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Bacteriocuprein superoxide dismutases in pseudomonads.   总被引:12,自引:11,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Two new instances of the rare bacteriocuprein form of superoxide dismutase have been discovered in Pseudomonas diminuta and P. maltophilia. Each species contains a manganese superoxide dismutase as well. Eight other strains of Pseudomonas and Xanthomonas spp. lacked bacteriocupreins and contained either a manganese or an iron superoxide dismutase. Native molecular weights and isoelectric points were determined for all these bacterial dismutases. A monospecific polyclonal antibody was prepared against the bacteriocuprein from Photobacterium leiognathi; it was not cross-reactive with the bacteriocuprein from either Pseudomonas strain. Bacteriocupreins have previously been identified in only two procaryotes, P. leiognathi and Caulobacter crescentus. The discovery of the Pseudomonas bacteriocupreins reveals a broader distribution, raising the possibility that bacteriocupreins are a continuous line of descent among procaryotes and not isolated evolutionary occurrences, as previous data suggested.  相似文献   

Iron-containing Superoxide dismutases are more sensitive to inhibition by azide than are the corresponding manganese containing enzymes, while the copper-zinc Superoxide dismutases are least sensitive. Thus, at pH 7.8, 10 mm azide inhibited Cu-Zn, Mn, and Fe enzymes by ~10%, ~30% and ~73%, respectively. Stated differently, the concentrations of N3? required to cause 50% inhibition of the Cu-Zn, Mn, and Fe enzymes was ~32 mm, ~20 mm and ~4 mm, respectively. These inhibitions by azide, which were imposed and reversed rapidly, appear to provide a useful criterion for distinguishing among the classes of these enzymes. Sensitivity towards inhibition by N3?can be applied to the Superoxide dismutases in crude extracts, for the purpose of deciding to which class they belong.  相似文献   

Iron-containing superoxide dismutase was found in the soluble fraction from Euglena gracilis and Mn-superoxide dismutase was found in the thylakoid-bound form. Two major Fe-superoxide dismutases were isolated from the soluble fraction in the homogeneous state. Their absorption spectra, molecular weights, subunit structures, and metal contents resemble those of the Fe-enzymes from procaryotes. However,the Euglena enzymes are more sensitive to heating, to denaturants, and to H2O2 and less sensitive to azide than are the procaryote enzymes. The amino acid composition of the Euglena enzyme differs substantially from the compositions of the enzymes from procaryotes.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase activity in crude or partially purified cell extracts from several species and strains of obligate anaerobe Bacteroides was inhibited instantaneously by NaN3 and was inactivated rapidly upon incubation with H2O2. The extent of NaN3 inhibition varied from 41 to 93%, and the half-life of the enzymatic activity in 5 mM H2O2 ranged from 1.2 to 6.1 min, depending upon the organism tests. When grown in a defined medium containing 59Fe, Bacteroides fragilis (VPI 2393) incorporated radiolabel into a 40,000-molecular-weight NaN3- and H2O2-sensitive superoxide dismutase but did not incorporate 54Mn into that protein under similar growth conditions. The anaerobe Actinomyces naeslundii (VPI 9985) incorporated 54Mn but not 59Fe into a NaN3-insensitive and H2O2-resistant superoxide dismutase. The apparent molecular weight of the superoxide dismutase from this and several other Actinomyces spp. was estimated to be 110,000 to 140,000. Comparison of these data with studies of homogeneous metallosuperoxide dismutases suggests that the Bacteroides spp. studied contain a ferrisuperoxide dismutase, whereas Actinomyces spp. contain a managanisuperoxide dismutase.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis and regulation of superoxide dismutases   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The past two decades have witnessed an explosion in our understanding of oxygen toxicity. The discovery of superoxide dismutases (SODs) (EC., which specifically catalyze the dismutation of superoxide radicals (O2) to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and oxygen, has indicated that O2 is a normal and common byproduct of oxygen metabolism. There is an increasing evidence to support the conclusion that superoxide radicals play a major role in cellular injury, mutagenesis, and many diseases. In all cases SODs have been shown to protect the cells against these deleterious effects. Recent advances in molecular biology and the isolation of different SOD genes and SOD c-DNAs have been useful in proving beyond doubt the physiological function of the enzyme. The biosynthesis of SODs, in most biological systems, is under rigorous controls. In general, exposure to increased pO2, increased intracellular fluxes of O2, metal ions perturbation, and exposures to several environmental oxidants have been shown to influence the rate of SOD synthesis in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. Recent developments in the mechanism of regulation of the manganese-containing superoxide dismutase of Escherichia coli will certainly open new research avenues to better understand the regulation of SODs in other organisms.  相似文献   

