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Distribution of chloroplasts in bundle sheath cells was examinedby light and electron microscopy during the leaf developmentof finger millet (Eleusine coracana Gaertn.), an NAD malic enzymetype C4 plant with centripetal arrangement of bundle sheathchloroplasts. Young chloroplasts are almost evenly distributedalong the cell walls in bundle sheath cells of folded immatureleaves. In elongating leaves and above the elongation zone thebundle sheath chloroplasts tend to lie along the radial wallsand the walls adjacent to the vascular bundle. They furthermigrate near to the vascular bundle and finally establish acentripetal arrangement. Mitochondria, microbodies and nucleusmigrate along with the chloroplasts. Etioplasts and other organellesare centripetally located in the bundle sheath cells of etiolatedseedlings grown in the dark. Bundle sheath chloroplast, C4 plant, chloroplast, chloroplast orientation, Eleusine coracana, finger millet  相似文献   

Mitochondria and chloroplasts are structurally associated inthe bundle sheath cells of Portulaca oleracea L., an NAD malicenzyme type C4 plant. These associations occur in some restrictedregions where the mitochondrial cristae extend inwards. Exposureof plants to 1.0 µ11–1 SO2 for 3 h induced shrinkageof mitochondria of the bundle sheath cells, which further visualizedthe structural association between the organelles. C4 plant, chloroplast, mitochondrion, Portulaca oleracea, sulphur dioxide  相似文献   

Walbot V 《Plant physiology》1977,60(1):102-108
The first method for the direct separation of mesophyll and bundle sheath chloroplasts from whole tissue homogenates of a C4 plant is described. Centrifugation of mixed chloroplast preparations from Panicum maximum through low viscosity silica sol gradients effectively separates large, starch-containing chloroplasts from smaller plastids. The large chloroplasts are judged to be bundle sheath chloroplasts on the basis of microscopic appearance, the presence of starch grains, the protein complement displayed on sodium dodecyl sulfate acrylamide gels, and the exclusive localization of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase activity in these plastids. As a measure of intactness both the large (bundle sheath) and small (mesophyll) chloroplasts contain glyceralde-hyde-3-phosphate NADP-dependent dehydrogenase activity that is greatly enhanced by plastid lysis and both chloroplast preparations are impermeable to deoxyribonuclease. Chloroplast enzyme activities are inhibited by silica sol due to the Mg2+ chelating activity of this reagent. However, well washed chloroplasts separated on silica gradients had enzyme activities similar to reported values in which silica sol gradients were not used.  相似文献   

Changes in Microtubules in Onion Leaf Sheath Cells during Bulb Development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cortical microtubules are oriented transversely to the cellaxis in leaf sheath cells of onion plants (Allium cepa L. cv.Osaka-Okute) that have not started bulb formation. As the bulbdevelops and the leaf sheath cells swell, the microtubules becomedisoriented and scattered and finally disappear. The microtubuleinhibitors colchicine and cremart [O-ethyl O-(3-methyl-6-nitrophenyl)N-sec-butylphosphorothioamidate]cause swelling of leaf sheath cells and make the basal partof the plant bulbous. The cortical microtubules may have animportant role in regulating bulb development in onion plants. (Received August 21, 1982; Accepted December 6, 1982)  相似文献   

Mesophyll and bundle sheath chloroplasts were isolated by differential grinding from the leaves of two NADP-ME C4 plants, Setaria italica Beauv. cv. H-1, Pennisetum typhoides S & H. cv. AKP-2, and a NAD-ME C4 species Amaranthus paniculatus L. The mesophyll chloroplasts of C4 plants possessed slightly lower Km for ADP and Pi than those of bundle sheath chloroplasts. The Hill reaction activities and noncyclic photophosphorylation rates of the bundle sheath chloropiasts from S. italica and P. typhoides were less than one-fifth of those by the mesophyll chloroplasts. But the bundle sheath chloroplasts of A. paniculatus exhibited high rates of Hill reaction, cyclic as well as noncyclic photophosphorylation. The pigment- and eyiochrome composition suggested a relative enrichment of PS 1 in bundle sheath chloroplasts of S. italica and P. typhoides. The chain exists in both mesophyll and bundle sheath chloroplasts. As much as 35–52% of leaf chlorophyll was located in the bundle sheath chloroplasts. The photochemical activities of bundle sheath chloroplasts are significant though a major part of leaf photochemical potential is associated with the mesophyll chloroplasts.  相似文献   

