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Abstract. Bloodmeal digestion in midguts of the sandflies Phlebotomus papatasi and Phlebotomus langeroni (Diptera: Psychodidae) was investigated in optimized assays to detect general protease, trypsin and aminopeptidase activities using synthetic substrates. Optimal activity occurred at pH 8-9 for all enzymes examined in both species. Protease activity peaked at 24-34h post human bloodmeal in midguts of P.papatasi and 34-48h in P'.langeroni; all endo- and exoprotease activities were completed by 50 h in P.papatasi compared to 72 h in P. langeroni. Hydrolysis of two chymotrypsin substrates was <2% of trypsin activity in both species. Aminopeptidase activity was associated mainly with the midgut wall, whereas trypsin activity was confined to the midgut lumen. A feature of digestion in P.langeroni was the high level of aminopeptidase recorded within 10h of the bloodmeal.  相似文献   

W. Rudin  H. Hecker 《Tissue & cell》1982,14(4):751-758
The midgut epithelium of female Lutzomyia longipalpis was investigated by means of electron microscopic morphometry before and during blood digestion. Ultrastructure and cytological changes of the stomach cells upon blood feeding were generally similar to the ones described for Phlebotomus longipes (Gemetchu, 1974) and for mosquitoes (Hecker, 1977), In addition, the quantitative composition of the cells resembled the one of mosquitoes in many respects. Despite some morphological differences in the functional gut cytology, it can be admitted that, in general, digestive processes may run similarly in the midguts of sandflies and mosquitoes.  相似文献   

The midgut of Dysdercus peruvianus is divided into three main sections (V1-V3) and is linked through V4 to the hindgut. The distribution of α-galactosidase activity in the different gut segments of D. peruvianus females was studied. α-galactosidase hydrolyzes the trisaccharide raffinose, the major carbohydrate of cotton seeds, on which the insects live. In D. peruvianus midgut, α-galactosidase activity is mainly found in soluble fractions of V1 contents. However, a comparison between specific activities using different α-galactosidase substrates in cotton seed extracts, V1 tissue homogenate, and midgut contents suggested that the contribution of the enzymes from seeds may be very significant. Gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200 of samples from seed extracts, V1 tissue, and V1 contents revealed that in all samples raffinose hydrolysis is accomplished by α-galactosidases with similar Mr (30,000 ± 3,000) and does not involve the activity of a β-fructosidase. Thermal inactivation studies of extracts from the three sources suggested that there was only one molecular form of the insect α-galactosidase and that the activity found in V1 contents includes enzymes derived from the seed kernel. In insects fed with cotton seeds, the α-galactosidase activity increased in parallel with diet ingestion. In starved insects fed with tablets of sucrose plus raffinose, an increase in α-galactosidase activity was also observed, confirming that the insect is able to synthesize part of the gut enzyme. The results indicated that raffinose digestion starts in V1 utilizing α-galactosidases derived from the seed kernel and by an additional α-galactosidase synthesized by insect tissues. The action of α-galactosidases liberates galactose and sucrose, which are sequentially hydrolyzed by the major membrane-bound α-galactosidase releasing glucose and fructose in V1 and V2 lumina. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 34:443–460, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Verticillium albo-atrum wilt symptoms appeared faster and were significantly more severe in the presence of Ditylenchus dipsaci in Vernal, a wilt-susceptible cultivar, than in Marls Kabul, a wilt-resistant cultivar. Winter kill in the field was not affected by the nematode during the first winter, but 50% of plants were killed in the second winter. Forage yield from nematode-infected plants was significantly reduced the second year. Interaction with V. albo-atrum did not significantly reduce forage yields below that of D. dipsaci alone. Pratylenchus penetrans did not increase the severity of wilt symptoms in the presence of V. albo-atrum, nor did it affect forage yield in the greenhouse. It did, however, reduce alfalfa yields in presence of V. albo-atrum under field conditions. D. dipsaci and P. penetrans reproduced faster in Vernal than in Maris Kabul when the fungus was present.  相似文献   

