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The biological effects of rare-earth metal ions on the organism have been studied using La3+ as a probe ion and Escherichia coli cell as a target organism. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) studies reveal that La3+ substantially changes the structure of the outer cell membrane responsible for the cell permeability. Significant damages of the outer cell membrane are observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) after the introduction of La3+. In result, the cell becomes easily attacked by lysozyme. Moreover, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) measurements show considerable amount of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the supernatant from the La3+ exposed cells. It is proposed that La3+ can replace Ca2+ from the binding sites because of their close ionic radii and similar ligand specificities. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which forms the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, could not serve as the cellular envelope steadily after Ca2+ and Mg2+ released from their binding sites on the LPS patches.  相似文献   

The toxic mechanism of La3+ to Escherichia coli is investigated by detecting the concentration change of La3+ in E. coli cells growing in La3+-containing medium. Stimulatory action and inhibitory effect of La3+ in different concentrations can be attributed to the permeability alteration of the cell. Low concentration of La3+ increases the nutrition absorbability of the cells from the cultures as a result of increased cell permeability, and high concentration of La3+ causes the accumulation of La3+ in cells, resulting in the toxic effects on the E. coli cells.  相似文献   

Aims:  To assess the effect of two lactobacilli on the biological activity of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) in vitro .
Methods and Results:  Strains CIDCA 133 ( Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis ) and CIDCA 83114 ( Lactobacillus plantarum ) were studied. Hep-2 cells were used as an in vitro model to assess the biological effect of a clinical isolate of EHEC. Preincubation of cell monolayers with lactobacilli before EHEC prevented detachment of eukaryotic cells and minimizes both F-actin rearrangements and morphological alterations. Interestingly, the protective effect could not be ascribed to pathogen exclusion. In addition, viability of the lactobacilli was not necessary for protection and other species of the genus Lactobacillus failed to protect eukaryotic cells.
Conclusions:  Our results suggest that lactobacilli are antagonizing virulence mechanisms of EHEC either by modification of the microenvironment or by interfering with the signalling cascades triggered by the pathogen.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Our findings give a rationale basis for the use of specific probiotic strains for the prophylaxis and prevention of intestinal infections due to EHEC.  相似文献   

A series of microcalorimetric experiments were performed to investigate the effect of La3+ on the formation of the competent state of Escherichia coli HB101 by using a LKB-2277 BioActivity Monitor at 37°C. The thermogenic curves in the absence and in the presence of La3+ were obtained. Based on these curves, we calculated that the total heat effects (Q T) and the maximal power (P max) in the presence and absence of La3+. Our experiments indicate that the total heat effects in the presence of a low concentration of La3+ (≤ 100 μg/mL) are greater than those in the absence of La3+. Their trends are similar with respect to the increasing concentration of La3+. To the contrary, when the concentration of La3+ is greater than 100 μg/mL, the total heat effects decrease with the increasing concentration of La3+. Therefore, in the latter case, La3+ has inhibitory effects on the formation of competence. Our experimental results suggest that the La3+ ion in the environmental ecosystem can facilitate the formation of competence of E. coli HB101 and further stimulate the transfer of genetic materials between organisms.  相似文献   

It has been reported that the activity of protein improved when it was adsorbed inside the pores of mesoporous silica (MPS). The current study investigated the activity of immobilized avidin to the biotin on MPS with various pore sizes (diameter=2.4-45.0 nm). The binding amount of immobilized avidin to biotin is 123 to 160 ng biotin/10 μg avidin on 2.7- to 5.4-nm pore MPS, but that on 12- to 45-nm pore MPS was markedly decreased (33-42 ng biotin/10 μg). Moreover, the binding amount was approximately 2- and 3-fold higher on the glycidoxypropyl (Gly)-functionalized 5.4- and 45-nm pore MPS in comparison with methyl (Me)-functionalized 5.4- and 45-nm pore MPS, respectively. Furthermore, avidin immobilized in native and Gly-grafted 45-nm pore MPS retained more than 70% and 50% binding activity to biotin, respectively, after incubating at 90°C for 3 h. In contrast, the activity was greatly reduced in the native and Gly-grafted 5.4-nm pore MPS under the same conditions (<36.9%). The immobilization also protected against effects of 0.01 M HCl and 50% MeOH; all of immobilized avidin proteins showed high activity (>50%) with biotin compared with that observed with free avidin (MeOH [<18.2%] and HCl [<32.7%]).  相似文献   

