead (Pb), a key contaminant ofconcern for PNS, in order to evaluate the role of Pbin the ecological stress observed near PNS, and toestimate the probability of ecological risk associatedwith Pb contamination at the site. Biological effectsof exposure to Pb via sediment or diet were evaluatedusing several life stages of the sea urchin, Arbacia punctulata. This strategy was employedbecause echinoderm species, including A.punctulata, are amenable to laboratory testing andhave been used frequently to assess the toxicity ofestuarine waters and sediments. In addition, lifestage-specific biological effects could be comparedand integrated into projections of population-levelresponses to Pb. Results indicated that adult seaurchins accumulated Pb in direct proportion toexposure medium Pb concentration, whether exposureoccurred via sediment or diet. High Pb concentrationsreduced survival and gamete production in females, buthad no effect on the viability of produced gametes. Aqueous Pb exposure concentrations that producedadverse effects on adult sea urchin survival andreproduction were also directly toxic to early lifestages. In addition to their utility for this ERA,these results have applicability for the prediction ofbiological effects or the retrospective analysis ofcausal relationships at other estuarine sites.  相似文献   

Although ecological risk assessment (ERA) and environmental monitoring would seem to be potentially complimentary activities, they have been disjunct in practice. This is because of differences in goals and products. Environmental monitoring determines status and trends in indicators to determine whether the environment is improving. ERA estimates effects of stressors on endpoint attributes to support decision making. Indicators are, by definition, indicative of some unmeasured condition. Assessment endpoints are valued properties of the environment that are susceptible to stressors of concern. Indicators are justified by the logic of the monitoring program, which may be self-referential. Assessment endpoints are justified by their potential susceptibility and by environmental policies and public values. Indicators are often expressed in terms of indices or scores that obscure the actual condition of the environment. Because assessment endpoints must be clear to decision makers and the public, they require real units of actual environmental properties. Monitoring programs are peripherally concerned about causal relationships, while risk assessment is devoted to elucidating causal relationships. As a result, risk assessments may use the results of monitoring studies, but only after disaggregating the indicators to their components and choosing those that are appropriate. Monitoring programs could be more useful if they used a risk-based approach to address important problems rather than simply tracking indicators.  相似文献   

为应对城市生态斑块光污染、噪声污染范围快速扩张和强度增加对鸟类带来的生态风险,探讨了将微观鸟类风险阈值与宏观光污染、噪声污染分布数据结合进行生态风险评价的全链条研究方法,具体包括:探究微观层面光、声污染胁迫下鸟类生态风险阈值,分别获得光污染对黄雀和栗鹀寤寐节律及声污染对画眉鸟退避行为的生态风险阈值,并提出由实验室环境中获得的鸟类光污染强度风险阈值推算室外夜间混合光环境中鸟类光污染强度风险阈值的方法;同时获取宏观光、声环境分布数据,其中光环境分布数据基于Luojia 1-01和Jilin 1-7B夜光遥感影像获得,声环境分布数据通过软件模拟、实测校核、ArcGIS属性赋予等系列操作获得;结合微观鸟类风险阈值和宏观光、声环境分布数据开展生态风险评价,以典型城市生态斑块为实例分析光污染和噪声污染胁迫下鸟类生态风险分布特征;搭建生态风险评价平台并进行鸟类生态风险可视化展现。该生态风险评价方法可为城市宏观区域光、声污染生态风险的快速评价提供科学规范的研究和技术范例。  相似文献   

尽管南极被认为是远离人类污染的净土,但近年来不断发现有机氯农药、多氯联苯、多溴联苯醚和全/多氟化合物等传统和"新型"持久性有机污染物(POPs)存在于南极的非生物及生物环境中,由此引发了全球各国对南极生态系统的不断关注.POPs性质稳定,能够久存于环境中,并具有毒性,易富集于生物体内并产生一定的健康风险.为了解南极和南...  相似文献   

