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Experimental proof is given that the volume distribution spectrum of mammalian cells in suspension culture can be determined accurately with a Coulter spectrometer. Stable spectra corresponding to the predictions of a mathematical model are observed under favorable conditions of growth. Cell volume spectrometry appears to be a useful method for diagnosing the state of the culture with respect to past uniformity of growth rate and present population age distribution. In addition, it offers a method for quantitative study of the laws governing cell growth and division.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, we proposed a model in which the volume growth rate and probability of division of a cell were assumed to be determined by the cell's age and volume. Some further mathematical implications of the model are here explored. In particular we seek properties of the growth and division functions which are required for the balanced exponential growth of a cell population. Integral equations are derived which relate the distribution of birth volumes in successive generations and in which the existence of balanced exponential growth can be treated as an eigenvalue problem. The special case in which all cells divide at the same age is treated in some detail and conditions are derived for the existence of a balanced exponential solution and for its stability or instability. The special case of growth rate proportional to cell volume is seen to have neutral stability. More generally when the division probability depends on age only and growth rate is proportional to cell volume, there is no possibility of balanced exponential growth. Some comparisons are made with experimental results. It is noted that the model permits the appearance of differentiated cells. A generalization of the model is formulated in which cells may be described by many state variables instead of just age and volume.  相似文献   

Volume growth rate and division probability functions for mammalian cells have been determined as functions of cell volume with good reproducibility and statistical precision using Coulter volume spectrometry and the equations of the Bell model. Results are compared with independent measurements on synchronous cultures. The slow rate of volume dispersion requires that the growth rate F(tau, V) be closely proportional to volume for cells of a given age. However, when F(tau, V) is averaged over the age distribution of a population in balanced exponential growth to give the growth rate function f(V), the latter may rise more steeply than V.  相似文献   

The effects on cell division and cell size of indole-3-aceticacid (IAA), gibberellic acid (GA), and kinetin were studiedin liquid suspension cultures of cambial cells derived fromAcer pseudoplatanus. It was shown that all three hormones promotecell division and that the effects of both GA and kinetin areadditive to those of IAA, but the effects of GA and kinetintogether are not additive. Treatment with IAA resulted in anincrease of mean cell size (indicating that cell expansion ispromoted), but after GA or kinetin treatment the mean cell sizewas smaller, indicating that little cell expansion had takenplace after each division. The results are discussed in relationto previous work on the effects of hormones in the intact cambiumand to current theories on the interactions of growth hormones.  相似文献   

Four different chemicals were tested in their ability to synchronize cell division in asynchronous cell cultures of Haplopappus gracilis. Twentyfour-hour treatments with 5-amino uracil resulted in a peak in the mitotic index about 14–16 hours after the end of the treatment. The increase in the frequency of mitoses was about three times that of the control. Hydroxyurea, at a concentration of 3 mM, gave after a treatment period of 12–24 hours an increase in the frequency of mitoses which appeared about 10 hours after the treatment. The mitotic index was about 35 per cent, which is 4 times that of the control. 5-Fluorodeoxyuridine (FUdR) at a concentration of 2 × 10?7M gave a mitotic burst about 16 hours after treatment. At that time about 15 per cent of the cells were dividing which was about twice that of the control. The block was reversed with 4 × 10?5M thymidine. Thymidine at a high concentration caused a reduction in the frequency of mitoses during the treatment. After 15 to 16 hours in a thymidine free medium a mitotic peak appeared with a doubling of the frequency of mitoses in treated cells. Cytological studies showed that parlicularly hydroxyurea but also 5-aminouracil and 5-fluorodeoxyuridine produced gaps and fragments at the concentrations which gave cell synchronization.  相似文献   

l-Tyrosine decarboxylase (EC activity was induced in cell suspension cultures of Thalictrum rugosum Ait. and Eschscholtzia californica Cham. with a yeast polysaccharide preparation (elicitor). The highest l-tyrosine decarboxylase activity in extracts from 7-day-old cell cultures of E. californica was observed 5 hours after addition of 30 to 40 micrograms elicitor per gram cell fresh weight. The enzyme extracted from cells of E. californica was purified 1540-fold to a specific activity of 2.6 micromoles CO(2) produced per minute per milligram protein at pH 8.4 and 30 degrees C. Purified enzyme from T. rugosum showed a specific activity of 0.18 micromoles per minute per milligram protein. The purification procedure involved ammonium sulfate fractionation, anion-exchange fast protein liquid chromatography, ultrafiltration, and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that the enzyme from the two plant cell cultures had subunits of identical molecular weight (56,300 +/- 300 daltons.  相似文献   

