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The radial growth rate of soil micromycetes colonies as a function of mineral nitrogen concentrations in the medium is expressed by a bell-shaped curve. Low nitrogen concentrations are growth-limiting whereas its high concentrations inhibit the growth. Soil micromycetes differ in the absolute values of growth rates and in the ranges of tolerance.  相似文献   

The methods of primary culture and cryopreservation of mouse astrocytes under serum-free conditions were examined. Cerebra from newborn C3H/He mice were employed as the source of astrocytes. The cultured cells were able to grow in a serum-free, chemically defined medium containing transferrin, hydrocortisone, biotin, sodium selenite, insulin, fibroblast growth factor and epidermal growth factor. After the culture was maintained in the medium for 3 weeks, purity was assessed using immunofluorescence staining. The great majority of the cells (>98%) contained glial fibrillary acidic protein and S-100 protein which are cell markers of astrocytes. To cryopreserve the enriched astrocytes under serum-free conditions, various cryoprotectants were examined. The combination of 10% dimethylsulfoxide and 0.1% methylcellulose gave the highest survival rate. These methods of primary culture and cryopreservation will be useful in physiological and biochemical studies which require mouse astrocytes.  相似文献   

Antifungal activity of micelial fungus metabolites (of genera Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Stachybotris, Cladosporium, Alternaria, Gliocladium, Paecilomyces, Trichoderma etc.) was determined. It was shown that antifungal activity of some micromycetes is due to the formation of substances inhibiting sterols biosynthesis in eucaryote cells. Inhibitors of enzymes of sterols biosynthesis were isolated and their activity was investigated. It was shown, that isolated fungus inhibitors of sterols biosynthesis inhibited the growth of test-organism Rhodotorula rubra and decreased ergosterin level in yeast cells. The qualitative content of yeast cell sterols was not changed in the presence of fungus inhibitors.  相似文献   

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On the basis of analysis of whooping cough incidence in 1959 to 1975 in Moscow the authors present characteristics of the epidemic process under conditions of planned many-year immunization of children against this infection. Whooping cough morbidity proved to undergo significant changes-from sharp falls the first 8 years of immunization to a relative stabilization with a gradual reduction the last 5 years. Marked seasonal and periodic elevations persist against the background of reduction of morbidity. Preschool- and schoolchildren are equally involved in the epidemic process; the most frequently involved are nonvaccinated children aged 1 year and 4 to 10 years, which lost postvaccinal immunity. Further reduction of the severity of whooping cough and increase in the number of unimanifested forms of the infection was noted. This was apparently connected not only with immunization, but also with the reduction of the virulence of H. pertusis detected in studying the cultures isolated in Moscow from 1967 to 1974. The intensity indices of the epidemic process in whooping cough pointed to the necessity of using a more effective vaccine for the protection of children from whooping cough, despite the noted reduction of morbidity, and diminished severity of the course of the disease, and of the causative agent virulence.  相似文献   

Two methods were compared for determination of drug resistant staphylococci on the nasal mucosa of patients, i. e. the routine method for determination of staphylococcal sensitivity to antibiotics and the method of direct plating out of the starting material onto agarized media containing antibiotics. Staphylococci resistant to streptomycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, monomycin, axacillin and less frequent to penicillin were found more often with the 2nd method. A method of proportions was developed for testing sensitivity of staphylococci in purulent inflammatory foci of the patients. It provided characterization of the staphylococcal population from the foci by the number of the antibiotic resistant microbial cells.  相似文献   

Drought tolerant endophytic actinobacteria Streptomyces coelicolor DE07, S. olivaceus DE10 and Streptomyces geysiriensis DE27 were isolated from cultivated plants of arid and drought affected regions of Rajasthan, India. These isolates exhibited plant growth promotion traits and intrinsic water stress tolerance from ?0.05 to ?0.73 MPa. Maximum auxin production was observed in majority of actinobacterial cultures in the logarithmic to stationary phase of growth. Significant enhancement of wheat seedling vigour was recorded by the inoculation of these endophytic actinobacteria. S. olivaceus DE10 recorded maximum accumulation of indole 3-acetic acid (84.34?μg?mg?1 protein). Culture and cell-free extract of the endophytes was applied on to wheat seeds to assess the effect on growth in water-stressed soil. Maximum yield was recorded with the inoculation of S. olivaceus DE10 culture (492.77?kg?ha?1) and cell-free extract (262.31?kg?ha?1). Co-inoculation of S. olivaceus DE10?+?S. geysiriensis DE27 recorded highest yield of 550.09?kg?ha?1 while their cell-free extract yielded 524.92?kg?ha?1. Overall, wheat seeds treated with cultures showed better plant growth and yield in comparison to control. Direct coating of cultures on seeds yielded better performance than cell-free extract coated on seeds and co-inoculation of cultures or cell-free extract proved better than single culture inoculations. Production of phytohormones, plant growth promotion traits combined with water stress tolerance potential in these endophytic actinobacteria played a cumulative synergistic role that supported enhanced plant growth promotion of wheat in the stressed soil.  相似文献   

