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The nucleotide sequence of a 3780-base-pair segment of DNA containing the aceE gene encoding the pyruvate dehydrogenase component (E1) of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex of Escherichia coli, has been determined by the dideoxy chain-termination method. The aceE structural gene comprises 2655 base pairs (885 codons, excluding the initiation codon AUG), it is preceded by a good ribosome binding site and several potential RNA polymerase binding sites. Its polarity and location in the restriction map of the corresponding segment of DNA are consistent with it being the proximal gene in the ace operon, as defined in previous genetic and post-infection labelling studies. The relative molecular mass (99474), composition (885 amino acids), amino-terminal residue and carboxy-terminal sequence predicted from the nucleotide sequence are in excellent agreement with published information obtained from studies with the purified pyruvate dehydrogenase component (E1). The nucleotide sequence also contains a second gene (gene A) situated upstream of the aceE gene. It appears to be an independent gene containing 708 base pairs (236 codons) and encoding a weakly expressed product (protein A; Mr = 27049) of unknown function.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence was determined of a region of 1450 base pairs encompassing the fimA gene for the subunit of type 1 fimbriae of Escherichia coli as well as flanking regions containing potential regulator sequences. The 'translated' protein contains a 23-residue signal peptide; the processed fimbrial subunit consists of 158 amino acid residues yielding a relative molecular mass of 15706. The elucidated sequence shows significant homology with those of other E. coli fimbrial proteins.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a 2.7-kilobase segment of DNA containing the sdhA and sdhB genes encoding the flavoprotein (Fp, sdhA) and iron-sulfur protein (Ip, sdhB) subunits of the succinate dehydrogenase of Bacillus subtilis was determined. This sequence extends the previously reported sequence encoding the cytochrome b558 subunit (sdhC) and completes the sequence of the sdh operon, sdhCAB. The predicted molecular weights for the Fp and Ip subunits, 65,186 (585 amino acids) and 28,285 (252 amino acids), agreed with the values determined independently for the labeled Fp and Ip antigens, although it appeared that the B. subtilis Fp was not functional after expression of the sdhA gene in Escherichia coli. Both subunits closely resembled the corresponding Fp and Ip subunits of the succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and fumarate reductase of E. coli in size, composition, and amino acid sequence. The sequence homologies further indicated that the B. subtilis SDH subunits are equally related to the SDH and fumarate reductase subunits of E. coli but are less closely related than are the corresponding pairs of E. coli subunits. The regions of highest sequence conservation were identifiable as the catalytically significant flavin adenine dinucleotide-binding sites and cysteine clusters of the iron-sulfur centers.  相似文献   

The papA gene of the uropathogenic strain Escherichia coli J96, coding for the Pap pili subunit, was subjected to DNA sequencing, and found to code for an 185-amino acid-long polypeptide with a 22-amino acid-long signal peptide. Here we present the primary sequence, the hydrophilicity profile, and the predicted polypeptide secondary structure of the Pap pili subunit.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a 3180-base-pair segment of DNA, containing the sucA gene encoding the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase component (E1o) of the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex of Escherichia coli, has been determined by the dideoxy chain-termination method. The sucA structural gene contains 2796 base pairs (932 codons, excluding the initiation codon AUG) and encodes a polypeptide having a glutamine residue at the amino terminus, a glutamate residue at the carboxy-terminus and a calculated Mr = 104905. The predicted amino acid composition is in good agreement with published information obtained by hydrolysis of the purified enzyme. There is a striking lack of sequence homology between the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (E1o) and the corresponding pyruvate dehydrogenase (E1p), which suggests that the two components are not closely related in evolutionary terms. The location and polarity of the sucA gene, relative to the restriction map of the corresponding segment of DNA, are consistent with it being the proximal gene of the suc operon, as defined in previous genetic and post-infection labelling studies, but it could also form part of a more complex regulatory unit. The sucA gene is preceded by a segment of DNA that contains many substantial regions of hyphenated dyad symmetry including an IS-like sequence of the type that is thought to function as an intercistronic regulatory element. This segment also contains three putative RNA polymerase binding sites and a good ribosome binding site.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of the hag gene encoding flagellin of Escherichia coli.   总被引:28,自引:15,他引:13  
We determined the DNA sequence of the hag gene of Escherichia coli K-12 and deduced the primary structure of the flagellin consisting of 497 amino acid residues. Comparison of the amino acid sequence with those of other bacterial flagellins revealed a high homology in the NH2- and COOH-terminal regions.  相似文献   

