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Evasion from apoptosis is a hallmark of cancer, and recent success using targeted therapeutics underscores the importance of identifying anti-apoptotic survival pathways. Here we utilize RNA interference (RNAi) to systematically screen the kinase and phosphatase component of the human genome. In addition to known kinases, we identified several new survival kinases. Interestingly, numerous phosphatases and associated regulatory subunits contribute to cell survival, revealing a previously unrecognized general role for phosphatases as negative regulators of apoptosis. We also identified a subset of phosphatases with tumour-suppressor-like activity. Finally, RNAi targeting of specific protein kinases sensitizes resistant cells to chemotherapeutic agents. The development of inhibitors that target these kinases or phosphatases may lead to new anti-cancer strategies.  相似文献   

A large‐scale RNAi screen was performed for eight different melanoma cell lines using a pooled whole‐genome lentiviral shRNA library. shRNAs affecting proliferation of transduced melanoma cells were negatively selected during 10 days of culture. Overall, 617 shRNAs were identified by microarray hybridization. Pathway analyses identified mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway members such as ERK1/2, JNK1/2 and MAP3K7 and protein kinase C β (PKCβ) as candidate genes. Knockdown of PKCβ most consistently reduced cellular proliferation, colony formation and migratory capacity of melanoma cells and was selected for further validation. PKCβ showed enhanced expression in human primary melanomas and distant metastases as compared with benign melanocytic nevi. Moreover, treatment of melanoma cells with PKCβ‐specific inhibitor enzastaurin reduced melanoma cell growth but had only small effects on benign fibroblasts. Finally, PKCβ‐shRNA significantly reduced lung colonization capacity of stably transduced melanoma cells in mice. Taken together, this study identified new candidate genes for melanoma cell growth and proliferation. PKCβ seems to play an important role in these processes and might serve as a new target for the treatment of metastatic melanoma.  相似文献   

Numerous phytochemicals are believed to have beneficial effects on human health. N-Coumaroyltyramine accumulates in plants in response to wounding and pathogen attack. Due to the scarcity of N-coumaroyltyramine, its biological activities have not been studied in human cells. In this study, N-coumaroyltyramine was chemically synthesized and then purified by an HPLC with a UV-visible absorbance detector. Retention times of major peaks were 14.3 and 20.7 min, and the peak at 20.7 min was confirmed by LC-MS as N-coumaroyltyramine with a mass/charge (m/z) unit of 284.1. The synthesis procedure was relatively easy and had an acceptable yield (approximately 55%). The compound exhibited a new activity, suppression of growth of human tumor cells such as U937 and Jurkat cells. In addition, the suppressed growth of the cells was strongly associated with an increased percentage of cells in the S phase of the cell cycle progression. Furthermore, N-coumaroyltyramine was able to inhibit the protein tyrosine kinases including epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). This is the first report of the growth suppressing activity of N-coumaroyltyramine and its arrest of cells at the S phase of the cell cycle, possibly by inhibition of protein tyrosine kinases.  相似文献   

Growth of Kym-1 rhabdomyosarcoma cells depends on endogenous receptor tyrosine kinase signals activated by insulin and insulin-like growth factors (IGF), as revealed from enhancement of proliferation by insulin and IGF-1 and cytostatic action of inhibitors of IR/IGFR kinases. Depending on the presence or absence of the caspase inhibitor z-VAD-fmk, TNF induced full growth arrest or apoptosis, respectively, indicating dominance of TNF over mitogenic signal pathways in Kym-1 cells. In accordance with a caspase-independent cytostatic action, TNF downregulated IR kinase activity and caused a profound inhibition of downstream mitogenic signals including the MAPK cascade and STAT5, key pathways of proliferation and cell survival. Removal of z-VAD-fmk after 24 h induced rapid cell death in the absence of TNF. The inhibition of survival signals concomitant with persisting proapoptotic signals may tip the balance towards an irreversible commitment of the cell to apoptosis that becomes apparent upon relief of suppression of effector caspases.  相似文献   

A systematic comparison of the protein synthesis patterns of cultured normal and transformed human fibroblasts and epithelial cells, using two-dimensional gel protein analysis combined with computerized imaging and data acquisition, identified a 90-kD protein (SSP 5714) as one of the most striking downregulated markers typical of the transformed state. Using the information stored in the comprehensive human cellular protein database, we found this protein strongly expressed in several fetal tissues and one of them, epidermis, served as a source for preparative two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Partial amino acid sequences were generated from peptides obtained by in situ digestion of the electroblotted protein. These sequences identified the marker protein as gelsolin, a finding that was confirmed by two-dimensional immunoblotting of human MRC-5 fibroblast proteins using specific antibodies and by coelectrophoresis with purified human gelsolin. These results suggest that an important regulatory protein of the microfilament system may play a role in defining the phenotype of transformed human fibroblast and epithelial cells in culture.  相似文献   