During the 1991 and 1992 soybean growing seasons, field plots were established in South Carolina to study the effect of planting date on at-planting nematode densities and subsequent yield losses caused by Hoplolaimus columbus. The susceptible and intolerant soybean cv. Braxton was planted on five dates from to May to 28 June in 1991 and from 12 May to 28 June in 1992. Nematodes were recovered from soil samples collected before nematicide treatment with 1,3-D (Pi), at 6 weeks after planting (Pm), and at harvest (Pf). Initial nematode population densities did not differ among the five dates of planting in either year. The increase in numbers of nematodes from planting to 6 weeks after planting (Pm/Pi) and from planting to harvest (Pf/Pi) were not different among the five planting dates in either year. Root samples also were collected at 6 weeks after planting and at harvest, but planting date did not affect the number of nematodes extracted from roots on any sample date in either year. Altering planting dates between early May and late June was not effective in preventing yield suppression due to H. columbus.  相似文献   

The endoparasitic behavior of Pratylenchus penetrans was examined using video-enhanced contrast microscopy to observe living nematodes inside root tissue. Feeding behavior could be separated into phases of probing, cell penetration by the stytet, salivation, and food ingestion for brief and extended periods. After cell penetration, a small "salivation zone" was formed around the stylet tip. No feeding tubes were observed. Feeding and migration were interrupted by rest phases when a nematode became characteristically coiled inside a cell. Tissue damage was caused primarily by migration and extended feeding periods. Aspects of egg laying and molting are also described.  相似文献   

Field-collected Dendroctonus frontalis were reared in a controlled environment. Male-female beetle pairs retrieved from galleries 1, 2, or 5 wk after introduction into pine bolts were examined for nematode parasites. Data were obtained for each pair on gallery length, egg niche construction, egg viability, and progeny survival. In a separate study, beetle pairs were reared under laboratory conditions for 10 wk. The number of emerged adult progeny of each pair was recorded. Contortylenchus brevicomi, a nematode parasite, was found in 25% of all beetles that established galleries. After 2 and 3 wk, female beetles infected with the nematode had produced fewer eggs and shorter galleries than did uninfected females. Uninfected females mated with nematode-infected males showed similar trends, although the differences in the 2- and 3-wk tests were not significant. Progeny survival or egg viability was not affected by nematode parasitism of either parent beetle. Unikaryon minutum, a microsporidian parasite found in 65% of all colonizing beetles, had no effect on measured variables. The lower fecundity of beetles parasitized by C. brevicomi continued throughout the insect''s reproductive cycle. After 10 wk, nematode-infected beetle pairs produced fewer emerged adult progeny than did uninfected pairs.  相似文献   

