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Wolbachia属共生细菌及其对节肢动物生殖活动的调控作用   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:13  
龚鹏  沈佐锐  李志红 《昆虫学报》2002,45(2):241-252
Wolbachia属是广泛分布于节肢动物生殖组织内的一类共生细菌。这些共生菌通过卵的细胞质传播并参与多种调控其宿主生殖活动的机制,包括:诱导生殖不亲和、诱导孤雌生殖、雌性化、雄性致死和调节繁殖力。Wolbachia被认为与性别决定、共生关系和物种形成等重要生物学问题密切相关,是探索这些研究领域的新线索。而且Wolbachia可作为特定的载体对其宿主种群进行遗传调控,如增强寄生蜂在害虫生物防治中的作用,控制线虫引起的疾病传播。该文综述了Wolbachia的形态学及存在部位、基因组结构、系统发育、种的命名、水平传递和Wolbachia对其宿主生殖活动的调控作用,并分析了Wolbachia研究的科学意义和发展趋势,以期引起我国生物学家对Wolbachia研究的注意和快速切入。  相似文献   

昆虫共生细菌研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
昆虫体内定殖着大量微生物,经过漫长协同进化,昆虫与这些微生物构建了共生体系,这些昆虫共生微生物参与整个生态过程,对于生态系统中物质转化与交换、能量流动与利用、信息传递与调控等均发挥着重要作用。昆虫共生细菌具有丰富的物种多样性;昆虫与其共生细菌之间通过化学机制、生理机制、生态学机制和遗传学机制构建复杂的共生体系;昆虫为细菌提供稳定的生境并共享特定的代谢途径,共生细菌则协助宿主营养代谢,提供食物中缺乏的养分,促进昆虫生长和繁殖;通过分泌抗菌肽、毒素等,细菌能增强昆虫对寄生物的防御能力和抗病性,并通过调节昆虫对非生物因子的抗逆性和耐药性,扩大昆虫的生态位。昆虫共生细菌在农林牧渔业可持续安全生产与医药研发等领域具有应用潜力和广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

共生菌Wolbachia引起宿主细胞质不亲和的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wolbachia 是一类广泛存在于节肢动物以及线虫体内细胞质中呈母系遗传的共生细菌,能够在宿主中产生细胞质不亲和、孤雌生殖、雌性化及杀雄等多种生殖调控作用,其中细胞质不亲和是指被 Wolbachia 感染的雄性个体与未感染的雌性个体(单向不亲和),或者感染不同株系 Wolbachia 的雌性个体(双向不亲和)交配后不能或很少产生后代,或者后代偏雄性的现象。细胞质不亲和作用使感染的雌性个体在种群中具有很大的生殖优势,凭借这种生殖优势,Wolbachia 能够迅速在宿主种群中扩张。细胞质不亲和的机理探索主要集中在细胞学水平上,其中广为接受的精子“修饰”和“拯救”理论认为,精巢中的 Wolbachia 能够修饰宿主的精细胞,使其不能和卵细胞正常融合,但是当母本感染相同的 Wolbachia 时,就能够将“修饰”过的精子细胞“拯救”过来,使其恢复与卵细胞的正常融合。而分子机理上的探索也开始在转录组、基因组和miRNA水平上对部分昆虫展开了研究。影响细胞质不亲和的因素有很多,包括宿主遗传背景、 Wolbachia 株系、Wolbachia 基因型、共生菌密度(浓度、滴度)、雄虫年龄、环境因素以及共生菌在宿主生殖组织的分布等。近年来,人类也应用细胞质不亲和控制害虫(主要是蚊虫)和人类疾病,取得了较好的进展。  相似文献   

昆虫病原线虫的共生细菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫病原线虫与其共生细菌二者互惠共生 :共生细菌需要昆虫病原线虫作为载体以寄生寄主昆虫并做为自己的营养来源 ,而昆虫病原线则需要依靠共生细菌来杀死昆虫。综述了共生细菌的病原作用、抗菌作用与杀虫作用 ,评述了共生细菌的基因工程进展 ,讨论了昆虫共生细菌在昆虫病原线虫致病性的作用。  相似文献   

