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The microflora of the female reproductive tract is very diverse and plays an important role in both normal and pathological states. The data on the mechanisms of colonization resistance which involve the vaginal microbios (the production of H2O2, organic acids, bacteriocin-like substances, competition for adhesion sites) are presented. The data on the role of individual antagonistically active substances of anaerobic bacteria in suppressing gonococci, fungi, microorganisms, associated with bacterial vaginosis, etc. are given. The leading role of anaerobic microorganisms in the appearance of microecological disturbances, including bacterial vaginosis, is emphasized. The role of the pathogenic properties of anaerobic bacteria for the development of different pathological processes, such as premature birth, postnatal and postoperative purulent septic diseases, inflammation of pelvic organs, cancer of the neck of uterus, is discussed.  相似文献   

目的 探索女性性工作者生殖道中支原体定植与否与菌群结构的关联。方法 研究对象为2015年12月于云南红河州河口地区接受横断面调查的女性性工作者,采用PCR技术检测阴道中解脲脲原体(Uu)、人型支原体(Mh)和生殖支原体(Mg)的定植情况。将三种支原体任意一种检测阳性定义为支原体阳性,并依此将人群分为两组。在两组研究对象中各随机抽取9份样本行细菌16S rDNA基因的V3‒V4区高通量测序,通过生物信息学方法,比较两组研究对象阴道菌群结构差异。结果 支原体阳性组微生物群落的Shannon与Simpson指数均高于阴性组(Ps<0.05),通过主成分分析图可以直观显示两组研究对象菌群结构具有明显差异,阳性组菌群结构更加多样化,没有集中趋势。支原体阳性组的乳杆菌属相对丰度低于阴性组(P<0.001),而链球菌属(P=0.015)、普氏菌属(P=0.047)的相对丰度高于阴性组。结论 生殖道中支原体的定植与菌群结构有关,菌群结构的改变可能是支原体致病的重要条件之一。  相似文献   

The composition of microflora in different sections of the reproductive tract of women with disturbances of reproductive function was studied. The study revealed that the spectrum of microorganisms isolated from a bioptic specimen taken from the cavity of the small pelvis was narrower in comparison with such spectrum in material aspirated from the uterine cavity. The latter was narrower in comparison with that in the microflora of the lower sections of the reproductive tract. The possibility for one and the same patient to have both similarities and essential differences in the spectra of microflora in different sections of the reproductive tract was shown.  相似文献   

In experiments with Wistar female rats it was shown that after administration in the form of inhalations (10.87 mg/m3) sisomicin was present in the animal feces in a concentration of 26.6 micrograms/g. Prolonged exposure to the antibiotic during the pregnancy term led to changes in microbiocenosis of the animal large intestine which was observed even a month after the delivery. The progeny of the animals was characterized by the presence of significant numbers of aerobic bacteria resistant to sisomicin and potentially pathogenic gram-negative bacteria including various species of Proteus in the intestine, as well as by higher periods of persistence of Klebsiella indicator strains administered orally.  相似文献   

Oral challenge with a strain of Salmonella kedougou , resistant to nalidixic acid, gave a time-course for salmonella survival in the the alimentary tract of chicks pre-treated with a caecal culture from an eight-week-old bird to increase colonization resistance. In untreated, control chicks, salmonella colonization of the caeca resulted in counts of > 106/g within 48 h and a mean generation time of 1·6 h. With treated birds, however, the salmonellas failed to multiply in the caeca and decreased to a low level over a 48-h period, thus suggesting a mainly bacteriostatic effect. Pretreatment of chicks with the caecal culture also reduced the proportion of salmonella-positive crop samples. Growth of the salmonella in a feed-slurry system resembling moistened crop contents occurred rapidly at 37°C but was prevented by addition of the treatment culture, a decline in numbers coinciding with Lactobacillus populations of ca 109/g and a pH value of 5·5. Incorporation of a feed decontaminant, 1% formic acid (pH 4·0), rapidly eliminated both salmonellas and organisms added from the treatment culture.  相似文献   

