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Wood, bark and stem anatomy of New World species of Gnetum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Quantitative and qualitative data are presented for 11 collections of six species. The wide range of character states for the species is presented in the form of a key to emphasize their potential systematic correlations. Distinctive among these are phcllem characteristics. Fibre-tracheids are newly reported for lianoid Gnetum species. Cells previously thought to be like companion cells in secondary phloem are shown to be uniseriate rays, counterparts to uniseriate xylem rays. Laticifers are abundant in most of the species, and are newly described for secondary tissues of Gnetum. Presence of tyloses in laticifers of two species is apparently a new report for vascular plants. Tori are present in two New World Gnetum species, adding to the report in African species. Perforation plates are simple except near or in primary xylem, where they are simple or foraminate. Torus presence and foraminate perforation plate presence are features more reminiscent of Ephedra and other gymnosperms than of angiosperms. The bark of Gnetum is also very similar to that of Ephedra.  相似文献   

Wood and bark anatomy of lianoid Indomalesian and Asiatic species of Gnetum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Quantitative and qualitative data on wood and bark are offered for 11 species of lianoid Indomalesian and Asiatic species of Gnetum section Cylindrostachys. Material of roots was studied for two species, material of an underground stem for one species, and stem material was studied for all species; wood from inside and outside of a large stem of G. montanum was analysed (quantitative data do not change with age in this species). Roots have shorter, narrower vessel elements, more numerous per mm2, compared with those of stems; these trends run counter to those in dicotyledons. Roots and underground stems have more abundant parenchyma and less abundant sclerenchyma than do stems. Parenchyma of both roots and stems is rich in starch. All of the species studied here have both fibre-tracheids and tracheids, but tracheids are not distributed vasicentrically as they are in dicotyledons. Tori are reported for tracheary elements of three species studied here. Vasicentric axial parenchyma (which usually is thick-walled) is present in all species; thick or thin-walled diffuse or diffuse-in-aggregates apotracheal parenchyma is present in almost all of the species studied. Rays are mostly dimorphic in size, but show various conditions with respect to wall thickness, sclerenchyma presence, and crystal presence. As in other lianoid species of Gnetum, the species of the present study show origin of lateral meristem activity in parenchyma of the innermost cortex. Cortex and bark of the species studied here are relatively uniform in distribution of gelatinous fibres, nests of sclereids, the cylinder of brachysclereids that extends around the stem, and sclerenchymatous phelloderm. Laticifers were observed in bark of only two species studied. Although a few species characters are evident, the species that comprise Section cylindrostachys differ from each other mostly in degree rather than in presence or absence character state distributions. Secretory cavities are newly reported for the genus.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative data are presented for seven collections representing two varieties (unlike in habit) of Gnetum gnemon. Tracheids are present, but abundant and intermixed with them are septate fibre-tracheids rich in starch. Axial parenchyma has been reported only once previously for the species. Axial parenchyma is in strands of 4–10 cells, is rich in starch, is primarily vasicentric (paratracheal) in distribution, less commonly diffuse. About equally common are simple and compound perforation plates; the latter are composed of from two to about ten bordered foraminate perforations, the shape of which may be altered by crowding or coalescence, but is clearly still foraminate. Lateral walls of vessels bear pits that are vestured around pit cavities, not facing the pit membrane. Rays are composed mostly of procumbent cells; the tangential walls bear bordered pits. Crystals, present in ray cells and (rarely) axial parenchyma vary widely in size. Crystalliferous sclereids with layered walls, starch-rich parenchyma, and gelatinous secondary phloem fibres are the main components of bark. Early stages in origin of successive vascular cambia in bark are newly described. When representative conditions are derived from study of large numbers of slides, the classical view that Gnetum vessels are unlike those of angiosperms is supported. Features of Gnetum gnemon wood are discussed in the light of ecology and conductive physiology.  相似文献   