Proteins secreted from Weibel-Palade bodies (WPBs) play important roles in regulating inflammatory and hemostatic responses. Inflammation is associated with the extracellular acidification of tissues and blood, conditions that can alter the behavior of secreted proteins. The effect of extracellular pH (pHo) on the release of von Willebrand factor (VWF), the VWF-propolypeptide (Proregion), interleukin-8, eotaxin-3, P-selectin, and CD63 from WPBs was investigated using biochemical approaches and by direct optical analysis of individual WPB fusion events in human endothelial cells expressing green or red fluorescent fusions of these different cargo proteins. Between pHo 7.4 and 7.0, ionomycin-evoked WPB exocytosis was characterized by the adhesion of VWF to the cell surface and the formation of long filamentous strands. The rapid dispersal of Proregion, interleukin-8, and eotaxin-3 into solution, and of P-selectin and CD63 into the plasma membrane, was unaltered over this pHo range. At pHo 6.8 or lower, Proregion remained associated with VWF, in many cases WPB failed to collapse fully and VWF failed to form filamentous strands. At pHo 6.5 dispersal of interleukin-8, eotaxin-3, and the membrane protein CD63 remained unaltered compared with that at pHo 7.4; however, P-selectin dispersal into the plasma membrane was significantly slowed. Thus, extracellular acidification to levels of pHo 6.8 or lower significantly alters the behavior of secreted VWF, Proregion, and P-selectin while rapid release of the small pro-inflammatory mediators IL-8 and eotaxin-3 is essentially unaltered. Together, these data suggest that WPB exocytosis during extracellular acidosis may favor the control of inflammatory processes.Local acidosis is associated with inflammation and ischemia and can have significant effects on the normal function of cells, tissues, cellular, and blood components, in particularly those associated with the immune, vascular, and hemostatic systems (1-8). Endothelial cells regulate inflammatory, vascular and hemostatic responses through the secretion of a wide range of bioactive molecules from specialized secretory organelles, the Weibel-Palade bodies (WPBs).3The major WPB core proteins are von Willebrand factor (VWF) and the VWF-propolypeptide (Proregion). VWF is synthesized as a pre-proprotein comprising an N-terminal signal peptide (pre-), and several distinct repeating structural domains (termed A, B, C, and D) arranged as D1-D2-D′-D3-A1-A2-A3-D4-B1-B2-B3-C1-C2-CK (9). During translation, the signal peptide is removed to yield proVWF, which then undergoes disulfide-linked dimerization to produce proVWF dimers (10). The Proregion domains (D1-D2) are cleaved from the main peptide in the Golgi apparatus, and further disulfide bond formation produces VWF multimers. The two resulting proteins, VWF and Proregion are co-packaged into the WPB where they noncovalently associate to form ordered tubules in a pH- and Ca2+-dependent fashion (11). Other physiologically important WPB proteins include P-selectin, interleukin-8 (IL-8), eotaxin-3, osteoprotegerin, and angiopoietin-2, (reviewed in Ref. 12).At physiological extracellular pH (pHo 7.4) the majority of agonist-evoked WPB fusion events (∼75-90%) result in complete exocytosis and release of the stored molecules (13, 14). Secreted VWF adheres to the cell surface and can form long filamentous strands, particularly under flow conditions, that are essential for the efficient capture of platelets from solution both in vitro and in vivo (e.g. Ref. 15). Imaging individual WPB exocytotic events in live endothelial cells expressing fluorescent WPB cargo molecules has shown that Proregion, along with IL-8, disperse quickly into solution, while P-selectin rapidly diffuses into the plasma membrane at sites of fusion (14, 16).Under acidic conditions, however, the behavior of VWF and Proregion, are reported to change. At pHo 6.4 or lower Proregion remains associated with VWF, either at the cell surface after stimulated exocytosis of WPBs (17) or in the cell following removal of the WPB membrane by detergent treatment (15). In addition, the unfurling of VWF to form long filamentous strands is attenuated (15, 17), a situation that impairs its capacity to efficiently support platelet adhesion (15). Retention of Proregion at the cell surface has led to speculation that it might play some biological role at such sites (17). In vitro Proregion is a ligand for the integrins α4β1 (VLA-4) (18) and α9β1 (VLA-9) (19) present on monocytes, leukocytes, eosinophils (VLA-4), and neutrophils (VLA-9). Thus it is possible that at sites of local acidosis produced during inflammation or ischemia, Proregion could play a role, along with other secreted factors, in regulating inflammatory responses. The influence of extracellular acidification on the release of these other secreted factors (e.g. IL-8, eotaxin-3, and P-selectin) is not known.pHo values of 6.4 or lower represent extreme conditions of acidosis, with decreases in pHo between 7.2 and 6.5 more typically reported during inflammation or ischemia (7, 20-26). The aim of this study was to determine the influence of extracellular acidification in this range (pHo 7.4-6.5) on the release of a variety of soluble and membrane proteins of the WPB involved in coagulant and inflammatory responses. Specifically, we define more precisely the value of pHo at which VWF fails to form filamentous strands and remains associated with Proregion at the cell surface, demonstrate the rapid reversibility of this pH-dependent association at individual sites of WPB fusion, and examine in detail the influence of extracellular acidification on the release and dispersal of fluorescent fusion proteins of the soluble mediators IL-8, eotaxin-3, and the membrane proteins P-selectin and CD63 from individual WPBs.The data show that the external conditions into which WPB deliver their cargo has significant effects on the dispersal and behavior of some but not other secreted molecules. Under acidic conditions, these changes could lead to a subtle shift from a coagulant to a more inflammatory phenotype. The data also highlight a more general problem of interpreting biochemical data of soluble secreted proteins in terms of underlying secretory granule exocytosis.  相似文献   

