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Chloroplast division comprises a sequence of events that facilitatesymmetric binary fission and that involve prokaryotic-like stromaldivision factors such as tubulin-like GTPase FtsZ and the divisionsite regulator MinD. In Arabidopsis, a nuclear-encoded prokaryoticMinE homolog, AtMinE1, has been characterized in terms of itseffects on a dividing or terminal chloroplast state in a limitedseries of leaf tissues. However, the relationship between AtMinE1expression and chloroplast phenotype remains to be fully elucidated.Here, we demonstrate that a T-DNA insertion mutation in AtMinE1results in a severe inhibition of chloroplast division, producingmotile dots and short filaments of FtsZ. In AtMinE1 sense (overexpressor)plants, dividing chloroplasts possess either single or multipleFtsZ rings located at random intervals and showing constrictiondepth, mainly along the chloroplast polarity axis. The AtMinE1sense plants displayed equivalent chloroplast phenotypes toarc11, a loss-of-function mutant of AtMinD1 which forms replicatingmini-chloroplasts. Furthermore, a certain population of FtsZrings formed within developing chloroplasts failed to initiateor progress the membrane constriction of chloroplasts and consequentiallyto complete chloroplast fission in both AtMinE1 sense and arc11/atminD1plants. Our present data thus demonstrate that the chloroplastdivision site placement involves a balance between the opposingactivities of AtMinE1 and AtMinD1, which acts to prevent FtsZring formation anywhere outside of the mid-chloroplast. In addition,the imbalance caused by an AtMinE1 dominance causes multiple,non-synchronous division events at the single chloroplast level,as well as division arrest, which becomes apparent as the chloroplastsmature, in spite of the presence of FtsZ rings.  相似文献   

FtsZ was identified in bacteria as the first protein to localize mid-cell prior to division and homologs have been found in many plant species. Bacterial studies demonstrated that FtsZ forms a ring structure that is dynamically exchanged with a soluble pool of FtsZ. Our previous work established that Arabidopsis FtsZ1 and FtsZ2-1 are capable of in vitro self-assembly into two distinct filament types, termed type-I and type-II and noted the presence of filament precursor molecules which prompted this investigation. Using a combination of electron microscopy, gel chromatography and native PAGE revealed that (i) prior to FtsZ assembly initiation the pool consists solely of dimers and (ii) during assembly of the Arabidopsis FtsZ type-II filaments the most common intermediate between the dimer and filament state is a tetramer. Three-dimensional reconstructions of the observed dimer and tetramer suggest these oligomeric forms may represent consecutive steps in type-II filament assembly and a mechanism is proposed, which is expanded to include FtsZ assembly into type-I filaments. Finally, the results permit a discussion of the oligomeric nature of the soluble pool in plants.  相似文献   

We expressed recombinant Arabidopsis myosin XI (MYA1), in which the motor domain of MYA1 was connected to an artificial lever arm composed of triple helical repeats of Dictyostelium alpha-actinin, in order to understand its motor activity and intracellular function. The V(max) and K(actin) of the actin-activated Mg(2+) ATPase activity of the recombinant MYA1 were 50.7 Pi head(-1) s(-1) and 30.2 microM, respectively, at 25 degrees C. The recombinant MYA1 could translocate actin filament at the maximum velocity of 1.8 microm s(-1) at 25 degrees C in the in vitro motility assay. The value corresponded to a motility of 3.2 microm s(-1) for native MYA1 if we consider the difference in the lever arm length, and this value was very close to the velocity of cytoplasmic streaming in Arabidopsis hypocotyl epidermal cells. The extent of inhibition by ADP of the motility of MYA1 was similar to that of the well-known processive motor, myosin V, suggesting that MYA1 is a processive motor. The dissociation rate of the actin-MYA1-ADP complex induced by ATP (73.5 s(-1)) and the V(max) value of the actin-activated Mg(2+) ATPase activity revealed that MYA1 stays in the actin-bound state for about 70% of its mechanochemical cycle time. This high ratio of actin-bound states is also a characteristic of processive motors. Our results strongly suggest that MYA1 is a processive motor and involved in vesicle transport and/or cytoplasmic streaming.  相似文献   

