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Hans Nommik 《Plant and Soil》1976,45(1):279-282
Summary Using a static system of ammonia sorbers, the extent of ammonia loss from surface-applied urea materials of different pellet sizes was studied under field conditions. Observations made at two different sites revealed that during the initial stage of exposure the gaseous ammonia loss was significantly retarded by increasing the pellet size. On extending the period of exposure to 20 and 30 days, respectively, this difference in the cumulative ammonia loss levelled out or even became negative. re]19750714 相似文献
Hans Nômmik 《Plant and Soil》1973,38(3):589-603
Summary Using vertically isolated micro-plots the isotopic recovery technique was tested for assessing the extent of ammonia volatilization
loss from N15-labelled urea applied on the forest floor (Pinus silvestris L.). The size of the ammonia loss was obtained as a difference between the amounts of labelled urea N added and the amounts
of labelled N recovered in the soil profile after 13, 31, and 39 days's exposure, respectively. Urea materials of two different
pellet size were used: granulated small pellets (280 pellets per gram) and tablets (2.06 g each). The nitrogen application
rate was 200 kg N per hectare.
The recovery data for 13 days' exposure indicated a volatilization loss, which for the small pellet urea was 24.9 per cent
and for the tabletted urea 12.1 per cent. The corresponding figures for the 31 days' exposure, during which the total amount
of precipitation was 14 mm, were 15.1 and 26.9 per cent, respectively. The pattern of labelled N distribution in the soil
profile examined showed that during the period of exposure in question a leaching loss of labelled N was rather unlikely.
It was demonstrated, furthermore, that nitrogen from the tabletted urea had diffused to a greater depth of the soil than that
from the small-pellet urea. Nitrogen from the small-pellet urea was to a large extent recovered in the litter layer. On exposure
to heavy rain the tabletted urea was subjected to the highest leaching loss.
An addition of 10 per cent (w/w) of metaphosphoric acid or sublimed sulphur to the tabletted urea did not result in any further
reduction of the volatilization loss.
The merits and limits of the isotopic recovery technique are discussed. 相似文献
Summary Ammonia volatilization from urea-treated soils was estimated under field and laboratory conditions. Acid-washed filter papers were hung in the air in a spruce stand treated with N and P fertilizers in a factorial design. In the laboratory, moss sods were incubated to quantify ammonia volatilization.Ammonia volatilization increased with the level of N applied and more ammonia was absorbed by filter papers at 0.6 m above the ground than those at 1.2 m. Maximum rates of ammonia volatilization in urea-treated plots were observed between the third and fourth day after fertilizer application and similar absorption patterns were observed in areas not treated with urea. It is, therefore, suggested that ammonia volatilized from urea-treated plots can move to untreated areas. Addition of P along with urea significantly reduced ammonia volatilization under field conditions.Laboratory experiments showed that addition of urea to moss sods increased the pH of the organic layer from about 3.6 to 8.8. Sphagnum moss sods volatilized more ammonia (about 1.7 per cent of the added material) than feather moss sods (about 0.8 per cent). At higher incubation temperatures, however, the rate of ammonia volatilization decreased in sphagnum moss sods but increased in feather moss sods. 相似文献
The amounts of ammonia volatilized, following the application of cattle urine to 22 soils, were measured in the laboratory during an incubation period of 10 days. The urine contained 12.0 g N dm-3 and was applied to small columns of soil at a rate equivalent to 26.5 g N m-2. The soils were from fields of both grassland and arable cultivation and varied widely in properties. Ammonia volatilization ranged from 6.8 to 41.3% of the total urinary N, with a mean value of 26.4%. The soil property most closely related to the extent of volatilization was cation exchange capacity (CEC), and this was so whether all 22 soils were considered together or whether the 14 grassland and 8 arable soils were considered separately. In general, the higher the CEC the less the amount of ammonia volatilized. However, for a given value of CEC, volatilization tended to be greater from a grassland than from an arable soil. The pH of a soil/urine mixture measured after 24 hours was also quite closely correlated with the amount of ammonia volatilized, but the initial pH and titratable acidity of the soil were poorly correlated with ammonia volatilization. ei]H Marschner ei]H Lambers 相似文献
Summary Nitrification and ammonia volatilisation losses from urea and dicyandiamide (DCD)-treated urea were studied in a sandy loam
soil. Laboratory experiments indicated that 20 ppm (of soil) DCD effectively inhibited nitrification of urea over sixty days.
