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We report on the extension of the direct leukocyte migration inhibition (LMI) test as an assay for antigen-specific activity in human leukocyte dialysates (DLE) containing transfer factor to an evaluation of antigen-specific activity in DLE prepared from inbred mice. Murine DLE was observed to cause antigen-dependent and antigen-specific effects on the inhibition of migration of nonimmune human leukocyte populations. Pulsing of nonimmune human leukocyte with DLE preparations from BALB/c and SJL mice immunized with Candida, diphtheria toxoid, and SK-SD resulted in their inhibition of migration in the presence of the respective antigens. The antigen-specific activity in murine DLE was found to be present in lymph node cell preparations and to be absent from spleen cell preparations of the same donors. The activity of DLE in lymph node cells was found to be present in the theta-cell enriched subpopulation of nonadherent lymphocytes after passage through nylon wool columns. The antigen-specific activity of murine DLE, as we have reported for human DLE, was found to reside in the < 3500 dalton dialysis fraction and not in the < 3500 dalton fraction. We conclude that nonimmune human leukocytes in the LMI test provide a suitable assay for the detection of antigen-specific activity in murine DLE as well as that in human DLE. Additionally, murine DLE is active across species barriers and appears to share properties with human DLE.  相似文献   

Dialysates of human leukocyte lysates containing transfer factor (TFd) stimulated human mononuclear cells (MNL) to produce lymphocyte activating factor (LAF). Both unfractionated and adherent MNL cultures were stimulated by TFd to produce a factor which was mitogenic for murine thymocytes and had the biochemical characteristics of LAF as determined by Bio-Gel P-100, DEAE cellulose, and hydroxylapatite chromatography. Fractionation of TFd on Sephadex G-25 showed that the specific transfer factor activity of converting in vivo skin tests was present in the major uv-absorbing peak, whereas the substance(s) that induced LAF activity was present in a number of the other fractions. Therefore, the capacity of TFd to induce monocytes to produce LAF is not a measure of classical transfer factor activity. However, this effect of TFd may instead participate in the nonspecific immunoenhancing effects of TFd.  相似文献   

Supernatant from culture of a virally transformed OVA-specific helper T clone (C-41) was examined for the presence of soluble helper factor. Inoculation of helper clone supernatant into DNP-KLH-primed mice enhanced the IgG anti-DNP response when given with DNP-OVA. The C-41 supernatant did not trigger the DNP-primed B cells in mice when injected with hapten (DNP) coupled to an unrelated carrier (BSA). The carrier-dependent helper activity of C-41 supernatant in vivo demonstrates the presence of an antigen-specific T helper factor in the media of the cultured helper clone. Extensive immunization of F1(C57BL X BALB/c) mice with the helper clone resulted in the production of anti C-41 antibodies. Monoclonal antibodies prepared from the immunized mice were screened for specificity of binding to other transformed T lines and clones, some specific to OVA. Monoclonal antibodies that stained the C-41 cells exclusively were considered clone-specific. Supernatants of the helper clone were passed over columns of anti-clone-specific antibodies. The eluates from three antibodies were active as antigen-specific helper factor, i.e., they elevated the IgG anti-DNP response in vivo in a linked recognition fashion in the presence of DNP-OVA. The affinity-purified factor was inactive when injected with DNP-BSA or DNP-BSA + OVA. Thus, we describe the antigen-specific immune function of a clone-produced helper factor in normal mice.  相似文献   

We have studied in vitro the effects of leukocyte dialysates containing transfer factor on the formation of sheep cell rosettes by human lymphocytes. Dialysate had no effect on the toral rosettes, but increased the number of rapidly forming ("active") rosettes. This was due to an increased affinity of the lymphocytes for the sheep red cell. Trypsin-treated lymphocytes regained the ability to form rosettes more rapidly when cultured with leukocyte dialysates than with control media. These experiments suggest that leukocyte dialysate acts to increase the number or arrangement of sheep cell receptors on the lymphocyte surface.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of microspheres as antigen carriers in mucosal immunization. Shiga toxin B subunits (Stx1B) were adsorbed on 6 mum polystyrene microspheres, which were then intranasally administered to mice together with cholera toxin (CT). Stx1B-specific serum IgG production and secretory IgA production at local mucosal sites were enhanced by the use of microspheres. When OVA was used as a model antigen, secretory IgA production but not serum IgG production was enhanced on the use of microspheres. These results indicated that microspheres provide a useful means of potentiating the immune response against Stx1B with weak immunogenicity.  相似文献   

