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While GABA has been suggested to regulate spore encapsulation in the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum, the metabolic profile and other potential functions of GABA during development remain unclear. In this study, we investigated the homeostasis of GABA metabolism by disrupting genes related to GABA metabolism and signaling. Extracellular levels of GABA are tightly regulated during early development, and GABA is generated by the glutamate decarboxylase, GadB, during growth and in early development. However, overexpression of the prespore-specific homologue, GadA, in the presence of GadB reduces production of extracellular GABA. Perturbation of extracellular GABA levels delays the process of aggregation. Cytosolic GABA is degraded by the GABA transaminase, GabT, in the mitochondria. Disruption of a putative vesicular GABA transporter (vGAT) homologue DdvGAT reduces secreted GABA. We identified the GABAB receptor-like family member GrlB as the major GABA receptor during early development, and either disruption or overexpression of GrlB delays aggregation. This delay is likely the result of an abolished pre-starvation response and late expression of several “early” developmental genes. Distinct genes are employed for GABA generation during sporulation. During sporulation, GadA alone is required for generating GABA and DdvGAT is likely responsible for GABA secretion. GrlE but not GrlB is the GABA receptor during late development.  相似文献   

Streptococcus sanguinis is a cause of infective endocarditis and has been shown to require a manganese transporter called SsaB for virulence and O2 tolerance. Like certain other pathogens, S. sanguinis possesses aerobic class Ib (NrdEF) and anaerobic class III (NrdDG) ribonucleotide reductases (RNRs) that perform the essential function of reducing ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides. The accompanying paper (Makhlynets, O., Boal, A. K., Rhodes, D. V., Kitten, T., Rosenzweig, A. C., and Stubbe, J. (2014) J. Biol. Chem. 289, 6259–6272) indicates that in the presence of O2, the S. sanguinis class Ib RNR self-assembles an essential diferric-tyrosyl radical (FeIII2-Y) in vitro, whereas assembly of a dimanganese-tyrosyl radical (MnIII2-Y) cofactor requires NrdI, and MnIII2-Y is more active than FeIII2-Y with the endogenous reducing system of NrdH and thioredoxin reductase (TrxR1). In this study, we have shown that deletion of either nrdHEKF or nrdI completely abolishes virulence in an animal model of endocarditis, whereas nrdD mutation has no effect. The nrdHEKF, nrdI, and trxR1 mutants fail to grow aerobically, whereas anaerobic growth requires nrdD. The nrdJ gene encoding an O2-independent adenosylcobalamin-cofactored RNR was introduced into the nrdHEKF, nrdI, and trxR1 mutants. Growth of the nrdHEKF and nrdI mutants in the presence of O2 was partially restored. The combined results suggest that MnIII2-Y-cofactored NrdF is required for growth under aerobic conditions and in animals. This could explain in part why manganese is necessary for virulence and O2 tolerance in many bacterial pathogens possessing a class Ib RNR and suggests NrdF and NrdI may serve as promising new antimicrobial targets.  相似文献   

Using a fluorospectrophotometer, we examined the fluorescence of a crude preparation from the spore masses ofDictyostelium discoideum. Fluorescence emission spectra and excitation spectra suggested that the fluorescence of the crude preparation was a lumazine-like fluorescence rather than a pterin-like fluorescence. By using a microspectrophotometer, we observedin situ the fluorescence emission of a lumazine-like substance localized only in the spore mass of the fruiting body.  相似文献   

We have identified and disrupted the gene coding for α-glucosidase II in Dictyostelium discoideum. This enzyme is responsible for removing two α1,3-linked glucose residues from N-linked oligosaccharides on newly synthesized glycoproteins. Mutagenesis by restriction enzyme-mediated integration (REMI) generated a clone, DG1033, which grows well but forms abnormal fruiting bodies with short, thick stalks. The strain lacks α-glucosidase II activity and makes incompletely processed N-linked oligosaccharides that are abnormally large and have fewer sulfate and phosphate esters. The morphological, enzymatic, and oligosaccharide profile phenotypes of the disruption mutant are all recapitulated by a targeted disruption of the normal gene. Furthermore, all of these defects are corrected in cells transformed with a normal, full-length copy of the gene. The phenotypic characteristics of DG1033 as well as chromosomal mapping of the disrupted gene indicate that it is the site of the previously characterized modA mutation. The Dictyostelium gene is highly homologous to α-glucosidase II genes in the human and the pig, C. elegans, and yeast. Although various cell lines have been reported to be defective in α-glucosidase II activity, disruption of the Dictyostelium gene gives the first example of a clear developmental phenotype associated with loss of this enzyme. Dev. Genet. 21:177–186, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Amoebae of cellular slime molds have two developmental modes, asexual fruiting body formation and sexual macrocyst formation. How developmental choice is made is an interesting subject of wide importance. Light exposure and dry conditions are favorable for asexual development, while conditions of darkness and high humidity are so for sexual development. In Dictyostelium discoideum , the latter conditions enhance zygote formation, which determines the fate of surrounding cells for sexual development. Here, a mutant (TMC1) defective in the post-fusion aggregation of cells during sexual development is described. This mutant is also aggregationless in asexual development, and the level of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) receptor is reduced. Correspondingly, a series of existing mutants with defects in cAMP signaling pathways showed the same sexual phenotype as TMC1. These results suggest that molecular mechanisms of development are shared by the two alternative developmental modes.  相似文献   

