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The prostaglandin biosynthetic and catabolic capacity of homogenates of lungs from fetal sheep of various gestational ages was measured. Prostaglandin biosynthesis was assayed by the deuterium-isotope dilution technique making use of mass fragmentography whereas prostaglandin catabolism was measured by the radioisotope-dilution method described previous (Pace-Asciak, C.R. and Rangaraj, G. (1976) J. Biol. Chem. 251, 3381-3385). Homogenates of lungs from fetuses of all ages tested (40 days to term) formed both prostaglandins E2 and F2alpha; although prostaglandin F2alpha was formed to a greater extent than prostaglandin E2 by the 40 days lung, prostaglandin E2 increased with increasing age until at term the ratio of both prostaglandins approached unity. Total prostaglandin biosynthesis (E2 + F2alpha) rose gradually with age (approx. 3 fold increase between 40 days and term). Prostaglandin F2alpha catabolism occurred mainly by the prostaglandin 15-hydroxy dehydrogenase pathway; this activity was detectable even at 40 days and remained unchanged up to 80 days. Prostaglandin catabolic activity rose sharply at 90 days (approx. 3 fold) with a maximum around 110 days (approx. 4 fold) decreasing back to 40 day levels by term (143 days). The increasing prostaglandin catabolic activity around 90-100 days in this species is discussed in relation to the hemodynamic changes in the lungs starting around this age and the appearance of surfactant. Prostaglandin catabolism might play an important role in the developing organ controlling steady state concentrations of prostaglandins during certain periods of organogenesis.  相似文献   

The prostaglandin biosynthetic and catabolic capacity of homogenates of lungs fetal sheep of various gestational ages was measured. Prostaglandin biosynthesis was assayed by the deuterium-isotope dilution technique making us e of mas fragmentography whereas prostaglandin catabolism was measured by the radioisotope-dilution method described previously (Pace-Asciak, C.R. and Rangaraj, G. (1976) J. Biol. Chem. 251, 3381–3385).Homogenates of lung sform fetuses of all ages tested (40 days to term) formed both prostaglandins E2 and F; although prostaglandin F was formed to a greater extent than prostaglandin E2 by the 40 day lung, prostaglandin E2 increased with increasing age until at term the ratio of both prostaglandins approached unity. Total prostaglandin biosynthesis (E2 + F) rose gradually with age (approx. 3 fold increase between 40 days and term). Prostaglandin F catabolism occurred mainly by the prostaglandin 15-hydroxy dehydrogenase pathway; this activity was detectable even at 40 days and remained unchanged up to 80 days. Prostaglandin catabolic activity rose sharply at 90 days (approx. 3 fold) with a maximum around 110 days (approx. 4 fold) decreasing back to 40 day levels by term (143 days).The increasing prostaglandin catabolic activity around 90–100 days in this species is discussed in relation to the hemodynamic changes in the lungs starting around this age and the appearance of surfactant. Prostaglandin catabolism might play an important role in the developing organ controlling steady state concentrations of prostaglandins during certain periods of organogenesis.  相似文献   

The enzymatic capacity to form and degrade prostaglandins was studied in kidneys from fetal sheep (gestational ages 40,44,49,77,116 and 140 days). The prostaglandin system was detectable at all ages. Only prostaglandin F was formed by renal homogenates at 40 and 44 days gestation; prostaglandin E2 was first formed by the 77 day kidney and became the major prostaglandin by 116 days (3 fold relative to prostaglandin F). Prostaglandin catabolism took place via the PG 15-hydroxy dehydrogenase and PG 13-reductase pathways. Catabolism was first detected at 40 days gestation and rose with age to an activity (15-PGDH) approximately 80 ng/min/mg protein in the term kidney. Only PG 15-hydroxydehydrogenase activity was detected at 40 days gestation, but PG 13-reductase activity became evident by 116 days and persisted until term. As with fetal sheep lungs (see preceding publication) PG 13-reductase activity was saturated quickly. These results confirm our observations with other tissues that prostaglandin catabolism is variable during ontogeny.  相似文献   