If the urea was treated with DCD (20 ppm), ammonia emission from the soil was extended over 105 days; with urea alone, it
was negligible after 15 days. A field study indicated that DCD treatment increased volatilisation losses of ammonia tremondously
if urea was applied to the soil surface; these losses were minimised if the urea was placed at 5 cm depth. It would seem that
nitrification inhibitors must be combined with a placement technique. 相似文献
Summary Two incubation experiments and a number of field experiments were conducted to determine the effect of soil moisture tension, pellet size and addition of thiourea to urea on the rate of urea hydrolysis. In the incubation experiments at 20°C, the rate of hydrolysis of urea increased from 15 bar to 1/3 bar soil moisture tension, with the largest change (doubling) occurring from 15 bar to 7 bar moisture tension. Increasing pellet size reduced the rate of urea hydrolysis by about 12% with urea pellets weighing 0.21 g as compared to 0.01 g urea pellets after 114h. When thiourea (a metabolic inhibitor) was pelleted with urea in a ratio of two parts urea and one part thiourea, the rate of hydrolysis was halved.In a field experiment, the addition of thiourea to urea and increasing pellet size suppressed the rate of urea hydrolysis considerably for 8 days. The amount of urea hydrolyzed with urea+thiourea (21) pellets weighing 2.51 g was one-fourth of the amount of urea hydrolyzed with 0.01 g pellets of urea alone. In the other six field experiments which were set out in October, only 22% to 39% of urea +thiourea (21) was hydrolyzed at two weeks after application, while almost all of the urea was hydrolyzed when it was mixed into the soil without an inhibitor.Unter our field conditions, we would estimate that the hydrolysis of urea can be inhibited for at least one week. The inhibition of urea hydrolysis appears to be great enough that the problems encountered from the rapid hydrolysis of urea, wherever these occur, may be reduced by combined use of thiourea and either increased pellet size or band placement. 相似文献
甘肃水土流失区防护效益森林覆盖率研究 总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12
以甘肃长江流域、黄河流域及内陆河源头地区的祁连山地等三大流域为对象 ,就水土流失区最佳防护效益森林覆盖率进行了研究。指出 :( 1 )甘肃的这三大流域生态环境恶化的主要表现为水力侵蚀形成的水土流失。一日或一次性大暴雨至特大暴雨过程是造成土壤侵蚀的主要原动力。这种侵蚀力的强度受平均雨强的大小、林地面积多少、林分类型的空间分布格局等因素影响。 ( 2 )土壤的总孔隙度是承载降水的主要蓄水库 ;土壤的总孔隙度决定了暴雨降水量下渗和形成地表径流的比重 ,因而也间接地决定了暴雨对土壤的侵蚀强度 ;土壤的总孔隙度又受土壤表面生长的植被类型及其覆盖度、内涵质量、空间分布格局等影响。林地是各种植被类型的地类中对这种侵蚀的抵抗力最优的地类之一。 ( 3)林地具有明显阻滞地表径流的作用。若一个流域或更大范围内的森林类型、层次、结构、长势等森林内涵质量、分布格局均处于最优状态 ,则森林的面积或森林覆盖率将发挥出最佳防护效益 ,此时的森林覆盖率称为最佳防护效益森林覆盖率。 ( 4 )生态环境对森林防护能力的影响是通过不同森林防护类型能力的差异反映出来的。 ( 5 )应用降水量与土壤饱和蓄水量之间水量平衡原理 ,进行最佳防护效益森林覆盖率的计算。土壤饱和蓄水量可用土壤的总孔隙 相似文献
The molecular processes of urea hydrolysis in relation to ammonia emissions from agriculture 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Jens Jakob Sigurdarson Simon Svane Henrik Karring 《Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology》2018,17(2):241-258
Ammonia emissions from the agricultural sector give rise to numerous environmental and societal concerns and represent an economic challenge in crop farming, causing a loss of fertilizer nitrogen. Ammonia emissions from agriculture originate from manure slurry (livestock housing, storage, and fertilization of fields) as well as urea-based mineral fertilizers. Consequently, political attention has been given to ammonia volatilization, and regulations of ammonia emissions have been implemented in several countries. The molecular cause of the emission is the enzyme urease, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea to ammonia and carbonic acid. Urease is present in many different organisms, encompassing bacteria, fungi, and plants. In agriculture, microorganisms found in animal fecal matter and soil are responsible for urea hydrolysis. One strategy to reduce ammonia emissions is the application of urease inhibitors as additives to urea-based synthetic fertilizers and