Oral challenge with a strain of Salmonella kedougou, resistant to nalidixic acid, gave a time-course for salmonella survival in the alimentary tract of chicks pre-treated with a caecal culture from an eight-week-old bird to increase colonization resistance. In untreated, control chicks, salmonella colonization of the caeca resulted in counts of greater than 10(6)/g within 48 h and a mean generation time of 1.6 h. With treated birds, however, the salmonellas failed to multiply in the caeca and decreased to a low level over a 48-h period, thus suggesting a mainly bacteriostatic effect. Pre-treatment of chicks with the caecal culture also reduced the proportion of salmonella-positive crop samples. Growth of the salmonella in a feed-slurry system resembling moistened crop contents occurred rapidly at 37 degrees C but was prevented by addition of the treatment culture, a decline in numbers coinciding with Lactobacillus populations of ca 10(9)/g and a pH value of 5.5. Incorporation of a feed decontaminant, 1% formic acid (pH 4.0), rapidly eliminated both salmonellas and organisms added from the treatment culture.  相似文献   

The species compositions and persistence factors of the vaginal and cervical microflora of the reproductive tract of women in cases of intrauterine interventions (medical abortion, intrauterine contraception) were studied. Women with inflammatory complications following intrauterine interventions were found to have the same species of bacteria in their vaginal and cervical microflora. In addition, an increase in the values of the persistence factors of vaginal microflora was registered in women practicing intrauterine contraception and a decrease in the persistence potential of vaginal microflora was registered after abortion.  相似文献   

Yin Y  Ma L 《Journal of biochemistry》2005,137(6):677-683
The female reproductive tract (FRT), which includes the oviduct, uterus, cervix and vagina, is critical for mammalian reproduction. Recent research using knockout mice has contributed substantially to our understanding of the molecular mechanisms governing FRT development. Aside from satisfying our curiosities about the origin of life, these studies have provided us with a better understanding of FRT disorders and ways to improve female fertility. Here we review genes that are involved in various stages of sexual duct formation and development in mammals. In addition, the effect of exogenous estrogen such as DES on FRT development is also discussed.  相似文献   

Methotrexate (MTX) an antifolate drug and leucovorin its antidote, are used in the treatment of both neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases in young women. We hypothesize that MTX treatment might comprise a deleterious effect on fast proliferating reproductive cells, an unavoidable and unwanted side effect. MTX given dose dependently to rats for 20 days prevented vaginal cyclicity and caused a reduction in serum progesterone and estradiol. External morphology of reproductive tract displayed thinning of organs and reduction in their weights. To reveal mechanism of MTX action, we examined the histology of ovary, oviduct, uterus, cervix and vagina. Results suggested that in a dose-dependent fashion MTX restrained preantral and antral follicular growth in ovary. Epithelium and stroma of oviduct, uterus, cervix and vagina were disrupted and lost their normal structures. Such alterations in ovarian function raised serum follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormonal profiles. Expression of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein and P450 cholesterol side chain cleavage gene, which are both essential for steroidogenesis, markedly decreased in ovary upon MTX treatment. Total RNA, DNA and protein concentrations, glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase enzyme activities in ovary were distinctly altered. Leucovorin supplementation and withdrawal of the treatment, improved MTX caused effects partially. These results for the first time indicate that the malfunction of female reproductive organs by MTX treatment in young women is not only correlated to the disrupted circulating levels of hormones and histoarchitecture of tissues but also discrepancies in steroidogenic genes and hormone regulated enzyme activities in ovary.  相似文献   