Chloroplast division in plant cells is accomplished through the coordinated action of the tubulin-like FtsZ ring inside the organelle and the dynamin-like ARC5 ring outside the organelle. This coordination is facilitated by ARC6, an inner envelope protein required for both assembly of FtsZ and recruitment of ARC5. Recently, we showed that ARC6 specifies the mid-plastid positioning of the outer envelope proteins PDV1 and PDV2, which have parallel functions in dynamin recruitment. PDV2 positioning involves direct ARC6–PDV2 interaction, but PDV1 and ARC6 do not interact indicating that an additional factor functions downstream of ARC6 to position PDV1. Here, we show that PARC6 (paralog of ARC6), an ARC6-like protein unique to vascular plants, fulfills this role. Like ARC6, PARC6 is an inner envelope protein with its N-terminus exposed to the stroma and Arabidopsis parc6 mutants exhibit defects of chloroplast and FtsZ filament morphology. However, whereas ARC6 promotes FtsZ assembly, PARC6 appears to inhibit FtsZ assembly, suggesting that ARC6 and PARC6 function as antagonistic regulators of FtsZ dynamics. The FtsZ inhibitory activity of PARC6 may involve its interaction with the FtsZ-positioning factor ARC3. A PARC6–GFP fusion protein localizes both to the mid-plastid and to a single spot at one pole, reminiscent of the localization of ARC3, PDV1 and ARC5. Although PARC6 localizes PDV1, it is not required for PDV2 localization or ARC5 recruitment. Our findings indicate that PARC6, like ARC6, plays a role in coordinating the internal and external components of the chloroplast division complex, but that PARC6 has evolved distinct functions in the division process.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, the flowering time is regulated through the circadian clock that measures day-length and modulates the photoperiodic CO-FT output pathway in accordance with the external coincidence model. Nevertheless, the genetic linkages between the major clock-associated TOC1, CCA1 and LHY genes and the canonical CO-FT flowering pathway are less clear. By employing a set of mutants including an extremely early flowering toc1 cca1 lhy triple mutant, here we showed that CCA1 and LHY act redundantly as negative regulators of the photoperiodic flowering pathway. The partly redundant CCA1/LHY functions are largely, but not absolutely, dependent on the upstream TOC1 gene that serves as an activator. The results of examination with reference to the expression profiles of CO and FT in the mutants indicated that this clock circuitry is indeed linked to the CO-FT output pathway, if not exclusively. For this linkage, the phase control of certain flowering-associated genes, GI, CDF1 and FKF1, appears to be crucial. Furthermore, the genetic linkage between TOC1 and CCA1/LHY is compatible with the negative and positive feedback loop, which is currently believed to be a core of the circadian clock. The results of this study suggested that the circadian clock might open an exit for a photoperiodic output pathway during the daytime. In the context of the current clock model, these results will be discussed in connection with the previous finding that the same clock might open an exit for the early photomorphogenic output pathway during the night-time.  相似文献   

Pollen represents an important nitrogen sink in flowers to ensurepollen viability. Since pollen cells are symplasmically isolatedduring maturation and germination, membrane transporters arerequired for nitrogen import across the pollen plasma membrane.This study describes the characterization of the ammonium transporterAtAMT1;4, a so far uncharacterized member of the ArabidopsisAMT1 family, which is suggested to be involved in transportingammonium into pollen. The AtAMT1;4 gene encodes a functionalammonium transporter when heterologously expressed in yeastor when overexpressed in Arabidopsis roots. Concentration-dependentanalysis of 15N-labeled ammonium influx into roots of AtAMT1;4-transformedplants allowed characterization of AtAMT1;4 as a high-affinitytransporter with a Km of 17 µM. RNA and protein gel blotanalysis showed expression of AtAMT1;4 in flowers, and promoter–genefusions to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) further definedits exclusive expression in pollen grains and pollen tubes.The AtAMT1;4 protein appeared to be localized to the plasmamembrane as indicated by protein gel blot analysis of plasmamembrane-enriched membrane fractions and by visualization ofGFP-tagged AtAMT1;4 protein in pollen grains and pollen tubes.However, no phenotype related to pollen function could be observedin a transposon-tagged line, in which AtAMT1;4 expression isdisrupted. These results suggest that AtAMT1;4 mediates ammoniumuptake across the plasma membrane of pollen to contribute tonitrogen nutrition of pollen via ammonium uptake or retrieval.  相似文献   

