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  • 1 We investigated effective thermal environments and behavioural and physiological mechanisms for thermoregulation in two sympatric desert robber flies, Promachus giganteus (Hine) and Efferia texana (Banks). Although similar in body shape and colour, P. giganteus are 4–8 times heavier than E. texana.
  • 2 During midday, operative temperatures near the ground were substantially higher for P. giganteus (56–73°C) than for E. texana (54–63°C). Correspondingly, P. giganteus generally perched at greater heights above the ground than did E. texana.
  • 3 Both species maintained thoracic temperatures between 40 and 45°C during most of the day. However, differences between thoracic and abdominal temperatures for individual flies were significantly lower in P. giganteus than in E. texana.
  • 4 In the laboratory, P. giganteus regulated thoracic temperature by pumping haemolymph into the abdomen. This ability may have accounted for the smaller differences observed between thoracic and abdominal temperatures in P. giganteus and may have allowed this species to search for food and mates during midday when E. texana sought shade.

The position of antennae in the ventral part of head in the species of the genus Eremodromus Zimin is considered. It is different in the three species: the antennae are situated close to the mystacal bristles (E. noctivagus), distant from them (E. gracilis), and near the border between dorsal and ventral parts of head (E. zimini). All three species have reduced pulvilli. It is shown that both species of Theurgus Richter have a single straight apical anteroventral spur on the middle tibia.  相似文献   

We present the first formal analysis of phylogenetic relationships among the Asilidae, based on four genes: 16S rDNA, 18S rDNA, 28S rDNA, and cytochrome oxidase II. Twenty-six ingroup taxa representing 11 of the 12 described subfamilies were selected to produce a phylogenetic estimate of asilid subfamilial relationships via optimization alignment, parsimony, and maximum likelihood techniques. Phylogenetic analyses support the monophyly of Asilidae with Leptogastrinae as the most basal robber fly lineage. Apocleinae+(Asilinae+Ommatiinae) is supported as monophyletic. The laphriinae-group (Laphriinae+Laphystiinae) and the dasypogoninae-group (Dasypogoninae+Stenopogoninae+Stichopogoninae+ Trigonomiminae) are paraphyletic. These results suggest that current subfamilial classification only partially reflects robber fly phylogeny, indicating the need for further phylogenetic investigation of this group.  相似文献   

The robber fly Mallophora ruficauda is the most important pest of apiculture in the Pampas region of Argentina. Adults prey on honeybees and other insects, while larvae parasitize larvae of scarab beetles, which live underground. Females of M. ruficauda do not search for hosts but instead lay eggs in tall pastures. Once hatched, larvae drop to the ground and burrow underground to search for their hosts. We tested in the laboratory whether larvae of M. ruficauda actively search for their hosts using host and/or host-related chemical cues. We report that M. ruficauda detects its host using chemical cues that originate in the posterior half of the host's body, most likely from an abdominal exocrine structure. This particular host-searching strategy is described for the first time in Asilidae.  相似文献   

The distribution of 108 species of robber flies over different landscapes and plant associations in the Lower Volga area was studied.  相似文献   

Summary Data regarding seasonal abundance, microhabitat preference, and diet were collected over 3 field seasons for adults of 15 robber fly species on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. The species comprised 2 distinct thermal guilds; light-seeking (hereafter LS) species foraged in sunlit areas, while shade-seeking (SS) species foraged only in deep shade. All species were rare during the dry season. During the rainy months, most SS species had flight periods of 2–3 months, and no temporal segregation was apparent. In contrast, most LS species had flight periods of only 4–6 weeks, and a distinct sequence of occurrence was evident during 2 years of censusing. Most SS and LS species displayed a pronounced specificity for perches of a particular substrate type. However, the ranges of perching heights utilized varied considerably among species. Dietary comparisons revealed that mean and maximum prey sizes increased with increasing robber fly size, while minimum prey sizes were constant. Robber fly species <20 mg fed primarily upon nematocerous Diptera, whereas larger species generally fed upon a wide variety of prey types. For each thermal guild, the actual mean overlap for a particular niche dimension was compared to mean overlaps generated by randomly assigning species to thermal guilds. No significant differences from the random null hypothesis were found for the SS guild. However, niche complementarity between dietary and spatial overlaps and dietary overlap was apparent among the 5 large LS species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(3):840-844
Robber flies (Asilidae) are the main predatory fly family feeding on beetles, butterflies, other flies for true flies, and even spiders; however, Hymenoptera is the most common prey. Invasive Hymenoptera species are common in central and southern Chile; however, few predators of these are known. The hunting behavior and prey of Chilean robber fly species are also poorly known. The aim of this study is to provide the first hunting behavior records of five Chilean giant robber fly species on invasive Hymenoptera. In addition, an updated distribution of these species is provided. Records of hunting behavior were based on fieldwork collections and citizen science observations. The historical distribution was compared with citizen science observations using chi-square analyzes. Twelve predation events were recorded. Obelophorus terebratus was the most common predator. Bombus terrestris was the invasive Hymenoptera most preyed upon. Both the extension of occurrence of Lycomya germainii as Obelophorus species showed changes in his distribution. Only O. landbecki shown changes in area of occupancy. Citizen science is playing a key role in the knowledge of biological interactions and distribution of endemic and native Chilean robber fly species.  相似文献   