The female reproductive tract receives the oocytes for fertilization, supports the development of the fetus and provides the passage for birth. Although abnormalities of this organ system can result in infertility and even death, until recently relatively little was known about the genetic processes that underlie its development. By drawing primarily on mouse mutagenesis studies and the analysis of human mutations we review the emerging genetic pathways that regulate female reproductive-tract formation in mammals and that are implicated in congenital abnormalities of this organ system. We also show that these pathways might be conserved between invertebrates and mammals.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. myo-Inositol concentrations in oviduct, ovary and uterus were many-fold those of blood serum during all four stages of the estrous cycle of the female rat.
  • 2.2. Inositol concentration was higher in oviduct than in ovary or uterus and was lower in uterine fluid than in uterus.
  • 3.3. Estrus uteri had higher inositol concentrations than uteri in other phases of the cycle.
  • 4.4. In order to measure dynamic aspects of the distribution of inositol. the distribution of radioactivity among organs of the reproductive tract of mature female rats was measured 45 min after i.p, injection of [2-3H]myo-inositol.
  • 5.5. These organs concentrated inositol from the blood, and the tissue radioactivity (expressed as dpm/mg wet wt of tissue) increased in the sequence: vagina < cervix < uterus < ovary < oviduct.
  • 6.6. The uterus and ovary concentrated myo-inositol more strongly during proestrus than during metestrus. diestrus or estrus.
  • 7.7. The contents of proestrus follicles were more highly radioactive than was the ovary itself, whereas proestrus uterine fluid was less radioactive than the uterine tissue.

The aim of this study was to assess the suitability of various antihuman antibodies directed against immunocomponent cells to identify components involved in cellular and humoral immune responses in the immune organs of a female baboon, and to use these reagents to analyze the immunobiology of its reproductive tract. A female baboon of reproductive age was euthanized in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, and samples of spleen, intestines, tonsil, lymph nodes, Fallopian tube, uterus, cervix, and vagina were removed. Tissues were either fixed in 10% unbuffered formaldehyde, Bouin's fluid, or 95% ethanol containing 5% glacial acetic acid, and embedded in paraffin, or frozen unfixed. Frozen sections were then fixed in 100% acetone. Subsequently, tissue sections were reacted with the following antihuman antibodies directed against CD3, CD45RA, CD45RO, CD4, CD8, CD20, CD68, HLA-DR, CD57, CD103, CD15, and TIA-1: IgA, IgG, IgM, J-chain, secretory component, and neutrophil elastase, using routine immunohistology techniques. Human tissues (spleen, small intestine, lymph node, and tonsil) were used as positive controls. All antihuman antibodies crossreacted with baboon tissues, except neutrophil elastase, CD15, CD45RO, CD57, and CD1A. The distribution of immune cells in the reproductive tract of the female baboon was comparable to that in the human and offers the potential for this primate to be used as a model for the study of human reproductive immunology.  相似文献   

To obtain a suitable species-specific microflora for a new rat SPF-unit, germ-free WAG/Rij rats were associated with a flora derived originally from selectively decontaminated Cpb: WU (Wistar) rats. Caecal and ileal contents of these rats had been cultured anaerobically (37 degrees C) for 7 days and harvested. This cultured flora was given to germ-free Cpb: SE (Swiss) mice, which were kept in an isolator system and acted as a source of the flora to associate germ-free Wag/Rij rats. In these associated rats, several parameters indicative of the 'quality' of the intestinal microflora were investigated and compared to those in rats with a mouse derived anaerobic microflora. Parameters included relative caecal weight, colonization resistance and the concentration of faecal bile acids. The cultured rat-derived microflora normalized the observed intestinal parameters better than the mouse derived microflora, and provided better colonization resistance. We conclude that culturing of intestinal contents of selectively decontaminated animals can be a useful way to obtain a species-specific donor-microflora which can be used to start new SPF units.  相似文献   

目的分析输卵管性不孕症妇女阴道微生物群落,研究阴道微生物菌落在输卵管性不孕症中的作用。方法选择2016年4月-2018年4月在本院就诊的女性246例,其中符合输卵管性不孕症诊断标准女性126例,设为不孕组;其余120例患者,设为对照组。对患者阴道微生物菌群分布,菌群密集度,菌群多样性,优势菌和炎症情况检测。结果两组间患者的年龄分组(P=0.916,0.564,0.734,0.423)、文化程度分布(P=0.937,0.488,0.522)、月经周期(P=0.839)、月经周期是否规律(P=0.943)、Nugent评分(P=0.614,0.089,0.108)等差异无统计学意义。对照组和不孕组患者阴道微生态各指标相比差异无统计学意义。不孕组患者解脲支原体阳性率明显高于对照组(P=0.000),沙眼衣原体阳性率明显高于对照组(P=0.005),阴道毛滴虫、线索细胞、假丝酵母菌等阳性率与对照组比较差异无统计学意义(Ps0.05)。结论阴道解脲支原体、沙眼衣原体感染与女性输卵管性不孕症有关,可能是引起女性不孕的主要因素之一。  相似文献   

