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Since the discovery of the first Paleolithic site in Hokkaido, we consider that the time in the half more than centuries already passed, and float today. However, our research is still a way. By today, we have not discovered the trace about a Pithecantropines (Homo erectus) and a Paleanthropic man (Homo sapiens neanderthalensis) at all in this region. We know that a Neanthropic man (Homo sapiens sapiens) dominated all the continents except Antarctica in the final time of the Pleistocene era. And they passed along the dried shoal which appeared to the north in the same time from the Asian Continent to the Island of Hokkaido, and reached it to this place. The first attainment time is an age which exceeds 20,000-years before a little from the present. We are not checking a fact which exceeds it you to be much. However, the habitants of these beginnings left the trace of the activity of them in large numbers, so that he was wonderful to inside of this island. The studies-of-prehistory research in Hokkaido has little proof of the natural science field concerned on age determination or chronology. This has serious restriction. However, the tephra-chronology of volcanic ashes has played the big role uniquely. The eruption of the Eniwa volcano of the Hokkaido central part is especially a very important index. This volcano blows off ash fall (En-a) in large quantities, and covered all large ranges. This deposited volcanic-ashes layer plays a big role to discernment of an old industry and a recent industry on the cultural chronology. The obsidian from this island and nearby hard shale was used for many industries of this Upper Paleolithic cultures as main materials. Although obsidians in the island where the different four outcrops are known well. This rock was mined in large quantities, and was carried in various places. As well as many examples in the world, we divided this rock, and the human beings of the prehistoric age were demanded for it, and it was often utilized. In it, especially the outcrop of Shirataki was located in the northern part of Hokkaido, and was very important. Large quantities of obsidian from Shirataki outcrop is discovered in a large number of Paleolithic sites within a segment 700 km in diameter at least. It covered the territory in Hokkaido and circulated further also except this island. This fact circulated as important trade materials on stone-tool fabrication among the human-beings groups from whom this island's every place differed. In this time, human beings’ activity in Hokkaido is a clear proof, which was not isolated at all. As for the studies of the prehistorians of Hokkaido distinguish, the exception put the technical process of eight different microblade productions. The technical process of some of them was limited only to the specific narrow area. Or it is proved that other technical processes are widely connected with the human-beings group of the Asian Continent on the contrary. At present, our research grasps the whole second-half Paleolithic culture, and has not yet established the year system edited by locally complete. The oldest industry of this area composed the typical stone tool of second-half Paleolithic culture from the beginning, and was accompanied by the manufacturing technique of a braid and microblade. The feature is the example in which the ruins of Kashiwadai-I were most excellent. These ruins correspond at time older than deposition of the Eniwa volcano tephra. It is located at the chill time in the second half of a Würm glacial period. The second continuing step is an industry of succession newer than this volcano tephra. It is raised as an example with Ôsatsu-16 typical ruins etc. The third phase is an industry of the end term of second-half Paleolithic culture. It is simultaneously located in the dawn of Jōmon culture. The feature of this cultural aspect is a transitional cultural stage which earthenware appears and is called what is called “Sub-Neolithic-Culture”. We can check having passed expansively, while the aspect of this last continues within a short period of time relatively.  相似文献   

《Annales de Paléontologie》2017,103(2):101-112
Study of Turonian echinoids from Gabon store section allowed us to distinguish 10 species belonging to 2 genera: Mecaster pseudofourneli (Péron et Gauthier 1878), Mecaster toucasanus (d’Orbigny, 1854), Mecaster africanus (Coquand, 1862), Mecaster semicavatus (Peron et Gauthier 1880), Mecaster verneuili (Desor, 1847), Mecaster cf. orbignyanus (Desor, 1857), Mecaster palpebratus (Loriol, 1888), Mecaster sp.1, Mecaster sp. 2, Epiaster michelini (Agassiz) 1847. All species are found for the first time in Gabonese coastal basin. The composition and the distribution of echinoids fauna and the sedimentary characteristics indicate a proximal shallow platform deposit environment, with warm water and soft substrate. Two types of depositional environment are suggested: (1) a deep part of the proximal platform, represented by silty limestones and (2) a shallower part of the proximal platform, represented by limestones.  相似文献   