manure slurry to block the formation of ammonia. However, treatment of the manure slurry with urease inhibitors is associated with increased livestock production costs and has not yet been commercialized. Thus, development of novel, environmentally friendly and cost-effective technologies for ammonia emission mitigation is important. This mini-review describes the challenges associated with the volatilization of ammonia in agriculture and provides an overview of the molecular processes of urea hydrolysis and ammonia emissions. Different technologies and strategies to reduce ammonia emissions are described with a special focus on the use of urease inhibitors. The mechanisms of action and efficiency of the most important urease inhibitors in relation to agriculture will be briefly discussed. 相似文献
Use of urease inhibitors to reduce ammonia loss following application of urea to flooded rice fields 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Ammonia (NH3) volatilization is an important mechanism for nitrogen (N) loss from flooded rice fields following the application of urea into the floodwater. One method of reducing losses is to use a urease inhibitor that retards the hydrolysis of urea by soil urease and allows the urea to diffuse deeper into the soil. The two chemicals that have shown most promise are phenylphosphorodiamidate [PPD] and N(n-butyl)thiophosphorictriamide [NBPT], but they seldom work effectively. PPD decomposes rapidly when the pH departs from neutrality, and NBPT must be converted to the oxygen analogue for it to be effective. Our field studies in Thailand show that the activity of PPD can be prolonged, and NH3 loss markedly reduced, by controlling the floodwater pH with the algicide terbutryn. A mixture of NBPT and PPD in the presence of terbutryn was even more effective than PPD alone. It appears that during the time when the PPD was effective, NBPT was being converted to the oxygen analogue. The combined urease inhibitor-algicide treatment reduced NH3 loss from 10 to 0.4 kg N ha-1. 相似文献
Gibberellic acid (GA3) is widely used to enlarge the berries of seedless grapes (Vitis vinifera L). In cv. Sultana (Thompson Seedless) the addition of 1000 mg/L urea phosphate (UP) to GA3 solutions after fruit set reduced the pH of the solutions to a stable pH 2.9 and enhanced the effect of GA3 on berry size and delayed maturation. Addition of citrate buffer, pH 2.9, to GA3 sprays did not affect berry size or maturation. The possibility of improved GA penetration due to the low pH is considered. The nutritional effect of UP and direct enhanced penetration by the urea ion are also discussed.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. No. 1735-E, 1986 series. 相似文献
The effect of fire on nutrients in a pine forest soil 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
The effect of a hot summer fire on soil nutrient contents in the upper 2 cm of Aleppo pine forest with a dense woody understory
was studied from September 1985 to May 1986.
In comparison with the adjacent unburned forest, total nitrogen decreased by 25% but available forms of nitrogen were much
higher. In burned and unburned soils there was a similar trend to increase and decrease in NH
−N, However, while (NO
−N decreased in the unburned soil it rose rapidly in the burned ash soil. Total phosphorus increased by 300% after the fire
but decreased again 2 months later. Also water-soluble P increased up to November and then decreased to the levels of the
unburned soils. The same was true for electrical conductivity and pH, increasing immediately after the fire and then leveling
off again.
This increase in nutrient levels in the “ash soil” was reflected in the striking increase in shoot and root biomass and in
the content of N, P, Mg, K, Ca, Zn and Fe in wheat and clover plants grown in pots in these soils. These nutrient levels were
much higher in the wheat plants, which also produced 12 times more seeds in the “ash soil.”