Daily consumption of garlic is known to lower the risk of hypertension and ischemic heart disease. In this study, we examined whether aged garlic extract (AGE) prevents hypertension and the progression of compensated left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy in Dahl salt-sensitive (DS) rats. DS rats were randomly divided into three groups: those fed an 8% NaCl diet until 18 weeks of age (8% NaCl group), those additionally treated with AGE (8% NaCl + AGE group), and control rats maintained on a diet containing 0.3% NaCl until 18 weeks of age (0.3% NaCl group). AGE was administered orally by gastric gavage once a day until 18 weeks of age. LV mass was significantly higher in the 8% NaCl + AGE group than in the 0.3% NaCl group at 18 weeks of age, but significantly lower in the 8% NaCl + AGE group than in the 8% NaCl group. No significant differences were observed in systolic blood pressure (SBP) between the 8% NaCl and 8% NaCl + AGE groups at 12 and 18 weeks of age. LV end-diastolic pressure and pressure half-time at 12 and 18 weeks of age were significantly lower in the 8% NaCl + AGE group compared with the 8% NaCl group. AGE significantly reduced LV interstitial fibrosis at 12 and 18 weeks of age. Chronic AGE intake attenuated LV diastolic dysfunction and fibrosis without significantly decreasing SBP in hypertensive DS rats.  相似文献   

The toxic effects of sublethal concentrations ofaldicarb were studied on eggs and second-stage larvae and males of Heterodera schachtii and second-stage larvae only of Meloidogyne javanica in a quartz sand substrate. Aldicarb was more toxic to eggs of H. schachtii than to those of M. javanica. Complete suppression of hatching occurred between 0.48 and 4.8 μg/ml aldicarb for H. schachtii whereas 100% inhibition of hatch of M. javanica occurred between 4.8 and 48.0 μg/ml. M. javanica hatch was stimulated at 0.48 μg/ml aldicarb. Migration of second-stage larvae of H. schachtii and M. javanica in sand columns was inhibited under continuous exposure to 1 μg/ml aldicarb. Infection of sugarbeet and tomato seedlings by larvae was inhibited at 1 μg/ml. H. schachtii males failed to migrate toward nubile females at 0.01 μg/ml aldicarb. This was partially confirmed in a field study in which adding aldicarb to soil resulted in fewer females being fertilized.  相似文献   

The effects of organophosphates (mevinphos, phenamiphos, trichlorfon), carbamates (carbofuran, methomyl, oxamyl), a formamidine (chlordimeform), a synthetic pyrethroid (fenvalerate), a chlorinated hydrocarbon (methoxychlor). and an insect growth regulator (diflubenzuron) on in vitro development and reproduction of Neoaplectana carflocapsae were tested by incorporating each chemical into a nematode rearing medium. Organophosphates and carbamates adversely affected development and reproduction at concentrations ≥ 0.1 mg/ml. Phenamiphos was the most toxic, with no nematode reproduction at 0.01 mg/ml. Inoculated infective juveniles developed to adults with some of the organophosphates and carbamates, but limited or no reproduction occurred. Chlordimeform inhibited development at 1.0 mg/ml, while diflubenzuron, fenvalerate, and methoxychlor did not significantly (P > 0.05) reduced reproduction at 1.0 mg/ml. The organophosphate and carbamate nematicides in use for control of plant-parasitic nematodes may be toxic to N. carpocapsae in the soil.  相似文献   

In this study, hypochlorous acid solution, a weak acid, provided as drinking water to rats, was evaluated for its ability to eradicate and prevent Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection, while monitoring its simultaneous effect on serum biochemical variables and microbiota in the rat cecum. The results suggest that the solution could not eliminate the bacteria in the experimentally infected rats; however, the administration of a 10-parts-per-million (ppm) hypochlorous acid solution as drinking water was effective in inhibiting horizontal spread of P. aeruginosa infection among cage mates. Additionally, exposure to hypochlorous solution did not have any effect on serum biochemical variables of the rat including levels of total cholesterol, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), albumin, total bilirubin, lipase, amylase, urea nitrogen, total protein, calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), sodium (Na), chlorine (Cl), except for potassium (K) levels. The most frequently isolated bacteria in the rat cecum included species belonging to Bacteroidales, Lactobacillus, Clostridiales, Erysipelotrichaceae, Akkermansia, Coriobacteriales, and Firmicutes. The ratio of the terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) peaks did not differ across rats administered with 5 and 10 ppm weak acid solution as compared to the control group for any of the bacteria, except for Erysipelotrichaceae and Firmicutes, where the ratio of T-RFLP peaks was higher in the 5 ppm group for Erysipelotrichaceae and in the 10 ppm group for Firmicutes than that in the control group (P<0.01). The results suggest that the weak acid hypochlorous solution could not eradicate P. aeruginosa completely from rats. The solution was effective in preventing infection without affecting serum biochemical variables; however, some of bacterial microbiota may have changed due to administration of the solution.  相似文献   