The paper presents the preliminary results of five years’ multidisciplinary researches (2010–2014 years) of the new Lower Palaeolithic Bayraki site, situated in the vicinity of Dubossary town in Moldavia, on the high terrace (VII) of the Dniester River. In the Lower and Middle Pleistocene deposits are discovered six layers including lithic artefacts of Lower Palaeolithic character. Two layers (I and II) relate to deposits dated by the Brunhes period and four layers (III, IV, V and VI) are attributed to the Matuyama period. The highest number of artefacts (884 objects) is issue from the layer V (the Jaramillo period), whose lithic industry has an Oldowan character. In other layers are found few flint archaeological objects and sporadic fragments of indeterminable bones. In the layer III is found a fossil horse mandibular (Equus sussenbornensis). At present, this site presents the oldest Low Pleistocene across all East European Plain.  相似文献   

The representative debitage technique is the one of the culture of knife-to-back in the name of the superior Paleolithic of Japan. She/it can be he divided in two, the one of the first half and the one of the second half. The first corresponds at the time of apparition, either to the stage of launching of the technique of debitage laminaire whose debitage didn’t provide elaborate blades being little successive. As for the stage of fortifying of the debitage laminaire, the industries lithic to knife-to-back of the Sugikubo type developed themselves in the oriental Honshû. With regard to the region of Kantô to the second half of the first where the knife-to-back of Moro type mingled equally with those while shaping on the blade. To the recent stage of development, one can note the industry lithic to knife-to-back of Moro type is based on the technical very blady in the western Japan. Succeeding in the second half of the superior Paleolithic that the technique of debitage of Sétoüchi developed itself in this part whose debitage is characterized by the strut oblong in wing, are the transverse blades These gotten supports used especially for making the knife-to-back of Koü type while spilling country-wide. To the second recent half, the technical blade of Sunagawa type took place in all regions of Japan except the inshore regions of the Interior Sea of Séto and the region of Kinki (Kyoto-Osaka).  相似文献   

Tokai area is situated in the middle of Japan and has various configurations of ground. The eastern area has thick natural layers with volcanic ash which has been supplied from Mt. Fuji. About five chronological stages of Paleolithic culture from trapeze and edge-ground axe culture to microlith culture through backed blade culture have been found in the layers. These stages of Paleolithic culture are indicators of chronological studies in Tokai area. On the other hand, it is difficult to advance chronological studies in the middle east, middle, and west areas, because they have little thickness of layers with volcanic ash. However, different Paleolithic artifacts are found in top and bottom layers which put the AT layer between at Tsubakibora Site in Gifu Prefecture, and they have helped very much chronological studies of Paleolithic culture in the west area. Here is the first result of Paleolithic studies in Tokai area with artifacts which have been found on the forth layer of scoriae at Idemaruyama Site are dated about 35,000 years, one of the oldest Paleolithic culture in Japan. In addition, some lines of pits which were dated 30,000 years were found at Hatsunegahara Site, and they provided valuable data to study Paleolithic hunting. Finally, a holed pendant which had 10 notches on one side was unearthed from Fujiishi Site, and it was dated 19,000 years ago. At Terada and Hino Site, a flat big stone which had carvings was found, though the shape and use were seemed to be different from the pendant at Fujiishi Site.  相似文献   

Three new selachian species belonging to new genera from the Thanetian of Ouarzazate Basin are described: Tingaleus dakkai n. gen. et nov. sp., Microbatis sabatieri n. gen. et n. sp. and Garabatis atlasi n. gen. et n. sp. These new taxa as well as the associated selachian species confirm the original feature of this fauna in comparison with contemporaneous faunas occurring in the phosphate-bearing horizons of central Morocco.  相似文献   

