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The worldwide surplus of glycerol generated as inevitable byproduct of biodiesel fuel and oleochemical production is resulting in the shutdown of traditional glycerol-producing/refining plants and new applications are needed for this now abundant carbon source. In this article we report our finding that Escherichia coli can ferment glycerol in a pH-dependent manner. We hypothesize that glycerol fermentation is linked to the availability of CO(2), which under acidic conditions is produced by the oxidation of formate by the enzyme formate hydrogen lyase (FHL). In agreement with this hypothesis, glycerol fermentation was severely impaired by blocking the activity of FHL. We demonstrated that, unlike CO(2), hydrogen (the other product of FHL-mediated formate oxidation) had a negative impact on cell growth and glycerol fermentation. In addition, supplementation of the medium with CO(2) partially restored the ability of an FHL-deficient strain to ferment glycerol. High pH resulted in low CO(2) generation (low activity of FHL) and availability (most CO(2) is converted to bicarbonate), and consequently very inefficient fermentation of glycerol. Most of the fermented glycerol was recovered in the reduced compounds ethanol and succinate (93% of the product mixture), which reflects the highly reduced state of glycerol and confirms the fermentative nature of this process. Since glycerol is a cheap, abundant, and highly reduced carbon source, our findings should enable the development of an E. coli-based platform for the anaerobic production of reduced chemicals from glycerol at yields higher than those obtained from common sugars, such as glucose.  相似文献   

Volatility of oil prices along with major concerns about climate change, oil supply security and depleting reserves have sparked renewed interest in the production of fuels from renewable resources. Recent advances in synthetic biology provide new tools for metabolic engineers to direct their strategies and construct optimal biocatalysts for the sustainable production of biofuels. Metabolic engineering and synthetic biology efforts entailing the engineering of native and de novo pathways for conversion of biomass constituents to short-chain alcohols and advanced biofuels are herewith reviewed. In the foreseeable future, formal integration of functional genomics and systems biology with synthetic biology and metabolic engineering will undoubtedly support the discovery, characterization, and engineering of new metabolic routes and more efficient microbial systems for the production of biofuels.  相似文献   

Anaerobic fermentation-based technologies are used for treating organic residues, and producing high value-added products, such as solvents, gases, and organic acids. Among several organic acids, n-caproic acid can be used as antimicrobial agent, additive in animal feed, flavor additive, and feedstock for chemical and biofuel industries. n-Caproic acid formation occurs through a carboxylic acid chain elongation process, which uses reverse β-oxidation of acetic and/or n-butyric acid, and ethanol or lactic acid as an electron donor. This review addresses important issues in commercial n-caproic acid production: metabolic pathways, kinetics and thermodynamics, substrates, reactors, inhibition of competing biological activities, pH, and acid extraction. Additionally, a mathematical model to describe the reverse β-oxidation kinetics was evaluated from existing literature. Current investigations show a wide range of n-caproic acid production rates (3.0–55.8 g/(L·d)), using different open cultures, fermentation conditions, and methods for inhibiting the methanogenesis. Clostridium kluyveri presence and a dominance of the Clostridium spp. were identified as determinant when ethanol was provided as electron donor. Continuous n-caproic acid extraction through pertraction is a promising technology, which combines selective extraction and enhanced production rates. However, confirming the industrial feasibility of this process requires further investigation.  相似文献   

This paper explores the economic viability of producing biofuels from Agave in Mexico and the potential for it to complement the production of tequila or mescal. We focus on Agave varieties currently being used by the tequila industry to produce two beverages, tequila and mescal, and explore the potential for biofuel production from these plants. Without competing directly with beverage production, we discuss the economic costs and benefits of converting Agave by‐products to liquid fuel as an additional value‐added product and expanding cultivation of Agave on available land. We find that the feedstock cost for biofuel from the Agave piña alone could be more than US$3 L?1 on average. This is considerably higher than the feedstock costs of corn ethanol and sugarcane ethanol. However, there may be potential to reduce these costs with higher conversion efficiencies or by using sugar present in other parts of the plant. The costs of cellulosic biofuels using the biomass from the entire plant could be lower depending on the conversion efficiency of biomass to fuel and the additional costs of harvesting, collecting and transporting that biomass.  相似文献   

