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Growth of Escherichia coli B/r ATCC 12407 (doubling time, 65 to 70 min) in the presence of 500 mug of ampicillin per ml for 15 to 20 min induces a sphere alongside the cell. The position was determined with respect to the length axis of the cell by electron microscopy. Although spheres may be found anywhere, some prominent sites do occur. In the shortest cells, which have a length of about 1.5 mum, they are found at the presumed new cell pole. In slightly older cells (length, about 1.8 mum), the position of the sphere is not well defined. Later on spheres occur predominantly at the cell center. In dividing cells (average length, 2.5 mum) a sphere may also occur at about one-quarter of the cell length. The position of the spheres bears resemblance to sites where a pulse of 3H-labeled diaminopimelic acid is incorporated into the peptidoglycan, as has been found by others.  相似文献   

Protection of restriction endonuclease cleavage sites by Escherichia coli RNA polymerase bound to the replicative form I of bacteriophage S13 DNA has been used to identify a number of regions of RNA polymerase binding. Digestion with HincII, AluI, HinfI, or HaeIII, under conditions optimized for "open" complex formation, revealed 12 regions of RNA polymerase binding. Based on differential salt sensitivities, five of the regions were classified as strong or tight binding sites. These were located before genes A (two sites), B, and D and at the 5' end of gene F. The seven regions which exhibited weaker binding were located at the 5' end of gene C (two sites), in the middle of gene D, just before and at the 3' end of gene F, at the 5' end of gene G, and in the middle of gene H. The sites before genes B and D coincide with sites previously identified as promoters in bacteriophage phi X174. One of the sites before gene A, that at nucleotides 5175-5211, represents a new putative promoter site in bacteriophage S13 and phi X174 located before the previously identified A gene promoter at nucleotides 10-45.  相似文献   

RNA polymerase of Escherichia coli was allowed to bind to labeled T4 or T7 bacteriophage DNA. The unbound and “weakly” bound polymerase molecules were removed by adding an excess of poly(I) which has a high affinity for the enzyme (Bautz et al., 1972). After the unbound DNA regions were digested with pancreatic DNAase and snake venom phosphodiesterase, the “protected” DNA-RNA polymerase complexes were isolated by Sephadex G200 column chromatography. The protected DNA sites were then isolated by phenol extraction and hydroxylapatite chromatography. Studies of the DNA recognition regions led to the following conclusions. (1) No binding is observed in the absence of the sigma subunit or at low temperatures. (2) The amount of protection ranges from 0·18% to 0·24% of T4 DNA and from 0·25% to 0·34% of T7 DNA. In the absence of poly(I), higher protections are observed and the protected regions display heterogeneity in size and secondary structure. (3) The protected regions are double-stranded, as shown by hydroxylapatite chromatography, base composition analysis, and thermal chromatography. (4) The length of the protected regions comprise about 50 to 55 nucleotide pairs, as suggested by end-group analysis, sucrose density-gradient centrifugation, and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. (5) The results suggest the interaction of dimeric polymerase molecules at these sites. On the basis of DNA sizes, there are 7 to 9 such sites on T4 DNA and 2 to 3 on T7 DNA. (6) The protected regions are high in (A + T): 68% for T4 and 62% for T7 DNA. (7) Thermal chromatograms reflect these base compositions and suggest the homogeneity of these regions with respect to size and base composition.  相似文献   

Binding of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase to φX174 DNA replicative form (RF) has been studied by electron microscopy. Samples of the binary complexes were spread for observation upon polylysine-coated carbon films. Binding was obtained with both RFI and RFIII forms of the DNA; complexes formed with the former were treated with restriction enzyme PstI before spreading. A histogram constructed from the positions of 558 polymerase molecules bound to 181 DNA strands exhibited three prominent, sharp peaks at 3.3 × 102 nucleotides, 39.7 × 102 nucleotides and 49.0 × 102 nucleotides from the PstI cleavage point. These positions correspond closely to those of the D, A and B promoter sequences, as derived from φX174 DNA sequence data by Sanger et al. (1977).  相似文献   