A method is described for growing cell suspension cultures of Chenopodium rubrum photoautotrophically for prolonged periods of time. By using a two-tier culture vessel the growth medium with the cells was separated from the CO2 reservoir. Definite CO2 concentrations were established by a K2CO3/KHCO3 buffer. Photoautotrophic growth in C. rubrum cell suspension cultures was correlated with the CO2 level. At 0.5% CO2 the cell cultures contained 68 μg chlorophyll/g fresh weight and showed an increase in fresh weight of about 80% in 18 days. At 1% CO2 an increase in fresh weight of 165% in 18 days was observed. The chlorophyll content rose up to 84 μg/g fresh weight. The photoautotrophic growth was also greatly influenced by the 2,4-D content of the medium. Cell growth was enhanced by lowering the auxin concentration. Best growth was attained (210% increase in fresh weight) at 10?8M 2,4-D. The photosynthetic activity of the cells was measured by the light dependent 14CO2 incorporation. At 0.5% CO2 the cell suspensions assimilated about 100 μmol CO2/mg chlorophyll × h. In the presence of 1% CO2 the light driven assimilation was raised up to 185 μmol CO2/mg chlorophyll × h. In both cases, the dark incorporation of CO2 was merely 1.8% of the values obtained in light.  相似文献   

Suspension cultures of Datura innoxia Mill, were successfully grown on a modified Murashige and Skoog medium with 2,4–D, NAA or BAP as growth substances, provided the micronutrient levels were reduced to 1/10. Normal amounts of micronutrients were toxic. Attempts to identify the toxic elements did not succeed. Cultures grew exponentially on a shaker at 27°C in the light. Their doubling times varied from 1.1 days on 2,4–D (10–6M) or NAA (10?5M)+ 1 g/1 casein hydrolysate to 2.7 days on BAP (3 × 10?7M) and 5.1 days on supraoptimal levels of 2,4-D (10?5M). Cultures grew on NH4+-N alone (from ammonium malate) or on NO3?-N alone. Dry weight yield was proportional to the amount of nitrate-N added (47 mg/mg N). Filtered suspension cultures containing single cells (plating cultures) could be grown in agar in petri dishes when NAA or 2,4-D were used as growth substances. Cells grew at densities above 500 units/ml in the agar. Most colonies grew from cell aggregates but division in single cells was observed. The highest plating efficiency was about 50% on 10?6 M 2,4-D + 1 g/1 casein hydrolysate.  相似文献   

The factors affecting the initiation and subsequent patternof cell division in the early stages of callus development havebeen investigated using cultured isolated explants from theJerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus). The results obtainedhave been interpreted to explain the possible role played byproducts of autolysis in restricting almost all of the celldivisions to the periphery of the tissue. An attempt has alsobeen made to elucidate the factors which may determine the exponentialincrease in cell number which succeeds the initial lag phase.  相似文献   

We have investigated the relationship between cell proliferation and protein synthetic capacity in a cytokinin-requiring strain of cultured soybean cells (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv. Sodifuri, of cotyledonary origin) in suspension culture. When transferred to a defined medium lacking cytokinin, very little cell division or cell enlargement took place over the course of a 6-day culture period. Cells transferred to medium of the same composition, but containing 0.5 mum zeatin, exhibited rapid initial growth, with maximum mitotic activity occurring after 24 hours in culture, and a doubling of the cell population within the first 36 hours of the culture period. The polyribosomal RNA content of the cells decreased over the course of the first 24 hours of the growth cycle while the polyribosome to monoribosome (P/M) ratio increased. The increase in the P/M ratio was greater in the cytokinin-treated cells. This apparent relationship between cytokinin-induced cell proliferation and polyribosome formation was examined further. Polyribosome formation was stimulated when zeatin was added directly to cell populations which had been cultured for 24 hours in medium lacking a cytokinin. Transfer to fresh medium alone also stimulated polyribosome formation, whether this medium contained a cytokinin or not. The magnitude of transfer-induced polyribosome formation depended upon the initial cell density (number of cells/ml of medium). Regardless of the initial cell density and independent of the P/M ratios attained, the cytokinin-treated cell populations divided while the cytokinin-deprived cell populations did not. In vivo labeling with [(35)S]methionine and slab gel electrophoretic separation of sodium dodecyl sulfate derivatives of the labeled polypeptides demonstrated qualitative changes in the spectrum of proteins synthesized by the cytokinin-treated cells. These qualitative changes were independent of the cell density (and hence, independent of the P/M ratio) but they preceded cytokinin-induced cell division.  相似文献   

Concentrated chemostatic cultures of HeLa S3-1, KB, and HEp # 2 cells have been grown in a dialysis fermentor. Stationary cell concentrations of approximately 1.2 × 106 cells per ml have been produced at rates of 15 × 10-3 to 20 × 10-3 cells per hour for as long as 40 days. The dialysis fermentor appears to be useful in controlling the effects of nutrients on the growth rate of the cultures. Theoretical considerations are offered.  相似文献   

