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Activation of GSK-3β is presumed to be involved in various neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer''s disease (AD), which is characterized by memory disturbances during early stages of the disease. The normal function of GSK-3β in adult brain is not well understood. Here, we analyzed the ability of heterozygote GSK-3β knockout (GSK+/−) mice to form memories. In the Morris water maze (MWM), learning and memory performance of GSK+/− mice was no different from that of wild-type (WT) mice for the first 3 days of training. With continued learning on subsequent days, however, retrograde amnesia was induced in GSK+/− mice, suggesting that GSK+/− mice might be impaired in their ability to form long-term memories. In contextual fear conditioning (CFC), context memory was normally consolidated in GSK+/− mice, but once the original memory was reactivated, they showed reduced freezing, suggesting that GSK+/− mice had impaired memory reconsolidation. Biochemical analysis showed that GSK-3β was activated after memory reactivation in WT mice. Intraperitoneal injection of a GSK-3 inhibitor before memory reactivation impaired memory reconsolidation in WT mice. These results suggest that memory reconsolidation requires activation of GSK-3β in the adult brain.  相似文献   

Several reports have shown that after specific reminders are presented, consolidated memories pass from a stable state to one in which the memory is reactivated. This reactivation implies that memories are labile and susceptible to amnesic agents. This susceptibility decreases over time and leads to a re-stabilization phase usually known as reconsolidation. With respect to the biological role of reconsolidation, two functions have been proposed. First, the reconsolidation process allows new information to be integrated into the background of the original memory; second, it strengthens the original memory. We have previously demonstrated that both of these functions occur in the reconsolidation of human declarative memories. Our paradigm consisted of learning verbal material (lists of five pairs of nonsense syllables) acquired by a training process (L1-training) on Day 1 of our experiment. After this declarative memory is consolidated, it can be made labile by presenting a specific reminder. After this, the memory passes through a subsequent stabilization process. Strengthening creates a new scenario for the reconsolidation process; this function represents a new factor that may transform the dynamic of memories. First, we analyzed whether the repeated labilization-reconsolidation processes maintained the memory for longer periods of time. We showed that at least one labilization-reconsolidation process strengthens a memory via evaluation 5 days after its re-stabilization. We also demonstrated that this effect is not triggered by retrieval only. We then analyzed the way strengthening modified the effect of an amnesic agent that was presented immediately after repeated labilizations. The repeated labilization-reconsolidation processes made the memory more resistant to interference during re-stabilization. Finally, we evaluated whether the effect of strengthening may depend on the age of the memory. We found that the effect of strengthening did depend on the age of the memory. Forgetting may represent a process that weakens the effect of strengthening.  相似文献   

A basic possibility of enzymic synthesis of alkyl glycosides in a system of the Aerosol-OT (AOT) reverse micelles was studied. Octyl -D-galactopyranoside and octyl -D-glucopyranoside were synthesized from the corresponding sugars (lactose or glucose) and octyl alcohol under catalysis with glycolytic enzymes, -galactosidase and -glucosidase, respectively. The transglycosylation/hydrolysis ratio was shifted toward transglycosylation by using octyl alcohol, one of the substrates, as an organic solvent. The alkyl glycosides were thus obtained in one step from a hydrophilic mono- or disaccharide and a hydrophobic aliphatic alcohol. The direction of the reaction was shown to depend on the pH of aqueous solution solubilized in reverse micelles. The maximum yields were 45% and 40% for octyl galactoside and octyl glucoside, respectively; they markedly exceeded the yields of enzymic syntheses in a two-phase system reported previously.  相似文献   

Summary A crude commercial preparation of -glucanase fromPenicillium emersonii was used to synthesise glucose-containing oligosaccharides by condensation reactions in high concentrations of glucose at elevated temperature. Gentiobiose, laminaribiose, cellobiose, isomaltose and trehalose were identified as products. Heterooligosaccharides were produced by enzyme in some mixtures of glucose and an acceptor sugar. High performance ion-exchange chromatography was used to analyse synthetic products.  相似文献   

A protocol is described for the reconstitution of a transmembrane β-barrel protein domain, tOmpA, into lipid bicelles. tOmpA is the largest protein to be reconstituted in bicelles to date. Its insertion does not prevent bicelles from orienting with their plane either parallel or perpendicular to the magnetic field, depending on the absence or presence of paramagnetic ions. In the latter case, tOmpA is shown to align with the axis of the β-barrel parallel to the magnetic field, i.e. perpendicular to the plane of the bilayer, an orientation conforming to that in natural membranes and favourable to structural studies by solid-state NMR. Reconstitution into bicelles may offer an interesting approach for structural studies of membrane proteins in a medium resembling a biological membrane, using either NMR or other biophysical techniques. Our data suggest that alignment in the magnetic field of membrane proteins included into bicelles may be facilitated if the protein is folded as a β-barrel structure.  相似文献   

