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A plethora of evidence suggests that protein misfolding and aggregation are underlying mechanisms of various neurodegenerative diseases, such as prion diseases and Alzheimer's disease(AD). Like prion diseases, AD has been considered as an infectious disease in the past decades as it shows strain specificity and transmission potential. Although it remains elusive how protein aggregation leads to AD, it is becoming clear that cellular prion protein(PrP~C ) plays an important role in AD pathogenesis. Here, we briefly reviewed AD pathogenesis and focused on recent progresses how PrP~C contributed to AD development. In addition, we proposed a potential mechanism to explain why infectious agents, such as viruses, conduce AD pathogenesis. Microbe infections cause Aβ deposition and upregulation of PrP~C , which lead to high affinity binding between Aβ oligomers and PrP~C . The interaction between PrP~C and Aβ oligomers in turn activates the Fyn signaling cascade, resulting in neuron death in the central nervous system(CNS). Thus, silencing PrP~C expression may turn out be an effective treatment for PrP~C dependent AD.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease appears to be strongly linked to the aggregation of amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide and, especially, formation of soluble Aβ1–42 oligomers. It was recently demonstrated that the cellular prion protein, PrPC, binds with high affinity to these oligomers, acting as a putative receptor that mediates at least some of their neurotoxic effects. Here we show that the soluble (i.e. glycophosphatidylinositol anchor-free) prion protein and its N-terminal fragment have a strong effect on the aggregation pathway of Aβ1–42, inhibiting its assembly into amyloid fibrils. Furthermore, the prion protein prevents formation of spherical oligomers that normally occur during Aβ fibrillogenesis, acting as a potent inhibitor of Aβ1–42 toxicity as assessed in experiments with neuronal cell culture. These findings may provide a molecular level foundation to explain the reported protective action of the physiologically released N-terminal N1 fragment of PrPC against Aβ neurotoxicity. They also suggest a novel approach to pharmacological intervention in Alzheimer disease.  相似文献   

Soluble oligomers of the amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide cause neurotoxicity, synaptic dysfunction, and memory impairments that underlie Alzheimer disease (AD). The cellular prion protein (PrPC) was recently identified as a high affinity neuronal receptor for Aβ oligomers. We report that fibrillar Aβ oligomers recognized by the OC antibody, which have been shown to correlate with the onset and severity of AD, bind preferentially to cells and neurons expressing PrPC. The binding of Aβ oligomers to cell surface PrPC, as well as their downstream activation of Fyn kinase, was dependent on the integrity of cholesterol-rich lipid rafts. In SH-SY5Y cells, fluorescence microscopy and co-localization with subcellular markers revealed that the Aβ oligomers co-internalized with PrPC, accumulated in endosomes, and subsequently trafficked to lysosomes. The cell surface binding, internalization, and downstream toxicity of Aβ oligomers was dependent on the transmembrane low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 (LRP1). The binding of Aβ oligomers to cell surface PrPC impaired its ability to inhibit the activity of the β-secretase BACE1, which cleaves the amyloid precursor protein to produce Aβ. The green tea polyphenol (−)-epigallocatechin gallate and the red wine extract resveratrol both remodeled the fibrillar conformation of Aβ oligomers. The resulting nonfibrillar oligomers displayed significantly reduced binding to PrPC-expressing cells and were no longer cytotoxic. These data indicate that soluble, fibrillar Aβ oligomers bind to PrPC in a conformation-dependent manner and require the integrity of lipid rafts and the transmembrane LRP1 for their cytotoxicity, thus revealing potential targets to alleviate the neurotoxic properties of Aβ oligomers in AD.  相似文献   