Molecular genetics of superoxide dismutases   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Molecular genetics of SOD has been recently developed primarily due to the new biotechnologies. Different types of isozymes have now been cloned and sequenced from several species ranging from bacteria to human and plants. Knowledge of the nucleotide sequences permitted refinement of structural models and provided information on subcellular locations. Cloned genes allowed the production of large amounts of SOD. They have been used for physiological and regulation studies, structural and enzymatic analyses, and are vital tools for the isolation of mutants. Isolation of mutants is generally essential to the understanding of the biological function of the gene in question. Indeed, SOD deficient mutants have now been isolated in bacteria and yeast. Their properties support, at numerous levels, a major role of SPD in cellular defense against oxygen toxicity. Few data are presently available on the molecular basis of mechanisms that regulate the expression of SOD.  相似文献   

Aquaspirillum magnetotacticum MS-1 cells cultured microaerobically (dissolved O2 tension 1% of saturation), expressed proteins with superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. The majority (roughly 95%) of total cell superoxide dismutase activity was located in the cell periplasm with little or no activity in the cell cytoplasm. Irontype SOD (FeSOD) contributed 88% of the total activity activity detected, although a manganese-type SOD (MnSOD) was present in the periplasm as well. Cells cultured at a higher dissolved O2 tension (10% of saturation) expressed increased activity of the MnSOD relative to that of the FeSOD.  相似文献   

Diethyldithiocarbamate reacted with superoxide dismutase from bovine erythrocytes. Changes in both optical and esr spectra, which accompanied this reaction, indicated involvement of the Cu(II). The reaction was accelerated by raising the concentrations of the reactants, elevating the temperature, and lowering the pH, in the range 10.2 to 5.5, and it was independent of the presence of oxygen. During the first phase of this reaction the Cu(II).diethyldithiocarbamate complex remained bound to the enzyme and the catalytic activity did not diminish. There followed a second and slower process which was accompanied by the appearance of colloidal Cu(II).chelate complex and by a loss of activity which could be restored by the addition of CuSO4. All of the observations are accomodated by a model in which 1 diethyldithiocarbamate molecule reacts/copper center, with retention of activity, in Phase I, while a second diethyldithiocarbamate displaces the copper, with a loss of activity, in Phase II.  相似文献   

Streptomycin modified the electrophoretic mobility, but not the catalytic activity, of the superoxide dismutases of Streptococcus faecalis and of Escherichia coli. This effect, which was seen with crude extracts or with the purified enzymes, was due to a change in charge rather than to significant change in size. Reaction between enzymes and streptomycin, exhibited great specificity. Thus: 1. Streptomycin gave no indication of reaction with the copper-zinc superoxide dismutase of bovine erythrocytes or with the manganese enzyme from human liver. 2. It reacted with some of the bacterial superoxide dismutases examined, but not with others. 3. Brief treatment with urea, at 8.0 m, did not interfere either with the catalytic activity or the streptomycin-reactivity of the S. faecalis enzyme. 4. Removal of manganese gave an apoenzyme, whose electrophoretic mobility was identical with that of the holoenzyme. This apoenzyme did not react with streptomycin, and reincorporation of the manganese restored its ability to react. 5. A variety of proteins and enzymes, chosen at random, did not react with streptomycin. When [14C]streptomycin was used, 3.2 molecules per molecule enzyme modified were found to resist removal by exhaustive dialysis. The corresponding number after treatment with 6.0 m guanidinium chloride was 1.2 and after repeated precipitation with trichloroacetic acid was 1.0. Dihydrostreptomycin, bearing a hydroxymethyl group in place of a formyl group, was unreactive. Nevertheless, acetaldehyde (10 mm) did not interfere with the binding of streptomycin. The S. faecalis enzyme was homogeneous by the criterion of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, yet appeared heterogeneous in its reaction with streptomycin. Thus, 40% of the enzyme reacted rapidly, whereas the remainder reacted much more slowly.  相似文献   

