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Stable oxygen isotope dendrochronology is an effective precision-dating method for fast grown, invariant (complacent) tree-rings and for trees growing in moist, temperate climatic regions where growth may not be strongly controlled by climate. The method works because trees preserve a strong common isotopic signal, from summer precipitation, and therefore do not need to be physiologically stressed to record a dating signal. This study explores the working hypothesis that whilst tree species may differ in their eco-physiology, leaf morphology and wood anatomy they will record an isotopic signal in their growth rings that is sufficiently similar to enable their precise dating against isotopic reference chronologies developed using dated oak tree rings from the same region. Modern and historical samples from six species (sweet chestnut, English elm, ash, alder, European beech and black poplar) were analysed and their oxygen isotopic variability was compared against an oak master chronology previously developed for central southern England. Whilst differences in the relative strength of the agreement between the different species and the master chronology are apparent, the potential for interspecies dating is demonstrated convincingly. The ability to date non-oak species using stable oxygen isotopes opens-up new opportunities for science-based archaeology and will improve understanding of a largely-unexplored, but significant part of the European historical buildings archive.  相似文献   

In 1980 Ernst Hollstein published his Central European Oak Chronology, which covers a period from 724 BCE to 1974 CE. Besides a later correction of the end date of the sampling site chronologies Kirnsulzbach (Germany) and Gustavsburg (Germany) this master chronology has since not been changed and still remains one of the most important bases for dendrochronological dating in western Germany. It stands out in so far as it provides comprehensive graphical findspot series for each individual sampled site and year to year growth values for eight regional sub-chronologies in addition to the combined Central European reference curve.Particularly due to the fact of Hollstein’s chronology being publicly available, it has frequently been criticized for its insufficient data to bridge the Late Antiquity between 350 and 400 CE with only three sampling sites (tomb near Beerlegem, Belgium; tomb inside of Cologne Cathedral, Germany; subfossil trees near Broichweiden, Germany) and that these site chronologies cover those decades with inadequate correlation coefficients. With regard to recent statistical threshold values for crossdating, Hollstein’s Late Antiquity bridging needs to be reconsidered.Therefore, in a combined effort, the dendrochronological laboratories at Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier (RLM), the University of Cologne and Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg re-evaluated Hollstein’s findings for Late Antiquity by including the respective dendrochronological examinations conducted in Rhineland-Palatinate, North Rhine-Westphalia and north-eastern France during the past 40 years. A total of 62 site chronologies were compiled to establish a new Late Antiquity chronology. Thirteen of these site chronologies could be used to support Hollstein’s original bridging series between 350 and 400 CE while the mean series for Broichweiden had to be corrected from end date 365 to 503 CE. Furthermore, this new bridging chronology could be validated by comparing it to an independent chronology from southern Germany. This study thus proves that the integrity of Hollstein’s Central European Oak Chronology is not compromised by a flawed Late Antiquity bridging and that therefore dating based on the Roman part of this chronology can still be considered as absolute.  相似文献   

Across Britain and continental Europe there are many ancient Castanea sativa trees of great significance for natural and cultural heritage, yet scant assessment has been made of them for dendrochronological information. This paper describes the dendrochronological analysis of 28 Castanea sativa trees (veteran historic trees, forest trees and coppice stems) sampled from 15 sites in southern Britain: 56 growth-ring sequences were collected for analysis, by boring living trees and by cutting transverse sections from dead fallen trees and previously cut stumps. Twenty-three single-tree sequences from 14 sites were cross-matched (t ≥3.5) and then cross-dated with 17 oak Quercus reference chronologies from England and northern France: a Castanea sativa master chronology spanning AD 1660–2014 has been created. The results demonstrate the viability of dendrochronological analysis of Castanea sativa wood; and confirm that Castanea sativa can be cross-dated with oak Quercus reference chronologies, inter-regionally and inter-nationally. The findings provide the potential means for dating Castanea sativa timbers sampled from palaeoenvironmental and historical contexts. The extraction of sawn sections from long-dead (up to 60 years in this study) trees and stumps is proven to be a reliable method for dating veteran trees in cultural landscapes and ancient woodlands; and for revealing the growth history of historic/iconic trees. The germination dates calculated for the Castanea sativa trees in this study span the period AD 1640–1943. The inaccuracy of estimating veteran Castanea sativa tree ages from girth measurements is highlighted.  相似文献   