BDF1 mice were immunized with a protein antigen, such as ovalbumin (OA) or keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH), absorbed to aluminum hydroxide gel, and their spleen cells were stimulated by homologous antigen for the formation of glycosylation-enhancing factor (GEF). It was found that GEF obtained from OA-primed spleen cells had affinity for OA, whereas those derived from KLH-primed spleen cells had affinity for KLH. Nonspecific GEF, which was obtained by stimulation of normal spleen cells with pertussis toxin, failed to bind OA or KLH. Both antigen-specific GEF and nonspecific GEF are inactivated by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, but not by N-alpha-p-tosyl-L-lysyl-chloromethyl ketone. Both factors can be partially purified by binding to p-aminobenzamidine agarose and elution with benzamidine. These findings suggest that not only non-specific GEF but also antigen-specific GEF are serine protease(s). The antigen-specific GEF consisted of two m.w. species, of 65 to 85 kilodaltons (Kd) and 40 to 55 Kd, whereas nonspecific GEF consisted of 50 to 70 Kd and 20 to 30 Kd molecules. The OA-specific GEF augmented the in vitro secondary indirect PFC response of DNP-OA-primed cells to the homologous antigen, but failed to affect the PFC response of DNP-KLH-primed cells to DNP-KLH. Similarly, KLH-specific GEF enhanced the response of DNP-KLH-primed cells but not the response of DNP-OA-primed cells. However, OA-specific GEF failed to replace the requirement for antigen-primed helper T cells. Antigen-specific GEF bound to alloantibodies reactive to the products of the I region of the major histocompatibility complex. The results collectively suggest that antigen-specific GEF is identical to antigen-specific augmenting factors described by other investigators.  相似文献   

An in vitro assay was used for assessing the participation of various cell surface molecules and the efficacy of various cell types in the deletion of Ag-specific immature thymocytes. Thymocytes from mice expressing a transgenic TCR specific for the male Ag presented by the H-2Db class I MHC molecule were used as a target for deletion. In H-2d transgenic mice, cells bearing the transgenic TCR are not subjected to thymic selection as a consequence of the absence of the restricting H-2Db molecule but, nevertheless, express this TCR on the vast majority of immature CD4+8+ thymocytes. In this report we show that CD4+8+ thymocytes from H-2d TCR-transgenic mice are preferentially killed upon in vitro culture with male APC; DC were particularly effective in mediating in vitro deletion when compared with either B cells or T cells. Deletion of CD4+8+ thymocytes by DC was H-2b restricted and could be inhibited by mAb to either LFA-1 alpha or CD8. Partial inhibition was observed with mAb to ICAM-1, whereas mAb to CD4 and LFA-1 beta were without effect. These results are the first direct evidence of LFA-1 involvement in negative selection and provide further direct support for the participation of CD8/class I MHC interactions in this process. Like the requirements for deletion, activation of mature male-specific CD4-8+ T cells from female H-2b TCR-transgenic mice was also largely dependent on Ag presentation by DC and required both LFA-1/ICAM and CD8/class I MHC interactions; these results support the view that activation and deletion may represent maturation stage-dependent consequences of T cells encountering the same APC. Finally, our results also support the hypothesis that negative selection (deletion) does not require previous positive selection because deletion was observed under conditions where positive selection had not occurred.  相似文献   

The blood serum of patients with active tuberculosis of the lungs and chronic pneumonia inhibited migration of donor's leukocytes and macrophages of the peritonal exudate of guinea pigs when compared with migration of similar cells in the medium with the serum of cattle or donors. After chromatography these sera were fractionated on the columns with Sephadex G-100. Fractions containing the leukocyte migration inhibition factor (LMIF) suppressed, up to complete abolition, the intradermal reaction to tuberculin in man and guinea pigs sensitized with BCG. The LMIF is supposed to act in the regulation of delayed hypersensitivity reaction.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells co-express platelet-activating factor and P-selectin on their surfaces after activation by certain receptor-mediated agonists. Together they mediate the adhesion of leukocytes to the endothelial cell surface. P-selectin tethers leukocytes to the endothelial cells surface allowing leukocyte activation by platelet-activating factor. Adhesion and activation are specific for leukocytes because they are the only cells known to express the ligand for P-selectin. Leukocytes adherent to the endothelial cell surface may promote thrombosis by three mechanisms: (1) they secrete factors that damage the underlying endothelium, (2) they secrete factors that directly initiate the coagulation cascade, and (3) they bind and activate platelets.  相似文献   

Transfer factor (TF) causes nonimmune lymphocytes to produce leukocyte migration inhibitory factor (LMIF) in the presence of purified protein derivative (PPD). The activity of TF was measured by leukocyte migration inhibitory test (LMIT). The LMIT was a modification of the conventional agarose droplet method. To express the activity of LMIF quantitatively and simply, LMIF titer was introduced. The LMIF titer was obtained from the combination of two factors, LMIF dilution and cell migration diameter, and therefore this made the LMIT much more sensitive as compared to the conventional LMIT. The responsiveness of lymphocytes from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and from cell-mediated immunodeficiency in children to TF was assayed by LMIT. In ALL, the lymphocyte responsiveness was poor in relapse but improved with remission. The responsiveness was remarkably well in 3 patients with cell-mediated immunodeficiency. This method appears useful for the in vitro evaluation of responsiveness of lymphocytes to TF.  相似文献   

