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Retroviruses and retrotransposons assemble intracellular immature core particles around a RNA genome, and nascent particles collect in association with membranes or as intracellular clusters. How and where genomic RNA are identified for retrovirus and retrotransposon assembly, and how translation and assembly processes are coordinated is poorly understood. To understand this process, the subcellular localization of Ty3 RNA and capsid proteins and virus-like particles was investigated. We demonstrate that mRNAs, proteins, and virus-like particles of the yeast Ty3 retrotransposon accumulate in association with cytoplasmic P-bodies, which are sites of mRNA translation repression, storage, and degradation. Deletions of genes encoding P-body proteins decreased Ty3 transposition and caused changes in the pattern of Ty3 foci, underscoring the biological significance of the association of Ty3 virus-like protein components and P-bodies. These results suggest the hypothesis that P-bodies may serve to segregate translation and assembly functions of the Ty3 genomic RNA to promote assembly of virus-like particles. Because Ty3 has features of a simple retrovirus and P-body functions are conserved between yeast and metazoan organisms, these findings may provide insights into host factors that facilitate retrovirus assembly.  相似文献   

Ty3 encodes structural proteins in its upstream open reading frame (GAG3) and catalytic proteins in an overlapping open reading frame (POL3). As is the case for retroviruses, high levels of structural protein versus catalytic proteins are synthesized and we show here that catalytic proteins are derived from a GAG3-POL3 fusion polyprotein. To evaluate the relative contributions of structural and catalytic components of the Ty3 particle, we perturbed the balance of these proteins by fusing the GAG3 and POL3 frames. This fusion Ty3 was capable of complementing low levels of transposition of a donor Ty3 which contained only cis-acting sequences required for transposition. Examination of extracts of cells expressing the GAG3-POL3 fusion mutant showed that particle formation differed qualitatively and quantitatively from viruslike particle formation by wild-type Ty3. Suprisingly, expression of 238 codons of GAG3, encoding only capsid protein, complemented transposition and particle formation defects of the fusion mutant, showing that the limiting deficiency was in capsid, and not in nucleocapsid, function. In addition, protein containing the capsid domain expressed alone accumulated in the same particulate fraction as viruslike particles, showing that it was sufficient for particle formation. The activity of the Ty3 fusion mutant contrasts with the inviability of mutant retroviruses in which gag and pol frames were fused and argues that retrotransposons tolerate considerable variation in the nucleoprotein complexes that permit replication and integration.  相似文献   

Two hydrophobic proteins have been purified to homogeneity from a mixture of about 13 proteins that are extracted from bovine mitochondria with a chloroform:methanol mixture. Sequence analysis shows that the smaller is a protein of 66 amino acids and is the product of a mitochondrial gene, A6L. The larger, a protein of 226 amino acids, is ATPase-6, a membrane component of ATP synthase, also encoded in mitochondrial DNA. The protein sequences determined establish that the genes for the two proteins overlap by 40 bases and indicate that translation of the second gene, ATPase-6, is initiated within the coding region of A6L. The A6L and the ATPase-6 proteins have also been isolated from the ATP synthase complex and so appear to be bona fide components of the enzyme. The function of A6L is unknown. However, weak structural homology suggests a functional similarity to the yeast mitochondrial protein, aapI, which is required for assembly of the fungal ATP synthase complex. Homologies between ATPase-6 and subunit a of the Escherichia coli ATP synthase complex indicate that the ATPase-6 protein has a similar role in the mitochondrial complex to its bacterial counterpart, being essential for the formation of an active proton channel.  相似文献   

The Ty transposable elements of Saccharomyces cerevisiae form a heterogeneous family within which two broad structural classes (I and II) exist. The two classes differ by two large substitutions and many restriction sites. We show that, like class I elements a class II element, Tyl-17, also appears to contain at least two major protein coding regions, designated TYA and TYB, and the organisational relationship of these regions has been conserved. The TYA genes of both classes encode proteins, designated p1 proteins, with an approximate molecular weight of 50 Kd and, despite considerable variation between the TYA regions at the DNA level, the structures of these proteins are remarkably similar. These observations strongly suggest that the p1 proteins of Ty elements are functionally significant and that they have been subject to selection.  相似文献   