Castle Pišece, located in SE Slovenia near the border with Croatia, is thought to have been built in the 12th/13th century as one in the line of Salzburg fortresses on the then SE border of the Holy Roman Empire. During thorough restoration that started in 2005, its wooden constructions became accessible for dendrochronological investigations. We collected representative samples from floor or ceiling constructions in most of the rooms in the castle. Dendrochronology helped us to identify felling dates of wood and to propose probable years of reconstructions in 1515, 1578, 1644, 1697, 1752, 1758, 1775 and 1878. The dating showed that the constructions in the presumed Romanesque and Renaissance parts of the building were not as old as expected, whereas those in the supposedly Baroque part of the castle were older than assumed. The selection of wood species used for constructions varied over time. Constructions with end dates 1515–1697 were made of oak (Quercus petraea and Q. robur), those dated to 1752 of silver fir (Abies alba), those dated to 1758 of sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa) and those dated to 1878 of common beech (Fagus sylvatica). Comparison of forestry archives and vegetation in the area showed that most of the timber could have originated from nearby forests; only silver fir had to be transported from sites that were at least 20 km away from the castle. Cross-dating of tree-ring series of oak elements with two reference chronologies from Slovenia and two from Austria confirmed the great likelihood that the wood used mostly originated from Slovenia. This indicates that dendroprovenancing, not used in the area before, could also be used SE of the Alps. Both the existing archival documents and dendrochronology indicate that woodworks have taken place every few decades in some periods. The dendrochronological dates can be partly linked to reports on earthquakes (especially the devastating one in 1511), rebellions and year marks carved on the stone plaques.  相似文献   

In dendrochronological dating, we encounter the trouble that some samples cannot be dated due to the occurrence of anomalies in the tree-ring series. When dating subfossil wood for the extension of existing master chronologies, this may be an especially unwanted circumstance as subfossil wood is scarce and each sample is valuable. In Moravia (Czech Republic) outbreaks of the cockchafer (Melolontha sp.) used to appear with a disastrous effect on agricultural crops, and, for a dendrochronologist, on samples of wood to be dated. Oak ring width reduction caused by cockchafer induced defoliation can superimpose climate induced growth variations and may complicate dating of historical or subfossil samples. For this study, 33 samples of sub-fossil trunks were assessed; 19 of which were attacked by cockchafer. For comparison, we analysed a total of nine living oak trees from the forest district Strá?nice-Vracov, recently attacked by the cockchafer. Occurrence of the cockchafer was reported there in 1999, 2003 and 2007.We found clear growth patterns with cyclic narrow rings every 4 years. This allowed us to create an artificial curve expressing the recurring cycles of cockchafer outbreaks which assisted us in the detection of the same pattern in subfossil tree growth. The tree-ring series of the attacked living oak stand as well as the 19 individual tree-ring series from subfossil oak trunks could not be dated using standard chronologies and showed a high resemblance to the cockchafer life cycle. Additionally, we found out that the living oak stand was attacked in 1983, 1987, 1991 and 1995 as well. The results support the hypothesis that the periodical reduction observed in tree-rings at regular increments is caused by cockchafer infestation. This evidence is further supported by characteristic anatomical features in early wood. A mean tree-ring series was created from the individual tree-ring series of subfossil oaks even though radiocarbon dating showed completely different ages of samples. This means that the affected tree-ring series cannot be used for dendrochronological dating and dendroclimatological analyses. These series cannot be used without preceding mathematical and statistical modification.  相似文献   

We present the first results of a dendroecological investigation on three prevailing species growing in the Apuseni Mountains. In this study we succeeded in building up about 200-year long local master chronologies for spruce, fir and beech. These chronologies will serve as a reference for crossdating of (sub-fossil) logs that were preserved in ice caves at the Apuseni Mts.