寄生蜂体内共生菌Wolbachia研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wolbachia是广泛分布在节肢动物生殖组织中的细胞质遗传细菌,在寄生蜂中可以通过诱导胞质不亲和、孤雌生殖、雄性雌性化和杀雄等多种方式调节寄主的生殖.本文在综述了寄生蜂体内共生菌Wolbachia的类群和分化、传播方式及其对寄主生物学特性的影响、温度通过对Wolbachia的作用而影响寄生蜂的表现等基础上,讨论了如何...  相似文献   

昆虫病原斯氏和异小杆线虫与共生细菌的共生关系是这类线虫作为害虫生物防治因子的基础。从线虫共生细菌的信息、营养、抗菌和病原作用,以及线虫对共生细菌的保护和媒介作用综述昆虫病原线虫与其共生细菌的共生关系;描述这一共生关系的影响因子;同时,讨论了未来的研究方向和应用前景。  相似文献   

昆虫共生菌研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
昆虫与微生物的共生是一种普遍存在的现象,与昆虫共生的微生物从形态学或生活史上可大致分为三大类:细菌、酵母和立克次氏体.  相似文献   

昆虫原线虫共生细菌的供谢产物   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Wolbachia与昆虫精卵细胞质不亲和   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wolbachia是广泛分布在昆虫体内的一类共生菌,能通过多种机制调节宿主的生殖方式,包括诱导宿主精卵细胞质不亲和(CI)、孤雌生殖、雌性化、杀雄等,其中细胞质不亲和为最普遍的表型,即感染Wolbachia的雄性和未感染或感染不同品系Wolbachia的雌性宿主交配后,受精卵不能正常发育,在胚胎期死亡。多数CI胚胎在第1次分裂时,来自父本的染色质浓缩缺陷,导致父本遗传物质无法正常分配到子细胞中,因而引起胚胎死亡。守门员模型认为,产生CI可能需要有两种因子,其中之一使得精子发生修饰改变,导致受精后雄性原核发育滞后。第2种因子可能与Wolbachia的原噬菌体有关,在胚胎发育后期导致胚胎死亡。近期的研究已发现,在Wolbachia感染的宿主中,一些与生殖细胞发生和繁殖相关基因的表达发生了显著改变,Wolbachia可能因此对宿主的生殖产生重大影响,进而导致CI的产生。本文主要综述了CI的细胞学表型、解释CI的模型及其分子机理,向读者展示一个小小的细菌是如何通过精妙的策略影响昆虫宿主的繁殖,从而实现其自身的生存和传播的。  相似文献   

本文利用紫外照射、温度、pH、盐度诱导五株溶源性共生菌株Xenorhabdus和Photorhabdus,同时测定斯氏和异小杆属线虫Steinernema carpocapsae A24,S.carpocapsae AIL,S.feltiae English,S.feltiae SN,Heterorbabditis bacterophora H06在体外培养过程中是否存在感染共生细菌的噬菌体.结果未发现噬菌斑,说明实验菌株在实验诱导条件下以及昆虫病原线虫固体培养系统中不可能诱发噬菌体的危害.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is a group of Gram‐negative, obligatory intracellular and maternally transmitted alpha‐Proteobacteria. They have been reported to establish symbiotic relationships with a great variety of species of the most diverse animal class, the insects, as well as with several other arthropods and with filarial nematodes. The reproductive alterations Wolbachia causes in its hosts account for its widespread distribution. These alterations include parthenogenesis, feminization, male killing, and cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). CI is the most frequent and best studied effect Wolbachia has on its hosts. CI is a form of male sterility, ultimately resulting in embryo lethality in diplodiploid host species. As a consequence of CI, Wolbachia infections spread and lead to the replacement of uninfected populations. CI was used nearly four decades ago to control important disease vectors with very encouraging results, and a number of more recent studies have confirmed the effectiveness of CI as a pest population suppression tool as well as a driving mechanism. Furthermore, recent advancements in the field encourage the development of Wolbachia‐based methods for the biological control of insect pests and disease vectors of agricultural, environmental and medical importance.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are maternally-transmitted endocellular bacteria infecting several arthropod species. In order to study the possibility of Wolbachia segregation in a naturally bi-infected host, isofemale lines from a bi-infected Drosophila simulans (Sturtevant) strain from Nouméa (New Caledonia) were backcrossed using uninfected males carrying the same nuclear background. Uninfected males were used to avoid the cytoplasmic incompatibility syndrome (CI) associated with the presence of Wolbachia in males. Each line was established using a female infected simultaneously by the two different Wolbachia variants wHa and wNo. The backcross led to some individuals carrying only one type of infection being recovered among the progeny of the bi-infected foundress females. Rarely, uninfected individuals were also recovered. Isolated for the first time in its natural host, wNo exhibited a significantly weaker CI phenotype than the isolated wHa variant. Infection fate when backcross conditions were relaxed varied depending on rearing conditions of the host. Under favourable conditions, the infection was generally maintained, while it was frequently lost under unfavourable conditions. This result probably reflects the direct fitness dependence of the symbiont on its host.  相似文献   

