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Seven polymorphic microsatellites were developed in olive. Six of them came from a genomic library enriched for GA and CA repeat sequences. They showed single locus polymorphism in a set of 23 olive cultivars (from six to nine alleles per locus). Three different pairs of loci were sufficient to discriminate all cultivars. The other polymorphic primer pair was designed from a published sequence for olive lupeol sgutase and revealed just two alleles. The seven primer pairs were tested on two accessions of five other species of the Oleaceae and three, EMO2, EMO13 and EMO90, revealed polymorphism in two, four and three species, respectively.  相似文献   

The development of oil bodies and oil droplets in fruits of olive was examined at the ultrastructural level. Both oil bodies that form in young fruits and oil droplets that develop with fruit maturation are cytoplasmic bodies. The formation of the small oil bodies occurs in localized regions of the cytoplasm. These bodies are closely associated and fuse together, forming a small oil droplet that protruded against and indented the vacuolar membrane. As the fruit matures, new oil bodies appear to form and fuse with the oil droplet, resulting in the formation of a single large oil droplet of about 30 μm in diameter in most mature mesocarp cells. The cytoplasmic region where the oil bodies formed had a granulate, ultrastructural appearance, and cytoplasmic components such as membranes and ribosomes were noticeably absent in these regions. The granulate material coated the oil bodies and oil droplets, and appeared as a thin, compressed band between the round inner surface of the droplets and the indented tonoplast. We suggest that this granulate material is involved in the synthesis of the oil and, with enlargement of the oil bodies, this coat becomes thinner in regions where they are closely associated, resulting in zones where confluence of the oil occurs.  相似文献   

The subcellular localization (cytoplasm, vacuoles, cell walls) of polyphenol compounds during the development of the multicellular nonglandular leaf hairs of Olea europaea (scales) and Quercus ilex (stellates), was investigated. Hairs of all developmental stages were treated with specific inducers of polyphenol fluorescence, and the bright yellow-green fluorescence of individual hairs was monitored with epifluorescence microscopy. During the early ontogenetic stages, bright fluorescence was emitted from the cytoplasm of the cells composing the multicellular shield of the scales of O. europaea. Transmission electron micrographs of the same stages showed that these cells possessed poor vacuolation and thin cell walls. The nucleus of these cells may be protected against ultraviolet-B radiation damage. The progressive vacuolation that occurred during maturation was followed by a shifting of the bright green-yellow fluorescence from the perinuclear region and the cytoplasm to the cell walls. The same trends were observed during the development of the nonglandular stellate hairs of Quercus ilex, in which maturation was also accompanied by a considerable secondary thickening of the cell walls. Despite the differences in morphology, high concentrations of polyphenol compounds are initially located mainly in the cytoplasm of the developing nonglandular hairs, and their deposition on the cell walls takes place during the secondary cell wall thickening. These structural changes during the development of the leaf hairs make them a very effective barrier against abiotic (uv-B radiation) and probably biotic (pathogenic) stresses.  相似文献   

Self‐incompatibility (SI) is the main mechanism that favors outcrossing in plants. By limiting compatible matings, SI interferes in fruit production and breeding of new cultivars. In the Oleeae tribe (Oleaceae), an unusual diallelic SI system (DSI) has been proposed for three distantly related species including the olive (Olea europaea), but empirical evidence has remained controversial for this latter. The olive domestication is a complex process with multiple origins. As a consequence, the mixing of S‐alleles from two distinct taxa, the possible artificial selection of self‐compatible mutants and the large phenological variation of blooming may constitute obstacles for deciphering SI in olive. Here, we investigate cross‐genotype compatibilities in the Saharan wild olive (O. e. subsp. laperrinei). As this taxon was geographically isolated for thousands of years, SI should not be affected by human selection. A population of 37 mature individuals maintained in a collection was investigated. Several embryos per mother were genotyped with microsatellites in order to identify compatible fathers that contributed to fertilization. While the pollination was limited by distance inside the collection, our results strongly support the DSI hypothesis, and all individuals were assigned to two incompatibility groups (G1 and G2). No self‐fertilization was observed in our conditions. In contrast, crosses between full or half siblings were frequent (ca. 45%), which is likely due to a nonrandom assortment of related trees in the collection. Finally, implications of our results for orchard management and the conservation of olive genetic resources are discussed.  相似文献   

