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1.  The physiology and morphology of olfactory interneurons in the brain of larval Manduca sexta were studied using intracellular recording and staining techniques. Antennal olfactory receptors were stimulated with volatile substances from plants and with pure odorants. Neurons responding to the stimuli were investigated further to reveal their response specificities, dose-response characteristics, and morphology.
2.  We found no evidence of specific labeled-lines among the odor-responsive interneurons, as none responded exclusively to one plant odor or pure odorant; most olfactory interneurons were broadly tuned in their response spectra. This finding is consistent with an across-fiber pattern of odor coding.
3.  Mechanosensory and olfactory information are integrated at early stages of central processing, appearing in the responses of some local interneurons restricted to the primary olfactory nucleus in the brain, the larval antennal center (LAC).
4.  The responses of LAC projection neurons and higher-order protocerebral interneurons to a given odor were more consistent than the responses of LAC local interneurons.
5.  The LAC appears to be functionally subdivided, as both local and projection neurons had arborizations in specific parts of the LAC, but none had dendrites throughout the LAC.
6.  The mushroom bodies and the lateral protocerebrum contain neurons that respond to olfactory stimulation.

Simultaneous intracellular recordings were made from interneurons and from closer or opener mandibular motor neurons in the isolated suboesophageal ganglion of the larva of Manduca sexta. This article describes various morphologically and physiologically distinguishable premotor spiking interneurons which make direct excitatory connections with the motor neurons. In addition, two presumptive non-spiking interneurons make excitatory and inhibitory connections respectively with opener motor neurons. Both classes of interneurons receive excitatory and inhibitory sensory inputs from the mouthparts. Their circuitry and functions are discussed.Abbreviations A anterior - AP action potential - CEC circumoesophageal connective - Cl-MN closer motor neuron - EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential - IN interneuron - IPSP inhibitory postsynaptic potential - MdN mandibular nerve - MN motor neuron - MxN maxillary nerve - O-MN opener motor neuron - PSP postsynaptic potential  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were made from the major neurites of local interneurons in the moth antennal lobe. Antennal nerve stimulation evoked 3 patterns of postsynaptic activity: (i) a short-latency compound excitatory postsynaptic potential that, based on electrical stimulation of the antennal nerve and stimulation of the antenna with odors, represents a monosynaptic input from olfactory afferent axons (71 out of 86 neurons), (ii) a delayed activation of firing in response to both electrical- and odor-driven input (11 neurons), and (iii) a delayed membrane hyperpolarization in response to antennal nerve input (4 neurons).Simultaneous intracellular recordings from a local interneuron with short-latency responses and a projection (output) neuron revealed unidirectional synaptic interactions between these two cell types. In 20% of the 30 pairs studied, spontaneous and current-induced spiking activity in a local interneuron correlated with hyperpolarization and suppression of firing in a projection neuron. No evidence for recurrent or feedback inhibition of projection neurons was found. Furthermore, suppression of firing in an inhibitory local interneuron led to an increase in firing in the normally quiescent projection neuron, suggesting that a disinhibitory pathway may mediate excitation in projection neurons. This is the first direct evidence of an inhibitory role for local interneurons in olfactory information processing in insects. Through different types of multisynaptic interactions with projection neurons, local interneurons help to generate and shape the output from olfactory glomeruli in the antennal lobe.Abbreviations AL antennal lobe - EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential - GABA -aminobutyric acid - IPSP inhibitory postsynaptic potential - LN local interneuron - MGC macroglomerular complex - OB olfactory bulb - PN projection neuron - TES N-tris[hydroxymethyl]methyl-2-aminoethane-sulfonic acid  相似文献   

The density of lipophorin was determined in individual Manduca sexta during development from the second day of the fifth larval instar to the second day of the pupal stage. Lipophorin formed defined bands when subjected to density gradient ultracentrifugation. All lipophorin observed was high density lipophorin; however, the densities varied from 1.100 to 1.184 g/ml, and 40% of the animals had more than one density form of lipophorin. The lipophorins were divided into five density classes: class 1 from 1.100 to 1.113 g/ml, class 2 from 1.114 to 1.132 g/ml, class 3 from 1.133 to 1.145 g/ml, class 4 from 1.146 to 1.162 g/ml, and class 5 from 1.163 to 1.184 g/ml. In feeding larvae, classes 2 and 3 were the most abundant. Larvae of the first day of wandering had either lipophorin in class 2 or in classes 2 and 5. Later during wandering the variation increased, but on the third day most of the lipophorin was in class 2. In first day pupae, only lipophorins of classes 4 and 5 were detected, while on the second day of the pupal stage, classes 2 and 3 were predominant. Class 1 lipophorin was abundant in larvae injected with Manduca adipokinetic hormone (M-AKH), and rare in young feeding larvae. In no other stage was class 1 lipophorin observed. Our results show that the density of lipophorin is much more variable than previously reported which makes it difficult to ascribe any lipophorin density to a developmental stage. These results also show that adipokinetic hormone decreases the density of lipophorin in larvae. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