Wild strains of Rhodotorula glutinis and R. rubra were investigated concerning their carotenoid production, proportion of beta-carotene and cell mass yield. R. glutinis NCIM 3353 produced 2.2 mg carotenoid/l in 72 h; and the amount of beta-carotene was 14% (w/w) of the total carotenoid content (17 microg/g cell dry weight). It was subjected to mutagenesis using UV radiation for strain improvement. Out of 2,051 isolates screened, the yellow coloured mutant 32 produced 120-fold more beta-carotene (2,048 microg/g cell dry weight) than the parent culture in 36 h, which was 82% (w/w) of the total carotenoid content. Mutant 32 was grown on different carbon and nitrogen sources. The best yield of beta-carotene (33+/-3 mg/l) was obtained when glucose and yeast extract were supplied as carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. Divalent cation salts further increased the total carotenoid content (66+/-2 mg/l) with beta-carotene as the major component (55+/-2%, w/w).  相似文献   

In humans, three genes—ADRB1, ADRB2 and ADRB3—encode β-adrenoreceptors (ADRB); these molecules mediate the action of catecholamines in multiple tissues and play pivotal roles in cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, and immunological functions. Genetic variants in ADRB genes have been associated with widespread diseases and conditions, but inconsistent results have often been obtained. Here, we addressed the recent evolutionary history of ADRB genes in human populations. Although ADRB1 is neutrally evolving, most tests rejected neutral evolution for ADRB2 in European, African, and Asian population samples. Analysis of inferred haplotypes for ADRB2 revealed three major clades with a coalescence time of 1–1.5 million years, suggesting that the gene is either subjected to balancing selection or undergoing a selective sweep. Haplotype analysis also revealed ethnicity-specific differences. Additionally, we observed significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) for ADRB2 genotypes in distinct European cohorts; HWE deviation depends on sex (only females are in disequilibrium), and genotypes displaying maximum and minimum relative fitness differ across population samples, suggesting a complex situation possibly involving epistasis or maternal selection. Overall, our data indicate that future association studies involving ADRB2 will benefit from taking into account ethnicity-specific haplotype distributions and sex-based effects. With respect to ADRB3, our data indicate that the gene has been subjected to a selective sweep in African populations, the Trp64 variant possibly representing the selection target. Given the previous association of the ancestral ADRB3 Arg64 allele with obesity and type 2 diabetes, dietary adaptations might represent the underlying selective force.  相似文献   

The critical pathological feature of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the accumulation of β-amyloid (Aβ), the main constituent of amyloid plaques. β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) undergoes amyloidogenic cleavage by β- and γ-secretase generating Aβ at endosomes or non-amyloidogenic processing by α-secretase precluding the production of Aβ at the plasma membrane. Recently, several natural products have been widely researched on the prevention of Aβ accumulation for AD treatment. We previously reported that Lycoris chejuensis K. Tae et S. Ko (CJ), which originated from Jeju Island in Korea, improved the disrupted memory functions and reduced Aβ production in vivo. Here, we further explored the effect of its active component, 7-deoxy-trans-dihydronarciclasine (coded as E144), on Aβ generation and the underlying mechanism. Our results showed that E144 reduced the level of APP, especially its mature form, in HeLa cells overexpressing human APP with the Swedish mutation. Concomitantly, E144 decreased the levels of Aβ, sAPPβ, sAPPα, and C-terminal fragment. In addition, administration of E144 normalized the behavioral deficits in Tg2576 mice, an APP transgenic mouse model of AD. E144 also decreased the Aβ and APP levels in the cerebral cortex of Tg2576 mice. Thus, we propose that E144 could be a potential drug candidate for an anti-amyloid disease-modifying AD therapy.  相似文献   

Acid production in milk by lactic streptococci was stimulated by added beta-galactosidase. Both glucose and galactose accumulated rapidly in the presence of this enzyme. Glucose accumulation ceased as the culture entered the most rapid period of acid production, whereas galactose accumulation continued. In cultures without added beta-galactosidase, a low concentration of galactose accumulated in the milk, whereas glucose was not detected after 2 hr of incubation. Cultures grew and produced acid faster in broth containing glucose rather than galactose or lactose. These observations suggest that the lactic streptococci do not metabolize the lactose in milk efficiently enough to permit optimum acid production and that a phenomenon such as catabolite repression functions to allow for a preferential use of glucose over either galactose or lactose. In addition to providing the culture with a more readily available energy source, it is possible that the culture produced more acidic metabolites as a result of preferentially utilizing the glucose released by the action of the beta-galactosidase.  相似文献   