In olive (Olea europaea L.), the formation of functionally staminate flowers rather than fully functional hermaphrodites is one of the major factors limiting fruit set, as flowers with aborted pistils are incapable of producing fruit. Studies conducted on various angiosperm species have shown a correlation between flower abortion and starch content. Thus, it is important to know if starch content plays a role in regulating pistil development in olive and if so, what mechanism regulates starch distribution. Cyto-histological observations of staminate and hermaphrodite olive flowers show that pistil development in staminate flowers is interrupted after the differentiation of the megaspore mother cell. At that stage, starch grains were only detected in the ovary, style and stigma of the hermaphrodite flowers. No starch was observed in the pistils of the staminate flowers. This finding suggests a tight correlation between starch content and pistil development. The secondary origin of starch within the flower is indicated by low chlorophyll content in the gynoecium, undetectable Rubisco activity in the pistils of these two kinds of flowers and by the ultrastructure of the plastids observed by transmission electron microscope analysis. The plastids have few thylakoid membranes and grana and in the staminate flowers appeared very similar to proplastids. Considering differences in starch content between staminate and hermaphrodite flowers and the secondary origin of the starch, differences in pistil development in the staminate and hermaphrodite flowers could be related to differences in the sink strength of these two types of flowers.  相似文献   

Self-rooted olive ( Olea europaea L.) plants were grown in hydroponics at various NaCl concentrations (from 0 to 200m M ) for 28 to 32 days followed by 28 to 30 days of relief from salinity over two growing seasons. Olive leaves accumulated both glucose and mannitol during the period of salinity stress. The concentrations of fructose, myo -inositol, galactose, galactinol, sucrose, raffinose, and stachyose were not significantly affected by salinity. Starch content was decreased by salinity. The mannitol/glucose and mannitol/soluble carbohydrates ratios increased as the external NaCl concentration was increased, but returned to the control levels during the relief period. The increase in mannitol or glucose molar concentrations, expressed on a leaf tissue water basis, was partially due to a reduction in leaf tissue water content under salinity stress. However, an increase in mannitol concentration was also observed when expressed on a dry weight basis. The accumulation of mannitol in leaf tissue preceded any reduction in leaf area rate or net assimilation rate. The increase in leaf mannitol or glucose concentration was positively correlated with the increasing level of salinity at the root zone, but not with the accumulation of Na+ in the shoot. The role of mannitol. a potential osmoregulator in leaf mesophyll during salinity stress, is discussed in relation to the complex carbohydrate composition of olive leaves.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Phylogenetic and phylogeographic investigations have been previously performed to study the evolution of the olive tree complex (Olea europaea). A particularly high genomic diversity has been found in north-west Africa. However, to date no exhaustive study has been addressed to infer putative polyploidization events and their evolutionary significance in the diversification of the olive tree and its relatives. METHODS: Representatives of the six olive subspecies were investigated using (a) flow cytometry to estimate genome content, and (b) six highly variable nuclear microsatellites to assess the presence of multiple alleles at co-dominant loci. In addition, nine individuals from a controlled cross between two individuals of O. europaea subsp. maroccana were characterized with microsatellites to check for chromosome inheritance. KEY RESULTS: Based on flow cytometry and genetic analyses, strong evidence for polyploidy was obtained in subspp. cerasiformis (tetraploid) and maroccana (hexaploid), whereas the other subspecies appeared to be diploids. Agreement between flow cytometry and genetic analyses gives an alternative approach to chromosome counting to determine ploidy level of trees. Lastly, abnormalities in chromosomes inheritance leading to aneuploid formation were revealed using microsatellite analyses in the offspring from the controlled cross in subsp. maroccana. CONCLUSIONS: This study constitutes the first report for multiple polyploidy in olive tree relatives. Formation of tetraploids and hexaploids may have played a major role in the diversification of the olive complex in north-west Africa. The fact that polyploidy is found in narrow endemic subspecies from Madeira (subsp. cerasiformis) and the Agadir Mountains (subsp. maroccana) suggests that polyploidization has been favoured to overcome inbreeding depression. Lastly, based on previous phylogenetic analyses, we hypothesize that subsp. cerasiformis resulted from hybridization between ancestors of subspp. guanchica and europaea.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility in the olive (Olea europaea L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The olive tree is usually hermaphrodite but self-incompatible. In the Western Mediterranean some cultivars are totally male-sterile. Three different male-sterile phenotypes have been recognised. To infer the genetic basis of male sterility we studied its inheritance and cytoplasmic diversity in wild (oleaster) and cultivated Mediterranean olive. In the cross Olivière×Arbequina, the male-sterile trait was maternally inherited and affected all progenies. We also checked that both chloroplast and mitochondrial DNAs are maternally inherited. RFLP studies on chloroplast and mitochondrial DNAs revealed several cytotypes: two chlorotypes and four mitotypes in cultivars and oleaster (wild or feral Mediterranean olive). Furthermore, a total linkage desequilibrium between the CCK chlorotype and the MCK mitotype in cultivars and oleaster from different regions supports the fact that paternal leakage of organelles was not observed. The male sterility (ms 2) displayed by Olivière, plus six other cultivars and three oleaster was strictly associated with the CCK chlorotype and the MCK mitotype. These facts suggest that Olivière carries cytoplasmic male sterility. Male-fertile and male-sterile oleasters carrying this cytotype showed the presence of restorer alleles. This CMS might be due to a distant cross between olive taxa. The two other male-sterile phenotypes displayed by Lucques (ms 1) and Tanche (ms 3) were associated with the ME1 mitotype but we have not demonstrated CMS. Received: 26 July 1999 / Accepted: 27 August 1999  相似文献   