Production of biogas in batch digesters at 30°C from sheep droppings produced 93 l gas/kg dry matter whereas cattle dung yielded 234 l/kg dry matter. When the sheep droppings and cattle dung were used at 25:75 (w/w), gas production per kg dry matter was equal to that of cattle dung only. The methane content of the biogas obtained from sheep droppings was 70 to 72% as compared to 56 to 60% from cattle dung.  相似文献   

Anaerobic bio-hydrogen production from ethanol fermentation: the role of pH   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Hydrogen was produced by an ethanol-acetate fermentation at pH of 5.0 +/- 0.2 and HRT of 3 days. The yield of hydrogen was 100-200 ml g Glu(-1) with a hydrogen content of 25-40%. This fluctuation in the hydrogen yield was attributed to the formation of propionate and the activity of hydrogen utilizing methanogens. The change in the operational pH for the inhibition of this methanogenic activity induced a change in the main fermentation pathway. In this study, the main products were butyrate, ethanol and propionate, in the pH ranges 4.0-4.5, 4.5-5.0 and 5.0-6.0, respectively. However, the activity of all the microorganisms was inhibited below pH 4.0. Therefore, pH 4.0 was regarded as the operational limit for the anaerobic bio-hydrogen production process. These results indicate that the pH plays an important role in determining the type of anaerobic fermentation pathway in anaerobic bio-hydrogen processes.  相似文献   

Although much newsprint is devoted to the subject of reducing the United States and other major developed countries dependence on their respective foreign energy sources; the most challenging issues for society is to provide long-term, sustainable energy sources to accommodate the global population as a whole. The projected population of planet Earth for the year 2050 is estimated to be in excess of 9 billion. With hydrocarbon-based energy becoming limiting it is unlikely that one type of energy will alone replace our dependence on this source. So-called "green" technologies that include solar, wind and wave powers are now being explored to reduce on traditional hydrocarbon-based fuel sources. The diverse and functional properties of microbes, and in particular anaerobes, are now being utilized in the production of biofuels and may provide one piece of the jigsaw for future energy requirements. Here we present some results of a screening program to identify and characterize a number of carbon monoxide oxidizing, ethanol-producing acetogenic anaerobes phylogenetically located within the Clostridiales.  相似文献   

Phytoextraction: an assessment of biogeochemical and economic viability   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
Phytoextraction describes the use of plants to remove metals and other contaminants from soils. This low-cost technology has potential for the in situ remediation of large areas of contaminated land. Despite more than 10 years of intensive research on the subject, very few commercial phytoextraction operations have been realised. Here, we investigate the viability of phytoextraction as an effective land-treatment technology. A Decision Support System (DSS) was developed to predict the effect of phytoextraction on soil metal concentration and distribution, as well as the economic feasibility of the process in comparison to either inaction or the best alternative technology. Changes in soil metal concentration are mechanistically predicted on the basis of plant water use, metal concentration in soil solution, soil density, plant root distribution and our so-called root-absorption factor. The root-absorption factor is a `lumped parameter' describing the xylem/soil solution metal concentration quotient. Phytoextraction is considered to be a viable option if it can satisfy environmental regulations and simultaneously be shown to be the most cost-effective technology, either alone, or in combination with other remediation technologies. To date, commercial phytoextraction has been constrained by the expectation that site remediation should be achieved in a time comparable to other clean-up technologies. However, if phytoextraction could be combined with a profit making operation such as forestry, then this time constraint, which has often been considered to be the Achilles heel of phytoextraction, may be less important.  相似文献   

Studies to examine the microbial fermentation of coal gasification products (CO2, H2 and CO) to methane have been done with a mixed culture of anaerobic bacteria selected from an anaerobic sewage digestor. The specific rate of methane production at 37°C reached 25 mmol/g cell hr. The stoichiometry for methane production was 4 mmol H2/mol CO2. Cell recycle was used to increase the cell concentration from 2.5 to 8.3 g/liter; the volumetric rate of methane production ran from 1.3 to 4 liter/liter hr. The biogasification was also examined at elevated pressure (450 psi) and temperature to facilitate interfacing with a coal gasifier. At 60°C, the specific rate of methane production reached 50 mmol/g cell hr. Carbon monoxide utilization by the mixed culture of anaerobes and by a Rhodopseudomonas species was examined. Both cultures are able to carry out the shift conversion of CO and water to CO2 and hydrogen.  相似文献   