Summary.  We report that a novel substance named dictyopyrone C (DPC) has remarkable effects on growth and differentiation of Dictyostelium discoideum Ax-2 cells, in a dose-dependent manner. In the presence of 3–15 μM DPC, differentiation of starving Ax-2 (clone MS) cells was greatly enhanced in submerged culture, when vegetative MS cells were harvested at the mid-late-exponential growth phase (>3 × 106 cells per ml) and starved. In contrast, DPC above 30 μM markedly impaired the progression of differentiation including cell aggregation, most of starved cells being round after 3–4 h of DPC application and then lysed during further incubation. In the presence of 30 μM DPC however, MS cells that had been harvested at the early exponential growth phase (<5 × 105 cells per ml) and starved became neither round nor lysed and exhibited rather enhanced differentiation. Essentially the same results were obtained in cultures of starved cells on nonnutrient agar. With respect to the DPC effect on MS cells growing in axenic medium, cell lysis and growth inhibition by DPC at concentrations higher than 15 μM were realized in the mid-late-exponential-growth-phase cells (>3 × 106 cells per ml) but not in the early-exponential-growth-phase cells (<5 × 105 cells per ml). Moreover, analysis using synchronized MS cells has demonstrated that the DPC effect changes in a cell-cycle-dependent manner. In contrast to such unique DPC actions, the pyrone ring of DPC had no effects on growth and differentiation within the range of 3–120 μM tested. These findings strongly suggested the importance of the combined structure of the pyrone ring and the linear carbon chain in revelation of the DPC activities. Received August 5, 2002; accepted November 11, 2002; published online April 8, 2003 RID="*" ID="*" Correspondence and reprints: Department of Developmental Biology and Neurosciences, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University, Aoba, Sendai 980-8578, Japan. E-mail: ymaeda@mail.cc.tohoku.ac.jp  相似文献   

There are reports that secreted factor(s) are involved in prespore cell differentiation in Dictyostelium discoideum, but the structures and functions of the various factors have not been elucidated. Previously, we described two prespore cell‐inducing factors in conditioned medium; one was a glycoprotein named prespore cell‐inducing factor (ψ factor, or PSI‐1), and the other, a heat stable dialyzable factor(s). In the present paper, we purified and characterized the most potent prespore cell‐inducing activity in dialysates. The factor began to be secreted after the onset of starvation and stopped being secreted once the cells had aggregated, which was earlier than the onset of the ψ factor gene expression. In addition, unlike ψ factor, its secretion did not appear to depend on activation of protein kinase A. Interestingly, the purified factor not only induced prespore cell specific genes such as pspA and cotC but also a prestalk‐cell specific gene, ecmB in vitro. The purified factor is tentatively designated polyketide‐like factor (PLF), because it seems to be a novel polyketide with 208 Da. Half maximal induction of prespore cell was obtained with 26 nmol/L of PLF. We propose that PLF plays a key role in the acquisition of differentiation commitment, before the ψ factor induces specifically prespore cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Genes with sequence similarity to the yeast tRNA(His) guanylyltransferase (Thg1) gene have been identified in all three domains of life, and Thg1 family enzymes are implicated in diverse processes, ranging from tRNA(His) maturation to 5'-end repair of tRNAs. All of these activities take advantage of the ability of Thg1 family enzymes to catalyze 3'-5' nucleotide addition reactions. Although many Thg1-containing organisms have a single Thg1-related gene, certain eukaryotic microbes possess multiple genes with sequence similarity to Thg1. Here we investigate the activities of four Thg1-like proteins (TLPs) encoded by the genome of the slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum (a member of the eukaryotic supergroup Amoebozoa). We show that one of the four TLPs is a bona fide Thg1 ortholog, a cytoplasmic G(-1) addition enzyme likely to be responsible for tRNA(His) maturation in D. discoideum. Two other D. discoideum TLPs exhibit biochemical activities consistent with a role for these enzymes in mitochondrial 5'-tRNA editing, based on their ability to efficiently repair the 5' ends of mitochondrial tRNA editing substrates. Although 5'-tRNA editing was discovered nearly two decades ago, the identity of the protein(s) that catalyze this activity has remained elusive. This article provides the first identification of any purified protein that appears to play a role in the 5'-tRNA editing reaction. Moreover, the presence of multiple Thg1 family members in D. discoideum suggests that gene duplication and divergence during evolution has resulted in paralogous proteins that use 3'-5' nucleotide addition reactions for diverse biological functions in the same organism.  相似文献   