In C4 plants, bundle sheath (BS) chloroplasts are arranged inthe centripetal position or in the centrifugal position, althoughmesophyll (M) chloroplasts are evenly distributed along cellmembranes. To examine the molecular mechanism for the intracellulardisposition of these chloroplasts, we observed the distributionof actin filaments in BS and M cells of the C4 plants fingermillet (Eleusine coracana) and maize (Zea mays) using immunofluorescence.Fine actin filaments encircled chloroplasts in both cell types,and an actin network was observed adjacent to plasma membranes.The intracellular disposition of both chloroplasts in fingermillet was disrupted by centrifugal force but recovered within2 h in the dark. Actin filaments remained associated with chloroplastsduring recovery. We also examined the effects of inhibitorson the rearrangement of chloroplasts. Inhibitors of actin polymerization,myosin-based activities and cytosolic protein synthesis blockedmigration of chloroplasts. In contrast, a microtubule-depolymerizingdrug had no effect. These results show that C4 plants possessa mechanism for keeping chloroplasts in the home position whichis dependent on the actomyosin system and cytosolic proteinsynthesis but not tubulin or light.  相似文献   

Aspartate or glutamate stimulated the rate of light-dependent malate decarboxylation by isolated Zea mays bundle sheath chloroplasts. Stimulation involved a decrease in the apparent Km (malate) and an increased maximum velocity of decarboxylation. In the presence of glutamate other dicarboxylates (succinate, fumarate) competitively inhibited malate decarboxylation by intact chloroplasts with respect to malate with an apparent Ki of about 6 millimolar. For comparison the Ki for inhibition of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-malic enzyme from freshly lysed chloroplasts by these dicarboxylates was 15 millimolar. A range of compounds structurally related to aspartate stimulated malate decarboxylation by intact chloroplasts. Ka values for stimulation at 5 millimolar malate were 1.7, 5, and 10 millimolar for l-glutamate, l-aspartate, and β-methyl-dl-aspartate, respectively. Certain compounds, notably cysteic acid, which stimulated malate decarboxylation by intact chloroplasts inhibited malate decarboxylation by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-malic enzyme obtained from lysed chloroplasts and assayed under comparable conditions. It was concluded that aspartate, glutamate, and related compounds affect the transport of malate into the intact chloroplasts and that malate translocation does not take place on the general dicarboxylate translocator previously reported for higher plant chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Intact chloroplasts were isolated from mesophyll and bundlesheath protoplasts of a C4 plant, Panicum miliaceum L., to measurethe uptake of [1-14C]pyruvate into their sorbitol-impermeablespaces at 4?C by the silicone oil filtering centrifugation method.When incubated in the dark, both chloroplasts showed similarslow kinetics of pyruvate uptake, and the equilibrium internalconcentrations were almost equal to the external levels. Whenincubated in the light, only mesophyll chloroplasts showed remarkableenhancement of the uptake, the internal concentration reaching10–30 times of the external level after 5 min incubation.The initial uptake rate of the mesophyll chloroplasts was enhancedabout ten fold by light and was saturated with increasing pyruvateconcentration; Km and Vmax were 0.2–0.4 mM and 20–40µmol(mg Chl)–1 h–1, respectively. The lightenhancement was abolished by DCMU and uncoupling reagents suchas carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone and nigericin. Theseresults indicate the existence of a light-dependent pyruvatetransport system in the envelope of mesophyll chloroplasts ofP. miliaceum. The uptake activity of mesophyll chloroplastsboth in the light and the dark was inhibited by sulfhydryl reagentssuch as mersalyl and p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonate, but thebundle sheath activity was insensitive to the reagents. Thesefindings are further evidence for the differentiation of mesophylland bundle sheath chloroplasts of a C4 plant with respect tometabolite transport. (Received July 3, 1986; Accepted October 8, 1986)  相似文献   