林梦婧  石龙宇  陈丁楷  和思楠 《生态学报》2023,43(18):7566-7584
构建区域生态风险评价框架有助于清晰地识别、评估、模拟、预测与管理区域生态风险,进而为区域生态安全网络构建和生态安全格局保障提供支撑。雄安新区的建设,使该区域面临巨大的土地利用变化,对区域生态系统的结构和功能产生不可忽视的影响,洪涝和干旱灾害对雄安新区及其周边区域生态系统具有显著的威胁。以雄安新区为例,构建包含暴露-响应关系、人为源和自然源相结合的区域综合生态风险评价框架,分别对城市化和气候变化背景下的雄安新区土地利用变化、洪涝灾害、干旱灾害三类胁迫引起的区域生态风险进行了评价和预测,确定其生态风险空间分布特征及变化趋势。结果表明:(1)从时间序列上来看,由于气候变化导致洪涝、干旱等自然灾害的影响,加上雄安新区的土地利用变化,雄安新区的生态风险在2025年后有所上升,但有序的规划和良好的地类配置使得雄安新区起步区在2025年后生态风险程度下降;(2)从空间上看,雄安新区风险高值区主要集中在白洋淀区以西和以南,以及新区东北部部分区域。最后,从土地利用管理、洪涝和干旱灾害预防等角度提出了生态风险防控对策:(1)雄安新区应坚持对土地利用的合理规划和严格管理,切实防止土地的无序利用,密切关注景观...  相似文献   

The objectives of this research are the assessment of secondary effluents (SEs) quality by evaluating chemical parameters and biomarkers. For this purpose, MDA and GSH levels were determined by spectrofotometer. SOD, CAT, and GPX activities were determined by using ELISA kit in the groups of control and the groups exposed to SE. The level of MDA and the activities of SOD in Gammarus pulex vary depending on the exposure time. GSH levels and GSH-PX activities increased in G. pulex exposed to the effluent compared to the control during 24 h and 96 h. CAT activities were in SE group were found lower than the control in G. pulex during 24 h and 96 h. Current experimental results show that SOD, CAT, GPX activities, and GSH and MDA levels in G. pulex are sensitive and appropriate responses for assess the effects of anthropogenic contaminants on the aquatic ecosystems, particularly effluent complex mixtures.  相似文献   

随着全球人口不断成长,农业生产、工业发展、能源消耗及生活消费等人类活动不断增加,对城市区域乃至于区域生态系统均带来显著负面影响。为量化评估人类活动对区域生态系统的影响,以人类活动产生的氮排放为切入点,选择中国台湾地区为研究区,针对其高投入的农业生产、密集的交通工业设施及人口分布等背景,构建了基于氮排放的区域生态风险评价研究框架。分析了2001年至2010年中国台湾地区农业及城市系统所产生的氮排放变化情况,并在空间上比较了各县市的氮排放差异;其次,依据各用地类型特点,定义了其对氮排放压力的脆弱程度,藉以评估中国台湾地区生态风险变化及其潜在风险强度。研究结果表明中国台湾地区2005至2010年期间氮排放带来的生态风险值先降后升,主要原因源于期间农业活动产生的氮排放减少,但交通运输带来能源消耗却明显增加了氮排放;通过分区比较,确定低风险县市主要包括金门县、连江县、澎湖县、新竹市、嘉义市及基隆市,而台中市、屏东县、台南市、高雄市及新北市,由于农业生产活动密集且人口分布密度高,为中国台湾地区高生态风险区。  相似文献   