Summary A mutation (mhcA1 in strain HMM) created by insertional gene inactivation was used to map the Dictyostelium discoideum myosin heavy chain gene (mhcA) to linkage group IV. Three phenotypic traits associated with this mutation (slow colony growth, inability of the mutant to develop past aggregation, and the presence of five to ten integrated vector copies) cosegregated as expected for the consequences of a single insertional event. This linkage was confirmed using a restriction fragment length polymorphism. The mhcA1 mutation was recessive to wild type and was nonallelic with mutations at the following loci on linkage group IV: aggJ, aggL, couH, minA, phgB and tsgB. This work demonstrates the ability to apply standard techniques developed for D. discoideum parasexual genetic analyses to mutants generated by transformation, which is of particular relevance to analysis of genes for which no classical mutations or restriction fragment length polymorphisms are available.  相似文献   

cAMP and antimicrobial susceptibility in mycobacteriaAntimicrobial tolerance, the ability to survive exposure to antimicrobials via transient nonspecific means, promotes the development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The study of the molecular mechanisms that result in antimicrobial tolerance is therefore essential for the understanding of AMR. In gram-negative bacteria, the second messenger molecule 3′’,5′’-cAMP has been previously shown to be involved in AMR. In mycobacteria, however, the role of cAMP in antimicrobial tolerance has been difficult to probe due to its particular complexity. In order to address this difficulty, here, through unbiased biochemical approaches consisting in the fractionation of clear protein lysate from a mycobacterial strain deleted for the known cAMP phosphodiesterase (Rv0805c) combined with mass spectrometry techniques, we identified a novel cyclic nucleotide-degrading phosphodiesterase enzyme (Rv1339) and developed a system to significantly decrease intracellular cAMP levels through plasmid expression of Rv1339 using the constitutive expression system, pVV16. In Mycobacterium smegmatis mc2155, we demonstrate that recombinant expression of Rv1339 reduced cAMP levels threefold and resulted in altered gene expression, impaired bioenergetics, and a disruption in peptidoglycan biosynthesis leading to decreased tolerance to antimicrobials that target cell wall synthesis such as ethambutol, D-cycloserine, and vancomycin. This work increases our understanding of the role of cAMP in mycobacterial antimicrobial tolerance, and our observations suggest that nucleotide signaling may represent a new target for the development of antimicrobial therapies.  相似文献   

The RNA interference machinery has served as a guardian of eukaryotic genomes since the divergence from prokaryotes. Although the basic components have a shared origin, silencing pathways directed by small RNAs have evolved in diverse directions in different eukaryotic lineages. Micro (mi)RNAs regulate protein-coding genes and play vital roles in plants and animals, but less is known about their functions in other organisms. Here, we report, for the first time, deep sequencing of small RNAs from the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. RNA from growing single-cell amoebae as well as from two multicellular developmental stages was sequenced. Computational analyses combined with experimental data reveal the expression of miRNAs, several of them exhibiting distinct expression patterns during development. To our knowledge, this is the first report of miRNAs in the Amoebozoa supergroup. We also show that overexpressed miRNA precursors generate miRNAs and, in most cases, miRNA* sequences, whose biogenesis is dependent on the Dicer-like protein DrnB, further supporting the presence of miRNAs in D. discoideum. In addition, we find miRNAs processed from hairpin structures originating from an intron as well as from a class of repetitive elements. We believe that these repetitive elements are sources for newly evolved miRNAs.  相似文献   

Amoebae from different clones of Dictyostelium discoideum aggregate into a common slug, which migrates towards light for dispersal, then forms a fruiting body consisting of a somatic, dead stalk, holding up a head of living spores. Contributions of two clones in a chimera to spore and stalk are often unequal, with one clone taking advantage of the other's stalk contribution. To determine whether there was a hierarchy of exploitation among clones, we competed all possible pairs among seven clones and measured their relative representation in the prespore and prestalk stages and in the final spore stage. We found a clear linear hierarchy at the final spore stage, but not at earlier stages. These results suggest that there is either a single principal mechanism or additive effects for differential contribution to the spore, and that it involves more than spore/stalk competition.  相似文献   