Several different receptor proteins have been identified that bind monomeric, oligomeric, or fibrillar forms of amyloid-β (Aβ). “Good” receptors internalize Aβ or promote its transcytosis out of the brain, whereas “bad” receptors bind oligomeric forms of Aβ that are largely responsible for the synapticloss, memory impairments, and neurotoxicity that underlie Alzheimer disease. The prion protein both removes Aβ from the brain and transduces the toxic actions of Aβ. The clustering of distinct receptors in cell surface signaling platforms likely underlies the actions of distinct oligomeric species of Aβ. These Aβ receptor-signaling platforms provide opportunities for therapeutic intervention in Alzheimer disease.  相似文献   

The prion protein (PrP) has been implicated both in prion diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, where its monomeric cellular isoform (PrPC) is recruited into pathogenic self-propagating polymers of misfolded protein, and in Alzheimer disease, where PrPC may act as a receptor for synaptotoxic oligomeric forms of amyloid-β (Aβ). There has been considerable interest in identification of compounds that bind to PrPC, stabilizing its native fold and thereby acting as pharmacological chaperones to block prion propagation and pathogenesis. However, compounds binding PrPC could also inhibit the binding of toxic Aβ species and may have a role in treating Alzheimer disease, a highly prevalent dementia for which there are currently no disease-modifying treatments. However, the absence of a unitary, readily measurable, physiological function of PrP makes screening for ligands challenging, and the highly heterogeneous nature of Aβ oligomer preparations makes conventional competition binding assays difficult to interpret. We have therefore developed a high-throughput screen that utilizes site-specifically fluorescently labeled protein to identify compounds that bind to PrP and inhibit both Aβ binding and prion propagation. Following a screen of 1,200 approved drugs, we identified Chicago Sky Blue 6B as the first small molecule PrP ligand capable of inhibiting Aβ binding, demonstrating the feasibility of development of drugs to block this interaction. The interaction of Chicago Sky Blue 6B was characterized by isothermal titration calorimetry, and its ability to inhibit Aβ binding and reduce prion levels was established in cell-based assays.  相似文献   

Alzheimer disease (AD) is a devastating neurodegenerative disease with no cure. The pathogenesis of AD is believed to be driven primarily by amyloid-β (Aβ), the principal component of senile plaques. Aβ is an ∼4-kDa peptide generated via cleavage of the amyloid-β precursor protein (APP). Curcumin is a compound in the widely used culinary spice, turmeric, which possesses potent and broad biological activities, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, chemopreventative effects, and effects on protein trafficking. Recent in vivo studies indicate that curcumin is able to reduce Aβ-related pathology in transgenic AD mouse models via unknown molecular mechanisms. Here, we investigated the effects of curcumin on Aβ levels and APP processing in various cell lines and mouse primary cortical neurons. We show for the first time that curcumin potently lowers Aβ levels by attenuating the maturation of APP in the secretory pathway. These data provide a mechanism of action for the ability of curcumin to attenuate amyloid-β pathology.  相似文献   

Soluble oligomers of the amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide play a key role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, but their elusive nature makes their detection challenging. Here we describe a novel immunoassay based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) that specifically recognizes biologically active Aβ oligomers. As a capturing agent, we immobilized on the sensor chip the monoclonal antibody 4G8, which targets a central hydrophobic region of Aβ. This SPR assay allows specific recognition of oligomeric intermediates that rapidly appear and disappear during the incubation of synthetic Aβ(1-42), discriminating them from monomers and higher order aggregates. The species recognized by SPR generate ionic currents in artificial lipid bilayers and inhibit the physiological pharyngeal contractions in Caenorhabditis elegans, a new method for testing the toxic potential of Aβ oligomers. With these assays we found that the formation of biologically relevant Aβ oligomers is inhibited by epigallocatechin gallate and increased by the A2V mutation, previously reported to induce early onset dementia. The SPR-based immunoassay provides new opportunities for detection of toxic Aβ oligomers in biological samples and could be adapted to study misfolding proteins in other neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