With the aim of developing a novel superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity assay, a series of polymethinium salts (streptocyanines) were prepared and studied for their ability to be reduced by superoxide radical anion generated either from the pyrogallol autoxidation or by the xanthine oxidase-catalyzed oxidation of xanthine. The nonacarbon chain streptocyanine 9Cl(NEt2)2 was found to be relatively stable in neutral buffered aqueous solutions, to be reduced at a significant rate by superoxide, and addition of iron-dependent superoxide dismutase (Fe-SOD) prevented its bleaching, thus constituting a good candidate as a possible superoxide indicator in a spectrophotometric SOD assay. The values found to be optimal for a SOD assay were defined as pH 7.4, wavelength 728 nm, xanthine and xanthine oxidase as superoxide source, and a reaction time of 5 min. Based on the color change caused by the superoxide-induced bleaching of the streptocyanine, a qualitative colorimetric method for the SOD activity detection is proposed, enabling visual detection within a short time without any instrument.  相似文献   

The discovery of superoxide dismutases (SODs), which convert superoxide radicals to molecular oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, has been termed the most important discovery of modern biology never to win a Nobel Prize. Here, we review the reasons this discovery has been underappreciated, as well as discuss the robust results supporting its premier biological importance and utility for current research. We highlight our understanding of SOD function gained through structural biology analyses, which reveal important hydrogen-bonding schemes and metal-binding motifs. These structural features create remarkable enzymes that promote catalysis at faster than diffusion-limited rates by using electrostatic guidance. These architectures additionally alter the redox potential of the active site metal center to a range suitable for the superoxide disproportionation reaction and protect against inhibition of catalysis by molecules such as phosphate. SOD structures may also control their enzymatic activity through product inhibition; manipulation of these product inhibition levels has the potential to generate therapeutic forms of SOD. Markedly, structural destabilization of the SOD architecture can lead to disease, as mutations in Cu,ZnSOD may result in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a relatively common, rapidly progressing and fatal neurodegenerative disorder. We describe our current understanding of how these Cu,ZnSOD mutations may lead to aggregation/fibril formation, as a detailed understanding of these mechanisms provides new avenues for the development of therapeutics against this so far untreatable neurodegenerative pathology.  相似文献   

The role of superoxide radicals and of superoxide dismutases in inflammation is described. Encapsulation of the enzyme in liposomes leads to an increased organ specificity on injection into animals. Preliminary results of medical application are presented.  相似文献   

Deficiencies in superoxide dismutases (Cu,ZnSOD or Mn-SOD) strongly shorten the life span of yeast cells. The effects of these deficiencies are additive. In contrast, deficiencies in catalases do not influence life span. Our results confirm that free radical processes may be involved in aging.  相似文献   

Growth of Escherichia coli B in simple media enriched with Mn(II) resulted in the elevation of the manganese-containing superoxide dismutase, whereas growth in such medium enriched with iron caused increased content of the iron-containing superoxide dismutase. Enrichment of the medium with Co(II), Cu(II), Mo(VI), Zn(II), or Ni(II) had no effect. The inductions of superoxide dismutase by Mn(II) or by Fe(II) were dioxygen dependent, but these metals did not affect the CN- -resistant respiration of E. coli B and did not influence the increase in the CN- -resistant respiration caused by paraquat. Mn(II) and paraquat acted synergistically in elevating the superoxide dismutase content, and Mn(II) reduced the growth inhibition imposed by paraquat, E. coli grown in the complex 3% Trypticase soy broth (BBL Microbiology Systems)-0.5% yeast extract-0.2% glucose medium contained more superoxide dismutase than did cells grown in the simple media and were less responsive to enrichment of the medium with Mn(II) or Fe(II). Nevertheless, in the presence of paraquat, inductions of superoxide dismutase by these metals could be seen even in the Trypticase-yeast extract-glucose medium. On the basis of these observations we propose that the apo-superoxide dismutases may act as autogenous repressors and that Mn(II) and Fe(II) increase the cell content of the corresponding enzymes by speeding the conversion of the apo- to the holoenzymes.  相似文献   