The analysis of climate–growth relationship provided interesting and different results for the three studied species: we found significant correlations between the beech chronology and the mean temperature of the prior July, autumn and January of the actual year as well as the weather conditions at the beginning of the vegetation period. Conifers yielded coherent results for the mean temperature of prior July and sum of precipitation in April. In addition, fir seems to be favouring above-average temperatures in January and February. The coherent and significant correlations with the April precipitation suggest a common coniferous phenomenon. Finally, beech index showed negative correlation with April temperature.  相似文献   

Charcoal piles have become a frequent subject of research in recent years as a better understanding of past human activities in forests is sought. The age of charcoal piles is usually determined by radiocarbon dating; dendrochronology is rarely used because of the small size of preserved charcoal remains and the insufficient number of visible tree rings. This paper presents the potential for dendrochronological and 14C method in research into charcoal piles. From 14 charcoal-burning sites in the Czech Republic, 214 pieces of charcoal were anatomically identified at the genus level and dendrochronologically analysed. Our results show that fir dominated in these charcoal remains, followed by oak, beech, spruce and pine. With an overall dendrochronological dating success of 24 %, fir charcoal was dated most often (65 %) with measurable tree rings ranging from 14 to 90. The oldest charcoals were dendrochronologically dated to summer 1682 CE; conversely, the youngest had end dates in the second half of the 19th century. The relatively poor dating success of oak charcoal very likely resulted from the use of branches for charcoal production rather than tree trunks. Based on an analysis of selected charcoal samples, we confirm that radiocarbon dating provided a very wide range of dates in the post-1650 CE period and the use of the wiggle-matching method was usually challenging because of short TRW series. Based on samples with preserved waney edges, we conclude that charcoal was more commonly made from wood felled in the summer than in the winter. Despite the relatively low level of success of dendrochronological dating, it seems more effective for dating charcoal than the 14C method, especially with samples from the last 350 years.  相似文献   

Height growth is a trait that contributes to tree species fitness. How height growth responds to environmental changes may therefore provide indications on species ability to compete and maintain, and on changes in tree community composition. Common beech Fagus sylvatica and sessile oak Quercus petraea are the predominant late‐successional broadleaved species in Europe, and they differ in their shade‐tolerance. On common beech (a shade tolerant species), recent observations across Europe have shown a growth decline during recent climate warming. Because sessile oak is a warmth‐ and light‐demanding species, we therefore hypothesised that it may gain in competitiveness relative to common beech. We conducted analyses of historical height growth in several regions spanning the distributional range of the two species across a temperate‐continental gradient in France. Common beech and sessile oak were sampled in two and four regions, respectively, and were compared in two neighbouring regions. We documented the climatic and nutritional conditions of regional samples. Height growth of 408 trees of various ages was reconstituted from stem analyses. We estimated 20th‐century regional chronologies of height growth using a statistical modelling approach that filtered out the effects of ontogeny and site fertility. In regions where both species were sampled, modelled height trajectories were compared at different periods over the 20th century. Growth chronologies revealed 1) long‐term growth rate increases of a magnitude of 50–100% over 100 years in both species, more acute in the continental domain, 2) recurrent historical inversions in growth fluctuations between species, 3) a recent divergence, with growth decline in common beech versus a dramatic growth increase in sessile oak, more acute in colder regions. The analysis of height trajectories indicated a recent reduction in common beech competitiveness relative to sessile oak. In the face of future climate warming, we conclude that increased prevalence of beech–oak mixtures may arise.  相似文献   

The article presents a dendrochronological investigation of subfossil oaks from the riverine sediments of the Seda River in the Lake Burtnieki Undulating Plain, northern Latvia. Thirty-nine oak trunks were investigated for our study. Cross-dating of samples resulted in six floating chronologies spanning 141–636 years. The longest chronology was absolutely dated to AD 652–1287 against regional oak chronologies from Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus and central European Russia. 14C dating revealed that oaks grew on the site from the last century of the third millennium cal BC to the first half of the second millennium cal AD. We assessed the depositional anomalies from two best-replicated chronologies. The germination of oaks occurred during climate warming, and dying-off phases were triggered by climate cooling and increased precipitation throughout Europe. Our results give new insights into the forest history in northern Latvia and provide a potential to construct absolute-dated millennial oak chronologies in the Baltic countries.  相似文献   