Amoebae of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum (strain AX2) produce a pigment with an absorption spectrum that closely resembles the action spectrum for phototaxis. The protein-pigment complex was isolated and purified by sucrose gradient centrifugation, fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). It is tightly membrane-bound and the bulk of it is located in the mitochondrial membrane fraction, while a small part is located in the cytoplasmic membrane fraction, as indicated by marker enzyme tests (succinate dehydrogenase for mitochondria and alkaline phosphatase for the cytoplasmic membrane). It is speculated that the pigment bound to the cytoplasmic membrane acts as photoreceptor and that bound to the mitochondria operates as a shading pigment in the light direction perception mechanism of Dictyostelium amoebae.  相似文献   

This study explored whether Dictyostelium discoideum can be used to express the avian Na,K-ATPase, a heterodimeric membrane protein. Dictyostelium was able to express mRNAs encoding the avian Na,K-ATPase subunits. However, Dictyostelium expressed avian Na,K-ATPase protein when only when a Dictyostelium consensus ribosomal binding sequence, AAAATAAA, was inserted in front of the open reading frames of the α1- and β1-subunit cDNAs and the first eight codons following the start-translation codons were changed to Dictyostelium preferred codons. These modified mRNAs appeared to be much less stable than the forms that were not readily translated. Dictyostelium could express the avian β-subunit alone but only expressed the α1-subunit when the β1-subunit was co-expressed. Subunit assembly occurred in cells expressing both α1- and β1-subunits. The bulk of the exogenously expressed sodium pump subunits remained in an intracellular compartment, presumed to be the endoplasmic reticulum. Dictyostelium exported little or no Na,K-ATPase or free β-subunit to the plasma membrane. Received: 7 July 1998/Revised: 8 October 1998  相似文献   

Sexual development in Dictyostelium discoideum is initiated by the fusion of opposite mating type cells to form zygote giant cells, which subsequently gather and phagocytose surrounding cells for nutrition to form macrocysts. Here we performed the targeting of 24 highly gamete-enriched genes we previously isolated, and successfully generated knockout mutants for 16 genes and RNAi mutants for 20 genes including 6 genes without disruptants. In the knockout mutants of two genes, cell aggregation toward the giant cells was much less extensive and many cells remained around poorly formed macrocysts. We named these genes tmcB and tmcC. Although macrocyst formation of wild type cells was suppressed by the addition of exogenous cAMP, that of knockout mutants of tmcB was much less sensitive. The mRNA level of phosphodiesterase (pde) was higher and that of its inhibitor (pdi) was lower in the latter cells compared to the parental strains during sexual development. Thus, tmcB appeared to be a novel regulator of the cAMP signaling pathway specific to sexual development. Knockout mutants of tmcC were indistinguishable from the wild type cells with respect to the cAMP response, suggesting that this gene is relevant to other processes.  相似文献   

TTLL5/STAMP (tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family member 5) has multiple activities in cells. TTLL5 is one of 13 TTLLs, has polyglutamylation activity, augments the activity of p160 coactivators (SRC-1 and TIF2) in glucocorticoid receptor-regulated gene induction and repression, and displays steroid-independent growth activity with several cell types. To examine TTLL5/STAMP functions in whole animals, mice were prepared with an internal deletion that eliminated several activities of the Stamp gene. This mutation causes both reduced levels of STAMP mRNA and C-terminal truncation of STAMP protein. Homozygous targeted mutant (Stamptm/tm) mice appear normal except for marked decreases in male fertility associated with defects in progressive sperm motility. Abnormal axonemal structures with loss of tubulin doublets occur in most Stamptm/tm sperm tails in conjunction with substantial reduction in α-tubulin polyglutamylation, which closely correlates with the reduction in mutant STAMP mRNA. The axonemes in other structures appear unaffected. There is no obvious change in the organs for sperm development of WT versus Stamptm/tm males despite the levels of WT STAMP mRNA in testes being 20-fold higher than in any other organ examined. This defect in male fertility is unrelated to other Ttll genes or 24 genes previously identified as important for sperm function. Thus, STAMP appears to participate in a unique, tissue-selective TTLL-mediated pathway for α-tubulin polyglutamylation that is required for sperm maturation and motility and may be relevant for male fertility.  相似文献   

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