Although the formation of β-amyloid (Aβ) deposits in the brain is a hallmark of Alzheimer disease (AD), the soluble oligomers rather than the mature amyloid fibrils most likely contribute to Aβ toxicity and neurodegeneration. Thus, the discovery of agents targeting soluble Aβ oligomers is highly desirable for early diagnosis prior to the manifestation of a clinical AD phenotype and also more effective therapies. We have previously reported that a novel 15-amino acid peptide (15-mer), isolated via phage display screening, targeted Aβ and attenuated its neurotoxicity (Taddei, K., Laws, S. M., Verdile, G., Munns, S., D''Costa, K., Harvey, A. R., Martins, I. J., Hill, F., Levy, E., Shaw, J. E., and Martins, R. N. (2010) Neurobiol. Aging 31, 203–214). The aim of the current study was to generate and biochemically characterize analogues of this peptide with improved stability and therapeutic potential. We demonstrated that a stable analogue of the 15-amino acid peptide (15M S.A.) retained the activity and potency of the parent peptide and demonstrated improved proteolytic resistance in vitro (stable to t = 300 min, c.f. t = 30 min for the parent peptide). This candidate reduced the formation of soluble Aβ42 oligomers, with the concurrent generation of non-toxic, insoluble aggregates measuring up to 25–30 nm diameter as determined by atomic force microscopy. The 15M S.A. candidate directly interacted with oligomeric Aβ42, as shown by coimmunoprecipitation and surface plasmon resonance/Biacore analysis, with an affinity in the low micromolar range. Furthermore, this peptide bound fibrillar Aβ42 and also stained plaques ex vivo in brain tissue from AD model mice. Given its multifaceted ability to target monomeric and aggregated Aβ42 species, this candidate holds promise for novel preclinical AD imaging and therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

The histopathological characteristics of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are amyloid-β (Aβ) containing plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) as well as neuronal and synaptic loss. Until today, the underlying mechanisms of the interplay of plaques and tangles remained unresolved. There is increasing evidence that mitochondrial dysfunction might be a possible link, as revealed by studies in several APP and tau transgenic mouse models. Recently, we examined mitochondrial function in a novel triple transgenic mouse model (pR5/APP/PS2)—tripleAD mice—that combines both pathologic features of the disease in brain. Using comparative, quantitative proteomics (iTRAQ) and mass spectroscopy, we found a massive deregulation of 24 proteins, of which one third were mitochondrial proteins mainly related to complexes I and IV of the oxidative phosphorylation system (OXPHOS). Remarkably, deregulation of complex I was related to tau, whereas deregulation of complex IV was Aβ dependent, both at the protein and activity levels. The tripleAD mice showed synergistic effects of Aβ and tau already at the age of 8 months, resulting in a depolarized mitochondrial membrane potential. At 12 months, the strongest defects on OXPHOS, synthesis of ATP and reactive oxygen species, were exhibited in the tripleAD mice, again emphasizing synergistic, age-associated effects of Aβ and tau in impairing mitochondria. This review highlights the convergence of Aβ and tau on mitochondria and establishes a molecular link in AD pathology in vivo.  相似文献   

Mutations in Amyloid-ß Precursor Protein (APP) and BRI2/ITM2b genes cause Familial Alzheimer and Danish Dementias (FAD/FDD), respectively. APP processing by BACE1, which is inhibited by BRI2, yields sAPPß and ß-CTF. ß-CTF is cleaved by gamma-secretase to produce Aß. A knock-in mouse model of FDD, called FDDKI, shows deficits in memory and synaptic plasticity, which can be attributed to sAPPß/ß-CTF but not Aß. We have investigated further the pathogenic function of ß-CTF focusing on Thr668 of ß-CTF because phosphorylation of Thr668 is increased in AD cases. We created a knock-in mouse bearing a Thr668Ala mutation (APPTA mice) that prevents phosphorylation at this site. This mutation prevents the development of memory and synaptic plasticity deficits in FDDKI mice. These data are consistent with a role for the carboxyl-terminal APP domain in the pathogenesis of dementia and suggest that averting the noxious role of Thr668 is a viable therapeutic strategy for human dementias.  相似文献   