In 2016, the Directorate of İstanbul Archaeology Museums unearthed an extensive jetty within the eastern portion of the Byzantine harbor excavated at Yenikapı, İstanbul. The purpose of the paper is to present the results obtained from the dating and dendroprovenancing of the wooden timbers from this historical jetty. A total of 145 oak and fir samples were collected for dating. The cutting dates of the oak timbers were determined to be from AD 1762-1763, which has also been confirmed by archaeological documents. The best statistical values (Gleichläufigkeit value 76%, TVBP 10.0 and CDI 82) were obtained using the oak chronology for Vezneciler from the Asian side of the Bosporus, which represents construction phases dating to AD 1762-1763. The highest statistical matches for the oak tree-ring series from both Yenikapı and Vezneciler were obtained using reference chronologies from northern Greece and Kosovo. Three site chronologies from the forests of Bolu, Karabük and Kastamonu were used to date the fir samples, and the cutting date was determined to be AD 1906. The best statistical results were obtained from the site chronology for Kastamonu (Gleichläufigkeit value 72%, TVBP 10.3 and CDI 79). Due to the significant correlation with this site chronology, the origin of the fir samples may be from the forests of Kastamonu, which is the nearest fir forest along the Black Sea. Because roads and railways were not common during this period, the fir timbers may have been transported via the Black Sea to Yenikapı located near the Marmara Coast. We can conclude from this evidence that construction near the Byzantine harbor continued to utilize imported timbers into the Ottoman period.  相似文献   

Vertical projections of nutation movements in the epicotyls of sessile oak, Turkey oak, horse chestnut and hypocotyls of European beech were recorded by means of photography and time-lapse cinematography at the early stages of their ontogeny. Attention was paid to the kinetics of growth rate, diameter of the lower part of the elongating zone, and the form, amplitude and frequency of nutation turns. At the beginning of ontogeny the vertical projection of the movements of all woody species under study was represented by irregular curves, followed by elliptical trajectories, particularly when reaching the maximum growth rate. The highest average growth rate was recorded in horse chestnut, followed by oak, and the lowest values were exhibited by beech. As to the size of amplitudes opposite results were obtained. The frequency of turns proved to be a less sensitive parameter characterizing the movement. It is suggested that the geocontrol system of horse chestnut is more effective than that of oak and, especially, of beech.  相似文献   

J. M. Anderson 《Oecologia》1973,12(3):275-288
Summary Changes in the carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and polyphenol content of chestnut and beech leaves were measured during the first year after fall.Chestnut leaves had an initial carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen content (by weight) of 48.71%, 5.56% and 0.77% respectively; beech had a similar carbon and hydrogen content (47.77% and 5.36%) but less nitrogen (0.56%).Both leaf litter types showed percentage increases in nitrogen content during the study period but only the beech showed absolute increases in nitrogen content of up to 66.7% of the initial weight present in the leaves. The percentage increases in the nitrogen content of chestnut litter were largely attributable to more rapid losses of non-nitrogenous leaf constituents while the weight of nitrogen present in the leaves remained relatively constant.The percentage carbon and hydrogen contents of the chestnut and beech litter showed changes of less than 1% throughout the year, indicating that carbohydrate losses were directly proportional to weight losses.Soil animals fed on chestnut leaves to a far greater extent than beech leaves; this difference did not appear to be directly attributable to differences between the nitrogen contents or C/N ratios of the two leaf litter species. The gross polyphenol contents of chestnut and beech litter showed an intraspecific inverse correlation with the feeding activities of soil animals on the leaves, but did not account for interspecific differences in leaf palatability since chestnut leaves were eaten when they contained higher polyphenol concentrations than beech leaves. However, there was an interspecific negative correlation between palatability and the presence of protocatechuic and gallic acids.  相似文献   

Compared to the alpine regions of Austria, the eastern part of the country is overall warmer and drier with some tree species growing at the dry limit within their ecological range. This suggests that tree rings may be a valuable proxy for hydroclimatic variability. In this study, we develop ring-width, earlywood-width and latewood-width chronologies obtained from drought sensitive living trees and historical timber from one of the driest and warmest regions of Austria, the Weinviertel. For this, samples of four different tree species − fir (Abies alba Mill.), spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), oak (Quercus petraea Liebl., Q. robur L., Q. cerris L.), and pine (Pinus sylvestris L., P. nigra Arnold) were collected from 88 sites (23 forest stands and 65 historical constructions). 1589 samples (oak: 592 samples, pine: 577, spruce: 212, fir: 208) were dated. Dendro-provenancing was required to ensure that only regional material has entered the chronologies. According to the analyses, historical pine and oak wood were nearly 100% regional, while spruce and fir wood were imported to a great extent with only 44% spruce and 35% fir confirmed to be regional. Because site conditions of historical wood samples are unknown but can have a significant influence on tree growth, changes to site replication over time were important in the assessment of chronology reliability. We also controlled for potential artificial increases in sample depth when more than one construction element is made from a single trunk.We assessed the pine (1584-2011 AD) and oak (1244-2011 AD) chronologies’ potential for reconstructing past hydroclimatic variability by means of response functions in a 17-months window from previous June to current October with climate data from three weather stations (Vienna, Retz, Brno) from 1897 to 2010 AD. The highest seasonal response coefficients are for oak and pine ring width (∼0.43) with respect to aggregated March to July precipitation totals and Thornthwaite climatic water balance. These chronologies reveal a high potential for estimating past changes in regional-scale moisture availability during the earlier growing season.  相似文献   

