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In their nodal anatomy the Rhoeadales are not sharply distinguishablefrom the Ranunculaceae, but there is a difference in emphasis,the tendency in Rhoeadales being to draw together into a narrowsector of the stem the whole of the vascular supply to leafand branch. In many cases there is marked enlargement of themedian leaf-gap, and features occur which are otherwise rareor unknown among dicotyledons. The effect of vascular studiesis to confirm the existence of close affinities between thefamilies of the Rhoeadales, to bring the Ranunculaceae intothe same field of comparison, and to stress the separation ofthe Ranunculaceae from many of the other amilies of the Ranales.  相似文献   

CHANDRA  SUBHASH 《Annals of botany》1982,50(5):585-598
Form and structure of the vascular cylinder of the rhizome of14 species belonging to six genera of drynarioid ferns are described.The study reveals that drynarioid ferns fall into two categories:the Drynaria group (Drynaria, Photinopteris), which is probablythe more primitive, exhibits the alternate two-ranked leaf arrangementand this could have led through suppression to the one-rankedcondition occurring in the Aglaomorpha group (Aglaomorpha, Drynariopsis,Pseudodrynaria, Merinthosorus, Thayeria). It seems that rhizomemorphology provides characters which help to separate differentspecies into the two distinct groups and indicates some phylogenetictrends. The most characteristic feature of the rhizome of drynarioidfern is seen in Thayeria, where some of the leaves on the dorsalsurface of the rhizome are dormant and some of them developon a prominent short, stout phyllopodium. Pteridophyta, Polypodiaceae, rhizome, vascular system, drynarioid ferns  相似文献   

The Vascular System in the Rachis of a Wheat Ear   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The vascular system in the rachis of ears of wheat (Triticumaestivum L. cvs Gamenya, Olympic and Bungulla) was examinedon material grown in the field and in a growth cabinet. In theinternodes, central and peripheral bundles were observed andtheir mean number and size were determined. A significant 1:1 relationship between the number of spikelets on the ear andthe number of central bundles at the base of the rachis wasestablished. The number of both central and peripheral bundlesdeclined acropetally along thé length of the rachis.The decline in peripheral bundles occurred mainly between internodes1 and 6, numbered from the base. The decline in central bundlesoccurred at a rate of less than one bundle per internode betweeninternodes 1 and 4, though in some ears, there was no decline;in larger ears, central bundles declined at a rate of one totwo bundles per internode between internodes 5 and 11. Aboveinternode 11, the rate of decline varied with ear size. Threecentral bundles consistently reached the terminal spikelet.The number and cross-sectional surface area of xylem vesselsand sieve tubes and the total vascular size also declined acropetallyalong the rachis. The decline in total vascular size was dueto (a) some bundles branching and to reductions in size, (b)the diversion or dropping of bundles into spikelets, or (c)a combination of (a) and (b). These observations are discussedin relation to the distribution of grain number and weight onthe ear. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, rachis, spikelets, vascular anatomy, xylem, sieve tubes  相似文献   

The circadian systems of different insect groups are summarized and compared. Emphasis is placed on the anatomical identification and characterization of circadian pacemakers, as well as on their entrainment, coupling, and output pathways. Cockroaches, crickets, beetles, and flies possess bilaterally organized pacemakers in the optic lobes that appear to be located in the accessory medulla, a small neuropil between the medulla and the lobula. Neurons that are immunoreactive for the peptide pigment-dispersing hormone (PDH) arborize in the accessory medulla and appear to be important components of the optic lobe pacemakers. The neuronal architecture of the accessory medulla with associated PDH-immunoreactive neurons is best characterized in cockroaches, while the molecular machinery of rhythm generation is best understood in fruit flies. One essential component of the circadian clock is the period protein (PER), which colocalizes with PDH in about half of the fruit fly's presumptive pacemaker neurons. PER is also found in the presumptive pacemaker neurons of beetles and moths, but appears to have different functions in these insects. In moths, the pacemakers are situated in the central brain and are closely associated with neuroendocrine functions. In the other insects, neurons associated with neuroendocrine functions also appear to be closely coupled to the optic lobe pacemakers. Some crickets and flies seem to possess central brain pacemakers in addition to their optic lobe pacemakers. With respect to neuronal organization, the circadian systems of insects show striking similarities to the vertebrate circadian system. (Chronobiology International, 15(6), 567-594, 1998)  相似文献   