Wood and stem anatomy is studied for seven species of six genera (root anatomy also reported for one species) of Amaranthaceae s.s. Quantitative data on vessels correlate closely with relative xeromorphy of respective species, agreeing with values reported for dicotyledons without successive cambia in comparable habitats. Libriform fibre abundance increases and vessel diameter decreases as stems and roots of the annual Amaranthus caudatus mature. Long, thick-walled fibres in Bosea yervamora may be related to the upright nature of elongate semi-climbing stems. Non-bordered or minutely bordered perforation plates characterize Amaranthaceae, as they do most other Caryophyllales. Amaranthaceae have idioblastic cells containing druses, rhomboidal crystals or crystal sand: these forms intergrade and seem closely related. Rays are present in secondary xylem of the Amaranthaceae studied. Cells intermediate between ray cells and libriform fibres occur in Charpentiera elliptica . Degrees of diversity in rays and reports of raylessness in Amaranthaceae induce discussion of definition and identification of rays in dicotyledons; some sources recognize both rays and radial plates of conjunctive tissue in Amaranthaceae. The action of successive cambia is described: lateral meristem periclinal divisions produce secondary cortex externally, conjunctive tissue internally and yield vascular cambia as well. Vascular cambia produce secondary phloem and secondary xylem, in both ray and fascicular zones, as in a dicotyledon with a single cambium. Identification of meristem activity and appreciation of varied ray manifestations are essential in understanding the ontogeny of stems in Amaranthaceae (which have recently been united with Chenopodiaceae).  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 143 , 1–19.  相似文献   

Gnetum (Gnetales) species are suggested to be unique extant gymnosperms that have acquired high photosynthetic and transpiration capacities as well as greater xylem hydraulic capacity and efficiency compared with all other extant gymnosperms. This is because Gnetum is the only extant gymnosperm lineage that combines vessels, broad pinnate-veined leaves and an ecological distribution in wet, productive lowland tropical rainforest habitats. Yet, field-based observations on the group's ecophysiological performance are lacking. To test a hypothesis that Gnetum species are ecophysiologically analogous to light-demanding woody tropical angiosperms, stem xylem hydraulic performance, photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were investigated in Gnetum as compared with a diverse group of co-occurring woody plants in a lowland tropical rainforest. It was found that Gnetum species combined low photosynthetic capacity and low stomatal conductances with a low stem water transport ability. The physiological observations are consistent with the general occurrence of Gnetum species in shady, primary forest habitats. These results on Gnetum ecophysiology indicate that the coupling of vessels, broad pinnate-veined leaves and the liana habit do not signal the evolution of a highly opportunistic, light-demanding life history in gymnosperms.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative data are presented for woods of 30 species of woody Polygonaceae. Wood features that ally Polygonaceae with Plumbaginaceae include nonbordered perforation plates, storeying in narrow vessels and axial parenchyma, septate or nucleate fibres, vasicentric parenchyma, pith bundles that undergo secondary growth, silica bodies, and ability to form successive cambia. These features are consistent with pairing of Plumbaginaceae and Polygonaceae as sister families. Wood features that ally Polygonaceae with Rhabdodendraceae include nonbordered perforation plates, presence of vestured pits in vessels, presence of silica bodies and dark-staining compounds in ray cells, and ability to form successive cambia. Of the features listed above, nonbordered perforation plates and ability to form successive cambia may be symplesiomorphies basic to Caryophyllales sensu lato . The other features are more likely to be synapomorphies. Wood data thus support molecular cladograms that show the three families near the base of Caryophyllales s.l. Chambered crystals are common to three genera of the family and may indicate relationship. Ray histology suggests secondary woodiness in Antigonon, Atraphaxis, Bilderdykia, Dedeckera, Eriogonum, Harfordia, Muehlenbeckia, Polygonum , and Rumex . Other genera of the family show little or no evidence of secondary woodiness. Molecular data are needed to confirm this interpretation and to clarify the controversial systematic groupings within the family proposed by various authors. Vessel features of Polygonaceae (lumen diameter, element length, density, degree of grouping) show an extraordinary range from xeromorphy to mesomorphy, indicating that wood has played a key role in ecological and habital shifts within the family; the diversity in ecology and habit are correlated with quantitative wood data.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 141 , 25−51.  相似文献   