Central Greece is the distribution common area of the endemic fir species Abies cephalonica and Abies borisii-regis. Forests fires and fir decline are some of the problems both species encountered during the past decades, with these problems being exacerbated lately by climate change. The present research investigates tree-ring patterns and climate responses of three fir populations along a latitudinal gradient in Central Greece. All three populations were homogeneous in their dendrometric, silvicultural and site characteristics but were phenotypically different. The analysis of tree-ring widths site chronologies revealed that 59% of their variability interprets common tree-ring patterns whereas another 25% interprets their differences as they appear from a south to north direction. This variability in tree-ring widths is proportional to the variability observed for precipitation, temperature and drought from a south to north direction in this region. The tree-ring to climate relationships revealed that the main climatic factor affecting fir tree-ring width is late spring and summer precipitation to which is positively correlated. Also, tree-ring widths were positively affected by the temperatures of the October and April before the growing season. However, June drought adversely affected tree-ring widths of the northern site while it positively affected them at the beginning of the spring season, especially for the southern site and in September for the northern sites. All dendrochronological statistics, tree-ring patterns and climate-growth relationships show a south to north trend following the climatic and phenotypic (species) variation observed to the same direction for fir populations in Central Greece.  相似文献   

On the prehistoric site of Ploča Mičov Grad (Ohrid, North Macedonia) on the eastern shore of Lake Ohrid a total of 799 wooden elements were recorded from a systematically excavated area of nearly 100 square metres. Most of them are pile remains made of round wood with diameters up to almost 40 cm. A comprehensive dendrochronological analysis allows the construction of numerous well-replicated tree-ring chronologies for different species. High agreements between the chronologies prove that oak, pine, juniper, ash and hop-hornbeam can be crossdated. The chronologies are dated by means of radiocarbon dates and modelling using wiggle matching. An intensive settlement phase is attested for the middle of the 5th millennium BCE. Further phases follow towards the end of the 5th millennium BCE and in the 2nd millennium around 1800, 1400 and 1300 BCE. Furthermore, the exact, relative felling dates allow first insights into the minimum duration of the settlement phases, which lie between 17 and 87 years. The multi-centennial chronologies presented in this study can be used as a first robust dating basis for future research in the numerous not yet dated prehistoric lake shore settlements of the region with excellently preserved wooden remains.  相似文献   

Dendrochronology has been applied around the world over decades to reconstruct historical geomorphological events and climatic conditions. Traditionally, this research has been conducted using trees (conifers as well as broad-leaved trees) but, in the last few decades, several shrub and dwarf shrub species have also been shown to be useful for dendrochronological purposes. This study assesses the potential of mountain avens (Dryas octopetala L.) to provide accurately dated information about past debris-flow events. The study site, the Marlt-Graben debris-fan, is located in South Tyrol (Italy). 119 shrubs from three debris-flow tracks were analyzed. The longest radius of each sample was measured and cross-dated to build two chronologies for each debris-flow track, one for each leveé. Correlations between these chronologies and precipitation and temperature data from five climate stations located in the proximity of the study site were calculated. The cross-dating procedure was complex, but a strict grouping of the samples, based on the specific leveés of the tracks, enabled the construction of mean chronologies for each of the individual slopes. Although the development of a mean chronology for the study area was unsuccessful, the cross-dated ages of the single shrubs allowed us to reconstruct debris-flow events by utilizing the minimum age method. The low climate correlations suggest that micro site conditions strongly influence the growth of this dwarf shrub. Although the results of this study suggest that Dryas octopetala may provide useful dendroecological information, additional information about its growth dynamics is required before this potential can be fully realized.  相似文献   