Bacteria with a stochastic conditional lethal containment system have been constructed. The invertible switch promoter located upstream of the fimA gene from Escherichia coli was inserted as expression cassette in front of the lethal gef gene deleted of its own natural promoter. The resulting fusion was placed on a plasmid and transformed to E. coli. The phenotype connected with the presence of such a plasmid was to reduce the population growth rate with increasing significance as the cell growth rate was reduced. In very fast growing cells, there was no measurable effect on growth rate. When a culture of E. coli harboring the plasmid comprising the containment system is left as stationary cells in suspension without nutrients, viability drops exponentially over a period of several days, in contrast to the control cells, which maintain viability nearly unaffected during the same period of time. Similar results were obtained with a strain in which the killing cassette was inserted in the chromosome. In competition with noncontained cells during growth, the contained cells are always outcompeted. Stochastic killing obtained by the fim-gef fusion is at present relevant only as a containment approach for E. coli, but the model may be mimicked in other organisms by using species-specific stochastic expression systems.  相似文献   

Lanthanides such as La(3+) and Gd(3+) are well known to have large effects on the function of membrane proteins such as mechanosensitive ionic channels and voltage-gated sodium channels, and also on the structure of phospholipid membranes. In this report, we have investigated effects of La(3+) and Gd(3+) on the shape of giant unilamellar vesicle (GUV) of dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC-GUV) and GUV of DOPC/cholesterol by the phase-contrast microscopy. The addition of 10-100 microM La(3+) (or Gd(3+)) through a 10-microm diameter micropipette near the DOPC-GUV (or DOPC/cholesterol-GUV) triggered several kinds of shape changes. We have found that a very low concentration (10 microM) of La(3+) (or Gd(3+)) induced a shape change of GUV such as the discocyte via stomatocyte to inside budded shape transformation, the two-spheres connected by a neck to prolate transformation, and the pearl on a string to cylinder (or tube) transformation. To understand the effect of these lanthanides on the shape of the GUV, we have also investigated phase transitions of 30 microM dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine-multilamellar vesicle (DPPC-MLV) by the ultra-sensitive differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The chain-melting phase transition temperature and the L(beta') to P(beta') phase transition temperature of DPPC-MLV increased with an increase in La(3+) concentration. This result indicates that the lateral compression pressure of the membrane increases with an increase in La(3+) concentration. Thereby, the interaction of La(3+) (or Gd(3+)) on the external monolayer membrane of the GUV induces a decrease in its area (A(ex)), whereas the area of the internal monolayer membrane (A(in)) keeps constant. Therefore, the shape changes of the GUV induced by these lanthanides can be explained reasonably by the decrease in the area difference between two monolayers (DeltaA=A(ex)-A(in)).  相似文献   

Adaptive (starvation-associated) mutations occur in non-dividing cells and allow growth under the selective conditions imposed. We developed a new method for the determination of adaptive mutations in Escherichia coli. The system involves reversion to prototrophy of the argE3OC mutation and was tested on AB1157 strains mutated in the mutT and/or mutY genes. The bacteria that mutated adaptively grow into colonies on minimal medium plates devoid of arginine (starvation conditions) when incubated longer than 4 days. Using the replica plating method we solved the problem of discrimination between growth-dependent and adaptive argE3-->Arg+ revertants. Phenotype analysis and susceptibility of the Arg+ revertants to a set of T4 phage mutants create an additional possibility to draw a distinction between these two types of Arg+ revertants.  相似文献   

Lon, also known as protease La, belongs to a class of ATP-dependent serine protease. It plays an essential role in degradation of abnormal proteins and of certain short-lived regulatory proteins, and is thought to possess a Ser-Lys catalytic dyad. To examine the structural organization of Lon, we performed an electron microscope analysis. The averaged images of Lon with end-on orientation revealed a six-membered, ring-shaped structure with a central cavity. The side-on view showed a two-layered structure with an equal distribution of mass across the equatorial plane of the complex. Since a Lon subunit possesses two large regions containing nucleotide binding and proteolytic domains, each layer of the Lon hexamer appears to consist of the side projections of one of the major domains arranged in a ring. Lon showed a strong tendency to form hexamers in the presence of Mg(2+), but dissociated into monomers and/or dimers in its absence. Moreover, Mg(2+)-dependent hexamer formation was independent of ATP. These results indicate that Lon has a hexameric ring-shaped structure with a central cavity, and that the establishment of this configuration requires Mg(2+), but not ATP.  相似文献   