An archaic lithic assemblage has just been brought to light in border of the municipality of Nice (Alpes-Maritimes, France), in secondary position in a geologic context of middle fluviatile terrace in left bank of the Var. Lithic artefacts collected gather some shaping products (worked or broken pebbles) and débitage products (cores, flakes, angular fragments), obtained on pebbles mainly in marly limestone, stemming from the local plio-Pleistocene conglomerate and the alluviums of the Var. This lithic production shows essentially the beginnings of chaînes opératoires, with the first phases of pebbles cortex removing. Flakes are very mainly cortical or semi-cortical, and cores reveal a weak technical investment, with a reduced enough number of removal negatives. The débitage of orthogonal type is the most frequent, and the bipolar technique on anvil is attested. Some rare flakes are retouched by notches or by abrupt continuous retouches. The sector where was brought to light this lithic industry, in sediments reshaped below a level of fluviatile terrace of the Var in 70 m of height, made us suggest a very ancient age for these vestiges, being able to go back up at the beginning of Middle Pleistocene, even of Lower Pleistocene, what is in agreement with the technical characteristics noticed on this lithic assemblage.  相似文献   

For a long time, the scientific community assumed that the Acheulean culture was expressed on the territory of the Armenian Plateau as well as in the neighboring regions of the Caucasus only by its late phase; therefore, it appeared in the second half of the Middle Pleistocene. In recent years, the Armenian-Russian mission has discovered and studied much older Acheulean industries sites, located in northern Armenia (the Lori intermountain Depression). These industries, represented by archaic type tools (large hand axes, picks, choppers, chisel-like tools, scrapers, points, etc.), are discovered in three deposits of origin of proluvial genesis. In the Karakhach site, this type of industry is deposited in the lower levels of volcanic tuff and below; the U/Pb study of this level of tuff proposes a series of dates, assigned to the time interval between 1.944 + 0.046 and 1.75 + 0.02 Ma. The paleomagnetic study demonstrated the inverse polarity on the tuff and the normal polarity of the underlying deposits; in correlation with other dating, this fact allows to attribute the Acheulean layers of the site of Karakhatch to the Lower Pleistocene, in particular to the Oldoway episode and to the Upper Matuyama time period. The estimated age and the techno-morphological characteristics of the tools indicate the Lower Acheulean period. The dating of the Muradovo site does not seem possible, however its very old industries and the archaeological layers, where they were discovered, find equivalents in the layered layer, surmounted by tuffs, of the Karakhatch site. The Kutran I site presented a paleosol sequence with similar Acheulean tools (hand axes, picks, choppers, etc.). Its oldest layer is older than 1.5 Ma, the upper layer is attributed to the early Middle Pleistocene; this fact means that it is possible to speak of the Lower Acheulean and of its transition to the Middle Acheulean period. The specific character and the age of the Lower Acheulean of Armenia admit that it could have formed independently of the Lower Acheulean of Africa, whose estimated age does not rise before 1.76 Ma. It should also be noted that on the neighboring territory of Georgia about the same time when appeared the Acheulean culture in Armenia, the Oldowan Dmanisi site already existed.  相似文献   

Beside the metallic weapon figures, the engravings of the sites of North Akka showed signs of the existence of cattle, mostly oxen cattle. The representation of anthropomorphs is also notable for its evolving aspects towards the schematic style of Libyco-Berber. Regarding wildlife, it is also represented encompassing elephants, rhinoceros, ostriches, antelopes, etc. Nevertheless, the figures of domestic cattle precede those of other subjects. The (peltiform) axes and the dagger, figured in two sites, attest to a mastered knowledge of metallurgy.  相似文献   

The malignant degeneration of thyroglossal duct cyst (TDC) is a very rare phenomenon. It occurs 1% of operated cysts where papillary carcinoma represents the most frequent pathological type. The authors report a clinical observation of a papillary carcinoma of thyroid occurring in a thyroglossal duct cyst concomitant to a multifocal micropapillary thyroid discovered in a 21-year-old woman. A total thyroidectomy was performed. A complementary treatment by radioactive iodine 131 (3,7 GBq) was undertaken. Two years later, the patient is doing well and does not present any sign of recurrence. In the light of this observation, the authors propose to report the diagnosis and therapeutic aspects of degenerated thyroglossal duct cyst.  相似文献   