EST-SSR markers were developed using sequence information from 1740 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) of finger millet available in the public domain. A set of 31 SSR markers were synthesized based on di, tri, tetra and penta-nucleotide repeat sequences. These were used for PCR analysis of 11 elite germplasm lines of finger millet of Indian and African origin. Out of 31 SSR markers, amplification products were obtained for 17 primer pairs. Of these nine were found polymorphic with two alleles per locus. These 17 SSR primer pairs were also tested for amplification in three varieties of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) and 11 could be transferred to pearl millet. The informative EST SSR markers developed, can be used in finger millet as well as pearl millet genetic improvement projects.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for isolating and purifying mesophyll protoplasts and bundle sheath protoplasts of the C4 plant Panicum miliaceum. Following enzymic digestion of leaf tissue, mesophyll protoplasts and bundle sheath protoplasts are released and purified by density centrifugation. The lower density of mesophyll protoplasts allowed rapid separation of the two protoplast types. Evidence for separation of mesophyll protoplasts and bundle sheath protoplasts (up to 95% purity) is provided from light microscopy (based on size difference in both chloroplasts and protoplasts), levels of marker enzymes in the preparations (i.e. pyruvate, Pi dikinase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase for mesophyll and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase for bundle sheath), and differences in substrate-dependent O2 evolution by chloroplasts isolated from protoplasts.  相似文献   

A method of plant culture was developed for growing large leaves of glandless cotton on single stems. Chloroplasts isolated from these leaves actively reduced ferricyanide when assayed for the Hill reaction. Hill reaction activity increased 133% when the 0.5 m sucrose isolation medium was replaced with 10% (w/v) polyethylene glycol, both buffered at pH 7.6. The presence of 2 or 5% (w/v) bovine serum albumin in the sucrose buffer did not increase Hill activity. Ferricyanide reduction in the dark occurred in all assays, and the possibility of gossypol as the reductant is discussed. Half-life of the chloroplasts stored in 10% glycerol at -23 C was 23 days. The ammonium ion at 0.01 m enhanced Hill reaction activity up to 171%. Leaves containing chloroplasts with the highest Hill reaction activity were found near the 8th node below the apex. Leaf water potentials less than -28 bars reduced the activity about 50%. Daylight conditions during the winter months in the greenhouse reduced the activity about 30%.  相似文献   

During the growth of beet leaves from 2 to 3 to 25 to 30 centimeters, the leaf cells increase in size, the average number of chloroplasts per cell increases from 11 to 65 and the amount of chloroplast DNA per cell increases from 1100 to 1900 plastome copies. The average number of copies of the plastome per chloroplast decreases from 104 in 2 to 3-centimeter leaves to 29 in 25 to 30-centimeter leaves during a period when the chloroplasts undergo two to three rounds of division and increase diameter from 1.5 to 4.9 micrometers. This result is at variance with previously published studies of beet chloroplasts but agrees with the conclusions reached in more recent studies of pea and spinach and wheat leaf cell expansion.  相似文献   

Free proline content in Ragi (Eleusine coracana) leaves increased markedly (6 to 85 fold) as the degree of water stress, created by polyethylene gylcol treatment, was prolonged There was also a marginal increase in soluble proteins in the stressed leaves as compared to that in the controls. Water stress stimulated the activities of ornithine aminotransferase and pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase, the enzymes of proline biosynthesis and markedly inhibited the enzymes involved in proline degradation viz., proline oxidase and pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase. These results suggest that increase in free proline content of Ragi leaves could be due to enhanced activities of the enzymes synthesizing proline but more importantly due to severe inhibition of the enzymes degrading proline. These observations establish for the first time, the pathway of proline metabolism in plants by way of detection of the activities of all the enzymes involved and also highlight the role of these enzymes in proline accumulation during water stress.  相似文献   

Distribution of the major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-protein (LHCII) and its mRNA within bundle sheath and mesophyll cells of maize (Zea mays L.) was studied using in situ immunolocalization and hybridization, respectively. In situ hybridization with specific LHCII RNA probes from maize and Lemna gibba definitively shows the presence of high levels of mRNA for LHCII in both bundle sheath cells and mesophyll cells. In situ immuno-localization studies, using an LHCII monoclonal antibody, demonstrate the presence of LHCII polypeptides in chloroplasts of both cell types. The polypeptide composition of LHCII and the amount of LHCII in bundle sheath cells are different from those in mesophyll cells. Both mesophyll and bundle sheath chloroplasts can take up, import and process the in vitro transcribed and translated LHCII precursor protein from L. gibba. Although bundle sheath chloroplasts incorporate LHCII into the pigmented light-harvesting complex, the efficiency is lower than that in mesophyll chloroplasts.  相似文献   