In some species displaying Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility, the intensity of incompatibility depends on the density of symbionts in both parents. Although modalities of the transmission process are poorly known, it appears that the density of Wolbachia within the offspring of a female is variable and is correlated with that of the mother. Assuming that the infection level of an host is a continuous trait, we examine some theoretical consequences of the Wolbachia transmission process on the evolution of the infection level within a population. The hypotheses of this model concern two main points: the transmission of Wolbachia is affected by stochastic processes and a deterministic bias, and the bacterial load of the parents of a cross affects their compatibility relationships. It is shown that the variance of the number of bacteria transmitted induced by the stochastic processes tends to counteract the effect of bacterial curing on the dynamics of infection. A general consequence of the model is that the extinction of Wolbachia is possible even if there is strong incompatibility and no selective disadvantage for the host to bear the bacteria. The model indicates that the evolution of bacterial mutants does not depend on the level of incompatibility they induce, but that mutants with higher transmission variance can be selected for. Moreover, the mean infection level of the host population increases in the presence of such bacteria.  相似文献   

我国尖音库蚊复合组蚊虫的杂交及其与Wolbachia感染的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了了解我国尖音库蚊复合组蚊虫间杂交卵的不孵化现象和明确该现象与共生微生物Wolbachia感染的关系,对该复合组实验室种群4个亚种进行了笼内杂交和抗生素处理后的杂交。试验表明: 在复合组蚊虫中骚扰库蚊Culex pipiens molestus与淡色库蚊Cx. Pipiens pallens、致倦库蚊Cx. Ipiens quinquefasciatus与尖音库蚊Cx. Pipiens pipiens之间存在有单向胞质不融合现象,骚扰库蚊的雄虫与尖音库蚊、致倦库蚊和淡色库蚊的雌虫杂交卵的孵化率分别为0.06%、0.46%和0.19%;该胞质不融合现象可以通过抗生素处理而消除,处理后骚扰库蚊雄虫与其余3个亚种雌虫F3杂交卵的孵化率均有提高,分别为89.49%(t=3.90×10-28t0.01=2.704)、23.39%(t=9.15×10-7t0.01=2.660和22.27%(t=5.08×10-4t0.01=2.750),并可因抗生素处理而产生新的不融合类型。  相似文献   

Wolbachia bacteria are common cytoplasmic symbionts of insects, mites and filarial nematodes. They can alter the reproduction of their hosts. The symbiont could be eliminated, transferred or used through genetic alteration to take advantage or remove their possible influences on pests and/or natural enemies. Their extensive effects on reproduction and host fitness have made Wolbachia the subject of growing attention as a potential biocontrol agent. Here, we summarize the relations of Wolbachia in the control of disease vectors and pests. Furthermore, the drawbacks of these bacteria are also discussed.  相似文献   

Prevailing triple infection with three distinct Wolbachia strains was identified in Japanese populations of the adzuki bean beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis. When a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was conducted using universal primers for ftsZ and wsp, Wolbachia was detected in all the individuals examined, 288 males and 334 females from nine Japanese populations. PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of cloned wsp gene fragments from single insects revealed that three types of wsp sequences coexist in the insects. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of the wsp sequences unequivocally demonstrated that C. chinensis harbours three phylogenetically distinct Wolbachia, tentatively designated as wBruCon, wBruOri and wBruAus, respectively. Diagnostic PCR analysis using specific primers demonstrated that, of 175 males and 235 females from nine local populations, infection frequencies with wBruCon, wBruOri and wBruAus were 100%, 96.3% and 97.0%, respectively. As for the infection status of individuals, triple infection (93.7%) dominated over double infection (6.1%) and single infection (0.2%). The amounts of wBruCon, wBruOri and wBruAus in field-collected adult insects were analysed by using a quantitative PCR technique in terms of wsp gene copies per individual insect. Irrespective of original populations, wBruCon and wBruOri (107 -108 wsp copies/insect) were consistently greater in amount than wBruAus (106 -107 wsp copies/insect), suggesting that the population sizes of the three Wolbachia strains are controlled, although the mechanism is unknown. Mating experiments suggested that the three Wolbachia cause cytoplasmic incompatibility at different levels of intensity.  相似文献   