In the stem of Gnetnm montanum Mgr. the general arrangement of various tissues and its pattern of secondary growth are very similar to those of angiosperms. The most conspicuous similarity lies in that the xylem contains vessels and the phloem, sieve elements and “companion ceils”. In climbing species of G. montanum, secondary growth initiates in s normal manner which is followed by the development of new combium at various loci among the parenehyms cells towards the periphery of each bundle. It does not initiate from the phloem parenchyma which is in agreement with the findings of Pearson (1929) and Maheshwari etc. (1961). Gradually these loci become incorporated into a continuous cylinder, producing a normally oriented ring of xylem and phloem separated by broad medullary rays. The growth of the first ring ceases at the commencement of the further formation of the outer, successive rings.  相似文献   

Successive cambia in Vitaceae have been reported solely for Tetrastigma, a diverse genus of lianas found primarily in tropical Asia, extending into Australia. However, the structure and origin of these successive cambia have never been fully studied. Here we report the presence of this cambial variant in Tetrastigma retinervum and T. voinierianum, and describe its ontogeny in detail in the latter. New cambia appear successively in stems of Tetrastigma differentiating from the innermost parenchyma cells of the primary phloem, which are located interior to the pericyclic fiber strands. This study constitutes the first report of successive cambia being derived from primary phloem parenchyma in woody plants as a whole. Both species are members of Tetrastigma clade VI, the most species‐rich lineage within the genus. The examination of mature stems of additional species of Tetrastigma should determine the distribution of this unique type of cambial variant in the genus and enhance our understanding of the adaptive significance of this unusual character.  相似文献   

Wood of nine species of Krameria (including all clades proposed within the genus) reveals a few characters related to infrageneric systematics; most relate primarily to ecology and habit. Wood of Krameria closely fits quantitative data reported for desert shrubs. Lack of vessel grouping correlates with the presence of densely pitted tracheids. Wood xeromorphy in Krameria may relate in part to hemiparasitism. Tracheid presence may also account for relatively low vessel density. Wood anatomy of six species of Zygophyllaceae (including both genera of Morkillioideae) is compared with that of Krameriaceae because recent phylogenies propose that these two families comprise the order Zygophyllales. Several wood characters appear to represent synapomorphies reflecting this relationship. Differences in wood anatomy between Krameriaceae and Zygophyllaceae are believed to represent autapomorphies. Notable among these include Paedomorphic Type II rays (Krameriaceae), storying (Zygophyllaceae), presence of vestured pits (Zygophyllaceae), and differentiation into vasicentric tracheids and fibre-tracheids (Zygophyllaceae). The latter feature is referable to the concept of fibre-tracheid dimorphism. Recognition of Krameriaceae as separate from Zygophyllaceae is supported by wood characters. Wood of Zygophyllales does not conflict with the idea that the order belongs to rosids, with Malpighiaceae as the outgroup of Zygophyllales.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 149 , 257–270.  相似文献   

Stem and leaf anatomy of Dendrosicyos socotrana, the only arborescent Cucurbitaceae, are examined for correlations with life form and ecology and are used to test hypotheses regarding features adaptive in scandent plants. The stem consists mainly of ray and conjunctive parenchyma with small strands of xylem forming an anastomosing net throughout the trunk. Xylem strands bear vascular cambia that produce secondary phloem, representing the first report of successive cambia in Cucurbitales. Some features characteristic of lianas, such as very wide vessel elements with thick walls, are absent from Dendrosicyos. Other features, such as very wide rays and abundant axial parenchyma, are present in both Dendrosicyos and lianas but appear to serve differing roles in these different life forms. It is suggested that lianas have numerous features that are readily co-opted in the evolution of pachycaul trees and that the evolution of pachycauls from lianas has happened repeatedly in the core eudicots.  相似文献   


Species of African Gnetum are lianas used as vegetables, medicines and for generating income. Despite the taxonomic confusion, identification of new species and diverse morphological characters in African Gnetum, molecular markers on these plants are lacking. However, the inter-primer binding site (iPBS) retrotransposons markers could be simple and excellent molecular markers for African Gnetum. The objective of this study was to determine the efficiency of iPBS markers in detecting genetic differentiation in African Gnetum species. A set of 21 iPBS markers were analysed on 14 accessions including G. africanum Welw., G. buchholzianum Engl. and the recently identified species G. latispicum. Six best selected primers generated 103 bands in G. africanum, 95 in G. buchholzianum and 24 in G. latispicum. Cluster analysis divided the accessions into two major groups. The first group contained all the accessions of G. africanum, whereas the second group was further divided in two subgroups representing accessions of G. buchholzianum and G. latispicum. Additionally, the Jaccard similarity coefficient indicated a close relationship between accessions of G. buchholzianum and G. latispicum. The iPBS marker system revealed genetic differentiation within African Gnetum and could be useful for evaluating genetic diversity, conservation, taxonomy and evolution studies.  相似文献   