Sugar regulates a variety of genes and controls plant growth and development similarly to phytohormones. As part of a screen for Arabidopsis mutants with defects in sugar-responsive gene expression, we identified a loss-of-function mutation in the HOOKLESS1 (HLS1) gene. HLS1 was originally identified to regulate apical hook formation of dark-grown seedlings (Lehman et al., 1996, Cell 85: 183-194). In hls1, sugar-induced gene expression in excised leaf petioles was more sensitive to exogenous sucrose than that in the wild type. Exogenous IAA partially repressed sugar-induced gene expression and concomitantly activated some auxin response genes such as AUR3 encoding GH3-like protein. The repression and the induction of gene expression by auxin were attenuated and enhanced, respectively, by the hls1 mutation. These results suggest that HLS1 plays a negative role in sugar and auxin signaling. Because AUR3 GH3-like protein conjugates free IAA to amino acids (Staswick et al., 2002, Plant Cell 14: 1405-1415; Staswick et al., 2005, Plant Cell 17: 616-627), enhanced expression of GH3-like genes would result in a decrease in the free IAA level. Indeed, hls1 leaves accumulated a reduced level of free IAA, suggesting that HLS1 may be involved in negative feedback regulation of IAA homeostasis through the control of GH3-like genes. We discuss the possible mechanisms by which HLS1 is involved in auxin signaling for sugar- and auxin-responsive gene expression and in IAA homeostasis.  相似文献   

In higher plants, two nuclear gene families, FtsZ1 and FtsZ2, encode homologs of the bacterial protein FtsZ, a key component of the prokaryotic cell division machinery. We previously demonstrated that members of both gene families are essential for plastid division, but are functionally distinct. To further explore differences between FtsZ1 and FtsZ2 proteins we investigated the phenotypes of transgenic plants overexpressing AtFtsZ1-1 or AtFtsZ2-1, Arabidopsis members of the FtsZ1 and FtsZ2 families, respectively. Increasing the level of AtFtsZ1-1 protein as little as 3-fold inhibited chloroplast division. Plants with the most severe plastid division defects had 13- to 26-fold increases in AtFtsZ1-1 levels over wild type, and some of these also exhibited a novel chloroplast morphology. Quantitative immunoblotting revealed a correlation between the degree of plastid division inhibition and the extent to which the AtFtsZ1-1 protein level was elevated. In contrast, expression of an AtFtsZ2-1 sense transgene had no obvious effect on plastid division or morphology, though AtFtsZ2-1 protein levels were elevated only slightly over wild-type levels. This may indicate that AtFtsZ2-1 accumulation is more tightly regulated than that of AtFtsZ1-1. Plants expressing the AtFtsZ2-1 transgene did accumulate a form of the protein smaller than those detected in wild-type plants. AtFtsZ2-1 levels were unaffected by increased or decreased accumulation of AtFtsZ1-1 and vice versa, suggesting that the levels of these two plastid division proteins are regulated independently. Taken together, our results provide additional evidence for the functional divergence of the FtsZ1 and FtsZ2 plant gene families.  相似文献   

Membrane trafficking to the plasma membrane (PM) is a highlyorganized process which enables plant cells to build up theirbodies. SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachmentprotein receptor) genes, which encode the proteins involvedin membrane trafficking, are much more abundant in the Arabidopsisgenome than in that of any other eukaryote. We have previouslyshown that a large number of SNARE molecules in the Arabidopsiscell are localized predominantly on the PM. In the present study,in order to elucidate the physiological function of each PM-localizedSNARE, we analyzed the spatiotemporal expression profiling ofnine SYP1s that are resident in the PM of Arabidopsis, and usedthe information thus acquired to generate transgenic Arabidopsisplants expressing green fluorescent protein-fused Qa-SNAREsunder control of their authentic promoters. Among the nine SYP1s,only SYP132 is expressed ubiquitously in all tissues throughoutplant development. The expression patterns of the other SYP1s,in contrast, are tissue specific, and all different from oneanother. A particularly noteworthy example is SYP123, whichis predominantly expressed in root hair cells during root development,and shows a focal accumulation pattern at the tip region ofroot hairs. These results suggest that SYP132 is involved inconstitutive membrane trafficking to the PM throughout plantdevelopment, while the other SYP1s are involved in membranetrafficking events such as root formation or tip growth of roothair, with some redundancy.  相似文献   