We report the complete DNA sequence of the Escherichia coli elt A gene, which codes for the A subunit of the heat-labile enterotoxin, LT. The amino acid sequence of the LT A subunit has been deduced from the DNA sequence of elt A. The LT A subunit starts with methionine, ends with leucine, and comprises 254 amino acids. The computed molecular weight of LT A is 29,673. The A subunit of cholera toxin (CT A) has been shown to be structurally and functionally related to the LT A subunit. Comparison of the primary structure of LT A with the known partial amino acid sequence of CT A indicates that the 2 polypeptides share considerable homology throughout their sequences. The NH2-terminal regions exhibit the highest degree of homology (91%), while the COOH-terminal region, containing the sole cystine residue in each toxin is less conserved (approximately 52%). Alignment of homologous residues in the COOH-terminal regions of LT A and CT A indicates that a likely site for proteolytic cleavage of LT A is after Arg residue 188. The resulting A2 polypeptide would be 46 amino acids long, would contain a single cysteine residue, and have Mr = 5261. The elt A nucleotide sequence further predicts that the LT A protein is synthesized in a precursor form, possessing an 18-amino acid signal sequence at its NH2 terminus.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of Escherichia coli pyrG encoding CTP synthetase   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The amino acid sequence of Escherichia coli CTP synthetase was derived from the nucleotide sequence of pyrG. The derived amino acid sequence, confirmed at the N terminus by protein sequencing, predicts a subunit of 544 amino acids having a calculated Mr of 60,300 after removal of the initiator methionine. A glutamine amide transfer domain was identified which extends from approximately amino acid residue 300 to the C terminus of the molecule. The CTP synthetase glutamine amide transfer domain contains three conserved regions similar to those in GMP synthetase, anthranilate synthase, p-aminobenzoate synthase, and carbamoyl-P synthetase. The CTP synthetase structure supports a model for gene fusion of a trpG-related glutamine amide transfer domain to a primitive NH3-dependent CTP synthetase. The major 5' end of pyrG mRNA was localized to a position approximately 48 base pairs upstream of the translation initiation codon. Translation of the gene eno, encoding enolase, is initiated 89 base pairs downstream of pyrG. The pyrG-eno junction is characterized by multiple mRNA species which are ascribed to monocistronic pyrG and/or eno mRNAs and a pyrG eno polycistronic mRNA.  相似文献   

I van Die  H Bergmans 《Gene》1984,32(1-2):83-90
The cloned DNA fragment encoding the F72 fimbrial subunit from the uropathogenic Escherichia coli strain AD110 has been identified. The nucleotide sequence of the structural gene and of 196 bp of the noncoding region preceding the gene was determined. The structural gene codes for a polypeptide of 188 amino acid residues, including a 21-residue N-terminal signal sequence. The nucleotide sequence and the deduced amino acid sequence of the F72 gene were compared with the reported sequences of the papA gene (B?ga et al., 1984). Both genes code for subunits of fimbriae that are involved in mannose-resistant hemagglutination (MRHA) of human erythrocytes. The available data show that there is absolute homology between the noncoding regions preceding both genes over 129 bp. The two proteins are homologous at the N terminus and C terminus; there is less, but significant, homology in the region between the N and C termini.  相似文献   

The gene katG, encoding catalase HPI of Escherichia coli, was sequenced, predicting a 726-amino-acid protein. The sequence was confirmed by identification of potential regulatory elements and amino acid sequencing of peptides. HPI shows no homology to other catalases. The distances between katG, metF, and ppc were defined.  相似文献   

The sfaA gene of the uropathogenic Escherichia coli O6 strain 536, which is responsible for the determination of the S fimbrial protein subunit, was sequenced. The structural gene codes for a polypeptide of 180 amino acids including a 24-residue N-terminal signal sequence. A size of 15.95 kDa was calculated for the processed SfaA protein. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences show significant homology to those of the F1C fimbria and, to a lesser extent, of the mannose-sensitive hemagglutinating fimbria (FimA, PilA). Only week homology to P fimbriae subunits (F72, Pap) was found.  相似文献   

The structural gene for the respiratory D-lactate dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli, a membrane-bound flavoenzyme, has been subcloned from a 7 X 10(3)-base-pair chromosomal HindIII fragment containing the gene [Young, I. G., Jaworowski, A., and Poulis, M. (1982) Biochemistry 21, 2092-2095]. The complete nucleotide sequence of the 2340-base-pair PstI-SmaI subclone has been determined on both strands by the dideoxy chain termination method. A single large open reading frame is present in the nucleotide sequence. The reading frame is preceded by a good ribosome binding site and numerous possible promoter sequences, and is followed by a typical rho-independent termination sequence. The reading frame predicts that the D-lactate dehydrogenase polypeptide consists of 571 amino acids (including the initiating methionine residue) with Mr = 64613. The protein does not have a low overall polarity, nor does it contain unusually hydrophobic stretches. It appears to contain a short repeat which is homologous with the well characterized L-lactate dehydrogenases in the vicinity of the 'essential' cysteine residue. Apart from this, homology with other proteins of known sequence has not been detected.  相似文献   

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