We investigated the developmental profile of copper-zinc and manganese superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD and MnSOD) in tissue sections obtained from fetal (Day 12 to 21 of gestation) and neonatal (Day 0 and 6) rats. Tissues were stained immunohistochemically with specific antisera against the respective rat SODs. There was a general trend towards richness of SODs in the epithelial linings and metabolically active sites, although differential distribution between the two SODs also existed. At Day 12 of gestation, immunoreactivity for both SODs was detected in the cardiomyocytes but not in other tissues. Hepatocytes expressed CuZnSOD at Day 14 and MnSOD at Day 17. By Day 18 CuZnSOD was detected in the epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, pancreatic islets, kidneys, and adrenals. These tissues exhibited MnSOD staining at Day 19. CuZnSOD occurred in the epithelia of the thyroid, thymus, and salivary glands at Day 19, while MnSOD was seen at Day 21. The increase in intensity of the staining for SODs occurred no later than postnatal Day 0, indicating that most tissues accumulated SODs during late gestation. Breathing atmospheric oxygen during early extrauterine life did not appreciably intensify the SOD staining. These results suggest that perinatal increase in SODs occurs as a general mechanism of preparation for birth.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutases (SODs) catalyze the dismutation of superoxide radicals in a broad range of organisms, including plants. Quantification of SOD activity in crude plant extracts has been problematic due to the presence of compounds that interfere with the dose-response of the assay. Although strategies exist to partially purify SODs from plant extracts, the requirement for purification limits the rapidity and practical number of assays that can be conducted. In this article, we describe modification of a procedure using o-dianisidine as substrate that permits relatively rapid quantification of SOD activity in crude leaf extracts in a microplate format. The method employs the use of a commercial apparatus that permits lysis of 12 tissue samples at once and the use of Pipes buffer to reduce interference from compounds present in crude leaf extracts. The assay provided a linear response from 1 to 50 units of SOD. The utility of the assay was demonstrated using tissue extracts prepared from a group of taxonomically diverse plants. Reaction rates with tissue extracts from two grasses were linear for at least 60 min. Tissues of certain species contained interfering compounds, most of which could be removed by ultrafiltration. The presence of plant catalases, peroxidases, and ascorbate in physiological quantities did not interfere with the assay. This approach provides a means to quantify SOD activity in relatively large numbers of plant samples provided that the possibility for the presence of interfering compounds is considered. The presence of interfering compounds in certain plant tissues necessitates caution in interpreting the effects of plant stresses on SOD.  相似文献   

We have recently reported the first complete amino acid sequence of an iron-containing superoxide dismutase. The iron enzyme is thought to be closely homologous to the manganese-containing superoxide dismutases. The availability of complete amino acid sequence information for four manganese superoxide dismutases and the crystal structures for two iron and two manganese superoxide dismutases prompted us to investigate the degree of homology between the two proteins at various levels. We report that it is not possible to clearly distinguish the two proteins on the basis of their secondary or tertiary structures. It would appear that a small number of single site substitutions are responsible for conferring distinguishing properties between the two proteins. Substitution of glycine 77 and glutamine 154 by a glutamine and an alanine respectively in Photobacterium leiognathi iron superoxide dismutase may distinguish the kinetic and other particular properties of this protein from the manganese protein (and other iron superoxide dismutases). Furthermore the primary structure of both the iron and manganese proteins does not appear to have any homology with any other known amino acid sequence.  相似文献   

Predicted secondary structures and optical properties of four manganese-containing superoxide dismutases isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Bacillus stearothermophilus, Escherichia coli and human liver are compared. The structural predictions are further compared with the known crystal structure of the manganese-containing superoxide dismutase from Thermus thermophilus HB8. The secondary structures of the four dismutases are predicted by the methods of Chou and Fasman (Adv. Enzymol. 47 (1978) 45-148), Garnier et al. (J. Mol. Biol. 120 (1978) 97-120) and Lim (J. Mol. Biol. 88 (1974) 873-894). The three models show satisfactory agreement and predict that the enzymes have a mixed alpha-helix and beta-sheet structure, and that they have homologous structures. The former conclusion is also reached from an analysis of the hydrophobic character of the amino-acid sequences of the four proteins according to Kyte and Doolittle (J. Mol. Biol. 157 (1982) 105-132). The calculation of the secondary structure based on the 185-260 nm circular dichroism spectrum of manganese-containing superoxide dismutase from S. cerevisiae reveals that the enzyme consists of 61% alpha-helix, 13% beta-sheet, 11% turn and 8% random coil conformations, which is in good accordance with the prediction based on the amino-acid sequences. Comparison of the 400-700 nm circular dichroism spectra of manganese-containing superoxide dismutase from S. cerevisiae, E. coli and T. thermophilus demonstrates that manganese atoms have homologous coordination in the three enzymes. This investigation based on primary structures and spectral properties indicates that the four dismutases have the same overall structure. Since the structural predictions are in good agreement with the structure found for the manganese-containing superoxide dismutase from T. thermophilus HB8, it can be concluded that this structure is representative for the four enzymes and probably for manganese-containing superoxide dismutases in general.  相似文献   

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