We studied the activity and spatial distribution of the robber fly,Promachus albifacies, in a desert grassland habitat in central New Mexico. Late in the season males spent most of the daytime on or near cholla and yucca plants that had dead stems or dead flower stalks at least 1 m high. Of the three hypotheses (thermoregulation, foraging, mate encounter site) considered as explanations for this distribution, the mate-encounter-site hypothesis was best supported. Plants used by females as oviposition sites were the focus of male activity. Males perched within or near these plants and attempted copulations with females detected nearby. Most matings were initiated at these locations. Seasonal changes in male and female activity also supported the mate-encounter-site hypothesis. Early in the season, females spent little time ovipositing, and predictably, males spent little time on or near these plants. Such a mating system may be described as resource defense polygyny, since males acted aggressively toward one another at oviposition sites even when females were not present. However, the short tenure of males at these sites is suggestive of scramble competition polygyny. We discuss possible reasons why this particular mating system has evolved.  相似文献   

The impact of predation by the robber fly Proctacanthus milbertii Macquart on populations of adult grasshoppers from grasslands of the Nebraska sandhills was estimated. Densities of P. milbertii were estimated at 437 individuals per hectare (2 se=122). Overall densities of 23 species of grasshoppers were estimated to be 64,000 individuals per hectare with the most abundant species (Ageneotettix deorum) having a population size of approximately 15,000 individuals per hectare. Based on three estimates of predation level (ranging from 0.5 to 2 prey per day per robber fly), P. milbertii may take from 0.5% to 2% of the adult grasshoppers per day. Species of grasshoppers were taken by P. milbertii in about the same proportion in which they occurred at the study site and no size-selective component of predation was detectable.  相似文献   

The density‐dependence in parasitism by the robber fly Mallophora ruficauda (Diptera: Asilidae) on scarab beetle larvae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) populations was studied in the present research. Mallophora ruficauda is a pestiferous species common in the open grasslands of the Pampas region of South America. Adults are predators of insects and larvae are solitary parasitoids of third instar larvae of several species of scarab beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). In contrast with most studied host‐parasitoid interactions, host searching by M. ruficauda is carried out by both larvae and adults. Typically, robber fly females lay eggs on tall grasses from where larvae drop to the ground, and attack hosts which are buried in the soil. We carried out our study at two spatial scales close to 14 apiaries located in the provinces of Buenos Aires and Entre Ríos (Argentina). We found that parasitism is density‐independent at the larger spatial scale and inversely density‐dependent at the smaller one. We also found that M. ruficauda selects Cyclocephala signaticollis among several scarab beetle species. Specificity is observed both at large and small spatial scales. We discuss the implications of both host specificity and host searching behaviour on the observed parasitism patterns.  相似文献   

The third species of the Neotropical genus Leinendera Carrera, 1945, Leinendera achaeta sp. n., is described from Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The habitus, wing and male terminalia are described and illustrated, and a key to the three Brazilian species is provided.  相似文献   