The United States faces a massive task to clean up legacy nuclear, chemical, and structural wastes remaining from the Cold War, and industrial and hazardous wastes, as well as the decommissioning and spent nuclear fuel removal of numerous commercial nuclear facilities nearing the end of useful life. Many sites are on or adjacent to open spaces or waterbodies of varying ecologic quality and utility. Assessing the risks to ecological resources is thus a challenging task that usually involves consideration of the direct risk to these receptors from the ongoing exposure to the contamination before remediation. Here we address impacts during and after remediation. Different remediation types and activities (digging and removal, containment/capping, decommissioning/demolition, pump and treat, in situ treatment), as well as transportation and ultimate disposition can have direct ecological effects including disruption, displacement and death to plants and animals on the remediation site and on surrounding areas. For each type of remediation, two aspects require consideration: the functional aspects of remediation (how many and what types of people, cars, trucks, hoses, heavy equipment, drilling rigs are on the remediation site), and initiating events that can interact with remediation causing harm to ecologic receptors. In this paper we 1) describe initiating events and functional remediation, 2) provide a conceptualization of interactions between them, and 3) examine the types of effects that result from natural and anthropogenic stressors due to the interactions between functional remediation and initiating events. Initiating events are low probability, high consequence events, including “natural” disasters (e.g. earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, fires) and anthropogenic (building collapses, structural failures) events, that start or cause a response in species or ecosystems. Functional remediation includes the elements of remediation that occur in combination under different remediation types. Interactions between the two may be overlooked when determining the factors to consider in developing bioindicators, assessment tools, and monitoring plans to protect human and ecological health. Each can exacerbate the ecological impacts of the other. We use the Hanford Site in Washington State as a case study, but the principles are broadly applicable.  相似文献   

Contamination of mangrove ecosystems, including those of the Red Sea area, has caused serious concern globally. Spatial distribution of heavy metals and their bioaccumulation in one of the common mangrove plants of Saudi Arabia, Avicennia marina L., was evaluated in 8 stations at the Rabigh lagoon to assess the ecological risks due to heavy metal contamination. Among all the heavy metals, Fe concentration was recorded highest (8939.38 ± 312.63 mg/kg) at station S4. Contamination factor (CF) values for all heavy metals determined in this study were recorded in ascending order as Cu < Cr < Mn < Zn < Fe < Ni < Pb < Cd, with the pollution load index pattern recorded in descending order as S6 > S4 > S3 > S5 > S7 > S1 > S8 > S2. Bio-concentration factor (BCF) was <1 for all the heavy metals and there was a positive correlation between the antioxidants and lead (Pb), which can be a result of the ability of A. marina to exclude or detoxify this metal by its mechanism of exclusion or detoxification. A significant correlation existed between the heavy metals concentration in sediment and A. marina leaves at one combination or the other, except for Cu and Cd, which do not correlate with any other metal concentration. The information provided in the present study can be used in the monitoring and measurement of heavy metal pollution in marine ecosystems or other aquatic environments, to prevent several ecological risks to the mangrove ecosystem.  相似文献   

欧阳晓  朱翔  贺清云 《生态学报》2020,40(16):5478-5489
基于生态系统服务和生态系统健康的生态风险评估框架为城市群生态风险管理和国土生态修复提供新的视角。以生态风险评估框架为基础,综合运用生态系统服务、生态系统健康评估模型以及相关分析法对长株潭城市群展开生态风险评价,并对风险程度进行分类。结果表明:(1)城市群的城市化水平提升,区域生态风险也随之增加。生态系统服务价值、生态系统组织、生态系统活力、生态系统弹性等生态指数呈现下降趋势。(2)人工表面比率和生态指数之间的Pearson相关系数表明,人工表面比率与生态指数之间存在负相关关系,人工表面比率是生态风险提升的关键因素。(3)城市群人工表面比率要控制在36%以下,以进行生态风险管理和国土生态修复。总的来说,评价框架可以作为区域生态风险的评价终点。  相似文献   