Ty3 is a Saccharomyces cerevisiae retrotransposon associated with tRNA genes. Two Ty3 elements have been cloned and characterized. The complete nucleotide sequence for one element, Ty3-2, was reported previously (L. J. Hansen, D. L. Chalker, and S. B. Sandmeyer, Mol. Cell. Biol. 9:5245-5256, 1988). However, this element is incapable of autonomous transposition. The complete DNA sequence of a transpositionally competent Ty3 element, Ty3-1, is presented here. Its sequence translates into two overlapping open reading frames, TYA3-1 and TYB3-1, which encode proteins with homology to the proteins specified by the retroviral gag and pol genes, respectively. Comparison of the Ty3-1 nucleotide sequence to Ty3-2 suggests that the TYB3-2 open reading frame of Ty3-2 is truncated by the deletion of a single nucleotide, which causes a frameshift mutation. Restoration of the reading frame with insertion of a single adenine by site-directed mutagenesis converted Ty3-2 into a transpositionally active element, Ty3-2(+ A). Western blot analysis with antibodies made against synthetic peptides identified integrase (IN) proteins in viruslike particle preparations from cells expressing Ty3 elements. Cells expressing Ty3-1 and Ty3-2 (+A) produce antibody-reactive proteins with approximate molecular masses of 61 and 58 kilodaltons (kDa), while cells expressing Ty3-2 produce reactive proteins of approximately 52 and 49 kDa. Together, these data show that the 61- or 58-kDa protein, or both, provides the integrase function of Ty3.  相似文献   

The virus-like particles (VLPs) produced by the yeast retrotransposon Ty1 are functionally related to retroviral cores. These particles are unusual in that they have variable radif. A paired mass-radius analysis of VLPs by scanning transmission electron microscopy showed that many of these particles form an icosahedral T-number series. Three-dimensional reconstruction to 38-A resolution from cryo-electron micrographs of T = 3 and T = 4 shells revealed that the single structural protein encoded by the TYA gene assembles into spiky shells from trimeric units.  相似文献   

To examine the potential role of the GAG precursor polyprotein in morphogenesis and assembly of the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), we have expressed the gag gene of SIVMac using a baculovirus expression vector. Infection of insect cells with recombinant virus containing the entire gag gene results in high expression of the GAG precursor protein, Pr57gag. The recombinant protein is myristylated and is released in the culture supernatant in an insoluble particulate form. A point mutation in the N-terminal glycine codon (Gly----Ala) inhibits myristylation. This mutated product is highly expressed but is not found in the culture supernatant. Electron microscopy and immunogold labelling of infected cells show that the native Pr57gag protein assembles into 100-120 nm virus-like particles that bud from the cell plasma membrane and are released in the culture supernatant. The unmyristylated protein also assembles into particulate structures which only accumulate inside the cells. These results demonstrate that the unprocessed GAG precursor of SIV can spontaneously assemble into particles in the absence of other viral proteins. Myristylation of the Pr57gag precursor is necessary for its association with the cell plasma membrane, for budding and for extracellular release.  相似文献   

The Ty3 retrotransposon of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was employed for the site-specific integration of heterologous genes into the yeast genome. A GAL-regulated promoter allowed induction of the retrotransposition process, and a bacterial neo(r) gene inserted in the Ty3 element was used as a selectable model heterologous gene. The frequency of transposition of this neo(r)-marked element was found to be comparable to that of an unmarked element. Three amplification systems were constructed; the systems varied with respect to the location and number of the GAL-regulated helper and neo(r)-marked Ty3 elements. For all three systems, neo(r) integrations were readily selected with a maximum of two insertions obtained per round of amplification. A sequential amplification strategy was effective for further increasing the number of integrated cloned genes, and families of strains varying by only one neo(r) insertion were easily obtained. Resistance to the antibiotic G418 correlated well with the number of integrated neo(r) genes, and Northern blots verified the relationship between cloned gene number (up to four) and neo(r) expression. Structural stability of the integrated genes was also demonstrated. By controlling the number of rounds of amplification and the level of G418 selection, precise numbers of integrated heterologous genes could be obtained. Because the amplification process can be repeated using different cloned genes inserted in the Ty3 element, these results demonstrate the potential of retrotransposition for the regulated integration of a series of different genes at nondeleterious chromosomal locations.  相似文献   