放线菌可以产生结构多样的天然产物, 其中包括很多重要的抗菌和抗肿瘤药物。糖基化修饰在天然产物中广泛存在, 糖基侧链的变化往往会影响天然产物的生物活性。本文综述了放线菌来源天然产物糖基化改造的研究进展。糖基侧链改造的方法主要分为体内基因工程和体外酶学法。运用这两种方法已经成功对多种天然产物进行了糖基侧链改造, 获得了大量带有新糖基修饰的天然产物, 其中有些生物活性得以提高。天然产物糖基侧链改造为新药开发提供了一个重要的途径。  相似文献   

Almost all of the investigated samples of the Arctic and Antarctic permafrost sediments of different genesis with ages from 5–10 thousand to 2–3 million years were found to contain viable micromycete and bacterial cells. The maximum amounts of viable cells of fungi (up to 104CFU/g air-dried sample) and bacteria (up to 107–109CFU/g air-dried sample) were present in fine peaty sediment samples taken from different depths. The identified micromycetes belonged to more than 20 genera of the divisions Basidiomycota, Ascomycota, and Zygomycota, and some represented mitosporic fungi. Thawing the samples at 35 and 52°C allowed the number of detected fungal genera to be increased by more than 30%. Aerobic heterotrophic prokaryotes were dominated by coryneform, nocardioform, and spore-forming microorganisms of the order Actinomycetales.Analysis of the isolated fungi and actinomycetes showed that most of them originated from the microbial communities of ancient terrestrial biocenoses.  相似文献   

Degradation of natural and synthetic polyesters under anaerobic conditions   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Often, degradability under anaerobic conditions is desirable for plastics claimed to be biodegradable, e.g. in anaerobic biowaste treatment plants, landfills and in natural anaerobic sediments. The biodegradation of the natural polyesters poly(beta-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB), poly(beta-hydroxybutyrate-co-11.6%-beta-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) and the synthetic polyester poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) was studied in two anaerobic sludges and individual polyester degrading anaerobic strains were isolated, characterized and used for degradation experiments under controlled laboratory conditions. Incubation of PHB and PHBV films in two anaerobic sludges exhibited significant degradation in a time scale of 6-10 weeks monitored by weight loss and biogas formation. In contrast to aerobic conditions, PHB was degraded anaerobically more rapidly than the copolyester PHBV, when tested with either mixed cultures or a single strained isolate. PCL tends to degrade slower than the natural polyesters PHB and PHBV. Four PHB and PCL degrading isolates were taxonomically identified and are obviously new species belonging to the genus Clostridium group I. The depolymerizing enzyme systems of PHB and PCL degrading isolates are supposed to be different. Using one isolated strain in an optimized laboratory degradation test with PHB powder, the degradation time was drastically reduced compared to the degradation in sludges (2 days vs. 6-10 weeks).  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that new drugs, especially antibiotics, are urgently required, and that the most propitious source remains natural products. We argue that in exploring new sources of bioactive natural products the marine environment warrants particular attention, in view of the remarkable diversity of microorganisms and metabolic products. Recent reports of new chemical entities and first-in-class drug candidates, and confirmation of indigenous marine actinobacteria, make exciting discoveries even more likely given the unrivalled capacity of this class of bacteria to produce exploitable natural products.  相似文献   

自然条件下福寿螺繁殖特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了弄清福寿螺在自然条件下的繁殖特性,在湖南省资兴市水稻田内进行了为期3年的人工养殖试验.结果表明:福寿螺在湘南自然条件下1年可发生不完全3代.第1代、第2代和第3代(越冬代)雌螺的平均性成熟期分别为59.3、45.4和213.0 d.雄螺的平均性成熟期比雌螺早4.3d.福寿螺的自然性比(♀∶♂)为1.54:1.每次交配持续时间平均为19.2h,但并非每次交配后都会产卵.田间福寿螺月产卵块数与月平均气温呈显著正相关(r=0.756).福寿螺卵块的平均孵化期(d)与日平均气温(℃)呈显著负相关(r=-0.980),其线性回归方程为y=-0.726x+23.064.福寿螺卵块的平均孵化期为20.7d,平均孵化率为44.1%.雌螺与雄螺的平均寿命分别为2.40和1.98 a.平均每头雌螺一生可产卵13764粒,可繁殖幼螺6070头.  相似文献   