许嘉慧  孙德亮  张虹  文海家  吴健平  黄艳 《生态学报》2023,43(11):4594-4603
进行生态风险多尺度综合评价,对环境管理及风险决策具有重要意义。以三峡库区滑坡重点监测县域为例,基于“危险性-脆弱性-潜在损失”三维模型,以随机森林模型评估滑坡危险性,采用景观格局指数表征生态脆弱性,利用生境质量核算潜在生态损失,进行格网、行政、子流域多尺度下的滑坡灾害生态风险评价,提出适合各尺度的风险管理措施,在此基础上选择最适宜尺度并结合研究区实际情况进行验证。结果表明,生态风险等级较高区域集中于长江两岸沿线,三峡库区建设对研究区滑坡生态风险产生较大影响;两两尺度风险分布结果具有一定相似性,而三种尺度共同作用结果又存在一定差异;子流域尺度在保证生态结构完整性的前提下评价结果好于其他两种尺度,更适合三峡库区县域的生态风险评价;研究区东部风险防范类型相对单一,而西部风险防范类型较多,需做到精细化管理。研究增加了多尺度综合评价实例,对今后开展整个三峡库区滑坡生态风险研究奠定一定理论和实践基础。  相似文献   

评估生态保护红线斑块受人类干扰的潜在退化风险,可为差异化、精细化的红线监管方案拟定提供科学依据。以安徽省域为例,基于InVEST模型,定量分析了2017年农田、城镇、矿区、交通干线等风险源对红线内各生境受体的干扰退化风险度。结论如下:全省和红线内受人类干扰退化风险由高到低的生境类型依次是农田、草地、湿地和林地。生态保护红线内人类干扰退化风险较全省平均水平更低。全省整体干扰退化风险指数呈现"北高南低"的格局。高风险区集中在合肥城区、芜马城区、淮蚌城区周边,两淮矿区及周边,低风险区则主要分布在皖西和皖南山区、巢湖湖区、沿江沿淮湖区等。干扰退化风险较高的红线斑块主要为合肥北部淠河——滁河干渠和董大水库水源地红线,铜陵市郊区棋盘山红线,长江干流芜马段自然岸线红线,淮河干流淮蚌段水体及岸线红线,阜阳城区颍河及周边湿地红线,皇藏峪西部宿淮交界处山体红线,宿州市砀山县城区东南部红线等,建议重点监管,防控人类干扰导致的生态风险。  相似文献   

河岸带土壤重金属元素的污染及危害评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
测定了金水河流域河岸带土壤部分重金属的全量和土壤水溶液的离子含量,运用污染指数和生态风险评价法对流域内土壤重金属进行评价.不同土地利用类型中,漫滩V、Cr含量最高(130.89、363.29 mg·kg-1),草地Ni、Pb、Ti、Mn、Zn、Cu含量最高(32.52、24.61、4378.09、1289.62、91.44、29.71 mg·kg-1).这主要是因为草地、漫滩能够有效吸附和沉积重金属,同时人类活动明显增加重金属生态危害.金水河流域河岸带土壤Cr、Pb、Zn均超过土壤环境质量标准(GB 15618-1995).与此同时,河漫滩白浆化棕壤和钙质粗骨土碳酸钙含量高,对Pb、Zn有较强的吸附和固定作用,能够有效吸附和沉积重金属;河漫滩人类干扰较重,造成其重金属含量较高.评价结果表明,流域河岸带内重金属环境污染达到中、重度污染,生态危害等级为轻微到中等级别.提高土壤腐殖质含量是减轻污染危害及增强土壤自净能力的重要措施.  相似文献   

In order to conserve the remaining rare dolomite rocks and restore Mt. Mufu, a forest restoration program has been implemented over ten years. Emergy analysis was used to evaluate the current status of the restored ecosystem, in addition, the ecological potential of the fully developed system was predicted and analyzed. Four main emergy indices of the two systems, EYR, EIR, ELR, and ESI, were calculated and compared. In addition, a relatively new emergy index, PYR, was used to evaluate the restored forest system's ecological potential. The results revealed that the current restored forest system was still in the initial stage of ecological restoration but it has already resulted in several positive effects, such as richness of plant biodiversity and improving air condition. The value of the predicted system's PYR is as great as 201.53, demonstrating that the restored forest system has a great potential for ecological development in the future.  相似文献   

川滇生态屏障区景观生态风险评价及影响因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
探究重点生态功能区景观生态风险时空演变特征,揭示人类活动对景观生态风险恶化的潜在影响,对防范和化解景观生态风险、促进区域可持续发展具有重要意义.以2000、2010、2020年土地覆被数据为基础,运用ArcGIS 10.8和Fragstats 4.2等软件,基于景观格局指数和脆弱度指数构建景观生态风险评价模型,借助空间...  相似文献   

