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In hair cells of the inner ear, phosphatidylserine (PS), detected with fluorescent annexin V labeling, was rapidly exposed on the external leaflet of apical plasma membranes upon dissection of the organ of Corti. PS externalization was unchanged by caspase inhibition, suggesting that externalization did not portend apoptosis or necrosis. Consistent with that conclusion, mitochondrial membrane potential and hair-cell nuclear structure remained normal during externalization. PS externalization was triggered by forskolin, which raises cAMP, and blocked by inhibitors of adenylyl cyclase. Blocking Na(+) influx by inhibiting the mechanoelectrical transduction channels and P2X ATP channels also inhibited external PS externalization. Diminished PS externalization was also seen in cells exposed to LY 294002, which blocks membrane recycling in hair cells by inhibiting phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. These results indicate that PS exposure on the external leaflet, presumably requiring vesicular transport, results from elevation of intracellular cAMP, which can be triggered by Na(+) entry into hair cells.  相似文献   

In hair cells of the inner ear, phosphatidylserine (PS), detected with fluorescent annexin V labeling, was rapidly exposed on the external leaflet of apical plasma membranes upon dissection of the organ of Corti. PS externalization was unchanged by caspase inhibition, suggesting that externalization did not portend apoptosis or necrosis. Consistent with that conclusion, mitochondrial membrane potential and hair-cell nuclear structure remained normal during externalization. PS externalization was triggered by forskolin, which raises cAMP, and blocked by inhibitors of adenylyl cyclase. Blocking Na+ influx by inhibiting the mechanoelectrical transduction channels and P2X ATP channels also inhibited external PS externalization. Diminished PS externalization was also seen in cells exposed to LY 294002, which blocks membrane recycling in hair cells by inhibiting phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. These results indicate that PS exposure on the external leaflet, presumably requiring vesicular transport, results from elevation of intracellular cAMP, which can be triggered by Na+ entry into hair cells.  相似文献   

Substantial evidence exists for spontaneous oscillations of hair cell stereociliary bundles in the lower vertebrate inner ear. Since the oscillations are larger than expected from Brownian motion, they must result from an active process in the stereociliary bundle suggested to underlie amplification of the sensory input as well as spontaneous otoacoustic emissions. However, their low frequency (<100 Hz) makes them unsuitable for amplification in birds and mammals that hear up to 5 kHz or higher. To examine the possibility of high-frequency oscillations, we used a finite-element model of the outer hair cell bundle incorporating previously measured mechanical parameters. Bundle motion was assumed to activate mechanotransducer channels according to the gating spring hypothesis, and the channels were regulated adaptively by Ca2+ binding. The model generated oscillations of freestanding bundles at 4 kHz whose sharpness of tuning depended on the mechanotransducer channel number and location, and the Ca2+ concentration. Entrainment of the oscillations by external stimuli was used to demonstrate nonlinear amplification. The oscillation frequency depended on channel parameters and was increased to 23 kHz principally by accelerating Ca2+ binding kinetics. Spontaneous oscillations persisted, becoming very narrow-band, when the hair bundle was loaded with a tectorial membrane mass.  相似文献   

Proliferative generation of mammalian auditory hair cells in culture   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Hair cell (HC) and supporting cell (SC) productions are completed during early embryonic development of the mammalian cochlea. This study shows that acutely dissociated cells from the newborn rat organ of Corti, developed into so-called otospheres consisting of 98% nestin (+) cells when plated on a non-adherent substratum in the presence of either epidermal growth factor (EGF) or fibroblast growth factor (FGF2). Within cultured otospheres, nestin (+) cells were shown to express EGF receptor (EGFR) and FGFR2 and rapidly give rise to newly formed myosin VIIA (+) HCs and p27(KIP1) (+) SCs. Myosin VIIA (+) HCs had incorporated bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) demonstrating that they were generated by a mitotic process. Ultrastructural studies confirmed that HCs had differentiated within the otosphere, as defined by the presence of both cuticular plates and stereocilia. This work raises the hypothesis that nestin (+) cells might be a source of newly generated HCs and SCs in the injured postnatal organ of Corti.  相似文献   