The G-protein-coupled receptor agonists CXCL12 (SDF-1, a chemokine) and thrombin showed opposite effects on growth and survival of multipotent and erythroid human hematopoietic progenitor cells. CXCL12 promoted growth in multipotent cells by activating the RhoA-Rho kinase pathway. Its effect was largely blocked by Y-27632, a specific inhibitor of Rho kinase, and by clostridial toxin B, a specific inhibitor of Rho family proteins. Rho activation required a G(i)-mediated stimulation of tyrosine kinases, which was blocked by PP2 and tyrphostin AG 490, inhibitors of Src and Jak type kinases, respectively. By contrast, in erythroid cells, inhibitors of Src family and c-Abl tyrosine kinases (tyrphostin AG 82, PP2, imatinib) enhanced protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent cell growth and antagonized thrombin-promoted apoptosis by specifically stimulating PKCbeta activity. The PKC activating phorbol ester PMA (a growth factor in erythroid cells) induced the activation of Lyn and c-Abl tyrosine kinases, thus establishing a feedback inhibition of PKCbeta. Hence, developmental stage-specific crosstalk between PKC subtypes and tyrosine kinases appear to determine whether growth and survival of hematopoietic cells are promoted or inhibited by G-protein-coupled receptor agonists.  相似文献   

Diverse stimuli can feed into the MAPK/ERK cascade; this includes receptor tyrosine kinases, G protein-coupled receptors, integrins, and scavenger receptors (LDL receptor-related protein (LRP)). Here, we investigated the consequence of concomitant occupancy of the receptor tyrosine kinases (by EGF, basic FGF, VEGF, etc.) and of LRP family members (by LDL or lactoferrin). The simultaneous stimulation of a receptor tyrosine kinase by its cognate ligand and of LRP-1 (by lactoferrin or LDL) resulted in sustained activation of ERK, which was redirected to the cytoplasm. Accordingly, elevated levels of active cytosolic ERK were translated into accelerated adhesion to vitronectin. The sustained ERK response was seen in several cell types, but it was absent in cells deficient in LRP-1 (but not in cells lacking the LDL receptor). This response was also contingent on the presence of urokinase (uPA) and its receptor (uPAR), because it was absent in uPA(-/-) and uPAR(-/-) fibroblasts. Combined stimulation of the EGF receptor and of LRP-1 delayed nuclear accumulation of phosphorylated ERK. This shift in favor of cytosolic accumulation of phospho-ERK was accounted for by enhanced proteasomal degradation of dual specificity phosphatases DUSP1 and DUSP6, which precluded dephosphorylation of cytosolic ERK. These observations demonstrate that the ERK cascade can act as a coincidence detector to decode the simultaneous engagement of a receptor tyrosine kinase and of LRP-1 and as a signal integrator that encodes this information in a spatially and temporally distinct biological signal. In addition, the findings provide an explanation of why chronic elevation of LRP-1 ligands (e.g. PAI-1) can predispose to cancer.  相似文献   

Metabolic control analysis predicts that effects on tumor growth are likely to be obtained with lower concentrations of drug, if an enzyme with a high control coefficient on tumor growth is being inhibited. Here we measure glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) control coefficient on in vivo tumor growth using mice bearing Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. We used dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate (DHEA-S), an uncompetitive inhibitor of this enzyme and the in situ cytochemical method to measure the enzyme activity changes that accompany changes on tumor cell growth. This method ensures that the enzyme activity determined is the one existing in the in situ conditions and enables computing a control coefficient in in situ conditions. From the data obtained on tumor cell number and the in situ enzyme activities in absence and presence of DHEA-S, a control coefficient of 0.41 for G6PDH on tumor cell growth was computed. This value is approximately the half of the transketolase control coefficient value of 0.9 previously reported. Moreover, the use of in situ methods to assess enzyme activities, applied for first time for the calculation of control coefficients in this study, opens new avenues to the use of uncompetitive inhibitors for the measurement of in situ control coefficients.  相似文献   

Heme plays a central role in oxygen utilization and in the generation of cellular energy. Here we examined the effect of heme and heme deficiency on cell cycle progression and the expression of key regulators in HeLa cells. We found that inhibition of heme synthesis causes cell cycle arrest and induces the expression of molecular markers associated with senescence and apoptosis, such as increased formation of PML nuclear bodies. Our data show that succinyl acetone-induced heme deficiency increases the protein levels of the tumor suppressor gene product p53 and CDK inhibitor p21, and decreases the protein levels of Cdk4, Cdc2, and cyclin D2. Further, we found that heme deficiency diminishes the activation/phosphorylation of Raf, MEK1/2, and ERK1/2-components of the MAP kinase signaling pathway. Our results show that heme is a versatile molecule that can effectively control cell growth and survival by acting on multiple regulators.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma multiforme is a common primary brain tumor in adults and one of the most devastating human cancers. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by NADPH oxidase (Nox) 4 have recently been a focus of attention in the study of glioblastomas, but the molecular mechanisms underlying the actions of Nox4 remain elusive. In this study, we demonstrated that silencing of Nox4 expression by Nox4-targeted siRNA suppressed cell growth and motility of glioblastoma U87 cells, indicating the involvement of Nox4. Furthermore, Nox4-derived ROS oxidized and inactivated protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP):1B: PTP1B in its active form downregulates cell proliferation and migration. By affinity purification with the substrate-trapping mutant of PTP1B, tyrosine-phosphorylated coronin-1C was identified as a substrate of PTP1B. Its tyrosine phosphorylation level was suppressed by Nox4 inhibition, suggesting that tyrosine phosphorylation of coronin-1C is regulated by the Nox4–PTP1B pathway. Finally, ablation of coronin-1C attenuated the proliferative and migratory activity of the cells. Collectively, these findings reveal that Nox4-mediated redox regulation of PTP1B serves as a modulator, in part through coronin-1C, of the growth and migration of glioblastoma cells, and provide new insight into the mechanistic aspect of glioblastoma malignancy.  相似文献   