 With the onset of metamorphosis, the abdominal muscles of the moth, Manduca sexta, follow one of three developmental fates: maintenance, respecification, or death. The maintained muscles retain their larval size and morphology throughout adult development. The respecified and dying muscles dedifferentiate, which involves regression, nuclear degeneration, and myofibril breakdown. Nuclei in both dying and respecified muscles also proliferate. The amount of nuclear degeneration is greater in the dying muscle fibers, and the amount of nuclear proliferation is greater in the respecified muscles. Four to ten days after pupation, the sizes of the respecified muscles stabilize while the dying muscles are lost. During regression, a subset of the respecified muscle fibers die. The surviving respecified muscle fibers grow and differentiate during the last half of adult development. In respecified muscles, denervation triggers an increased amount of nuclear degeneration and a decreased amount of nuclear proliferation. As a result, denervated respecified fibers experience increased muscle regression including an increased loss of muscle fibers and sometimes muscle death. Surviving respecified fibers still grow and differentiate yet are only 5 to 12% of the control size. Denervation triggers dedifferentiation in maintained muscles, resulting in fiber loss and occasionally muscle death. The percentage of fibers which dedifferentiate varies between different muscles. Denervation also triggers nuclear proliferation, with the amount of nuclear proliferation correlated with the extent of dedifferentiation of the individual muscle fibers. The dedifferentiated maintained fibers subsequently undergo differentiation in the absence of muscle growth. Received: 10 July 1997 / Accepted: 21 April 1998  相似文献   

Baldwin KM  Hakim RS 《Tissue & cell》1991,23(3):411-422
The number of epithelial cells comprising larval midgut of the tobacco hornworm moth, Manduca sexta increases 200-fold in development from the first to the fifth instar. We have examined larvae periodically before and during molting to follow epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation. The midgut epithelium in Manduca sexta consists predominantly of columnar and goblet cells. These are arranged in a characteristic pattern with each goblet cell surrounded by a single layer of 4-6 columnar cells (Hakim et al., (1988)). While undifferentiated basal stem cells are infrequently seen in intermolt larvae, just prior to the period when external signs of molting are visible, their number increases and mitotic figures become common. Proliferation continues for several hours and then these stem cells differentiate following a pattern similar to that seen during embryogenesis (Hakim et al., (1988)). Here, however, the newly differentiating cells become intercalated among the mature differentiated cells already present in the epithelium. Since the pattern of individual goblet cells surrounded by a reticulum of columnar cells is maintained after the addition of new cells, the midgut epithelium of molting larvae appears to be a useful model for studying pattern formation in development.  相似文献   

The effects of X-irradiation upon Manduca sexta egg hatchability and larval survival were studied using LD50's. Radiosensitivity declined with age in developing eggs (LD50 of 9.4 kR in 2.5 to 3-days eggs contrasted to 18.2 kR in 4 to 4.5-day eggs) and in larvae. The dose-response patterns obtained agree with those previously reported for other insects.The maximal (ED0) and minimal (ED100) X-ray exposures resulting in eclosion successes of 100% and 0%, respectively, were utilized throughout pupal-adult development as measures of radiation sensitivity. A pronounced decrease in radiosensitivity was noted through the day of eclosion (Day 0: ED0 = 7.3 kR; ED100 = 18.7 kR; Day 22: ED0 = 45.0 kR, ED100 = 105.0 kR). X-irradiation during the pupal-adult transformation was observed to inhibit eclosion without disrupting normal metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Three types of pheromone receptor cells have been identified by electrophysiological recording from single antennal sensilla trichodea of the male sphinx moth Manduca sexta. These cells responded best to the pheromone components (E,Z)-10,12-hexadecadienal (type A receptor cell), (E,E,Z)-10,12,14-hexadecatrienal (type B), and (E,E,E)-10,12,14-hexadecatrienal (type C). Cell type B also responded to (E,Z)-11,13-pentadecadienal, which has been used experimentally as a pheromone substitute. In recordings from 20 trichoid hairs, 17 were found to be innervated by one cell of type A and one of type B; 3 trichoid hairs had cell types A and C.  相似文献   