There are several systemic and intracerebral pathologic conditions, which limit provision and utilization of energy precursor metabolites in neuronal cells. Energy deficits cause excessive depolarization of neuronal cells triggering glutamate-zinc evoked excitotoxic cascade. The intracellular zinc excess hits several intraneuronal targets yielding collapse of energy balance and impairment functional and structural impairments cholinergic neurons. Disturbances in metabolism of acetyl-CoA, which is a direct precursor for energy, acetylcholine, N-acetyl-l-aspartate and acetylated proteins synthesis, play an important role in these pathomechanisms. Disruption of brain homeostasis activates slow accumulation of amyloid-β 1?42 , which extra and intracellular oligomeric deposits disrupt diverse transporting and signaling processes in all membrane structures of the cell. Both neurotoxic signals may combine aggravating detrimental effects on neuronal cell. Different neuroglial and neuronal cell types may display differential susceptibility to similar pathogenic insults depending on specific features of their energy and functional parameters. This review, basing on findings gained from cellular and animal models of Alzheimer’s disease, discusses putative energy/acetyl-CoA dependent mechanism in early and late stages of neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Heparan sulfate (HS) and HS proteoglycans (HSPGs) colocalize with amyloid-β (Aβ) deposits in Alzheimer disease brain and in Aβ precursor protein (AβPP) transgenic mouse models. Heparanase is an endoglycosidase that specifically degrades the unbranched glycosaminoglycan side chains of HSPGs. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that HS and HSPGs are active participators of Aβ pathogenesis in vivo. We therefore generated a double-transgenic mouse model overexpressing both human heparanase and human AβPP harboring the Swedish mutation (tgHpa*Swe). Overexpression of heparanase did not affect AβPP processing because the steady-state levels of Aβ1–40, Aβ1–42, and soluble AβPP β were the same in 2- to 3-month-old double-transgenic tgHpa*Swe and single-transgenic tgSwe mice. In contrast, the Congo red-positive amyloid burden was significantly lower in 15-month-old tgHpa*Swe brain than in tgSwe brain. Likewise, the Aβ burden, measured by Aβx-40 and Aβx-42 immunohistochemistry, was reduced significantly in tgHpa*Swe brain. The intensity of HS-stained plaques correlated with the Aβx-42 burden and was reduced in tgHpa*Swe mice. Moreover, the HS-like molecule heparin facilitated Aβ1–42-aggregation in an in vitro Thioflavin T assay. The findings suggest that HSPGs contribute to amyloid deposition in tgSwe mice by increasing Aβ fibril formation because heparanase-induced fragmentation of HS led to a reduced amyloid burden. Therefore, drugs interfering with Aβ-HSPG interactions might be a potential strategy for Alzheimer disease treatment.  相似文献   

To contribute to the question of the putative role of cystatins in Alzheimer disease and in neuroprotection in general, we studied the interaction between human stefin B (cystatin B) and amyloid-β-(1–40) peptide (Aβ). Using surface plasmon resonance and electrospray mass spectrometry we were able to show a direct interaction between the two proteins. As an interesting new fact, we show that stefin B binding to Aβ is oligomer specific. The dimers and tetramers of stefin B, which bind Aβ, are domain-swapped as judged from structural studies. Consistent with the binding results, the same oligomers of stefin B inhibit Aβ fibril formation. When expressed in cultured cells, stefin B co-localizes with Aβ intracellular inclusions. It also co-immunoprecipitates with the APP fragment containing the Aβ epitope. Thus, stefin B is another APP/Aβ-binding protein in vitro and likely in cells.  相似文献   