Aminoglycosides are toxic to sensory hair cells (HCs). Macroautophagy/autophagy is an essential and highly conserved self-digestion pathway that plays important roles in the maintenance of cellular function and viability under stress. However, the role of autophagy in aminoglycoside-induced HC injury is unknown. Here, we first found that autophagy activity was significantly increased, including enhanced autophagosome-lysosome fusion, in both cochlear HCs and HEI-OC-1 cells after neomycin or gentamicin injury, suggesting that autophagy might be correlated with aminoglycoside-induced cell death. We then used rapamycin, an autophagy activator, to increase the autophagy activity and found that the ROS levels, apoptosis, and cell death were significantly decreased after neomycin or gentamicin injury. In contrast, treatment with the autophagy inhibitor 3-methyladenine (3-MA) or knockdown of autophagy-related (ATG) proteins resulted in reduced autophagy activity and significantly increased ROS levels, apoptosis, and cell death after neomycin or gentamicin injury. Finally, after neomycin injury, the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine could successfully prevent the increased apoptosis and HC loss induced by 3-MA treatment or ATG knockdown, suggesting that autophagy protects against neomycin-induced HC damage by inhibiting oxidative stress. We also found that the dysfunctional mitochondria were not eliminated by selective autophagy (mitophagy) in HEI-OC-1 cells after neomycin treatment, suggesting that autophagy might not directly target the damaged mitochondria for degradation. This study demonstrates that moderate ROS levels can promote autophagy to recycle damaged cellular constituents and maintain cellular homeostasis, while the induction of autophagy can inhibit apoptosis and protect the HCs by suppressing ROS accumulation after aminoglycoside injury.  相似文献   

The sensory and motor roles of auditory hair cells   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Cochlear hair cells respond with phenomenal speed and sensitivity to sound vibrations that cause submicron deflections of their hair bundle. Outer hair cells are not only detectors, but also generate force to augment auditory sensitivity and frequency selectivity. Two mechanisms of force production have been proposed: contractions of the cell body or active motion of the hair bundle. Here, we describe recently identified proteins involved in the sensory and motor functions of auditory hair cells and present evidence for each force generator. Both motor mechanisms are probably needed to provide the high sensitivity and frequency discrimination of the mammalian cochlea.  相似文献   

Hair cells of the mammalian cochlea are specialized for the dynamic coding of sound stimuli. The transduction of sound waves into electrical signals depends upon mechanosensitive hair bundles that project from the cell's apical surface. Each stereocilium within a hair bundle is composed of uniformly polarized and tightly packed actin filaments. Several stereociliary proteins have been shown to be associated with hair bundle development and function and are known to cause deafness in mice and humans when mutated. The growth of the stereociliar actin core is dynamically regulated at the actin filament barbed ends in the stereociliary tip. We show that Eps8, a protein with actin binding, bundling, and barbed-end capping activities in other systems, is a novel component of the hair bundle. Eps8 is localized predominantly at the tip of the stereocilia and is essential for their normal elongation and function. Moreover, we have found that Eps8 knockout mice are profoundly deaf and that IHCs, but not OHCs, fail to mature into fully functional sensory receptors. We propose that Eps8 directly regulates stereocilia growth in hair cells and also plays a crucial role in the physiological maturation of mammalian cochlear IHCs. Together, our results indicate that Eps8 is critical in coordinating the development and functionality of mammalian auditory hair cells.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(6):897-909
Since the pioneering work of Thomas Gold, published in 1948, it has been known that we owe our sensitive sense of hearing to a process in the inner ear that can amplify incident sounds on a cycle-by-cycle basis. Called the active process, it uses energy to counteract the viscous dissipation associated with sound-evoked vibrations of the ear’s mechanotransduction apparatus. Despite its importance, the mechanism of the active process and the proximate source of energy that powers it have remained elusive, especially at the high frequencies characteristic of amniote hearing. This is partly due to our insufficient understanding of the mechanotransduction process in hair cells, the sensory receptors and amplifiers of the inner ear. It has been proposed previously that cyclical binding of Ca2+ ions to individual mechanotransduction channels could power the active process. That model, however, relied on tailored reaction rates that structurally forced the direction of the cycle. Here we ground our study on our previous model of hair-cell mechanotransduction, which relied on cooperative gating of pairs of channels, and incorporate into it the cyclical binding of Ca2+ ions. With a single binding site per channel and reaction rates drawn from thermodynamic principles, the current model shows that hair cells behave as nonlinear oscillators that exhibit Hopf bifurcations, dynamical instabilities long understood to be signatures of the active process. Using realistic parameter values, we find bifurcations at frequencies in the kilohertz range with physiological Ca2+ concentrations. The current model relies on the electrochemical gradient of Ca2+ as the only energy source for the active process and on the relative motion of cooperative channels within the stereociliary membrane as the sole mechanical driver. Equipped with these two mechanisms, a hair bundle proves capable of operating at frequencies in the kilohertz range, characteristic of amniote hearing.  相似文献   