18F-Fluorocholine (FCH) PET/CT shows very promising potential for detection of hyperfunctioning parathyroid tumors. However, the optimal time to perform imaging after FCH administration has not yet been determined and protocols are highly variable. The aim of this study was to qualitatively and quantitatively compare 5, 10, 15, 20 and 60 min post-injection acquisition times in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and equivocal traditional imaging. Thirty-one patients were included. Two observers retrospectively analyzed the five protocols. Any focal increase in FCH uptake was localized and graded on a discrete gradation scale between 1 and 5 to assess the likelihood of hyperfunctioning parathyroid tumors. Gold standard was histopathological findings for the 11 operated patients. Regarding quantitative analysis, ratio of SUVmax of parathyroid foci on SUVmean of thyroid background (as signal-to-noise ratio) were compared between protocols. After injection of 2.5 MBq/kg, FCH PET performed 60 min post-injection (2 min) had the best sensitivity and specificity by lesion (92% and 100% respectively and the best signal-to-noise ratio (median of 2). We suggest performing PET scan 60 min after injection, associated with early acquisition so as not to miss a wash-out hyperfunctioning parathyroid tumors.  相似文献   

The Abra alba community is considered as a faunistical unity well established on coastal areas of North Sea. This community shows, since several years, very important recruitments of certain species. Since 1978, recruitments of Abra alba, Tellina fabula, Phyllodoce (Anaïtides) mucosa, Lagis koreni or Lanice conchilega have been observed. However these demographic phenomena does not affect the structure of the community, which shows, through rank-frequency diagrams, the characteristic of a mature population, principally constituted of 7 species.An annual cycle study shows a succession of recruitments of several species. A correspondance factorial analysis was realised from grain size datas as well as abundances of 18 main species. This analysis shows an annual cycle which seems to be linked to the clay part. Maximal values of clay part appears in summer and minimal values at the end of winter or early springtime.The hydrological parameters studied, allowed to make the difference between external factors (continental contributions, phytoplanctonic activity etc...) and benthic activity.

Nearly 40 years of intensive research conducted in the Somme basin has demonstrated the discontinuity in the human occupation of the area during the Upper Palaeolithic. The northern position of the Somme basin within the loessic region appears to be an explanatory factor in this discontinuity, the nature of which increasingly appears related to climate and environmental factors. Archaeological occupations have been systematically attributed to phases of warming or climate improvement. On the other hand, an absence of human occupation has been consistently observed during the coldest periods. The extreme poverty of the biomass contemporary to the loessic deposits of the Upper Pleniglacial could partly explain this discontinuity specific to the far northwest of Europe (southern England, northern Belgium, Netherlands, and northern Germany). Although only 150 or 200 km away, the southern Paris Basin, which is located on the fringes of the loessic region of northern France and Normandy, presents a more continuous human occupation, which appears to have benefitted from more favourable conditions.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2017,41(2):83-92
IntroductionRadionuclide ventriculography provides a reproducible measurement of the left ventricular fraction ejection (LVEF) but with a significant body radiation (effective dose of 5,9 mSv for the injection of 850 Mbq of 99mTc). The highly sensitive semi-conductor (CZT) cameras could allow decreasing the injected activity by a factor 3, similarly to that of myocardial perfusion imaging. Our study was aimed to determine whether the LVEF measurement provided by radionuclide ventriculography on the CZT D-SPECT camera is impacted by a 70% reduction in recorded counts.Materials and methodsAfter the in vivo labeling of red blood cells with 850 MBq of 99mTc, 49 patients completed a conventional 2D recording (Conv-2D) on Anger camera followed by a 3D recording on the D-SPECT camera (3D-100%). The CZT recordings of all projections were subsequently shortened to 30% of their initial durations (3D-30%) in order to assess the LVEF measured with a 70% reduction in recorded counts.ResultsMean LVEF values were 62.7 ± 11.1% on Conv-2D and higher on both 3D-100% (66.8 ± 14.8%, P < 0.001) and 3D-30% (66.3 ± 15.7%, P < 0.001). The correlation coefficients with the LVEF determined with the reference Conv-2D method were equivalents for 3D-100% (r2 = 0.73) and 3D-30% (r2 = 0.70) and with a similar level of overestimation for the highest LEVF values.ConclusionA 70% reduction in recorded counts does not significantly impact the LVEF measured with radionuclide ventriculography on the CZT D-SPECT camera. These values are coherent with those obtained with the reference 2D method but with a clear overestimation for the highest LVEF values.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(7):587-598
One of the major contributions of Alcide d’Orbigny to palaeontology is his work on the Danian of the Paris Basin. The Danian material includes well-preserved external imprints of Invertebrates. By making casting of these imprints, Alcide d’Orbigny inaugurated an original technique, which enabled him to describe more than 40 species. The question of the age of the Danian localities has long been debated since that time. It was settled once and for all in the seventies by micropalaeontologists.  相似文献   