Moths possess highly tuned olfactory capabilities, which can detect very low concentrations of pheromonal odorants. Much is known about the structure and function of the moth olfactory system with respect to detection of pheromones. However, we lack an understanding of the broader olfactory system, in particular, to what degree are moths capable of detecting and discriminating odorants that are not components of pheromone blends. Here we describe a methodology used to investigate the discriminability of nonpheromonal odors in moths. In a series of experiments we show that the moth Manduca sexta can (1) discriminate a number of different odors but (2) that methyl jasmonate, neither readily conditions to a food reward nor is it readily discriminated from another odor. The lack of a response to methyl jasmonate may be related to its role in host plant defense. This work provides a basis for future mapping of physiological and pharmacological studies of nonpheromonal coding in insects onto learned behavioral responses to those odorants.  相似文献   

Glomeruli, neuropilar structures composed of olfactory receptor neuron (ORN) axon terminals and central neuron dendrites, are a common feature of olfactory systems. Typically, ORN axons segregate into glomeruli based on odor specificity, making glomeruli the basic unit for initial processing of odorant information. Developmentally, glomeruli arise from protoglomeruli, loose clusters of ORN axons that gradually synapse onto dendrites. Previous work in the moth Manduca sexta demonstrated that protoglomeruli develop in a wave across the antennal lobe (AL) during stage 5 of the 18 stages of metamorphic adult development. However, ORN axons from the distal segments of the antenna arrive at the AL for several more days. We report that protoglomeruli present at stage 5 account for only approximately two or three of adult glomeruli with the number of structures increasing over subsequent stages. How do these later arriving axons incorporate into glomeruli? Examining the dendritic projections of a unique serotonin-containing neuron into glomeruli at later stages revealed glomeruli with immature dendritic arbors intermingled among more mature glomeruli. Labeling ORN axons that originate in proximal segments of the antenna suggested that early-arriving axons target a limited number of glomeruli. We conclude that AL glomeruli form over an extended time period, possibly as a result of ORNs expressing new odorant receptors arriving from distal antennal segments.  相似文献   

Lab-reared sphingid and noctuid moths appear to feed less than wild moths, and often are starved to enhance responsiveness in feeding assays. To measure the impact of larval nutrition on adult feeding, we raised a model sphingid species, Manduca sexta, on control or modified diets (reduced sugar, protein or water, supplemented beta-carotene) or cut tobacco leaves, then conducted feeding assays with artificial flowers. Behaviour was scored and analysed in a double-blind manner. Larval diet affected adult eclosion time, size and fat content, the latter of which was inversely proportional to moth approaches to the floral array in a flight cage. In contrast, behaviours refractory to feeding (sitting, escaping) were associated with sex and barometric pressure, but not with diet or fat content. Frequency of floral approaches and probing was not associated with any variable. However, moths reared on beta-carotene-supplemented diet were 2-3 times more likely to feed, and significantly less likely to sit or show "escape" behaviour than were moths from most other treatments. Our results suggest that decreased visual sensitivity, rather than increased fat content, accounts for reduced adult feeding by lab-reared M. sexta.  相似文献   

Manduca sexta molts several times as a larva (caterpillar) before becoming a pupa and then an adult moth. Each molt culminates in ecdysis behavior, during which the old cuticle is shed. Prior to each larval ecdysis, the old cuticle is loosened by pre-ecdysis behavior, which includes rhythmic, synchronous compressions of the abdomen. A previous study indicated that motor neuron activity during pre-ecdysis compression behavior is driven by an ascending neural pathway from the terminal abdominal ganglion. The present study describes a pair of interneurons, designated IN-402, that are located in the terminal ganglion and belong to the ascending pathway. Each IN-402 is synchronously active with pre-ecdysis compression motor bursts, and bilaterally excites compression motor neurons throughout the abdominal nerve cord via apparently monosynaptic connections. The pair of IN-402s appears to be the sole source of rhythmic synaptic drive to the motor neurons during the pre-ecdysis compression motor pattern. These interneurons play a key role in the production of larval pre-ecdysis behavior, and are candidates for contributing to the developmental weakening of pre-ecdysis behavior at pupation.Abbreviations A3, A4... abdominal ganglion 3, abdominal ganglion 4... - AT terminal abdominal ganglion - DN A anterior branch of the dorsal nerve - EH eclosion hormone - EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential  相似文献   