The Vascular System of the Spikelet in Wheat (Triticum aestivum)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The lower three florets in a spikelet of wheat cv. Aotea werefound to be supplied by the principal vascular bundles of therachilla, while the system of more distal florets consistedof subvascular elements derived from the vascular cylinder formedat the disc of insertion of these florets. This pattern appearedto be the same in all spikelets irrespective of position, apartfrom the terminal one, nor was it altered by raising the supplyof nitrogen. The apparent constancy of the vascular system iscontrasted with considerable variability in the number of grain-bearingflorets depending on genotype and environment. If a floret isconnected directly with the main vascular system and if assimilatesare not limiting, then competition for assimilates does notappear to be the main factor preventing grain formation.  相似文献   

Gymnogrammitis dareiformis, the taxonomically controversialdavalliaceous fern has a parenchymatous rhizome, in the groundtissue of which groups of 1–16 thick-walled cells (withpeg-like protrusions on inner walls) are irregularly scattered.Paleae clothing the rhizome are basally attached, gland-tippedand bearing unicellular marginal hairs. The vascular cylinderis a radially-symmetric dictyostele dissected by spirally-arrangedleaf gaps into slender reticulated meristeles. Some of the dorso-laterallyplaced leaves alone are fully developed; most other leaves aresuppressed and some are highly reduced (the larger reduced leavesappear as protrusions on the rhizome and have a well-formedleaf base). The leaf trace of developed as well as the largerreduced leaves is a channel-shaped loose reticulum of four vascularstrands; the trace of the reduced leaves is smaller and endsblindly at the leaf base. The leaf trace of the smaller reducedleaves is vestigial and represented often by only a pair ofvascular strands fusing into one and ending blindly in the cortexof the rhizome. The leaf trace of suppressed leaves fuses backwith the stelar cylinder, forming a convex reticulum bridgingthe sides of the leaf gap. It is suggested that the characteristic stelar organizationof the Davalliaceae is derived by suppression of leaves froma radiallysymmetric dictyostele with spirally-arranged leafgaps as found in Nephrolepis and that Gymnogrammitis with itsreduced and suppressed leaves indicates the process of transition.The creeping solenostelic rhizome with two-ranked leaf arrangementcould be derived from an erectgrowing dictyostelic one by supppressionof leaves.  相似文献   

毛茛科分子系统发育研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘慧杰  谢磊 《西北植物学报》2016,36(9):1916-1924
毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)在被子植物的系统演化中占有十分重要的地位,其系统位置和科下演化关系一直备受争议。近20多年的分子系统学研究表明,以往基于形态学的分类系统与分子系统学研究结果存在巨大差异。通过形态学性状界定的绝大多数亚科都没有得到分子系统学支持。此外,通过形态学确定的一些属如升麻属(Cimicifuga)、黄三七属(Souliea)、獐耳细辛属(Hepatica)、白头翁属(Pulsatilla)和水毛茛属(Batrachium)等,根据分子系统学研究均应予以归并。而分子系统学研究也确立了一些类群的属级地位,如露蕊乌头属(Gymnaconitum)等。以中国分布的毛茛科植物为例,通过以往分子系统学研究,共有10个属被归并,2个属新被确立。然而,毛茛科分子系统学研究对于科下许多类群之间的关系目前仍然没有得到很好的解决,如毛茛亚科和翠雀族等类群的系统发育关系仍需要进行深入研究后方能确定。该文对近年来国内外有关毛茛科的分子系统学研究进展进行了综述,并对该科尚存的一些问题和未来的研究方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Abstract A detailed study of the structure of the heart and the general disposition of the efferent (arterial) vessels and afferent (venous) vessels is presented. The vascular system of P. hawaiensis is compared with that of other species of amphipods and the differences are pointed out. All the appendages except the pleopods receive their efferent vessels directly from the heart and not from the sternal sinus.  相似文献   

In the mature rachis internodes of a two-row barley ear therewere two large lateral vascular bundles and a number of smallermedian and outer lateral vascular bundles. These bundles rannearly the full length of the rachis with no cross connectionsbetween them. The lateral and the outer lateral bundles branchedat every node while the median bundles branched at every othernode. The vascular bundles to each spikelet passed through acomplex region in which transfer cells occurred. Development of the vascular system of the young main shoot earstarted at the triple mound stage when the procambium of lateralbundles was initiated. Initiation of the median bundles andthe outer lateral bundles followed in sequence with some differentiationof protophloem and protoxylem. At awn initial stage of the earthe vascular connections to the spikelets were established withdifferentiation of the almost complete procambium proceedingthroughout the ear elongation phase. The progress of vascularisation in the young ear is discussedwith reference to spikelet initiation, ear relative growth rateand death of terminal spikelets. It is proposed that the changesin the relative growth rate of the ear and death of the terminalspikelets may be related to vascular differentiation  相似文献   