Apparatus permitting to regulate the growth rate of turbidostat culture of microorganisms has been worked out. The process of adaptation of culture microorganisms to the medium acidity has been investigated by the stabilization of growth rate method. The correlation coefficients between adaptation time and changes of acid concentration in medium have been determined. The effect of aeration and density of microorganisms on the parameters of adaptation process has been considered. The conclusion concerning prospects of the growth rate stabilization method application for studying the regularities of culture microorganisms adaptation to the action of the stress has been made.  相似文献   

tRNACUGLeu is believed not to contain 4-thiouridine, but its absorption spectrum contains a peak at 338 nm of magnitude about 1% of A260. This has been verified by carrying out serial dilutions of dissolved crystalline material, using a microspectrophotometer with a new cell requiring only 1.5 μl for a path length of 3 mm. Crystallizable tRNAPhe and tRNAGUA.GVal show normal 4-thiouridine peaks of magnitude 2% of A260, so the anomalous spectrum seems unlikely to be an artefact of the isolation procedure used for all three species.  相似文献   

The supP (Su6(+)) amber suppressor gene has been mapped on the clockwise side of the valS locus near min 95 on the Escherichia coli chromosome.  相似文献   

The thermogenic curves of the metabolism of mitochondria isolated from the liver of chicken Star-Cross 288 and the effect of La3+ on it were studied by using an LKB-2277 BioActivity Monitor, ampoule method, at 37°C. After isolation from the chicken liver tissue, mitochondria still have metabolic activity and can live for a long time by using the stored nutrients. From the thermogenic curves, we obtained the thermokinetic equations under different condition. The kinetic study shows that La3+ has changed the metabolism completely.  相似文献   

L B Jensen  J L Ramos  Z Kaneva    S Molin 《Applied microbiology》1993,59(11):3713-3717
A model substrate-dependent suicide system to biologically contain Pseudomonas putida KT2440 is reported. The system consists of two elements. One element carries a fusion between a synthetic lac promoter (PA1-04/03) and the gef gene, which encodes a killing function. This element is contained within a transposaseless mini-Tn5 transposon so that it can be integrated at random locations on the Pseudomonas chromosome. The second element, harbored by plasmid pCC102, is designed to control the first and bears a fusion between the promoter of the P. putida TOL plasmid-encoded meta-cleavage pathway operon (Pm) and the lacI gene, encoding the Lac repressor, plus xylS2, coding for a positive regulator of Pm. In liquid culture under optimal growth conditions and in sterile and nonsterile soil microcosms, P. putida KT2440 (pWWO) bearing the containment system behaves as designed. In the presence of a XylS effector, such as m-methylbenzoate, the LacI protein is synthesized, preventing the expression of the killing function. In the absence of effectors, expression of the PA1-04/03::gef cassette is no longer prevented and a high rate of cell killing is observed. Fluctuation test analyses revealed that mutants resistant to cell killing arise at a frequency of around 10(-5) to 10(-6) per cell per generation. Mutations are linked to the killing element rather than to the regulatory one. In bacteria bearing two copies of the killing cassette, the rate of appearance of mutants resistant to killing decreased to as low as 10(-8) per cell per generation.  相似文献   

The idea that plasmids replicate within hosts at the expense of cell metabolic energy and preformed cellular blocks depicts plasmids as a kind of molecular parasites that, even when they may eventually provide plasmid-carrying strains with growth advantages over plasmid-free strains, doom hosts to bear an unavoidable metabolic burden. Due to the consistency with experimental data, this idea was rapidly adopted and used as a basis of different hypotheses to explain plasmid-host interactions. In this article we critically discuss current ideas about plasmid effects on host metabolism, and present evidence suggesting that the complex interaction between plasmids and hosts is related to the alteration of the cellular regulatory status.  相似文献   

Summary A method is described for the selection of deletions in those genes of Escherichia coli that can be carried on specialized transducing phages.  相似文献   

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