Neuronal pathfinding in developing wings of the moth Manduca sexta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The neural pattern of the moth wing is a simple two-dimensional network nestled between the two epithelial monolayers that form the upper and lower surfaces of the wing. All neural elements within the wing blade are sensory and their axons grow proximally toward the mesothoracic ganglion. The sensory nerves of the wing are intimately associated with the basal lamina of the upper epithelial layer; and the molding of neural pattern is coupled with cues in the basal lamina. The global landscape of the basal lamina can be altered by exchange of epithelial grafts. Axons generally cross control grafts as well as grafts that have been displaced distally. However, axons generally avoid grafts that have been transposed proximally. This asymmetric response of growing axons implies that directional cues in the substratum are also asymmetric along the length of the wing. The asymmetric, graded distribution of extracellular matrix molecules associated with the basal lamina of the wing's upper epithelium could provide the short-range cues that guide sensory axons in a particular direction.  相似文献   

Although phosphorus has long been considered an important factor in the growth of diverse biota such as bacteria, algae, and zooplankton, insect nutrition has classically focused on dietary protein and energy content. However, research in elemental stoichiometry has suggested that primary producer biomass has similar N:P ratios in aquatic and terrestrial systems, and phosphorus-rich herbivores in freshwater systems frequently face phosphorus-limited nutritional conditions. Therefore, herbivorous insects should also be prone to phosphorus limitation. We tested this prediction by rearing Manduca sexta larvae on artificial and natural (Datura wrightii leaves) diets containing varying levels of phosphorus (approximately 0.20, 0.55, or 1.2% phosphorus by dry weight). For both artificial and natural diets, increased dietary phosphorus significantly increased growth rates and body phosphorus contents, and shortened the time to the final instar molt. Caterpillars did not consistently exhibit compensatory feeding for phosphorus on either type of diet. The growth and body phosphorus responses were not explicable by changes in amounts of potassium or calcium, which co-varied with phosphorus in the diets. Concentrations of phosphorus in D. wrightii leaves collected in the field varied over a range in which leaf phosphorus is predicted to affect M. sexta's growth rates. These results suggest that natural variation in dietary phosphorus is likely to affect the growth rate and population dynamics of M. sexta, and perhaps larval insects more generally.  相似文献   

In this work, we describe the ability of living hemocytes from an insect (Manduca sexta, Lepidoptera) to hydrolyze extracellular ATP. In these intact cells, there was a low level of ATP hydrolysis in the absence of any divalent metal (8.24 +/- 0.94 nmol of Pi/h x 10(6) cells). The ATP hydrolysis was stimulated by MgCl2 and the Mg2+-dependent ecto-ATPase activity was 15.93 +/- 1.74 nmol of Pi/h x 10(6) cells. Both activities were linear with cell density and with time for at least 90 min. The addition of MgCl2 to extracellular medium increased the ecto-ATPase activity in a dose-dependent manner. At 5 mM ATP, half-maximal stimulation of ATP hydrolysis was obtained with 0.33 mM MgCl2. This stimulatory activity was not observed when Ca2+ replaced Mg2+. The apparent Km values for ATP-4 and Mg-ATP2- were 0.059 and 0.097 mM, respectively. The Mg2+-independent ATPase activity was unaffected by pH in the range between 6.6 and 7.4, in which the cells were viable. However, the Mg2+-dependent ATPase activity was enhanced by an increase of pH. These ecto-ATPase activities were insensitive to inhibitors of other ATPase and phosphatase activities, such as oligomycin, sodium azide, bafilomycin A1, ouabain, furosemide, vanadate, sodium fluoride, tartrate, and levamizole. To confirm the observed hydrolytic activities as those of an ecto-ATPase, we used an impermeant inhibitor, DIDS (4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid), as well as suramin, an antagonist of P2-purinoreceptors and inhibitor of some ecto-ATPases. These two reagents inhibited the Mg2+-independent and the Mg2+-dependent ATPase activities to different extents. Interestingly, lipopolysaccharide, a component of cell walls of gram-negative bacteria that increase hemocyte aggregation and phagocytosis, increased the Mg2+-dependent ecto-ATPase activity in a dose-dependent manner but did not modify the Mg2+-independent ecto-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