Spectrin and protein 4.1 cross-link F-actin protofilaments into a network called the membrane skeleton. Actin and 4.1 bind to one end of β-spectrin. The adjacent end of α-spectrin, called the EF-domain, is calmodulin-like, with calcium-dependent and calcium-independent EF-hands. It has no known function. However, the sph1J/sph1J mouse has very fragile red cells and lacks the last 13 amino acids in the EF-domain, suggesting the domain is critical for skeletal integrity. Using pulldown binding assays, we find the α-spectrin EF-domain either alone or incorporated into a mini-spectrin binds native and recombinant protein 4.2 at a previously identified region of 4.2 (G3 peptide). Native 4.2 binds with an affinity comparable with other membrane skeletal interactions (Kd = 0.30 μm). EF-domains bearing the sph1J mutation are inactive. Binding of protein 4.2 to band 3 (Kd = 0.45 μm) does not interfere with the spectrin-4.2 interaction. Spectrin-4.2 binding is amplified by micromolar concentrations of Ca2+ (but not Mg2+) by three to five times. Calmodulin also binds to the EF-domain (Kd = 17 μm), and Ca2+-calmodulin blocks Ca2+-dependent binding of protein 4.2 but not Ca2+-independent binding. The data suggest that protein 4.2 is located near protein 4.1 at the spectrin-actin junctions. Because proteins 4.1 and 4.2 also bind to band 3, the erythrocyte anion channel, we suggest that one or both of these proteins cause a portion of band 3 to localize near the spectrin-actin junctions and provide another point of attachment between the membrane skeleton and the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

Regulation of amyloid-β (Aβ) precursor protein (APP) expression is complex. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are expected to participate in the molecular network that controls this process. The composition of this network is, however, still undefined. Elucidating the complement of miRNAs that regulate APP expression should reveal novel drug targets capable of modulating Aβ production in AD. Here, we investigated the contribution of miR-153 to this regulatory network. A miR-153 target site within the APP 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR) was predicted by several bioinformatic algorithms. We found that miR-153 significantly reduced reporter expression when co-transfected with an APP 3'-UTR reporter construct. Mutation of the predicted miR-153 target site eliminated this reporter response. miR-153 delivery in both HeLa cells and primary human fetal brain cultures significantly reduced APP expression. Delivery of a miR-153 antisense inhibitor to human fetal brain cultures significantly elevated APP expression. miR-153 delivery also reduced expression of the APP paralog APLP2. High functional redundancy between APP and APLP2 suggests that miR-153 may target biological pathways in which they both function. Interestingly, in a subset of human AD brain specimens with moderate AD pathology, miR-153 levels were reduced. This same subset also exhibited elevated APP levels relative to control specimens. Therefore, endogenous miR-153 inhibits expression of APP in human neurons by specifically interacting with the APP 3'-UTR. This regulatory interaction may have relevance to AD etiology, where low miR-153 levels may drive increased APP expression in a subset of AD patients.  相似文献   

Previous data demonstrate that bexarotene (Bex), retinoid X receptor (RXR) agonist, reduces soluble and insoluble amyloid-β (Aβ) in Alzheimer disease (AD)-transgenic mice either by increasing the levels of mouse apolipoprotein E (apoE) or increasing ABCA1/ABCG1-induced apoE lipoprotein association/lipidation. However, although the mechanism of action of RXR agonists remains unclear, a major concern for their use is human (h)-APOE4, the greatest AD genetic risk factor. If APOE4 imparts a toxic gain-of-function, then increasing apoE4 may increase soluble Aβ, likely the proximal AD neurotoxin. If the APOE4 loss-of-function is lipidation of apoE4, then induction of ABCA1/ABCG1 may be beneficial. In novel EFAD-Tg mice (overexpressing h-Aβ42 with h-APOE), levels of soluble Aβ (Aβ42 and oligomeric Aβ) are highest in E4FAD hippocampus (HP) > E3FAD-HP > E4FAD cortex (CX) > E3FAD-CX, whereas levels of lipoprotein-associated/lipidated apoE have the opposite pattern (6 months). In E4FAD-HP, short-term RXR agonist treatment (Bex or LG100268; 5.75–6 months) increased ABCA1, apoE4 lipoprotein-association/lipidation, and apoE4/Aβ complex, decreased soluble Aβ, and increased PSD95. In addition, hydrogel delivery, which mimics low sustained release, was equally effective as gavage for Bex and LG100268. RXR agonists induced no beneficial effects in the E4FAD-HP in a prevention protocol (5–6 months) and actually increased soluble Aβ levels in E3FAD-CX and E4FAD-CX with the short-term protocol, possibly the result of systemic hepatomegaly. Thus, RXR agonists address the loss-of-function associated with APOE4 and exacerbated by Aβ pathology, i.e. low levels of apoE4 lipoprotein association/lipidation. Further studies are vital to address whether RXR agonists are an APOE4-specific AD therapeutic and the systemic side effects that limit translational application.  相似文献   