The 3′ end of 16 S RNA is localized on the 30 S subunit of Escherichia coli ribosomes by immune electron microscopy. It is located in the groove between the side “ledge” and the “head” of the subunit on the level of the ledge top. Thus, we have localized the 30 S subunit functional site which is believed to be responsible for binding of the specific messenger RNA sequence preceding the initiation codon. The localization of the 3′ end of 16 S RNA has been done by a new approach in immune electron microscopy. It is based on the covalent binding of low molecular weight ligands, containing the residue of phenyl-β-d-lactoside hapten, to certain points of RNA and the localization of the binding site of the antibody specific to this hapten by electron microscopy. The advantages of this approach in comparison with conventional methods of immune electron microscopy are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary E. coli [32P]-labelled 5S RNA was complexed with E. coli and B. stearothermophilus 50S ribosomal proteins. Limited T1 RNase digestion of each complex yielded three major fragments which were analysed for their sequences and rebinding of proteins. The primary binding sites for the E. coli binding proteins were determined to be sequences 18 to 57 for E-L5, 58 to 100 for E-L18 and 101 to 116 for E-L25. Rebinding experiments of purified E. coli proteins to the 5S RNA fragments led to the conclusion that E-L5 and E-L25 have secondary binding sites in the section 58 to 100, the primary binding site for E-L18. Since B. stearothermophilus proteins B-L5 and BL22 were found to interact with sequences 18 to 57 and 58 to 100 it was established that the thermophile proteins recognize and interact with RNA sequences similar to those of E. coli. Comparison of the E. coli 5S RNA sequence with those of other prokaryotic 5S RNAs reveals that the ribosomal proteins interact with the most conserved sections of the RNA.Paper number 12 on structure and function of 5S RNA.Preceding paper: Wrede, P. and Erdmann, V.A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 74, 2706–2709 (1977)  相似文献   

As a component of bacteriophage Qbeta replicase, S1 is required both for initiation of Qbeta minus strand RNA synthesis and for translational repression, which has been traced to the ability of the enzyme to bind to an internal site in the Qbeta RNA molecule. Previously, Senear and Steitz (Senear, A. W., and Steitz, J. A. (1976) J. Biol. Chem. 251, 1902-1912) found that isolated S1 protein binds specifically to an oligonucleotide spanning residues -38 to -63 from the 3' terminus of Qbeta RNA. Here we report that S1 also interacts strongly with a second oligonucleotide in Qbeta RNA, which is derived from the region recognized by replicase just 5' to the Qbeta coat protein cistron. Both sequences exhibit pyrimidine-rich regions.  相似文献   

C Moore  J Griffith 《Gene》1983,24(2-3):191-198
We have developed a novel technique to map restriction sites on large duplex DNAs by electron microscopy. In this method, the sample DNA is first cut with a restriction enzyme. The resulting fragments are briefly digested with Escherichia coli exonuclease III, and treated with wheat germ RNA polymerase II to fill-in with RNA the resulting gaps. These small RNAs, complementary to sequences immediately adjacent to either side of the restriction site, are isolated from the DNA template and R-looped to the full-length DNA. When this material is prepared by the formamide-cytochrome spreading technique, small bubbles are visible wherever there is a restriction site on the DNA. Improved methods of mapping are outlined.  相似文献   

Summary Strains of A. nidulans with a chromosome segment in duplicate (one in normal position, one translocated to another chromosome) are unstable at mitosis. During vegetative growth they produce variants which result from deletions in either of the duplicate segments.Caffeine increased the frequency of deletions from the duplicate segments of an unbalanced haploid a) without changing the proportions of the different deletion types and b) under conditions in which there were few, if any, induced breaks in the same segments of a balanced diploid. One possible explanation is that caffeine stimulates the mechanism which, in unbalanced strains, produces replication errors leading to deletions; an alternative is that it exposes the intrinsic instability of duplication strains by preventing the repair of spontaneous replication errors.  相似文献   

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