Chloroplastic DNA (cpDNA) variation at five microsatellite motifs, two insertion‐deletion sites, and eight nucleotide substitution sites was investigated in the Olea europaea complex. Primers were designed for flanking regions of these sites to amplify short cpDNA regions. They provided polymorphism when polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products from a representative sample of 128 O. europaea individuals were either resolved by size into polyacrylamide gels (length polymorphism) or digested with restriction enzymes (nucleotide‐substitution polymorphism). These polymorphisms serve to distinguish most of the cytoplasmic haplotypes previously recognized. Potential application of these markers in O. europaea includes phylogeography, conservation and germplasm identification, even when using poorly preserved material from herbarium specimens or forensic and archaeological materials.  相似文献   

Woody plants, as sessile and long-lived organisms, are expected to have effective mechanisms for dealing with recurrent environmental stresses. In the present study, we hypothesized that phenotypic plasticity (the ability to express alternative phenotypes) and integration (covariation among functionally related traits) are elicited in plants under stressful wind speed conditions. We investigated the within-crown variation of nine vegetative traits of a tree species (Olea europaea subsp. guanchica) in six populations that represented a gradient of wind speed exposures. Wind-exposed twigs in outer-canopy layers had smaller leaves; thinner, lighter, and shorter internodes; and a larger internode cross-sectional area to leaf area ratio. Comparison between field and greenhouse trials revealed that field differences among populations were mediated by phenotypic plasticity. Outer-canopy twigs expressed plastic responses in populations exposed to high wind speeds, whereas inner-canopy twigs displayed high phenotypic convergence among populations. In addition, phenotypic integration increased with wind exposure (outer canopy > inner canopy > greenhouse) and was consequently affected by canopy openness. We conclude that exposure to wind above a certain speed threshold in this woody species elicits a plastic response that is associated with increased integration among traits and involves mechanical and hydraulic rearrangements in more exposed parts of the trees.  相似文献   

中国北亚热带油橄榄(城固32)开花生物学特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究北亚热带内陆地区油橄榄(Olea europaea L.)开花物候、开花样式及花器官特征,探讨其有性繁殖系统的特点。试验对西秦岭南坡地区油橄榄(城固32)的开花生物学进行研究,统计开花进程,雄花和两性花在花序上的着生位置和数量,测定雄花和两性花形态指标并切片观察,电镜扫描分析雄花与两性花花粉粒。结果表明:(1)在北亚热带北缘内陆气候条件下油橄榄花期集中在5月,单株花期15~20 d,盛花期持续4~6 d;(2)油橄榄具有雄全同株的性系统且花器官较小,雄花及两性花都具有正常发育的雄蕊。通过制作石蜡切片观察,发现两性花的雌蕊正常发育,而雄花只有较小的子房和败育的柱头;(3)雌蕊是两种花型花器官生物量差异的主要部位,两性花雌蕊的生物量明显比雄花大(P<0.01),树体分化出雄花投入的资源更少;(4)雄花与两性花在花粉量、花粉粒大小上差异不显著,在着生位置上,花序轴顶花全部为两性花,雄花出现在花序轴的中部和基部的几率分别是21.13%和30.77%。油橄榄品种城固32具有典型的雄全同株现象,雄花更倾向于在花序上出现的位置在行使它雄性功能方面并无优势可言,而且雄花花粉粒在数量、活力方面也没有优势,但是雄花的出现增加了花粉数量和P/O值,提高了植株的雄性适合度,雄花的出现也降低了两性花落花导致的树体资源浪费,保障其在资源有限的环境中能够繁殖最大化。  相似文献   