Biofuel-bioenergy production has generated intensive interest due to increased concern regarding limited petroleum-based fuel supplies and their contribution to atmospheric CO2 levels. Biofuel research is not just a matter of finding the right type of biomass and converting it to fuel, but it must also be economically sustainable on large-scale. Several aspects of cyanobacteria and microalgae such as oxygenic photosynthesis, high per-acre productivity, non-food based feedstock, growth on non-productive and non-arable land, utilization of wide variety of water sources (fresh, brackish, seawater and wastewater) and production of valuable co-products along with biofuels have combined to capture the interest of researchers and entrepreneurs. Currently, worldwide biofuels mainly in focus include biohydrogen, bioethanol, biodiesel and biogas. This review focuses on cultivation and harvesting of cyanobacteria and microalgae, possible biofuels and co-products, challenges for cyanobacterial and microalgal biofuels and the approaches of genetic engineering and modifications to increase biofuel production.  相似文献   

To mitigate some of the potentially deleterious environmental and agricultural consequences associated with current land-based-biofuel feedstocks, we propose the use of biofuels derived from aquatic microbial oxygenic photoautotrophs (AMOPs), more commonly known as cyanobacteria, algae, and diatoms. Herein we review their demonstrated productivity in mass culturing and aspects of their physiology that are particularly attractive for integration into renewable biofuel applications. Compared with terrestrial crops, AMOPs are inherently more efficient solar collectors, use less or no land, can be converted to liquid fuels using simpler technologies than cellulose, and offer secondary uses that fossil fuels do not provide. AMOPs pose a new set of technological challenges if they are to contribute as biofuel feedstocks.  相似文献   

The concept of loss of cell viability was introduced into a model previously developed for a continuous alcoholic fermentation process in a tower reactor with recycling of flocculating yeasts. The two models take into account substrate limitation and inhibition phenomena linked to ethanol and biomass. The kinetic parameters were estimated from steady-state data of several sugar concentrations in feeding stream and constant dilution rate, recycle ratio and temperature. Some parameters of the modified model (maximum specific rates) were significantly different from those estimated with the original model while others (inhibition parameters) remained practically unchanged. Both models provided similar predictions and were equally suitable for modelling of the process.  相似文献   

Algae biofuels: versatility for the future of bioenergy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The world continues to increase its energy use, brought about by an expanding population and a desire for a greater standard of living. This energy use coupled with the realization of the impact of carbon dioxide on the climate, has led us to reanalyze the potential of plant-based biofuels. Of the potential sources of biofuels the most efficient producers of biomass are the photosynthetic microalgae and cyanobacteria. These versatile organisms can be used for the production of bioethanol, biodiesel, biohydrogen, and biogas. In fact, one of the most economic methods for algal biofuels production may be the combined biorefinery approach where multiple biofuels are produced from one biomass source.  相似文献   

Robust cGMP manufacturing is required to produce high-quality plasmid DNA (pDNA). Three established techniques, isopropanol and ammonium sulfate (AS) precipitation (PP), tangential flow filtration (TFF) and aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) with PEG600/AS, were tested as alternatives to recover pDNA from alkaline lysates. Yield and purity data were used to evaluate the economic and environmental impact of each option. Although pDNA yields =90% were always obtained, ATPS delivered the highest HPLC purity (59%), followed by PP (48%) and TFF (18%). However, the ability of ATPS to concentrate pDNA was very poor when compared with PP or TFF. Processes were also implemented by coupling TFF with ATPS or AS-PP. Process simulations indicate that all options require large amounts of water (100–200 tons/kg pDNA) and that the ATPS process uses large amounts of mass separating agents (65 tons/kg pDNA). Estimates indicate that operating costs of the ATPS process are 2.5-fold larger when compared with the PP and TFF processes. The most significant contributions to the costs in the PP, TFF and ATPS processes came from operators (59%), consumables (75%) and raw materials (84%), respectively. The ATPS process presented the highest environmental impact, whereas the impact of the TFF process was negligible.  相似文献   