SIFamides form a group of highly conserved neuropeptides in insects, crustaceans, and chelicerates. Beyond their biochemical commonalities, the neuroanatomical distribution of SIFamide in the insect nervous system also shows a remarkable degree of conservation. Thus, expression of SIFamide has been found to be restricted to four neurons of the pars intercerebralis in different holometabolous species. By means of immunohistological stainings, we here show that in Manduca sexta, those four cells are complemented by additional immunoreactive cells located in the vicinity of the mushroom body calyx. Immunopositive processes form arborizations throughout the brain, innervating major neuropils like the antennal lobes, the central complex, and the optic neuropils.  相似文献   

The role of phosphorus (P) in numerous important biological structures, coupled with the observation that P-content of many insect foods is disproportionately low, suggests that P may be a critical nutrient for growing insects — however, the few studies examining the effects of dietary P on insect performance have generally found only weak relationships. This mismatch may be reconciled by understanding the physiological mechanisms by which insects handle P. Here we describe P processing by larvae of Manduca sexta. When given un-manipulated leaves of a common host plant, Datura wrightii, fifth-instar larvae retained about 85% of P consumed; when given P-enriched leaves larvae retained only 25% of P consumed. Analysis of gut concentrations of P at four sites along the digestive tract, and in leaves and feces, indicates that the rectum is the primary site of P transport between the gut and body and that differences in P retention may be accounted for by differential rates of rectal P transport. Larvae given P-enriched leaves also showed an eightfold increase in the concentration of P in the hemolymph, primarily as α-glycerophosphate — but only a 12% increase in the concentration of P in body tissues, suggesting that hemolymph plays a central role in storage and buffering of P.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate metabolism in Manduca sexta underwent significant changes during late larval development. Approximately 10% of fat body glycogen phosphorylase was active during the feeding period of the 5th instar, pharate-pupal development and after the pupal moult; it is concluded that glycogen synthesis prevailed. During the last larval and the pupal moult, as well as the wandering stage the percentage of active phosphorylase was significantly increased indicating that fat body glycogen stores were broken down to supply substrates to meet the demands of carbohydrate metabolism. In the course of the last larval moult and the wandering stage the fat body glycogen content decreased significantly from about 300 to about 200 μg mg−1 dry mass substantiating that carbohydrates were released from the fat body. Prior to phosphorylase activation, the concentrations of total haemolymph sugars decreased significantly from about 12 to about 6 mg trehalose equivalents ml−1 (last larval moult) and from about 18 to about 12 mg ml−1 (wandering stage), and increased again slightly when phosphorylase was activated. The haemolymph glucose concentration decreased significantly from about 1.1 to 0.3 mg ml−1 (last larval moult) and in the course of the 5th-instar feeding period from about 1.1 to 0.2 mg ml−1, and remained at this level until the beginning of adult development. The amount of chitosan present in the cuticle increased steadily during the feeding period of the 5th instar from about 10 to 110 mg. It appears that fat body glycogen might be broken down during the last larval moult and the wandering period to provide substrates for chitin synthesis. A dramatic decrease in the amount of chitosan was observed prior to the pupal moult.  相似文献   

The antenna of the moth, Manduca sexta, comprises two small basal segments and a long (2 cm) flagellum, which is divided into nearly 80 annuli. The annuli bear cuticular scales and small sensory organs, sensilla. A trachea, a blood vessel, and two nerve trunks run through the lumen of the antenna and into the head. Sensilla are arranged in an orderly pattern that is repeated on each flagellar annulus. Each flagellum bears about 105 sensilla, which contain about 2.5 × 105 primary sensory neurons. Clumps of undifferentiated cells (imaginal disks), present in the larva, form pupal antennae during the larval-pupal molt. During the subsequent metamorphic development of the adult, cell divisions, changes in cell shape, and cellular differentiation transform pupal into adult antennae. Sensilla and scales arise and differentiate in the antenna during metamorphosis; regions in which sensilla and scales will arise can be recognized before overt differentiation occurs. All of the flagellar annuli develop synchronously. The dense innervation and neuronal simplicity of antennal flagella, as well as their synchronous development at a late and accessible stage in the animal's life cycle, suit them for studies of neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   

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