It seems that fire in these pine forests causes a short-term flush of the mineral elements in the upper “ash soil” layer which
is reverted gradually via the herbaceous post-fire to the ecosystem. 相似文献
Takashi Yamanaka 《Mycoscience》1995,36(1):17-23
Organic matter composition (lignin, holocellulose, 50% (v/v) methanol extract, water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) and phenolics (WSP), petroleum ether extract, and ash) of A0 layer soil treated with 700 g/m2 of urea to promote ammonia fungi was investigated in a Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora) forest. Nine species of fungi were found during the study period of 18 months after the treatment. Of these, seven species belong to the ammonia fungi. WSC content of the treated soil was lower than that of the control. Methanol extract content increased initially after the treatment, then decreased to below the control level. There were no consistent differences in other components between the treated plot and the control. The abilities to decompose cellulose, lignin, chitin, protein and lipid in 18 strains in 10 species of the ammonia fungi were also screened. Cellulose was not lysed byPseudombrophila deerata, Hebeloma spp. andLaccaria bicolor. Strong lignolytic activity was shown byLyophyllum tylicolor, Coprinus echinosporus andP. deerata. Chitin was decomposed byAmblyosporium botrytis, L. tylicolor, C. echinosporus andHebeloma vinosophyllum. All strains possessed proteolytic and lipolytic activities. Supply of glucose to the culture media resulted in weaker enzyme activities except for lignolytic ability. 相似文献
The African lungfish, Protopterus dolloi, was able to maintain a low level of blood plasma ammonia during exposure to high concentrations of environmental ammonia. After 6 d of exposure to 30 or 100 mM NH(4)Cl, the total ammonia concentrations in the blood plasma were 0.288 and 0.289 mM, respectively, which were only 1.7-fold greater than the control value of 0.163 mM. In addition, accumulation of ammonia occurred only in the muscle, but not in the liver. This was achieved in part through urea synthesis, as reflected by significant increases in urea contents in the muscle, liver, and plasma of the experimental animals. In contrast with plasma ammonia, the plasma urea concentrations of specimens exposed to 30 or 100 mM NH(4)Cl for 6 d increased 15.4-fold and 18.8-fold, respectively. Taken together, these results suggest that P. dolloi upregulated the rate of urea synthesis to detoxify ammonia during environmental ammonia exposure and that the increased rate of urea synthesis was fast enough to compensate for the rate of endogenous ammonia production plus the net influx of exogenous ammonia in these experimental animals. Simultaneously, there were increases in the rates of urea excretion in the experimental animals between day 2 and day 6 of environmental ammonia exposure. Interestingly, the rates of urea excretion in specimens exposed to 100 mM NH(4)Cl were lower than those exposed to 30 mM NH(4)Cl, despite the presumably greater load of ammonia to be detoxified to urea in the former situation. It would appear that P. dolloi was regulating the rate of urea excretion during ammonia exposure to retain urea, which might have some physiological functions under environmental stresses yet to be determined. There were decreases in the contents of glutamate, glutamine, and total free amino acids in the liver of the experimental animals, which indirectly suggest that a reduction in the rate of proteolysis and/or amino acid catabolism would have occurred that might lead to a decrease in ammonia production. Our results suggest that, unlike marine elasmobranchs and coelacanths, which synthesize and retain urea for osmoregulatory purposes, the ureogenic P. dolloi was adapted to synthesizing and excreting urea for the purpose of ammonia detoxification. 相似文献
H. Zollner 《Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/General Subjects》1981,676(2):170-176
(1) Incubation of isolated rat liver cells in the presence of lactate and ammonia increases the AcGlu content. The increase is very fast in the first minutes and a steady-state concentration is reached in approx. 10 min after the addition of ammonia. (2) The amount of increase depends on the diet rats were fed before isolation of liver cells. AcGlu is increased 4-fold in hepatocytes from rats fed a carbohydrate-rich diet. If ornithine is simultaneously present with ammonia a further increase is found. (3) Urea synthesis in hepathocytes from rats fed a carbohydrate-rich diet has a marked lag period. The reason for this lag phase is the low initial AcGlu concentration. (4) Increase in AcGlu is closely associated with increase in mitochondrial glutamate content. Thus, it is concluded that the glutamate concentration is the mediator of the ammonia effect. 相似文献