Chestnut forest ecosystems represent an important component of the European Mediterranean basin and the Southern Alps landscape. Despite the good knowledge acquired in the phytosanitary and cultural aspects of chestnut, there is still a lack of data on the relationships between chestnut and epiphytes. We have investigated the changes in frequency of occurrence and species composition of lichen assemblages against the main site characteristics and environmental variables in chestnut woods along a bioclimatic and geographical gradient in Central-North Italy.  相似文献   

Tree Diversity Limits the Impact of an Invasive Forest Pest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The impact of invasive herbivore species may be lower in more diverse plant communities due to mechanisms of associational resistance. According to the “resource concentration hypothesis” the amount and accessibility of host plants is reduced in diverse plant communities, thus limiting the exploitation of resources by consumers. In addition, the “natural enemy hypothesis” suggests that richer plant assemblages provide natural enemies with more complementary resources and habitats, thus promoting top down regulation of herbivores. We tested these two hypotheses by comparing crown damage by the invasive Asian chestnut gall wasp (Dryocosmus kuriphilus) on chestnut trees (Castanea sativa) in pure and mixed stands in Italy. We estimated the defoliation on 70 chestnut trees in 15 mature stands sampled in the same region along a gradient of tree species richness ranging from one species (chestnut monocultures) to four species (mixtures of chestnut and three broadleaved species). Chestnut defoliation was significantly lower in stands with higher tree diversity. Damage on individual chestnut trees decreased with increasing height of neighboring, heterospecific trees. These results suggest that conservation biological control method based on tree species mixtures might help to reduce the impact of the Asian chestnut gall.  相似文献   

Southern Greece is a region where available oak reference chronologies are still missing, making dendroarchaeology and dating of historical buildings rather challenging, if not impossible. In the current study we performed wood identification and dendroarchaeological analysis on timber from three historical buildings: the castles of Androusa and Koroni and the Church of Agios Dimitrios, in Western Peloponnese. The three monuments represent buildings of different uses covering different periods, but also sharing a common characteristic: oak was the only timber used in their construction, while the number of preserved timber elements is very limited. A dendroarchaeological examination of these three historical buildings, together with radiocarbon and wiggle-matching analysis, provided valuable chronological information for the local archaeologists, historians, and other scientists. Application of dendrochronological techniques has helped place the three buildings under study into the Ottoman period. Our results also show that timber was acquired most probably from local non-managed forests, which suggests that oak forests were present in the broader area at least from the late 15th to the first half of the 18th centuries. The discordance between dendrochronological and radiocarbon dates in one of the three cases highlights the need for further exploration of the study area through a combined implementation of both dendrochronological and radiocarbon dating analyses in order to develop well-replicated local oak chronologies. Our study also shows that dendroarchaeology can contribute significantly to the cultural and landscape history of Western Peloponnese even with an examination of limited number of preserved timber elements from historical buildings.  相似文献   

American chestnut (Castanea dentata) was a dominant species in eastern North America prior to the importation of chestnut blight. In light of recent efforts to restore viable populations of chestnut in eastern forests, an increased understanding of its association with other co‐occurring, disturbance‐adapted oak species is necessary. We evaluated crown architecture and leaf morphology in juvenile chestnut and red oak (Quercus rubra) to assess potential differences in establishment strategies of both species. We also investigated differences in nonstructural carbohydrate reserves and whole tree biomass partitioning between species. Seedlings of both species were planted in forest stands treated either with midstory removal or small patch cuts, simulating potential restoration plantings. After 5–7 years, chestnut's allocation to its root system was lower than red oak's, with chestnut saplings instead diverting resources to branches and foliage. Chestnut had lower leaf area index, greater crown projection area, and higher specific leaf area than red oak, indicating the species may have an advantage in shaded understories. There were only minor differences in nonstructural root carbohydrate reserves, between red oak and American chestnut, indicating that chestnut may respond similarly to oak by resprouting after disturbances topkill young saplings. We suggest that American chestnut has morphological and physiological attributes that allow it to function as an opportunistic and plastic species that can utilize gaps to facilitate its canopy recruitment, yet still persist after occasional surface fire. This knowledge can guide restoration strategies for this iconic species of the eastern temperate forest region.  相似文献   

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