Purcell EK  Liu L  Thomas PV  Duncan RK 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26289
The influence of membrane cholesterol content on a variety of ion channel conductances in numerous cell models has been shown, but studies exploring its role in auditory hair cell physiology are scarce. Recent evidence shows that cholesterol depletion affects outer hair cell electromotility and the voltage-gated potassium currents underlying tall hair cell development, but the effects of cholesterol on the major ionic currents governing auditory hair cell excitability are unknown. We investigated the effects of a cholesterol-depleting agent (methyl beta cyclodextrin, MβCD) on ion channels necessary for the early stages of sound processing. Large-conductance BK-type potassium channels underlie temporal processing and open in a voltage- and calcium-dependent manner. Voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) are responsible for calcium-dependent exocytosis and synaptic transmission to the auditory nerve. Our results demonstrate that cholesterol depletion reduced peak steady-state calcium-sensitive (BK-type) potassium current by 50% in chick cochlear hair cells. In contrast, MβCD treatment increased peak inward calcium current (~30%), ruling out loss of calcium channel expression or function as a cause of reduced calcium-sensitive outward current. Changes in maximal conductance indicated a direct impact of cholesterol on channel number or unitary conductance. Immunoblotting following sucrose-gradient ultracentrifugation revealed BK expression in cholesterol-enriched microdomains. Both direct impacts of cholesterol on channel biophysics, as well as channel localization in the membrane, may contribute to the influence of cholesterol on hair cell physiology. Our results reveal a new role for cholesterol in the regulation of auditory calcium and calcium-activated potassium channels and add to the growing evidence that cholesterol is a key determinant in auditory physiology.  相似文献   

The hair cells of the vertebrate inner ear convert mechanical stimuli to electrical signals. Two adaptation mechanisms are known to modify the ionic current flowing through the transduction channels of the hair bundles: a rapid process involves Ca(2+) ions binding to the channels; and a slower adaptation is associated with the movement of myosin motors. We present a mathematical model of the hair cell which demonstrates that the combination of these two mechanisms can produce "self-tuned critical oscillations", i.e., maintain the hair bundle at the threshold of an oscillatory instability. The characteristic frequency depends on the geometry of the bundle and on the Ca(2+) dynamics, but is independent of channel kinetics. Poised on the verge of vibrating, the hair bundle acts as an active amplifier. However, if the hair cell is sufficiently perturbed, other dynamical regimes can occur. These include slow relaxation oscillations which resemble the hair bundle motion observed in some experimental preparations.  相似文献   

Mammalian auditory outer hair cells generate high-frequency mechanical forces that enhance sound-induced displacements of the basilar membrane within the inner ear. It has been proposed that the resulting cell deformation is directed along the longitudinal axis of the cell by the cortical cytoskeleton. We have tested this proposal by making direct mechanical measurements on outer hair cells. The resultant stiffness modulus along the axis of whole dissociated cells was 3 x 10(-3) N/m, consistent with previously published values. The resultant axial and circumferential stiffness moduli for the cortical lattice were 5 x 10(-4) N/m and 3 x 10(-3) N/m, respectively. Thus the cortical lattice is a highly orthotropic structure. Its axial stiffness is small compared with that of the intact cell, but its circumferential stiffness is within the same order of magnitude. These measurements support the theory that the cortical cytoskeleton directs electrically driven length changes along the longitudinal axis of the cell. The Young's modulus of the circumferential filamentous components of the lattice were calculated to be 1 x 10(7) N/m2. The axial cross-links, believed to be a form of spectrin, were calculated to have a Young's modulus of 3 x 10(6) N/m2. Based on the measured values for the lattice and intact cell cortex, an estimate for the resultant stiffness modulus of the plasma membrane was estimated to be on the order of 10(-3) N/m. Thus, the plasma membrane appears to be relatively stiff and may be the dominant contributor to the axial stiffness of the intact cell.  相似文献   