The forests of the Saharan Atlas represent the southern edge of the natural range of the Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.). These are exposed to climatic stress in relation to drought and attacks of the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa Schiff., denoted by CP in the French text). The purpose of our work is to study the variation of the infestation rate by the pine processionary moth and its density with climatic factors and dendrometric parameters. The infestation rate (7.82%) by the pine processionary moth and its density (2.74 ± 2.61 nests/tree) were lower in our pine forests than in the northern ones. It appeared that the attacks of the moth increase mainly with the number of days of frost and heatwave. The dendrometric parameters were negatively correlated with the moth's density per tree. On the other hand, the latter was positively correlated with the defoliation rate. The results were discussed in a biogeographic framework in the light of the current knowledge of the distribution of the pine processionary moth in the Aleppo pine, in relation with the climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Differentiated thyroid cancer occupies a very important place within the framework of thyroid pathology, representing 90% of thyroid cancers. A nodular goiter generally summarizes the clinical picture. Nevertheless, remote metastases can be revealing. The elective localizations of these metastases are by descending order of frequency: lung, bone, mediastinal lymph nodes, kidney, liver and adrenal glands. Soft tissue metastases are extremely rare and exceptionally revealing of the neoplasm. We report one case of follicular thyroid carcinoma revealed by soft tissue metastases of the arm.  相似文献   

The Messinian coral reefs of Oranie (western Algeria) often contain determinable remnants of decapods (carapaces, chelae). Six species are mentioned, all of them for the first time from the Upper Miocene of Algeria. Further, a new species (Lachnopodus murdjadjensis) is proposed. This decapod association seems to be a characteristic reefdwelling one. Its affinities are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of pH and osmolarity on motility of human spermatozoa in retrograde ejaculation was studied in a freshly voided urine specimen. The maximum rate of motility is obtained when the pH ranged from 7.0 to 7.5 and osmolarity from 300 to 400 m.osmol/Kg. Thus the control of these two parameters allowed us to improve sperm motility and to perform intrauterine insemination with ovarian hyperstimulation. The different causes of retrograde ejaculation in this study are diabetes, surgical injury and idiopathic. Fifty-one intrauterine insemination cycles were realized in twenty-three patients, and eleven pregnancies are obtained (21.5% per cycle).  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(8):727-736
An engraved fish that can be attributed to the final Magdalenian period was discovered in 2010 in the Margot cave (Thorigné-en-Charnie, Mayenne, France). It shows graphic details that allow us to propose some clues to taxonomic determination. It must be a freshwater fish; the hypothesis of a Cyprinidae such as a tench is acceptable, considering that the 3.1 layer of the nearby Rochefort cave, attributable to the Final Paleolithic, has yielded a branchial arch of another Cyprinidae (probably a chub or a dace). Fish is not a usual theme in Paleolithic wall art. Here it is associated with another engraved animal figure, which is not fully determinable (seal or other fish).  相似文献   

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