东北地区森林资源生态风险评价研究   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
根据区域生态风险评价的理论和方法体系,对东北地区森林资源进行了生态风险评价.东北林区生态风险问题形成的主要胁迫包括物理胁迫、化学胁迫、生物胁迫和社会胁迫,其权重系数分别为0.30、0.22、0.11和0.37.东北93个林业局中,轻风险占64.4%,中风险占21.2%,重风险占13.3%。严重风险占1.1%,符合偏正态分布.东北区森林生态风险的地域分异明显,靠近长白山区的森林处于轻风险和中风险等级,向西生态风险越来越重,处于重风险和严重风险等级的林业局主要集中在小兴安岭地区.必须加强东北区风险管理和森林景观的修复与重建。  相似文献   

Sixteen USEPA priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Twenty samples were collected from the surface sediments of Haizhou Bay in this survey. This research aimed to identify the PAHs' contamination level, composition pattern, pollution sources, and assess the ecological risk of PAHs. The results showed that the sum of PAH concentrations ranged from 116.6 ng g?1 to 2414.9 ng g?1 (mean: 662.42 ng g?1), which is higher than the reported values for different wetlands worldwide. Three- and four-ring PAHs (accounts for more than 70% of the total PAH content) were predominant in the wetland sediment. The PAHs source distribution in the surface sediments were determined using diagnostic ratio and PCA/MLR. Consequently, multiple PAHs sources were found. Of the total PAH, 79.25% was derived from vehicular emission, 20.75% from coal combustion. The effect range low/effect range median (ERL/ERM) values indicated a low toxicity risk level. However, the fluoranthene concentrations exceeded the ERL level, and even the ERM level, in some stations. The mean effects range–median quotient (M-ERM-Q) suggests a low ecological risk for the PAHs in the sediments.  相似文献   

Statistical hypothesis testing is commonly used inappropriately to analyze data, determine causality, and make decisions about significance in ecological risk assessment. Hypothesis testing is conceptually inappropriate in that it is designed to test scientific hypotheses rather than to estimate risks. It is inappropriate for analysis of field studies because it requires replication and random assignment of treatments. It discourages good toxicity testing and field studies, it provides less protection to ecosystems or their components that are difficult to sample or replicate, and it provides less protection when more treatments or responses are used. It provides a poor basis for decision‐making because it does not generate a conclusion of no effect, it does not indicate the nature or magnitude of effects, it does not address effects at untested exposure levels, and it confounds effects and uncertainty. Attempts to make hypothesis testing less problematical cannot solve these problems. Rather, risk assessors should focus on analyzing the relationship between exposure and effects, on presenting a clear estimate of expected or observed effects and associated uncertainties, and on providing the information in a manner that is useful to decision‐makers and the public.  相似文献   

Fernando de Noronha (FN) is a marine protected area off the coast of Brazil. The study of risks caused by nearby ship routes is new to authorities concerned with preserving FN. We identify nearby ship routes that cause FN to be potentially exposed to oil spills from tankers. A coral species is chosen as a bioindicator of the ecosystem's health, which aids quantitative approaches. We simulate oil leakage scenarios with pessimistic occurrence frequencies and corals' mortality in case of accident. A metapopulation coral model is integrated to quantify measures of ecological risk under the potential occurrence of accidental scenarios. The categorization of risk results according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature quantitative criteria shows that risks are negligible. Due to the considerable uncertainty in the results, we propose a more conservative categorization of risks based not on total metapopulation extinction, but on half loss. As a result, risks were considered not acceptable. The presented methodology and results are useful in supporting authorities in their preservation efforts such as the prioritization of sources of hazard as well as selection of the best cost-effective conservation measures for maintaining good environmental health on a realistic budget, using this methodology as an exploratory tool.  相似文献   

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