The amyloid precursor protein (APP) plays a central role in Alzheimer disease (AD) pathogenesis because sequential cleavages by β- and γ-secretase lead to the generation of the amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide, a key constituent in the amyloid plaques present in brains of AD individuals. In several studies APP has recently been shown to form homodimers, and this event appears to influence Aβ generation. However, these studies have relied on APP mutations within the Aβ sequence itself that may affect APP processing by interfering with secretase cleavages independent of dimerization. Therefore, the impact of APP dimerization on Aβ production remains unclear. To address this question, we compared the approach of constitutive cysteine-induced APP dimerization with a regulatable dimerization system that does not require the introduction of mutations within the Aβ sequence. To this end we generated an APP chimeric molecule by fusing a domain of the FK506-binding protein (FKBP) to the C terminus of APP. The addition of the synthetic membrane-permeant drug AP20187 induces rapid dimerization of the APP-FKBP chimera. Using this system we were able to induce up to 70% APP dimers. Our results showed that controlled homodimerization of APP-FKBP leads to a 50% reduction in total Aβ levels in transfected N2a cells. Similar results were obtained with the direct precursor of β-secretase cleavage, C99/SPA4CT-FKBP. Furthermore, there was no modulation of different Aβ peptide species after APP dimerization in this system. Taken together, our results suggest that APP dimerization can directly affect γ-secretase processing and that dimerization is not required for Aβ production.The mechanism of β-amyloid protein (Aβ)2 generation from the amyloid precursor protein is of major interest in Alzheimer disease research because Aβ is the major constituent of senile plaques, one of the neuropathological hallmarks of Alzheimer disease (1, 2). In the amyloidogenic pathway Aβ is released from the amyloid precursor protein (APP) (3) after sequential cleavages by β-secretase BACE1 (46) and by the γ-secretase complex (7, 8). BACE1 cleavage releases the large ectodomain of APP while generating the membrane-anchored C-terminal APP fragment (CTF) of 99 amino acids (C99). Cleavage of β-CTF by γ-secretase leads to the secretion of Aβ peptides of various lengths and the release of the APP intracellular domain (AICD) into the cytosol (911). The γ-secretase complex consists of at least four proteins: presenilin, nicastrin, Aph-I, and Pen-2 (12). Presenilin is thought to be the catalytic subunit of the enzyme complex (13), but how the intramembrane scission is carried out remains to be elucidated. Alternatively, APP can first be cleaved in the non-amyloidogenic pathway by α-secretase within the Aβ domain between Lys-16 and Leu-17 (14, 15). This cleavage releases the APP ectodomain (APPsα) while generating the membrane-bound C-terminal fragment (α-CTF) of 83 amino acids (C83). The latter can be further processed by the γ-secretase complex, resulting in the secretion of the small 3-kDa fragment p3 and the release of AICD.APP, a type I transmembrane protein (16) of unclear function, may act as a cell surface receptor (3). APP and its two homologues, APLP1 and APLP2, can dimerize in a homotypic or heterotypic manner and, in so doing, promote intercellular adhesion (17). In vivo interaction of APP, APLP1, and APLP2 was demonstrated by cross-linking studies from brain homogenates (18). To date at least four domains have been reported to promote APP dimerization; that is, the E1 domain containing the N-terminal growth factor-like domain and copper binding domain (17), the E2 domain containing the carbohydrate domain in the APP ectodomain (19), the APP juxtamembrane region (20), and the transmembrane domain (21, 22). In the latter domain the dimerization appears to be mediated by the GXXXG motif near the luminal face of the transmembrane region (21, 23). In addition to promoting cell adhesion, APP dimerization has been proposed to increase susceptibility to cell death (20, 24).Interestingly, by introducing cysteine mutations into the APP juxtamembrane region, it was shown that stable dimers through formation of these disulfide linkages result in significantly enhanced Aβ production (25). This finding is consistent with the observation that stable Aβ dimers are found intracellularly in neurons and in vivo in brain (26). Taken together, these results have led to the idea that APP dimerization can positively regulate Aβ production. However, other laboratories have not been able to confirm some of these observations using slightly different approaches (23, 27).To further address the question of how dimerization of APP affects cleavage by α-, β-, and γ-secretase, we chose to test this with a controlled dimerization system. Accordingly, we engineered a chimeric APP molecule by fusing a portion of the FK506-binding protein (FKBP) to the C terminus of APP such that the addition of the synthetic membrane-permeant bifunctional compound, AP20187, will induce dimerization of the APP-FKBP chimera in a controlled manner by binding to the FKBP domains. Using this system, efficient dimerization of APP up to 70% can be achieved in a time and concentration-dependent fashion. Our studies showed that controlled homodimerization of APP-FKBP leads to decreased total Aβ levels in transfected N2a cells. Homodimerization of the β-CTF/C99 fragment, the direct precursor of γ-secretase cleavage, showed comparable results. In addition, induced dimerization of APP did not lead to a modulation of different Aβ peptides as it was reported for GXXXG mutants within the transmembrane domain of APP (21).  相似文献   