Successive cambia in Aizoaceae: products and process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The transverse and longitudinal sections of the stems and roots of 11 genera of Aizoaceae, representing a wide range of growth forms from hard fibrous stems to fibre‐free roots, were studied using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. In most of the genera, fibres are the first xylary product of each vascular cambium, followed by vessels in a parenchyma background. Variations on this pattern help to prove that fibres are produced by vascular cambia, except in Ruschia and Stayneria, in which both the lateral meristem and the vascular cambia produce fibres. Cylinders of conjunctive tissue parenchyma that alternate with the vascular cylinders are produced by the lateral meristem. The concept that the lateral meristem gives rise to the vascular cambia and secondary cortex is supported by photographic evidence. Radial divisions occur in the origin of the lateral meristem, and then again as vascular cambia arise from the lateral meristem; these radial divisions account for storeying in fibres and conjunctive tissue. Raylessness characterizes all Aizoaceae studied, with the exception of Tetragonia, which also differs from the remaining genera by having vasicentric axial parenchyma, a scattering of vessels amongst fibres, and the presence of druses instead of raphides. Several vascular cambia are typically formed per year. Several vascular cambia are active simultaneously in a given stem or root. Roots have fewer fibres and more abundant conjunctive tissue parenchyma than stems. Successive cambia result in an ideal dispersion of vascular tissue with respect to water and photosynthate storage and retrieval capabilities of the parenchyma, and to liana stem plans. The distribution and relative abundance of fibres, vessels, secondary phloem, and conjunctive tissue parenchyma relate primarily to habit and are not a good source of systematic data, with the probable exception of Tetragonia. The general pattern of lateral meristem and vascular cambial ontogeny is the same as in other families of the core Caryophyllales, although the patterns of the tissues produced are diverse. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 153 , 141–155.  相似文献   

The wood and bark anatomy of all three species of Hypocalyptus from the monotypic South African endemic tribe Hypocalypteae were studied. Despite large morphological differences (especially in habit) the species were found to be similar in wood and bark structure. Discontinuities are quantitative only, relating mainly to differences in growth form between H. oxalidifolius, a short-lived shrublet, and the two other species, H. coluteoides and H. sophoroides, both of which are erect shrubs or small trees of up to 6 m tall. Hypocalyptus wood has a mesomorphic structure with vessels solitary or in small groups, reflecting relatively moist habitats in fynbos vegetation. In contrast to many genera of Leguminosae for which data are available, crystals are absent from the wood. This is the first report of tanniniferous tubes in the wood of Leguminosae (previously reported only in Myristicaceae and a genus from Ulmaceae). The presence of tanniniferous tubes and the absence of crystals in all three species of Hypocalyptus underline the isolated position of the genus and support its tribal status.  相似文献   

The fertilization process in Gnetum is critical to our understanding of the evolution of sexual reproduction within the Gnetales, a monophyletic group of nonfiowering seed plants that are the closest living relatives to flowering plants. Although much is known about the fertilization process in Ephedra, which is basal within the Gnetales, little is known about sexual reproduction in the derived sister groups Gnetum and Welwitschia. Ovules of Gnetum gnemon were collected at various stages after hand pollination and processed for light, fluorescence, and electron microscopy. Approximately 5 d after pollination, pollen tubes reach sexually mature female gametophytes, which are coenocytic. At that time, a binucleate sperm cell is found within each pollen tube. Within 7 d of pollination, double fertilization events occur when each of two sperm nuclei released from a pollen tube fuses with a separate, undifferentiated female nucleus within the free nuclear female gametophyte, which lacks differentiated egg cells. The products of double fertilization are two viable zygotes; endosperm is not formed. The lack of differentiated egg cells in Gnetum gnemon is unparalleled among land plants and the documentation of a regularly occurring process of double fertilization is congruent with the hypothesis that a rudimentary process of double fertilization evolved in a common ancestor of angiosperms and Gnetales.  相似文献   