The development of highly specific and sensitive monoclonal antibodies directed against human estrogen (ER) and progesterone receptors (PR) provides a new approach in precise histochemical receptor location independent of hormone binding. Over the years receptor determination was the domain of the radioligand-binding assay, in which receptors are measured by tritiated ligand and unbound ligand is removed by the dextran-coated charcoal (DCC) procedure. Presented here are the results and experiences obtained by the classic DCC and the immunocytochemical method in the different normal and tumorous tissues of the female reproductive tract and the breast. The results of both methods were compared, and overall concordance of the results was found to vary considerably among the different types of tissue analyzed. Best agreement (86%) was found for PR determination in breast cancer, and the lowest rate of concordance for ER determination in fibrocystic disease of the breast. Special attention was directed toward the heterogeneity of receptor distribution in the specimens examined. In all tissues investigated, ER and PR were located in the nuclei of cells in both paraffin and frozen sections. Staining intensity varied among different cell types and from cell to cell for a single cell type, as well as in tumorous and normal tissues. In breast cancer, randomly scattered single cell receptor positivity was distinguished from focal/clonal positivity. Paraffin-embedded lymph node metastases showed significantly weaker staining as compared with their respective primary tumors. In the normal ovary, the corpus luteum and the stromal layer of the outer cortex were revealed as highly receptive elements for progestins, whereas ER was barely demonstrable in the normal ovary. Benign serous and mucinous ovarian tumors showed opposite ER and PR distribution among the stromal and epithelial components. Of special interest were the highly significant changes in ER and PR content in the stromal and glandular cells of the different layers of the normal endometrium throughout the menstrual cycle.  相似文献   

In mammals, the female reproductive tract (FRT) develops from a pair of paramesonephric or Müllerian ducts (MDs), which arise from coelomic epithelial cells of mesodermal origin. During development, the MDs undergo a dynamic morphogenetic transformation from simple tubes consisting of homogeneous epithelium and surrounding mesenchyme into several distinct organs namely the oviduct, uterus, cervix and vagina. Following the formation of anatomically distinctive organs, the uniform MD epithelium (MDE) differentiates into diverse epithelial cell types with unique morphology and functions in each organ. Classic tissue recombination studies, in which the epithelium and mesenchyme isolated from the newborn mouse FRT were recombined, have established that the organ specific epithelial cell fate of MDE is dictated by the underlying mesenchyme. The tissue recombination studies have also demonstrated that there is a narrow developmental window for the epithelial cell fate determination in MD-derived organs. Accordingly, the developmental plasticity of epithelial cells is mostly lost in mature FRT. If the signaling that controls epithelial differentiation is disrupted at the critical developmental stage, the cell fate of MD-derived epithelial tissues will be permanently altered and can result in epithelial lesions in adult life. A disruption of signaling that maintains epithelial cell fate can also cause epithelial lesions in the FRT. In this review, the pathogenesis of cervical/vaginal adenoses and uterine squamous metaplasia is discussed as examples of such incidences.  相似文献   

健康鸡与患病鸡消化道中正常菌分布变化超微观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林雪彦  牛钟相 《生态学杂志》2006,25(12):1591-1593
利用扫描电镜观察健康鸡与患球虫病鸡消化道(嗉囊、回肠和盲肠部位)中正常菌群黏附状况发生的变化。结果表明,健康鸡消化道黏膜表面均匀覆盖着大量的正常菌群,黏膜完整,其中嗉囊表面黏附的乳酸杆菌最为致密;而患球虫病鸡消化道黏膜脱落,正常菌群明显减少,这是病鸡发生腹泻的主要原因。  相似文献   

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