Olive (Olea europaea L.) inflorescences, formed in lateral buds, flower in spring. However, there is some debate regarding time of flower induction and inflorescence initiation. Olive juvenility and seasonality of flowering were altered by overexpressing genes encoding flowering locus T (FT). OeFT1 and OeFT2 caused early flowering under short days when expressed in Arabidopsis. Expression of OeFT1/2 in olive leaves and OeFT2 in buds increased in winter, while initiation of inflorescences occurred i n late winter. Trees exposed to an artificial warm winter expressed low levels of OeFT1/2 in leaves and did not flower. Olive flower induction thus seems to be mediated by an increase in FT levels in response to cold winters. Olive flowering is dependent on additional internal factors. It was severely reduced in trees that carried a heavy fruit load the previous season (harvested in November) and in trees without fruit to which cold temperatures were artificially applied in summer. Expression analysis suggested that these internal factors work either by reducing the increase in OeFT1/2 expression or through putative flowering repressors such as TFL1. With expected warmer winters, future consumption of olive oil, as part of a healthy Mediterranean diet, should benefit from better understanding these factors.  相似文献   

中国油橄榄适生区研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
油橄榄在中国引种已50多年,引种初期对其特殊的生态习性了解不够深入,出现了许多问题。作者从近40年的栽培实践中,认真分析了我国亚热带地区与地中海亚热带地区气候的差异,认为中国发展油橄榄生产的最佳适生区是西部干旱河谷地区,其中以甘南白龙江河谷和滇西北及川西南金沙江河谷发展的潜力最大。  相似文献   

A small insert genomic library of Olea europaea L., highly enriched in (GA/CT)n repeats, was obtained using the procedure of Kandpal et al. (1994). The sequencing of 103 clones randomly extracted from this library allowed the identification of 56 unique genomic inserts containing simple sequence repeat regions made by at least three single repeats. A sample of 20 primer pairs out of the 42 available were tested for functionality using the six olive varieties whose DNA served for library construction. All primer pairs succeeded in amplifying at least one product from the six DNA samples, and ten pairs detecting more than one allele were used for the genetic characterisation of a panel of 20 olive accessions belonging to 16 distinct varieties. A total of 57 alleles were detected among the 20 genotypes at the ten polymorphic SSR loci. The remaining primer pair allowed the amplification of a single SSR allele for all accessions plus a longer fragment for some genotypes. Considering the simple sequence repeat polymorphism, 5.7 alleles were scored on average for each of the ten SSR loci. A genetic dissimilarity matrix, based on the proportion of shared alleles among all the pair-wise combinations of genotypes, was constructed and used to disentangle the genetic relationships among varieties by means of the UPGMA clustering algorithm. Graphical representation of the results showed the presence of two distinct clusters of varieties. The first cluster grouped the varieties cultivated on the Ionian Sea coasts. The second cluster showed two subdivisions: the first sub-cluster agglomerated the varieties from some inland areas of Calabria; the second grouped the remaining varieties from Basilicata and Apulia cultivated in nearby areas. Results of cluster analysis showed a significant relationship between the multilocus genetic similarities and the geographic origin of the cultivars. Received: 2 February 2001 / Accepted: 1 June 2001  相似文献   

中国油橄榄适生区研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
油橄榄在中国引种已50多年,引种初期对其特殊的生态习性了解不够深入,出现了许多问题。作者从近40年的栽培实践中,认真分析了我国亚热带地区与地中海亚热带地区气候的差异,认为中国发展油橄榄生产的最佳适生区是西部干旱河谷地区,其中以甘南自龙江河谷和滇西北及川西南金沙江河谷发展的潜力最大。  相似文献   

Temperature is one of the main factors affecting the flowering of Mediterranean trees. In the case of Olea europaea L., a low-temperature period prior to bud development is essential to interrupt dormancy. After that, and once a base temperature is reached, the plant accumulates heat until flowering starts. Different methods of obtaining the best-forecast model for the onset date of the O. europaea pollen season, using temperature as the predictive parameter, are proposed in this paper. An 18-year pollen and climatic data series (1982–1999) from Cordoba (Spain) was used to perform the study. First a multiple-regression analysis using 15-day average temperatures from the period prior to flowering time was tested. Second, three heat-summation methods were used, determining the the quantities heat units (HU): accumulated daily mean temperature after deducting a threshold, growing degree-days (GDD): proposed by Snyder [J Agric Meteorol 35:353–358 (1985)] as a measure of physiological time, and accumulated maximum temperature. In the first two, the optimum base temperature selected for heat accumulation was 12.5°C. The multiple-regression equation for 1999 gives a 7-day delay from the observed date. The most accurate results were obtained with the GDD method, with a difference of only 4.7 days between predicted and observed dates. The average heat accumulation expressed as GDD was 209.9°C days. The HU method also gives good results, with no significant statistical differences between predictions and observations. Received: 18 April 2000 / Revised: 14 September 2000 / Accepted: 19 September 2000  相似文献   

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