In suspension cultures of Vitis sp., maximal accumulation ofanthocyanin was observed during the stationary phase. Accumulationof anthocyanin occurred in parallel with the cessation of celldivision under conditions such as a reduction of the concentrationof phosphate in the medium, or the presence of aphidicolin,an inhibitor of DNA synthesis. By contrast, in suspension culturesof Phytolacca americana, aphidicolin inhibited the accumulationof betacyanin and cell division. When aphidicolin was removedfrom cells by washing, partially synchronized division of cellswas induced and the accumulation of betacyanin also occurred,in conjunction with cell division. In the absence of phosphatefrom the medium, cell division did not occur and accumulationof betacyanin also ceased. Readdition of phosphate to cellsstarved for phosphate induced both cell division and the accumulationof betacyanin. These results indicate a positive correlationbetween the accumulation of betacyanin and cell division inPhytolacca which contrasts with a negative correlation betweenthe accumulation of anthocyanin and cell division in Vitis. (Received April 17, 1989; Accepted December 23, 1989)  相似文献   

Tobacco cells (Nicotiana tabacum) are capable of growth on ammonia as a sole nitrogen source only when succinate, malate, fumarate, citrate, α-ketoglutarate, glutamate, or pyruvate is added to the growth medium. A ratio between the molar concentrations of ammonia to succinate (as a complementary organic acid) in the growth medium of 1.5 was optimal. Succinate had no effect on the rate of uptake of ammonia from the medium into the cells although it did affect the intracellular concentration of ammonia. However, the changes were not sufficient to explain inhibition of growth as being due to ammonia toxicity. The radioactivity from 14C-succinate was incorporated into malate, glutamate, and aspartate within 2 minutes.  相似文献   

Photoheterotrophic growth of cell suspensions of Nicotiana tabacum L. (cv. Xanthi) in organic culture medium enriched in sucrose (30 g per liter) showed a classical sigmoid growth curve. The cells developed functional chloroplast structures during the exponential growth phase, when their chlorophyll content increased steadily. A limited drop (30%) in the chlorophyll amount and structural changes of the plastids (starch accumulation) were observed during the lag phase. The measurements of photosynthetic capacities (O2 evolution and CO2 fixation) during the growth cycle revealed changes in the photosynthetic ratio (O2/CO2), which was near 1 during the lag and stationary phases and near 2 during exponential growth. During exponential growth there was also a rapid NO3? uptake. Analysis of label distribution among the products of 14CO2 fixation showed that both CO2 assimilation pathways, linked to the ribulose-biphosphate carboxylase (the autotrophic pathway) and to phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (the non-autotrophic pathway) were operative with an important increase of the capacity of the latter during the exponential growth phase. Maximum rate of oxygen evolution, either endogenous or with p-benzoquinone as Hill reagent, as well as the increased CO2 Fixation capacity via the non-autotrophic pathway during the exponential phase were concomitant with a high cyanide inhibited O2 uptake.  相似文献   

银杏悬浮培养细胞的生长、分化与萜内酯化合物的积累   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了来源于银杏种子胚和幼苗茎的悬浮细胞的生长、分化和培养物中的白果内酯、银杏内酯A和B的含量变化。结果表明:在悬浮培养中,细胞聚集而成的细胞团大小、细胞中叶绿体的分化、外植体来源都影响培养物中的萜内酯的种类和含量,胚来源的悬浮细胞培养物中,银杏内酯B仅存在于直径<2mm的小细胞团悬浮培养中,且在<1 mm的细胞团中的含量最高,达0.437 mg /g(DW);而直径>3mm的细胞团悬浮培养物中只含有白果内酯和银杏内酯A。相同大小的悬浮细胞团中,胚来源的细胞中萜内酯含量高于茎来源的细胞。  相似文献   

红豆杉悬浮细胞放大培养的细胞生长与紫杉醇合成动力学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了在Murashige&skoog s(MS)和 6 2号两种不同的培养基中 ,红豆杉细胞悬浮细胞从摇瓶到 1 0L机械通气搅拌式反应器放大培养过程中细胞生长与紫杉醇合成动力学 .结果表明 :尽管在不同的培养条件下 ,细胞生长曲线均呈现“S”型 .紫杉醇在延迟期与指数生长期中基本上没有积累 ,而且随着培养规模的增大 ,紫杉醇的含量逐渐降低 .进一步对各级放大培养的细胞生长 ,比生长率与胞内外紫杉醇合成量进行分析 ,发现MS利于细胞生长但不利于紫杉醇合成 ,而 6 2号则相反 .根据此文的结果 ,提出了红豆杉细胞培养条件的优化和大规模细胞培养生产紫杉醇应采取的策略  相似文献   

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