Neurites of neurons under acute or chronic stress form bundles of filaments (rods) containing 1∶1 cofilin∶actin, which impair transport and synaptic function. Rods contain disulfide cross-linked cofilin and are induced by treatments resulting in oxidative stress. Rods form rapidly (5–30 min) in >80% of cultured hippocampal or cortical neurons treated with excitotoxic levels of glutamate or energy depleted (hypoxia/ischemia or mitochondrial inhibitors). In contrast, slow rod formation (50% of maximum response in ∼6 h) occurs in a subpopulation (∼20%) of hippocampal neurons upon exposure to soluble human amyloid-β dimer/trimer (Aβd/t) at subnanomolar concentrations. Here we show that proinflammatory cytokines (TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6) also induce rods at the same rate and within the same neuronal population as Aβd/t. Neurons from prion (PrPC)-null mice form rods in response to glutamate or antimycin A, but not in response to proinflammatory cytokines or Aβd/t. Two pathways inducing rod formation were confirmed by demonstrating that NADPH-oxidase (NOX) activity is required for prion-dependent rod formation, but not for rods induced by glutamate or energy depletion. Surprisingly, overexpression of PrPC is by itself sufficient to induce rods in over 40% of hippocampal neurons through the NOX-dependent pathway. Persistence of PrPC-dependent rods requires the continuous activity of NOX. Removing inducers or inhibiting NOX activity in cells containing PrPC-dependent rods causes rod disappearance with a half-life of about 36 min. Cofilin-actin rods provide a mechanism for synapse loss bridging the amyloid and cytokine hypotheses for Alzheimer disease, and may explain how functionally diverse Aβ-binding membrane proteins induce synaptic dysfunction.  相似文献   

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