Pollination ecology of Actaea spicata L. (Ranunculaceae) was studied at localities ranging from deciduous to spruce forest. The species is self–incompatible and possibly facultatively apomictic. No anemogamy seems to occur. In deciduous forest, the plant is primarily pollinated by pollen–foraging and mate–searching Byturus ochraceus (Scriba) (Coleoptera). It flowers during a period between emergence of the beetle and onset of anthesis of the prime pollen source and only larval host plant, Geum ur–banum L. (Rosaceae). The beetles sit on the suitably long anther filaments or on top of the stigma. Floral morphology promotes pollination–performing movements by the beetle. The complex floral fragrance seems to induce close–range behaviour, i.e. alighting and/or foraging. Flies become abundant visitors only shortly before anthesis is over, and their contribution is small. Large syrphids are relatively effective as pollinators, since they grasp the stamens near the base and often touch the stigma with pollen–dusted parts of their bodies. Due to lack of its food–plant, B. ochraceus is absent at spruce forest localities and northwards. At these localities flowering is delayed until the main fly appearance, and the flowers are heavily pollinated by several syrphids and muscids. At three deciduous–forest localities a second flowering took place with new, juxtaposed inflorescences on separate stalks. The distribution of such inflorescences within the population along with the distribution and abundance of pollinators among the two generations of flowers suggest that these inflorescences occur as a response to low rate of pollination in the first anthesis.  相似文献   

神经迁移因子在血管系统中的表达与功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
神经迁移因子是近10年来在发育神经生物学中的研究热点,主要由ephrin、neuropilin、Slit和netrin四大家族成员构成,其主要功能是吸引或排斥神经元轴突的迁移,在神经系统中发挥着重要作用。现在,越来越多的实验证据表明:神经迁移因子的作用不仅仅局限在神经系统发育过程中,在血管发生或新生血管形成中同样具有不可替代的功能。  相似文献   

When perceiving microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) or plant-derived damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), plants alter their root growth and development by displaying a reduction in the root length and the formation of root hairs and lateral roots. The exogenous application of a MAMP peptide, flg22, was shown to affect root growth by suppressing meristem activity. In addition to MAMPs, the DAMP peptide PEP1 suppresses root growth while also promoting root hair formation. However, the question of whether and how these elicitor peptides affect the development of the vascular system in the root has not been explored. The cellular receptors of PEP1, PEPR1 and PEPR2 are highly expressed in the root vascular system, while the receptors of flg22 (FLS2) and elf18 (EFR) are not. Consistent with the expression patterns of PEP1 receptors, we found that exogenously applied PEP1 has a strong impact on the division of stele cells, leading to a reduction of these cells. We also observed the alteration in the number and organization of cells that differentiate into xylem vessels. These PEP1-mediated developmental changes appear to be linked to the blockage of symplastic connections triggered by PEP1. PEP1 dramatically disrupts the symplastic movement of free green fluorescence protein (GFP) from phloem sieve elements to neighboring cells in the root meristem, leading to the deposition of a high level of callose between cells. Taken together, our first survey of PEP1-mediated vascular tissue development provides new insights into the PEP1 function as a regulator of cellular reprogramming in the Arabidopsis root vascular system.  相似文献   

通过标本检查, 发现毛茛科加查银莲花(Anemone jiachaensis W. T. Wang)与西藏银莲花(A. tibetica W. T. Wang)属于同一种植物, 故将前者处理为后者的异名。加查银莲花发表时被置于鹅掌草组[A. sect. Stolonifera (Ulbr.) Juz.], 但其花粉为三沟而非多沟, 与岩生银莲花亚组[A. subsect. Rupicolae (Tamura ex Chaudhary & Trifonova) Starod.]的岩生银莲花(A. rupicola Camb.)(西藏银莲花亦属于该亚组)的花粉类型一致, 而与鹅掌草组植物的多沟花粉明显不同, 从而进一步表明加查银莲花与西藏银莲花确为同一种植物而且应为岩生银莲花亚组的成员。  相似文献   

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