Wolbachia, a group of maternally inherited intracellular parasitic bacteria, alter host reproduction, including the induction of thelytokous parthenogenesis, feminization of genetic males, son killing and, most commonly, the induction of cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), in a diverse array of arthropods. CI can result in infertility and has attracted attention because of its potential in biological control and as an agent in speciation. Although there has been some analysis of overall infection rates in arthropods and within individual insect orders, there has been little exploration of within-species variation. In this study, primers specific for the ftsZ gene of Wolbachia were used to amplify it from different geographical samples of the European raspberry beetle (Byturus tomentosus), confirming the presence of Wolbachia. More than 99% of UK individuals were found to be infected with Wolbachia and 97% of these B. tomentosus beetles harboured multiple infections. Preliminary analysis of B. tomentosus beetles from continental European populations revealed a lower level of infection (24%) than those from the UK. Phylogenetic analysis using the ftsZ DNA sequences places Wolbachia from B. tomentosus into a new clade (Abt) within the A division, with some revisions to the existing Wolbachia phylogeny.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are the most widespread endosymbiotic bacteria in animals. In many arthropod host species, they manipulate reproduction via several mechanisms that favor their maternal transmission to offspring. Among them, cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) promotes the spread of the symbiont by specifically decreasing the fertility of crosses involving infected males and uninfected females, via embryo mortality. These differences in reproductive efficiency may select for the avoidance of incompatible mating, a process called reinforcement, and thus contribute to population divergence. In the terrestrial isopod Porcellio dilatatus, the Wolbachia wPet strain infecting the subspecies P. d. petiti induces unidirectional CI with uninfected individuals of the subspecies P. d. dilatatus. To study the consequences of CI on P. d. dilatatus and P. d. petiti hybridization, mitochondrial haplotypes and Wolbachia infection dynamics, we used population cages seeded with different proportions of the 2 subspecies in which we monitored these genetic parameters 5 and 7 years after the initial setup. Analysis of microsatellite markers allowed evaluating the degree of hybridization between individuals of the 2 subspecies. These markers revealed an increase in P. d. dilatatus nuclear genetic signature in all mixed cages, reflecting an asymmetry in hybridization. Hybridization led to the introgressive acquisition of Wolbachia and mitochondrial haplotype from P. d. petiti into nuclear genomes dominated by alleles of P. d. dilatatus. We discuss these results with regards to Wolbachia effects on their host (CI and putative fitness cost), and to a possible reinforcement that may have led to assortative mating, as possible factors contributing to the observed results.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is a group of maternally inherited endosymbiotic bacteria that infect and induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) in a wide range of arthropods. In contrast to other species, the mosquito Culex pipiens displays an extremely high number of CI types suggesting differential infection by multiple Wolbachia strains. Attempts so far failed to detect Wolbachia polymorphism that might explain this high level of CI diversity found in C. pipiens populations. Here, we establish that Wolbachia infection is near to or at fixation in worldwide populations of the C. pipiens complex. Wolbachia polymorphism was addressed by sequence analysis of the Tr1 gene, a unique transposable element of the IS5 family, which allowed the identification of five C. pipiens Wolbachia strains, differing either by nucleotide substitution, presence or absence pattern, or insertion site. Sequence analysis also showed that recombination, transposition and superinfection occurred at very low frequencies. Analysis of the geographical distributions of each Wolbachia strain among C. pipiens populations indicated a strong worldwide differentiation independent from mosquito subspecies type, except in the UK. The availability of this polymorphic marker now opens the way to investigate evolution of Wolbachia populations and CI dynamics, in particular in regions where multiple crossing types coexist among C. pipiens populations.  相似文献   

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