The nature of fish antibodies (concentrating primarily on the most studied species of bony and cartilaginous fishes) is discussed in terms of their immunoglobulin biochemistry and immunobiology. The major serum immunoglobulin (IgM) is described in detail, and structural variants of IgM are discussed in terms of their distribution in different fish species, and different anatomical sites within a fish (e.g. blood, mucus, bile). Structural variation in IgM includes the size of the constituent heavy and light polypeptide chains, and the extent to which they are covalently associated with one another. The intramolecular heterogeneity of binding sites for antigen on IgM is reviewed and possible mechanisms for the phenomenon are presented. The evidence suggests that some, but not all, species of fish possess a detectable J chain in their IgM. The general nature of the fish immune response is that IgM antibody of moderate affinity is produced and prolonged or repeated immunization: (a) fails to produce a switch to production of a non-IgM class of antibody, and (b) fails to induce substantial increases in the affinity of the specific antibodies. Evidence supports a conclusion that fish lack the typical secondary antibody response seen in mammals, and possess antibodies of limited heterogeneity. Our current understanding of the genetic basis for fish antibodies is presented. Fish appear to utilize the same basic genetic elements as mammals to encode and regulate the expression of their immunoglobulins. The teleost heavy chain (IgH) locus resembles that of mammals and amphibia in its organization. The IgH locus of elasmobranchs is arranged in a unique multicluster organization. The light chain loci of elasmobranchs are organized analogously to the heavy chain locus (in multiclusters). The structure of the light chain locus of teleosts is presently unknown. Teleost fish utilize a unique pattern of RNA processing to generate the secreted and membrane receptor forms of the IgM heavy chain. The genes encoding the unique low molecular weight Ig heavy chain found in skates and rays have been cloned and sequenced, and also display the multicluster pattern of organization. Teleost fish appear to have normal numbers of variable regions: it is hypothesized (but as yet unproven) that the failure of their IgM to increase in affinity is due to a deficiency of somatic hypermutational mechanisms in their Ig gene variable regions during B lymphocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

Assembly and intracellular transport of snRNP particles.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The assembly of the major small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) particles begins in the cytoplasm where large pools of common core proteins are preassembled in several RNA-free intermediate particles. Newly synthesized snRNAs transiently enter the cytoplasm and complex with core particles to form pre-snRNP particles. Subsequently, the cap structure at the 5' end of the snRNA is hypermethylated. The resulting trimethylguanosine (TMG) cap is an integral part of the nuclear localization signal for snRNP particles and the pre-snRNP particles are rapidly transported into the nucleus. SnRNP particles mature when snRNA-specific proteins complex with the particles, in some cases, just before or during nuclear transport, but in most instances after the particles are in the nucleus. In addition, U6 snRNA hybridizes with U4 snRNA to form a U4/U6 snRNP in the nucleus. The transport signals are retained on the snRNP particles and proteins since existing particles and proteins enter the reformed nucleus after mitosis.  相似文献   

The production of hybrid Ty:IFN virus-like particles in yeast.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The yeast retrotransposon Ty encodes proteins that assemble into virus-like particles (Ty-VLPs) which can be readily purified. We have recently shown that expression of the pl protein encoded by the TYA gene of Ty is sufficient for particle formation. In this paper we show that when a heterologous coding sequence, human interferon-alpha 2 (IFN), is fused in frame to the TYA gene, the resulting p1-IFN fusion protein is still assembled into VLPs. These Ty:IFN-VLPs can be easily purified to near homogeneity and furthermore, they induce an antibody response to interferon when they are injected into rabbits. Therefore, these data show that hybrid Ty-VLPs can be used as a convenient system for the efficient purification of fusion proteins in yeast.  相似文献   