We examined the structure of ectoparasitic bat fly infestations on 31 well‐sampled bat species, representing 4 Neotropical families. Sample sizes varied from 22 to 1057 bats per species, and bat species were infested by 4 to 27 bat fly species. Individual bats supported smaller infracommunities (the set of parasites co‐occurring on an individual host), ranging from 1 to 5 fly species in size, and no bat species had more than 6 bat fly species characteristically associated with it (its primary fly species). Nestedness analyses used system temperature (BINMATNEST algorithm) because it is particularly well‐suited for analysis of interaction networks, where parasite records may be nested among hosts and host individuals simultaneously nested among parasites. Most species exhibited very low system temperatures (mean 3.14°; range 0.14–12.28°). Simulations showed that nested structure for all 31 species was significantly stronger than simulated values under 2 of the 3 null hypotheses, and about half the species were also nested under the more stringent conditions of the third null hypothesis. Yet this structure disappears when analyses are restricted to “primary” associations of fly species (flies on their customary host species), which exclude records thought to be atypical, transient, or potential contaminants. Despite comprising a small fraction of total parasite records, such anomalies represent a considerable part of the statistical state‐space, offering the illusion of significant ecological structure. Only well understood and well documented systems can make distinctions between primary and other occurrence records. Generally, nestedness appears best developed in host‐parasite systems where infestations are long‐term and accumulate over time. Dynamic, short‐term infestations by highly mobile parasites like bat flies may appear to be nested, but such structure is better understood in terms of host specificity and accidental occurrences than in terms of prevalence, persistence, or hierarchical niche relations of the flies.  相似文献   

Summary Robber flies (Diptera: Asilidae) were studied in Panama from May through August. Of the 16 species examined, 5 perched and foraged in the sun and 11 perched and foraged in the shade. Thoracic body temperatures of light-seeking flies ranged from 35.2–40.6°C during foraging. Light-seeking flies regulated body temperature behaviorally by microhabitat selection and postural adjustments, and physiologically by transferring warmed haemolymph from the thorax to the cooler abdomen. Thoracic temperatures of shade-seeking flies passively followed ambient temperature in the shade and these flies did not thermoregulate. None of these robber flies warmed endothermically in the absence of flight. Resting oxygen consumption ( ) of both groups scaled with body mass to the 0.77 power. The factorial increment in resulting from hovering flight ranged from 12 to 56. The increased markedly with body temperature in light-seeking flies and probably explains the greater foraging effort observed in these species. Wing loading of all 16 species of robber flies scaled with body mass to the 0.39 power. Large light-seeking flies had heavier wing loading than large shade-seeking flies. The differences in body temperature and wing loading between light-seeking and shade-seeking robber flies may be related to differences in flight speed and maneuverability during foraging.  相似文献   

  • 1 Bei der Raubfliege Pycnopogon fasciculatus vollführt das ♂ vor dem sitzenden ♀ eine Flugbalz, die hauptsächlich anhand von Filmaufnahmen analysiert wurde. Das ♂ schwebt bei der Flugbalz dicht vor dem ♀, schwenkt dann bis 10 cm nach hinten aus, um auf der gleichen Flugbahn stoßartig nach vorne vor das ♀ zu fliegen. Diesen Hin- und Herflug wiederholt das ♂ durchschnittlich 28mal. Zu Beginn der Flugbalz orientiert sich das ♂ durch Ertasten des weiblichen Vorderendes. Das ♂ hält die Beine an den beiden Umkehrpunkten der Flugbahn ganz verschieden (vgl. Abb. 2 c), zeigt aber keine Landehaltung. Flugtechnisch scheint die Veränderung der Beinstellung wenig Bedeutung zu haben. Ob die Beinhaltung vor dem ♀ aus einer ritualisierten Beuteübergabe hervorgegangen ist, bleibt offen. Das ♀ zeigt seine Abwehrbereitschaft bei der Flugbalz durch ritualisiertes Wackeln hochgehaltener Hinterbeine.
  • 2 Das ♂ vollführt seine Flugbalz auch vor toten, artgleichen ♀ und ♂♂ und auch vor artfremden, z. T. größeren Fliegen. Die Flugbalz ist kürzer als vor lebenden ♀♀ (durchschnittlich nur 14 Anflüge) und führt wegen des Fehlens von Abwehrsignalen des ♂ doppelt so haufig zu einem unmittelbar anschließenden Kopulationsversuch.
  • 3 Sitzende ♂♂ schlagen gegen anfliegende ♂♂ ihre Vorderbeine schnell abwechselnd in die Luft. Dieses Vorderbeinwirbeln tritt auch beim Schweben des ♂ vor dem ♀ während der Balz auf und wird als Abwehrhandlung gedeutet. Durch das Vorderbeinwirbeln gegen andere ♂♂ kommt es unter natürlichen Umständen nicht zur Flugbalz vor sitzenden ♂♂.
  • 4 ♀♀ vertreiben arteigene ♀♀ und artfremde Fliegen häufig von ihrem Sitzast durch Anlaufen mit schräg angestellten, seitlich abgespreizten Flügeln.
  • 5 Das ♂ versucht in 31 % der Fälle die Kopulation unmittelbar nach der Flugbalz (n = 96). Nicht Hochhalten der Hinterbeine des ♀ löst beim ♂ einen Kopulationsversuch aus. Die Kopulation dauert mindestens 15 min und vollzieht sich in der “end-to-end position”.
  • 6 Das Paarungsverhalten von Pycnopogon fasciculatus läßt sich als Handlungskette darstellen (Tab. 2).
  • 7 Das Paarungsverhalten der räuberischen, in einigen Fällen auch kannibalischen Asilidenfamilie ist sehr unterschiedlich. Außer Flugbalz ist Balz auf fester Unterlage und Überwältigung des ♀ durch das ♂ ohne vorausgehende Balzhandlungen bekannt.