Luo B  Xue XY  Hu WL  Wang LJ  Chen XY 《Plant & cell physiology》2007,48(12):1790-1802
Cuticle, including wax and cutin, is the barrier covering plant aerial organs and protecting the inner tissues. The Arabidopsis thaliana ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter CER5 (AtWBC12) has been identified as a wax exporter. In agreement with the latest report of another wax exporter, AtWBC11, here we show that atwbc11 mutants displayed organ fusions and stunted growth, and became vulnerable to chlorophyll leaching and toluidine blue staining. Chemical analysis showed that wax and cutin monomers were both reduced in the atwbc11 mutant. AtWBC11 was widely expressed in aerial organs. Interestingly, we found that the expression was light dependent, and the phytohormone ABA up-regulated AtWBC11 expression. We also found that while the AtWBC11 promoter had a broad pattern of activity, the expression was converted to epidermis specific when the reporter gene was fused to AtWBC11 cDNA. Furthermore, RNA blot analysis supported epidermis-specific expression of AtWBC11. Our results support that AtWBC11 is involved in cuticle development.  相似文献   

The retromer complex is responsible for retrograde transport,which is coordinated with anterograde transport in the secretorypathway including vacuolar protein sorting. Yeast VPS35 is acomponent of the retromer complex that is essential for recognitionof specific cargo molecules. The physiological function of VPS35has not been determined in vacuolar protein sorting in higherorganisms. Arabidopsis thaliana has three VPS35 homologs designatedVPS35a, VPS35b and VPS35c. We isolated four vps35 mutants (vps35a-1,vps35b-1, vps35b-2 and vps35c-1) and then generated four doublemutants and one triple mutant. vps35a-1 vps35c-1 exhibited nounusual phenotypes. On the other hand, vps35b-1 vps35c-1 andthe triple mutant (vps35a-1 vps35b-2 vps35c-1) exhibited severephenotypes: dwarfism, early leaf senescence and fragmentationof protein storage vacuoles (PSVs). In addition, these mutantsmis-sorted storage proteins by secreting them out of the cellsand accumulated a higher level of vacuolar sorting receptor(VSR) than the wild type. VPS35 was localized in pre-vacuolarcompartments (PVCs), some of which contained VSR. VPS35 wasimmunoprecipitated with VPS29/MAG1, another component of theretromer complex. Our findings suggest that VPS35, mainly VPS35b,is involved in sorting proteins to PSVs in seeds, possibly byrecycling VSR from PVCs to the Golgi complex, and is also involvedin plant growth and senescence in vegetative organs.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis root tips cultured in medium containing sufficient nutrients and the membrane-permeable protease inhibitor E-64d, parts of the cytoplasm accumulated in the vacuoles of the cells from the meristematic zone to the elongation zone. Also in barley root tips treated with E-64, parts of the cytoplasm accumulated in autolysosomes and pre-existing central vacuoles. These results suggest that vacuolar and/or lysosomal autophagy occurs constitutively in these regions of cells. 3-Methyladenine, an inhibitor of autophagy, inhibited the accumulation of such inclusions in Arabidopsis root tip cells. Such inclusions were also not observed in root tips prepared from Arabidopsis T-DNA mutants in which AtATG2 or AtATG5, an Arabidopsis homolog of yeast ATG genes essential for autophagy, is disrupted. In contrast, an atatg9 mutant, in which another homolog of ATG is disrupted, accumulated a significant number of vacuolar inclusions in the presence of E-64d. These results suggest that both AtAtg2 and AtAtg5 proteins are essential for autophagy whereas AtAtg9 protein contributes to, but is not essential for, autophagy in Arabidopsis root tip cells. Autophagy that is sensitive to 3-methyladenine and dependent on Atg proteins constitutively occurs in the root tip cells of Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

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