Mouse peritoneal leukocyte lysophospholipase (LPL) activity was studied to determine whether or not noninfectious agents cause increased enzyme activity and whether neutrophils have LPL activity. In the first study, mice infected with Ascaris suum, a known inducer of LPL activity, were given intraperitoneal injections of proteose peptone, thioglycolate, bovine albumin, paraffin, glycogen, or A. suum whole worm extract (WWE). Cell populations collected from mice injected with A. suum WWE, proteose peptone, thioglycolate, or bovine albumin contained increased numbers of neutrophils and eosinophils. These cell populations had increased LPL activity when treated, in vitro, with either A. suum WWE, zymosan-activated complement, or with the agent they were induced with. However, the LPL activity of the different cell populations did not respond to all treatments in the same way. In a second study, A. suum-infected or noninfected mice were given intraperitoneal injections of paraffin, thioglycolate, glycogen, or A. suum WWE. Enriched cell populations containing either lymphocytes or macrophages, from infected or noninfected mice, did not have increased LPL activity following in vitro stimulation with A. suum WWE, zymosan-activated complement, or with the agent they were induced with. Enriched neutrophil populations from infected or noninfected mice had increased LPL activity following in vitro treatment with A. suum WWE or zymosan-activated complement. Results demonstrate that the LPL activity of peritoneal leukocytes can be induced by noninfectious agents and that neutrophils have increased LPL activity following in vitro stimulation.  相似文献   

Leukocyte inhibitory factor (LIF), which was derived from human peripheral blood lymphocytes by stimulation with concanavalin A ad partially purified by Sephadex G-100 gel filtration, inhibited the in vitro spontaneous migration and chemotaxis of human PMN leukocytes as assessed in a Boyden chamber micropore filter assay. The inhibitory activity was attributed to LIF, a principle defined in terms of its inhibition of PMN leukocyte migration from glass capillary tubes since it was preferentially directed to PMN leukocytes as compared to mononuclear leukocytes, exhibited a size comparable to LIF by gel filtration, and was inactivated by diisopropyl fluorophosphate in parallel with LIF. Incubation of PMN leukocytes with LIF released additional inhibitory activity, distinct from LIF, which resembled the neutrophil-immobilizing factor (NIF) by virtue of its approximate m.w. of 4000 by filtration on Sephadex G-25, inactivation by trypsin digestion, and preferential noncytotoxic inhibition of spontaneous migration and chemotaxis of PMN leukocytes as compared to mononuclear leukocytes. Thus LIF inhibits PMN leukocyte migration both by a direct action on the cells and by an amplification pathway that is mediated by low m.w. chemotactic inhibitors similar to NIF.  相似文献   

Summary To establish an efficient production method for l-phenylalanine, the production of l-phenylalanine from phenylpyruvate by Paracoccus denitrificans pFPr-1 containing aminotransferase activity was investigated. By using intact cells, 0.74M l-phenylalanine was produced from 0.8M phenylpyruvate (conversion yield, 92.5%). Moreover, by using immobilized cells with -carrageenan, when the space velocity was 0.1 h-1 at 30°C, 0.135 M l-phenylalanine was produced from 0.15 M phenylpyruvate (conversion yield, 90%). The half-life of the l-phenylalanine-forming activity of the column was estimated to be about 30 days at 30°C.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to test the hypothesis that prostaglandins are crucial to the ability of an antigen-specific T cell suppressor factor to deliver a suppressive signal. In the system employed, T suppressor cells release an antigen-specific factor (TsF) that suppresses the ability of effector cells to transfer contact sensitivity (CS) skin swelling responsiveness to adoptive recipients. Culture of TsF-producing cells in the presence of indomethacin caused production of an inactive TsF that could be reconstituted by incubation of this inactive factor with low concentrations of certain prostaglandins such as PGE2 or PGE1. Subsequently, nearly all the prostaglandins were removed by dialysis, and the reconstituted TsF then acted as an antigen-specific suppressor of CS effector cells. Neither the inactive factor nor prostaglandins were suppressive alone. Furthermore, the prostaglandins are crucial to the constitution of TNBSA-F, the non-antigen-binding subunit of the TsF that probably delivers the ultimate suppressive signal. These results provide a new type of antigen-specific role for prostaglandins in immunoregulation and indicate that simple, local, hormonal molecules in physiologic concentrations can have a crucial and long-lasting role in constituting the suppressive activity of antigen-specific regulatory macromolecules released by suppressor T cells.  相似文献   

The findings of previous studies in this laboratory demonstrating that conjugates of human monoclonal (myeloma) IgG (HIgG) and monomethoxypolyethylene glycol (mPEG) were able to induce in mice antigen-specific tolerance and CD8+ suppressor T (Ts) cells were confirmed in the present study. An extract (TsF) of a nonhybridized clone of Ts cells (viz., clone 23.32), which had been derived from spleen cells of mice tolerized with HIgG(mPEG)26, was shown to possess antigen-specific suppressive activity. This monoclonal TsF was able to specifically suppress in vitro antibody formation only if it was present from the beginning of the culture. From the results of the cellular dissection of the system used it was concluded that (i) the TsF had no effect on fully differentiated primed B cells or plasma cells, and (ii) the TsF inactivated carrier-primed Th cells when the culture contained concomitantly naive CD8+ T cells, accessory cells, and antigen. These data support the view that the monoclonal TsF exerted its downregulating effect on Th cells only if it could first interact with a CD8+ T cell, in the presence of accessory cells and antigen.  相似文献   

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