Hearing loss can be caused by primary degeneration of spiral ganglion neurons or by secondary degeneration of these neurons after hair cell loss. The replacement of auditory neurons would be an important step in any attempt to restore auditory function in patients with damaged inner ear neurons or hair cells. Application of beta-bungarotoxin, a toxin derived from snake venom, to an explant of the cochlea eradicates spiral ganglion neurons while sparing the other cochlear cell types. The toxin was found to bind to the neurons and to cause apoptotic cell death without affecting hair cells or other inner ear cell types as indicated by TUNEL staining, and, thus, the toxin provides a highly specific means of deafferentation of hair cells. We therefore used the denervated organ of Corti for the study of neuronal regeneration and synaptogenesis with hair cells and found that spiral ganglion neurons obtained from the cochlea of an untreated newborn mouse reinnervated hair cells in the toxin-treated organ of Corti and expressed synaptic vesicle markers at points of contact with hair cells. These findings suggest that it may be possible to replace degenerated neurons by grafting new cells into the organ of Corti.  相似文献   

Vestibular hair cells (VHCs) and cochlear outer hair cells (OHCs) of neonatal mice were stimulated by a fluid jet directed at their stereociliary bundles. Relations between the force exerted by the jet, bundle displacement, and the resulting transducer current were studied. The mean maximum transducer conductance in VHCs (2.6 nS) was about half that of the OHCs (5.5 nS), with the largest recorded values being 4.1 nS and 9.2 nS, respectively. In some OHCs activity of a single, 112 pS transducer channel was observed, allowing an estimate of the maximum number of channels: up to 36 in VHCs and 82 in OHCs, corresponding to about one transducer channel per tip link. The VHC bundles required about 330 nm of tip displacement to activate 90% of the maximum transducer conductance, compared to 150 nm for the OHC bundles. This corresponded to 2 deg of rotation about their pivots for both, due to the greater length of the VHC bundles. The VHC bundles'' translational stiffness was one-seventh of that of the OHCs. Conversion to rotational stiffness almost abolished this difference. Rotation of the hair bundle rather than translation determines the gating of the transducer channels, independent of bundle height or origin of the cells.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine released from efferent neurons in the cochlea causes inhibition of mechanosensory hair cells due to the activation of calcium-dependent potassium channels. Hair cells are known to have large-conductance, “BK”-type potassium channels associated with the afferent synapse, but these channels have different properties than those activated by acetylcholine. Whole-cell (tight-seal) and cell-attached patch-clamp recordings were made from short (outer) hair cells isolated from the chicken basilar papilla (cochlea equivalent). The peptides apamin and charybdotoxin were used to distinguish the calcium-activated potassium channels involved in the acetylcholine response from the BK-type channels associated with the afferent synapse. Differential toxin blockade of these potassium currents provides definitive evidence that ACh activates apamin-sensitive, “SK”-type potassium channels, but does not activate carybdotoxin-sensitive BK channels. This conclusion is supported by tentative identification of small-conductance, calcium-sensitive but voltage-insensitive potassium channels in cell-attached patches. The distinction between these channel types is important for understanding the segregation of opposing afferent and efferent synaptic activity in the hair cell, both of which depend on calcium influx. These different calcium-activated potassium channels serve as sensitive indicators for functionally significant calcium influx in the hair cell. Accepted: 12 August 1999  相似文献   

1.  The cross-adapting effects of chemical backgrounds on the response of primary chemoreceptor cells to superimposed stimuli were studied using NH4 receptor cells, of known spectral tuning, from the lobster (Homarus americanus).
2.  Spectrum experiments: The spectral tuning of NH4 receptor cells was investigated using NH4Cl and 7 other compounds selected as the most stimulatory non-best compounds for NH4 cells from a longer list of compounds tested in previous studies. Based on their responses to the compounds tested, 3 spectral subpopulations of NH4 cells were revealed: NH4-Glu cells which responded second-best to Glutamate (Glu); NH4- Bet cells which responded second-best to Betaine (Bet); and pure NH4 cells, which responded to NH4C1 only (Fig. 1).
3.  Cross-adaptation experiments: Overall, cross-adaptation with Glu and Bet backgrounds caused suppression of response of NH4 receptor cells to various concentrations of NH4Cl. However, the different subpopulations of NH4 cells were affected differently: (a) The stimulus-response functions of NH4-Glu cells were significantly suppressed by both a 3 M (G3) and 300 M (G300) Glu backgrounds, (b) The stimulus-response functions of NH4-Bet cells was not affected by a 3 M (B3), but significantly suppressed by a 300M (B300) Bet background. (c) The stimulus-response functions of pure NH4 cells were not affected by any of the Glu or Bet backgrounds (Figs. 3, 4).
4.  The stimulus-response functions of 5 cells from all different subpopulations were enhanced by cross-adaptation with the G300 and B300 backgrounds (Fig. 4, Table 1).
5.  Whereas self-adaptation caused parallel shifts in stimulus-response functions (Borroni and Atema 1988), cross-adaptation caused a decrease in slope of stimulus-response functions. Implications of the results from cross- and self-adaptation experiments on NH4 receptor cells, for a receptor cell model are discussed.