Summary A mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb 1D122G9) raised against human tropomyosin IEF 52 (HeLa protein catalogue number, Mr=35 kd) has been characterized both in terms of specificity and patterns of immunofluorescence staining in Triton extracted cultured cells. As determined by two dimensional gel immunoblotting of HeLa cell proteins the antibody recognized IEF 52 and two other acidic proteins (IEF 55, Mr=31.8 kd; IEF 56, Mr=31 kd) previously identified as putative tropomyosin-like proteins. Immunofluorescence staining of Triton extracted cultured cells revealed the striated or interrupted pattern on the actin cables characteristic of tropomyosin staining. Quantitation of the three tropomyosins in Triton cytoskeletons from normal and SV 40 transformed human MRC-5 fibroblasts showed that the latter contained significantly less of tropomyosin IEF's 52 (52%) and 56 (72%) as compared to their normal counterparts. The ratios of these two tropomyosins to actin however was very similar for both types of cytoskeletons. This was not the case for tropomyosin IEF 55, which was present in nearly twice the amount in the cytoskeletons from the SV 40 transformed cells. The ratio of actin to total tropomyosin for whole cells was found to be unchanged on transformation. This ratio however was 31% lower in the cytoskeletons from the transformed cells. These and other results presented here suggest that changes in the levels of these three tropomyosins are not enough to account for the magnitude of the loss of actin cables observed in the transformed cells.Abbreviations IEF isoelectric focusing - mAb monoclonal antibody - NEPHGE non equilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis  相似文献   

J E Celis  R Bravo 《FEBS letters》1984,165(1):21-25
Quantitative two-dimensional gel electrophoretic analysis (IEF) of the nuclear polypeptide cyclin in normal human skin biopsies, growing and senescent fibroblasts and morphologically transformed skin fibroblasts (limited life span) has revealed a direct correlation between the levels of this protein and proliferative state of the cells. These results strengthen the notion that cyclin may be a key component of the pathway(s) that control cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Unlike mammals, teleost fish are able to mount an efficient and robust regenerative response following optic nerve injury. Although it is clear that changes in gene expression accompany axonal regeneration, the extent of this genomic response is not known. To identify genes involved in successful nerve regeneration, we analyzed gene expression in zebrafish retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) regenerating their axons following optic nerve injury. Microarray analysis of RNA isolated by laser capture microdissection from uninjured and 3-day post-optic nerve injured RGCs identified 347 up-regulated and 29 down-regulated genes. Quantitative RT-PCR and in situ hybridization were used to verify the change in expression of 19 genes in this set. Gene ontological analysis of the data set suggests regenerating neurons up-regulate genes associated with RGC development. However, not all regeneration-associated genes are expressed in differentiating RGCs indicating the regeneration is not simply a recapitulation of development. Knockdown of six highly induced regeneration-associated genes identified two, KLF6a and KLF7a, that together were necessary for robust RGC axon re-growth. These results implicate KLF6a and KLF7a as important mediators of optic nerve regeneration and suggest that not all induced genes are essential to mount a regenerative response.  相似文献   

Long non‐coding RNAs have recently become a key regulatory factor for cancers, whereas FER1L4, a newly discovered long non‐coding RNA, has been mostly studied in gastric carcinoma and colon cancer cases. The functions and molecular mechanism of FER1L4 have been rarely reported in glioma malignant phenotypes. In this study, it was found that the expression of LncRNA FER1L4 is upregulated in high‐grade gliomas than in low‐grade cases and that a high expression of LncRNA FER1L4 predicts poor prognosis of gliomas. Meanwhile, in vitro study suggests that expression of FER1L4 with SiRNA knockdown obviously suppresses cell cycle and proliferation. It is further demonstrated by experiments that the FER1L4 knockdown suppresses growth of in vivo glioma. Besides, it is found in our study that LncRNA FER1L4 expression is positively correlated with E2F1 mRNA expression. After knockdown of FER1L4 expression, E2F1 expression is significantly down‐regulated, whereas the expression of miR‐372 is significantly up‐regulated; the up‐regulation of miR‐372 leads to significant down‐regulation of FER1L4 and E2F1 expression. In addition, it is also found that FER1L4 can be used as competitive endogenous RNA to interact or bind with miR‐371 and thereby up‐regulate E2F1, thus promoting the cycle and proliferation of glioma cells. It may be one of the molecular mechanisms in which FER1L4 plays its oncogene‐like role in gliomas.  相似文献   

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