The current data is dedicated to the study of bioballistic and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of finger millet with the constructs carrying the mutant α-tubulin gene (TUAml), isolated from R-biotype goosegrass (Eleusine indica L.), for the decision of problem of dinitroaniline-resistance. It was found that 10 μM of trifluralin is optimal for the selection of transgene plants of finger millet. PCR analysis of transformed lines confirmed the transgenic nature of plants. The analysis of seed of T1 of transgenic lines confirmed heterozygous character of inheritance of trifluralin resistance.  相似文献   

HATTERSLEY  P. W. 《Annals of botany》1984,53(2):163-180
The cross-sectional area of ‘primary carbon assimilation’(PCA) (or mesophyll) tissue and of ‘photosynthetic carbonreduction’ (PCR) (or parenchymatous bundle sheath, PBS)tissue associated with each vein has been measured in transversesections of leaf blades of 124 grass species (Poaceae). Thespecies sample is representative of all major grass taxa, andof all photosynthetic types found in this family, viz. C3, C3/C4intermediate, C4 NADP-malic enzyme type (NADP-ME), C4 NAD-malicenzyme type (NAD-ME) and PEP carboxykinase type (PCK). MeanPCA (or mesophyll) area per vein varies between photosynthetictypes in the order C3 > NAD-ME > PCK = NADP-ME, mean PCR(or PBS) area per vein in the order NAD-ME > PCK = C3 >NADP-ME, and mean PCA/PCR (or mesophyll/PBS) area ratio in theorder C3 > NADP-ME > NAD-ME > PCK. Since grass leaveshave parallel venation, tissue areas and area ratios are directlyproportional to tissue volumes and volume ratios. Regressionanalyses of plots of PCA (or mesophyll) area per vein againstPCR (or PBS) area per vein yield characteristic slopes for photosynthetictypes. Differences between types in all these parameters arenearly always statistically significant, even within high leveltaxonomic groups (Eupanicoids and Chloridoids). However, differencesbetween major taxa (Eupanicoids, Andropogonoids, Chloridoids),within a photosynthetic type, are frequently not significant.This histometric characterization of photosynthetic types isdiscussed in relation to the co-operation of PCA and PCR tissuesin C4 photosynthesis, to possible differences between C4 typesin PCR spatial requirements and to the developmental originof PCR tissue. Grasses, Poaceae, C4 photosynthesis, C4 leaf blade anatomy, ‘Kranz’, NADP-malic enzyme, NAD-malic enzyme, PEP carboxykinase, PCA tissue, PCR tissue, taxonomy  相似文献   

The herbicide haloxydine (3, 5-dichloro-2, 6-difluoro-4-haloxypyridine)was applied both to mature leaves and to immature dark-grownleaves. With mature leaves it had effects varying from slightswelling of the chloroplasts to complete breakdown, dependingon the species. With immature leaves haloxydine had no obviouseffect on the proplastids when applied in the dark but in thelight it inhibited the normal light-mediated chloroplast development.After treatment in the light the prolamellar bodies disappearedbut the normal lamellar system could not develop and the stromaappeared devoid of particulate matter. The shape of the chloroplastsdid not change from ovoid to lens-shape. It is suggested thathaloxydine may interfere with carotenoid synthesis or accumulationand thus allow photo-oxidation of chlorophyll to take place.  相似文献   

The phosphate translocator was identified in the envelope membranes of both mesophyll and bundle sheath chloroplasts of Panicum miliaceum L. by labeling with [1,2-3H]1,2-(2,2′ -disulfo-4,4′ -diisothiocyano)diphenylethane ([3H]H2DIDS) and by using SDS-PAGE. Assay of 32Pi uptake by the chloroplasts showed that the phosphate translocators of both types of chloroplasts have a higher affinity for phosphoenolpyruvate than the C3 counterpart and can be regarded as C4 types.  相似文献   

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