1.  The self-adapting effects of chemical backgrounds on the response of primary chemoreceptor cells to superimposed stimuli were studied using lobster (Homarus americanus) NH4 receptor cells.
2.  These receptors responded for several seconds to the onset of the backgrounds, and then returned to their initial level of spontaneous activity (usually zero). The strongest response always occurred only during the steepest concentration change; the response then decayed back to zero or to the earlier spontaneous firing level, while the background concentration was still rising, and remained silent during the entire time that the background was maintained constant (20–30 min) (Fig. 2).
3.  Exposure to constant self-adapting backgrounds eliminated the responses of NH4 receptor cells to stimuli of concentration lower than the background, and reduced the responses to all higher stimulus concentrations tested by a nearly equal amount. This resulted in a parallel shift of the stimulus-response function to the right along the abscissa (Figs. 3 and 4).
4.  Since the response threshold was completely re-set by adaptation to backgrounds, NH4 receptors seem to function mostly as detectors of relative rather than absolute stimulus intensity across their entire dynamic range: the response to a given stimulus-to-background ratio remained the same over 3 log step increases of background concentration (Fig. 6).
5.  As in other sensory modalities, a parallel shift of response functions appears to be an important property of chemoreceptor cells, allowing for this sensory system to function over a wider stimulus intensity range than the instantaneous dynamic range of individual receptor cells.

The transduction of auditory signals by cochlear hair cells depends upon the integrity of hair cell stereociliary bundles. Stereocilia contain a central core of actin filaments, cross-linked by actin bundling proteins. In the cochlea, the two proteins described to date as responsible for the spatial arrangement of actin filaments in sterocilia are fimbrin and the recently discovered espin. Fimbrin (the chick homolog of human I-plastin) belongs to the plastins/fimbrin family that includes two additional isoforms of plastins, T- and L-plastin. In the present study, we used isoform specific antibodies to investigate the presence of the T- and L-isoforms of plastin/fimbrin in the adult and developing rat cochlea. We found that T-plastin, but not L-plastin, is expressed in the rat cochlea. During postnatal development of the rat organ of Corti, T-plastin can be detected in the core of stereocilia from early stages of hair cell differentiation, and its expression gradually increases in stereocilia as hair cells mature. However, as opposed to other actin-binding proteins expressed in stereocilia, T-plastin is absent from the stereocilia of mature hair cells. Such temporally restricted expression strengthens the idea of functional differences between plastins isoforms, and suggests that T-plastin could have a specific role in stereocilia formation.  相似文献   

The peripheral fibers that extend from auditory neurons to hair cells are sensitive to damage, and replacement of the fibers and their afferent synapse with hair cells would be of therapeutic interest. Here, we show that RGMa, a repulsive guidance molecule previously shown to play a role in the development of the chick visual system, is expressed in the developing, newborn, and mature mouse inner ear. The effect of RGMa on synaptogenesis between afferent neurons and hair cells, from which afferent connections had been removed, was assessed. Contact of neural processes with hair cells and elaboration of postsynaptic densities at sites of the ribbon synapse were increased by treatment with a blocking antibody to RGMa, and pruning of auditory fibers to achieve the mature branching pattern of afferent neurons was accelerated. Inhibition by RGMa could thus explain why auditory neurons have a low capacity to regenerate peripheral processes: postnatal spiral ganglion neurons retain the capacity to send out processes that respond to signals for synapse formation, but expression of RGMa postnatally appears to be detrimental to regeneration of afferent hair cell innervation and antagonizes synaptogenesis. Increased synaptogenesis after inhibition of RGMa suggests that manipulation of guidance or inhibitory factors may provide a route to increase formation of new synapses at deafferented hair cells. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 457–466, 2014  相似文献   

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