我国南部5种冷杉植物木材的比较解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对分布于我国南部的5种冷杉属(Abies)植物,即资源冷杉(A.ziyuanensis)、大院冷杉(A.dayuanensis)、梵净山冷杉(A.fanjingshanensis)、元宝山冷杉(A.yuanbaoshanensis)和台湾冷杉(Akawakamii)的木材结构进行了研究。从管胞分子长度、管胞分子直径、射线高度、射线频率、纹孔类型、交叉场纹孔类型、交又场纹孔数目等方面,比较了它们木材解剖特征的差异。结果表明:大院冷杉和资源冷杉在射线频率、管胞直径、管胞长度、交叉场纹孔数目方面都很类似;元宝山冷杉在管胞直径与射线长度方面与其它冷杉有显著差异。在纹孔类型、交叉场纹孔类型方面,几种冷杉都是一致的。在交叉场纹孔数目方面,大院冷杉、资源冷杉较少,而梵净山冷杉、元宝山冷杉和台湾冷杉较多。我国南部这5种冷杉的木材解剖特征与分布在华北、东北及青藏高原上冷杉的木材非常类似。为了便于区别这5种木材,根据木材解剖特征编制了检索表。  相似文献   

Definitions of character states in woods are softer than generally assumed, and more complex for workers to interpret. Only by a constant effort to transcend the limitations of glossaries can a more than partial understanding of wood anatomy and its evolution be achieved. The need for such an effort is most evident in a major group with sufficient wood diversity to demonstrate numerous problems in wood anatomical features. Caryophyllales s.l., with approximately 12 000 species, are such a group. Paradoxically, Caryophyllales offer many more interpretive problems than other ‘typically woody’ eudicot clades of comparable size: a wider range of wood structural patterns is represented in the order. An account of character expression diversity is presented for major wood characters of Caryophyllales. These characters include successive cambia (more extensively represented in Caryophyllales than elsewhere in angiosperms); vessel element perforation plates (non‐bordered and bordered, with and without constrictions); lateral wall pitting of vessels (notably pseudoscalariform patterns); vesturing and sculpturing on vessel walls; grouping of vessels; nature of tracheids and fibre‐tracheids, storying in libriform fibres, types of axial parenchyma, ray anatomy and shifts in ray ontogeny; juvenilism in rays; raylessness; occurrence of idioblasts; occurrence of a new cell type (ancistrocladan cells); correlations of raylessness with scattered bundle occurrence and other anatomical discoveries newly described and/or understood through the use of scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. This study goes beyond summarizing or reportage and attempts interpretations in terms of shifts in degrees of juvenilism, diversification in habit, ecological occupancy strategies (with special attention to succulence) and phylogenetic change. Phylogenetic change in wood anatomy is held to be best interpreted when accompanied by an understanding of wood ontogeny, species ecology, species habit and taxonomic context. Wood anatomy of Caryophyllales demonstrates problems inherent in binary character definitions, mapping of morphological characters onto DNA‐based trees and attempts to analyse wood structure without taking into account ecological and habital features. The difficulties of bridging wood anatomy with physiology and ecology are briefly reviewed. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 164 , 342–393.  相似文献   

The wood anatomy of Coccoloba cozumelensis Hemsl., Coccoloba spicata Lundell, Gymnanthes lucida Sw., Blomia cupanioides Miranda, Canella winterana (L.) Gaertn., Aspidosperma megalocarpon Müell Arg. and Ehretia tinifolia L., is described. One tree per species was collected in the tropical rain forest of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Their wood has important traditional uses in furniture, tools, rural buildings, posts, fences, railroads and firewood. Macroscopic and microscopic characteristics were described and measured in wood samples, permanent slides and macerated material. These species have diffuse porosity, alternate vessel pits, simple perforation plates, numerous and small rays; libriform fibres are common, as well as ergastic material in gum forms, calcium carbonate and silica crystals. These characteristics explain aesthetical, weight, hardness and resistance (to mechanical and biological damage) characters that fit traditional use by the Maya.  相似文献   

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