PAN and leukocytolysis were measured in dog blood placed in hypo- and hypertonic solutions of glycerin and glucose (1:10). It was found that leukocytolytic activity of the substances depends on equimolar concentrations of nonelectrolytes. It is more pronounced in hypo- than in hypertonic conditions. Glycerin is 3-5-times more active than glucose. In concentrations 2.0 M for glycerin and 0.5 M for glucose leukocytolysis is less active. Mononuclears are more resistant than neutrophils in strong solutions. PAN increased by 11-16% in hypotonic solutions. Strong glycerin solutions reduce PAN less than glucose which stimulates the digestive activity. The results can be of use in specific leukolysis tests to diagnose drug allergy.  相似文献   

We deal with the problem of tracking freely flying insects that have been filmed under natural conditions. Although this appears to be an easy task for human observers it proves to be quite difficult to implement in computer vision systems. The main goal of our project was to automatize the reconstruction of animal flightpaths in a single-frame video film analysis. In addition to standard image-processing tools we employed a number of physical constraints as well as general knowledge to produce a system with acceptable performance. In this article we describe basic algorithms and techniques that provide a pragmatic solution in a specific case but that could in principle be applied to a large class of related problems. Our system copes with up to 5 degrees of freedom and a number of other variables such as brightness, illumination, object shape, occlusion and light reflection. We discuss the performance of a first implementation as well as remaining problems.  相似文献   

Various approaches to modeling the population dynamics and demography of Daphnia have been published. These methods range from the simple egg-ratio method, to mathematically complex models based on partial differential equations and numerically complex individual-based Daphnia population models. The usefulness of these models in unraveling the population dynamics and demography of Daphnia under natural conditions is discussed. Next to this, an extended version of an existing individual-based Daphnia model is documented (Cladosim) and its application to a typical field data set collected in 1995 in Lake Volkerak is shown. To answer the question which factor was limiting Daphnia numbers during the course of the season food level and temperature in the model were varied and results were compared with those obtained for the observed food level and temperature. These analysis showed that in April temperature was limiting while during May–July and September–October food was limiting. In August neither temperature nor food was limiting. Analysis with a set of size-selective mortality scenarios showed that on average the Daphnia population in Lake Volkerak experienced a mild positive size-selective mortality during the year that was analyzed. Birth rates derived with the detailed individual-based model were compared with those derived with the much simpler egg-ratio method. For the conditions as observed in Lake Volkerak in 1995, both methods gave very comparable results, despite sampling intervals of up to four weeks. The same holds under the environmental scenarios. Using the size-selective mortality scenarios it could be shown, however, that under strong mortality of the smaller daphnids, the egg-ratio method severely underestimates the birth rate. The vices and virtues of the new model and potential extensions are discussed.  相似文献   

Actinobacteria produce a variety of secondary metabolites that can influence the survival or behaviour of other organisms. The understanding of the ecological roles of actinobacteria has significantly improved in the past decades, but a systematic insight into the interactions between actinobacteria and other microbes in nature is warranted. Here, we studied the pairwise effects of actinobacteria on other microbes isolated from red soils under different nutritional conditions. We found that neutral effects dominated the interactions, accounting for 68.1% of the interactions in eutrophic conditions and for a significantly higher proportion (86.2%) in oligotrophic conditions. High nutrient levels boosted active metabolism of actinobacteria and generally made them more aggressive, supporting the stress gradient hypothesis. The secondary metabolites produced by actinobacteria played a pivotal role in interference competition with other microbes, of which the role of desferrioxamine siderophores could not be ignored. Niche overlap seemed to be another cause of competition, notably under oligotrophic conditions. Moreover, the large-scale phylogeny had a much greater impact on the interaction than the location origin of the microbes. These results provide an understanding of the coexistence of actinobacteria with other microbes in nature and suggest neutrality as a key mechanism for maintaining microbial diversity in soils.  相似文献   

Endophytic actinobacteria, which exist in the inner tissues of living plants, have attracted increasing attention among taxonomists, ecologists, agronomists, chemists and evolutionary biologists. Numerous studies have indicated that these prolific actinobacteria appear to have a capacity to produce an impressive array of secondary metabolites exhibiting a wide variety of biological activity, such as antibiotics, antitumor and anti-infection agents, plant growth promoters and enzymes, and may contribute to their host plants by promoting growth and enhancing their ability of withstanding the environmental stresses. These microorganisms may represent an underexplored reservoir of novel species of potential interest in the discovery of novel lead compounds and for exploitation in pharmaceutical, agriculture and industry. This review focuses on new findings in the isolation methods, bio- and chemical diversity of endophytic actinobacteria and reveals the potential biotechnological application. The facing problems and strategies for biodiversity research and bioactive natural products producing are also discussed.  相似文献   

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