Pyrrolnitrin is a secondary metabolite of Pseudomonas and Burkholderia sp. strains with strong antifungal activity. Production of pyrrolnitrin has been correlated with the ability of some bacteria to control plant diseases caused by fungal pathogens, including the damping-off pathogen Rhizoctonia solani. Pseudomonas fluorescens BL915 has been reported to produce pyrrolnitrin and to be an effective biocontrol agent for this pathogen. We have isolated a 32-kb genomic DNA fragment from this strain that contains genes involved in the biosynthesis of pyrrolnitrin. Marker-exchange mutagenesis of this DNA with Tn5 revealed the presence of a 6.2-kb region that contains genes required for the synthesis of pyrrolnitrin. The nucleotide sequence of the 6.2-kb region was determined and found to contain a cluster of four genes that are required for the production of pyrrolnitrin. Deletion mutations in any of the four genes resulted in a pyrrolnitrin-nonproducing phenotype. The putative coding sequences of the four individual genes were cloned by PCR and fused to the tac promoter from Escherichia coli. In each case, the appropriate tac promoter-pyrrolnitrin gene fusion was shown to complement the pyrrolnitrin-negative phenotype of the corresponding deletion mutant. Transfer of the four gene cluster to E. coli resulted in the production of pyrrolnitrin by this organism, thereby demonstrating that the four genes are sufficient for the production of this metabolite and represent all of the genes required to encode the pathway for pyrrolnitrin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Two repeated DNA sequences, pHaS13 and pHaS211, which revealed similarity to the int gene of Ty3-gypsy retrotransposons and the RNAse-H gene of Ty1-copia retroelements, respectively, were surveyed in Asteraceae species and within the genus Helianthus. Southern analysis of the genome of selected Asteraceae that belong to different tribes showed that pHaS13- and pHaS211-related subfamilies of gypsy- and copia-like retroelements are highly redundant only in Helianthus and, to a lesser extent, in Tithonia, a Helianthus strict relative. However, under low stringency posthybridization washes, bands were observed in almost all the other Asteraceae tested when pHaS13 was used as a probe, and in several species when pHaS211 was hybridized. FISH analysis of pHaS13 or pHaS211 probes was performed in species in which labelling was observed in Southern hybridizations carried out under high stringency conditions (Helianthus annuus, Tithonia rotundifolia, Ageratum spp., Leontopodium spp., Senecio vulgaris for pHaS13, and H. annuus, Tithonia rotundifolia, and S. vulgaris for pHaS211). Scattered labelling was observed over all metaphase chromosomes, indicating a large dispersal of both Ty3-gypsy- and Ty1-copia-like retroelements. However, preferential localization of Ty3-gypsy-like sequences at centromeric chromosome regions was observed in all of the species studies but one, even in species in which pHaS13-related elements are poorly represented. Ty1-copia-like sequences showed preferential localization at the chromosome ends only in H. annuus. To study the evolution of gypsy- and copia-like retrotransposons in Helianthus, cladograms were built based on the Southern blot hybridization patterns of pHaS13 or pHaS211 sequences to DNA digests of several species of this genus. Both cladograms agree in splitting the genomes studied into annuals and perennials. Differences that occurred within the clades of perennial and annual species between gypsy- and copia-like retroelements indicated that these retrotransposons were differentially active during Helianthus speciation, suggesting that the evolution of the 2 retroelement families was, within limits, independent.  相似文献   

Ty element transposition: reverse transcriptase and virus-like particles   总被引:65,自引:0,他引:65  
D J Garfinkel  J D Boeke  G R Fink 《Cell》1985,42(2):507-517

Two genes encode the two subunits of cottonseed catalase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The isolation and sequence of a cDNA encoding a developmentally distinct subunit of cottonseed catalase are presented. A 1.8-kb cDNA was selected from a cDNA library constructed with poly(A)+ RNA isolated from 3-day-old dark-grown cotyledons in which a second subunit (designated SU 2 in an earlier publication) of catalase was predominantly synthesized. The cDNA encodes a 492-amino acid peptide with a calculated Mr of 56,900. The nucleotide sequence is 76% identical to a cDNA encoding another subunit (SU 1) which was predominantly synthesized in 1-day-old-cotyledons. Most of the divergence occurs in the 5' and 3' non-coding regions, and at the third positions of the codons. The deduced amino acid sequence is 92% identical to that of SU 1. Denaturing isoelectric focusing and SDS-PAGE of products transcribed and translated in vitro from these cDNAs revealed that the cDNA selected from the "1-day" library encoded SU 1 and the cDNA selected from the "3-day" library (this paper) encoded SU 2 of catalase. These data and results from Southern blot analyses of genomic DNA indicate that there are two genes encoding catalase subunits in cotton cotyledons, with only one copy of SU 1 and at least two copies of SU 2 in the genome. A peroxisomal targeting signal, e.g., Ser-Lys-Leu, is not located at the C-terminus of either subunit, or within 25 residues of the C-terminus of SU 1, although it occurs at six residues upstream from the C-terminus of SU 2. A possible location of a targeting sequence for catalase and other peroxisomal proteins lacking the C-terminal tripeptide motif is proposed.  相似文献   

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