The activity and survival of Orrina phyllobia fourth-stage juveniles (J4) were examined in aqueous solutions representing 96 combinations of eight predominant soil solution ions at total concentrations of 100, 200, and 1,000 meq/liter. Various water potentials were imposed by the addition of mannitol or polyethylene glycol to ionic solutions. Nematode longevity increased as water potential was decreased. Longevity was approximately doubled at a water potential of -23 × 10⁵ Pa and more than tripled at -60 × 10⁵ Pa. No combination oflons at 200 meq/liter was lethal after a 6-day exposure. Several ion combinations significantly increased longevity at -10 and -23 × 10⁵ Pa. Single cation Na⁺ solutions consistently inhibited activity and more than doubled nematode longevity.  相似文献   

Developing a fast, inexpensive, and specific test that reflects the mutations present in Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates according to geographic region is the main challenge for drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) control. The objective of this study was to develop a molecular platform to make a rapid diagnosis of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant TB based on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutations present in therpoB, katG, inhA,ahpC, and gyrA genes from Colombian M. tuberculosis isolates. The amplification and sequencing of each target gene was performed. Capture oligonucleotides, which were tested before being used with isolates to assess the performance, were designed for wild type and mutated codons, and the platform was standardised based on the reverse hybridisation principle. This method was tested on DNA samples extracted from clinical isolates from 160 Colombian patients who were previously phenotypically and genotypically characterised as having susceptible or MDR M. tuberculosis. For our method, the kappa index of the sequencing results was 0,966, 0,825, 0,766, 0,740, and 0,625 forrpoB, katG, inhA,ahpC, and gyrA, respectively. Sensitivity and specificity were ranked between 90-100% compared with those of phenotypic drug susceptibility testing. Our assay helps to pave the way for implementation locally and for specifically adapted methods that can simultaneously detect drug resistance mutations to first and second-line drugs within a few hours.  相似文献   

Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in the state of Rio de Janeiro is sporadic and can be characterised as a peridomestic transmission that occurs in modified natural environments. The aim of this work was to study the fauna and ecological characteristics of sandflies in an environmentally protected area (the State Park of Serra da Tiririca) within the remnants of the Atlantic Forest in the municipalities of Niterói and Maricá and their possible relationship with leishmaniasis. Captures were performed using light traps during the night once a month for one year in both sylvatic environments and areas surrounding homes near the park. A total of 1,037 sandflies were captured, belonging to nine genera and 12 species: Evandromyia tupynambai (34.1%), Migonemyia migonei (20.6%), Brumptomyia cunhai (13.8%), Micropygomyia schreiberi (9.7%), Psathyromyia lanei (6.5%), Brumptomyia nitzulescui (5.7%), Evandromyia edwardsi (5.4%), Nyssomyia intermedia (2.8%), Evandromyia cortelezzii (0.6%), Pintomyia bianchigalatiae (0.5%), Lutzomyia longipalpis (0.2%) and Sciopemyia microps (0.1%). Both Mg. migonei and Ny. intermedia may be acting as vectors of CL in this area.  相似文献   

Soils containing 60, 75, and 90% coarse particles (sand plus coarse silt) were prepared by dilution of a field soil with 246μm (60-mesh) silica sand. As the coarse-particle content of the soils increased, the synergistic interaction between Meloidogyne incognita and Rhizoctonia solani on cotton seedlings increased. Increasing the coarse-particle content of the soil also increased damage from the nematode alone and slightly increased soreshin damage from R. solani alone.  相似文献   

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