Neurotensin (NT) is a regulatory peptide involved in the control of gastrointestinal function. We have used the chronically cannulated ovine fetus to examine the ontogeny of circulating NT-like immunoreactivity (NTLI) in the fetus and neonatal lamb. In addition the placental transfer and clearance of NT has been determined. NTLI in the ovine fetus circulates at adult concentrations during the third trimester of pregnancy and is of fetal origin. NTLI is present in the fetal ileum, the richest source of NT, at adult concentrations and in the same molecular profile as in the adult. There is a transient increase in circulating NTLI at birth, and a small NT response to feeding in the lamb. While fetal concentrations of plasma NTLI are generally the same as in the adult and originate from the fetus, the fetus clears infused NT(1-13) twice as rapidly as the nonpregnant adult indicating a higher fetal production of NT. Thus it appears that the mechanisms involved in the production and processing of NT are mature some weeks before birth.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine 1) the time of onset and cellular localization of gene expression for steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1), steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Delta(5),Delta(4) isomerase (3beta-HSD), and the cytochrome P450 enzymes for cholesterol side-chain cleavage (P450(scc)), 17alpha-hydroxylase (P450(17alphaOH)), and aromatase (P450(arom)) during gonadal development; and 2) the amount of progesterone, androstenedione, testosterone, and 17beta-estradiol present in the fetal sheep gonad. Fetuses were collected on Days 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 35, 40, 55, and 75 of gestation, and gene expression was determined by in situ hybridization. The steroid content of gonads collected on Days 30, 35, 55, and 75 of gestation was determined by RIA. Developing gonads collected from both male and female fetuses were steroidogenically active around the time of morphological sexual differentiation. In the female, the steroidogenic cells were initially located at the boundary of the cortex and medulla but become increasingly restricted to the mesonephric-derived cell streams. In the male, once tubules were identifiable, steroidogenesis was restricted to the interstitial regions. Interestingly, expression of both SF-1 and 3beta-HSD was observed prior to morphological sexual differentiation. In addition, expression of both of these genes was more widespread than the other genes in both males and females.  相似文献   

Fetal sheep (100-115 days gestation) were surgically implanted with femoral arterial and venous cannulae and then either sham-operated (control) or bilaterally nephrectomized. Following a 5-day recovery period, fetal blood samples (10 ml/48 h) were taken and the steroid sulphate fraction analysed as trimethylsilyl esters by gas-liquid chromatography (g. l.c.). Three progestagen metabolites were repeatedly detected in plasma samples from control and nephrectomized fetuses and identified by g.l.c.-mass-spectrometric techniques as 5 beta-pregnane-3 beta,20 beta-diol, 5 beta-pregnane-3 beta,20 alpha-diol and 5 beta-pregnane-3 alpha,20 alpha-diol. In three control fetuses the plasma concentration of both 5 beta-pregnane-3 beta,20 beta-diol and -20 alpha-diol showed a steady increase from about 0.5 micrograms/ml at 105 days to about 1.5 and 2-2.5 micrograms/ml, respectively, at 143 days gestation. A study in one fetus indicated that the values then fell precipitously by term (147 days) as plasma cortisol concentrations rose. In contrast, whilst no consistent patterns were seen in their concentration in five nephrectomized fetuses the levels were 2-10 times higher than the control values (0.5-10 micrograms/ml) at all stages. The plasma concentration of 5 beta-pregnane-3 alpha,20 alpha-diol was less perturbed by nephrectomy and only showed a slight increase over control values (0.2-0.5 micrograms/ml). Three sham-operated fetuses which aborted following infection also showed increased plasma concentrations of 5 beta-pregnane-3 beta,20 beta-diol and -20 alpha-diol, similar to the nephrectomized fetuses. It is postulated that high levels of circulating progesterone metabolites may reflect induced increases in adrenal endocrine activity culminating in premature activation of those changes in adrenal function which trigger parturition.  相似文献   

Wu C  Sui G  Thiruchelvam N  Cuckow P  Fry CH 《Cell calcium》2006,39(4):367-374
Sheep fetus is a useful model to study in utero bladder outflow obstruction but little is known about cell physiology of fetal bladders. To remedy this defect we have characterised intracellular Ca(2+) regulation in fetal sheep myocytes of different developmental ages. Fetal detrusor myocytes had a similar resting [Ca(2+)](i) to adult cells and exhibited transient [Ca(2+)](i) increases in response to carbachol, ATP, high-K, caffeine and low-Na. The carbachol transients were abolished by atropine and caffeine; the ATP response was blocked by alpha,beta-methylene ATP; high-K-evoked [Ca(2+)](i) rises were antagonised by verapamil. The maximal responses to carbachol, high-K, caffeine and low-Na in fetal cells were similar to those of adult counterparts, whilst the ATP response was smaller (p < 0.05). These variables were largely similar between the three gestational groups with the exception of ATP-induced response between early fetal and adult bladders (p < 0.05). Dose-response curves to carbachol demonstrated an increase of potency between mid-gestation and early adulthood (p < 0.05). These data show that muscarinic receptors coupled to intracellular Ca(2+) release, P2X receptor-linked Ca(2+) entry, depolarisation-induced Ca(2+) rise via L-type Ca(2+) channels, Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange and functional intracellular Ca(2+) stores are all operational in fetal bladder myocytes. Whilst most of Ca(2+) regulators are substantially developed and occur at an early fetal age, a further functional maturation for cholinergic sensitivity and purinergic efficacy continues throughout to adulthood.  相似文献   

The heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory response to topically applied cyanide on the ventrolateral medullary surface and upper spinal cord was studied on exteriorized sinaortic-denervated fetal lambs under pentobarbital anesthesia. On all sites tested cyanide produced a rapid increase in heart rate and blood pressure (P smaller than 0.05) which was most pronounced from the area adjacent to the nerve roots IX to XI (mean 32%). Respiratory efforts consisting of 1-8 gasps were induced in half the applications to the medulla but never when the pledgets were applied to the spinal cord. The mean delay to response was 43 s (range 13-102 s). After cautery of the chemosensitive areas, topical application of cyanide failed to stimulate gasping, whereas intravenous cyanide or cord clamping still produced a vigorous respiratory response. It is concluded that sympathetic stimulation of the heart and blood vessels can originate centrally in response to local histotoxic hypoxia of the ventral medulla and upper spinal cord. Furthermore, it is proposed that in the apneic fetus histotoxic hypoxia of the medulla initiates respiration possibly by stimulating a special gasping mechanism which is separate from the respiratory center responsible for rhythmic breathing after birth. The responsible neurons must be located at least 2 mm beneath the ventral medullary surface.  相似文献   

As a first step in determining possible influences of the newly discovered estrogen receptor (ER)-beta on reproduction, we have localized mRNA for ER-beta within the male sheep hypothalamus using in situ hybridization and a rat ER-beta cRNA probe. Highest amounts of hybridization signal were observed in the preoptic area (POA), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, paraventricular nucleus, and supraoptic nucleus. Relatively moderate amounts of hybridization signal were observed in the retrochiasmatic area (RCH), anterior hypothalamic area, dorsomedial hypothalamus, and lateral hypothalamus. Only a low level of hybridization signal was observed in the ventromedial hypothalamus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, and arcuate nucleus. The presence of ER-beta mRNA in several areas of the male sheep hypothalamus suggests multiple functions for this receptor. The distribution of ER-beta in the ovine hypothalamus was similar to that described for the rat, suggesting a high degree of functional conservation across species. A role for ER-beta in influencing reproduction is suggested by its presence in the POA and RCH, regions of the hypothalamus that control reproduction.  相似文献   

Advance in fetal sheep surgery has allowed investigation of vasopressin physiology at the end of gestation (100 to 140 days). In the fetus of that age, vasopressin is present in the pituitary and in the blood. The hormonal secretion is stimulated by hypotensive and hyperosmolar stimulus. Hypoxemia is also reported as being a potent stimulus of vasopressin secretion and may have an important effect on blood pressure control.  相似文献   

We developed a new method to monitor fetal medullary respiratory neurons utilizing a two-stage approach. At 129-133 days of gestation, sheep were anesthetized, and a window was placed over the area of the fourth ventricle. After a recovery period of 3-5 days, the fetus was exteriorized into a saline bath under maternal spinal anesthesia, and the head was connected rigidly to a stereotaxic frame. Microelectrodes were inserted into the area of the nucleus tractus solitarius during rapid-eye-movement sleep, and extracellular recordings of 223 respiratory neurons were analyzed: 76% were inspiratory, 9% expiratory, and 15% phase spanning, as classified by visual and computer correlation to diaphragmatic activity. More detailed analysis of 100 neurons was done to assess the respiratory component (eta 2) by use of a modification of the method developed by Orem and Dick (J. Neurophysiol, 50: 1098-1107, 1983). With use of cohorts of 25 breaths, fetal respiratory neurons were found to frequently change their phase relationship to diaphragmatic activity. The eta 2 statistic of fetal respiratory neurons was not a stable characteristic but changed over time. This could be a reflection of an immature central respiratory system before birth or the lack of major sensory inputs.  相似文献   