Summary Fungal -galactosidase was immobilized in polyvinylalcohol gel formed in pores of contton material. Temperature and pH effects on the activity of free and immobilized enzymes were studied. The optimum temperatures of free and immobilized enzymes were 60° C and 55° C respectively. The pH optimum ranged from 4.5 to 5.0 for both enzymes. The thermal stability of the immobilized -galactosidase was slightly higher. The Km values for soluble and immobilized enzymes were respectively 1.9 mM and 2.5 mM. The optimization of conditions for a highly effective hydrolysis of 4% lactose solution and reusability of the immobilized enzyme resulted in 75% hydrolysis after 5–6 h. The degree of conversion decreased to 50% after 30 repeated runs. The capacity of the immobilized enzyme to hydrolyze lactose in whey was also studied.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes play an essential role in a number of important metabolic pathways including β-oxidation of fatty acids and their derivatives. Therefore, peroxisomes possess various β-oxidation enzymes and specialized fatty acid transport systems. However, the molecular mechanisms of these proteins, especially in terms of substrate binding, are still unknown. In this study, to identify the substrate-binding sites of these proteins, we synthesized a photoreactive palmitic acid analogue bearing a diazirine moiety as a photophore, and performed photoaffinity labeling of purified rat liver peroxisomes. As a result, an 80-kDa peroxisomal protein was specifically labeled by the photoaffinity ligand, and the labeling efficiency competitively decreased in the presence of palmitoyl-CoA. Mass spectrometric analysis identified the 80-kDa protein as peroxisomal multifunctional enzyme type 2 (MFE2), one of the peroxisomal β-oxidation enzymes. Recombinant rat MFE2 was also labeled by the photoaffinity ligand, and mass spectrometric analysis revealed that a fragment of rat MFE2 (residues Trp249 to Arg251) was labeled by the ligand. MFE2 mutants bearing these residues, MFE2(W249A) and MFE2(R251A), exhibited decreased labeling efficiency. Furthermore, MFE2(W249G), which corresponds to one of the disease-causing mutations in human MFE2, also exhibited a decreased efficiency. Based on the crystal structure of rat MFE2, these residues are located on the top of a hydrophobic cavity leading to an active site of MFE2. These data suggest that MFE2 anchors its substrate around the region from Trp249 to Arg251 and positions the substrate along the hydrophobic cavity in the proper direction toward the catalytic center.  相似文献   

In vitro bioactivities of a beta-glucan produced by Panebacillus polymyxa JB115 were investigated. Nitric oxide production by RAW 264.7 macrophage cells pre-treated with beta-glucan JB115 (from 0.1 to 1 mg ml(-1)) was significantly increased, compared to that in untreated cells (P < 0.001). The beta-glucan JB115 increased superoxide radical-scavenging activity by 66% at 1 mg ml(-1). It also suppressed hyaluronidase (32%) and collagenase (33%) activities and, additionally, displayed antitumor activity, blocking the growth of Sarcoma 180 cells in a concentration-dependent manner. The immune-stimulatory, antioxidant, collagenase inhibitory and hyaluronidase inhibitory effects of the beta-glucan support its potential role in the prevention of bacterial disease against fish and in the protection of skin against aging.  相似文献   

Summary Acinetobacter calcoaceticus strains 69 V and CCM 5593 formed a -lactamase that was predominantly found extracellularly in the culture medium. The enzyme has the characteristics of an inducible chromosomally mediated cephalosporinase. Neither cell lysis nor periplasmic leakage are responsible for the extracellular location. The mechanism of secretion is not known.Offprint requests to: P. Borneleit  相似文献   

β-Defensins are antimicrobial peptides of the innate immune system produced in the skin by various stimuli, including proinflammatory cytokines, bacterial infection, and exposure to UV radiation (UVR). In this study we demonstrate that the UVR-inducible antimicrobial peptide murine β-defensin-14 (mBD-14) switches CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells into a regulatory phenotype by inducing the expression of specific markers like Foxp3 and CTLA-4. This is functionally relevant because mBD-14-treated T cells inhibit sensitization upon adoptive transfer into naive C57BL/6 mice. Accordingly, injection of mBD-14, comparable to UVR, suppresses the induction of contact hypersensitivity and induces Ag-specific regulatory T cells (Tregs). Further evidence for the ability of mBD-14 to induce Foxp3(+) T cells is provided using DEREG (depletion of Tregs) mice in which Foxp3-expressing cells can be depleted by injecting diphtheria toxin. mBD-14 does not suppress sensitization in IL-10 knockout mice, suggesting involvement of IL-10 in mBD-14-mediated immunosuppression. However, unlike UVR, mBD-14 does not appear to mediate its immunosuppressive effects by affecting dendritic cells. Accordingly, UVR-induced immunosuppression is not abrogated in mBD-14 knockout mice. Together, these data suggest that mBD-14, like UVR, has the capacity to induce Tregs but does not appear to play a major role in UVR-induced immunosuppression. Through this capacity, mBD-14 may protect the host from microbial attacks on the one hand, but tame T cell-driven reactions on the other hand, thereby enabling an antimicrobial defense without collateral damage by the adaptive immune system.  相似文献   