Biofuels derived from marine algae are a potential source of sustainable energy that can contribute to future global demands. The realisation of this potential will require manipulation of the fundamental biology of algal physiology to increase the efficiency with which solar energy is ultimately converted into usable biomass. This 'photosynthetic solar energy conversion efficiency' sets an upper limit on the potential of algal-derived biofuels. In this review, we outline photosynthetic molecular targets that could be manipulated to increase the efficiency and yield of algal biofuel production. We also highlight modern 'omic' and high-throughput technologies that might enable identification, selection and improvement of algal cell lines on timescales relevant for achieving significant contributions to future energy solutions.  相似文献   

产甘油假丝酵母(Candida glycerinogenes WL2002-5)是一株发酵生产甘油的工业化菌株。为进一步提高其产甘油能力,本研究利用前期研究中成功克隆的产甘油假丝酵母中甘油合成关键酶3-磷酸甘油脱氢酶基因CgGPD1,构建根癌农杆菌双元载体pCAM3300-zeocin-CgGPD1后,电击转化根癌农杆菌LBA4404,通过根癌农杆菌介导法(ATMT)转化产甘油假丝酵母,构建了产甘油假丝酵母重组菌。并从中筛选出一株酶活力和产甘油性能较好的产甘油假丝酵母重组菌株C.g-G8。以葡萄糖为底物摇瓶发酵96h后,重组菌C.g-G8的甘油产量比野生型菌株Candida glycerinogene提高18.06%,平均耗糖速率提高12.97%,平均酶活力提高27.55%。本研究成功利用ATMT法转化产甘油假丝酵母构建新一代高产甘油菌株。  相似文献   

Summary Two newly isolated strains of Methanosarcina, strains JKAD and DALS, were grown in monoculture and in mixed culture in combination with Acetobacterium woodii WB1. Methanosarcina strains convert acetate into methane and carbon dioxide while Acetobacterium woodii grows on fructose, producing acetate via homoacetate fermentation. Monocultures of A. woodii in continuous culture consumed up to 6 mmoles g-1 dry weight (dw) h-1 of fructose and produced up to 12.9 mmoles g-1 dw h-1 of acetate at a dilution rate (D) of 0.13 h-1. In batch growth the methanogenic bacteria produced up to 12.1 mmoles g-1 dw h-1 of CH4 at a specific growth rate of 0.043 h-1. In continuous cultivation the specific growth rate and the specific methane production of Methanosarcina were lower than in batch cultures, with values of 0.031 h-1 and 3.1 mmoles g-1 dw h-1 of methane, respectively. In combination, A. woodii and Methanosarcina strain DALS in batch cultures completely converted fructose to methane and carbon dioxide with a maximum specific methane production rate of 1.9 mmoles g-1 dw h-1 of methane. In continuous cultivation these mixed cultures produced between 1.2 and 2 mmoles g-1 dw h-1 of CH4 at a dilution rate of up to 0.043 h-1. The methanogens were washed out at D values higher than 0.043 h-1 for A. woodii and Methanosarcina strain JKAD, and higher than 0.05 h-1 for A. woodii and Methanosarcina strain DALS. Data obtained from defined mixed cultures allow one to follow interactions in a mixed population of two species with different growth constants.  相似文献   

Summary A solid state fermentation process was developed for the conversion of straw and cellulose under anaerobic conditions by a mixed culture of cellulolytic and methanogenic organisms. The bioconversion rate and efficiency were compared under mesophilic (35° C) and thermophilic (55° C) conditions. Cellulolytic activity was assayed in terms of sugar and overall soluble organic matter (chemical oxygen demand, COD) production. Maximum conversion rates were obtained under thermophilic conditions, i.e. 8.4 g and 14.2 g COD/kg·d, respectively, when wheat straw and cellulose were used as substrates. The cellulolytic activity of the reactor contents (23% dry matter), measured under substrate excess conditions, amounted to 50 g COD/kg·d. As a comparison, the activity of rumen contents (15% dry matter) measured by the same assay amounted to 150 g COD/kg·d. The anaerobic cellulases appeared to be substrate bound. This and the relative low activity levels attained, limit the perspectives of producing cellulase enzymes by this type of process.  相似文献   

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