Preterm infants are often treated with intravenous dopamine to increase mean arterial blood pressure (MAP). However, there are few data regarding cerebrovascular responses of developing animals to dopamine infusions. We studied eight near-term and eight preterm chronically catheterized unanesthetized fetal sheep. We measured cerebral blood flow and calculated cerebral vascular resistance (CVR) at baseline and during dopamine infusion at 2.5, 7.5, 25, and 75 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1). In preterm fetuses, MAP increased only at 75 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1) (25 +/- 5%), whereas in near-term fetuses MAP increased at 25 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1) (28 +/- 4%) and further at 75 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1) (51 +/- 3%). Dopamine infusion was associated with cerebral vasoconstriction in both groups. At 25 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1), CVR increased 77 +/- 51% in preterm fetuses and 41 +/- 11% in near-term fetuses, and at 75 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1), CVR increased 80 +/- 33% in preterm fetuses and 83 +/- 21% in near-term fetuses. We tested these responses to dopamine in 11 additional near-term fetuses under alpha-adrenergic blockade (phenoxybenzamine, n = 5) and under dopaminergic D(1)-receptor blockade (SCH-23390, n = 6). Phenoxybenzamine completely blocked dopamine's pressor and cerebral vasoconstrictive effects, while D(1)-receptor blockade had no effect. Therefore, in unanesthetized developing fetuses, dopamine infusion is associated with cerebral vasoconstriction, which is likely an autoregulatory, alpha-adrenergic response to an increase in blood pressure.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of the acetylcholinesterase, non-specific cholinesterase and non-specific esterase activity has been investigated histochemically in the hypothalamic neurons during the ontogenic development of the rat.Acetylcholinesterase activity is located in the supra-optic and para-ventricular nuclei mostly, but some activity is present in the other nuclei and in the median eminence of the adult rat, as well. The supra-chiasmatic neurons are always negative. The activity of non-specific cholinesterase was encountered in the endothelial cells of the capillaries, in the glia and in the ependymal cells especially around the supra-optic and para-ventricular neurons. The localization of the non-specific esterase was similar to that of the non-specific cholinesterase, but in addition activity is seen in the supra-optic and para-ventricular perikarya, in the parvo-cellular neurons of the tuberal area and in the median eminence. No sexual differences were seen in the distribution of the estrase activity.The appearance of acetylcholinesterase took place already before birth. At about the 16th post-coital day the area from which the arcuate and ventro-medial nuclei will differentiate was positive for acetylcholinesterase. A strong activity in these nuclei was observed during the critical period of the sexual differentiation of the rat hypothalamus (0–10 postnatal days). In the development of the non-specific cholinesterase and esterase no similar variation was seen. Acetylcholinesterase and non-specific esterase were seen in the neurosecretory nuclei before birth, non specific cholinesterase after birth, and non-specific esterase in the parvo-cellular neurons during the first post-natal week.Supported by a grant from The Finnish Medical Society Duodecim.  相似文献   

Luteotrophic factors in the sheep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Dopamine is often used as a pressor agent in sick newborn infants, but an increase in arterial blood pressure could disrupt the blood-brain barrier (BBB), especially in the preterm newborn. Using time-dated pregnant sheep, we tested the hypothesis that dopamine-induced hypertension increases fetal BBB permeability and cerebral water content. Barrier permeability was assessed in nine brain regions, including cerebral cortex, caudate, thalamus, brain stem, cerebellum, and spinal cord, by intravenous injection of the small tracer molecule [(14)C]aminoisobutyric acid at 10 min after the start of dopamine or saline infusion. We studied 23 chronically catheterized fetal sheep at 0.6 (93 days, n = 10) and 0.9 (132 days, n = 13) gestation. Intravenous infusion of dopamine increased mean arterial pressure from 38 +/- 3 to 53 +/- 5 mmHg in 93-day fetuses and from 55 +/- 5 to 77 +/- 8 mmHg in 132-day fetuses without a decrease in arterial O(2) content. These 40% increases in arterial pressure are close to the maximum hypertension reported for physiological stresses at these ages in fetal sheep. No significant increases in the brain transfer coefficient of aminoisobutyric acid were detected in any brain region in dopamine-treated fetuses compared with saline controls at 0.6 or 0.9 gestation. There was also no significant increase in cortical water content with dopamine infusion at either age. We conclude that a 40% increase in mean arterial pressure during dopamine infusion in normoxic fetal sheep does not produce substantial BBB disruption or cerebral edema even as early as 0.6 gestation.  相似文献   

Fetal lung insulin receptor numbers and affinities were studied in rat pregnancies from 15 to 22 days gestation. Insulin receptor binding capacities were found to increase six-fold from approximately 100 fmoles insulin bound/mg lung DNA at 15 days gestation to approximately 600 fmoles bound/mg DNA at 22 days gestation. However, the affinity constants of the receptors were unchanged during this same period (high affinity, 1.9 ± 0.4 S.E. and low affinity, 0.03 ± 0.01 S.E.). The results suggest that the lung may become increasingly more sensitive to insulin as development progresses.  相似文献   

For some time it has been suggested that breathing movements are made "in utero" and recently measurements of tracheal pressure and lung liquid flow in chronic fetal preparations have led to the hypothesis that rapid changes in these parameters are the result of respiratory muscle activity. To test this hypothesis diaphragmatic electrical activity was measured in seven chronic unanesthetized fetal sheep preparations and correlated with lung liquid flow and tracheal pressure. Diaphragmatic activity led to a fall of tracheal pressure and movement of a small volume of lung liquid into the lung. After the activity ceased, tracheal pressure returned to normal and flow diminished to zero or was directed out of the lung. The breathing pattern was unassociated with the net movement of lung liquid out of the lung. A histogram of the interval between breaths revealed a changing pattern of activity throughout gestation. The pattern was significantly altered after premature delivery of one animal with a respiratory problem. These observations provide evidence that respiratory muscles are active "in utero" and that the pattern of activity changes throughout gestation.  相似文献   

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