An aqueous two-phase system based on the two polymers poly(ethylene glycol) and dextran has been used for the fractionation of cellulase enzymes present in culture liquid obtained by fermentation with Trichoderma reesei. The activities of -glucosidase and glucanases were separated to high degree by using the two-phase systems for a counter-current distribution process in nine transfer steps. While the glucanases had high affinity to the poly(ethylene glycol) rich top phase the -glucosidase was enriched in the dextran-containing bottom phase. Multiple counter-current distribution performed indicates the heterogeneity of -glucosidase activities assuming at least four isoenzyme forms. One step concentration of -glucosidase by using system with 46:1 phase volume ratio resulted in 16 times higher enzyme activity.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Seven red cell parameters, taken one at a time and in their 21 possible pairs, were investigated for their power to discriminate between adult carriers of the -thalassaemia allele and adult normal subjects. The red blood cell count (RBC), haemoglobin concentration (Hb), haematocrit (Hct), mean cell volume (MCV), mean cell haemoglobin (MCH), mean cell haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and haemoglobin A2(HbA2) fraction were measured in 24 obligate heterozygotes and in 99 adult controls with comparable age and sex distributions. Quadratic discriminant functions were computed using Bayesian analysis of univariate and bivariate Gaussian density functions. Classification errors were then calculated by integrating the density function for one genotype over the region assigned to the other.In the univariate case, MCH led to the lowest cost of misclassification while MCV was the second best discriminant for all posterior probabilities considered. In the bivariate case, MCV combined with percentage Hb A2 yielded the best discrimination and generated misclassification costs roughly 1/30 of those generated by the most efficient single parameter. When use of MCV alone cannot classify an individual reliably either as a heterozygote or as homozygous normal, combined use of MCV and percentage Hb A2 is recommended for maximum accuracy.Application of this screening method to 260 adult subjects at risk for thalassaemia heterozygosity yielded an unbiased frequency of 0.067 for the adult carrier in the Montreal Greek community, a value similar to that reported in the source population in Greece. The improved discriminations thus achieved is particularly useful for sibs of affected subjects whose high prior probability of heterozygosity (0.67) impairs classification.  相似文献   

G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) have long been known as receptors that activate G protein-dependent cellular signaling pathways. In addition to the G protein-dependent pathways, recent reports have revealed that several ligands called “biased ligands” elicit G protein-independent and β-arrestin-dependent signaling through GPCRs (biased agonism). Several β-blockers are known as biased ligands. All β-blockers inhibit the binding of agonists to the β-adrenergic receptors. In addition to β-blocking action, some β-blockers are reported to induce cellular responses through G protein-independent and β-arrestin-dependent signaling pathways. However, the physiological significance induced by the β-arrestin-dependent pathway remains much to be clarified in vivo. Here, we demonstrate that metoprolol, a β1-adrenergic receptor-selective blocker, could induce cardiac fibrosis through a G protein-independent and β-arrestin2-dependent pathway. Metoprolol, a β-blocker, increased the expression of fibrotic genes responsible for cardiac fibrosis in cardiomyocytes. Furthermore, metoprolol induced the interaction between β1-adrenergic receptor and β-arrestin2, but not β-arrestin1. The interaction between β1-adrenergic receptor and β-arrestin2 by metoprolol was impaired in the G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5 (GRK5)-knockdown cells. Metoprolol-induced cardiac fibrosis led to cardiac dysfunction. However, the metoprolol-induced fibrosis and cardiac dysfunction were not evoked in β-arrestin2- or GRK5-knock-out mice. Thus, metoprolol is a biased ligand that selectively activates a G protein-independent and GRK5/β-arrestin2-dependent pathway, and induces cardiac fibrosis. This study demonstrates the physiological importance of biased agonism, and suggests that G protein-independent and β-arrestin-dependent signaling is a reason for the diversity of the effectiveness of β-blockers.  相似文献   

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