ABSTRACT. The Neotropical species of Metopia Meigen are revised, and a total of fifteen species recorded from the region. Five species are described as new; M.aurigans sp.n., M.pulverulenta sp.n., M.hispidimana sp.n., M.flava sp.n., and M.cubitosetigera sp.n. Three species are recorded for the first time from the Neotropical region; M.inermis Allen, 1926, M.krombeini Sabrosky, 1953, and M.sinipalpis Allen, 1926. Four new synonyms are proposed; M.tessellata Allen, 1926, syn.n. of M.perpendicularis Wulp, 1890, M.macrocera Dodge, 1968, syn.n. of M.brasiliana (Townsend, 1929), M.astuta Dodge, 1968, syn.n. of M.brasiliana (Town-send, 1929), and M.lucipeda Reinhard, 1961, syn.n. of M.campestris (Fallen, 1810). Males of M.polita (Townsend, 1935) and M.juquiana (Townsend, 1934) are recorded for the first time. A key to all American species of Metopia is provided, and the phylogenetic affinities of the Neotropical species are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of the wing apparatus and flight in nine species of flower flies (Syrphidae) has been performed. Data on the flight velocity, aerodynamic force, wing-beat frequency, stroke amplitude and stroke plane angle, wing area, body mass and volume, as well as correlations between these parameters at the intraspecific and family levels, have been obtained. Based on the obtained data, the subfamilies Syrphinae and Eristalinae have been compared.  相似文献   

Under seminatural conditions feeding and postfeeding behaviors of individual apple maggot flies, Rhagoletis pomonella(Diptera: Tephritidae), were recorded after flies were presented with yeast hydrolysate or sucrose droplets, varying in either concentration, amount of food solute, or total droplet volume. The objectives were (a) to establish, at a constant level of previous food deprivation, food ingestion thresholds in relation to food quality and quantity and (b) to study the effect of initial food quantity and quality on food handling time and subsequent food foraging behavior. For both carbohydrate and protein substrates, fly foraging time after feeding on a tree branchlet was positively related to total amount of food solute previously encountered on a leaf surface, though largely independent of food volume or concentration. The volume and concentration of food presented, however, significantly affected food handling and processing time and therefore foraging time. In fact, total branchlet residence time was more closely linked to food handling and processing time than to foraging time. Less time was needed for uptake of liquid than dry food, the latter requiring liquification by salivary secretion and eliciting considerable intermittent cleaning of mouthparts by feeding flies. Similar to the situation in other fluid feeders, uptake time in R. pomonelladecreased with increasing dilution, although below a threshold of a 30% concentration of solute, the rate of nutrient intake decreased rapidly. When the level of dilution and total volume of food ingested were great enough, engorged flies entered extended quiescent postfeeding periods during which they extrude orally droplets of liquid crop contents (bubbling). After this they reinitiated feeding, followed by more bubbling and feeding bouts. Multivariate logistic regression analysis suggested that bubbling behavior is determined by liquid food volume and degree of dilution, hunger, and temperature. Although thresholds triggering bubbling decreased with increasing temperature, higher temperature by itself did not result in bubbling behavior. This suggests that bubbling is not primarily a mechanism to achieve evaporative cooling as has been suggested but, rather, a behavior to eliminate excess water, thereby enabling engorged flies to continue feeding on diluted food sources.  相似文献   

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